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A Poem for Muninn

By Solaceon
Created: 2021-12-25 02:27:32
Updated: 2021-12-25 05:56:10
Expiry: Never

  1. I am Muninn, the cursed wayfarer,
  2. Afflicted with a fate most malign.
  3. My destiny is gripped with terror,
  4. A trail of death that lingers behind.
  6. A solemn plague shadows my presence,
  7. A true misfortune that won't depart.
  8. Within me lies a powerful essence,
  9. A darkness that would corrode a weak heart.
  11. Death is my element, it always has been,
  12. Ruination befalls all beside me.
  13. Crops, ponies, even the smallest puffin,
  14. None were immune to my catastrophe.
  16. By my simple presence, life was always drained
  17. Wherever I went, death seemed sure to follow.
  18. Sickness, disaster, our whole village was pained,
  19. All this tragedy left my spirits hollow.
  21. My people's hope could not be extinguished,
  22. That perhaps I could be rid of my bane,
  23. But deep within I knew spirits languished
  24. With every passing moment I remained.
  26. Recalcitrant winds betrayed my hope within,
  27. Optimism buried far beneath the ice,
  28. Though I had nothing but love for all my kin
  29. I knew that their hopes alone would not suffice.
  31. The natural course of life must end in death,
  32. As such I hold no fear of my final day,
  33. But playing a part in another's last breath
  34. Was a pain too great that sent me on my way.
  36. Nivalis, my home, I had left long ago
  37. In search of answers and a possible cure.
  38. I sought a sagacious mare beyond the snow
  39. Who possessed the knowledge to render me pure.
  41. For much of this time, I ventured alone
  42. Lest another suffer from my ill fate,
  43. Then to my surprise in an unknown zone
  44. Were beings of a most remarkable trait.
  46. I roamed among the alnus rubra
  47. In search of nourishment and shelter,
  48. When a piercing cry struck the tundra,
  49. An avian resembling cinder.
  51. Corvus corax, my lone consolation,
  52. The only beings immune to my blight,
  53. They follow me without trepidation,
  54. Alert and astute through many long nights.
  56. We are a group of lonely silhouettes,
  57. Traveling under crepuscular skies.
  58. Under constant motion after sunset,
  59. And hidden and resting before sunrise.
  61. I endeavor to reach this fabled mare
  62. And allow the dead to earn eternal rest,
  63. For departed spirits still roam the air,
  64. Bound to me until I complete my quest.
  66. Against the unknown we travel without pause,
  67. I will proceed onward, my conviction stern.
  68. No ordeal will prevent achieving my cause,
  69. My dear home, Nivalis, I swear to return.

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