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A Poem by Lichen

By Solaceon
Created: 2021-12-26 10:52:42
Expiry: Never

  1. So hey, I'm Lichen, heard you guys like poems.
  2. I read a guide that says I gotta rhyme,
  3. But that sounds stupid, so I said screw it,
  4. I'll do my own thing, and you're gonna like it.
  6. So yeah, I'm Lichen, I'm a pretty hot mare,
  7. Not like hot like the sun, but hot like sexy.
  8. I like to eat lichen, it's good eatin'
  9. They tell me I shouldn't, but I say screw 'em
  11. Lichen is great, it's soft and squishy,
  12. It's real good for eating and for bathing,
  13. Whether in my mouth or between my thighs,
  14. Lichen always gives you a good time.
  16. You see my color? I'm a good shade of green.
  17. My color's too bright? Don't be retarded.
  18. Green's a good color, it's just like lichen,
  19. And everyone knows, lichen is bitchin'
  21. Oh yeah, secret's out, turns out I can rhyme
  22. It's so easy, I do it all the time.
  23. ...Oh Cirrus, I'm gonna run out of rhymes,
  24. Never mind, I'll do them one at a time.
  26. I might be kinda clueless, maybe a bit flighty,
  27. I've burned down a few homes by accident,
  28. I've gotten stuck humping a log or two,
  29. But whatever, a mare like me always makes it through.
  31. You falling for me yet? Come on, tell me the truth,
  32. Check out my mane, it looks just like lichen,
  33. And all ponies knows lichen is sexy,
  34. And of all ponies here, I'm so not unsexy.
  36. What? That last rhyme was sooo not cheating,
  37. Sexy and unsexy are not the same words,
  38. What other words rhyme with sexy, anyway?
  39. So don't complain, it makes you look gay.
  41. So be honest, I'm growing on you, aren't I?
  42. I know, I'm Lichen, it's what I do.
  43. Yeah, I heard that, "she's such a nut,"
  44. Don't lie, I know I'm a mare you wanna rut.
  46. You're speechless, huh, at a loss for what to say?
  47. Don't say a word, I know I take your breath away,
  48. I also took your boots, wait no, forget that part,
  49. Say, you want some lichen? It's good for your heart!
  51. I think I've said my piece, and now I'm starving too,
  52. At first it was just for you, but now it's for food
  53. But don't think this is just a simple distraction
  54. Cause my stomach ain't all that needs satisfaction.
  56. I see that look in your eye, I know you want me
  57. But I'm going to leave you wanting more,
  58. Cause Lichen leaves a good taste in your mouth,
  59. Soon you and I will do it like they do down south.
  61. Bitchin' Lichen, signing out.

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