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Helping Hand (Femanon x Spike)

By RealDash
Created: 2022-01-02 09:03:52
Updated: 2022-04-13 00:14:30
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Femanon, but to everyone else you go by Fem since Femanon is an obvious mouthful.
  2. >With everyone else being busy today, you decided to pay a familiar dragon buddy of yours a visit.
  3. >Walking down just a couple dozen feet from the bedroom you live in, you reach Spike's door and knock on it a couple times.
  4. >You hear him groan in annoyance.
  5. >"For the last time Twilight, I'm fine!"
  6. >So that's what the ruckus was earlier...
  7. "Spike?" you call out. "It's Fem. Mind if I come in?"
  8. >It's silent behind the door for a few moments before Spike replies.
  9. >"... Yeah. Door's open."
  10. >You twist the knob and enter the bedroom which reeks of a hint of smoke.
  11. >Given Spike's initial response, it's no surprise to you.
  12. >It doesn't take you long to see the young dragon laying on his bed, almost stiff on his back, with both of his arms hanging upward supported by cables and covered in thick white casts.
  13. >The poor dude ended up in a hot air balloon accident a few days ago; he broke both arms and his right leg and likely wouldn't be able to use them for a good few weeks.
  14. >Only a few days in, and he's looking pretty defeated, not to mention just a little bit on edge judging from the look in his eyes.
  15. >Nevertheless, he was still trying his best to be glad to see you.
  16. >"Hey, dude," he said to you in a warm, but still saddened tone. "I'd have opened the door for you, but... you know..."
  17. "It's fine, don't worry," you say with a chuckle as you close the door behind you.
  18. >He shoots you an apologetic smile, but says nothing else.
  19. >"So what's up?"
  20. >You shrug your shoulders as you sit down at the foot of his bed just beside his left leg.
  21. "Eh, I got a little bored staying in my room, and to be honest, going into town sounds pretty boring too. So I figured I pay you a visit."
  22. >"... We live in the same house."
  23. "Yeah, a whole hallway apart. There are four bathrooms between you and me, you know."
  24. >That brings out a small laugh from Spike.
  25. >"Yeah, true. But I can't exactly be any less boring, especially like this."
  26. "Well, you can at least have some company, right? Unless you wanna be alone?"
  27. >"Honestly, as long as you're not Twilight, you can come in anytime you want."
  28. >You couldn't help but chuckle again, but give him an apologetic smile of your own.
  29. "She bugging you that bad?"
  30. >"More than usual. She's barging into my room every thirty minutes, asking me if I need to go to the bathroom or if I want something to eat, even if I literally just went to the bathroom or ate. It's not that I'm mad at her or anything; I'm glad she cares about me that much. But at this point, I just want to be alone for one day and not have to worry about her barging in."
  31. "Sheesh. I can imagine it gets pretty annoying. Remember when I first got here and I ended up getting the flu? She kinda did the same thing to me, but like... she amped it up to 11. Checking heartbeat, temperature, every hour on the hour for a solid week."
  32. >You lean close to him.
  33. "Never-the-fuck-again."
  35. >You and Spike share a small laughing fit as the bed creaks beneath you. It was good to see Spike still had some semblance of his cheery self despite the accident.
  36. >"Well," he says with a satisfied sigh, "at least we don't have to worry about Twilight for a while."
  37. "Good for you, right?"
  38. >"Absolutely."
  39. >You giggle.
  40. "Are you and the guys still doing O&O sessions?"
  41. >"Yep. Well, we -were-, until -this- happened. I was thinking I could set up a couple gems to be my dice and flick them with my tongue. That way, I'm not spitting all over the actual dice."
  42. "Smart idea."
  43. >"Yeah... -buuuuut- I kinda want to eat them later too, and I don't want to eat gems with marker written all over them, so we decided we're just gonna wait until I'm better."
  44. "Fair enough."
  45. >"Why'd you wanna know?"
  46. "Curious. But... I was also wondering if, maybe, you had room for another player?"
  47. >"You wanna join?"
  48. "Yeah. It reminds me a lot of Dungeons and Dragons back home, which is basically the exat same thing. And I was a nerd for D&D."
  49. >"You're a nerd? I never would've guessed."
  50. "Ha ha," you laugh in a fake tone as you boop Spike on his snout. "I could still kick your asses in O&O anyday."
  51. >"That's some pretty big talk for a m-girl like you."
  52. "Oh, so you're scared of me?"
  53. >"I never said that."
  54. "So you've got room for one more?" you say with this sassy expression on your face before you start giggling.
  55. >Spike laughs back. "Yeah, of course, dude. Next time I see Big Mac or Discord, I'll bring it up. Or, since you're not stuck to a bed, you could probably ask them yourself. Just say you talked to me first and I'm cool with it."
  56. "Dope. Thanks, dude."
  57. >"Yeah, no problem," Spike said with a smile.
  58. >Crossing your legs, you glance over to the nearby window and can see some of the nearby land surrounding the castle. Birds are singing, and a small breeze can be seen visibly moving a nearby tree back and forth.
  59. "Looks beautiful outside," you can't help but say.
  60. >"Yeah... at least what I can see from here."
  61. >Oh right, he's stuck in bed.
  62. "Sorry."
  63. >"Nah, it's cool. It just sucks being stuck like this."
  64. "I can imagine."
  65. >It's silent between the two of you as you try figuring out what to say next.
  66. "So... what -are- you able to do? Besides lay in bed and wait?"
  67. >"Well, Twilight was trying to set up a system for me to use the radio so I can at least have something to listen to. Then she's planning to configure my room in a way where I can get to the bathroom or shower without much help. But that might take a while, and I'll probably be all healed up by then. Other than that... there's... not really much else to -do-."
  68. >A blush forms on Spike's cheeks, and it doesn't take much to know why.
  69. "Ah. Gotcha."
  70. >"I just... I hate not being able to use my claws. I use them for everything."
  71. "Everything?"
  72. >"Yeah."
  73. "... Everything...?" you repeat, this time with a sly tone in your voice.
  74. >Spike notices this and blushes again.
  75. >"Y-Yeah... Everything."
  77. "I bet you do."
  78. >You let loose a deep giggle as Spike's face went red with awkwardness.
  79. "Consider that payback for trying to watch me jill off last month."
  80. >"Wha-I told you, that was an accident!"
  81. "I know, but it's fun to tease you about it," you say with a chuckle as you reach over to pat Spike's head.
  82. >He groans in embarrassment, but otherwise doesn't move away from your touch.
  83. >"C'mon, dude," he whines, "quit it..."
  84. "Only if you say please."
  85. >He doesn't say anything else. Instead, he simply leans into your hand, and you give him a couple chin scratches like he's a dog.
  86. >If he didn't want that, you were sure he'd have shoved you away with his head anytime now.
  87. >It was you who pulled away after a few moments, and Spike seemed to frown, but didn't say anything of it.
  88. "You okay? I didn't overstep anything, did I?"
  89. >"Nah, it's cool. I, um... I kinda wanna ask something weird."
  90. "Like?"
  91. >"Like... can you help me move my arms? Just for a second?"
  92. >You raise an eyebrow but ask nothing of it.
  93. "Uh, sure? Which one?"
  94. >"Try the left one first. I just wanna see if I can move it around a bit."
  95. "Alright."
  96. >It was a strange request, and as much as you wanted to make a joke about it, you were gonna wait.
  97. >There was no way his arms would heal so fast in just a few days, but this world was far different from the one you left; maybe everything healed up faster here.
  98. >You stood up from the bed and made your way over to Spike's dangling, casted left arm.
  99. >It was hanging in a sling attached to a metal pole, a mechanism that was easy to pull it out of.
  100. "Ready?" you asked Spike.
  101. >"Yeah."
  102. "Alright, just let me know if it hurts at all."
  103. >Spike nodded and took in a deep breath.
  104. >You began lifting his arm from the sling and began lowering it down as far as it could go.
  105. >The first few inches were pretty fine, no resistance from Spike whatsoever.
  106. >After about a foot down, Spike jolted upward and let out a pained hiss.
  107. >"Agh! Stop stop stop!"
  108. >Immediately, you stopped moving his arm and began apologizing profusely.
  109. >You raised Spike's arm back up into the sling and fastened it as tight as it had been before.
  110. >You sat by Spike's torso on the bed.
  111. "Are you alright?" you asked in a worried tone.
  112. >With a wince and a heavy exhale through his nostrils, Spike nods.
  113. >"Y-Yeah. I'm alright. That just... -really- hurt."
  114. "I'm sorry, I didn't—"
  115. >"No, dude, it wasn't your fault. I'm the one who even suggested it."
  116. >Your pursed your lips and began to gently massage Spike's upper shoulder, hoping to ease at least some of the pain.
  117. >While it seemed to work, he'd still let out groans of discomfort, but you knew you couldn't do much about it.
  118. >He sighed in a defeated tone.
  119. >"Well... I guess I really -can't- do anything."
  120. >You let out a sigh.
  121. "Look, I... I know it's probably not what you wanna hear right now, but if you need anything, just tell me or Twilight or Starlight. You're really in no shape to try anything on your own right now. Okay?"
  123. >"But..."
  124. >Spike's mouth opened and closed as he struggled to get the words out, but it ended with a sigh.
  125. >"I... can't."
  126. "Why not? It's not like some... "dragon pride" thing, is it? I mean, if it is, I'm not judging, but..."
  127. >"No, nothing like that, it's... it's awkward."
  128. "Try me," you say with a determined smug smirk on your face as you share glances with the young dragon.
  129. >Spike then looks down towards the torso of his hoodie for a second, then back up to you.
  130. >"I... really wanted to use my arms so I could... you know..."
  131. ...
  132. >"... jerk off."
  133. ...
  134. "... Oh."
  135. >Then it hits you.
  136. "Ohhhh."
  137. >You sighed.
  138. "I am -such- a retard. How did I not figure that out?" you ask yourself as you bury your face into the mattress.
  139. >"... Sorry."
  140. >You reach out your hand and gently pat him on the head before pulling your face up from the bed.
  141. "Don't be. I should've figured that out way sooner. No wonder nobody tells me anything."
  142. >You give a dry chuckle. Spike joins in, but it's even less enthused and more awkward.
  143. "I guess I overdid it earlier?"
  144. >"... A little."
  145. >You couldn't help but blush a little, knowing you turned him on just enough to want to...
  146. "... So you were just gonna jerk off in front of me?" you joked after a moment of silence.
  147. >"Wha-? No! I would've kicked you out before then!"
  148. "I know, I know, I'm messing with you," you reply with a chuckle, this time not as dry.
  149. >"I... I knew that."
  150. >You say nothing else as you clear your throat, hoping to ease the awkward tension in the air.
  151. "So... when was the last time you...?"
  152. >Initially, Spike seemed embarrassed to answer, his face burning a bright red, but he ultimately cleared his throat too.
  153. >"T-Thursday morning...? About an hour before we left on the ride."
  154. "Ah. Alright then."
  155. >You playfully punch him in the chest.
  156. "You fucking liar," you say referring to his excuse that morning. "Fell asleep in the shower, my ass."
  157. >Spike's quick to remember and awkwardly laughs.
  158. >"I-I thought a quickie would help me relax a bit. I mean, it was the first time I ever really 'flew' a hot air balloon instead of just ride in one."
  159. "Well, you certainly handled it better than I ever could've. I haven't flown or driven anything in like five years."
  160. >"If only I handled it better..."
  161. "Hey," you say as you turn his head to face you. "You're alive, alright? That's all that matters."
  162. >Spike, despite being disappointed, gives an approving shrug.
  163. >"Yeah... I guess you're right."
  164. >You smile at him and caress his cheek affectionately for a moment before pulling away. You then lick and purse your lips.
  165. "So, um... have you... talked to Twilight at all? About... that?"
  166. >He gives you a questionable glare, but you hold your hands up in defense.
  167. "I meant like... I don't know, dude. But surely she knows about your... needs, right? Maybe she can find a way to help you?"
  168. >"No way," Spike says quickly. "I-I could never tell her about that. Twilight's basically my mom. I'd never be able to live it down."
  170. "Well," you begin slowly, "what about that griffon girl?"
  171. >"G-Gabby?"
  172. >You nod.
  173. >Spike only turns away shyly.
  174. >"I... I don't really know her that far yet. I mean sure, we've been pen pals for over a year now, but we haven't really been around each other long enough for... -that- to happen."
  175. >He sighs.
  176. >"Besides, even if we were, she lives all the way in Griffonstone, and I'm not going to have her come all the way to Ponyville just so she can jerk... you know..."
  177. "Right..."
  178. >Spike swallowed and let out a shaky sigh, then adjusted his posture on the bed (not that he could do much).
  179. >"Hey... F-Fem...?"
  180. "Yeah?"
  181. >"You... um..."
  182. >Spike paused, and you could see he was visibly nervous, as his body was shaking just slightly.
  183. >"... Y-Y-You said to talk to you if I n-needed something... r-right...?"
  184. >Unlike before, you knew exactly what he was referring to.
  185. "... Y-Yeah...?"
  186. >"U-Um..."
  187. >Spike clenched his eyes shut.
  188. >"... C-Can you help me?"
  189. >Yep. You walked the fuck right into that one.
  190. "Uh... wow... um..."
  191. >You were at a loss for words. Something like this should be pretty straightforward to answer, right?
  192. >So how come you couldn't answer?
  193. "S... Spike, I... I don't... know if I can..."
  194. >"Please, Fem?" Spike asked softly, on the verge of begging by his tone. "I-I really need this, and I... I don't know what else to do about it. It's driving me crazy."
  195. >Already, you could feel your heart pounding furiously in your chest in a fit of nervousness.
  196. >Your bedridden dragon buddy pal just asked you to jerk him off.
  197. >For the average furry, that would've been an instant yes.
  198. >But you didn't know what to say because you weren't a furry.
  199. >It wasn't to say you were going to be a horse/dragon virgin for the rest of your life, but... this was Spike!
  200. >Your dude!
  201. >Your bro!
  202. >"Please, Fem... You're the only one I can trust."
  203. >You gave a nervous smile and shuddered.
  204. "S-Spike..."
  205. >You found yourself rubbing your arm nervously and looking at the floor as the very idea ran through your head at a million miles a minute.
  206. >Were you really going to do this?
  207. >Spike was the the coolest dude in your eyes, and you always saw him as a friend. You know that if you do this, there's no going back.
  208. >It's going to be very different between you two forever, and it may even ruin your friendship.
  209. >But... leaving him like this, suffering like this, is just cruel.
  210. >You remember the last time you were left like that in your last relationship.
  211. >You felt neglected.
  212. >But not this time.
  213. >You never leave a bro hanging.
  215. "... Okay."
  216. >With a nervous sigh, you began shifting your way further into the bedframe, only to stop a second later.
  217. "O-One sec."
  218. >You got up from the bed and walked your way over to the door. With a single twist, you locked it tightly; you then made your way over to the window and covered it with the blinds.
  219. >With every passing second, your body was heating up, and your breath became shaky, but you kept your chin up and stayed focused.
  220. >Once you were sure there was no possible way anybody could look in to see the inevitable deed, you returned to Spike's bedside and sat down on the mattress, scooching yourself as close to him as you could.
  221. >You took a deep breath and looked up at his face.
  222. "... You ready?" you asked him.
  223. >You were more so asking yourself, but you already knew you were as ready as you could ever be.
  224. >He nodded hesitantly and closed his eyes, as if he were ashamed to look at you.
  225. >As nervous as you were, the last thing you wanted was for him to feel guilty about this.
  226. >So you took one of your hands and rested it on his chest above his hoodie.
  227. >Despite his tough scaly skin, you were certain you could feel the dragon equivalent of goosebumps forming all over his body.
  228. "Just relax," you told him in a soft tone, though you were also telling yourself.
  229. >You took your other free hand and reached over to his pelvic area.
  230. >He was so warm down there; no wonder he needed this so badly.
  231. >You began gently stroking your finger around what you assumed to be his cloaca, and it was working as he already began stifling pleasured whimpers.
  232. >You knew enough about dragon anatomy to understand how it all worked down here, but damn if you weren't already doing a decent job.
  233. >It didn't take too long for Spike's barbed shaft to slowly slide out, standing proud and on full display.
  234. >But also...
  235. "Holy shit, dude," you instinctively say in astonishment. "How can you even walk around with this thing?"
  236. >Through a small moan, Spike chuckled nervously.
  237. >"H-Heh... well, f-for starters, I'm not a stallion."
  238. >You gulped.
  239. "Right... yeah."
  240. >Curiously, you took your free hand and began reaching out towards his cock.
  241. >Slowly, you wrapped your hand around it in a gentle yet firm grip.
  242. >"Mmmh...!" Spike moaned and jolted upward, his eyes clenched shut in pleasure.
  243. >Just from the feeling alone, you could tell it was unlike any human dick you've ever touched.
  244. >His was smooth to the touch, and scattered around the base and near the tip, there were small barbs that, based off his reactions, were insanely sensitive.
  245. >Nonetheless, he said nothing to stop you.
  246. >You were incredibly nervous, both because you didn't want to accidentally hurt him, but because you'd hardly given handjobs in the past.
  247. >And this was gonna be the first one you'd ever give to a -dragon-.
  248. >Imagine explaining that shit to anybody back home.
  249. >No matter how smooth it was, you knew you were gonna need something else.
  251. "U-Um... do you hAVe any lube...?" you ask awkwardly as your voice cracked.
  252. >Spike nodded.
  253. >"M-Mmh... yeah, um... t-top drawer," he answered, referring to the nightstand just beside him.
  254. >Not taking your hand off his dick, you reached over to the nightstand and pulled open the top drawer, revealing a still very-full bottle of what seems like Equestria's version of KY Jelly, called EQ Jam.
  255. >Ha.
  256. >You flicked open the bottle with your thumb and began applying small dabs of the stuff to Spike's dip.
  257. >His dick twitched from the cold sensation of the lubricant and he sighed.
  258. >Once you were sure you had enough, you placed the bottle on top of the nightstand and readjusted yourself.
  259. >You motioned your hand up to the tip and began lathering it.
  260. >Spike shuffled around on his back and began letting out deep breaths as he stared at the ceiling.
  261. >Your thumb teased his tip, causing him to whimper again.
  262. >"F-Fem..."
  263. >Alright... that's enough teasing.
  264. >With his cock now lubed up, you firmly gripped it in your hand and slowly began sliding it down all the way to his base.
  265. >You were still surprised with how big he was, as it took you a moment to really hold on all the way to the base.
  266. >As soon as you reached the base, you slid your hand back up, this time much faster, until you reached the tip, then began sliding down again.
  267. >You were slow at first, trying to make sure you were doing okay and that you weren't hurting Spike.
  268. >"F-Faster..."
  269. >Luckily for you, that wasn't the case.
  270. >Obeying his command, you took your hand and began picking up speed, jerking Spike's cock at a comfortable pace.
  271. >Already, the young dragon was moaning and shuddering in the bed, unable to properly express his arousal in his predicament.
  272. >But ultimately, it made it that much... hotter.
  273. >You really weren't anticipating getting turned on by this, but c'mon, you were sure anyone else would've felt the same way.
  274. >Except Twilight. That probably would've just been awkward.
  275. >Granted, it's still a little awkward now, but... hey, you're just helping out your bro.
  276. >Right?
  277. >"Ah... mmh... mmmh... F-Fem..." Spike occasionally moaned in a soft voice, his cock gushing pre-cum every now and again.
  278. >The barbs on his penis brushed against your palm, and every touch of them earned you a little pleasured shudder from Spike.
  279. "You okay?" you asked him gently. "Am I doing okay?"
  280. >Spike said nothing as his mouth hung open. All he could do was weakly sigh and moan.
  281. >You bit your lip as you watched his face, occasionally stealing glances at his wet dick as it disappeared and reappeared in your grasp.
  282. >Sometimes, the drake's pelvis would shift upward, as if he was trying to fuck your hand, but struggled amidst his predicament.
  283. >You took your free hand and placed it on his stomach.
  284. "Relax... I'll take care of you," you said in an unintentionally sultry whisper.
  285. >Spike whimpered.
  287. >You began picking up even more speed, jerking off Spike to the beat of the ticking clock in the corner of the room.
  288. >Soft plaps were now audible in the room every time your hand reached his base.
  289. >Spike started panting in short bursts as the pleasure racked up in his brain.
  290. >Even you found yourself shuddering and getting increasingly turned on as his cock throbbed in your hand.
  291. >A thought arose in your mind. You didn't know if it would mean anything, but you really, -really- wanted to...
  292. "You want me to take off my shirt?" you asked him.
  293. >He looked down from the ceiling towards you, and already you knew he knew exatly what that meant.
  294. >"Y-Yes please..."
  295. >You'd been aware of pony and horse anatomy all your life, how teats were always found near their nethers.
  296. >The surprise on Twilight's face when you told her human females had tits on their chests was priceless.
  297. >And now you know why Spike had that one particular look on -his- face...
  298. >You were wearing a small white blouse today, nothing too spiffy. You wore them more as pajamas, but you were feeling pretty spunky today.
  299. >But that would have to wait another day.
  300. >Reaching up towards your shirt, you began to undo each individual button one by one, further revealing the hidden skin underneath.
  301. >Since they didn't have bras in Equestria, and your shirt was a modified version of a typical business mare's uniform, you didn't want to trouble Rarity with having to create an entire set of clothing for just one person.
  302. >But that made taking your tits out that much easier.
  303. >With your shirt unbuttoned, you maneuvered your way out of the fabric, allowing yourself to go completely topless.
  304. >Your shirt was hanging by your currently occupied arm, but you didn't care about that.
  305. "H-How do I look?"
  306. >Spike's mouth hung open just slightly as he took in the full view of your supple breasts.
  307. >You were a c-cup at best; not too big, and not too small.
  308. >Your nipples had this perkiness to them that were only amplified whenever you were turned on—such as right now.
  309. >"Wow..."
  310. >You couldn't help but blush at the simple comment.
  311. >Even that could go a long way.
  312. >As you continued to jerk him off, you began teasing him by squeezing your boobs between your arms, sticking your tongue out in a playful manner, and even aiming his dick at your tits.
  313. >You didn't know if you wanted him to cum on you, but—
  314. >"F-Fem... I'm gonna cum..."
  315. >But you better figure that the fuck out right now.
  316. "Where do you want it?" you decided to ask him as you picked up even more speed.
  317. >You motioned towards your breasts.
  318. "Here...?"
  319. >Saying nothing, Spike nodded and let out a sigh, followed by labored breaths, indicating he was very close.
  320. >With no time to waste, you started jerking him at such an intense speed that he was completely unable to utter words; nothing but moans, gasps, and whimpers left his throat.
  321. >Your hand flew up and down his dick faster than you'd ever jerked off someone in your entire life.
  323. >His cock began to flare in your hand, which surprised you, but you didn't concentrate enough on it.
  324. >With just seconds left, you got up from the bed, not breaking the jerk session, and propped yourself over Spike's abdomen, though being mindful of his ribs and any other sensitive spots.
  325. >You aimed his flaring shaft towards your chest and prepared yourself.
  326. "Don't hold back for me, okay?" you asked warmly. "Just cum for me."
  327. >Spike shook and shuddered beneath you.
  328. >"F-Fem...!"
  329. >The first burst of cum, despite being ready for it, startled you, as it shot higher than expected, smacking you in the face between your nose and cheek.
  330. >You giggled awkwardly as you readjusted his dick, just in time for the second and third spurts of cum to shoot onto your bare chest.
  331. >Already, his cum was warm and very thick, much more than typical cum.
  332. >You closed your eyes just in case and continued to jerk Spike off onto your tits, never breaking speed.
  333. >It would've been a shame to stop now and ruin it.
  334. "There you go..."
  335. >Spike's dick squirted several more times, coating your chest and parts of your arm, hand, and belly.
  336. >Another spurt landed on your face, this time on your chin.
  337. >You instinctively tried to reach your tongue down to lick it, and got just a taste.
  338. >Very tangy, and... spicy?
  339. >Oh wow, very spicy.
  340. >But luckily, you've had spicier.
  341. >Spike's entire body twitched and shook beneath you as his orgasm rippled through his body, but he was still firing off rounds.
  342. >By the time the last few small ropes escaped his dick, it must've been nearly a minute.
  343. >You couldn't even imagine cumming for a whole minute and not begging for it to stop.
  344. >But Spike moaned and shuddered in pure bliss for as long as it could last.
  345. >Eventually, you started to slow down your jerks before they became too sensitive.
  346. >After several minutes, it was over, and you found yourself inspecting your surroundings and even yourself in the nearby mirror without getting up from the bed.
  347. >You were drenched in dragon cum, your tits covered in thick ropes of hot, white seed, and your face had small strings of semen dripping down onto your chest, adding to the mess.
  348. >You looked like such a mess, but given the circumstances, you were totally fine with it.
  349. >Spike's breath left his throat in excessive, heavy pants and shaky sighs.
  350. >"T...Thank you... thank you....... thank you....."
  351. >Taking a glob of cum from the tip of Spike's dick, you brought it to your mouth and tasted it.
  352. >Just as you thought; tangy and spicy.
  353. >You swallowed it without hesitation.
  354. "No problem, dude," you whispered.
  355. >As much as you wanted to lick yourself off, you didn't want to take up too much time.
  356. "Hey, do you have any tissues anywhere?"
  357. >"Y... Yeah...Ri..." Spike began as he weakly reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out a box of tissues. "... Right here."
  358. >You sat up and grabbed the box, then began taking out as many tissues as you needed.
  360. "Thank you," you say to him with a wink as you start wiping your chest, hand, and anywhere else you could feel cum.
  361. >You didn't realize just how much Spike came until you glanced at the first tissue and realized you needed more than a couple.
  362. >It took nearly four tissues just to clean up your chest, but luckily that's where the majority of his seed came to rest.
  363. >It didn't take too long for you to clean off your face and hand, simply running it between the webbing of your fingers and dabbing another tissue across your cheek and chin.
  364. >Once you were sure you were cleaned off, you began tending to Spike's softening shaft.
  365. >Lucky for you, most of his cum ended up on you, so cleaning him off was much easier and much faster than you expected.
  366. >But still being pretty sensitive, he was moaning the entire time, and part of you was worried he was going to cum again.
  367. >But he never did, and so you were able to finish up without much issue.
  368. >A dozen used tissues later, you did one more quick look-around at your body, then to Spike, and saw you were both clean as a whistle.
  369. "I'll be right back, alright? I'm gonna go flush these."
  370. >"A-Alright," Spike sighed, now more recovered than before, as you got up from the bed, mindful to put your shirt back on beforehand.
  371. >You made your way over to the nearest bathroom and immediately dumped the dirty tissues into the toilet.
  372. >With a single pull of a lever, you watched the dirty deed go down a whirlpool and disappear into nothingness.
  373. >You returned to the bedroom to see Spike still laying in the same position you left him in—no surprise there—but ultimately far more relaxed, as his posture had softened greatly compared to when you first entered the room.
  374. >You gave him an awkward, yet warm smile.
  375. "Feeling better...?"
  376. >He shared the same smile back as he nodded weakly.
  377. "Good. I wasn't too rough, was I?"
  378. >"N-No, that... that was -really- good."
  379. >You chuckled.
  380. "Well, I'm glad."
  381. >You took your seat back on the bedside and pat Spike on the head once again.
  382. >He leaned into your touch as expected and relaxed into the mattress.
  383. >After a few seconds, he began to frown nervously.
  384. >"Hey... um... I didn't make things... awkward... between us, did I...?"
  385. >You pursed your lips and caressed the scales on his head.
  386. "Don't worry about that," you ensure him comfortingly. "We'll cross that bridge later. For now, just relax."
  387. >"I'm serious, Fem. Did I go too far?"
  388. >This time, he was looking at you with concerned eyes, almost desperate for you answer.
  389. >You just sighed at him and smiled genuinely.
  390. "No, you didn't. Dude, you're stuck in bed and can't even move without someone helping you. I understand."
  391. >"But..."
  392. "I mean... sure, I was put off a little bit at the start. But then I remembered how much I missed this. I haven't had sex, even basic sex like this, in years."
  393. >"Really?"
  394. "Really. So... I guess we both needed something."
  395. >"Yeah... but... you didn't get off."
  397. >You giggled.
  398. "Eh, don't worry about it. I'll do it later."
  399. >Spike couldn't help but bite his lip at the thought.
  400. >"So... we're cool?"
  401. >With another smile, you gave him a boop on his snout.
  402. "Yeah. We're cool, dude."
  403. >You then scrunched your lips and looked down at his chest, before letting out a nervous sigh.
  404. "And hey... if you ever need help like this again, just... feel free to let me know."
  405. >"R... Really?"
  406. "Yeah, why not? I mean, you're gonna be like this for at least a couple weeks. Least I can do is make them not suck as much."
  407. >Spike couldn't help but blush madly while trying his best to hide his face.
  408. >"I-I mean... if you're up for it..."
  409. >You smiled.
  410. "As long as you want. And besides... I've been dying to use my mouth again."
  411. >Spike's breath got caught in his throat and he began blinking at the statement.
  412. >You already knew things were gonna change if you did this.
  413. >Why not enjoy it to the fullest?
  414. >"... O-Okay."
  415. "Dope."
  416. >Suddenly, you found a yawn escaping your lips as you stretched your arms out.
  417. "Shit... I'm tired."
  418. >"Really? -You're- tired?"
  419. "Yeah yeah, don't show off."
  420. >You and Spike shared a brief laugh before you started scooching him over slightly, just enough so you had space to lay beside him.
  421. "Sorry, I'm too lazy to go back to my room."
  422. >"I... I don't mind."
  423. "Hmm... Of course you don't," you mumble slyly.
  424. >You found yourself snuggling yourself into the fabric of Spike's hoodie, already feeling yourself drifting off into sleep.
  425. >"Hey... Fem?"
  426. "Yeah?"
  427. >"I'm... I'm glad you're here."
  428. "... You're just saying that 'cause I jerked you off," you joke tiredly.
  429. >"No, really. I'm glad you're here, living with us. You're a really amazing girl to be around."
  430. >You smiled weakly.
  431. "Good... Because I'm not going anywhere."
  432. >Spike managed to give you a gentle kiss on the back of your head.
  433. >You buried yourself further into his body and grinned, just as sleep finally claimed you.
  434. >It was gonna be a long few weeks.
  435. >Best rest up good for it.
  437. END

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