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Anon, I Need You To Fug My Sister

By Guest
Created: 2022-01-05 02:41:41
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be me, Anon.
  2. >Currently drinking a cold apple cider, while just staring out the window.
  3. >Not much else to do here in pastel pony land.
  4. >Alright, it's not so bad..
  5. >The views good at least...
  6. >......
  7. >..I also don't have to deal with Twilight's bullshit right now, and that's always a plus.
  8. >I've been here for like six months, and every damn day, I have to see this mare. True, she's letting me live with her, but that's besides the point.
  9. >She's fucking CRAZY. The bitch is absolutely unstable, and I seriously worry for her well being at times.
  10. >She's always telling me I can't leave the library unsupervised, and that I'll cause an incident or hurt somepony.
  11. >She's always watching me, too. She can't even leave me alone for five fucking minutes, even when I'm in the bathroom..
  12. >...
  13. >She's right behind me, isn't she?
  14. >"H-Hi A-Anon..!"
  15. >This bitch, I swear..
  16. "What is it, Twiggles? Wan't me to go to Hayburger with you again?"
  17. >"U-Uh.."
  18. *sigh* "What, ya want me to carry you or something?"
  19. >"YES, I-I mean NO! I w-want you to meet somepony today.. H-He's my b-brother.."
  20. >Oh no. There's two of them.
  21. "Uhm, you sure about this, Twi? I thought you said I couldn't be around other ponies due to how ugly I am, and that I'd probably offend them somehow?"
  22. >"'re not ugly..."
  23. >Damnit, I hate it when she mumbles.
  24. "What?"
  25. >"I-I said it's true! You're r-really UGLY!
  26. "Well obviously, but that's besides the point right now. You really want me to meet your brother?"
  27. >"Y-Yes! You two c-could become good f-friends! B-But he also wanted t-to check up on me, so I don't r-really have a choice.."
  28. "Uh, okay I gue-"
  29. >"G-Great! He'll be here any m-minute now, so behave!"
  30. >She then practically sprinted away, slamming the door on her way out.
  31. >Well, that was a bit of a surprise.
  32. >..aaand my cider's cold. Perfect.
  33. >No point in staying up here anymore. I guess I'll go downstairs.

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