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[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 6

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-03 23:21:48
Expiry: Never

  1. >The days and tests have been passing rather quickly. No much findings, but you didn't care
  2. >Your new lifestyle had made you quite popular. Training with Rainbow Dash has really boosted your lost strenght, and even won the golden award for best helded debate
  3. >Even graduate with honors! It was a great morning
  4. >You admit you became a bit more arrogant, but thanks to your friend, you manage to keep your head in the Earth
  5. >Finally you suggested Twilight to forget about finding the catalyst. Your Chadness started to last longer, from moments to days. She was a bit upset, so you give her permittion to show her findings in the school's Special Science Fair
  6. >You had become a Thad: an excentric strong guy who is a bit boastful but manages to keep it on the ground
  7. >Right now you are in the garage working on a car
  8. >*Ffffishhh.... Click!*
  9. >Well, were
  10. "Fixed Mr. Thompson"
  11. >"Now that is a good job. Say anon, how you been these days?"
  12. "Great actually. I manage to graduate and we are going to have a party tonight"
  13. >"Good for you. How is that little girl you always have around?"
  14. "Twilight? She's been fine. She is going to show a crazy discovery in today's Science Fair"
  15. >"I heard a secret special prize is given to the winner"
  16. "Well, we are going to know what it is soon. It's going to be an amazing show"
  17. >A big black SUV with tunned rims comes into the garage
  18. >"Go see what he wants"
  19. "On it"
  20. >You get close to the driver
  21. "Welcome to T's workshop. What can we do for you?"
  22. >"Anon? Is that you?"
  23. >The windshield comes down, and you see a familiar face
  24. "Thaddeus?"
  26. >>"Oh, hold on dude. Are you saying THE anon?"
  27. >A boy with a rocker jacket pops up from the other side
  28. "Hey, Bradley"
  29. >>Fuck yeah! Anonymous!"
  30. >The passenger seat's door opens up, a man dressed in a black victorian suit with a red blood vest and white shirt
  31. >>>"My, how fate has granted us a crossroad. Glad meeting your aquantice Anonymous"
  32. "Vladimir, good to see you are as cheerful as ever"
  33. >Thaddeus comes down and gives you a bear hug
  34. "Hey! Easy beast! I need my back to work!"
  35. T: "Hahaha! We find the coolest man in town! Wow, we really should've called you back"
  36. >You know how Chads are. No need to be angry about old events
  37. B: "And what is a Chad like you working in a crappy joint like this?"
  38. "The supermarket wasn't any better, Bradley"
  39. B: "Snacks discount, dude. That's what is all about!"
  40. "Whatever"
  41. V: "While you seeked for better oportunities to grow your hoard, it took much of your charisma. You aren't a peasant to be dressing ragged clothes stained in car oil"
  42. "I got fired. I didn't had much of a choice, but I know how to fix rides, so I went for a mechanic gig"
  43. >Finally Thaddeus leaves you on the ground
  44. T: "Still, you need some style. Here"
  45. >He puts on you black shades
  46. "Eh-"
  47. >Thaddeus takes his phone out
  48. T: "Selfie time!"
  49. >Before you reacted, everyone got in a pose, and the picture was taken
  50. T: "Update: Chad has been found. Brad I need a solo!"
  51. >Bradley grabs a pair of small wrenches and uses it as drum sticks
  52. T: "Yeah, now that is better"
  53. "Good to know you guys still have fun"
  54. V: "Why of course Anonymous. The jesting and pleasures of live are our goals"
  55. B: "Yeah! Whatever Vlad said"
  56. "Anyway, what do you need?"
  57. T: "Change the oil. Must be empty 'cause a "tik" sound happens when I drive"
  58. "Got it, give me a few minutes"
  60. >Those minutes took 1 hour actually. The car wasn't checked in a long time, having lots of necessary fix ups
  61. >You finally give a few small spins with the wrench, and it's fixed
  62. "Hey guys, now it must be ok"
  63. T: "Minutes, huh? Yeah, it only took FOREVER!"
  64. "Relax T, the car needed the job"
  65. T: "And I bet it's going to cost a lot, isn't it?"
  66. "Don't worry, I'll go speak with Mr. Thompson. He may give you a discount. It wasn't too much, just a few small parts to change and a bit of hard work"
  67. V: "Your charming kindness has always been more stronger that your lust for gold. We appreciate this Anonymous"
  68. "Don't mention it"
  69. B: "We really own you bro. We have to hang out someday"
  70. T: "Yeah, you know what? Let's do that"
  71. "I have to work guys"
  72. T: "No, listen. There's a new club opening, and Brad is playing in there. Tonight, we march!"
  73. "Wait, are you-?"
  74. V: "We request your presence Anonymous for the toast of tonight. We insist"
  75. "Oh man, I'm in!"
  76. B: "Yeah dude! The Chad is back!"
  77. >After a while, you give your boys the bill. Thad paid with his credit card
  78. T: "Tonight dude. Seeing you at your place"
  79. >The SUV leaves the garage
  80. T: "Hey! It doesn't sound anymore!"
  81. >You wave them goodbye
  82. >You can't believe it, you are back to where you were!
  83. >This is it! The final catalyst to finally be a full Chad!
  84. >You can't wait to tell Twilight about this! Case in point, she is coming here!
  85. >She looks a bit tired. Did she run all the way here?
  86. TS: "Anon! I can't believe it! I have something to tell you!"
  87. "Me too! My old clique was here. They wanted me to hang out! Tonight I'm going with them!"
  88. TS: "W-what did you say?"
  89. "My old friends were here! We are hanging out tonight! Isn't it great?"
  90. TS: "Yeah... It is..."
  91. "I can't believe it! And it was all thanks to you! I became a Chad again!"
  92. >You give Twilight a big hug
  93. "Thank you Twilight, you are the best friend I ever had"
  94. TS: "No... Don't mention it"
  96. "Oh, man, I'm a jackass. What did you wanted to say Twilight?"
  97. TS: "I wanted to... Tell you I'm happy for you. Go have fun!"
  98. "You really are the best!"
  99. >You give her a bear hug
  100. "I promise to give you a number. Those boys aren't too bad"
  101. >You let her down
  102. TS: "Thanks, but I'm not interested. Sorry it was short, but I have to go anon"
  103. "Alright. Go have fun with our friends"
  104. >She waves goodbye, and leaves the garage. Funny, why does she look gloom?
  105. >Must be the weather. No time for worries now
  106. "Mr. Thompson, I wanted to ask: now that there are no cars, can I leave early?"
  107. >"Go anon, we don't want to go late to your friends"
  108. >Woah, that sounded really reprehensive for something good
  109. >Whatever, you are free!
  110. "Thanks, I promise I won't get in trouble!"
  111. >You get inside your car, and drive fast home
  112. >All afternoon you have been choosing clothing, trying new flirts, and wash up thoroughly
  113. >Finally, 10:00 PM arrives, and the doorbell rings
  114. >You open the door, and see your old squad ready
  115. T: "Ready to bang dude?"
  116. "Totally!"
  117. B: "That's the way!"
  118. V: "Marvellous"
  119. >Thad takes his phone and everyone does a pose
  120. T: "Selfie time!" *click!*
  121. "I drive! Like the old days!"
  122. T: "Shotgun!"
  123. B: "Shotgun!... Aw man!"
  124. T: "Next time kid. Let's go!"
  125. >Everyone gets into the car, and go to the club
  127. >The club is banging sky rocket, and the place is crowded
  128. "Well, let's see if they let us in with Brad"
  129. T: "They should. We are his boys"
  130. >Everyone goes with the security man. He let's Brad in, but blocks the passage for the rest
  131. T: "Hey c'mon dude, we are with him!"
  132. V: "The nerve to stop us! They should be begging for our presence!"
  133. "Easy boys. Let me handle this"
  134. >You get close to the guard
  135. "So, big man, how's the night? The girls? The Chosen One?"
  136. >You give him a soft pat
  137. >"Don't touch me kid"
  138. "Sorry, easy boy. Look, we are with him. Let us in"
  139. >"You aren't entering here"
  140. "Please! Look, I will give you my ID"
  141. >You search your pockets. You have it, but you know how to distract those muscles
  142. "Aw, crap. Looks like I forgot it, but I can give you my bus pass"
  143. >"What?"
  144. "How about my Social Security number?"
  145. >"What are you-"
  146. "Hey look! The receipt for the gems in Crash Royale!"
  147. >"Ehhhh... Just let me check you up"
  148. >He pats your body and you are clean. Thad is also clean
  149. >The problem started with Vladimir
  150. >"Ok, let's see... Hey! You have 4 bottles of vodka on you!"
  151. V: "Good thing you didn't found our oppiums"
  152. >"What? Drugs?!"
  153. >Before anyone does something, he T-poses, calling the dark magic of Chads to bring the club owner
  154. >It worked
  155. >>"Hey! What is going on?"
  156. >"Sir, these men are trying to sneak drinks to the bar!"
  157. >Good! A distraction!
  158. "What? Us? No man, you had it all wrong. These are elixirs, mana potions, holy water, Fortnite shields. Anything but alcohol"
  159. >>"Well, if you say so kid. Edd, let them have their bottles, they are in"
  160. V: "Move peasant"
  161. >Vladimir takes the vodka bottles as he T-poses for dominance. The security guard just mewls in defeat
  162. "Hey dude, you have to stop bringing alcohol. They sell that here"
  163. V: "My wine is God's blood compared to the rat piss they dare to sell here"
  164. B: "Good one dudes! You passed!"
  165. T: "All thanks to anon! Or shall we say: Chadwick?"
  167. >Your old nickname in the squad
  168. "Aw yeah! Chad. Is. Back!"
  169. Everyone: "WHOO!!!"
  170. >The night was amazing: Brad rocked out the crowd, Vladimir has attracted all the girls in the place, and Thad and you lighted the floor on fire
  171. >Everything is fine, you got to smooch a babe, and everyone is sitting together, listening to Thad's stories
  172. T: "... So he goes POW!: that is how you do it!"
  173. >Everyone laughts
  174. >"Wow, I didn't knew you guys had so much fun together"
  175. B: "It was great! I really missed anon hanging with us"
  176. "Likewise boys. I really missed you"
  177. V: "Do not dwell on the past Chadwick, you are now with us after a long hiatus"
  178. >He serves the vodka
  179. V: "For Anonymous! The maximum Chad alive!"
  180. Everyone: "YEAH!"
  181. "Yeah..."
  182. >Funny, it's weird that you didn't Chad out. You wonder why? You are having fun, your boys are here, and the drinks and chicks are free
  183. >One of the girls nudges at you, and points to a secluded place
  184. "Well gentlemen, it's time for Chadwick to "strecht his legs", you know"
  185. T: "Just don't take too long dude. We still have some places to crush"
  186. "Don't worry, is an easy one"
  187. >You follow the woman and start making out
  188. >But something is happening: you aren't hard or in the mood
  189. >After a while, she gets on her knees, and starts to unzip you
  190. "Hey, hold on. No, ehhhh. You first! Ladies go first, right?"
  191. >"Oh! How handsome"
  192. >She stands up, and you unzip her
  193. >When you pull her panties down, you felt rejection. Let alone when you tried to eat her out: the smell pulled you back
  194. >You quickly take your jacket and start undressing
  195. "You know what? Forget foreplay, let's get it on!"
  196. >"Whoo! Party time!"
  197. >She undresses fast, you barely undo your shirt
  198. >Looking at her body doesn't do anything! What is going on?!
  199. "I need to go!"
  200. >You fix your clothes, but she grabs you by the arm
  201. >"Hey! Where are you going?"
  202. >You yank your arm off
  203. "I need some air! Leave me alone!"
  204. >You rush to the bathroom and wash your face, head down
  206. "What is happening to me?"
  207. >"What the Hell are you doing here?"
  208. >You recognize that voice. You look at the mirrow and your jaw drops
  209. "CHAD?! What the fuck?!"
  210. >"I'm your guardian you stupid fuck. What are you doing here?"
  211. "Uh?"
  212. >"Stop looking at me like I'm a ghost and answer the fucking question"
  213. "Me? I was just hanging with the boys, like the old days"
  214. >"Those aren't your friends Anonymous. I know that. Your friends are now at CHS having one last night together, and you are wasting it here with these idiots"
  215. "Hey! (You) are ONE of those idiots!"
  216. >"Oh yeah? Why don't you point me at one?"
  217. "Gladly!"
  218. >You open the door
  219. "See? You are just like-"
  220. >When you finally see the people in the club, you had to swallow a scream
  221. >The men were muscle abominations who forgot leg day and looked like if a dorito became human. The females were either horrible, old, or operated. The worst is you were kissing one that fitted all three
  222. >Probably it wasn't even a woman
  223. >Vladimir is selling drugs, sitting with wasted junkies. Brad has hit the sauce hard, wanting to jump from the bar, and Thad is a jerk pushing people around that says something he didn't wanted to hear
  224. >There is a couple next to you, and it's the most retarded conversation you ever heard
  225. >"Whoo! I got pipes!"
  226. >>"Whoo! I got boobs!"
  227. >"Hey! I want to touch your boobs with my pipes!"
  228. >>"Yay! Grab my boobs with your pipes!"
  229. >"Yeah! Pipes grabbing boobs!"
  230. >>"Whoo! His pipes are grabbing my boobs!"
  231. >Listening to the song carefully, is a ripoff!
  232. > [Boy 8 bit - A City Under Siege]
  233. >New 2019 party mix? Is just an old 2009 mix on fast forward!
  234. >You close the door rapidly
  235. "Oh man. Where the fuck did I went?"
  236. >"I'm asking the same thing"
  237. "Screw you man. If you aren't here to help me, what do you want?"
  238. >"I'm here to help you open your eyes"
  240. >You look at Chad
  241. >"What you should be doing is party with your friends at CHS, not be with these guys. They didn't even bother to help you back up. But Twilight did, her friends accepted you, they helped you become a better man, and you find the inner strenght to move forward. They are your friends. These guys? They are assholes, stuck in a fart bubble thinking that becoming a porn star can be the only great thing in their lives. There is more to life, and you found it. And you let it go"
  242. >You only lower your head in shame. Checking the watch, is 02:35 AM
  243. "It's too late now. The party is over"
  244. >"Then you better go home"
  245. >He dissapears from the mirror
  246. >With a new perspective, you leave the bathroom
  247. >You first go with the "woman" you were kissing. She is surrounded by men
  248. "Yo! Miss!"
  249. >She turns around. God, she looks worst closer
  250. "Ehhh... I had a great time, but you aren't what I'm looking for. Thanks for a good time tho"
  251. >"Are you leaving me? Fuck you fag, you ain't shit"
  252. "Hey, I was just being nice"
  253. >"Shove it up your ass"
  254. "Like the doctor who shoved in your cock, you stupid fag?"
  255. >The men around started listening
  256. >"Excuse me?!"
  257. "Excuse you, you freak! I knew it the moment I saw your post-op butchered cunt!"
  258. >All the men just fly away
  259. >Insulted, the "woman" throws at you her drink
  260. >You block it by slapping the hand
  261. >Sadly, the drink hits the bar, and Brad was balancing on one leg. He finally slips off
  262. >One of the bouncers saw this
  263. >>"Who was it?"
  264. >You point at the trap. She still had the glass in hand
  265. >>"Alright puto, party is over"
  266. >The bouncer takes the tranny as "she" curses and complains by how he is treating "her"
  267. >Vlad gets closer
  268. V: "Heavens Chadwick, what happened?"
  269. >You just yank the bottle of pills
  270. "Stop selling this. They are going to throw you in jail"
  271. >You throw the bottle to the crowd
  272. >"Hey! Pills!"
  273. >Everyone starts fighting for them
  274. V: "NO! THAT IS MINE!!!"
  276. >Vlad is the most violent fighter, punching and pushing all the junkies
  277. "Fucking basehead"
  278. >As you are close to the door, Thad cuts your way. He is drunk
  279. T: "Hey, anon, where's the boys? Fuck it. Look, I met a guy, big roller, works on MTV. He says he wants us on a show: the 4ads"
  280. "I'm not interested"
  281. T: "What?"
  282. >He holds your step
  283. T: "What do you mean "not interested"? Is our chance to make it big"
  284. "Like I said: I am not interested. I'm going home"
  285. >He puts himself in front of you
  286. T: "Hey c'mon, we are partying. We are having a good time. Don't fuck it now"
  287. "I have to go home Thaddeus. Move please"
  288. T: "Hey, you aren't going to tell me what to do, ok? If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be here"
  289. "Well, now I don't want to be here. Move"
  290. T: "Hey! Now listen you fuckface! *push* "You are shit!" *push* "I am bigger!" *push* "And you do what I WANT!"
  291. >he spits on your face
  292. T: "You heard me?"
  293. >He turns to the people watching
  294. T: "See? I put this idiot in place"
  295. >You Chad out
  296. >When he turns at you, you deck him right at the jaw, breaking a few teeth
  297. >The alcohol made him fall flat
  298. "Don't call me, I'll see you around"
  300. >When you leave the club, you pat the guard twice. He looks at you annoyed
  301. "Hey pal, the party got heavy. Two idiots on the ground start it, and one is slingin', fighting with the druggies"
  302. >His eyes widen and whistles. Moments later, he and three extra (more meaner) bouncers enter the place. You leave before shit gets real
  303. >And as a final present to your old "friends", you moved the car in front of a garage. You know tows are like cheetas on clubs
  304. >How did you knew? The driver was laughing as you passed the corner
  305. >Sadly, you have no money, so is walking home now
  306. >As you walk, you pass in front of Mr. Thompson's garage. The lights are on
  307. >You sneak around, and find old T cleaning plugs
  308. "Mr. T? Up so late?"
  309. >"Hey anon, fancy meeting ya here"
  310. "Why are you cleaning plugs?"
  311. >"Oh, this? I wanted to do it. I used to do this with my old man when I was a kid, and I did this with my kid in the old days. He is in the city now, learning to become a mechanical engineer"
  312. "Oh, I see"
  313. >"And what about you? Where are your friends?"
  314. "They weren't my friends. Just a bunch of punks"
  315. >"Harsh words son. Why is that?"
  316. "... I though they were cool people, but it turns out they were just idiots. One is just a fool, killing his liver. Another a junkie who can't be away from his pills. And the big one? Just a bully who thinks he can push people around"
  317. >"Hmmm... You sure are dense with your friends"
  318. "You didn't met them"
  319. >"I wasn't talking about'em. I was talking about the others"
  320. "Others?"
  321. >"Yes! The others! The ones who hang with you, and make you laugh, and smile, and having a great time! But you had to go and pick a bunch of dumbs for friends"
  322. "I already had this conversation"
  323. >"Oh, sure you did. But it's not about the talk, is about respect"
  324. "Huh?"
  326. >"You know why my kid wants to be an engineer? My grandfather gave my old man this garage, and he gave it to me, and I wanted to give it to my son. To which he reply "pops, I don't want fixin' no cars. I want to build one.", and I let him study so he someday builds his car here. Your friends did the same thing with you, letting you go with those punks. It's sad you had to realize too late"
  327. "..."
  328. >"The one that hurts me the most is the girl"
  329. "Who? Twilight?"
  330. >"You are dense son. I though you will take her to the prom, and made her have the time of her life. And here you are, sad and lonely"
  331. "I'm not... Sad"
  332. >"Well, you will be. In cars, you can replace plugs when they go wrong or busted, but not a sad heart. You mean a lot to her, and you crushed her heart with ease. Poor girl probably had something real important to tell you, and now is sure as Hell too late"
  333. >You lower your head in shame
  334. "I... I didn't wanted to hurt her again"
  335. >"And it already happened?! You sure are dense! Argh! Too late anyway. You may have a chance with your friends, but she is probably gone"
  336. >He finishes polishing the plugs
  337. >*Sigh* "Sorry boy, but I feel responsable as an old man with how much I know. You are young, you make mistakes and you learn from 'em. I just wished I could help you more"
  338. "No, don't worry. Is ok"
  339. >"Good. Now, could you help old T find the car keys? They can open the hood"
  340. "Sure thing"
  341. >Searching the place, you find the keys quickly. They look familiar
  342. "Hey, are these-?"
  343. >Mr. Thompson yanks them from your hand
  344. >"Great job son, now let's go in the back. Car's there"
  345. >Both go to the backroom, and you turn on the lights. Amazed, you find your car in there
  346. "How did-?"
  347. >"Old tricks from my day. Don't tell my kid"
  348. >He opens the hood, and puts the plugs
  349. >"Now it should be enough. Give it a test"
  350. >He handles you the keys, and you turn on the car. It roars
  351. "Whoa! Th-"
  352. >"Op! Do that tomorrow. Now go to sleep."
  353. >You smile as big as him
  355. >Finally at home, you go straight to bed
  356. >You don't change, you don't cover, you just close your eyes and sleep
  357. >You have a dream: you are on a cliff, seeing the rising sun. A penthouse is behind you, but you don't mind much. You are sitting on a bench outside, and Chad is next to you, contemplating a photo album
  358. >"It sure was a crazy last year"
  359. "It sure was"
  360. >"... I'm going away"
  361. "What?! No, you can't do that to me. I just got you back!"
  362. >"I know, and it hurts me to go, but I'm a guardian. I just protected you until you fly alone"
  363. "But what I'm going to do without you?"
  364. >"Take a look"
  365. >He shows you the album. Is filled with moments of your life, friends, and experiences
  366. >"See? You will be ok. I just made sure you don't lost your way"
  367. "But I did"
  368. >"And I was sad, but then I saw you coming back to it, fixing wrongs and make it them rights. And for that, I'm proud. You are strong enough to hold yourself. You don't need me anymore"
  369. "But if I need you?"
  370. >"Just remember this moment, and it will comeback to you"
  371. ".... What about Twilight?"
  372. >"If you made the right choices so far, you can do one more"
  373. >He stands up
  374. >"The sun is up. I must go now"
  375. >He walks away, leaving you behind
  376. >He turns around and walks backwards
  377. >"You are #1 Anonymous! Never change! You made it bro! Call Twilight for me!"
  378. >He finally dissapears
  379. "Goodbye Chad. Thanks for everything"
  380. >You wake up
  382. >It's 07:00 AM
  383. >You rise from your bed, and clean up a bit
  384. >You eat you calory-counted breakfast, and pick up the phone. You call at Twilight's
  385. >*tuuuu* *tuuuu* *tuu-* "Hello?"
  386. "Good morning Mr. Light. Is me, Anonymous. Is Twilight there?"
  387. >"Wait, so she didn't told you?"
  388. "What do you mean?"
  389. >"Did you went to the prom?"
  390. "No. I... Made a mistake, and I returned late at home"
  391. >"Oh no. Anon, she is going away"
  392. "What?!"
  393. >"She told us she already told you in the prom. She wanted to tell you that she wanted to be your girlfriend"
  394. "But isn't she dating Timber?"
  395. >"Not since 2 months ago. Something about school camps. But we though you two were already an item since-"
  396. "That doesn't matter! Why is she going away?"
  397. >"She won the Special Science Fair. The prize was a full-paid schoolarship for Starswhirl Academy in Everton"
  398. "Where is she now?!"
  399. >"We already said goodbye. She must be at the bus stop waiting"
  400. *click!*
  401. >"Anon, are you there? Anonymous!"
  402. >You run to your car, and start it up
  403. >Like knowing this was his moment, it roars loudly
  404. "Thank you Mr. Thompson"
  405. >You hit pedal to the metal and reach the bus stop in record time
  406. >Twilight is sitting in one of the benches
  407. >"Anon?!"
  408. "Twilight! Why didn't you tell me?!"
  409. >"..."
  410. "I called you home, and your dad told me... Is true?"
  411. >"... I'm sorry anon, I didn't wanted you to know this way"
  412. "So you are going away?"
  413. >"They found our research brilliant. I got a schoolarship for the genetics program. It may bring insane changes to the societal structure as we know it"
  414. "And us?"
  415. >"... There won't be an us"
  416. >You clench your fists and lower your head
  417. >"... I'm sorry Anonymous"
  418. >You rise your head up
  419. "No. Twilight: I want a kiss"
  420. >She frozes on spot
  421. >"What?!"
  422. "You heard me. I want a kiss, on the lips. We have one last sample to get"
  423. >"No! Anon! You will-!"
  424. "No, you listen to me"
  425. >You walk up to her
  427. "Ever since you sneezed on me, I got fat, I got lazy, I got pathetic. But then you came, and I started to have hope. Hope, Twilight. Then, I'm taking care on meals, I get fit, I get more handsome, and less of a jackass until I became my old self. And how did I repayed you? By going with my stupid old friends instead of asking you to be my date for the prom, invite you a sweet dinner, and fuck you until the rising sun"
  428. >She doesn't know what to answer. She is too shocked to move
  429. "But instead, I'm here, seeing how you are going away, and I can't do nothing about it, so the least this stupid Chad can do for you..."
  430. >You are face to face now
  431. "... Is giving you that kiss I should have gave you last night"
  432. >"But what if you become a normie again?"
  433. "Our friends will help me go back on my feet again"
  434. >Before she does anything, you go for it and kiss her on the lips
  435. >The final catalyst has activated. You feel a massive change inside you
  436. >But not only that, it also affected Twilight
  437. >Both break the kiss
  438. >"Anon! Did you felt that?"
  439. "..."
  440. >"Anon?"
  441. ".... I love you Twilight"
  442. > [College - A Real Hero]
  443. >You grab her head, and go for a more passionate kiss. She doesn't stop you
  444. >As both keep the kiss, you two sit slowly on the bench and finally stop, looking each other's eyes
  445. "Sorry I didn't took you to the prom"
  446. >"Is fine"
  447. "So, genetics?"
  448. >"They really were interested in our experiments"
  449. "I'm happy to know that"
  450. >"Yeah, they told me it could change many factors in... It can be a long explanation"
  451. "How much until your bus arrives?"
  452. >"Your car was really fast, it will arrive in 1 hour. What did you do to it?"
  453. "Mr. Thompson changed the plugs"
  454. >"Well, thanks Mr. Thompson"
  455. >You two cuddle up, in silence
  456. >Congratulations Anonymous, you are a Real Human Being, the last ladder in the Chad scale
  457. >You made it
  458. >Well, both made it. You and Twilight
  462. Epilogue
  464. >On the glass of the bus terminal, Chad and Midnight are reflected, seeing the scene
  465. "That's my boy right there. See, I told you he was good"
  466. >"Well, only because Twilight helped him. I bet if he was left in his own devices, he may never reached his full potential"
  467. "Maybe. That is one of the reasons we should thank her"
  468. >"What are you going to do now?"
  469. "Well, I might take a break. Then I'll find a kid who believes Jersey Shore is cool, denying the fact it was never cool. Not even in 2012, and much less now. And doesn't matter how many latino rip offs they make, it will never be as big as it was a novelty"
  470. >"Well, looks like you are set"
  471. "And you?"
  472. >"Well, I wanted to fuck college boys, but you cut a lot of my fun with Twilight. I barely affect her now"
  473. "Is good to have fun, but have a bit of respect for yourself"
  474. >"Fine"
  475. "Good"
  476. >"..."
  477. "..."
  478. >"They are going to fuck, right?"
  479. "When anon enrolls. Everynight"
  480. >"Kids?"
  481. "2, maybe 3"
  482. >Midnight looks at Twilight, and nods her head
  483. >Twilight looks at anon, and kisses him in the cheek
  484. "Scratch that. It will be 5. So it was you all along"
  485. >"What can I say? Twilight repressed a lot of her feelings"

[NSFW] Bella's big movie

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 1

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 2

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 3

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 4

by GreenReaper