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[NSFW] Impolite propositions 1.5 - 1 - The sentence

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-03 23:46:02
Expiry: Never

  1. The next green is a fanfic of a fanfic
  2. Archive link for context:
  7. >So ever heard of "every dog has his day"? Yours came
  8. >You are Anonymous, serving a 30 years sentence for raping a girl, assault her with a firearm to comply more times, and use her contacts for your buddies to rape more
  9. >May as well explain: you had an idea. An awesome idea. An orgy in AJ's barn
  10. >The boys would bring their "girlfriends" and just let everything loose
  11. >The guy with Rarity didn't came though. Said something about a "playdate"
  12. >What you never counted is that the barn's roof had quite a hole, and you were too loud
  13. >One angry brother is one thing, one angry older and stronger brother is bad enough, but one older, angry, and wielding a double barrel shotgun brother? Things went south pretty fast
  14. >Applejack was honest as fuck, spilled everything. When the rape came up, that was one hit. But when Applebloom came up? You still wonder how that girl didn't fought you with her legs because you could feel your nuts up your nose
  15. >That wasn't the issue long enough, because Big Mac gave you a hammer fist, and planted your body like a nail on the board
  16. >You were losing big time, but turns out that when you were too caught up in the moment you nutted inside her womb. And she and her family are pro-life
  17. >Prison, alimony, child support. You were stripped from everything
  18. "This couldn't get any worse..."
  19. >"Hey dude"
  20. >The guy who went for Fluttershy
  21. "What do you want furfag?"
  22. >"I'm not a furry"
  23. "You give your dog sloppy seconds. Fuck off"
  24. >"We are going to be here for a long time. We at least could try to withstand each other"
  25. ".... Fine, whatever. What do you want to talk about?"
  26. >"Did you hear from the others?"
  27. "Not much. The ice cream man who went for the rainbow chick and the tomboy had a record. Those traced him back when the judge got the case. He was transferred, and ain't leaving from there"
  28. >"Oh"
  29. "What about the guy who went for the bacon girl?"
  30. >"I didn't talked much with him, but he sent me this"
  31. >A letter: Don't look for me, you won't find me
  33. "Well, he was always one shady guy, sneaking around and stuff. And your chick?"
  34. >"She.... she is nice. She is sending me pictures of Husky and giving me advice about good parole. If I make it, I may leave in 10 and get my dog back"
  35. "That sounds good. What about the man with the MILF?"
  36. >"I didn't see him much before the orgy, but I always felt something was wrong"
  37. "Why?"
  38. >"He always was more skinnier and busted when I saw him, and the woman with him started to going from a rainbow pastel hair to a very pinkish grey one"
  39. "I see"
  40. >"Have you kept with the clubbing dude?"
  41. "Not anymore"
  42. >"How come?"
  43. "Fucking dead on a rave. Raped to death. His body had like 10K worth of drugs in his veins, and whoever did the rape made sure his nut was the last one"
  44. >"Wow, that sucks"
  45. >>"Letter for Anon!"
  46. "Hey man, talk to you later"
  47. >The warden gives you an envelope: is the guy that picked rainbow girl. Is a goodbye letter
  48. >Looks like he went for the pink chick too , and her older sister works in a prison program
  49. >An unsafe prison program. Most prisoners die in holes when mining, and most were man-made
  50. >He knows he ain't coming back
  51. "I guess that's it then"
  52. >*BOOM!*
  53. "What the fuck?!"
  54. >A wall exploded from a shot. No bullets, only a magnetized small metal bar.
  55. >A railgun shot
  56. >Only one victim: the guy who raped Twilight. Shot went through the neck
  57. >It was impossible to discover the culprit, but you are pretty sure it was her
  58. >She became a very common sight in prison, going to conjugal visits with random prisoners while making him watch from afar
  59. >You guess she got bored of cucking him and just took revenge about the whole abuse thing
  61. >A few days pass, you moped his blood away, and the wall was reconstructed. Nothing new
  62. >>"Anon, visit"
  63. >Visit? But nobody is waiting for you outside
  64. >A walk to the call area, you recognized him
  65. >You grab the phone
  66. "Hey"
  67. >"Hey! Que pasa amigo?"
  68. "Cut that shit accent, what do you want?"
  69. >"Nothing, just visiting before I leave with Rarity and Sweetie Belle"
  70. "Where?"
  71. >"Puerto Rico baby! Full of seƱoritas"
  72. "And should I care because?"
  73. >"Well, what other way could I go there if I didn't worked on a roof?"
  74. >Roof?
  75. "What roof?"
  76. >"A barn roof. Let me tell ya, if you don't cover well those things, everything can be heard"
  77. >Your eyes wide up
  78. "No..."
  79. >"You know, you guys hurt a lot of girls, but I, as a gentleman, can help them recover. Rainbow Dash is going through a rehab, and Sweetie's friends need a good male role. I can be a spotter"
  80. "No"
  81. >"And those poor Pinkie and Sunset, they can't sleep alone anymore. But maybe I can join them for some nights"
  82. "No!"
  83. "And poor Applejack can't work with a bun in the oven, but I can help and cheer her up. Did you know pregnancy makes a woman more voluptuous?"
  84. "NO! Motherfucker, why did you do it?!"
  85. >"Why would I do what? Sneak my way with the slutty girl, get to know her friends better than a 15 minute break, and wait until you guys screw up so I can keep all the pussy and ass for myself?"
  86. >He gets close to the glass
  87. >"Now why would I do that?"
  88. "You fucker... I'll make you pay for this!"
  89. >"Sorry anon, got to go. The plane is waiting"
  90. "Hey, come back here! You haven't heard the last of me!"
  91. >He leaves the visit area singing
  92. >"La vida te da sorpresas, sorpresas te da la vida. Ay Dios"
  95. >You are fancy anon, leaving the prison behind
  96. >Waiting for you in your car are Rarity and Sweetie Belle
  97. >"Oh anon, good you came out"
  98. "Yeah, I apologize for this, but I had to see an old "friend" to leave things straight"
  99. >>"But everything is fine now mister?"
  100. "Sure thing Sweetie. He won't be a problem anymore"
  101. >You go inside your car
  102. >"I'm happy you didn't had nothing to do with that horrible rapist team"
  103. "Oh, totally, who would have known a damaged roof will save the day? Anyway, we are quite far from the airport. How about some "manual shifts"?"

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