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[NSFW] Impolite propositions 1.5 - 2 - Puerto Rico

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-03 23:47:28
Expiry: Never

  1. > [Celia Cruz - La Vida Es Un Carnaval]
  2. >Beautiful Puerto Rico! Full of vibrant colors, amazing beaches, and delicious meals
  3. >The trip was quite the shlap, so your girls didn't stop at anything to have fun
  4. >Rarity took you to the culture area, Filled with small holy statues and crazy masks. Sweetie Belle scared you with one of those
  5. >The music was nuts. Salsa and reggaeton was blowing in various places. This place almost was a dance walk every corner
  6. >The food was full of flavor, and the fruits were really fresh
  7. >The beaches were awesome. Sexy mamacitas, but every attempt ended like an anime sitcom where Sweetie Belle pulls your ear for drooling at them
  8. >The day was amazing, and now, you are giving yourself a nice relaxing bath
  9. >Rarity's parents were really happy you were the "hero" who warned Rarity about the rapists attacking her friends, and tampering their meet up point: they paid a 1 month vaca on Puerto Rico
  10. >Best part? They are fucking loaded. They paid for a penthouse, and the tub is a mini pool on the bedroom
  11. >Rarity and Sweetie Belle have their rooms, but good thing you got this one
  12. >This will come in handy to clean up
  13. *knock knock*
  14. >Speaking of which
  15. "Come in"
  16. >The door opens to reveal a beatiful woman, barely covered with a thin bath robe
  17. "Pretty. Made it yourself?"
  18. >"Is from the "Rarity's Secret" catalog"
  19. "To hide what?"
  20. >"This"
  21. >She undoes the knot, letting the robe fall, showing her pristine body
  22. >Walking slowly, swaying her hips, one target in her eyes
  23. >You play hard to get, so you turn your view away and focus on the bath
  24. >Rarity grabs your head, pushes up softly, and both eyes meet again
  25. >"Hard play?"
  26. "What about having a small moment for one?"
  27. >She kisses you in the lips
  28. >"Why it has to be one if it can be two?"
  29. "Hehe, you are lucky I'm easy to convince. Care for a dip?"
  30. >She walks in front of you, and dives her entire body slowly. Rising up, she doesn't hide her inners desires
  32. >In a kick swim, she grabs your phallus while resting next to you
  33. >You surround her with your right arm, a big scar in there
  34. >"I wish you didn't got hurt when-"
  35. "Hey, that is in the past, and everyone got their deserved punishment"
  36. >"But the one who got away..."
  37. "He is gone, and won't come back. I know"
  38. >You hug her tighly
  39. "All that matters is that you and your friends are safe"
  40. >And not less importantly, you
  41. >Being behind bars for being with a rape crew would suck balls, so, sorry guys: it was you or them
  42. >Sides, now that their legs are open, you won't have to do much for one night with them. Just the right words
  43. "Now, how about we forget about that and beging with a-"
  44. >>"CANNONBALL!!!"
  45. *SPLASH!*
  46. >Water went everywhere as Sweetie Belle dropped her body on the tub
  47. "Whoa!"
  48. >"Sweetie Belle!"
  49. >>"Hiya guys, can I join the fun?"
  50. >Rarity turns red of anger
  51. >"Sweetie Belle, we needed some privacy"
  52. >>"Come on guys, we had a good day. What about a good night? I mean, we already fucked together"
  53. >Now she is red of embarassament
  54. >"That was the wine, we discussed that"
  55. >>"You still made me suck his cock"
  56. "She has a point there rarara"
  57. >"I... just go dry myself"
  58. >Rarity leaves the room
  60. >>"Well, that sure sucks... still wanna do it sir?"
  61. "Eh, maybe later Sweetie. Your sister probably won't like that I fuck her sister after giving her a burn"
  62. >>"Boring..."
  63. "Well, I was taking a bath, but I guess that will have to wait"
  64. >>"Aww... come on anon. Take a dip and let's fuck!"
  65. "Hehe, you are adorable. Maybe later"
  66. >You take another towel and dry up
  67. >leaving your room, you find Rarity with a glass of wine
  68. "Hey, relax. She learned young you know"
  69. >"Sadly... I was the oldest, I was supposed to protect her from.... THAT, and I even started it"
  70. "Hey, I'm just as guilty. I was the one with the idea"
  71. >"I shouldn't have drink the wine that day. Maybe that way we could have more..."
  72. "Hey, is that jealousy?"
  73. >You get close to Rarity
  74. >"Me?! No! I wouldn't allow you to be that close with her"
  75. "Rarity..."
  76. >"... It was only a mistake. I didn't wanted to be like THIS. I mean, it felt nice, but we aren't from Alabama"
  77. >You laugh
  78. "Oh dear, you are jealous from your sister"
  79. >"T-That's not true!"
  80. >You hug her
  81. "Is fine. I am the main problem after all. You shouldn't have drink the wine, but I shouldn't have brought it. You are underage to even drink"
  82. >"It was our little forbidden moment darling"
  83. "Yeah, and that made you jealous of your sister because now you have to share your boyfriend"
  84. >"... Well, do you like her more?"
  85. "Huh?"
  86. >"Do you like her more than me?"
  87. "Oh, Rarity"
  88. >You caress her left cheek
  89. "I only love you. I can't see me that way with Sweetie Belle. And not only because she is under 18"
  90. >"You mean it?"
  91. "Remember our first time? My phone died, my car was busted, and you accepted me in your home when all I needed was a phonecall. But it was destiny: we looked into our eyes, we kissed, and we even made love that day. You are the one. My one, Rarity"
  92. >You give her a kiss on the lips. After that, she refugees herself in your arms
  93. >"Thank you anon. I needed to know if you really loved me"
  95. "Only for you baby. Now, how about you finish that glass and go to your room. We can talk more "privately" there"
  96. >She giggles
  97. >"Ok, but don't take too long"
  98. >She takes the wine glass and walks towards her room
  99. >You are about to follow her, but you hear another steps
  100. >When you turn around you see a short feminine shadow walking away
  101. "... Damn it"
  102. >Sweetie Belle heard everything
  103. "Okay, guess tonight I have to do overtime. Who would have thought to be safe from jail would take so much work?"
  104. >You walk to the fridge, and check inside
  105. "Let's see... some meat, bit of greens, oj..."
  106. >you dig a bit deeper
  107. "Mayonnaise, butter, milk, grape soda.... ah! here it is: boomer juice"
  108. >A can of Monster energy drink
  109. "It better works, I have to please one girl and put her in bed before the other sleeps"
  110. >You drink the juice, and thanks to the powers of meme magic, you are fully energized. The Mask levels of energy
  111. "WOW! Now that is what I'm talking about!"
  112. >You run to Rarity's bedroom, knock, and before she says come in, you run and drop next to her
  113. "Hey babe! What's the news?"
  114. >"Whoa anon, you sure are inspired tonight"
  115. "I am inspired and more darling, so how do you wanna start? Want me on top?"
  116. >You roll on top of Rarity
  117. >"Whoa! I-"
  118. "How about bottom?"
  119. >Before she reacts, you are under her
  120. >"Hey!"
  121. >"If you don't want to move too much, I don't mind POWER bottom!"
  122. >You push Rarity up with your hips
  123. >"Anon!"
  124. "Whoops! Sorry babe"
  125. >You quickly go next to Rarity
  126. "You know how hard is to me to hold back, with someone so SMOKING!"
  127. >"Well, I like to take my time, so if we could get intimate..."
  128. "Only the most special treatment, for the most special girl"
  130. >You quickly go behind her, and massage her shoulders
  131. >She giggles a little
  132. >"A massage? How cliché"
  133. "Cut me some slack baby, I'm a bit hyped. I want to get my hands on you"
  134. >"Hyped, uh? I can help with that: lay on your back"
  135. >You do as told and Rarity rises from the bed. A while later, she comes back with a bowl of fruits
  136. "Really? And you called me cliché?"
  137. >"Though you liked it"
  138. >She lays next to you and puts your head on her legs
  139. >"Now, say "ahhh" darling"
  140. "Ahhh"
  141. >She feeds you a bunch of grapes
  142. *munch* *munch* "You know, having a vacation after a rape orgy sounds like an hedonistic roman scene"
  143. >"Good thing is only you and me then. Having Sweetie Belle would have been too much"
  144. "Yeah, she is too young for ye olde incest. But maybe we can teach her later"
  145. >Rarity raises an eyebrow
  146. "I'm joking, I'm joking. Have any more fruit, my muse?"
  147. >"Only the freshest fruits for our noble hero"
  148. >Now strawberries. Yummy
  149. *Munch* *munch* *Gulp* "You do know strawberries are for women, right?"
  150. >"You ate them just fine"
  151. "My favs for breakfast, and now for dinner"
  152. >She brings a slice of watermelon. Really juicy
  153. *Munch* "Yo, where's the white booty at?"
  154. >"Do you always have to be so vulgar?"
  155. "I wuz kang 'n shit, hehe"
  157. >The feeding session lasts for a bit, but you are quite full now
  158. *Munch* *munch* *gulp* "Hey, fruits are nice and all, but...
  159. >You look at her breasts
  160. "... how about some milk for a smoothie?"
  161. >You make sucking lips
  162. >"Sure thing darling. After all, after a big meal, you need a big drink"
  163. >You grab her right nipple with your lips, and play with her left breast with your right hand
  164. >She gets more comfortable, and starts to masturbate you
  165. >You suck slowly, letting the room be filled with soft moans and giggling
  166. >As she starts to enjoy herself, you start to wander with your left hand, rub one of her buttcheeks
  167. >She doesn't react, perfect for your next move
  168. >You slowly move them away, showing her "backdoor"
  169. >You tease it with your middle finger, circling around it
  170. >"hmm~~~... Darling..."
  171. "Don't worry, just having fun"
  172. >"But why there?"
  173. "Vacations. How about we relax and try new things? Besides..."
  174. >You look at your penis, and she does the same: is glimmering
  175. "... all that pre got me lubed up. Just go up and take it slowly. We have all night after all"
  176. >She has her doubts, but then rises up and puts herself in a squatting position
  177. "Slow and steady, babe. Slow and steady"
  179. >You are Rarity
  180. >At first you weren't so sure about anal
  181. >You mean, you tried once for curiosity with one of your toys, but the moment it touched there, you put it away because you felt very nasty
  182. >But then again you are with your man now, and you really worked him up
  183. >You go slowly to his penis, and feel the head touch your back entrance
  184. >He is big. Not monster big, but big
  185. >But now, he feels even more bigger than monster big
  186. "I may have second thoughs"
  187. >"Come on rari, you just poke it. Just wiggle around until it fits"
  188. >You take the advice, and wiggle around. Your muscles start to give in, slowly taking the head
  189. >Before you two knew it, *pop!* it was in
  190. >You feel a weird sensation of fullness, yet is only your anus
  191. >Him, though, gasped
  192. "F...feeling go-good?"
  193. >"Gotta be honest. You were more tight than I anticipated"
  194. >"Hehe, I guess it was a day of surprises"
  195. >You try to be in a better position, putting your arms to the sides of his body
  196. >"Maybe getting it out will be easier"
  197. >You lift your behind a bit quick to release him, but this proved to be a positive misstep
  198. >The freedom of your anus was really divine, sending quite a big jolt of pleasure from the bottom to the top of you head, making you squirt instantly all over his phallus
  199. "O-oh dear!"
  200. >"Whoa! Did you just came?"
  201. >You are embarrassed
  202. "I... I..."
  203. >"Hahaha, is fine, is fine. I feel great when I take a great dump away too"
  204. "Don't say those vulgar things!"
  205. >"Okay, sorry. Tell you what, let me take the lead now"
  206. >He rises your right leg up, leaving you sideways
  207. >"I'm wet enough, so I'm going to take a pace here, ok?"
  208. >You cover your face a bit, but nod
  209. >"Good enough"
  211. >Anonymous points at your anus again and straights up a bit
  212. >"I'll go slowly ok?"
  213. "F-fine..."
  214. >He inserts the head again, making you feel full
  215. >He wiggles a bit, letting your inner walls giving up space to the phallic object
  216. >After a moment, he pulls back, bringing a strange stingy yet relaxing sensation
  217. >You start to moan
  218. >He goes in again, but this time your asshole gives up very easily
  219. >With every thrust, your sphinter walls stopped worrying about feeling empty, and wanting to have him inside you everytime
  220. >You didn't realize, but he got you face down ass up, just going full force
  221. >"Fuck, I knew this was going to feel good , but this is great. Everything peachy Rarity?"
  222. "Hmm~~~<3!"
  223. >"Good to know you are having fun, but you know what?"
  224. >He grabs you from the hips, raising you quickly, leaving your legs in the air
  225. >But before you let them fall, he puts his arms in front, grabbing you in a vice
  226. >"It's time for my Full Nelson fun"
  228. "Wait! Darling!"
  229. >"Not now!"
  230. >He slams full force his lenght, making your entire asshole vibrate
  231. "Ahhh!"
  232. >He doesn't stop, pulling back and forth as quickly and hard as he can
  233. >The fullness and emptiness feeling are colliding with each other, filling your mind with ecstasy
  234. >You started to make a silly face
  235. >"Oh! Miss prude is having fun?"
  236. "Noooohh...."
  237. >"Come on, you aren't lying to me"
  238. "Darliiiinnngg!"
  239. >"I bet this is how Applejack felt"
  240. "She was- ohhhh~~~"
  241. >"Come on, When I came clean I showed you the videos. You are taking cock up the ass just like her"
  242. >You want to object, but the pleasure is inmense
  243. >"Yeah, like that. That's what your friend was: an anal slut, begging for an assfuck"
  244. "S-s-she-!"
  245. >"Just like you: a fancy girl who wants to take cock like a whore"
  246. "Nooooo-Ahh!"
  247. >"Say it Rarity. Say: fuck my ass with your cock"
  248. "Iiiiii- can't!"
  249. >"Say it"
  250. "Ahhh!"
  251. >"SAY IT!"
  253. >With one last thrust, he fills your innards with his seed
  254. >The warm coating has relaxed your sphincter, giving you the most strong climax you ever felt, squirting all over the bed
  255. >He pulls out, making you expell his cum. After that, he lets your legs down
  256. >"See? You should be more honest with yourself: you are a slut Rarity"
  257. >He twist your face so both meet eyes
  258. >"My slut"
  259. >He kisses you fondly
  260. >"I love you darling"
  261. "I... love..."
  262. >You finally pass out in pleasure, a big smile on your face
  264. >You are Anonymous, and you managed to complete 1 out of 2
  265. >You carry Rarity's body, and tuck her into bed
  266. "Sweet dreams, my fancy anal slut"
  267. >You give her a kiss on the check
  268. >"hmm.... I love you darling"
  269. >Aww, that's adorable
  270. "Well, time for part 2"
  271. >You take a small quick shower to clean yourself
  272. >Closing the door softly, you walk towards Sweetie's bedroom
  273. >Before knocking, you peek through the keyhole
  274. >She is on her laptop, listening to music
  275. >Well, this will be hard, but you can do this
  278. >Sweetie Belle is still up, so you better come prepared
  279. >You go to your room, and dig in your pants's pockets. A rubber was there
  280. >Having a trois with them was hot, but the pregnancy scare next day was awful
  281. >Hangover crushing your head, the sudden wake up when Rarity screamed seeing her sister's cooch pouring out jizz, and her vomit afterwards when the alcohol hitted her making you believe you knocked two gals in one night?
  282. >Ugh, just bad in the literal sense of the word
  283. >Now you go with rubbers when Sweetie wants some action. Rarity is on the pill
  284. >A walk back and a small peeking session confirms Sweetie is still listening to music
  285. >Ok, time for the show
  286. *Knock* *knock* "Sweetie Belle, can I come in?"
  287. >"Go away"
  288. "I just want to talk, that's all"
  289. >"Why don't you talk with Rarity? After all, she is the ONE in your life"
  290. "Please don't say that. I wanted to discuss that"
  291. >"Sorry Anonymous, I'm busy. Just go with Rarity"
  292. "I didn't. I went to her room and told her I wasn't feeling for action tonight"
  293. >"If that's true, then why did you took so long?"
  294. "I was in my room thinking about you"
  295. >"... You did?"
  296. "I know I said Rarity was the one, but I know we had sex too. I didn't wanted to make you feel left out, that's why I want to talk"
  297. >There's no answer on the other side
  298. "... At the very least, now we can fuck if you want. She went to sleep"
  299. >"... Come in"
  300. >You open the door. She is on her bed wearing a big shirt and pink panties as pjs
  301. "Hey cutie. Good songs playing?"
  302. >"I guess"
  303. >You give a quick peek at her laptop
  304. > [My Chemical Romance - I don't love you]
  305. "MCR? Good songs"
  306. >"Yeah, kind of like them"
  308. >Sad tunes won't help you if you want to fix this
  309. "Hey, Sweetie, is a good song and all, but how about I pick the next song?"
  310. >"Sure, no problem"
  311. >She passes you the laptop
  312. >Well, you aren't much of a /mu/ guy. You are mostly stuck listening to 80s and 90s rock, and that doesn't fit with the new gen
  313. >Youtube algorithms, don't fail me now
  314. >You type "sorry" on the searchbar
  315. >one of the recommendations was a JB song
  316. >Juvenile, weak, and catchy for teenage girls
  317. >Perfect
  318. "Hey Sweetie Belle..."
  319. >"Hmm?"
  320. "When I said that sentence about Rarity, how did you feel?"
  321. >"I don't want to talk about it"
  322. "But I do. I didn't wanted to hurt you"
  323. >"I'm not hurt"
  324. "I know you are, because it happened the same to me"
  325. >"Huh?"
  326. "Was in highschool. There was this girl I really liked, and she gave me a chance. At first I was happy because she hanged with me"
  327. >"But how did she hurt you?"
  328. "Truth is she was with me because I did her homework. She only needed to kiss me or pat my head and I wouldn't say anything. While I was making her school projects, she was shopping with her boyfriend"
  329. >"That's horrible!"
  330. "Yeah. When I knew it, I was so angry I tampered her works and I send a letter that she was cheating. Never told my name of course, so she was the only one expelled. To be honest, I felt good for a bit, but then I felt worse: I ruined her life. It was so bad she moved away. Never heard from her again"
  331. >"And what did you do?"
  332. "I spoke with my mom"
  333. >"Huh?"
  334. "I didn't told her all the details, obviously, but I basically told her how bad I felt about the lie. She hugged me, gave me some advice, and I learned that speaking your feelings are better than just bottle them inside"
  335. >"I see"
  336. "So... how did you felt?"
  337. >"Well... I don't know... I dried my body and went into my room to surprise you later. I was picking panties when I heard both of you"
  338. "Ok, go on"
  340. >"I sneaked close to the kitchen and I listened: you two were talking about what happened at home, and then..."
  341. "Then...?"
  342. >"Then... I heard..."
  343. >She starts to tear up
  344. >"I felt a hole in my chest getting bigger by the moment, so I just ran to my room"
  345. "Did you cry?"
  346. >She nods
  347. "Oh, Sweetie Belle..."
  348. >You hug her
  349. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so irresponsible. We did something really intimate, you must have felt I took you for granted"
  350. >She starts to cry, so you hug her tightly, patting her head
  351. "Is fine Sweetie Belle, just let it out"
  352. *sniff* *sniff* "Anon, do you love me too?"
  353. "Of course Sweetie Belle"
  354. >"Then take me. Now"
  355. >Ok, you got it where you want her, but now it comes the most sensible part
  356. >You have to "break up" with her without hurting her nor damage your night of fun
  357. "Sweetie Belle, no..."
  358. >"Please... I need to know you truly love me"
  359. "Sweetie Belle, that's just sex. I have proven I truly love you many times before"
  360. >She looks at you confused
  361. "Everytime I heard you sing, everytime I took you to your friends's houses, everytime we hang with Rarity. I love you Sweetie Belle, never doubt that"
  362. >She tears down and hugs you
  363. >"I love you anon"
  364. "I know"
  365. >You grab her chin and kiss her, slowly pushing her down
  366. "Never doubt it"
  367. >You on top, there was no resistance from her
  368. >Taking the moment, she only allowed herself to be on your hands
  369. >You grabbed her left hand, assuring her she is important to you
  370. >Meanwhile, you grabbed her shirt, and pull it up slowly
  371. >The kiss lasts a while, then you stop to start nibbling her neck
  372. >"Anon..."
  373. >You don't respond. You keep going as you pull up her shirt
  374. >She only relaxes her body as you remove it
  375. >A moment later, you stop, facing Sweetie Belle, making sure you are holding her gaze with yours
  376. "Sweetie Belle, we may not be together, but I assure you I love you"
  377. >"Anon... I...."
  378. >"She closes her eyes
  379. >"I'm ready"
  381. >Alright! This is it!
  382. "Hold on Sweetie. Let me do it right"
  383. >You quickly open the windowns, letting the moonlight in
  384. >You grab the laptop and search your boomer love song
  385. > [Chicago - Hard to say I'm sorry]
  386. >Finally, you put the rubber on, and go with Sweetie Belle
  387. "Ok, are you really sure about this?"
  388. >She nods
  389. "Ok"
  390. >You grab the panties and set the silk aside, showing her little soft pink pussy
  391. >You get up, hold with her legs, and aim, preparing for a classic missionary
  392. >Slowly, you make progress inside. She may have took your cock, but it's been a while since you visit it
  393. >Thankfully, the condom made it easier. The slimy texture manages to penetrate deep without hurting her
  394. >She starts to moan as you pick up the pace, thrusting deeper and deeper
  395. >The moaning starts to get intense, so you get close to Sweetie Belle
  396. "Shhh! She is sleeping!"
  397. >"I-I'm sorry"
  398. "Is okay"
  399. >You position better yourself, trying to find the G spot
  400. >For a small hole, it sure doesn't helps to find it. Is still as sneaky as any other
  401. >The deeper thrust made her struggle to keep the low volume, but you weren't complaining
  402. >Looks like you are making good progress: her face is redder every moment and she is holding the sheets
  403. >As you were thrusting, at one moment you felt a funny place inside her
  404. >"Ah!"
  405. >Fuck!
  406. >You quickly kiss her while holding her hands
  407. >"Hmm!" (Anon!)
  408. "Hm-hm!" (I know!)
  409. >You found it!
  410. >Now that you got your target, you show no restrain with Sweetie Belle
  411. >She moans inside your mouth, and you try to block them, but this task starts to be null
  412. >You are really close, and your pace has become erratic
  413. "Hmmm!" (cumming!)
  414. >"Hm- love you anon!"
  415. >She let go off your mouth, and both cum at unison
  416. >The feeling has really take you over. You realized this when you pull out and find the condom with quite the size
  417. >You just throw it away, and go back with Sweetie Belle. She is still recovering her breath
  418. >You lift her, and move her so she is resting on your chest
  420. "Sweetie Belle"
  421. >"Hmm?"
  422. "I want you to know, that even if I am with Rarity, you will always have a place in my heart. And no one will replace it"
  423. >She tears up
  424. >"Thank you anon, you are really important for me too"
  425. >You get close to her ear, and whisper some words
  426. "And if you ever need me for a few minutes, I can. Just make sure Rarity doesn't know about it. It will be our little secret"
  427. >She giggles
  428. >"Okay, thanks for the offering"
  429. >You stay with her until she falls sleep. Not much time to wait, the experience was too much
  430. "Rest easy sweetheart"
  431. >Happy with your work, you leave the little girl sleep in peace
  432. >You open the door and close it slowly
  433. "Well, I guess I earned a nice- FUCK!"
  434. >Rarity is at the door, with crossed arms
  435. "Hum.... at least I wore a condom"
  436. >"Look Anonymous, while we indeed fucked Sweetie Belle, I do not approve you go and have your way with her. I felt something was off when I heard Justing Bieber. She doesn't listens to his music"
  437. "But weren't you sleeping?"
  438. >"I passed out for a moment. I woke up when you kissed me"
  439. "Oh... crap"
  440. >"Back on the subject: while I'm not happy with your methods, I'm happy you have been there for her, and didn't broke her heart"
  441. "Oh... glad to help, haha"
  442. >"On the other hand..."
  443. >She grabs your balls in one quick move
  444. "...!"
  445. >"Fuck my sister again, and I'll chop it off. We may be on vacations, but you still have obligations with YOUR ONE girlfriend. Understood?"
  446. "Clear as the sky: never touching your sister again"
  447. >"Good"
  448. >She lets anon jr go
  449. >"Have a good night darling"
  450. >She goes back to her room
  451. >You don't waste any time, and return to your bedroom and make yourself a bath
  452. >Taking a dip, you let yourself relax and let your mind wander off
  453. >You know you won't keep your promise with Rarity. Their friends are still available to be loved, and you didn't sent your old buddies away just to miss out
  454. >But as you are relaxing, a funny though crosses your mind, making you chuckle
  455. "She is jealous"

[NSFW] Bella's big movie

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[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 1

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[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 2

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[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 3

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[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 4

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