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[NSFW] NN - A normal BOI M3 part 2

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-04 00:00:46
Expiry: Never

  1. >After some time, you manage to get on your feet
  2. >You grabbed the fedora, and nothing happens
  3. "Guys, we are in serious shit. Scott is on us, and he won't stop until he is either satisfied or bored. In both cases we are going to die, so we have to stop him"
  4. SS: And how are we going to do that?
  5. "Nolan, you still have the coordinates where the readings showed up?"
  6. N: Yeah, give me a minute
  7. >He takes his phone out, and a few moments later a blip comes from it
  8. N: Alright, HQ gave me the coordinates. One reading was found in the Planetarium
  9. >You show the fedora
  10. N: Right. The second was at the Canterlot Public Library
  11. TS: Norman, let me help you. I've been there thousands of times
  12. N: The third one was at our highschool
  13. SS: I can go. I still have the master key to all the doors
  14. "Why do you have something like that?"
  15. SS: I used it to make a lot of pranks when I was a bitch. Let's not get into details
  16. N: And the last one was in the old poetry coffee shop. Intel from Coffee Klatch said that the basement is at least 3 floors depth, and the place isn't abandoned. Some sort of cult has taken over
  17. >Nolan looks at you
  18. >You don't say anything. You only pat the area where your gun is
  19. >He nods
  21. >For now, the safest route is to go somewhere you already know
  22. "Ok. Sunset, you are coming with me. Nolan, take Twilight to HQ and then wait for my call"
  23. N: Are you sure you won't need my backup?
  24. "We are just going to Canterlot High. We aren't going to do something bad"
  25. N: Alright. Come on Twilight, we can explain this situation better there"
  26. TS: Uhhh... Ok. Take care Norman
  27. >Everyone leaves the room, but you explain that you didn't used the front door. You sneaked in
  28. >You leave the academy by going to the west wing again, and then you regroup with the girls
  29. >Nolan takes Purple away inside a Venom
  30. >"Wow, you guys must have a great job. Where is your car?"
  31. "Here"
  32. >You press the car's control keys, and the minivan arrives
  33. >"Are you kidding me?"
  34. "Get in"
  35. >"Nolan gets to drive a supercar, and you still drive that piece of junk?"
  36. >You open the passenger seat door
  37. "Get in, please?"
  38. >"I can't believe this"
  39. >Both are inside now. You put the seatbelt on, but she doesn't
  40. "Are you going to put on your seatbelt?"
  41. >"I'm not a novice anymore, I don't need it"
  42. "Suit yourself"
  43. >You start the car, and the engine lets out a mean sound
  44. >"What is that?"
  45. "I like to keep my car stock, thank you"
  46. >You go forward quickly, and Sunset goes into the passenger seat
  47. >"Minivans don't go this fast!"
  48. "The car is stock. What is inside, doesn't"
  49. >You go to a corner, and keep going faster
  50. >"What are you doing?! We are going to crash!"
  51. >You keep going faster
  52. >She buckles up quickly, and you smile
  53. >You get into the curve, and understeer the car
  54. >You break hard, and pull the handwheel all the way to the right
  55. >The minivan clears the corner in one swift motion as you compensate with the accelerator while rising the changes
  56. >Sunset is still grabbing the seat
  57. "This is why you should buckle up"
  58. >You expect to reach the city in 2 hours
  60. >Two hours later, you stop the car in front of the school
  61. >Canterlot Highschool: where the most crazy types of people comes to study and try to get a graduation diploma to go through life
  62. >You though you could leave this place in the past, but looks like it won't be that easy
  63. >You leave your car and open the passenger seat
  64. >Sunset is grabbing the seat with all her might
  65. >Looks like she didn't like your driving style so much
  66. "Hey Sunset"
  67. >no answer
  68. "Hey sunny"
  69. >There's no answer
  70. "Sunset!"
  71. >"Ah! We stop? We really did?"
  72. "Yeah, a few minutes ago"
  73. >"You maniac! What kind of freak drifts in corners and jumps around the road?!"
  74. "I was trying to beat my time from Canterlot to Everton and back, and I beat it for 2 minutes less"
  75. >"Well, next time you race, don't do it with me inside the car!!"
  76. "Fine. Just get moving, we are in CHS and time is what we need now"
  77. >She removes her seatbelt, and walks to the main door
  78. >"Let's hope they didn't change the lock"
  79. >*Click*
  80. >"Bingo. Quick, get in"
  81. >Inside, now you only have to find Scott's remmant
  82. "Well, if I still remember, he hanged around the fashion club, the computer room using the oldest machine, his locker, and our table in the cafeteria"
  83. >"Where should we start?"
  85. "Let's check his locker. He probably left something in there"
  86. >You two go into the hallways
  87. >A few things has changed: the water fountain now works, and there a few signs to know where to go
  88. >Finally, this school is way more bigger than it looks like
  89. >A few moments later, you two are in front of Scott's old locker
  90. "Well, here we are"
  91. >"Can you open it?"
  92. "10 dollars you can't"
  93. >"Bibity-whop!"
  94. >She gives soft punches to the locker and opens up
  95. "Own you $10. Knew you didn't forgot"
  96. >"Well, there's nothing. Another student has this locker now"
  97. "Not this locker"
  98. >You remove the false wall
  99. "This one"
  100. >After seeing inside, there was nothing
  101. >Some forgotten money, a few cassetes and vinyls, but nothing linking straight to him
  102. "Nope. Nothing here"
  104. >You two march to another place where "he" would be
  105. >Passing by, you see your old locker
  106. "Hey, I remember this"
  107. >you walk up to it
  108. >"Norman, what are you doing?"
  109. "Don't you remember this? Is my locker"
  110. >She flusters a bit
  111. >"O-Oh... I forgot about it"
  112. "Come on, we had a few good runs in here"
  113. >"Don't say it like that!"
  114. "I bet I can still open it"
  115. >"You don't have to-"
  116. *Click!* "haha, look! I still remember my combination. I bet I can fit"
  117. >"Norman, stop being silly! We have a job to do!"
  118. >You are already inside
  119. "Hehehe. Good times"
  120. >"Norman! Leave that locker before-"
  121. >Some steps come from afar
  122. >"...!"
  123. "Quick, Get in!"
  124. >"What?! I'm not going to-"
  125. "Too late!"
  126. >You take Sunset's arm, and make her get in the locker
  127. >You cover her mouth as she tries to lose you
  128. >The steps sound closer, and Sunset closes the door in a quick move
  129. >A shadowy figure pass in front of you two. For some reason, both of you felt very helpless and exposed
  130. >The figure stops in front of the locker, breaths heavy for a moment, and keeps moving forward
  131. >A while later, the stepping sounds stop
  132. >"What was that?"
  133. "I don't know. We better get out of here"
  134. >"Okay" *klang* "Come on! *klang**klang*
  135. "We are stuck"
  136. >"Oh no. This is your fault!"
  137. "Tell me something I don't know Sunset"
  138. >"And how do we get out?!"
  139. "Scott used to bust me out after you fucked me"
  140. >"Arg! Great, we are here until tomorrow"
  141. "At least we are comfy in here"
  142. >"Speak for yourself... Wait! Speak!"
  143. "What?"
  144. >"My phone! Maybe I can call Twilight and-"
  145. >The phone has no signal
  146. >"What?!"
  147. "This locker is thick and made of metal: hard to get any signal inside. Don't you think I would have called anyone everytime you locked me in here?"
  148. >"Ok, sorry! I was an idiot back then"
  149. >Both of you keep quiet for a while
  150. "..."
  151. >"..."
  152. "... Sunset, why you always were so mean to me?"
  153. >Sunset looks at you
  155. "I though I had it bad when everyone though I was a racist, but then you came and raped me. After those fish girls came, you told the truth, and everyone started: "Hey man, where are your balls?", "So, did she pegged you?". Let alone what you did with Naomi: when she knew the truth, she broke up with me and her brother beat the shit out of me"
  156. >She looks at you much more sadder
  157. "I never did anything wrong to you, yet you crush my life with ease. And even when you tried to fix everything, you did the exact same opposite, and fucked whatever normal life I could have left"
  158. >You look at her eyes
  159. "What did I ever do to you that you hurt me so bad?"
  160. >"N-Norman, I never meant to hurt you"
  161. "But you did. Why did you had to do that?"
  162. >"I..."
  163. >she closes her eyes, and rest her head on your chest
  164. >You feel some humidity on your chest
  165. >"All my life I've been looked down. I always could do more than the rest, yet Princess Celestia said I was reckless. When the idea of taking the crown came to my head, I came to this world and I just did the same thing: I made people hate each other"
  166. "The fake messages and rumors"
  167. "Uh-hu. When everyone was divided, I picked brad to do whatever I want. I was the popular girl, I never had to worry about being truly liked or not. But then I had problems in the school subjects..."
  168. "And that's when I come into play"
  169. >*Sniff* "I didn't think through. I though if I had you to do whatever I wanted, I could be ok without any problems. A-and when I apologize for everything, I never cared about the consequences and..."
  170. >She hugs you more tightly
  171. >"I never truly changed. I always do the same: I just move people around and I go wherever suits me better. My apologize wasn't sincere. I probably just went with Twilight's friends so I could just walk over the problem, and even when I told what I did to you, I just spoke from the mouth and ignored what would happen to you or anyone"
  172. >You put your hand on her shoulder
  174. >"Maybe I'm doing it now. Twilight and me got a schoolarship to Everton, but I never leave her side. I'm always behind her. The girls call us lesbians or that Twilight is the one who orders me, and they are probably right. I'm scared to try to face a failure"
  175. "Well, you are in front of one"
  176. >She looks at you
  177. "Highschool was Hell for whatever what's left. Slowly my friends either flunked or dropped out, Brad knocked Rainbow up, and both went to DC so she could be an astronaut and he joined the Airforce. Nolan became a Saint, Amy has her group in Britain, Sophie went to law school and Axel joined the police. Meanwhile, I just ran away. I though that be alone and become another normal guy scrapping to get the end of the month for the rest of my days was the way to be, yet I never felt realized. I always felt I was either killing something inside of me, or that I forgot something. Always chasing me, always unfulfilled. When BOI recruited me and they said it was in Canterlot City, I felt that finally I could get the answers I needed"
  178. >"Did you find them?"
  179. "No. I still feel lost, like this isn't my place"
  180. >Both keep quiet again
  181. "..."
  182. >"..."
  183. "..."
  184. >"... Norman?"
  185. "Hmm?"
  186. >"I want to apologize. Really, I do. I'm sorry for raping you and for make you leave this town angry, and that even when we fucked I just played with your emotions as I saw fit. You deserved I treated you better"
  187. "Don't worry. It doesn't matter anymore"
  188. >"At least I wish the door could open"
  189. "Me too"
  190. >"..."
  191. "... Now that I think about it. Maybe we can"
  192. >"What do you mean"
  193. >You take out your gun, and Sunset gets scared
  194. "The lock is thin. If I shoot it, maybe we can get out"
  195. >"And if you fail?"
  196. "The bullet will bounce, and maybe we can die here"
  198. >"It's too risky. Don't do that"
  199. "Ok"
  200. >"..."
  201. "... Hey Sunset"
  202. >"Uh?"
  203. "Since we are here, how about we bang?"
  204. >You wink at her
  205. >"You asshole, I opened my heart to you and all you care is fucking me?!"
  206. >She punches you right in the balls
  207. >You didn't put yout gun away, so you pulled the trigger
  208. >Luckily, the bullet hits the lock, and the door is open
  209. >Both don't move for a moment
  210. >Well, Sunset doesn't move. You are recovering in the locker's wall
  211. >No sound, so it's safe
  212. >"That's better. Now we can leave"
  213. "Sunset, what the fuck? I was joking"
  214. >"Joking?!"
  215. "I had a gun? We had sex in the locker? Bang?"
  216. >"Well, good to know you didn't lose your humor you fucking pervert"
  217. >You two leave your locker
  218. "Alright. I admit I had your trust for granted. I'm sorry, was too soon"
  219. >You put your gun away
  220. "Come on. We still need to find something tied to Scott"
  221. >As you two walk around the corridors, Sunset gets close
  222. >"Norman, what we spoke in your locker, please keep it between us, ok?"
  223. >You hold her hand, and smile at her
  224. "Everything for a friend Sunset"
  225. >She returns the smile
  226. >For the rest of the trail, She didn't let go off your hand
  228. >Well, now that the locker is out, you could have some luck in the classrooms
  229. >You two enter the fashion club: inside, there are a lot of mannequins
  230. >And one has Scott's scarf!
  231. "Look! We found it!"
  232. >"Wait norman, this could be a set-up"
  233. "I know, but this is our only lead. We need the scarf"
  234. >You walk up to the mannequin, and touch it
  235. >In a loud flash, the room changes to a gruesome scenery where the mannequins changed to bleeding butchered torsos
  236. >The walls are destroyed, and the floor is splattered with blood
  237. >But the worst part was the mannequin with the scarf: it changed into you!
  238. >Well, not exactly: his clothing was purple, and his hair was orange
  239. >You let the scarf go, but you don't leave the nightmare world
  240. >You give a few steps back, and trip
  241. >The other Norman walks up to you, and fall onto his knees, very close to you
  242. >You take your gun, and point it at him
  243. >He grabs the barrel and crush it
  244. >You throw the gun at him but he evades it
  245. >When you think it can't get worse, he raises his hands as his fingers grow longer and pointy
  246. >You can see it: he is going to stab you with his bare hands!
  247. >Think, Norman, think!
  249. >You won't die here!
  250. >You throw a hammer punch to his face
  251. >Looks like he didn't expect it. He received the full blow
  252. >The monster stands up, and you do it
  253. >You don't give him a rest. You clinch him and give two knee strikes to the chest
  254. >When he tries to recover, you go straight to a direct hit to the face
  255. >The loud bang happens again
  256. *PUM!*
  257. >Your punch knocked down Sunset!
  258. "Oh shit, Sunset!"
  259. >You check on her. She is just unconcious
  260. >The heavy breathing and steps sounds again
  261. >You check the room, and see big covers of cloth
  262. >You drag Shimmer to it, and cover both of you
  263. >The door opens, and is what you suspected: whatever you fought has crossed over
  264. >The other Norman is holding his chest as he walks with a broken nose
  265. >You see him barely, but it looks like he is trying to find you
  266. >Even though it was scary, now he looks very weak
  267. >Looks like he can't be in this dimension for too long
  268. >He turns back, and leaves the room
  269. >You uncover yourself, and go for the scarf
  270. >Using a few pieces of cloth as a bag, you take it. You don't want to hold it for long
  271. >Going through the corridors isn't an option. Good thing the fashion club is only one store high
  272. >Grabbing an unconcious Sunset, you jump
  273. >The fall was successful, so you go back to your car
  274. >You let Sunset rest in the back passenger seat, and drive away from the school
  276. *ring**ring* "Hello? Norman?"
  277. >"Nolan, sweet Jesus you picked up!"
  278. "Hey man, relax. What happened?"
  279. >"I knock the fuck out of Sunset! That's what happened!"
  280. "Wait what?! Why did you do that?"
  281. >"Just tell me where is an entrance to HQ! Scott has a demon under him and almost killed me!"
  282. "Alright, hold on.... If you go to Mustang Street, there's a garage that can take you here. It's one next to a sushi store"
  283. >"Where Sunset used to work?! Are you shitting me?!"
  284. "You want to come here or not? Go there"
  285. >"Fine goddammit!"
  286. >The calls ends quickly
  287. >40 minutes later, Norman comes carrying Sunset
  288. NN: Call some agents, I need help now
  289. "Norman calm down. What happened?"
  290. NN: We went to the school, I found Scott's scarf and-
  291. TS: Sunset!
  292. NN: Fuck! Purple, go away!
  293. TS: What happened to her?
  294. NN: I hit her, but I didn't mean it!
  295. TS: Wha-why did you do that?!
  296. "Both of you, shut up!"
  297. >They look at you
  298. "I will take care of this, but we need to regroup at the hub"
  299. >A few moments later, everyone is at the hub
  300. >Mr. Smile is there just to hear the progress so far
  301. NN: And that's what happened. I jump from the window, and looks like a demon was let out
  302. Mr. S: Looks like this threat was bigger than we though
  303. >A medic comes in
  304. NN: How is Sunset?
  305. M: Don't be afraid agent Normal. She is recovering now, but probably won't like to see you when she is up. Let her calm down
  306. NN: Alright
  307. Mr. S: Good to know. Agent Normal, your position as the leader is temporaly out. Agent North, you are the new leader of this operation now
  308. "Yes sir"
  309. Mr. S: Take your next target and be done with this
  310. >The screen turns off and the lights are up
  312. >You are Nolan
  313. >Now that the enemy knows what you are up to, it's better to attack while the iron is hot
  314. "Ok. Norman, let's go. We are going to the coffee place"
  315. NN: Okay, let's go. Purple, whe Sunset wakes up, tell her I'm sorry
  316. TS: Ok, I'll do it
  317. >Norman and you leave the hub, and get into the armory
  318. "Whatever cult we are fighting, we are cleaning the place up"
  319. >Norman grabs a shotgun
  320. >"Are you really sure we will need this kind of hardware?"
  321. >You grab an MG
  322. "They didn't sound like they liked strangers around"
  323. >Norman grabs two colt .45's
  324. >"Okay, where is what we are trying to find?"
  325. >You grab two UZ-i's
  326. "Probably in the last floor. After Klatch made contact, they have been really inspired with security"
  327. >Norman grabs two kevlar
  328. >"We better hurry up"
  329. "Don't worry..."
  330. >You two lock and load
  331. "... They will join their dark lord soon"

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