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The feels...

By kqaii
Created: 2022-01-11 14:10:48
Updated: 2022-01-12 04:51:13
Expiry: Never

  1. original author is Anon.
  3. ---
  5. [Lyra]
  7. > Not gay
  8. > Not even slightly
  9. > Live with Bon Bon anyway
  10. > Know she's gay
  11. > Know she's waiting for soemthing to happen
  12. > Know she's giving it time
  13. > Giving ME time
  14. > I drag it out
  15. > I just like living with her, being taken care of financially
  16. > If we weren't living like a couple, I'd have to get a real job
  17. > She pays the bills while I pursue my musical career
  18. > It's... not working out
  19. > I even play along with the gay thing
  20. > Give her cuddles, naughty looks, let "sexy" moments happen
  21. > Keep her thinking something is *this close* to happening
  22. > It never will
  23. > Feel terrible
  24. > Just scared she'll leave me and have to provide for myself or move back in with parents
  25. > Fuck my life
  27. ---
  29. [Big Mac]
  31. 1:
  32. > Work on farm
  33. > Get scholership to University
  34. > Complete degree in civil engineering
  35. > No jobs in Canterlot
  36. > No jobs anywhere without connections
  37. > Come home to Ponyville
  38. > Family supportive
  39. > Their "you tried your best" pats onthe back sting
  40. > No jobs in Ponyville
  41. > Small town industry/economy
  42. > People rely on "magic".
  43. > End up doing the same farm work I did as a kid
  44. > Get hurt
  45. > have to share duties with "dumb but good-hearted" little sister
  46. > No one to talk to
  47. > Can feel all my skills/knowledge fading away
  48. > Am *this* close to just accepting my fate
  49. > I'm staying here
  50. > On the farm
  51. > eeyup
  54. 2:
  55. >no mom
  56. >no dad
  57. >mom died giving birth to Applejack
  58. >dad hung himself that night
  59. >my girlfriend told everyone in town I was a philly fooler before electrocuting herself
  60. >all the mares think I'm creepy
  61. >always wanted a kid of my own
  62. >Applejack came home one night drunk and passed out in the kitchen
  63. >I did the deed and got her pregnant
  64. >she doesn't remember the night
  65. >thinks it was some town colt but can't figure out who
  66. >I only wanted a child of my own to love and take care of
  69. 3:
  70. >Just turned 18
  71. >Took the scholarship test in secret at town hall while running errands
  72. >Pa found the letter in the mail anyway
  73. >He was real upset, for a whole bunch of reasons
  74. >Needed the help on the farm, needed another stallion around
  75. >Didn't want me going to Canterlot, hanging out with prissy unicorn colts
  76. >Didn't think figurin' was anything but mare's work
  77. >What made him the maddest though, was the letter saying l was accepted
  78. >We got into a huge row
  79. >I'll never forget what l said when l left
  80. >"I hate you, Pa."
  81. >I meant it too, even if it made little Applejack cry, not that l wanted to hurt her
  82. >So, l left
  83. >Walked to Manehatten, took the train to Canterlot
  84. >They did dorm me up with a unicorn, just like Pa would have hated
  85. >Tall, strong, snow white, electric blue mane
  86. >Watching him do magic, changing the world with just his mind, it was amazing
  87. >Then we'd pull out our books and he'd be flabbergasted at my calculus warmups
  88. >He was Captain of the hornball team, and he even condoned to playing hoofball with me and a few of the pegasus kids too
  89. >I'll admit, tackled him every chance l got
  90. >Hurt pretty bad when l saw that pretty pink princess leap into his arms
  91. >I'll admit though, she was good enough for him
  92. >What hurt a whole world worse though, was when l got the letter about the accident
  93. >I dropped everything, didn't even pack, just galloped to the station fast as l could
  94. >They were already in the ground by the time l got back
  95. >Didn't even get to see them one last time, never got to apologize
  96. >It was a lot of hard work from then on
  97. >Lots of bucking, had to squeeze the budget to death to get everyone through the first few winters
  98. >Granny always talked up my 'fancy mathematics', at least it had always made her proud
  99. >Never finished my degree
  100. >Never had the chance
  101. >I was so happy when l got my cutie mark, the very first time mom showed me the farm budget and l organized her ledger better than she had it
  102. >I thought it meant l could go far
  103. >But the Apple never falls far
  106. 4:
  107. >Parents good, hardworking farm ponies
  108. >Worked too hard. Worked into their grave to care for us.
  109. >I swore on their deathbeds to see no one else would suffer this again
  110. >I work day and night, just like my family. I work so no one else will have to work so hard again.
  111. >Sisters don't understand me
  112. >My grandmother doesn't understand me
  113. >But I have learned to bend steel
  114. >I have learned to make metal move
  115. >I have made constructs that withstood all the hell ponies go through
  116. >And with their hooves of iron, there's not a task we couldn't do
  118. >They've waited so long for this day
  119. >Someone to take the death away
  120. >No son would ever have to say:
  121. >"My father worked into his grave"
  123. ---
  125. [Berry Punch]
  127. >I hate alcohol
  128. >I really hate alcohol
  129. >I used to drink it as a filly to make my classmates think i was cool
  130. >I drank it in finishing school because it was expected
  131. >I didn't have even a single friend who did want to drink or have me drink
  132. >I don't know how to have fun without alcohol
  133. >I don't feel like I'm myself when I'm sober.
  134. >I can't pay my student debts and am three months behind on rent.
  135. >But I always can afford the punch.
  136. >So come on over, it's Wednesday night, and have some punch with me.
  138. >I hear I'm much more interesting when I'm drunk.
  139. >Because it doesn't hurt anymore.
  141. ---
  143. [Rainbow Dash]
  145. 1:
  146. >Be in the closet
  147. >Have to constantly attended high fundamental religious school
  148. >Get made fun of constantly
  149. >Suppress homosexuality from therein
  150. >Find a nice bunch of girls
  151. >None of them are gay
  152. >Get the shy one to say I was really cool in school
  153. >Get so close to wanting to get her on the damn close
  154. >She calls the police for sexual harrassment, I beg her to drop charges
  155. >She does...surprisingly
  156. >Cry because of lack of marefriends
  157. >Never find love
  158. >And they say love is blind..
  161. 2:
  162. >Dear Celestia,
  164. >I used to be able to fly faster than an eagle and a falcon put together
  165. >I was vice captain of the Junior Speedsters
  166. >I even got to blow the whistle sometimes
  167. >My name is engraved on a two hundred year old wall
  168. >I'm the only pegasus to crack the rainboom barrier in thirty years.
  169. >I single handedly pulled off the water funnel to Cloudsdale
  170. >I know, I KNOW I was pulling 30 WP while my friend was only doing 5.
  171. >After that prereq, I passed the Wonderbolts exam.
  172. >Head of the line, first try, 2000m in 20 seconds flat.
  173. >I was so excited
  174. >i pulled a Rainboom all the way back to ponyville.
  176. >But I was too cocky
  178. >I was too happy
  180. >I lost control
  182. >And now Nurse Redheart changes the bag beneath my chair twice a day
  183. >I eat pudding with Ditzy "fucking Derp" Doo every morning.
  184. >Except she can fly, and does her retard day job like a champ
  185. >And here I am shitting myself.
  186. >What am I supposed to learn from this, Princess?
  189. 3:
  190. >Be the fastest flier in Equestria
  191. >The fastest thing alive
  192. >From my standpoint, everyone else is standing still
  193. >They talk so damn slow
  194. >They all practically live in a separate world from me
  195. >They live in a single, beautiful, perfect moment
  196. >Every time I try to stop to join them, the moment's gone
  197. >All this because that lightning cloud got loose in the rainbow lab somehow
  198. >A freak accident now defines everything about my life
  199. >I am Dash
  201. ---
  203. [Fluttershy]
  205. 1:
  206. >My friends and I have been in some really rough situations
  207. >Dragons, cockatrices, changelings, you name it
  208. >Yet somehow, we always come out
  209. >Or rather, they always come out on top
  210. >I've had my moments, but I know they were just flukes
  211. >Deep down, I know I'm nothing but a coward
  212. >I want nothing more than to see my friends safe and happy
  213. >But one day, I know, my friends will be in trouble
  214. >And the only pony that can save them will be me
  215. >But the only thing getting in the way
  216. >Is myself
  219. 2:
  220. >My parents were loud
  221. >My Dad shouted every word he spoke
  222. >And my Mom, her voice cut through the clouds and walls like a knife
  223. >He shouted and she shrieked every day
  224. >All night too
  225. >I never wanted anything more than silence
  226. >I tried to whisper to bring their volume down
  227. >They just talked over me
  228. >Soon I started skipping meals
  229. >I couldn't stand to hear them argue
  230. >I felt sick all the time
  231. >But my mother liked how thin I was
  232. >She thought I was cute and beautiful
  233. >She had never said that before
  234. >When I left Cloudsdale I never looked back
  235. >A long time after that I met a man named "Iron Will"
  236. >He taught me I was just like my father after all
  238. ---
  240. [Applejack]
  242. 1:
  243. >I woke up early yesterday morning
  244. >My hips hurt a little, and my lower back was sore.
  245. >I hadn't even done any heavy work the day before.
  246. >I asked Big Mac, but I already knew everything he had to say
  247. >But sometime you just wanna hear your big brother talk
  248. >Specially when you reckon his voice must sound a lot like what Dad's would have
  249. >He tells me his hips started to hurt four years ago
  250. >He never told me
  251. >He even handled the halfa the Applebuck season while I went to the Gala last year
  252. >Say I should switch to drafting carts for awhile and let him buck for a few weeks
  253. >Realize he's been rotating labor my whole working life for a reason.
  254. >I'm only 22
  255. >I have at least fourty more years of hard work ahead of me
  256. >They already hurt, and soon they'll be ground to dust like Granny's
  257. >And I can't reckon if there's going to be anypony to take care of me when I'm that old.
  258. >Mac and I work too hard as is
  259. >We just can't afford to take care of another mouth right now, even if Applebloom starts bucking
  261. >But I don't want her to have to start so soon, like Mac and I did
  262. >But if I wait too long maybe I can't bear any fruit of my own
  264. >I just don't know what to do.
  266. 2:
  267. > Be a farmer
  268. > Live with a big brother and little sister
  269. > Sister is grown up and moves out
  270. > Brother has been seeing Cherilee for a while now
  271. > Cherilee confronts me about the house and Sweet Apple Acres
  272. > Tell that it's my property too
  273. > Her arguement is that she's pregnant, the baby will be born soon and she wants to have family in the house without their aunt.
  274. > Can't imagine me, a single mare living with them too
  275. > Still refuse
  276. > Brother talks to me, convinces me to move out
  277. > Can't deny him, wishes him all the luck
  278. > Move into town, start selling the apples he brings from Sweet Apple Acres
  279. > Go less and less to the old farm
  280. > Go home to empty appartment
  281. > Sigh
  284. 3:
  285. >Work on farm
  286. >Have the best family ever
  287. >Lots of fantastic friends, too
  288. >Go on adventures with them regularly
  289. >Always have a blast with them
  290. >Life is amazing
  291. >It's not easy being such a great pone
  293. ---
  295. [Rarity]
  297. 1:
  298. >Be young
  299. >Be in high school
  300. >Go to party
  301. >See drugs...alcohol...colts...
  302. >I never asked for this.png
  303. >It's my friend's birthday
  304. >have never really done this stuff before, dad being a cop and all...
  305. >Start partying, getting dizzy
  306. >A nice colt grabs me...says he'll help me refresh out back
  308. >He doesn't
  310. >He grabs me forcefully behind a bush, starts inserting himself inside of me
  311. >I beg him to stop
  312. >He never did
  313. >Kept pounding until he came
  314. >I cry as he starts beating me until I black out
  315. >Wake up in a hospital
  316. >Leave ASAP
  317. >Later find out I'm pregnant
  318. >Mom and dad won't let me get an abortion
  319. >A few months later, a filly arrives
  320. >A few years later, Sweetie Belle asks for me to help make a "Happy Mother's Day" card for my mom
  321. >I cry and run away.
  324. 2:
  325. >Ran away from home, parents were too buys with little sister to notice
  326. >Moved into abandoned house, lived there until I could claim it from squatter's rights.
  327. >Start to furnish the place. Make it livable.
  328. >Hunt up gems, sell them on the dragon black market. Barely making ends meet.
  329. >Finally manage to purchase enough silk to make a dress for the next open fashion night.
  330. >piece by piece, stich together my business empire.
  331. >pay back the old owner of the house, I'm finally free from debt.
  332. >get home, parents there.
  333. >"lost all our money to the loan sharks. On gambling. Look after your sister. Bye!"
  334. >allofmywat
  335. >take her out, get her to make some friends.
  336. >oh god, she's actually retarded.
  337. >bring home one of my 'special friends' for 'special cuddle time'.
  338. >she's lying on the table, rolling in her own shit
  339. >Go up the stairs
  340. >to the first floor
  341. >open the door
  342. >everybody walk the dinosaur
  344. ---
  346. [Twilight Sparkle]
  348. 1:
  349. >Be pretty smart...or at least I tell myself
  350. >Everything I now is from books
  351. >Books others wrote
  352. >I one day...reading "An Egghead's guide to Communism" have an epiphany
  353. >I have never came up with a single thing
  354. >Never
  355. >Not once
  356. >I sit back and think, of all the meaningless facts and figures I have organized
  357. >How much of a worthless piece of shit I am
  358. >How even Applejack, who figures out practical problems, could be considered more intelligent then me
  359. >I am the dumbest mare in the town
  360. >And the loneliest
  361. >My friends may not even like me for who I am, just merely who I know
  362. >I realize that my personality is all built on the face that I am a nerd
  363. >More shallow then Rarity
  364. >Dumber then Applejack
  365. >More of a shutin then Fluttershy
  366. >Worthless
  367. >Completely worthless
  370. 2:
  371. >How many stars are in Orion's belt?
  372. >3
  373. >How many primary forms of magic are there?
  374. >12
  375. >How many primary Equestrian cities are there?
  376. >13
  377. >How many petals are on a Celestial Rose?
  378. >17
  379. >How many books are published in the "Daring Do" series?
  380. >25, minus appendixes and artbooks
  382. >How many times can a filly have her heart broken?
  383. >Once
  384. >Just once.
  387. 3:
  388. >I've passed the entrance exam
  389. >It's the first day of school for the gifted unicorns like myself
  390. >I'm so nervous I can hardly eat
  391. >Spend so long trying to eat my oats I'm almost late
  392. >Run like a little retard through the streets
  393. >7:59
  394. >I slam, and I mean SLAM into the front door of the academy
  395. >It won't open!
  396. >Fuck it won't open!
  397. >I'm pushing and slamming this bitch for all I'm worth
  398. >I can't fail now
  399. >This is the direction of my entire life right here
  400. >Everyone is looking at me through the window
  401. >Celestia is right there
  402. >39 classmates are staring at me.
  403. >I gesture wildly to unlock the door for my.
  404. >Press my face up against the glass, scream about how I'm sorry I was tardy please don't expel me
  406. >Celestia gently trots over to the door
  407. >What grace, beauty, and generosity.
  408. >She gently pushes the unlatched door open, towards me.
  410. >I read a book about tying a noose that afternoon, alone in the library.
  411. >And that's why you're all my very first friends!
  413. ---
  415. [Pinkie]
  417. 1:
  418. >be lonely
  419. >made fun of all throughout fillyschool
  420. >depression, no life direction
  421. >mareschool arrives
  422. >things start to get better
  423. >learns how to laugh at the insults
  424. >everyone thinks I'm the cool one
  425. >hides behind a mask of confidence
  426. >no one cares about me and assumes I can take on the world
  427. >I still don't have a direction for life
  428. >I still laugh at the insults
  429. >they kill me on the inside
  430. >I'm alone
  431. >so very alone behind my facade,
  432. >my mask, that is my prison.
  433. >you can't have your cake...and eat it too.
  436. 2:
  437. >Why can't I be normal?
  438. >Pinned against a cop car, yelled at, asked questions
  439. >I didn't mean to touch the foal like that!
  440. > be honest, I kind of did...
  441. >I always feel like a filly....and so, I should date fillies and colts!
  442. >It's only natural right...
  443. >RIGHT!
  444. >My friends look at me weird, I try to make them laugh
  445. >They just look at me
  446. >I now have to wear a big metal bracelet on my right hindleg
  447. >I really want to go and have another party!
  448. >They won't let me.
  449. >Noone will
  452. 3:
  453. >A day doesn't go by when I don't think of her
  454. >My best friend from high school
  455. >We did everything together and shared lots of laughs
  456. >One day, she told me a secret
  457. >I promised not to tell anyone
  458. >She told me she was attracted to mares and didn't know what to do
  459. >I told her everything would be OK, I would love her no matter what
  460. >A couple days later I was at a party with her
  461. >I was being myself, jumping around, being the silly clown
  462. >Talking a million miles an hour, not thinking
  463. >Accidentally blurted out that my friend likes girls
  464. >Practically the whole town finds out
  465. >She gets bullied and beat up at school
  466. >Her parents disown her
  467. >Try to make her happy but she tells me I've ruined her life
  468. >I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry
  469. >No matter what I do to help it doesn't get better
  470. >A couple days later I find out she hanged herself
  471. >I wish I could go back to change her mind but it's too late now
  472. >Ever since then I''ve taken secrets seriously
  473. >Losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend
  474. >Forever.
  476. ---
  478. [Celestia]
  480. >I'm the reigning princess of Equestria, the shining >Sun Goddess they all know and love. They >respect me. They adore me. They literally >worship me. They love and want and need my >rule. But I'm alone. For a thousand and a >thousand years and more I've been alone.
  482. >I sent my sister to the moon for an entire >millennium. I had no other choice.
  483. >My subjects knew I found it regrettable, but they >didn't know the true extent of the heartbreak. I >loved her with all my heart, so all of my heart >broke while I mourned her departure.
  485. >But I had to keep on ruling. I had to keep
  486. >on making pretty speeches. I had to be beautiful,
  487. >my tone of voice just right, my posture picture >perfect, my alicorn horn and wings presented just >so to remind them that their benevolent god
  488. >was there and would always be perfect.
  490. >They couldn't know I was broken inside.
  492. >Far be it from me to say that Luna's exile was all >that made me lonely. My best friends through the >ages of my rule, the rare few ponies who weren't >intimidated by my stature as an alicorn, I have >known to be like transient dust caught up in the >wind. I am immortal. They are not. They die in >waves like the leaves in autumn.
  494. >Even Starswirl's magic couldn't fend off time.
  495. >I taught him myself to bend time so he could one >day hopefully survive. So he
  496. >could be my friend and know my heart when I >had no one else but foppish, Grand Galloping
  497. >supplicants who were too intimidated to be my >friends but too needy not to throw themselves at >my hooves in worship. But there are some things >even a goddess can't control.
  499. >Yes, time is my enemy, and it is one of the >cruelest ironies of my life that I worshiped for
  500. >governing the cycles of the day that mark its
  501. >inexorable progression.
  503. >Is it any surprise, then, that I so much look >forward to your letters, Twilight? You are my only >window to a world I'll never know - the world of a >normal pony with normal friends and a normal >lifespan. I live vicariously through you the same >way my worshipers live vicariously through me.
  505. >That's why I forgave you so easily for that want it, >need it incident. You were afraid of being tardy. >You were afraid of an infinitesimal gap in
  506. >time making you anything less than perfect to >me. If only you could see time the way I do.
  507. >You would have laughed the same sad laugh I >did.
  509. >Part of my heart dies every time I think,
  510. >against my better judgment, that maybe you >could become what Starswirl couldn't:
  511. >an eternal friend. Because I would so love that. I >would so love another friend.
  513. >But you don't deserve the curse.
  515. >I forgive you. I forgive you for everything, >Twilight. You're my perfect autumn leaf.
  517. >And you'll never get this letter. This is my life's >lesson about friendship. This is how it feels to be
  518. >truly alone...
  520. ---
  522. [Scootaloo]
  524. 1:
  525. >There she goes again
  526. >A streak of rainbow against the sky
  527. >For that one moment, I forget
  528. >I hop off the ground, struggling to flap my wings
  529. >Only to fall back to the ground
  530. >I moan, realization washing over me again
  531. >Rainbow Dash is out of sight at this point
  532. >I loo back at my wings. The tiny, scrawny, horrible little things that the doctors said would never get me off the ground
  533. >I turn back to see my idol's trail dissapating. Words can't express how I long to rise into the air, follow that trail, and strive be on even footing with the world's fastest pegasus
  534. >But deep down, I know I'm just lying to myself
  537. 2:
  538. >Be innaorphanage
  539. >Have friends with very nice families
  540. >Sweetie Belle has her mom and dad
  541. >At least Apple Bloom has a sister.
  542. >I....have nobody
  543. >I hate being alone
  544. >I sit in my bed and cry...cry for someone to pick me up
  545. >They never do
  547. >I constantly hear their side comments about me
  548. >"OH, she looks gay! I don't want a gay child!"
  549. >I scream at them that I'm not
  550. >Although I'm not so sure at times
  551. >I admire Sweetie and Apple Bloom from afar...just wanting to have some company
  552. >They reject my advances
  553. >I try to get Rainbow Dash to like me...I feed her ego constantly...
  554. >But still nothing
  555. >Here I am...alone...forever
  556. >Destined without love
  557. >Destined without anything
  558. >Destined to die alone
  561. 3:
  562. >Grew up alone
  563. >Lived in a foals home
  564. >Always bullied
  565. >Fuck my pathetic wings
  566. >Fuck you for leaving me!
  567. >Only wanted to fit in
  568. >Only wanted to be loved...
  569. >Not sleep under bridges
  570. >But it's ok
  571. >I forgive you
  572. >You never meant for the fire to happen
  573. >You did your best to protect me
  574. >Better deformed than dead, right?
  575. >I love you Mom
  576. >Love you Dad
  577. >I miss you...
  579. ---
  581. [Bon Bon]
  583. >Be gay
  584. >Invite one of my best friends from High School into my house
  585. >I get money
  586. >She doesn't do anything
  587. >I think she moves in for...other purposes
  588. >She plays along with me...constantly letting me play catch and mouse
  589. >She sucks away my money
  590. >Sucks away my time
  591. >I know I can't get anyone else
  592. >Dear god my life sucks
  594. ---
  596. [Zecora]
  598. >Listen closely, and I'll give you a hint
  599. >How I came to be an Equestria immigrant
  600. >I was playing a game, ring and a ball
  601. >Unaware my fortunes were about to fall
  602. >I was resting enjoying the view of the plains
  603. >While some foolish youth made fun of my refrains
  604. >We fought with brevity and I was victorious
  605. >Although I did not anticipate growing notorious
  606. >I was forced in a hot-air balloon, and I was quite scared
  607. >Forced to live with my auntie and uncle in Bel-Air
  609. ---
  611. [Discord]
  613. 1:
  614. >Lived a long life of monotony.
  615. >Eons pass without change.
  616. >Suddenly life appears.
  617. >I watch it grow.
  618. >I watch it spread.
  619. >Fell asleep outside small village.
  620. >Wake up to.filly standing over me.
  621. >She stares at me.
  622. >I give her a glass of's chocolate.
  623. >She smiles.
  624. >I decide.
  625. >I'll make them smile.
  626. >1000 years pass.
  627. >They've stopped smiling so long ago...
  628. >The filly I saw so long ago stands before me.
  629. >Older and beautiful.
  630. >An alicorn.
  631. >She has a sister with her.
  632. >Magic pours from them in the hues of the rainbow.
  633. >It burns.
  634. >But.
  635. >But.
  636. >She smiles.
  639. 2:
  640. > Create oder and equality through balance of the elements
  641. > Have one world revolt with their "magic"
  642. > Get overpowered and enclosed in stone
  643. > Wait thousands of years to awaken
  644. > Try to restore the natural state of things again
  645. > Get enclosed in stone once again by six "elements of harmony"
  647. > That feel when you are the only one that realizes that, if things go unbalanced for too long, everything goes to shit
  648. > That feel when you are only trying to save these poor ponies
  650. ---
  652. [Spike]
  654. 1:
  655. >Hello Applebloom
  656. >Boy, have I sure heard a lot about you
  657. >I was with your sister when we were captured by the diamond dogs
  658. >We were in that pit of hell for over five years
  659. >When two women are in a situation like this
  660. >You take on certain responsibilities of the other
  661. >Take this necklace, for instance
  662. >It's your sisters element of harmony
  663. >It's your birthright.
  664. >And when your sister went into those pits and lost her way
  665. >She knew those bastard dogs were going to try and get their greasy paws on it
  666. >So she hid it in the one place those paws would never reach
  667. >Her ass
  668. >And after five years drafting and digging in that hellhole she died
  669. >And I, as generous as I was, hid that uncomfortable ruby apple up my ass for two years
  670. >After seven long years, I escaped and found my way home to my family
  671. >And now, Applebloom, I give this necklace to you.
  674. 2:
  675. >I was magically hatched, far away from the nest my egg was snatched from
  676. >All i've ever known is the endless task of doing chores and assisting Twilight with whatever she needs done
  677. >I realized long ago that i wasn't like those around me, a curiosity...a beast..
  678. >Twilight tries to cheer me up, but it feels so patronizing.
  679. >While out on an errand, i see some foals playing in a park. They run to their mothers, who smother them with love.
  680. >I suddenly feel so desperately alone and unloved. I hide my tears and go back to my task.
  681. >The same night when i've gone to bed and Twilight says "Goodnight, Spike!"
  682. >I say "Goodnight mommy.."
  683. >She pretends she didn't hear it and walk away.
  684. >This time, i can't stop the tears
  687. 3:
  688. >I'm so hungry
  689. >The only time i get any real nutrients is on the rare occasion i can gain some gems
  690. >ponys are vegetarian but dragons... have fangs for a reason
  691. >I realized a long time ago how shallow Rarity was but i still pretend to love her, i still fawn and work for her
  692. >She has gem and shes generous with them
  694. >I have a fake ego, as in my personality isn't the real me
  695. >It's just a front to fit in to pony society and some times i just lose control and real dragon comes out
  696. >Friends only seen it once when i started to hoard but other time when I'm too hungry my mind just gos away
  697. >Snap back with a full stomach and some ripped apart wood land animal
  698. >It'll start to happen more as I grow larger and need more food
  701. 4:
  702. >Non biological mother
  703. >Never found real parents
  704. >Dragon’s not welcome in Ponyville
  705. >Slave
  706. >Endless hours of chores for no paper
  707. >Early starts, finish super late
  708. >Get moaned at for oversleeping
  709. >Only mare I have feels for is strung for douchey colts
  710. >Not even dragon by dragon standards
  711. >Never listened to though always right
  712. >Outwitted by an owl, an owl that turk murr jurb
  713. >Ponies fucking crazy
  714. >Outlive friends
  715. >Friends
  716. >Under-appreciated
  717. >Learnt to read and write to send Tai letters for Twilight, sort her shit and read her shit
  718. >Still considered a baby
  720. ---
  722. [Trixie]
  724. >Hocus Pocus
  725. >My eyes cannot focus
  726. >As I look inside my crystal ball
  727. >The Great Trixie is not great at all
  728. >I look at myself in this puddle
  729. >Everything I see is incorrect
  730. >I'm a colt not a mare
  731. >I want someone to pay attention for once
  732. >I thought people liked confidence
  733. >I thought people liked magic
  734. >I thought people were accepting
  735. >They aren't
  736. >So here I am...noose around my neck.
  737. >Good bye world
  738. >I will make the Great and Powerful Trixie....disappear.
  740. ---
  742. [Gilda]
  744. >hatchling of Griffon kingdom ambassador to equestria
  745. >raised in the Celestial kingdom, growing up with pegasi
  746. >never really fit in with the ponies
  747. >most of them think I barely count as a person
  748. >fall in with outcasts and fuckups, only ever really feel a connectionn with one mare
  749. >she's almost as much of a freak as me
  750. >Hanng out, cut class, commit petty vandalism, and just fly with her
  751. >we push ourselves to the limits to go as fast and as high as we can
  752. >feel...happy
  753. >but nothing lasts forever
  754. >the mare flunks out of flight school, and you head back to the griffon kingdoms
  755. >just as much as an outcast there as you were in equesteria
  756. >people think growing up with ponies has made you soft
  757. >time passes, wandering over the continent, never fitting in anywhere, never welcomed
  758. >manage to find friend from flight academy again
  759. >she's got a job now...and regular pony friends
  760. >one of them goes out of her way to show me that there's no room for me in their little group
  761. >I can take a hint...don't need to be laughed at by my best friend to see I'm not wanted
  762. >leave in a huff, the only person who I ever really liked choosing to stick with her kind rather then me
  763. >ancestors....why am I such a screw up
  765. ---
  767. [Octavia]
  769. >be just a young filly when it happened
  770. >the abuse was never stopped
  771. >my mothers passing made it harder on my father to cope
  772. >he always took it out on me
  773. >eventually I find a release, my music
  774. >due to my emotion that I poured into my music, it became famous
  775. >no-one knew of the depressing truth behind it
  776. >eventually get enough money to go to Canterlot music university
  777. >leave the past behind me
  778. >met another pony her name is vinyl
  779. >start talking to her a lot we would share secrets, we became very close
  780. >love bloomed between us
  781. >we became even closer, we moved in together
  782. >the memories of the past keep coming back every time I dream
  783. >I always wake screaming in pain
  784. >but when I see vinyl beside me holding me I feel safe
  785. >she will always be mine and I will always be hers
  787. ---
  789. [Dinky]
  791. >It's 9:00 at night
  792. >This is the moment of the day I hate the most
  793. >This is the wrong part.
  794. >My mom stumbles into the room
  795. >She's above my bed
  796. >I pretend to be asleep, but it doesn't matter
  797. >She gently and carefully pushes my shoulder so I'm on my back
  798. >She carefully lays on top of me, full contact over my entire body
  799. >She's supporting her own weight but still firmly pressed against me
  800. >I can't struggle
  801. >Her hooves hold my head in place
  802. >Her tongue is in my mouth
  803. >Stop it mom
  804. >I lay there while she brushes my gums and tongue
  805. >She sort of squeezes me with her thighs
  806. >This is wrong
  807. >And with a wet pop she breaks the seal and drool drips on my face
  808. >"Goodnight muffin! Mommy loves you so much."
  809. >She goes to her own bed
  811. >I've never told anyone else about this until long after I grew up
  813. >Turns out mom was molested the entire time she was a child because she was "special"
  814. >She honestly thought that's how a parent showed their child that they loved them very much
  815. >I wasted ten years of not speaking to my mother
  817. ---
  819. [Shining Armor]
  821. 1:
  822. >Had a crush on my sister's foalsitter
  823. >Figured it was just hormones, she was kinda boring to talk to
  824. >Years later
  825. >Get assigned to guard her room
  826. >She's strong, authoritative, smart
  827. >Seductive
  828. >She's a woman now
  829. >Can't stop thinking about her
  830. >Finally admit it to her
  831. >She smiles
  832. >I'll never forget that smile
  833. >We make love for days
  834. >I propose by the end of the week
  835. >She accepts
  836. >Big day
  837. >Shit happens
  838. >Find out Cadence was some kinda bug...thing
  839. >Marry the real one
  840. >She's just as boring as I remember her
  841. >Drones on about nothing, doesn't order me around or pin me to the wall like her fake did
  842. >Sex is horrible
  843. >Want to leave, want to find my real love
  844. >Work up the courage to finally tell her
  845. >Before I can speak, she hugs me and cheers that she's pregnant
  846. >She's crying
  847. >I start crying too....
  850. 2:
  851. >Captain of Royal Guard
  852. >All of my dreams have been fulfilled
  853. >Beautiful wife
  854. >Beautiful daughter
  855. >Parents couldn't be more proud
  856. >Of my sister
  857. >She's the perfect child
  858. >She's the perfect student
  859. >She's the perfect Element of Magic
  860. >She's my little sister
  861. >More people know her name than mine
  862. >My wife has been distant
  863. >Always asking what I did with the Changeling Queen
  864. >Says she won't get mad
  865. >She can't lie very well
  866. >Find out that Celestia only had me as Captain of Royal Guard as a favor to my sister
  867. >My little sister
  868. >My surprisingly big little sister
  870. >Still Captain of Royal Guard
  871. >Wife spends more and more time with her
  872. >So does daughter
  873. >Daughter says she wants to be like aunt when she grows up
  874. >Sister saves Equestria again
  875. >and again
  876. >and again
  877. >It was true; Princess Celestia WAS training a successor all along
  878. >Attend ceremony
  879. >Whole of Equestria celebrates
  880. >for days
  881. >She makes peace with the Gryphon kingdom
  882. >She invents computers and discovers DNA
  883. >Statues in her glory; whole tomes detailing her life and accomplishments
  884. >Equestria is utopic; guards and military useless
  885. >Still Captain of the Royal Guard
  886. >Must always refer to Her as Her Majesty
  887. >And she enjoys it
  888. >I know it
  889. >Why does she need a guard anyway?
  890. >...Why should she ANYPONY ever needed me anyway?
  891. >Life has become all too like a nightmare
  893. ---
  895. [Luna]
  897. 1:
  898. >The night belonged to me.
  899. >I painted the sky in brilliant pinpoints of light.
  900. >Sailed the moon across the firmament and silvered the land in its light.
  901. >But they loved my sister more.
  902. >No matter what I did, my sister was always better.
  903. >No matter how hard I tried, none looked my way.
  904. >I was never good enough.
  905. >I could never be good enough.
  906. >She would smile and try to cheer me up.
  907. >She doesn't get it.
  908. >She's never been second best.
  909. >I saw them all looking at me with contempt and disgust.
  910. >Looks that festered in my soul.
  911. >I hid. I cried.
  912. >Then I got mad.
  913. >I hurt them. Hurting them hurt her. So I liked it.
  914. >Then I started killing them.
  915. >I liked that too.
  916. >So she had to do something. You know about that.
  917. >A thousand years in the moon, feeding on my hatred.
  918. >Until there was nothing left.
  919. >She wanted to forgive me.
  920. >Because she's so perfect.
  921. >I have a second chance now.
  922. >I can do better this time.
  923. >I can be better this time.
  924. >I really try.
  925. >I really do.
  926. >But they all still look at me with contempt and disgust.
  927. >And this time, with fear too.
  928. >Looks that fester in my soul.
  930. 2:
  931. >Equestria was not always beautiful.
  932. >My mother and father sent my sister and I to a lifeless, ignorant land.
  933. >The world was searing in the day. The night brought terrible cold, and hideous monsters that feasted upon them, or violently amused themselves with their corpses.
  934. >We kept the only intelligent forms alive. The ones that looked like us.
  935. >We maintained their world. We kept them alive from the monstrosities, against the cold and heat and violence.
  936. >We were goddesses.
  937. >The armies rose for us. To protect themselves, and to protect us.
  938. >But the night was unforgiving.
  939. >My armies dwindled. Yet I persevered.
  940. >The monsters became only storie.
  941. >And so I took to work, beautifying the world they once huddled from.
  942. >Dots of light, innumerable and encompassing.
  943. >moon of platinum, to light their way in the dark.
  944. >To show them they need not fear that night.
  945. >Yet they stole away to their homes.
  946. >Built upon the graves of my army, the ones that allowed them their rest.
  947. >Beneath a sky of twinkling light, to show them they no longer needed fear.
  948. >I tried so hard.
  949. >My followers tried so hard.
  950. >But I am the one that named the stars.
  951. >Glittering dots, an epitaph to every dead soldier.
  952. >The night was not always beautiful, after all.
  955. 3:
  956. >You know me. I am War.
  957. >Taught my sister a lesson. It got out of hand.
  958. >I've taken down dragons for sport.
  959. >Brought the Griffon Wars to an end--
  960. >Stained the field of battle so red the peace treaty has lasted for over twelve hundred years.
  961. >Tore apart a battalion of changelings the day of Cadence's wedding.
  962. >Busted my sister out of Discord's imprisonment.
  963. >(First thing she did then was start mailing letters, WTF?)
  964. >Thought I'd take on an apprentice, maybe pitch her against my sister's protege.
  965. >(Turns out my candidate hanged herself a few days before I summoned her.
  966. >Weak sauce!)
  967. >Showed up in Ponyville for my holiday.
  968. >Act all autistic to mess with the Elements of Harmony.
  969. >Head back to Canterlot to yuk it up with my sister.
  970. >She ate the cake I'd been saving.
  974. 4:
  975. >seems like an age ago that we brought the ponies together through blood and faith
  976. >we rule as queens and goddesses
  977. >other kingdoms have long since stopped waging wars with us, their children now work our crystal mines, miles beneath the city
  978. >they'll never see our sun or our moon again, they won't be remembered for financing the golden age of Equestria
  979. >the griphons still hold out across the sea but they'll never dare to return to this continent
  980. >We led the army against them ourselves
  981. >hundreds of their dried out corpses hang from the towers of canterlot
  982. >I've done all I could be asked to do for my country
  983. >I've kept the peace
  984. >Equestria is rich now thanks to our bloody work
  985. >a brave new world
  987. >the 'Elements of Harmony' work as expected
  988. >the new statues in the royal gardens stand testament to that
  989. >I like to look into their horrified eyes, I know that they still see and hear everything in the alabaster prison of their new bodies
  990. >I wonder what they think now, are they angry or depressed? Have their thought long since been taken by madness?
  991. >as well they should, with all the ponies sacrificed to forge them
  992. >I still hear their screams from the foundries below the city, makes me feel even colder inside
  993. >I look down upon the ants that wander the streets below
  994. >pathetic inbred nobles, living off of our teet
  995. >merchants trying to peddle their overpriced goods
  996. >they all fear me now
  997. >I'm not stupid, the spymasters have told me everything
  998. >my own sister, the mare with which I purged the world of mankind, the one whom I ruled with for so long...
  999. >she spreads rumors, tries to cleanse her hooves of our work
  1000. >she spreads word that it was I, that I am the demon and that it was all my fault
  1001. >they whisper of my bloodthirst now as though they do not see that all we did- we did for them
  1002. >I hear hoofsteps outside my room now
  1003. >I already know it's her
  1004. >she pushes open the doors
  1005. >the souls bound by the Elements scream towards me
  1006. >it is done, she's the good sister now
  1007. >the kind one who defeated my evil
  1008. >history will remember her as the great hero and tales of my cruelty will be used to scare young foals
  1009. >I hope you burn, dear sister
  1011. >the work goes well, the kingdom prospers
  1012. >we are strong now, we are dominant as we should be
  1013. >still, I can't help but see that something is missing
  1014. >when I stand upon this balcony and look down into the streets, I see hard faces and harder lives
  1015. >my subjects are as cold as I am, they must be such to survive
  1016. >it is my greatest dream to make them kind and innocent once more, like they were before the great crusades
  1017. >I find myself thinking that I will do anything to see this happen
  1018. >for them to be kind, their leader must be benevolent as well
  1019. >we can't be those leaders when the blood of the innocent drips from our hooves
  1020. >I made my choice long ago, my sister must fall so that a true age of peace may rise
  1021. >her sacrifice will absolve me
  1022. >now I stand here, before her doors with the Elements in hoof
  1023. >it is time
  1024. >my stomach churns, I'll never forget your screams
  1025. >all our sins are yours to bear now, perhaps the moon is far enough away to let me forget them, at least
  1026. >I really am sorry sister, but you must see that this is for the greater good!
  1027. >they may not yet believe the tales of your evil and my stoic purity
  1028. >it'll take a few generations and changes in the history books
  1029. >oh, but I do have all of eternity to wait for them to come around...
  1031. ---
  1033. [Sweetie Belle]
  1035. >My sister never really liked me
  1036. >She yelled at me
  1037. >Called me a retard
  1038. >Said I wouldn't do anything
  1039. >I wanted to ask her if we could go out sometime, but she yelled at me
  1040. >I want to be a good sister!
  1041. >I try so hard for her, but she just calls me these big words I don't understand
  1042. >One day, Ms. Cheerilee gave me this really hard test because she was concerned
  1043. >It was really really hard
  1044. >I don't think I did so well on it
  1045. >Then I got moved to this class with really smart ponies, and these other ponies like me!
  1046. >Rarity heard about it and got angry...
  1047. >She made me kiss the pillow for a long time last night...
  1048. >I couldn't usual...
  1049. >I passed out and Rarity left a note with all these words and phrases I couldn't understand
  1050. >I went out to my new school, they said I had something with my head they need to fix, I told them what Rarity did to me
  1051. >They put on these really surprised faces
  1052. >These big ponies came and talked to Rarity
  1053. >She got really nice all of a sudden
  1054. >She even took me out to eat ice cream!
  1055. >Apple Bloom and Scootaloo don't hang out with me much anymore...but that's okay! I have friends at my new special school!
  1056. >My life is really happy!
  1058. ---
  1060. [Cutie mark crusaders]
  1062. >We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders
  1063. >Mentally damaged and sexually abused
  1064. >And we will never stop the journey
  1065. >Until we are loved and no longer confused
  1067. ---
  1069. [Fleur-di-lis]
  1071. >Late 30s
  1072. >Not quite as fast and skilled as I used to be
  1073. >Resign from the royal guard with multiple honors and accolades
  1074. >Take some time to myself
  1075. >Civilian life boring, go into bodyguarding
  1076. > Small gigs for awhile, then some rich snob offers to hire me full time
  1077. >At first thing he just likes a pretty face, but take the job
  1078. >Not very exciting but a lot of travel
  1079. >Get to know the client
  1080. >A lot more to him than just some overindulging unicorn
  1081. >Start making myself look nicer
  1082. >When he notices, stumble and tell him its to blend in better
  1083. >He buys it
  1084. >Always at his side
  1085. >Never let any harm come to him
  1086. >Would give my life in an instant
  1087. >Is this what love is like?
  1088. >What my life of service never let me know?
  1089. >Watch him with his new friend
  1090. >Not sure if she's genuine or a gold digger
  1091. >Stand in silence
  1092. >Duty comes first
  1093. >It always come first
  1095. ---
  1097. [Minuette]
  1099. >Its past midnight
  1100. >She's still not home
  1101. >Third night this week
  1102. >Consider going to look
  1103. >Don't want to leave Ruby alone
  1104. >It's getting worse and worse
  1105. >Try to talk to her about it, get a mouthful and she leaves earlier
  1106. >Talk to my friends, they're supportive up to when I ask them to help
  1107. >Then they switch gears and tell me I'm overreacting
  1108. >Sigh, get ready to head to bed
  1109. >Door opens
  1110. >Sound of stumbling hoofsteps
  1111. >I approach slowly
  1112. >She sees me and smiles sloppily
  1113. >Stumbles over and grabs me in a tender hug
  1114. >She stinks of the stuff
  1115. >Hug back
  1116. >She says something unintelligible but I know what she was trying to say
  1117. > All my anger and anxiety melts away
  1118. >Nopony's life is perfect, why should I complain?
  1119. >She always comes home eventually
  1120. >"I love you too, Berry"
  1122. ---
  1124. [Twist]
  1126. >Sometimeth it'th not easy being a foal.
  1127. >Friendth at school make fun of me for how I look. For how I talk.
  1128. >Can't really blame them.
  1129. >Sometimes I make candies for them. They're still my friendth.
  1130. >I don't really like it at school, but I stay there ath long ath I can.
  1131. >Try to get detention.
  1132. >Join clubth I don't like.
  1133. >When it getth dark I always end up at home though.
  1134. >Don't know why Mom hateth me so much.
  1135. >She callth me names too. That she never wanted me. She sayth she wath raped. I don't know what that meanth.
  1136. >Sometimeth she hits me.
  1137. >No one finds out 'cause the glasseth cover the marks usually.
  1138. >I tried making her a batch of extra spethial candy dropth last week to apologize for not being a good foal.
  1139. >They were in the garbage a day later.
  1140. >Must have not been very good.
  1141. >It'th alright though.
  1142. >I'm working on my lisp. I think I thound a lot better now!
  1143. >And I really like curling my mane.
  1144. >I'll sit and primp it for hourth trying to get it as poofy as pothible.
  1145. >Tonight it'th extra curly, so tomorrow will be extra good!
  1146. >I know if I keep my mane really pretty that one day people will see I'm a pretty pony too.
  1147. >Don't you think I'm a pretty pony?
  1148. >Please...
  1150. ---
  1152. [Derpy]
  1154. 1:
  1155. >I had a small roll in a TV show, be part of a crowd
  1156. >I couldn't uncross my eyes, director yelled at me
  1157. >I went home, expecting to be fired
  1158. >Week passed, then another, then the phone rang
  1159. >They wanted me back
  1160. >People liked me for my silly eyes and my smile
  1161. >So I came back and did silly things in the background
  1162. >Ponies laughed, people laughed
  1163. >I laughed too, it was fun being an actress, even if only in gags
  1164. >One day I got curious and went on the internet
  1165. >There was some mean stuff about me, I was ready for that
  1166. >I mean, I'm a walking gag reel, right?
  1167. >But what really took me by surprise was the other stuff...
  1168. >People loved me, they drew pictures of me getting flowers, love letters, muffins...
  1169. >I don't get the muffins thing but it was cute
  1170. >Even crazier, people seemed to think the small filly I shared a scene with was mine
  1171. >They wrote stories about me and her, me being a good mommy
  1172. >How I was the super clumsy mailmare with a heart of gold
  1173. >How I loved my daughter very much and did everything I could for her
  1174. >I cried for hours, reading story after story
  1175. >Imagining that life
  1176. >Even when they made my life miserable and tough, they made me seem so amazing
  1177. >The best mailmare, the best mommy in the world
  1178. >Always coming out on top even though I wasn't special...
  1179. >...if they only knew how alone and unremarkable I really was...
  1182. 2:
  1183. >Went to seminar.
  1184. >Friends wanted to go.
  1185. >Money is tight, really couldn't afford it.
  1186. >Well, it was fun.
  1188. >1 week later.
  1189. >Knock at the door.
  1190. >Iron Will wants his money.
  1191. >30 bits.
  1192. "I'm sorry, I don't have it right now."
  1193. >You just don't know what went wrong.
  1194. >Scared to tell him you were not satisfied.
  1195. "I'll have the money next week!"
  1196. >Iron Will scowls.
  1197. >"Well if I have to wait I'm going to charge some interest."
  1198. "How much?"
  1199. >"Not money."
  1201. >Weeping, you bend over for the monster.
  1202. >It's the only way.
  1203. >If he goes to the police you could lose Dinky.
  1204. >Iron Will rams his monster cock up your plothole.
  1205. >Oh Celestia it hurts so bad.
  1206. >It's like he's ripping you open.
  1207. >At least he's done quick.
  1208. >"Iron Will will be back next week for his money."
  1209. "I promise, sir, I'll have it."
  1210. >"You better, or Iron Will is gonna charge more interest next time!"
  1212. >You cry in the bath.
  1213. >The pain is awful.
  1214. >But doctor visits are expensive.
  1215. >Gotta clean up before Dinky gets home.
  1217. >Dinky comes home from school.
  1218. >You're so happy to see her...the joy of your life.
  1219. >She hands you a permission slip.
  1220. >"Miss Cheerilie is taking us to the Canterlot Museum of Art."
  1221. >"But it's 30 bits for the train, lunch & museum admission."
  1222. >Your heart feels like bursting.
  1223. >You can't deny Dinky this class trip.
  1224. >But it means you won't be able to pay Iron Will on time.
  1225. >"Momma, if it's too much money"
  1226. "Don't be silly. Of course you can go."
  1227. >"Thanks momma, are you okay?"
  1228. "I'm fine, I have a little cold."
  1229. >"Momma you shouldn't go to your night job if you're sick."
  1230. "I'm okay, muffin, I'll be fine."
  1231. >Dinky gives you a big hug.
  1232. >You would do anything, suffer any pain for her.
  1233. >Anything.
  1236. 3:
  1237. >been somewhat of a loaner for my whole life
  1238. >always "that weird pony" no one wants to have anything to do with
  1239. >lots of trouble finding friends
  1240. >kind of ditzy, hard times in social interactions
  1241. >in what I interpret today as a desperate cry for attention...
  1242. > day I come up with this retard persona
  1243. >derped my eyes, changed my voice to that of a braindead idiot
  1244. >whenever I fucked something up I went derpy in an attempt to escape ridicule
  1245. >sometimes they'd laugh with me, sometimes they'd laugh at me
  1246. >either way, I got noticed
  1247. >even came to be known, as "Derpy Hooves" the wall eyed idiot
  1248. >playing stupid was never exactly fun, but I was good at it
  1249. >maybe the only thing I was ever good at
  1251. >never got rid of that self imposed stigma till the present day
  1252. >often times I can't tell if people treat me as retarded for real or in jest
  1254. >one day, working my bitch of a job at the local moving company
  1255. >navigating the air mail carriage wagon
  1256. >in what may possibly have been the biggest fuck up of my life
  1257. >I drop the entire thing in the middle of Ponyville, completely destroying the town hall in the process
  1258. >panicked so hard I was physically about to throw up
  1259. >figured this would be my total social and financial ruin
  1261. >as it turns out nopony expects me to cover the thousands of bits of damage
  1262. >because I'm "Derpy", the local mindfucked dumbshit who apparently isn't mentally able to account for when she fucks up
  1264. >I want to die
  1266. ---
  1268. [Blueblood]
  1270. >Live with aunts because my dad physically abused me
  1271. >Be antisocial and untrustworthy of other people because of previously mentioned childhood abuse
  1272. >Aunts are the only people who've ever shown me any real kindness
  1273. >Aunts encourage me to go outside and socialize
  1274. >I'm skeptical
  1275. >They invite me to this big party they hold every year
  1276. >Reluctantly agree to go
  1277. >Put on my best bowtie, hoping for the best
  1278. >Go to party
  1279. >See this beautiful girl giving me the eye from across the room, I immediately get nervous and go outside to collect myself
  1280. >Having no real experience with women I don't know what to do
  1281. >Dad used to tell me the only way to attract a woman was to hold yourself above them
  1282. >Better than nothing...
  1283. >Go on through the party with her, trying to enjoy myself but not really feeling right about how I'm treating her
  1284. >Cake comes literally out of nowhere towards me
  1285. >Hits the girl in the face
  1286. >Girl freaks out, screams at me and ruins my best clothes by smothering me with cake
  1287. >Later see my aunt laughing with that bitch and the rest of her friends
  1288. >Feel completely crushed and betrayed
  1289. >Storm back to my room, cry for hours and silently sob in the corner whimpering for my mother
  1290. >Next day aunts act like nothing happened
  1291. >I contemplate suicide all the time, just wishing it would end
  1294. [Mercury and Flowershine]
  1297. >just barely make the cut for the prestigious wonderbolt academy
  1298. >feel kind of shy and overwhelmed
  1299. >very first day jump into laps and find out you're among the slowest of the new recruits
  1300. >everyone else seems so much more confident and capable than you
  1301. >there's a cute mare there though who seems just as out of place
  1302. >next day real training begins
  1303. >excited to be wearing the uniform, start thinking maybe you belong here
  1304. >you and the cute mare happen to be next to each other at the end of the exercise trying to catch your breath
  1305. >she's panting and looks bummed
  1306. >you suddenly think you should pat her on the back
  1307. >you get your hoof halfway up, but pause
  1308. >should you?
  1309. >what if she thinks that's creepy? maybe you don't know each other that well, but then again maybe this is a good way to get to know her? Oh Celestia, someone's going to notice you with your hoof just hanging there!
  1310. >trials for the day end and she heads off to the mess hall, leaving you behind without even noticing you're there
  1311. >damnit
  1313. -
  1315. >just barely make the cut for the prestigious wonderbolt academy
  1316. >feel kind of shy and overwhelmed
  1317. >very first day jump into laps and find out you're among the slowest of the new recruits
  1318. >everyone else seems so much more confident and capable than you
  1319. >there's a cute colt there though who seems just as out of place
  1320. >next day real training begins
  1321. >excited to be wearing the uniform, start thinking maybe you belong here
  1322. >you and the cute colt happen to be next to each other at the end of the exercise trying to catch your breath
  1323. >that really took the wind out of you
  1324. >feel more inadequate than ever
  1325. >the cute colt is looking at you
  1326. >he lifts his hoof up
  1327. >you think about how nice it would be to have a little reassurance right now
  1328. >you wait him to do something nice like pat your back or say something supportive
  1329. >he doesn't budge, just keeps looking
  1330. >he must think you're the worst flyer ever
  1331. >you grab whatever bit of self confidence you still have and walk off to the mess hall
  1332. >you need a glass of water
  1333. >make sure to splash some on your face
  1334. >can't let them see you cry
  1335. >especially him
  1339. /////
  1341. The entire show has been nothing but stories being read to a child by their mother. The mother turns out to be Twilight who wrote the book based on her own life experiences.[/spoiler:lit]
  1343. >last scene of the last episode
  1344. >camera pulls out over a visibly changed Ponyville
  1345. >denser houses, paved roads, a few four storey buildings
  1346. >on a lawn outside an old library a purple alicorn is reading to a trio of dusty coloured foals
  1347. >"Did that all really happen mama?" says one, the youngest.
  1348. >"Yeah, especially the bit with the dragon! Everypone knows those are extinct!"
  1349. >"I think that's up to you to decide, children." the venerable matron replies.
  1350. >camera pulls back further
  1351. >soundtrack cuts out
  1352. >"Friendship was Magic"
  1353. >"Developed for TV by Lauren Faust"
  1354. >original theme tune remixed into a lullaby begins to play...

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