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*original author is Anon*
>"Hey there! Welcome to Sugarcube Corner! Hold on a second, I'll get there. Not as energetic as I used to be, teehee."
>"Wuzzat? A reporter? On what?"
>"...oh. The Elements?"
>"Wow, nobody's asked me about that in years."
>"Well, come over here. Lemme getcha somethin' sweet and we'll talk all about it!"
>"All right, let's see here."
>"Of course you know me. Everyp0ny knows Pinkie Pie! I've been here since probably before you were born!"
>"I used to say that I know everyp0ny in Ponyville, but that was a long time ago."
>"There's so many new ponies now, and not a lot of them come to Sugarcube Corner anymore."
>"Mrs. Cake was soooooo wonderful. I wish I could bake like she used to, but I guess I can't do it quite as well, teehee."
>"Oh, right. Sorry. The Elements. Well, I'll tell you what I know."
>"Rainbow Dash went off to join the Wonderbolts. I was sooooo happy for her! She's the Captain now, of course."
>"I see her shows every now and then. They don't come to Ponyville like they used to. So many places to go nowadays. Phillydelphia, Manehatten, Prance. I heard she really wowed the consulate for Saddle Arabia!"
>"Me? Oh, she finds some time to see me when she comes to Ponyville. She drops by for a drink and a donut, but she's just as fast as she used to be. WHooosh, Hi Pinks, glad to see ya, well, gotta go, whoooosh!"
>"Rarity's got her shops in Canterlot like she wanted. I see her clothes in uptown Ponyville everywhere."
>"Her I haven't seen in years. But that's fine, I totally understand. She's a big, fancy fashion hoobydooby. I wouldn't come down here and visit me if I were her, I'd be too much of a distraction."
>"Fluttershy I see a lot, but we still don't hang out like we used to."
>"She's still got her animals, and now that she and Big Mac finally got together, she's got a whole mess of kids and grandkids to take care of."
>"She's not at all shy like she used to be, but she's just as gentle as she always was. I actually prank her nowadays! She takes it a lot better than she used to."
>"I'm sorry, it's still hard for me. She was a big loss."
>"She was always working so hard, and after the big markets came in from the cities, Sweet Apple Acres couldn't compete as well."
>"How could she compete with such variety and speed? We couldn't help her out every day like we did when those con-men came into town."
>"She tried so hard, but the farm just couldn't put out the amount of apples she needed."
>"I think it's some kind of mall or something these days, I'm not sure. I can't go that way anymore without tearing up."
>"She...she worked herself to death trying to keep it. There's no other way to put it."
>"And when our friendship finally drifted apart, she was the one to take it hardest."
>"I know, you'd think it was me, right? Mrs. Party-and-Friend pony."
>"But even I knew when it was time to go our separate ways. We'd all grown up and grown apart."
>"Applejack, she...just couldn't let go."
>"I don't know, maybe it's better this way. I don't think she would have wanted to live to see Ponyville like this, so modern and...I dunno, impersonal."
>"Princess Twilight, now there's a face I haven't seen in forever."
>"She was the first to leave our circle of friends, and it made sense at the time."
>"She had so many responsibilities and things she had to learn, we were all understanding."
>"When she and Spike went back to Canterlot, we all looked at each other and said 'next year. She'll be back next year.'"
>"But next year came and went, and the year after that, and the one after that."
>"She stopped writing us after the fourth year. I sent a letter to her a few years ago, just to see if she would respond."
>"I got a nicely-typed form letter with her signature in pretty purple ink."
>"I guess being a Princess is more important than being friends..."
>"Do I regret it?"
>"...sometimes. When I'm all alone in my apartment and the bakery's closed, sometimes it hurts too much to remember how things used to be."
>"I walk everywhere, even at my age, and I see things changing all the time."
>"Sometimes it feels like my entire world is dying around me, being replaced by the next generation of ponies."
>"I guess that's what getting old is like, teehee."
>"But I know I wouldn't change a single thing, even if it meant we'd still stop being friends."
>"When we were all together, and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were still in Canterlot, it was the best time I've ever had."
>"It was the best time anyp0ny's ever had, I bet! So many parties, so many friends, so many good times."
>"I treasure those times more than ever because they're over now."
>"I wouldn't have ever known how important they are if they lasted forever."
>"So, hey, you wanna hear about Rarity's sister? She had a really good singing career before--"
>"...oh, right, I understand. A reporter's a busy pony."
>"Well, if you need anything else, just come on by."
>"Pinkie Pie's always here."
by kqaii
by kqaii
by kqaii
by kqaii
by kqaii