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[NSFW] RD - What's a blowjob

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-04 00:44:58
Expiry: Never

  1. >"What's a blowjob?"
  2. >You cough up your drink violently after that sentence.
  3. "Wait-!... You don't know?"
  4. >"No. What is it?"
  5. "Like, nothing at all?"
  6. >"Nah, today It was the first time back in the Wonderbolt Academy. The guys were talking about Spitfire giving great blowjobs. What does that mean?"
  7. "Besides me asking your CO a date?"
  8. >"C'mon anon! What is a blowjob?"
  9. >You are Anon. Y. Mous, and for the first time you are totally caught off guard.
  10. >You though, that from all the mares, Dash would be the one who already had some sexual knowledge.
  11. >Well, the other five had their own experiences too, but you expected Dash to have a "normal one".
  12. >Rarity is open for bjs, but she takes so much time to be ready, and is so frivolous about it you feel she is actually getting off to the IDEA of giving a blowjob, and when she does she is more busy hoofin' herself.
  13. >Fluttershy is shy; she gets scared off. And the only time she accepted, it was Discord pulling a prank on you. It won't matter how fun it sounds, your cock singing "I get knocked down" for a day is scary.
  14. >AJ knows, but she won't do it. She says dicks go in cunts, so nothing extra, just normal sex for the purpose of procreation, and you don't feel like being a dad yet.
  15. >Pinkie is great, for like the first ejaculation. But she goes on and on. You have to save up for like 3 months otherwise you will get your legs blown out of your penis. Not a good sensation, you might add.
  16. >Twilight? Forget it. She went all science on Anon Jr., and she almost loses it in one of her crazy experiments. She ain't touching it again.
  17. >"Well anon, what's a blowjob?"
  18. "Huh?"
  19. >"Equestria to anon, someone there?"
  20. "Oh, Yeah. Sorry RD, I though you already knew. I mean, aren't you a grown up mare?"
  21. >"I am! The most awesome mature mare ever."
  22. "Right. And you never had a sex ed?"
  23. >"What is that?"
  24. >Ok, that's a no.
  25. "You... Don't know nothing about sex?"
  26. >"Me? I know! Of course I know!"
  27. >She is as bad as Applejack at lying.
  29. "Look Dash, there isn't any shame in admiting you don't know nothing about sex. In fact, it flatters me knowing that."
  30. >"How?"
  31. "Well... Your parents never gave you any idea about that?"
  32. >"They turned red and said the most awesome mare in Equestria never needed to worry about that."
  33. "Alright, that's the first sketch."
  34. >"Anon, you aren't drawing."
  35. "I know, just let crazy ol' anon ramble around. What about your friends? Never had curiosity or played doctor?"
  36. >"Well... I played doc with Gilda, but hers is more of a slit. And colts didn't want me close since I won everytime in fly school."
  37. "And highschool?"
  38. >"I dropped out, remember?"
  39. "Oh right, no prom night. Well, I can help you know, a blowjob I mean."
  40. >"Really?!"
  41. "But step by step. Sex can be a bit scary for anyone new. In fact, you may hate it."
  42. >"It can't be that bad."
  43. "You wouldn't said that if you just told Twilight this information."
  44. >"Whatever you say... So, blowjob?"
  45. "Ok: The sexual name is "fellatio", blowjob is more of a slang. Regardless of the name, you don't blow a penis, you suck it."
  46. >"Sounds simple."
  47. "Well, is a bit more complicated than that, but that is the basic idea."
  48. >"Ah."
  49. >You rest your body on your sofa again, drinking peacefully.
  50. >"... So anon, can I give you a blowjob?"
  51. *SPURT!!!* *cough!* *cough* "Dash! What the Hell?!"
  53. >"You said you'll help me know more!"
  54. "I meant theory, not practice!"
  55. >"Come on, you already told me how is done. Maybe now I can give a cool blowjob."
  56. "I doubt that."
  57. >"Oh yeah?"
  58. >Dash jumps towards you, and lands on your lap.
  59. >"Done! Now unzip it and let's start this."
  60. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Now just hold on a second! You can't just ask random people to give them blowjobs!"
  61. >"That's why I'm asking you, dummy! I know you, you know me. It works."
  62. "No, Dash, is just... Sex is something intimate. You can't go on the streets saying "hey dude, you are cool. Want a blowjob?". Ponies can get the wrong idea and even some can take advantage of you and hurt you. You don't want that."
  63. >"But you said you will help me..."
  64. >Ponies must have something on their DNA, because she makes the most "Pwwweeeaaassseee!!" face Fluttershy would make.
  65. "Argh... Damn it! Fine! But we are going to do this slow, ok?"
  66. >"Slow is boring."
  67. "At first is boring, but trust me: taking your time in sex can be rewarding."
  68. >You carry Dash, and put her sideways on your sofa, face looking at your crotch.
  69. "Now, don't be scared."
  70. >You unzip your pants slowly, and grab your shaft out of your undies. Your penis is already a bit erect, still under the foreskin and rising very calmly.
  71. >"Whoa, that is a dick?"
  72. "Well, a human one."
  73. >"It isn't that big."
  74. "Twilight said the same thing."
  75. >"What?"
  76. "Nothing. Just grab it with your mouth, but be careful with the teeth: is a very sensitive member."
  77. >Rainbow Dash reaches your cock slowly, a bit cautious. She opens her mouth and starts taunting it with her lips.
  78. >Your foreskin gives up a bit and pulls back.
  79. >Dash goes back.
  80. >"Is supposed to do that?"
  81. "Yeah. Is just the penis getting ready for sex. You'll know more over time."
  82. >She moves foward again, and grabs the cock's head with her mouth.
  84. "Alright, now suck slowly."
  85. >She does as told, but only one thing: she doesn't let go.
  86. "Wait Dash, you are doing it wrong. You have to open your mouth everytime you suck. It isn't a straw."
  87. >"Ifsh cumplimcat.."
  88. "Dash, let go."
  89. >"Ah."
  90. >Your cock flops out, stiff now. You giggle a bit.
  91. >"What's so funny?"
  92. "Nothing. Just don't overexagerate. Just open your mouth a bit."
  93. >"You sucked a lot of cocks back then, isn't it?"
  94. "Years of being the OP. Don't ask."
  95. >She goes back to sucking the head, and it works. But you must do something about Dash opening her mouth: she looks like a fish trying to suck you off.
  96. "You know, you can go a bit deep RD. If you stay like that I'm going to laught."
  97. >"Hnmm?"
  98. "Yeah, is just... You look a bit like a goldfish."
  99. >She sights a bit angry at that remark, but then looks down for a bit.
  100. >Slowly, she goes a bit deep back and forth.
  101. "Ahhh~~~, you were right Dash. You can do a good blowjob."
  102. >She doesn't look up. She just turns a bit red.
  103. >You start to stroke her back, and let her figure things by herself. This action keeps for a couple of minutes.
  104. >After a while, you notice her wings are starting come up.
  105. "Hey R, everything OK?"
  106. >She lets your penis off, and covers her (already red) face with her hoof.
  107. >"I didn't want to say anything, but I'm starting to feel a bit weird."
  108. "Really?"
  109. >You move a bit, and look behind her. Her pussy is a bit glicening, and the clitoris is coming out.
  110. >You laugh gently and pat her head.
  111. "Oh, don't be scared dashie, is just your body getting ready for sex too."
  112. >"Oh... So, We should have sex?"
  114. >Well, the idea of cumming inside Rainbow Dash is a good one, and you will be named the most based Anonymous in the universe (of /mlp/).
  115. >But then again, this cute little mare just learned what sex is.
  116. >You choose to put that in the backburner for now.
  117. "Nah, sex is like advanced lessons, and you are just starting. Besides, I already said we are going step by step."
  118. >"Oh."
  119. "Don't worry, I know how to work around this. Just don't start kicking or get scared, OK?
  120. >"OK."
  121. "Good."
  122. >Your hand moves slowly from her back to her rump, and from her rump to be close her marehood.
  123. "Now, ready for first contact?"
  124. >She nods.
  125. "Good: here goes."
  126. >You poke the labia, making her wings sprout fully opened. She only covers her face after that reaction.
  127. "Now, don't be ashamed. This is only a natural reaction. Now just let me..."
  128. >You drag your finger across her lower lips, feeling the moisture of her body, to finally reach the clitoris.
  129. "Ready for second contact?"
  130. >She doesn't move
  131. "Rainbow, are you ready?"
  132. >"umm... Yes?"
  133. "Ok, here goes."
  134. >You poke the red pearl, making the little cyan mare moan. Next act, she covers her mouth in shame.
  135. "Hahaha, is fine Rainbow, nothing to worry about."
  136. >"I... I think I went to far. I want to stop."
  138. >Oh no. Sorry dashie, but this is the part where we are going to agree to disagree.
  139. >You wanted the lesson, you are getting the whole class.
  140. "Oh, are you sure dashie?"
  141. >You grab the clit with your index and major fingers, and start rubbing it with your thumb.
  142. >"Ahhh~~!"
  143. "You said you wanted to learn what sex was, and we are at the most important moment."
  144. >"Nngh!"
  145. "Besides, if we stop, what I'm going to do with this?"
  146. >You poke and rub your hard cock across Rainbow's cheek.
  147. "You said you will give me a cool blowjob. How I'm going to get off if we stop now?"
  148. >"Mmmhhh.... Fine! If I get you off, can we stop?"
  149. "Only if I can keep making... "Contact" with your marehood."
  150. >"... Fine, but we better stop after this."
  151. >She doesn't waste any time, and takes your full lenght inside.
  152. >In a normal woman, it would be at the entrance of the esophagus, but pony muzzles remove that problem.
  153. >She bobs her head up and down as quickly as she can.
  154. "Oh! Having a bit of an attitude, eh Dash? But I am the master here, and I know every weak point!"
  155. >Finished that sentences, you shove two fingers inside Rainbow, and start moving them around. For a newbie, it should be enough.
  156. >"MmmhhMM!"
  157. "Did you know everymare has a "G-spot"? Is inside your pony pussy, and I can take all the time I want to find it."
  158. >You wiggle your fingers around, feeling her wet fleshy inner walls.
  159. >She couldn't hold on, and let your penis off.
  160. >"A-Anon! Ahh~~<3!"
  161. "Too late dashie. You can't beat the sex master."
  162. >"Yes.... I.... Can!"
  163. >The movement caught you off guard, and her mouth takes your entire member from head to base.
  164. >The pleasure beats you, and you cum inside her mouth.
  165. >This took her by surprise, making her squirt instantly.
  166. >The first cum string hits her throat, making her go back at the second and getting hit in the face by the third, making her fall off the sofa.
  167. "Rainbow Dash, are you ok?"
  168. >She tries to clean off the cum off her face, and swallow whatever she has in her mouth.
  170. >You grab a pack of tissues, and clean her face off. Moments later, she swallows your seed.
  171. >"Puag... Ha! See? I won!"
  172. "Won? Dash, I was joking. No one wins at sex."
  173. >"What? Argh, I swallow that cream for nothing."
  174. "Semen."
  175. >"Huh?"
  176. "Semen, Rainbow Dash. Is a male's "essence". It comes out when a man suffers an eyaculation."
  177. >"It tastes bitter, but sweet and salty. Is weird."
  178. "Well, I have been skipping fruits these days. It is said that cum gets sweeter if you eat a lot of pineapples."
  179. >"Whoa, you sure know a lot about sex."
  180. "Well, I was an egghead. You know, all theory but no practice."
  181. >"Ah.... So, what did I did when I falled?"
  182. "That is a female orgasm. Is like your eyaculation, but is mostly a reaction. For us men is when our body is excited enough to impregnate a female."
  183. >"Wait, so sex makes babies?!"
  184. "Sure! How did you though it happened?"
  185. >"Some told me it was a stork, and others than it came from cabbages."
  186. "Hahaha. Well, you sure can use the sex ed."
  187. >"This lesson made me feel very good. Thanks anon!"
  188. "Heh, not for nothing I was called the G-man."
  189. >"G-man? Why was that?"
  190. >You are about to answer, but a devilish idea and smile comes up.
  191. "Oh, I could tell you dashie, but it would require a new lesson: cuninlingüis. Are you up to it?"
  192. >"If it was as fun as the last one, I'm in!"
  193. "Oh, trust me..."
  194. >You grab Rainbow Dash, lay her on her back, and open her legs exposing her blue candy pony pussy.
  195. "... You'll have fun."

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