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[NSFW] Sci Twi the space slut 1

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-04 00:46:48
Expiry: Never

  1. >Another day in space, another boring black screen full of points
  2. >You, cadet anon, are supposed to study and prepare to whatever interstellar nightmare can come to your way
  3. >And while you are very studious about it, there's only one obstacle that can help you to finally become the captain of your own ship
  4. >"Good morning anon!"
  5. >Her. Space researcher Twilight Sparkle
  6. >Her investigations about flora and fauna in space has been a great good to the human race
  7. >She has been granted her own laboratory and fighter ship
  8. >And even a cadet to train
  9. >You met her once in the astronauts academy. She was giving a class about sexuality in space
  10. >Very enlightening, for not calling traumatazing
  11. >Women felt like closing their cunts shut, and male cadets asked for vasectomies or even cut their cocks to avoid the galaxial STDs
  12. >You are probably the only one who didn't give a shit, even though you got scared as well
  13. >That's probably why she picked you
  14. >You were the only male who still can have kids
  15. "Good morning Scientist Sparkle!"
  16. >At this point saluting is your only connection with the Space Academy
  17. >"Sci-twi is enough anon. You don't have to be so formal"
  18. "The code 112-3a forbids a cadet to salute a superior as their equal Ma'am! All space agents will be reffered with their respective status!"
  19. >"You aren't in the academy anymore. You can be free as you want"
  20. >She drops her scientist jacket
  21. >This is the part where you feel a little guilty: the striptease
  22. >She loves to walk in her tank top and undies when she isn't on a mission
  23. >"Now anon, what's the status?"
  24. "No messages from the Galactic Union, Ma'am!"
  25. >"Anon..."
  26. >She removes her pants
  27. "I mean sci-twi"
  28. >"Looks like they are still dealing with the cadets back at the academy"
  29. "Well, they wouldn't if they didn't saw what you showed them"
  30. >You cover your mouth
  31. >Did you just respond brutely to your commander?! The academy would remove you from the program for this!
  33. >"Hehe, I guess they weren't ready to see the impact about breeding habits of garguas on a human body"
  34. "Ma'am! I'm sorry! I should have never answered that way!"
  35. >"Why? It's the truth. I still remember how pervy your males comrades were until the final moment where a secuos reaches orgasm. No one likes to see a pierced spine to the brain"
  36. "To this day I wonder how did you find that out"
  37. >Oh no! Again?! This scientist is getting to you!
  38. >"Anyway..."
  39. >She removes her top shirt
  40. >"... Let's see a movie or something while we are drifting"
  41. >Now in only her tank top and undies, she walks to the bridge, and opens a catalog of movies
  42. >All are classics, from XX and XXI century
  43. "I never though you liked those movies"
  44. >"Well, movies with actors and props are more realistic than a green room, holograms, and robots. It has its charms"
  45. "Ok. Ma'am, I'll take scouting duty now"
  46. >"Why don't you sit with me?"
  47. >She grabs another chair, and puts her close to her
  48. "A-article 297-6c says that for no reason a ship should be left without guards Ma'am"
  49. >"If that's how you want it... Cadet Anon. Y. Mous! I order you to see the following film with me!"
  50. >You are shocked. This is a great breakdown to the rules of the Space Academy!
  51. "S-s-sir!.. Eh... Ma'am! The order is...."
  52. >"If you don't want me to discharge your ass for insubordination, you'll sit here, and watch this movie!"
  53. "... Yes ma'am"
  54. >You take the chair and sit down
  55. "Excuse my question Ma'am, but what film are we watching?"
  56. >"Star Wars"
  57. "The documental about the fights of the Suru race and the merchant planet Kraru for the stars of Zewonarak?"
  58. >"Uh? No, a movie about a boy joining the Jedi. Who wants to see a documental film?"
  59. "... It was part of my admission requirements"
  60. >"Oh, sorry. I went to the school branch. I just had e-books and data files, but you know your history"
  61. "I had a perfect score!"
  62. >You were always proud about how a fast learner you were
  63. >"Alright, let's see the movie"
  65. >And so you spent 12 Earth hours watching the 6 "Star Wars" movies
  66. >In the XX century they may have been cool, but most of these "jedi powers" have been confirmed fake for about 5 centuries ago
  67. >As expected, scientist Sparkle is sleeping and snoring with her mouth open
  68. >While you avoid to look at her nudity due to article 069-42m, this time you felt curious
  69. >Her legs are long, and this time she is wearing a pair of soft pink long socks
  70. >Her panties are white
  71. >And her breast are round and big
  72. >You notice her purple nipples being shown under her top
  73. >You wonder...
  74. >You rise your index finger and move towards her nipple as slowly as you can
  75. >In contact now, you give it a very soft push
  76. >"Ah~"
  77. >The moan broke you
  78. >The fuck are you doing?! This breaks all the laws in the manual!
  79. >You remove your finger, and walk away from the bridge as fast as you can
  80. >"Cadet Anon. Y. Mous! Ten hut!"
  81. >You freeze on spot, and take posture
  82. >"Turn around"
  83. >You do as told
  84. >"Come here"
  85. >You are face to face with your commander
  86. >"Anon, do you know what did you just do?"
  87. "Noooo..."
  88. >Faking demency was your way to bullshit
  89. >She takes a control, and presses a button
  90. >The main screen shows you coming closer to Scientist Sparkle and touching her
  91. "Crap"
  92. >"Is that awful language too?"
  93. >You are white now
  94. >In a quick motion, you fall and start begging
  95. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Arrest me, make me train harder, extra duty! But please don't report me with the academy!"
  96. >"You just broke a lot of rules anon. As your commander, I must report your insurgency"
  97. >Your heart stops beating. You are done now
  98. >"But maybe I can change my mind. Give me a massage"
  99. "What?"
  100. >She presses a button, and a bed appears in the bridge
  101. >She removes her tank top, and lays on her belly
  102. >"Give me a massage, and maybe I'll change my mind"
  104. >If it wasn't for the body suit the academy gave you, all your sweat would be showering right now
  105. "Ma-am, I..."
  106. >She is touching a holographic screen, selecting the Academy's code
  107. "Ok, I'll do it! It's just.... I never done this before"
  108. >"I usually believe that is bullshit, but you are very shy at everything. I'll order you over. First, get on top of me, your pelvis close to my glutes"
  109. >You do as told
  110. >She gives you a blue shining cord
  111. >"Put it in your pants. It will know what to do"
  112. >you do this, and the cord ties around your shaft and balls
  113. "Uh!"
  114. >"Relax, it's only to keep you under control. Now, with your hands, touch my back and make soft pressure"
  115. "Like this?"
  116. >you push her back softly
  117. >"That's it. Go slowly up, and then fondle my shoulders"
  118. >you make your way up to the shoulders, and rub them in circles
  119. >"Very good, are you sure you never done this before?"
  120. "I-I read some anatomy files, I know where the main points of pressure are"
  121. >"That's great"
  122. >Her voice sounds more sultry and softer
  123. >"Now, massage my glutes please"
  124. >You stop for a moment
  125. >"Something wrong?"
  126. "I never heard the glutes had any strong impact to the body"
  127. >"Don't worry, I will guide you~. First, get your pelvis as close as you can"
  128. "Like this?"
  129. >your groin touches her butt, and you feel the cord struggling against your phallus
  130. >"Just like that~. Push with your hips and arms with sinchronization"
  131. >As you keep pushing, the cord feels more tight
  132. >Miss Sparkle is moaning through the massage
  133. >"Ahhh~. That's enough. Now, we are going to work on the front"
  135. >She turns around, and her chest is blooming
  136. "Uhh, Miss Sparkle, I think I don't have any knowledge about this body area"
  137. >"Do not worry..."
  138. >She grabs your hands and puts them on her breasts
  139. >"I know enough~<3"
  140. >You are cold right now, except for your genital area
  141. >The cord is choking your member right now!
  142. >"Now, hold them softly in your palm, and massage them in circles. Don't forget to push your pelvis with mine~<3"
  143. >You do this rythmically, and the cord is cutting a desperate need
  144. >You want to release something, but the cord is blocking you!
  145. >The circular massage doesn't help at all, you want to keep fondling them for some reason
  146. >"Ah~~~. Don't forget my nipples. Just rub them with your index and thumb"
  147. >You quickly do this to both
  148. >"Ah! Not so rough! It's sensible!"
  149. "S-sorry Miss Sparkle..."
  150. >You start to groan as the pelvis rubbing becomes erratic, and the nipples gets harder
  151. >In a sudden moment, a white liquid is leaking from Miss Sparkle
  152. >That brought you to your limit
  153. >Miss Sparkle pushes you away making you fall on the floor
  154. >"Oh my, you actually did it. I never though I'd lactate"
  155. >She sits on the bed
  156. >"Well cadet anon, I guess I-"
  157. >She sees the mess you are now
  159. >You stripped yourself from your uniform, and you are desperately trying to remove the cord
  160. >The rubbing between your hands and your genitals don't help. It only hardens the bind
  161. "Ms. Sparkle! I can't take it anymore! I want to blow! It hurts!"
  162. >"Oh, My poor cadet is hurt?"
  163. >She throws another blue cord, and they tie around your wrists and ankles behind you
  164. >"Oh, if I knew how to release him~"
  165. >She guides a hand to her pelvic area, and starts rubbing
  166. >A lot of body fluids come from there, with a strange and exotic smell
  167. >It drives you insane, and you start humping the air
  168. >"Ah~ my poor space cadet can't hold back anymore. What should I do?"
  169. >She puts her panty aside, giving you a straight view to her genitals. She shove three fingers inside
  170. >"Ohh~~ my poor cadet, I can't help. I don't know what to do~~~"
  171. >Suddenly, something hits you
  172. "I know what to do! I know what to do!!"
  173. >"Uh~~? And what shall we do?"
  174. "We need to-"
  175. >"Ah!"
  176. "We have to-!"
  177. >"Oh!!"
  178. "We-!!!"
  179. >"YYYAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!"
  180. >Her genitals start squirting, and the fluids hits your face
  181. >You explode
  184. >She stomps on your neck
  185. >"Anon. Y. Mous: if you dare to ruin my afterglow one more time, I'll send you to space without suit. You ever do this again, I'll get rid of you. Understand?"
  186. >You break on tears
  187. "Please! It hurts! I can't take it anymore! Punch me! Destroy me! Get rid of me! But please, let me cum!"
  188. >She lets go your neck, and unties the cord
  189. >"See? All you had to do was to be more nice~"
  190. >She grabs your foreskin, and covers your penis's head
  191. >That was enough to make you blow
  192. >The cumshots were big, making your foreskin look like a big skin balloon
  193. >You can feel the skin is at the limit. One more and your cock will explode
  194. >"That's a big sample! I know where to carry it"
  195. >She let your foreskin go, and sucks your phallus
  196. >You couldn't take it anymore. All your ejaculations are taken by her devilish lips
  197. >When you are empty, she sucks your phallus slowly until leaving it in a loud pop
  198. >She walks to the control console, and grabs a box under it
  199. >She opens it, grabs a vial and spits all the semen inside
  200. >"Now remember anon, good cadets get release. Now, as punishment, you will stay tied here for the next 12 hours. I'll keep your genetic material for study. If you need me, I'll be in my lab"
  201. >She walks away from the bridge, passing you
  202. ".... Sci-twi?"
  203. >She turns around
  204. "... Thanks for releasing me. I'd like to apologize for calling you all those horrible things. I let my lust get the best of my. I shall rectify myself for staying 12 hours here. You are a great commander, and a great scientist"
  205. >She smiles, and walks up to you
  206. >"and you are the most loyal cadet"
  207. >She kisses your cheek and leaves you smiling, passed out on the floor

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