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Get down with the thiccness (part 1)

By TiredAsShit
Created: 2022-01-13 23:39:25
Expiry: Never

  1. >Vinyl and Octavia go on a nice nature walk through the forest one evening to relax.
  2. >Both of them had been stressed lately, their workload having increased and deadlines rapidly approaching.
  3. >A pleasant trot in the nearby preserve seemed just the ticket to relieve some of that built up pressure.
  4. >Breathing in the crisp evening air, Octavia could feel her body loosen up as foliage crunched beneath her hooves.
  5. >Being an earth pony, she always felt at ease when surrounded by nature, she really ought to do this more often.
  6. >Following the path through a pair of trees, her mind wandered.
  7. >She might spoil herself a little more with a colty trip to the spa later, possibly even pick up a treat from Sugarcub-
  8. >Sounds of a struggle came from behind her, her ears pivoting backwards sharply.
  9. >"H-Help Tavi."
  10. >Spinning around, Octavia readied herself, her muscles tightening, ready to attack.
  11. >Timberwolves? Or something worse? In any case she'd protect her-
  12. >False alarm, Vinyl had just gotten herself stuck. Again.
  13. >This time she had managed to wedge herself between two rather large pine trees.
  14. >Like a fat dog trying to push themselves through a too small doggy door, Vinyl scraped at the ground and trees to no avail.
  15. >Rolling her eyes, Octavia trotted back to her trapped friend with a sigh.
  16. "You must be more careful dear, how many times is this now?
  17. >Sheepishly touching her hooves together, an embarrassed blush blossomed on Vinyl's face.
  18. >"Sorry Octy."
  19. >Reaching Vinyl's front, Octavia put her hooves on Vinyl's shoulders and began to push.
  20. "I mean really, hoof trapped in a gopher hole, mane tangled in the hanging moss, tail caught by ivy, falling into the lake, and- urf, now stuck between trees!"
  21. >Each accident retelling is accompanied by a strong shove, slowly freeing the captured unicorn.
  22. >"I donno, I guess I'm not as good with this nature stuff as you-"
  23. >With a cartoonish pop akin to a champagne bottle being opened, Vinyl shot free of her ensnarement, bouncing on her rump as she skidded to a halt.
  24. "I've told you time and time again Vinyl, if you simply FOLLOW me, you will be fine."
  25. >Helping the ego bruised and regular bruised mare up to her hooves, Vinyl wipes a tear from her eye as she rubs her hips.
  26. >"B-But I did! I even tried stepping in your hoofprints!"
  27. >Snorting at her childishness, Octavia turns around and trots over to the two trees that now had the bark stripped in a rather comical outline of a mares hips and thighs.
  28. "Really then? If you had followed me you would've seen I went AROUND the trees. Watch, if I do the same as you did and try to go though-"
  29. >Stumbling, Octavia had expected to be held back by the two pines behind her now, but instead passed though them without so much as a brush of bark on her fur.
  30. >Clearing her throat hesitantly, Octavia slowly backed her way though the trees again.
  31. >Coming out the other side, she wordlessly retraced her steps back and forth through the logs.
  32. >Doing this several more times, Octavia came to a stop. A few loose strands of hair pinging up.
  33. >"Tavi? A-Are you okay?"
  34. "...Oh, bother."

Goodnight Anon

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