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Get down with the thiccness (part 2 Beach Episode)

By TiredAsShit
Created: 2022-01-13 23:46:35
Updated: 2022-01-13 23:46:50
Expiry: Never

  1. >Hot sand crunches under your hooves as you trot down the beach, foamy sea air tickling your nose.
  2. >A wonderful time for a day at the beach if you do say so yourself, the sun climbing its way overhead.
  3. >Your deadlines had come and gone, your performances meeting expectations as always.
  4. >You quell the surge of pride in your chest, it was ungentlemarely to become too pleased with one's self after all.
  5. >An idea that your compatriot didn't seem to share.
  6. >Looking over your shoulder, you spot said mare a few paces behind you, dancing her way down the beach after you to the tune of her blaring headphones.
  7. >Not a care in the world, Vinyl swayed and bounced her way past you, completely oblivious to the multitude of stares stuck on her.
  8. >Glaring at the miscreants that couldn't keep their eyes to themselves, you follow after your apparently irresistible "herdmate".
  9. >Huffing, you quash the familiar flare of jealousy, and peel your own eyes off Vinyl's gyrating rear.
  10. >You do admit she was quite i-interesting to look at, but to be so unabashed to stare at her was unacceptable.
  11. >They should have some class, nopony worth-
  12. >Your thoughts are interrupted when you bounce off of somepony, sending you down into the sand.
  13. >Hastily beginning an apology you look up to see Vinyl looking back at you questionably.
  14. >"You okay Tavi?" She asks, quirking an eyebrow from behind her violet sunglasses.
  15. "Y-Yes thank you dear, I apologize, I was lost in my thoughts."
  16. >Smirking, Vinyl's horn glows and you feel a ticklish tingling sensation envelop you as you're brought to your hooves.
  17. >"You think too much Tav, we're on vaycay remember?"
  18. >Looking around her, she appears to pick an area at random and trots over to it.
  19. >"Found a good spot."
  20. >Unceremoniously, Vinyl pops one of her large hips, sending the blanket and boombox she was carrying on her back into the sand.
  21. >They land perfectly, blanket stretched out nicely and when the boombox lands it starts playing one of her newest songs.
  22. >Vinyl's horn lights again and picks up the cooler you had been carrying out of the sand, placing it down next to the blanket.
  23. >"And bam! Just like that, done." She says, jubilantly.
  24. >With minimal flair, Vinyl plopped herself down on the blanket, fishing inside the cooler for something.
  25. >Gently taking a seat beside her, you can't help but notice Vinyl took up much of the towel.
  26. >Pressing closer, you lightly hip check Vinyl's side to scoot her too large butt over to make room for you.
  27. >Taking the room freed, you still end up squishing uncomfortably close against Vinyl's side.
  28. >You're immediately reminded of the nature walk you two took weeks ago, as you unconsciously compare her meaty thigh to yours.
  29. >You had always known Vinyl to be the more... physically attractive of the two of you, white coat, brilliant mane, unicorn, etc.
  30. >What you hadn't known or even thought about, was how much... MORE she was.
  31. >"Hey Tavi."
  32. >She had half unicorn and half earthpony blood, and you had assumed she took more after her unicorn side.
  33. >This apparently was not the case, not only was she taller than you, as unicorns usually were, but she had also gained her mothers girth, her hips flaring out noticeably, able to be seen even when facing her front.
  34. >"Taviiiiiiiii~"
  35. >You were no minuscule pegasus waif, but you were just... average compared to her.
  36. >You run a hoof down her blemishless thigh, feeling how much softer it was than your own.
  37. >Something cold boops your nose as you again are brought out from your thoughts.
  38. >"You're spacin' on me again Tavi, no more thinking about work, we're here to relax 'kay?"
  39. >A purple popsicle is then waved in front of your face enticingly.
  40. >"Wanna popsicle?"
  41. "O-Oh no thank you, I'll have one later." You say automatically, still processing your earlier thoughts.
  42. >Shrugging, Vinyl unwraps the popsicle, and pops it into her mouth along with the red one already there.
  43. >Your mind had been straying more frequently as of late, and though you were loath to admit it, you knew exactly why.
  44. >Ever since that day in the woods with Vinyl, you couldn't help but pay more attention to her.
  45. >At first you thought you were simply jealous, which if you were honest with yourself, you were.
  46. >But it soon became apparent it was more than that when you started keeping tabs on Vinyl, making sure she brushed her teeth, that sort of odd thing.
  47. >You had gone to see Twilight about it as it was starting to cut into your practice time, you had better things to do than be jealous.
  48. >She had informed you that what was happening was quite the opposite.
  49. >It was one of the magical influences that happened when forming a herd Twilight had told you, to make sure your herdmates were taking care of themselves and in perfect condition.
  50. >You had initially scoffed at the notion, until she had elaborated further.
  51. >There were other things to expect as well, certain... changes.
  52. >If Twilight was to be believed, the magic of harmony was "assisting" you two in attracting a mate.
  53. >This took the form of Vinyl sharing her attunement with magic with you since she was a unicorn, supposedly making you more adept with your cutiemark related skills.
  54. >You on the other hand, shared your earthpony attunement of having a fat arse.
  55. >No, really.
  56. >Basically Vinyl was getting a double dosage of earthpony hormones on a daily basis.
  57. >And to top it all off, this had also apparently been happening for YEARS without ever officially forming a herd.
  58. >Both of you had been living together for so long harmony had just up and assumed you two belonged in a herd together.
  59. >Not only that, but harmony would continue to "help" you two (Vinyl) out until you secured a fitting mate.
  60. >Shoving the massive spike of jealously out of your head, you took a few deep breaths as if you were about to perform on stage.
  61. >You will admit you were one of the very few and privileged earthponies to perform at such a high level, let alone in a world renowned orchestra, but.
  62. >Just look at her! She could have literally ANYPONY she wanted!
  63. >Models, royalty, millionaires, anypony she looked at could be hers if she simply asked!"
  64. >She was absolutely drop dead gorgeous with a butt you could bounce a marehole cover off of.
  65. >And to top it all off, she seemed none the wiser! Even when she kept needing to buy new clothing, even when she was propositioned to DAILY, she just shrugged it off.
  66. >You didn't know whether to admire or loathe her, but at the end of the day, here you were "herded" with "the sexiest pony alive".
  67. >Whenever she would say that it would almost make your blood boil, not because she was vain and right, but because you knew she said it without realizing she actually WAS the sexiest pony alive.
  68. >Taking a few more breaths, you throw open the cooler and toss a hoofful of ice on yourself.
  69. >The cold shocks you out of your downward spiraling funk quickly.
  70. >Another few paced breaths and all your indignation and nasty thoughts were removed.
  71. >You scold yourself for becoming so bitter, Vinyl was a dear friend, it was the definition of improper to be so resentful.
  72. >Speaking of, you look over at your friend as she turns toward you with red and purple drool leaking from her mouth.
  73. >"You okay Tavi?"
  74. "Yes, I am now thank you. You were right, it is about time we "chillaxed" as it were."
  75. >This made Vinyl split into a massive grin, wrapping a hoof around your shoulder in a tight, hot hug.
  76. >"That's what I like to hear Octy!" Vinyl shouts in your ear, fruit smelling spittle specking your face.
  77. >You hug her back, eager to forget your thoughts of inferiority in her boisterous and annoying mannerisms.
  78. >"So hey, you think you could do me a flavor?"
  79. >Ugh one of your least favorite sayings of hers. Perfect.
  80. "What can this humble servant do for you Miss Scratch?" you retort back cheekily.
  81. >"Pshh stop, you know I can't stand when you treat me like that."
  82. "Whatever do you mean your ladyship?"
  83. >Vinyl makes a face and sticks her multicolored tongue out at you.
  84. >"Bleh gross, stoooop!"
  85. >Gleefully laughing to yourself you push some more.
  86. "Stop what? I've yet to begin the queen's requested service."
  87. >Raising her glasses with her magic, Vinyl gives you a squinting glare with her ruby eyes.
  88. >"Alright, you wanna play that way, fine."
  89. >A bottle of something is dropped into your hooves suddenly.
  90. >Knocking you off the blanket with a hip check of her own, Vinyl lies on her back to take up the space you had recently vacated.
  91. >"Bathe your queen in this white elixir 'till she is coated wholly, and maybe when you're done I'll consider repaying the favor, I so decree!"
  92. >Standing on your hooves, you bow deeply to Vinyl.
  93. "It will be done my lady."
  94. >Taking the bottle in your mouth, you enjoy seeing Vinyl scrunch her nose uncomfortably.
  95. >She never was one to revel in positions of power, even with her family being quite well-off she decided to live a more modest life in ponyville.
  96. >That isn't to say she didn't earn quite a bit of bits or have lavish tastes.
  97. >The bottle of sunscreen lotion in your mouth for example was Crème de la Mare, an expensive coltish brand that Vinyl loved.
  98. >Pouring a dollop in your hoof, you set it aside, warming the cream between your hooves.
  99. "Glasses off."
  100. >Starting with her face, you work the lotion into her cheeks as she floats away her designer shades.
  101. >"Ack bright." Vinyl squints.
  102. "Hush, you wear those things plenty. You could stand to show off your pretty face from time to time."
  103. >"Yeah but I actually need them now- p-pretty?"
  104. >Oh, you said that part out loud.
  105. >Losing track of your hooves, you accidentally get some lotion in Vinyl's eye.
  106. >"ACK. My eye Tavi!"
  107. >Quickly rubbing out the cream, you continue working on her face.
  108. "Yes, pretty, Vinyl."
  109. >It wasn't too untoward to compliment a friend on their appearance now was it?
  110. >Vinyl says nothing, instead opting to touch her hooves together a few times.
  111. >Using your forehoof, you wipe Vinyl's stained lips clean before rubbing her chin and snout with the fragrant lotion.
  112. >Coating her long unicorn neck, you make sure you don't leave any dry spots before working your way down.
  113. >Doing the same for her forehooves, you drizzle a copious amount of lotion onto Vinyl's chest.
  114. >Bringing your hooves to her tuft, you massage the paste into her fur and skin.
  115. >Vinyl's armpits get some as well, the tender skin tickled by your hooves making her squirm.
  116. >Despite her appearance, Vinyl was no earth pony, her body was soft and pliable, but when reaching her stomach, you could feel muscles underneath the fat, the abs no doubt developed though her love of dancing.
  117. >Her upper torso sufficiently coated, your hooves meander without purpose, unsure of your next move.
  118. >You had never touched Vinyl much more than this before, maybe the occasional shower you helped scrub her back but that was the extent of it.
  119. >You had come to a speed bump in your progress, rather two of them.
  120. >Staring back at you were Vinyl's teats, covered under her bright red swimbra.
  121. >They were of course, also massive. The strained fabric of the extra large pregnancy size bra barely contained Vinyl's mammaries.
  122. >Feeling your stopped progress, Vinyl looks down at you questioningly.
  123. >Seeing your plight, she rolls her eyes at you and magically frees her bra.
  124. >"You gotta get everywhere or I'm gonna burn Tav."
  125. >Bra whisked away, your staring contest is only intensified when Vinyl's bare nipples stare back.
  126. "I-I-I-"
  127. >Snorting, Vinyl takes your hooves in her magic and forces them down.
  128. >Incredibly plush skin graces your hooves as they are pushed into Vinyl's swollen teats.
  129. >Frozen in place, all you can do is take in the luxurious feel of her skin before an exasperated sigh reaches your ears.
  130. >"Tavi you're makin' this awkward, just keep going." Vinyl says, nudging your hooves with the expensive lotion bottle.
  131. >Robotically, you pour more sunscreen onto Vinyl, watching the creamy liquid pool between her breasts.
  132. >Becoming more bold, you rub along the outsides of Vinyl's teats gently, before coating the insides and eventually the middles.
  133. >You can't help but revel in their softness, they had the perfect amount of pliability to them.
  134. >As your hooves rub over two protrusions, you could've sworn you heard Vinyl gasp.
  135. >Moving your hooves elsewhere, you eventually become curious enough to try again.
  136. >The second time your hooves pass over her nipples there's silence.
  137. >However this time, they feel much bigger than before, harder.
  138. >Your own nipples stiffen in response, pressing against your more conservative purple one-piece swimsuit delightfully.
  139. >Becoming more comfortable, you let your hooves lather Vinyl's assets freely, using more force to get into all the nooks and crannies.
  140. >As you play with Vinyl's tits, you start to notice the cream becoming thinner, some lotion arcing up and splashing your face.
  141. >Wiping it off, you freeze.
  142. >Among the floral scent of the cream there's a new scent, the unmistakable smell of milk mixed in as well.
  143. >Sparing a worried glance, you see the fruits of your mindlessness.
  144. >Vinyl's nipples have stuck up proudly in the hot summer air, swollen and spraying thin rivulets of milk like a water balloon filled with pinholes.
  145. >It seems you were overzealous in your attention, your face heating up with embarrassment as you see enough milk had been coaxed out to pool in her crotch.
  146. >Averting your eyes from the sweet smelling puddle, you don't dare look up as you catch labored breathing above you.
  147. >You wish you were anywhere else but here right now, going overboard like this was simply unacceptable, especially to a friend.
  148. >Tears well up in the corners of your eyes as you anticipate what horrid and deserved words were about to come your way.
  149. >Folding your ears back you brace for the deluge, but none came.
  150. >Still not risking a look upwards, you hurriedly move onto a huge inner thigh, eager to pretend like what had transpired was merely a dream.
  151. >But in your haste, you grabbed too forcefully, digging into the soft flesh with your hoof.
  152. >A stifled moan came from above you, which your body responded to whether you wanted it to or not, by making you wink against your swimsuit.
  153. >In that moment your brain is flooded with questions, some you knew the answers to and others you would prefer not to answer.
  154. >Pushing those thoughts down, you shakily continue your task at hoof, anything better than awkward staring.
  155. >Tracing down Vinyl's obscenely thick inner thighs with more lotion, you feel the leg muscles twitch against you, driving your hooves in further.
  156. >Another moan from her, another wink from you.
  157. >Ignoring it, you heft one of her gargantuan legs up onto your shoulder to keep it steady and are almost knocked forward from the weight of it.
  158. >Unbalanced, you quickly take Vinyl's other leg and hoist it up as well.
  159. >Embarrassingly aware how your position must look, you speed up your rubbing to get it over with as soon as possible.
  160. >Unfortunately you don't notice Vinyl's rear hooves reflexively lock behind your head, or her thighs closing in with every rub down their long soft length.
  161. >All too late you finally realize what was happening, quickly, you try to push Vinyl's legs apart but the only place to push against were her inner thighs.
  162. >Again your haste brings you into trouble, the sudden pressure put against her inner thighs is returned multiplicatively, crushing your head between her legs.
  163. >Everything is dark, as your face is squished betwixt two broad, quaking slabs of flesh.
  164. >Taking in their softness, you grind your own thighs together, a flicker of heat igniting in your loins.
  165. >You smell the sunscreen as it's smeared across your face, you commend Vinyl as it's scent really is rather pleasant.
  166. >You can feel and hear Vinyl's fast heartbeat as it thumps in your ears, her elevated pulse unmistakably your doing.
  167. >Running low on breath, you try your luck and push your head out from Vinyl's hot vice without retaliation.
  168. >Relatively cool air fills your lungs as your eyes adjust back to the previously absent sun.
  169. >Your breath is heavy, but not entirely due to the lack of air you're ashamed to say.
  170. >Vinyl's legs have since fallen back down, and daring a glance at her face shows her staring into space with glossy eyes.
  171. "Turn over."
  172. >The words come before you even think them, and sound as dry as your throat feels.
  173. >For a while Vinyl doesn't move, you think she must not have heard you and begin to ask again before her body slowly turns itself over on the blanket.
  174. >After she finishes turning over, you stare at the two white globes before you, still jiggling with captured inertia.
  175. >You don't hesitate to immediately sink your hooves into the pair of deluxe ivory cushions.
  176. >A clear, needy moan reaches your ears, and like it was trained to, your button obediently presses on your wet swimsuit, making you shudder.
  177. >Ripping the cap off of the crystal bottle with your teeth, you dump a flood of cream onto your prize.
  178. >Taking just one immense cheek in your hooves, you knead it to your heart's content.
  179. >You push, pull, prod, and poke at the mass of fat and muscle between your hooves, losing yourself in the lavish alabaster pillow.
  180. >The moans come freely now, your clit matching each one as they sound out over the roar of the sea.
  181. >Straddling one of Vinyl's slick thighs, you grind against it with wanton abandon as you continue your desperate assault.
  182. >Switching to the unmolested cheek, you note the stark color difference and vow to turn it the same cherry red as the first.
  183. >You're drooling now, it dripping down onto Vinyl to be mixed in with the lotion by your merciless hooves as they batter the squishy loaf of fat.
  184. >Your loins are on fire as they glide up and down a gigantic thigh, enough stimulation to keep going but not quite enough for anything more.
  185. >Digging your hooves into each rosy cheek as deep as they will go, you spread them apart eliciting the sound of a horny whimper.
  186. >Between both titanic masses was a thin red thong, normally completely swallowed, now simply the last obstacle in your way.
  187. >Letting go of your cherry glazed double scoop sundaes, they slam back together with a wet clap.
  188. >In fact, several claps, the jiggling mass spreading and slapping together many more times as if cheering you on in your lewd endeavor.
  189. >Taking inspiration, you throw a hoof against one of the not-so pale anymore beanbags, spanking it with enough force to leave a hoofprint.
  190. >A yelp accompanies your ass applause, encouraging you to do the same to the other one.
  191. >Leaning over the lush pair of snowcapped mountians, you stop their erratic slapping by laying your stomach against them.
  192. >The ornamental crystal bottle sparkles in the light as you empty the last remaining contents over Vinyl's back.
  193. >You weren't one to leave a job half finished after all.
  194. >Sliding your hooves over the tense and shaking mare, you rub in the last remnants of what must have been a hundred bit bottle.
  195. >Working your way back down, you come across Vinyl's slutty thong, tied at the hips.
  196. >Without even considering to ask, you undo a side with your hooves.
  197. >The opposite side proves much tougher to remove so you bite though the thin fabric instead.
  198. >Rising up, you grip Vinyl's waist and realize if you were a stallion, you would be inside her right now.
  199. >The thought makes you push into Vinyl's smouldering butt harder, the contrast of size easy to see from behind.
  200. >She absolutely dwarfed you, the outside of your hips just barely touching the middle of her ass cheeks.
  201. >You weren't jealous anymore though, no. Something else had taken it's place.
  202. >Bringing your hips back, you slam them forward into hers, a slap you felt this time on your own thighs.
  203. >You were surprised at how well you were cushioned, expecting to hit hard resistance but you were slowed gently like trying to punch an overstuffed pillow.
  204. >Repeating your thrust, you are met with the same result, a slap and then a gentle slow to stop as you squished into Vinyl's expansive seat.
  205. >One thought came to mind from this discovery; this ass was meant to be BRED.
  206. >Biting onto the thin thong, you pull up on it sharply to wedge it further into Vinyl's immense crack, making her squeal.
  207. >Pulling it down, you free it from it's wet confines, letting it hang in the breeze from your mouth.
  208. >Spitting it into a hoof, you marveled at the size, noting the drenched middle as you stuck your nose into it.
  209. >You breathe deeply, a distinct marely scent filling your nose.
  210. >Tossing the bottoms aside, you now wanted the real thing.
  211. >Again taking a cheek in each hoof, you spread Vinyl as wide as you could, much to her enjoyment if the slutty whine was anything to go by.
  212. >What had been previously covered lay bare before you, a large muscled donut clenching above a rapidly winking slit.
  213. >Licking your lips, you don't even notice your own clit sync up with hers.
  214. >Taking a deep breath, you dive in, meaning to go straight for the honeypot but your aim was off, instead ending up at her tight ponut.
  215. >Not caring in the slightest, your tongue traces the outside and then forcefully presses against the middle of Vinyl's tight ring.
  216. >Putting up a valiant fight, Vinyl's asshole was eventually conquered, your tongue wriggling inside its hot depths.
  217. >Vinyl squirms against you as she gasps, unprepared for the wet invader.
  218. >Unwilling to let your prey go, you grab a hold of as much ass as you could and pull yourself deeper, your snout bumping against her dock.
  219. >Vinyl's insides clench again as you fit more inside her, the resistance only spurring you on.
  220. >You map every inch of Vinyl's ass with your tongue, memorizing it by feel alone.
  221. >Your tongue lubricates her tunnel with your spit making subsequent penetrations able to reach further and further into her hot depths.
  222. >Unfortunately, you were only blessed with a limited length of tongue and soon, despite how much you tried, you simply couldn't reach any further.
  223. >Removing your face and tongue with a shlorp, you look upon your work with pride.
  224. >Vinyl's tight ring was tight no more, gaping slightly and dripping drool as it quivered from it's ordeal.
  225. >It's owner was in a similar state, gasping for air and dripping drool as well, though of her own making.
  226. >Not yet satiated, you spread Vinyl once more and fixed your eyes on the prize.
  227. >Vinyl's slit was gushing, every wink of her powerful clit sent droplets flying everywhere.
  228. >Although she certainly didn't need it, you gathered as much drool in your mouth as you could and spit the extra lube right on her button as it thrust out.
  229. >The direct hit made Vinyl buck, but your hooves made sure she stayed in place like a good girl.
  230. >Feeling properly prepared, you slowly creep down to Vinyl's sopping entrance, intent on not missing a second time.
  231. >The heat hits you first, the sweltering air around her hotbox felt like you opened the door to a furnace full of wet panties.
  232. >Then the smell hits you, your nostrils flare as you take in the much more intense scent from her thong.
  233. >A sweet, sugary scent mixed with milk and flowers from the lotion topped off with an almost overbearing scent of mare.
  234. >It made your eyes roll back in your head as it filled your nose to capacity.
  235. >Your heart thrummed in your chest as you eagerly opened your mouth and drove forward.
  236. >The scent from earlier flooded your tongue as taste as you greedily lapped at the surge of juices Vinyl was making for you.
  237. >Kissing your lips to her much larger and puffier ones, you repeat your earlier ponut attack on her pink flower Making Vinyl squeal.
  238. >If Vinyl's asshole was hot, her cunt was boiling.
  239. >Your tongue is met with much less resistance, easily sliding in until you bottom out, the walls squeezing you rhythmically.
  240. >Trying your best to get more in, your nose presses firmly against Vinyl's still gaped ring, a hum of delight coaxed out for your effort.
  241. >Copying your previous workmareship, you start exploring Vinyl's scalding velvet hole.
  242. >Probing for weaknesses, you look for spots that illicit the best reactions, until finding a spot that made Vinyl twitch and squawk.
  243. >Focusing on that area, Vinyl's muscles writhed against you, her thighs clamping down and trapping you in place against her opening.
  244. >Sticking a hoof between your own legs, you furiously rub your clit, eager to join Vinyl in her crescendo.
  245. >The muffled moans and cries Vinyl was letting out came faster and faster as she was brought closer to cumming.
  246. >Spearing the tender flesh, you are relentless in your barrage, hitting it over and over again as fast as you can, the pressure on your head increasing rapidly.
  247. >Then the dam breaks, with one last poke to her g-spot your mouth is flooded with Vinyl's juices, her clit hammering on your chin.
  248. >Her thighs keep you firmly in place and you have no choice but to swallow all she gives you.
  249. >Disappointingly, you hadn't joined her yet, stroking your pussy in a frenzy, you were so close!
  250. >Growling, you latch onto Vinyl's pistoning clit with your mouth, sucking it hard enough that it couldn't retreat.
  251. >This made Vinyl thrash against you, strangled cries shouted out as you kept her sensitive love button in your torturous maw.
  252. >You were now aware even Vinyl's clit was enormous, the bud of flesh was bloated to more than three times the size of yours by the feel of it.
  253. >Although some of that could be attributed to the amount of suction you needed to keep it in your mouth.
  254. >In any case, it was an easy target for your tongue, the lashing at her tender bulb was driving Vinyl insane, she bucked wildly trying to shake you off but her own thighs kept you tightly in place.
  255. >Finally nearing your end, your own hips start to buck, a tingly sensation works its way down to your nethers, and you cover your thighs with your own juices.
  256. >Moaning deeply, the vibrations from your throat resonate with Vinyl's clit in your mouth and she jerks sharply before coating your face in a back to back orgasm.
  257. >Riding out your peak, you're able to remove your head from Vinyl's soaking thighs.
  258. >Looking at the mess you made, Vinyl's engorged clit winks weakly, a squelch coming with every pulse.
  259. >Her pussy was dilated enough you could see inside.
  260. >In fact, you wager she could take your whole hoof.
  261. >Looking down at said appendage, you bring it down to her entrance and push.
  262. >"Ah AH! Waitwaitwait stop!"
  263. >The voice quickly snaps you out of what you were doing and you remove your hoof.
  264. >This is met with a relieved sigh and Vinyl looking back over at you.
  265. >"You're a buckin' crazy mare you know that?"
  266. >All of a sudden your faculties come back to you, and you realize just what you've done.
  267. >The sound of the boombox reminds you where you are and you sit ramrod straight.
  268. >Looking around yourself frantically, you're relieved to see you're far enough away from other ponies to have avoided any unwanted attention outside of some curious glances.
  269. >Somewhat reassured, you're painfully aware how wet you are, especially your face.
  270. >"Wanna tell me what all that was about?"
  271. >The question slices though you like a frozen knife, and you realize you don't really have an answer for her.
  272. >You want to apologize, or say at least something to save your friendship but your mind is blank.
  273. >You can't even move your lips to start a sentence, you're stuck.
  274. >Vinyl flicks her tail in annoyance and magics you out from between her legs over to her face.
  275. >"Tavi, what's goin' on? You've been in a funk for weeks and then just about suck me dry out of the blue!"
  276. "I-I- um- well-"
  277. >"If you needed to get your rocks off, why didn't you just ask?"
  278. >You blush at Vinyl's bluntness, shaking you out of your stupor.
  279. "I... didn't know."
  280. >"What, if I'd be cool with it? Or you didn't know you were horny?"
  281. >Blinking, you reply earnestly.
  282. "Both I suppose."
  283. >Shaking her head Vinyl mumbles to herself.
  284. >"And here I thought pegasi were the crazy ones."
  285. >Letting you free of her magical grip, your hooves land on the sand and almost buckle underneath you, both at the unbelievable possibility of not losing Vinyl, but also your legs were still weak from your recent orgasm.
  286. >"Where's my sunscreen?"
  287. >You point over to the crystal container and Vinyl turns around to pick it up.
  288. >"Aw ponyfeathers, we're all out."
  289. "I don't think you require anymore Vinyl."
  290. >Looking down at herself, Vinyl's body glistened with lotion... and various other liquids.
  291. >"Duh, I know that, I meant for you silly."
  292. "I'll be quite alright Vinyl, no worries. It was your bottle after all."
  293. >Not responding, Vinyl thinks to herself for a moment before standing up on the blanket.
  294. >"I got an idea Tav."
  295. >Once again you're lifted into the air with Vinyl's magic, this time brought over and under Vinyl.
  296. >On your back underneath the larger mare, you nervously look into the unicorn's scheming eyes as drops fall from her body onto you.
  297. "V-Vinyl?"
  298. >"Shh just relax Tavi, it's all under control."
  299. >And with that, Vinyl lays back down, directly on top of you.
  300. >If being crushed to death was your way to atone for what you had done, so be it.
  301. >Vinyl's soggy body pressed down on you gently, slowly enveloping you in its opulent softness.
  302. >The weight on your body increased until Vinyl was resting herself comfortably on top of you her face merely inches from yours.
  303. >"Cozy?"
  304. >If you were anything but an earth pony, the answer would assuredly be a no.
  305. "Decently."
  306. >Shifting, you were immediately aware of Vinyl's thick nipples digging into your teats though your swimsuit.
  307. "V-Vinyl your teats are touching mine."
  308. >"So?"
  309. "T-That's gay." You squeak out.
  310. >Looking down at you incredulously, it looks like she almost wants to laugh.
  311. >"This is coming from a mare who almost sucked my clit off and tried to dig a hole to neighpon through my asshole."
  312. >Looking away from her, your face heats up.
  313. "T-That's different."
  314. >A single sharp bark of laughter comes from above you, coupled shortly after with your one-piece swimsuit poofing away.
  315. >Your eyes widen as your bare fur meets Vinyl's, most noticeably between your legs.
  316. "V-Vinyl!"
  317. >The mare doesn't respond, just grinning at you as she grinds her nipples against your rapidly hardening ones.
  318. >Trying to squirm away, you find yourself trapped under the larger mare, gravity working against you.
  319. >Maybe she didn't notice. there's a five second rule on these sorts of things right?
  320. "Vinyl! Your teats!"
  321. >"What about 'em?"
  322. "They're touching mine!"
  323. >"Huh, guess that makes you gay then. Not me though."
  324. "What?!"
  325. >Grinding herself down onto you again, Vinyl's heavy teats rub circles into yours.
  326. >"Who's on the bottom?"
  327. "I am?"
  328. >"So you're the gay one."
  329. "That doesn't make any sense! You're the one doing it!"
  330. >Pressing herself down firmly on you, you feel Vinyl's areola alone are more than a match for most of your teat size.
  331. >"If you don't like it why don't you stop me?"
  332. "You know I can't." You say with a glare.
  333. >Pushing down harder, a sigh escapes the unicorn as a warm liquid begins to leak onto you from her nipples.
  334. >"Just ask and I'll get up."
  335. >This... hadn't occurred to you.
  336. >"Well?"
  337. >Turning her head to the side, Vinyl flicks an ear and cups it with a hoof.
  338. "..."
  339. >Looking you in the eye, Vinyl sees the blush on your face as you scrunch.
  340. >"Pfft- Sweet Celestia, how repressed are you?!" Vinyl giggles.
  341. >You feel her laughter as her body shakes on top of you, her lower half still pressed firmly against yours.
  342. >Feeling it better to stay silent, you instead resign yourself to your fate.
  343. >Vinyl continued grinding herself against you, putting more of her upper body into it as well, mashing your chest fluff together.
  344. >Seemingly getting bored after no reaction from you, Vinyl gets up, the air feeling cold on your slick fur.
  345. >"Turn over."
  346. >Confused, you do as she asks and like before, Vinyl lays down on top of you.
  347. >"Doing okay?" Vinyl asks into your ear.
  348. >Simply nodding to her, Vinyl continues with her... body massage.
  349. >Rubbing herself over your back, her thighs meet your rear with a gentle slap.
  350. >Vinyl's teats squish against the contours of your back, dribbling their sweet milk over you.
  351. >You are actually starting to enjoy her ministrations now, your bodies gliding against each other soothingly.
  352. >She does this for a few more minutes before standing up once more.
  353. >"There ya go all done!"
  354. "Done?"
  355. >"You're all ready for fun in the sun!"
  356. >Turning over again, you look at her confused.
  357. >Using a hoof, Vinyl rubs your chest with a proud smile.
  358. >Looking down, it seems Vinyl's Idea was to share her sunscreen with you by rubbing it on your body with hers.
  359. "I see, but I'm afraid you missed a spot dear."
  360. >"What? Nuh uh."
  361. "Yes I'm afraid you're going to have to do my front again."
  362. >"What're you- Ohhhh. Gotcha." Vinyl says knowingly, clicking her tongue.
  363. >Rolling your eyes, you get comfortable as Vinyl lays back down on you, her leaky teats mashing against yours once again.
  364. >"Y'know you really oughta be more up front with what you want Tavi."
  365. "I would like you to make me cum with your magic please."
  366. >Blinking dumbly, Vinyl's horn lights up.
  367. >"Kay."
  368. >Feeling a tingly pressure at your nethers, a phantom tongue starts licking at your flower.
  369. >Soon you're nice and wet, letting you relax yourself enough to allow Vinyl to push her way inside you.
  370. >Breathing heavily, you gaze up at Vinyl who has a blush of her own for a change.
  371. >Feeling her magic spread inside you, some of it is concentrated at your clit and rubs against it in circles.
  372. >Getting riled up herself, Vinyl grinds her teats on yours, making your nipples stiffen yet again.
  373. "I- ohh, I haven't- mmf~ had the pleasure of tasting your milk yet dear."
  374. >Quickly rising and flipping around, Vinyl lowers her dripping nipples onto your face.
  375. >"I want them back after your done, don't go crazy again Tavi." A note of concern tinging her words.
  376. >You don't respond, too busy catching ivory droplets with your tongue as the pair of weighty mounds come closer.
  377. >Taking a nipple into your mouth, you give it a suck and it explodes with flavor, hot liquid gushing into your cheeks.
  378. >Rich creamy milk pours down your throat as you swallow, expertly draining the fat nipple for more of it's white gold.
  379. >Vinyl shudders at the attention, casting her magic on herself as well as she speeds up the spell.
  380. >Magic hooves and tongues lick and prod at your delicate areas, one or two slipping into your confines.
  381. >Your clit was given special attention, as the mouth working on it wasn't spectral, but hot and equine.
  382. >Rapidly nearing your limit, your legs reflexively start shaking giving Vinyl a cue.
  383. >The magic working on you both reaches a blistering pace, and your end comes barreling down just as you switch to Vinyl's other nipple.
  384. >You're brought crashing over the edge, mewling Vinyl's name between gulps of fresh milk streaming down your gullet.
  385. >Vinyl laps gently at your lips as you come down, giving you one last suck before licking her own lips clean.
  386. >"No homo."
  387. >Your eyes shoot open as you try to remove your mouth from your delicious drink and respond in kind, but Vinyl makes sure to cram as much tit into your mouth as possible.
  388. >She turns her head and smirks back at you, knowing there was nothing you could do.
  389. >Ceding to her will unhappily, you go back to gently nursing on Vinyl's teat, making her coo appreciatively.
  390. >...
  391. >You really hope you're not gay.

Goodnight Anon

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: BOOTY BATTLE (Vy and Tav)

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Spoopy Vinyl

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Choco overload

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Bangin till the crack of dawn

by TiredAsShit