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[NSFW] Stella Sprinkles' date

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-04 01:02:52
Expiry: Never

  1. "I hate you guys"
  2. >You are Anonymous
  3. >After a few days coming to the local frozen yogurt place, your friends started to tease you about the girl at the counter
  4. >Giving you looks, salivating a bit more, breathing more agitated, giving you extra toppings
  5. >Anyway, during one of your shenanigans, you bet a date with her
  6. >Long story short, you lost, so you must take her out
  7. >You see your "friends" across the road, laughing like little girls doing something naughty. Fucking faggots
  8. >You open the door, and go straight to the counter
  9. >There she is, already shaking around your presence
  10. >"H..h..hi, we-welcome to th-the-"
  11. "Hi, can I get a small cup please?"
  12. >"S-sure!"
  13. >She gives you one small cup and you pay for it
  14. >You serve yourself vanilla, strawberry and chocolate yogurt with sprinkles. Very simple
  15. >You see outside: your friends are pointing at her
  16. "Goddammit"
  17. >You go back to the counter
  18. >"N-n-need any-"
  19. "Look, I have to make this quick, so.... want to have a date?"
  20. >Like if her brain just turned off, she stares blankly at you
  21. "Huh? Are yo-?"
  23. >The entire place is looking at both of you
  24. "Woah, woah! Calm down! I just asked for a date, and I'm glad you accepted"
  25. >She is jumping in blisfull cherishness
  26. "Uh... yeah, This Sunday at the entrance of the Water Strider Port at noon. I'll see you there"
  27. >You give her your yogurt
  28. "Here, this is for you"
  29. >You wave her good bye, leave the store, and walk up to the corner to find your buddies laughing
  30. >"Ahahaha! Oh my God, you poor bastard, you really did"
  31. >"I can't believe it! Even give her a gift and everything!"
  32. >"What a gentleman, maybe she will kiss you. Hope you like the taste of dental steel, hahaha!"
  33. "Fuck you guys, and you all own me a frozen yogurt motherfuckers"
  35. >The week passes quickly, and you managed to get a few savings gathered for the "big day"
  36. >Around noon, you are in front of the big arch in the Water Stride Port
  37. >You dress casually: black shirt, gray jeans, brown shoes. Nothing that rises attention
  38. >You see from afar your buddies, laughing already
  39. >The last thing left is the yogurt girl coming to talk to you
  40. >"U-u-u-um.. e-e-excushe me?"
  41. >Speaking of the Devil, you recognize that voice
  42. >You turn around
  43. "Hey, glad you made.... it..."
  44. >Who the fuck is this girl? Is she the yogurt gal?!
  45. >I mean, she is green, and her hair is still made up with a couple of twin tails, but where is her steel thing? And where was she hiding THOSE?!
  46. >She is wearing white and blue sneakers with long white socks, blue denim shorts, and a yellow top that really shows off her (already big) chest
  47. >"Oh! Ish you! Good to shee you!"
  48. >Well, the lisp is there. She is the yogurt girl
  49. "... Likewise"
  50. >You check your pals for a bit: they are as shocked as you, jaws almost touching the floor
  51. "Umm... yeah! Good you came! Want to go in?"
  52. >You strecth your hand, and she shyly takes it. It feels really wet
  53. >Well, at least she is as thirsty as always
  54. >Both walk into the dock
  55. "Hey, by the way, I am Anonymous"
  56. >"Oh! My name ish Shtella. Shtella Shprinkles"
  57. "Good to finally know you then Stella"
  58. >She is having the biggest smile right now. Adorable, even with her braces on
  60. >You two walk around, seeing the stands and places
  61. >Many couples and families are hanging out. A nice place to relax
  62. >Good restaurants, good places, and the beach is close
  63. "Say, have anything in mind? Want to go somewhere?"
  64. >"I go where you go"
  65. >She hugs and clinges on your arm. Some passer-bys daww at you two
  66. >Alright, too much sugar
  67. "I think there is an arcade close. Do you like games?"
  68. >"Yes! I like Hybrid Haven, Pershona 1 and 2, Tactics of Ogre"
  69. >You look at her a bit incredulous. Those are some obscure games
  70. "I never expected you to be a gamer girl"
  71. >"I like turn-bashed more!"
  72. "I see"
  73. >You two get into the small arcade. Lots of old games piled up
  74. >You pay for a few chips, and go to one cabinet: Out Run
  75. "Ever played this?"
  76. >"A *whistle*fiw*whistle* times in MAME"
  77. "Good, you know what to do then"
  78. >The game starts, and you two have a good time playing. She took some extra coins, a joypad is really different from a cabinet stick
  79. >A few points later, both leave the game
  80. "Like it?"
  81. >"I really had fun!"
  82. "Good"
  83. >You see around the games, and find something good
  84. "Do you like Star Wars?"
  85. >"Do I? I love it!"
  86. "Then let me show you something cool about the prequels"
  87. >You take her to the OG pod racing game. Her eyes light up
  88. "Go ahead "Anakin", we have a bet to win"
  89. >She jumps into the pod, and you let her have fun. She got the hand of it really quickly and won a few laps
  90. >She comes out happy from it
  91. "The Force is really strong in you, padawan"
  92. >"Ihihihihi!"
  93. >A bit screechy, but is a nice laugh
  94. >Maybe this date ain't bad after all
  96. >You two leave the arcade, and find a small claw game
  97. >"Oh! I love these!"
  98. >She quickly goes to the machine, and pays for one try, but she doesn't have luck
  99. >"Aww"
  100. "Wait, let me try"
  101. >You pay for one try, and do the "small" trick your dad taught you
  102. >When you find a toy, you wave the stick so the claw gets into a pendulum motion
  103. >You quickly press the button, and the balancing claw catches a small tiger pushie
  104. >You retrieve the plushie, and give it to her
  105. "There you go"
  106. >"Thanks Anonymoush, that was cool!"
  107. "Nah, it was a small trick my dad taught me"
  108. >She hugs you
  109. >"Thanks"
  110. >You pat her head
  111. "Yeah, yeah, no biggie, is only a toy"
  112. >"A toy you gave me"
  113. >You smile
  114. "Alright, let's go get something to eat, I would like to know you better"
  115. >Her eyes light up
  116. >"Y-y-y-you want to know m-m-m-m-me?!"
  117. >Dude, is so easy with her. Maybe you are her first date. And the guy who has a crush on, no less
  118. "Sure, that's why we are having a date after all. Come on"
  119. >You take her to a small restaurant. Lots of fish dishes are on the menu
  120. "I'll go with the fish and chips, what about you?"
  121. >"The Japaneshe menu shounds good"
  122. "Alright then"
  123. >You call the waiter, and place your order
  124. >With some time free, you take the chance to talk to her
  125. >But why do you feel... threatened?
  127. "So, how long were you working on that yogurt store?"
  128. >"A couple of years during the summer. My dad is friendsh with the owner and I liked the yogurt from that place, so one summer I got hired"
  129. "Sounds fun, and I bet working in that place leaves you with all the frozen yogurt you can eat"
  130. >"At least a nice dishcount and free toppings. In fact, I wanted to give you this"
  131. >A coupon for a free topping. How nice
  132. "What about you? Which highschool are you going?"
  133. "I just graduated last summer, but I have been working during the year. I'm going to enroll after this summer"
  134. >"Ohh! College sounds fun"
  135. "How long before you graduate?"
  136. >"Just a few months and I'll be enrolling in Starswhirl's Academy"
  137. "Good choice, I was actually thinking going to Everton, but Starswhirl sounds good too"
  138. >"M-maybe we can be College roommates"
  139. >She is relaxing now. Good
  140. "Yeah, that would be fun"
  141. >The waiter arrives with your meal. The fish and chips came with mayo and ketchup, and Stella had lots of sushi cubes. Squid, mackarel, tuna, and 3 cali rolls
  142. >Both of you eat, give a bit of what are each other having. You really are having fun
  143. >While eating, a fry falls on your shirt, leaving a stain
  144. >"Oh anon, your shirt"
  145. "Is fine, I can clean it"
  146. >Both of you go for a napkin and touch hands
  147. >Both look at each other
  148. >"Anon, I'm-"
  149. "No"
  150. >You grab her hand
  151. "Is fine"
  152. >Sharing a silent moment, both smile, gladly to be in each other's company
  153. >*SPLASH!*
  155. >A water balloon hits you from the back. At least Stella is dry
  156. "Woah! What was that for?!"
  157. >"Sorry dude! Just having fun!"
  158. >The bunch of "buddies" runs away. Stella didn't recognized them, but you did
  159. >"Anon, are you ok?"
  160. "Yeah, is just water. I'll go dry myself, excuse me"
  161. >You leave the table and find a restroom
  162. >As expected, those assholes are there laughing
  163. >"She really gets you wet buddy"
  164. "Fuck you dirtbag"
  165. >"Oh, manners Anonymous, you are on a date"
  166. "Yes, a date you guys wanted me to be, so why are you kicking my ass now?"
  167. >"Well, we are bored"
  168. >"We expected you to be ashamed and sad"
  169. >"Yet you are having a nice date with a pretty girl"
  170. "Is called karma, something you would have if you weren't total idiots"
  171. >"Yeah, anyway. Since we are bored, maybe we can hang around with you two"
  172. "I'm really sure she isn't up for a fivesome"
  173. >"Really? All you do is think with your dick anon"
  174. "Happens when you are surrounded by them"
  175. >"Whatever, expect us fucking with you. See you around"
  176. >Your friends leave the restroom laughing. They may like to tease you, but they can get really heavy
  177. "... Assholes"
  178. >You dry up your shirt and body, and leave the restroom
  179. >You go back with Stella. Thankfully, they didn't do anything to her
  180. >"Are you alright anon?"
  181. "Yup! All dried up. Do you like your food?"
  182. >"Yes, is fine"
  183. >Way to cool down your date. Literally, the water inside the balloon was really cold
  184. >You join her again, and both finish the meal with small talk
  185. >You pay the bill, and leave the restaurant
  187. >This can't be good
  188. >These assholes like to play hard pranks on each other, let alone if they can get massive public damage
  189. >Fuck this, you have a sexy hidden gem right next to you, no fucking way you are letting it go
  190. "You know, I feel this place will get crowded soon. How about we find another spot?"
  191. >"Really? We jutf got here"
  192. "I know, but there is a cool mall close, and a more mature bar nearby"
  193. >"I-I can't drink..."
  194. "The dancefloor is free. Come on"
  195. >You take her hand, and walk close to the gathering of people
  196. >Watching your back, you walk around the mist of citizens around you
  197. >You see your friends, but you know they can get easily distracted
  198. >Moving inside a social laberynth, you take turns and side steps, avoiding and moving people around
  199. >Soon, your buddies are lost inside the mosh, and you manage to give them the slip
  200. >Now outside the dock, you just take your time getting to the mall
  202. >The mall is filled with lots of people. Good, that will help you stay underground
  203. >For now, is just enjoyment with some windowshopping
  204. >Many stores filled with clothes, figurines, toys, games, restaurants
  205. >Who doesn't loves the mall?
  206. "Like it?"
  207. >"Hum, is quite populated"
  208. >Oh, right, she is a bit exposed with her small clothing
  209. "let's get you a jacket"
  210. >You take her to a clothing store. Nothing fancy, but they don't have goodwill neither
  211. >She takes a few clothes, and tries it on. She actually doesn't look bad
  212. "Like those?"
  213. >"I really don't care much for clothing"
  214. "Well, you look fine to me, and we can keep searching for something that fits you"
  215. >She blushes
  216. >"Maybe I'll try shomething else"
  217. >She takes other tops and pants, and she came out with a different look everytime
  218. >Before you know it, both were having a small dress up game inside the store
  219. >She came up as a cheerleader, a 90s grunge fan, and a cute librarian
  220. >You were a cowboy, a sports fan, and a generic white west coast G
  221. >The storeclerk finally gave both of you a warning about picking something or leave
  222. >Stella finally decides on a longer denim short and a knockoff Supreme shirt
  223. >After paying the clerk, both leave the store
  224. "Hehe, didn't knew you liked those types of shirts"
  225. >"Well, it was cheap, and ish a bit larger than my top, so it's enough"
  226. "You look like a girl of that new anime, I forgot her name"
  227. >"Do you like anime?!"
  228. "Ehh, I see posts and pics online. I saw one about bread once"
  229. >"Oh! Yakitate, Ja-pan! I love that one"
  230. "Was fun, filled with references, but the ending was weak"
  231. >"Oh, but is so fun! You know, I liked many parts"
  232. >And so, your walk got filled with japanese cartoons. Still, it was nice to see her talking about something she likes
  234. >A lot of time passes before she calms down
  235. >When you return to reality, you find out you buzzed off for a couple of hours
  236. >Sun is coming down, so the bar must be open
  237. >You check your phone: filled with messages from your blueballed friends. Go annoy someone else
  238. >Also, it's around this hour the bar is open
  239. >You take Stella there
  240. >Is really cool, is a small spot with an exit to the beach. Plus, drinks won't be served in 2 or 3 hours
  241. "Like the place?"
  242. >"I have never been in a club before"
  243. "This is more like an open spot. Is great, trust me"
  244. >You go "inside" (the place is more like an open settlement), and start dancing on the dance floor, even sing along
  245. > [Sheryl Crow - Soak up the sun]
  246. >Man, the 00s were cool. Maybe the whole 9/11 and 09 send it to the shitter, and just going deeper ever since, but good songs were had
  247. >Song after song, and dance after dance, both enjoy each other's company
  248. >By the time you two realized it was really late, you two were laughing, tired, and quite drunk
  249. >You don't remember when the drinks came up, you only remember yourself dancing with Stella
  250. >"Soooak up the *hic!* Sun!!!"
  251. "Ahaha, not that you didn't drink?"
  252. >"Shut up..."
  253. "How many fingers do you see?"
  254. >You rise 3 fingers
  255. >"Hmm... 3! And... a half?"
  256. "I think we had enough. Is really late"
  257. >You hail a cab, and tell the guy to take you to Stella's house
  259. >During the trip, Stella called her parents, so they wouldn't be worried
  260. >You saw the time. 10:00 PM. Whoa, you really had a good day
  261. >When you two finally reach the house, you realize both parents are waiting on the door
  262. >At least luck was on your side, the cab only took 30 minutes, was cheap, and you bringing their girl safe and sound, giggling, and with new clothes and a toy really put you on their good side
  263. >They let you come in, they served you a cup of coffee, and you explained them what happened
  264. >A good day all around (alcohol has left your system, and the coffee helped out)
  265. >Since everything was oh so peachy, the let you sleep in the guest room
  266. >You clean up a bit in the washroom, change to some spare pjs they gave you, and rest your head on the bed
  267. >Having a date with Stella was an amazing idea, you should lose bets more often
  268. >With a big smile and a content heart, you close your eyes
  270. >You went to bed really happy and comfortable
  271. >In fact, you feel more comfy that ever. Is that possible?
  272. >You dream a warm teddy bear next to you, as he is giving you a massage
  273. >Wait what?
  274. >You shake up a bit to find yourself still on the guest room, but the warmness is still next to you
  275. >You look at the mass and find...
  276. "Stella?"
  277. >"Shhh, they may hear us, hihi"
  278. >You find your pijama top undone, and her stroking your cock slowly
  279. >You are still dizzy, you just woke up
  280. "Hey, wha are you-?"
  281. >She silences you with a kiss on the lips
  282. >"You were a great date today anon, I wanted to really reward you for it"
  283. "Are you still drunk?"
  284. >"Maybe, hehe"
  285. >She jerks you off softly, as she kisses you in quick succesions. She is truly innexperienced
  286. >Maybe is the booze inside your body, but you actually like this
  287. >You bundle close to her, wrapping your left arm around her, as you massage her breasts with the right one
  288. >Huh, not only are they big, they are really soft
  289. >The kissing and cuddling lasts for a while, as you get more closer and start groping her butt
  290. >Neat, is small but still plushie
  291. >You two stop the kissing, and she leaves your dick, full mast risen
  292. "Well, do you know what to do now? Or I should guide you?"
  293. >"I know how to have sex anon"
  294. >She gets on top of you
  295. >"The first round you get to enjoy it"
  296. >She rests on your cock, and with a hip wiggle and a push, you penetrate her insides
  297. >She shakes up at this sensation. You don't need to connect one and two together, she is a virgin
  298. "Everything ok? We may not have much time, but we can take it easy"
  299. >"Ish... fine. I can do this"
  300. >She puts her arms next to your sides, and goes up and down slowly, building up the pace
  301. >You hold her hips, pushing up slowly, getting more deeper every thrust
  302. >Finally she just bounces up and down, her chest bouncing as well
  303. >Who knew that taking a cute nerd on a date will get you laid tonight?
  304. >You reach your limits, and in one coordinated thrust, you cum inside her
  306. >Stella manages to gulp down her moans of ecstasy, and collapses or your chest, panting heavily
  307. "Ha, not bad for your first time"
  308. >"Glad you liked it"
  309. >You turn her around, taking the missionary position
  310. "Now it's my turn"
  311. >You guide yourself and prod her pussy
  312. "Are you ready?"
  313. >She avoids your gaze for a moment, before smiling back and nodding in agreement
  314. >You push softly, and return inside her
  315. >"Ahh~~"
  316. "Remember: plenty of time"
  317. >You push back and forth slowly, letting her enjoy the penetration
  318. >She mumbles and moans softly, hiding the louder squeaks under her hand
  319. >In one quick reaction, you kiss her on the mouth. She hugs you
  320. >Building up speed, her moaning gets louder, but you manage to mute them by kissing her
  321. >By the time you are bottoming her out, you two are kissing passionately
  322. >The sensations are overwhelming, and you are warning her about the inminent finale. She just crosses her legs, not letting you go
  323. >This gives you the final push, and unload inside her a second time
  324. >When both are spent, she lets you go, as both break the kiss to recover air and share breaths
  325. >"Thanks for an amazing date Anonymous"
  326. "Thanks for an amazing night Stella"
  327. >Finished both sentences, you huddle close next to her, and fall asleep together
  329. >Morning arrives the Sprinkles's househhold, and you wake up next to Stella
  330. >With the light of the sun, you realize she came with her hair undone. A little large, but is really pretty
  331. >You nudge her softly
  332. "Wake up sleepy head"
  333. >"Hmm... morning anon"
  334. "Morning sweetheart"
  335. >Both share a morning kiss
  336. "Maybe you should sneak into your room. If your parents realize what we did, I'll be hanged and you will end with an iron mask
  337. >She giggles
  338. >"Don't worry. It may be Monday, but my day works later today"
  339. "What about school?"
  340. >"I'm fine on this hour's subject, I can skip it"
  341. "Heh, clever girl"
  342. >You kiss her forehead, and she kisses you on the cheek
  343. >She leaves the bed, and goes to her room. You take this time to stretch
  344. >After a very pleasing Sunday, this week looks promising
  345. >Half hour later, Stella's parents call both of you for breakfast, you dig in, clean up, and wave Stella goodbye
  346. >You give her your number, promising you will call her for a new date another day. After that, you hail a cab, and go back home
  347. >A nerd girlfriend was a great idea. You are actually looking forward for the next date
  349. Epilogue
  350. >A few days later, you meet up again with your friends at the local yogurt spot
  351. >They cringed when you acted all snuggy wuggy huggy with your girl, but hey! You were visiting her at her work
  352. >"Really dude? You can have more pretty chicks than her"
  353. "Well, I like her, so blow me"
  354. >"Come on, she is even using that steel halo, she looks like an antenna"
  355. >"Yeah. This was supposed to be you getting a hard time, not a real relationship"
  356. "Well, I had fun in our date, and I want to see her. Besides, she is forced to use that halo. It helps her denture"
  357. >"Dude, you are weird"
  358. "I'm not weird, I just picked a cute girl, that's all. In fact, why aren't you picking nerdy girls? You may find a surprise"
  359. >"Pass"
  360. "What, are you afraid or just a chicken?"
  361. >You start mocking them with a chicken imitation
  362. >"I ain't no chicken! Fine, I can pick any girl I want. A nerdy will be an easy one"
  363. "Whatever dude. Just do me a favour: scream my name when you nut inside her"

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