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(Rainbow Dash x Anon) Yandere Rainbow Dash 2

By polyestergiant
Created: 2022-01-23 00:44:28
Expiry: Never

  1. >You're sitting up against the bed frame, sheets of cotton and polyester holding you down gently.
  2. >The bed is supremely comfortable, a gift from the Apple clan - something like their cousin someone-or-other's old bed. The sheets are red and green, the muted sort that goes well together, at least in your eyes.
  3. >On top is a big wool blanket almost like a quilt, red apple fashioned right in the center.
  4. >It's a beautiful day already, you can feel it.
  5. "Man...this...this is the life."
  6. >The blanket rustles again.
  7. >"You said it, brother."
  8. >You jolt up in surprise. The blanket coils around the base of your hips.
  9. >A mildly amused Rainbow Dash emerges from the covers, over and between your legs like some kind of reverse birth.
  10. >"Hey Anon. Yeesh you scare easy. Can I hang with you today?"
  11. >You sigh and put your head in your hands.
  12. "Rainbow Dash. Why the hell are you in my bed?"
  13. >She cocks her head to the side.
  14. >"Whaddya mean? We're dating now."
  15. >You rub your mouth with the palm of your hand.
  16. "Dash...I said I wanted to take this slow. I didn't even know you were coming over."
  17. >Rainbow Dash looks a bit concerned but still puts on a quiet smile.
  18. >"Yeah, that. I figured, maybe we could get the uncomfortable bits out of the way, ya know? And..."
  19. >Her eyes dart aside.
  20. >"...and maybe, we could...I might make it easier..."
  21. >Dash trails off a bit.
  22. >" get to...ya know..."
  23. >Even in her odd state, you'd be lying if you said that you weren't at least a little endeared by it.
  24. "Dash."
  25. >She perks up and looks right at you again.
  26. "When I said I wanted to take it slow, I meant it. I like you..."
  27. >Dash beams.
  28. "...which is why I don't want to rush this."
  29. >Her mouth comes together in a pout.
  30. >"But come ooooon! I know it's fine, you know it's fine - so what's the problem?"
  31. >Propelled by her wings, Dash drifts upwards and floats at eye-level.
  32. >"Look - Anon. You're a cool guy - I trust you. And if you're coming on too strong then I can let you know."
  33. >Her wings flap a bit slower.
  34. >"It's, is it?"
  35. >She all of the sudden can't meet your eyes again.
  36. >How are you going to get out of this one?
  37. "Dash..."
  38. >She falters and floats gently to the seat of the bed.
  39. >You'll need quick thinking to solve this mishap. Unfortunately, you're not much one for quick thinking.
  40. "'s not you. It'"
  41. >You can't believe you just said that.
  42. >She doesn't react to this. Something, anything will do.
  43. >Rainbow Dash is still not looking at you.
  44. >"...Right. That means it's double-me."
  45. >You're already trying to stumble your way into a retort but she holds her hoof up and beats you to it.
  46. >"No no. I get it. I can take it slower. The sneaking-in-your-bed thing was kinda weird."
  47. >You laugh and put your hand on the base of your neck. It's freezing.
  48. "Maybe a little."
  49. >Dash laughs back and the cold in the room seems to dissipate, if only slightly.
  50. >This is only, of course, to be overtaken by awkward silence.
  51. "So, uh...I gotta go to work."
  52. >Dash smiles in the same manner she did yesterday - the kind that made your heart melt.
  53. >"Okay! I'll walk with you."
  54. >You smirk and slide out of bed in a mangled half-pirouette.
  55. "I must be something special if I have Rainbow Dash walking for me."
  56. >She laughs and hops to the floor, hoofing your leg with a mean (if soft) right hook.
  57. >"Shuddup you dork! You know what I mean. Fly, walk, whatever!"
  58. >Your smirk pushes at the corners of your mouth until it can safely be called a smile.
  59. >Hand ruffling the mane of a slightly flustered Rainbow Dash, you make your way towards the door to prepare for work.

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