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(Twilight Sparkle x Anon) Twilight Spergle's Interview

By polyestergiant
Created: 2022-01-24 22:21:17
Expiry: Never

  1. >You fidget in your chair uncomfortably. There's a difficulty in clearing your throat that wasn't there five minutes ago; moreover, your breath feels sticky inside your mouth, your teeth seem to chatter and grind with an unreliable and discomforting inconsistency, and there's something wrong with your hair but you can't tell just what, or where, it is.
  2. >It would seem that all the telltale marks of a good interview are in place.
  3. >Twilight appears more dignified than you (as usual) in her position on the other side of the table. It is oak, all too large, and by most accounts the perfect thing to keep you two from interacting properly.
  4. >She seems to recognize this also, and smirks in whooshing it away with her magic. As usual, her hand (figuratively speaking) is dexterous and firm. It's clear that she has a strong grasp on the stuff - in contrast, even the more skilled unicorns like Rarity with her scissors and fabrics flying every which way aren't as particularly practiced.
  5. >Twilight takes a note of your reaction. You think she still gets a kick out of your awe for magic, coming from a non-magical world.
  6. >It's been weeks since you arrived here, butt-naked and covered in twigs, scratched to hell and back from what you assume are some pretty hardy force-of-nature acolytes of the Everfree forest.
  7. >You aren't too sure just how you got here.
  8. >There are indicators, as a certain Twilight Sparkle pointed out, that this is another plane of reality. Her theory didn't strike you as particularly lucrative, however, and when you told her this, the purple pony shrank down considerably.
  9. >You were hoping to prove yourself a less pretentious twat during this meeting. The two of you might soon be working together, after all.
  10. >Her, your boss, and you, her assistant librarian.
  11. >You liked the sound of that, and you liked her. She was inquisitive and tried to figure out everything she didn't understand.
  12. >This, of course, meant that you and her were spending a lot more time together than either of you were comfortable with.
  13. >But that was fine for you. You weren't short on comforts in your new home anyway.
  14. >Hell, compared to your old world, this place was a paradise - clean streets, no muggings, everybody (sorry, everyPONY) more pleasant to be around, you name it.
  15. >But you didn't want to rest on your newfound comforts.
  16. >In your eyes, it was time to stop mooching off Celestia and get a job.
  17. >"So. Anon."
  18. >Twilight is looking down awkwardly at a stack of papers that her magic is keeping afloat.
  19. >"How are you?"
  20. >She's still not looking at you.
  21. >You smile at her.
  22. "Doing well. Doing good. How are...uh, you doing?"
  23. >Purple eyes flit up and back down from what must be a mesmerizing page.
  24. >"Good, good. Doing good. Well, I mean. Doing well."
  25. >She shuffles in her chair and clears her throat.
  26. >"So, um...what brought you to this position?"
  27. >You raise an eyebrow.
  28. "Probably you, when you asked me to work here."
  29. >Twilight laughs nervously and magics her papers to the floor on her left.
  30. >"Oh yeah, haha, I meant outside of that. If you don't mind me asking."
  31. >You try to look her in the eyes, but with no paper to hide behind, she keeps glancing from left to right.
  32. >It's the strangest thing. One would think that you two hanging out so much would make her less afraid of you, but it's only worked to make her more tense.
  33. >And it's only her, too - the townspeople seem to like you (especially that green one), and even Fluttershy took to you pretty quickly.
  34. "I don't know...I like books, and this place is pretty cool. The treehouse, I mean. And I like hanging out with you."
  35. >If you didn't know better, you'd swear she was a red pony.
  36. >She laughs in a decisively failed attempt to curb the tension.
  37. >"Haha, oh stop it...I like you too - hanging out with you. Whoops, I meant - I meant hanging out with you, haha..."
  38. >Twilight looks down and to her left, and around to her right, and to you for a second then back around again.
  39. >"So...what makes you have any skills that might be good for the role?"
  40. >You lean forward a bit to try and force her to look at you. It does not work.
  41. "Hm...well, let's see...I think I'm pretty good at organizing things, I...worked a job for a couple years where I was doing clean-up duty in a cafeteria, so I can clean up pretty well."
  42. >You could swear that the quietest voice in the whole of Equestria just muttered, "You clean up great."
  43. "Also, you've gotten to know me okay over these past couple weeks, for your research, so I think we'd work well together."
  44. >Just when you think that her last blush has fully receded, another one crops up and makes a mess of her perfect face.
  45. >"Oh yeah?...well, I agree. Maybe...come in tomorrow. Is tomorrow okay?"
  46. >You manage to wrangle her eyes to meet yours.
  47. >Your hand reaches over and rests on her little purple quasi-shoulder.
  48. "Thanks so much for everything. You've been great to me, and I won't let you down."
  49. >She appears flabbergasted for some strange reason.
  50. >Twilight zooms out of the room and through the front door at the speed of Rainbow Dash.
  51. >"Don'tmentionitIreallyshouldbegoinggottalottaworktodobyeAnon!"
  52. >Hm. Must be busy today.
  53. >Spike walks nonchalantly into the room, sipping something out of a blue cup.
  54. >He sees you sitting on a stool in front of nobody, and the trail of cloud Twilight left in her wake.
  55. >"Hey Anon."
  56. >You give him a polite wave.
  57. "Hey Spike."
  58. >He looks back at the front door, takes a sip of his drink, and looks at you again.
  59. >"So...are you and Twilight gonna do it or what?"

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