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[SFW] Anonymous and Moondancer get ramen

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-04 01:14:39
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anonymous, one of Canterlot High's students
  2. >After a day of lectures and studies, you are free to go home
  3. >"Anon-senpai!!!"
  4. >Oh no
  5. >You want to run, but just as you tried the train comes up, so the gates are closed
  6. >Damn, why did you have to change your route?
  7. >"Anon-senpai! Good to see you"
  8. >Moondancer, the weebest girl in CHS, wearing the old school uniform
  9. >Not like you can talk so much, you always go in a suit
  10. "Hello Moondancer, how are you?"
  11. >"Kyyaaaa! Anon-senpai knows my name!"
  12. "Of course I do, we got the same classes"
  13. >She is happy to at least be next to you
  14. >The train passes, but another one comes from the opposite direction. You are stuck with miss manga for a bit
  15. >"Anon-senpai"
  16. "Anon is fine"
  17. >"Oh, um... Anon-san, can I ask you something?"
  18. "Sure, go ahead"
  19. >"There's a new ramen place around here, it just opened up. Would you like to come with me?"
  20. "Well, I don't have any money, so-"
  21. >"It's fine, I can pay! No problem!"
  22. >You look at her, it's a sorry view: the poor girl is blue, her legs are shaking, and she is sweating like a pig in summer. She collected all her bravery in those sentences
  23. ".... Fine, I can eat with you"
  24. >"Sugoi!!!"
  25. >This is going to be hard
  27. >A while later, the train passes and the gates are open
  28. >You follow Moondancer while she talks (more like screeching) about her jap fan stuff
  29. >A while later, you two reach a small restaurant
  30. >Well, more like a food place. It's really small, and it has a japanese banner up the place
  31. >"Here it is, I heard it's really good"
  32. "I don't know, I never had ramen"
  33. >"You never had ramen anon-san? No-no-no! We have to remedy this situation!"
  34. "That's why we- hey! Don't push me!"
  35. >She pushes you inside the place
  36. >There are a couple of tables and an old couple are attending the place. The man is behind the counter and the lady is attending the tables
  37. >"Come in! Welcome to my restaurant, what are you having?"
  38. >"Hi Naruto-sama, two ramen please"
  39. >"Two ramen coming up!"
  40. >The man turns around and starts boiling the pasta
  41. >Moondancer and you take a seat, and the old lady comes close
  42. >"Oh, date miss Danza?"
  43. >Moondancer turns red in a second
  44. >"D-d-d-d-date?! No! I-he-we... huh..."
  45. "It's fine Moondancer"
  46. >You face the old lady
  47. "No miss, we aren't dating. We are just hanging out together today"
  48. >"Oh! Date!"
  49. >You roll your eyes
  50. "Sure, date, whatever"
  51. >The lady leaves you two menus with different desserts and drinks
  52. >At least you think so. Everything is in japanese
  53. "I guess I want a glass of water. You?"
  54. >"Water is fine"
  55. >Looks like she couldn't read it either
  56. >"What coupo want?"
  57. >The miss is back, Moondancer is red, and you asked for two glasses of water
  58. >A while later, you two get your ramen
  60. >The ramen looks good, lots of pasta and big chunks of beef
  61. >One problem: they give you chopsticks
  62. >You try to separate them, but it's really hard
  63. >"Problems anon-san?"
  64. "I can't separate these things"
  65. >"Here, let me show you"
  66. >She takes her chopsticks, and separates them with ease
  67. >"See? Easy. Then you grab them like this"
  68. >She makes the Spock hand sign, and puts one in the middle, and the other between her index and thumb
  69. >"Now you try"
  70. >You tried to separate the sticks, but you ended up snapping them
  71. "I should've known. I ask for a spoon or something"
  72. >"Arrgh!"
  73. >Moondancer and you see the counter. The old man is having a cramp. The lady helps and talks to him in japanese
  74. "Hey, the man is going to be okay?"
  75. >"Yes, Naruto strung. He fine, he fine"
  76. >"No, it's not fine. The prime serving time is coming up. I can't leave the store"
  77. >"But you can't work Naruto-sama, you need a doctor"
  78. >"But the store-"
  79. "Sorry sir, but you will have to close"
  80. >"No"
  81. >He whispers something to the lady, and she runs to the kitchen. A moment later, she brings... bread?
  82. >"Eat! Eat!"
  83. "What? What is that?"
  84. >"No time, eat now!"
  85. >Before Moondancer or you could protest, the lady shoves the bread inside your mouths. You two gulp it in one take
  86. >"You take care of store. We go now!"
  87. "Hey, chotto a moment!"
  88. >Wait... nani?!
  89. >The moment you spaced out, the couple leaves the restaurant. Moondancer and you are in charge now
  90. ".... Yare yare daze"
  91. >Great, the bread had jap drugs or something
  93. "Moondancer, what the kuso did you get me into?"
  94. >Crap! the jap slang is still stuck
  95. >"Well, actually, I came here before, and I though it would be a nice place to have our first da-... hang out. But I ruined it"
  96. >If your ass wasn't involved, you'll drop this otakufag right now, but shit got real, so better take it before it hits the fan
  97. *Sigh* "Don't worry, it wasn't your fault. Besides, what was that "pan" Naruto gave us?"
  98. >Wait, pan? You are sure you said bread
  99. >"Oh, that was okonomiyaki. Basically is like a fried dough with veggies and beef inside"
  100. "Then why am I spouting random jap words?"
  101. >She adjust her glasses, giving her a white shine on them
  102. >"The okonomiyaki must had some sort of spice that will allow us to tend this restaurant"
  103. "So, all according to keikaku?"
  104. >Translation: keikaku means plan
  105. >KUSO!!!
  106. >"It must be, we better tend this place. God knows when they will return"
  107. "Great..."
  108. >You go to the kitchen and find an apron with cooking clothes. That will do
  109. >Moondancer checked a bit deeper, and found some garbs
  110. >"Maybe I can spin this in a waitress uniform"
  111. "Yeah, you go do that"
  112. >The restaurant is open
  114. >You find the instructions. They are old
  115. >Looks like this place had workers for a bit, is written both in japanese and english
  116. >To serve ramen: put pasta in bowl, let it cook until it gets soft. Some people like hard ramen. Dunk is just a splash, hard is X seconds, regular is Y, blah blah blah
  117. >"Um, anon?"
  118. "Yes Moondancer?"
  119. >"Do I look good?"
  120. >You turn to see Moondancer, just to suffer a massive nosebleed
  121. >Fuck! the "pan" came with weeb effects!
  122. >She is wearing a pink waitress uniform with a short skirt. It doesn't has sleeves, so she is wearing gloves. The skirt is short, and she is wearing thigh high socks, giving her a nice zettai rioku. Extra points for chubbines, the socks are softly pressing her thighs
  123. >Suddenly, your head is having REALLY dangerous lewd thoughs
  124. >NO!!! This isn't a crappy hentai plot! This is a mess she got you into! Focus with your head!
  125. *Sproing*
  126. >NOT THAT ONE!!!
  127. >"Do I look good?"
  128. "Ahhh... HAI!!"
  129. >"Ah! I-I'm happy you like it anon-kun!"
  130. "Let's just get this over with"
  131. >You turn the sign to... open? Whatever, this place is kind of hidden so- and one man is in
  132. >"Hey, can I get something to eat?"
  133. "Only ramen here dude"
  134. >"Oh, one ramen then"
  135. "Sure, Moon-chan, get this man a table"
  136. >Ugh, the spouting is killing you inside
  137. >"Y-yes! Follow me sir"
  138. >You look at the instructions again
  139. >When the ramen is ready, use the shovel/spoon to take the pasta out, and give it a hard shake. Careful to not spill it
  140. >Spill it? You use the weird utensil, and it was the first thing it happened
  141. >Turns out the handle is also a button that opens the spoon so you can put the pasta inside the broth
  142. >"What was that sound?"
  143. >"Nothing sir! Do you want any drink?"
  144. >You try again, carefully this time, and serve the ramen properly
  145. >You serve the dish with a pair of chopsticks, Moondancer teachs him how to use them, he eats and pays
  146. >"Thanks for the ramen"
  147. "Arigato mista!"
  148. >You bow as you die inside
  150. >"Kiaaa! Our first client!"
  151. "Huh, that wasn't bad. Maybe we can pull this off
  152. >....
  153. > [Yakuza 5 OST - Sushi shop theme]
  155. >You are a literal ramen serving machine while orders just keep coming and coming
  156. >Plate after plate, you only serve the ramen. Moondancer has barely enough time to keep track of the sales
  157. >"Anon, the line is getting larger, what do I do?"
  158. "Cando!"
  159. >You pass her a box of candies with a label: thanks for waiting. 1 per person
  160. >"Uhh, okay! I'll do it quickly!"
  161. >*Ring!!**Ring!!*...*Ring!!**Ring!!*
  162. >You pick up the phone
  163. "Sorry pal, we don't do deliveries"
  164. >"Mr Green? Hinata. Naruto's waifu"
  165. "What?... Oh, yeah, the obatarian. Sorry, that was rude. What's happening?"
  166. >"Mr Naruto too damaged, we late"
  167. "Late?! Can you come any faster?"
  168. >(*Crack!* Ahhhhh!!!) "No. We late. Serve udon!"
  169. >The old lady hangs up
  170. >You don't know how, but you are crying without whimpering. Moondancer comes to you
  171. >"Anon-kun, is everything alright?"
  172. "No... the old man will take longer to get here, and now I have to do a dish I don't even know"
  173. >"Ehhh? But the instructions must have a recipe"
  174. >You felt that
  175. "Moon-chan, you are a genius!"
  176. >You check the instructions. No recipe, but you noticed it was the first note of many
  177. >Checking the cupboards, you find a recipe for udon, in english!
  178. "I better start preparing this"
  180. > [Yakuza Ishin OST - Udon shop (Machine Gun Kiss)]
  181. >Like a fucking clockwork, the ramen orders stopped, and they change it for udon
  182. >No matter, you are in your "soshi" now
  183. >You are even starting to get used to the jap spouts
  184. >"I want tsukini!"
  185. >"Tempura!"
  186. >"Tanuki please"
  187. >"Kitsune here!"
  188. "Yus!"
  189. >You start preparing the udon at high speed, good thing the old man keeps everything in order
  190. >"Tsukini!"
  191. >"Tsukini!"
  192. >"Tempura!"
  193. >"Kitsune!"
  194. "Yus!"
  195. >Another perfect batch
  196. >"Tsukini!"
  197. >"Tempura!"
  198. >"Kitsune!"
  199. >"Tsukini!"
  200. >"Tempura!"
  201. "Yus!"
  202. >And another one!
  203. >"Tsukini!"
  204. >"Tempura!"
  205. >"Tsukini!"
  206. >"Kitsune!"
  207. >"Tempura!"
  208. >"Tsukini!"
  209. >You ain't dealing with this random shit
  210. "Tanuki o mae seyoo!"
  211. >You give them a stern look, and you serve them all only tanuki. They don't complain
  212. >You remove the cloth band you had on your head. That was really hard work, but you managed to serve everyone here
  213. "That was though, but we pull through, eh Moonie?"
  214. >No answer
  215. "Moondancer?"
  216. >"KIIAAA!!!"
  217. >The scream came from outside!
  218. >You jump over the counter and run outside
  219. >Moondancer has been surrounded by a group of hooligans
  221. >"Come on cutie, I just want a date, come with me"
  222. >"No! Let me go!"
  223. >"And miss a sexy girl like you? Nu-huh"
  224. >"Somebody do something!"
  225. "Let her go!"
  226. >You get into the mix
  227. >"Anon-senpai!"
  228. "Let the girl go!"
  229. >"Or what?"
  230. "I... I'll do something!"
  231. >"Like what? Call the cops?"
  232. >He pulls out a knife
  233. >"Go ahead, do it"
  234. >You are paralized
  235. >"Hahaha, though so coward, now let me be with my girlfriend"
  236. >"Anon, do something!"
  237. >You only walk away
  238. >"Hahaha, pussy. Now where were we?"
  239. >He pulls Moondancer closer for a kiss
  240. >"Somebody help me!"
  241. >Suddenly, a ramen bowl hits him in the face, making him lose grap of Moondancer
  242. "Moon, run away!"
  243. >"Did you just-"
  244. "Go now!"
  245. >Moondancer runs away
  246. >"Ugh... do you want to die asshole?!"
  247. >Do you really want to die?
  248. >You crack your knuckles and take a stance
  249. "Ikuzo!"
  250. >Looks like it
  252. > [Yakuza Kiwami OST - The rush goes on]
  253. >You take a hard swallow. One vs 5 is not good at all
  254. >The guys surround you, and the main thug is in front of you
  255. >"Well, what are you waiting?"
  256. >You don't answer
  257. >"Well, if you do nothing, I will!"
  258. >He charges at you, but you manage to avoid the stabbing
  259. >Instead, you grab his arm, and knee it, disarming him
  260. >You are sure that is a broken arm right there, yet he just only recoils and gets ready to attack you
  261. >You don't cut him any slack. You grab him again, and using his body, you smack all his partners around you before throwing him away
  262. >One gets up and tackles you. You hold him and shake him away. Sadly, one of the others attacks you with a kick
  263. >You recoil, but roll away before everyone gets one top of you. Again is 1v5
  264. >Searching for some leverage, you found a bycicle with no lock
  265. >Everyone charges at you as you manage to grab it and slap them with it
  266. >One falls close to you, so you take your chance and smash the bike on him. It's reduced to rubble
  267. >4v1, it's getting easier slowly
  268. >One doesn't stop, and grabs a garbage can ready to hit you with it
  269. >You kick him in the stomach, grab the can mid-air, and hit him with it. Another one down
  270. >Sadly, you were left open. Two grabbed your arms, and the thug punches you in the stomach
  271. >"Not so hot now, uh?!"
  272. "Hrrggg.... yyeaaAAAHHH!!!"
  273. >You lose the grip, grab the heads of the guys at your side, and headbutt them each other
  274. >The goon hits you again, but you bounce it and headbutt him
  275. >One finds the knife, and tries to backstab you
  276. >"Anon!"
  277. >Moondancer throws a rolling pin at you
  278. "Thanks moonie!"
  279. >You hit the guy's hand, dropping the knife, and proceed to smash his head with the pin
  280. >Now it's only 1 vs 1
  282. >He is shocked, one dude totaled his crew
  283. >You wave at him
  284. "Come on"
  285. >He looks the knife falled close to him
  286. "If you pick it up, you are dead"
  287. >He still goes for it
  288. >"Asshole... Die!"
  289. >He goes for a frontal stab. Wrong decision
  290. >You punch him straight in the chest, and throw two jabs at his stomach while shocked
  291. >Completely stunned, you finish him off: you hit the sides of his head with two hammer fist, and knee him in the face!
  292. >The fight is over
  293. >All the people around applaud you while these guys try to recover their breath
  294. "Come here again, and you will regret it"
  295. >"No, sure dude, look, sorry, we go. Guys!"
  296. >The bunch of hooligans run away
  297. >"Anon-kun! That was amazing!"
  298. "I don't know how I did that, but it was awesome"
  299. >You give one step, the hits caught you up
  300. "Urgh! Now I'm out"
  301. >You rest at one of the tables while Moondancer closes the restaurant
  302. >It's around 9:00 PM when the old couple returns
  303. >"Moonie, green boy, good to see yu"
  304. >"Hi miss Hinata"
  305. "Hey... argh..."
  306. >"Green guy is fine?"
  307. "No, some guys made some trouble and I had to kick them out. I'm beat"
  308. >"Hmmm, drink this"
  309. >She gives you a small bottle
  310. >You don't think twice, you drink the entire bottle. A few seconds later, you are good as new
  311. "Hey, that was awesome!"
  312. >And you don't feel the jap lingo, you might add
  313. >"Good thing you are fine"
  314. "Where's the old man?"
  315. >"Here, hehehe"
  316. >The old guy is walking with a stick now
  317. >"Old back is giving me a few troubles, but I'll be fine. If there's anything you want, let me know"
  318. "Actually, there is one thing"
  319. >A while later, he serves you and Moondancer two bowls of ramen on the house
  320. >After a hard day of work, you finally got to eat the ramen. You even managed to separate the chopsticks properly!
  321. >You give thanks for the meal, and leave the place
  322. >"That was really fun anon-senpai!"
  323. "It sure was an experience"
  324. >"Well, I'll go home now"
  325. "Are you going to go home for yourself late at night? Let me accompany you"
  327. >Her face lights up, and starts hoping
  328. >"Yesyesyesyesyes!"
  329. "Alright, calm down, let's go"
  330. >She is clutching your arm, but you don't mind. She deserves a break too
  331. >Luckily, she takes the train station, so you didn't had to walk so much
  332. >A few stations and a walk later, you two are at her place
  333. >"Thanks for taking me home Anonymous-senpai"
  334. "Hey, it was the least I could do. Besides, I had fun, in a weird way"
  335. >"I'm glad you are happy"
  336. "Yeah, in fact, I want to do it again. Let's have a date sometime"
  337. >"A d-d-d-d-d-DATE?!"
  338. >You can almost hear her heart beating
  339. "Calm down. Sure, I want a date. On one condition"
  340. >"Yes! Anything!"
  341. "I'm picking the place next time"

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