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[SFW] Industria and Anonymous

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-04 01:27:54
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Anon, ponies don't want to hear about this shithole country literally on the dark side of our world! Industria is bad but don't torture your mind about it, and enjoy the world I created for ponies"
  2. "but they must know about it Princess!"
  3. >"Anon, it's better to just ignore it sometimes, there's nothing we can do and it's our role to preserve our world like this"
  5. "No princess, this is serious!"
  6. >"Anonymous, you must understand, if I tell-"
  7. "That doesn't matter! We must warn them about this!"
  8. >Celestia looks at you worried
  9. >"Anonymous, why do you insist so much?"
  10. >Then you tell her
  11. >She knew the dangers about Industria, but she never though you were a "part" of it
  12. >The stupid reasons for war, the desire and lust for control, the social disgregation
  13. >But the most important: the dangers of humanity
  14. >A false destiny. No true enjoyment of life. The need of artificial stimulants that only fills the void for a short time
  15. >By the time you were finished, it was night time
  16. "... And that's the truth. Magic is only an illusion, friendship just a mere word, and life it's just wait until your death"
  17. >"...."
  18. "I understand if you will leave the ponies from Industria alone later. It's a big shock when you experiment real freedom. But as for the defense of the country, we must prepare ourselves"
  19. >"And why is that?"
  20. "If they are really close to what is life in my world, they must have knowledge of firepower and explosives. We must pray that they didn't discover nuclear power or petroleum yet"
  21. >"Why is that important?"
  22. "Petroleum is a very powerful resource. It can activate big machinery by a long time. But it's really scarce. It takes eons just to have a litter of it. I won't doubt they will invade other places just for it"
  23. >"What about nuclear power?"
  24. "It's much worst. It can emit big levels of energy, and it can be created at difference of petroleum. But the waste left by it can kill and destroy life around it with ease. If it's used as a weapon, it can destroy an area as big as Canterlot and Ponyville combined. The nuclear expansion will affect other areas, bringing diseases and death who were close. It will take centuries before the effects go away. Anyone who survives the after effects will be destined to walk a dead wasteland"
  26. >"If your people knew all this, why didn't they try to avoid it?"
  27. "Because in my world, there are more crazier Loreleis who only see humans as toys. In some sense, I was happy I left that life behind. But if there is someone as twisted as my people, there is a big problem"
  28. >She looks at you seriously
  29. "I know it looks I'm asking for a war, but it's all the opposite. We need to warn them before the worst happens. This is a problem that it won't be resolved by friendship. Someday, they will attack, and it will be when we less expect it. If we are not ready, a lot of innocent blood will flood the land"
  30. >"Anonymous, you really care for us that much?"
  31. "You were a reason why I postponed my life's end by a long time"
  32. >"I can't promise an army to protect all Equestria by tomorrow"
  33. "We don't need power, we only need to be ready. We have magic and the skies by our side. I know that bad climate and lack of enviromental control can defeat armies without the need to fight"
  34. >"They might have weapons to nullify our magic temporaly, or they can control climate as well"
  35. "True, but machines requires time to be activated. It's a small window, but a window in the end. We won't have too much to fight back, but if we guide ourselves with intelligence, there may be a slim hope to put an end to a catastrophe"
  36. >Both keep quiet for a small time
  37. >"... You know. I though you were only a pervert who only wanted to bed a lot of mares before passing away"
  38. "..."
  39. >"But now I see that you come from a place that anyone would want to forget. I understand what it feels to watch chaos and not be able to help. Was my pain a thousand years ago"
  40. "The time when you sealed your sister?"
  41. >"Before that. The time when ponies only fighted for personal gain. And now, a bigger form appeared. I don't know if we are going to be ready to fight"
  42. "We don't need to fight, we only need to be prepared. And whatever happens, your subjects, myself included, are going to protect our home. Don't worry"
  44. >She smiles, and goes to your side, hugging you with her wings
  45. >"We are gonna be ready, you don't need to worry"
  46. "No"
  47. >You look at a paint of Industria
  48. "We are going to do our best. the last thing ponies need are humans"

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