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a night with luna

By kqaii
Created: 2022-02-17 05:50:47
Expiry: Never

  1. original author is Anon
  2. -----
  3. OP:
  5. Anonymous. Thank you for responding to my summons. Guards, you are dismissed.
  7. Please, take a seat. For there is something I feel I must tell you. A number of things, to be truthful. Please, be patient with me.
  9. I have a confession to make, and an apology that I must extend. As yourself, my sister Princess Celestia and I agreed, I have shared your dreams for some time now, trying to determine what in your slumber caused you to wake in our lands. And… I have failed. While I know that magic is at play in your dreamscape, even I, with control over all dreams, cannot reverse the process. The magic has transcended malleable existence. In essence, it has returned to the universe. In all my years I have seldom felt powerless, Anonymous. But I cannot return you to your home realm. I am sorry. I hope you may one day forgive me.
  11. But I do not wish for you to fall into despair… there is still much for you here in Equestria. There are many who care about you, and more who could benefit from your help. I have watched your dreams closely, and I know you intimately. I believe that you could do wonderful things for my subjects, and Equestria in general. Your ideas, your attitudes and your resolve could help every being, if you wished to do so. I would understand a desire for a quiet life, of course. You deserve to be happy. But you have much to offer.
  13. I… do not wish to be mistaken for what I am about to say: your ordeal has been terrible. Being pulled from your realm and cast into one as vastly different as this with no warning or reason has been hard on you. I am happy that my own experiences with… with isolation… could be used to alleviate some of your suffering. However, I must tell the truth – I am glad that you came to be here, in my care. For through it, I have gotten to know you.
  15. Night after night, I watch and gently guide the dreams of my subjects in Equestria. But… I have never once dreamed for myself. Silently I witness the dreams of others, and act accordingly. It is… more lonely than you could ever know. I witness the dreams, nightmares, memories, hopes and fears of the land, unable to have dreams or hopes of my own. But your dreams… your dreams are wondrous. Like fireworks of colour and light they shine out to me across the dreamscape. And night after night I have found myself watching, entranced. I… I do not know why your dreams shine out to me as they do. Perhaps what is left of the magic which brought you here reacts to your subconscious. Or perhaps… it is because it is you, Anonymous.
  17. Ever since I started learning about you, I have wanted to know more. I have enjoyed taking tea with you, and speaking to you about your old world. From our conversations and your dreams, I know that it is a beautiful place. You are passionate about those you care for, but you remain earthly and with a sense of humour. But most of all, deep inside… you have a hidden self, ready to bloom. I see it, Anonymous, even if you are not aware of its existence.
  19. Anonymous, I… I cannot dream. And through the years, I have been frightened to desire things which have given me hope. But… when I am with you in your dreams… even if you do not know I am there… I feel…
  21. When I am with you, I don’t feel lonely. I feel that it could be possible to build fantastic dreams together with you. Not just for Equestria… but for you and I.
  23. I have never been in love, Anonymous. In my time in… in exile, on my moon, I wished to be loved. Not accepted or revered, but… loved. For one who did not see me as Princess Luna, but as me: a lonely pony who cannot dream. I understand this is a lot to put upon you, and I can wait for you to consider an answer, but… I love you. And I hope you will feel the same.
  25. If all life is a dream… I hope we can share this one, even if it is for a little while.
  27. ---
  29. > "Anon!"
  30. > You wave to Twilight across the palace square
  31. > It has been such a long time since the two of you have seen one another, and when a letter arrived to you in a puff of green flame letting you know she would be in Canterlot you organised a time to meet up
  32. > You share an embrace with the young alicorn
  33. > She... smells different since your transformation
  34. > You overheard that she had become one in passing from some of Luna's guards a while back
  35. > You're happy for her
  36. > When you first arrived, other ponies directed you to Twilight
  37. > You stayed with her for a month before coming to Canterlot to meet with Celestia
  38. > She taught you much and asked for nothing in return, so you feel you owe her a lot
  39. > After talking about Ponyville and the rest of your friends until the sun sets, you decide to give Twilight a tour of Luna's wing of the castle
  42. > Twilight had never had business in this wing, and so it was new and exciting to her
  43. > Your new home was indeed impressive
  44. > You marvel at tapestries, paintings and stained windows of night, the stars and moon
  45. > And of course Princess Luna
  46. > Eventually you arrive at the balcony overlooking Luna's garden
  47. > Both being quiet, you walk to the rail
  48. > The stars are out, twinkling down over the lands
  49. > Amid them is the moon, tonight gibbous
  50. > They alone light the worn stone gardens
  51. > You know this place well, but Twilight gasps in wonder
  52. > Ancient stone statues of ponies, some cracked and broken by time, edge the stone walkways and arches
  53. > Grass grows up between the stones, but lovingly tended
  54. > A small, simple fountain dribbles water unobtrusively
  55. > Of course, Princess Luna sits on the grand vista balcony, facing the moon
  56. > Her starlit mane and tail wave gently in a wind that only she can feel
  57. > With her eyes closed she seems as if in a deep meditation
  59. > You mean to watch only for a moment, but jump when Twilight gently rustles you with a wing
  60. > "You were watching her for ten minutes." she states flatly with a smirk once both of you have moved away from the balcony
  61. "Really? That's... it didn't feel that long at all."
  62. > "I almost didn't want to disturb you."
  63. "It's fine. I see Luna... PRINCESS Luna, most days."
  64. > Twilight giggles and you sigh
  65. > When you were brought here, Princess Celestia heard your story of coming to Equestria through a dream
  66. > As such, she entrusted you to her sister to try and determine what caused your traverse
  67. > Night after night you felt her presence in your dreams
  68. > It was comforting, like a nurse at your bedside
  69. > Through her study, she endeavoured to know you and you became friends
  70. > Her manner and voice were unnecessarily loud at times, but you no longer minded
  71. > Retiring to a nearby alcove, Twilight asks how Princess Luna's efforts are progressing
  72. > The Princess told you last week: you would never see your home again
  73. > As you let tell her, Twilight's eyes sadden and her folded wings droop
  74. > "Anon... I... I'm so sorry." she says quietly
  75. "Don't be. I have friends here, and an interesting life. I miss things about my own realm... but this is home now."
  76. > She still comes and gives you a hug
  78. > Having already talked about Ponyville, you wile away the evening answering Twilight's questions about Princess Luna
  79. > Though she sleeps in the depths of the day, you still talk early in the morning and late at night
  80. > It seems that you have filled a strange slot in her life: a friend
  81. > Most who talk to her are on business or have their own concerns
  82. > Not you
  83. > You spend time together, sharing tea, indulging her secret love of blueberry tartlets and playing chess
  84. > She is still letting you win, but her smile tells you that will end soon
  85. > You look forward to it
  87. > Twilight nods and smiles
  88. > "I'm glad you both have found such a great friendship. Friendship is where magic is born, after all. And... I think you both deserve to have such a friendship. Tonight, Princess Luna was so beautiful... but she seemed lonely, and sad. As if... in all those ancient paintings, the painter was seeing the exact same Princess."
  89. > You nod contemplatively
  90. > The thought of living forever is mildly terrifying, indeed
  91. > You've heard the stories of Luna's fall from grace
  92. > You don't think there is anyone alive who could live for so long, see so much, and not falter in their goodness
  93. > You truly admire the Princess, that she could come back and try again to be a good being
  94. > But still... such a lonely existence
  95. > You realise how much the Princess needs you there, just to be you
  96. > Perhaps it is best that you can't go home
  98. > Before midnight, you bid Twilight farewell
  99. > She will be in Canterlot a few days, and you resolve to catch up again tomorrow
  100. > You watch as she leaves down the moonlit corridor
  101. > You wait until she is out of sight before you descend the stairs and enter Luna's courtyard
  102. > The stars and moon illuminate the courtyard in a pale hue
  103. > Crickets chirp in the grass, accompanying the faint fountain
  104. > Slowly you approach the Princess
  105. > It is possible to talk to her as she fulfils her night duties, and occasionally you do come and talk to her
  106. > "ANONYMOUS." she intones without looking over, voice almost too loud for this courtyard at this time of night
  107. "Princess." you bow like a courtier, elicting a throaty chuckle
  108. > "A princess I may be, but bowing is not necessary for you." she says, lowering her voice for you
  109. > Her eyes remain closed, but she is wearing that faint smile
  110. > "Your friend is in good health?" she asks after a moment
  111. "Yes. Twilight Sparkle sends her regards."
  112. > You lean on the stone rail overlooking the kingdom
  113. > Far away you see a tiny speck of light
  114. > Ponyville
  115. > "You should ask her to join us one evening for supper. You speak much of her, and I have only knowledge of her in an official capacity."
  116. "I think she would like that, Princess. I'll ask her tomorrow."
  117. > Silence
  118. > Luna's dark mane flows in that same unfeelable breeze
  119. > To think that she has done this same thing for so long...
  121. "... Princess?"
  122. > "Yes, Anonymous?"
  123. "Thank you."
  124. > Her eyes open in mild surprise, although she does not move
  125. > "For what do I receive thanks?"
  126. > You scratch the back of your head
  127. "For everything: your help with my dreams, trying to get me home... and for being my friend."
  128. > She looks away
  129. > "Anonymous. I am sorry that I cannot send you home. I'm sure you miss your family."
  130. > Tentatively, you approach Luna and kneel beside her
  131. > She is radiant in the moonlight
  132. "It's alright. I have many here whom I care deeply for. I do not suffer. In many ways... I am happy that I cannot return."
  133. > Luna looks back, her eyes soft
  134. > "... why are you happy, Anonymous?"
  135. > You don't think she's ever spoken so softly
  136. "I feel that I belong here, in Canterlot. Because I am here with you."
  137. > You reach out to touch Luna's neck
  138. > She does not object
  139. > Pulling yourself close, you hold her under the pale moonlight
  141. > "That makes me very happy, Anonymous."
  143. ~

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