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Anon Does Porn I (RGRE, shitpost)

By Satyrfag
Created: 2022-02-22 04:35:14
Updated: 2022-11-14 03:12:25
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anonymous.
  2. >Six months ago, you drank half a bottle of Aerstone Land Cask (all the peaty smoothness of Laphroaig at 2/3rds the price!), cracked open your copy of the Ars Goetia, summoned the demon Marbas, and picked a bare-knuckle fistfight with him.
  3. >You haven't made good life choices for the last fifteen years, why start now?
  4. >You don't remember much after that, except that demon blood tastes like sulfur and iron.
  5. >You woke up the next morning in another dimension, homeless, penniless, and turned into a big-eyed anthropomorphic horse in a land where men are treated like women, and your particular variety of anthro pony was already a second-class citizen.
  6. >Unicorns can use low-grade telekinesis and some can do actual magic. Pegasi can fly, manipulate the weather, and have enhanced endurance. You...get enhanced strength, enhanced endurance, and a bond with the earth.
  7. >How that qualifies as second-class, you're not sure, but apparently it does.
  8. >It could be worse, though.
  9. >You still have your hands...even if your feet are hooves now.
  10. >You still have your oversized dick...even if it's green and has a medial ring now.
  11. >The anthro horsies have modern conveniences.
  12. >Lastly, being punted through reality shaved quite a few years off your age -- WITHOUT turning you back into the obese weakling you were at eighteen.
  13. >Accordingly, you're considering it a win with some drawbacks.
  14. >Like arriving homeless and penniless.
  15. >But more importantly, being A FUCKING MANLET!
  16. >The demon took a foot of your height from you!
  17. >You're 5'2 now!
  18. >You're a dwarf! A DWAAAAAARRRRRFFFF!
  19. >Not comparatively -- the little anthro horsies are all in the 4'-5' range -- but your muscle memory's fucked. You keep trying to grab stuff that should be within reach and isn't, and overlooking things because they're no longer at your eye level.
  20. >Almost as bad is having to go back to high school again as a "refugee from the Outremare civil war."
  21. >Why, Mayor Mare, why? I fucked you stupid. You'd be having my kids if you weren't over 40. I swallowed what had to be a literal gallon of marecum. You couldn't forge the documents to get me a fake diploma along with a fake drivers' license?
  22. >Still, the fake drivers' license is all you needed.
  23. >Well, that and the video camera and computer you...persuaded...Mayor Mare to buy for you after she set you up in Section 8 housing.
  24. >Not nearly as shitty as human Section 8 would be, thankfully.
  25. >Having your own apartment definitely has its perks.
  26. >Apparently, in this world of thirsty women, being barely legal, muscular, lean, and having an oversized dick is effectively a license to print money if you're your own producer and videographer.
  27. >You start the livestream.
  28. "All right, all you lovely ladies, this is the first time I'm doing anything other than a solo scene. A certain someone who wishes to remain nameless wrote me a fat check for a commissioned scene, so that's what you're getting tonight. Despite her arguments to the contrary, I suspect its historical veracity is...dubious, at best. But the check was FAT."
  29. >You haggled your commissioner up to $2000. Even with 45% of it going to your co-star, that's damn good for a night's work.
  30. "You're getting this one for free, my pretty audience."
  31. >You strip off your A-shirt and put on the POV camera for that half of the live feed. There's a couple other cameras covering everything else for the folks who don't want POV. Side shot, frontal shot, close-up of your co-star's face, closeup of your co-star's genitals...
  32. "Also, so that I don't get swarmed by the Trotter crowd, I'd like to remind y'all that this is a commissioned porno complete with script and the viewpoints expressed by my role do not necessarily represent my own. So I don't want to hear anything about that afterwards. That said..."
  33. >You crack your knuckles and turn to the skinny zebra stallion tied to your bed. Face down, pert ass up.
  34. "Well now, bucko. Someone shoulda broke you a long, long time ago. I have nary met a buck I can't break with this here long and mighty dingus!"
  35. >You have the drawl to make the dialogue extra authentic.
  36. >You strip out of your pants, leaving yourself naked but for a pair of revolvers and a bullwhip, Eight inches of big green horsecock are exposed to the camera, and you can hear the DING sounds of chat messages starting to roll in.
  37. "I tell ye back in '14, I met a real mean one. He had big, air stealing nostrils, monstrous boot lips, and the fattest ass I've ever seen. The owner'd hired me to break this particular buck, after some half-dozen breakers had tried and failed! I tracked this moon cricket, this big-assed zigger, by fallerin’ the sounds of his impressive proud buttocks, clapping as he capered to and fro on the western half of yon gentlestallion’s land. Took him unawares as he sat alone in front of a shack, mending a loincloth. Knocking him to his glistening buttocks produced a thund’rus CLAP!"
  38. >Your bullwhip snakes out with a crack, and Ice Pack yelps as it scores a red line across his ass.
  39. "Then I mounted from the front. I tell ye boy, but that buck began to FIGHT! This unbroken, proud zegro was ornery I tell ye, but I ain't ne'er been denied! I had my cock out in an instant, and bucko, did he begin to wail! As loud as a stuck hog! This buck could tell the breaking was coming, could tell his time was up, and I tell ye, he did BUCK. This obstinate cur could turn on a dime and give ye some change! I tell ye, as the winds were my witness, he were a right sunfish, struggling and flopping as he did, gyrating his unbroken black anus and dodging my breaker stallion’s meat. But sure as shit, he broke - they all break, in the end."
  40. >A few more cracks of the whip leave Ice Pack's ass with enough red stripes to match the black ones. You toss the bullwhip aside and stroll over to the bed.
  41. "By the Lord Jesus and his snowy white pappy, now say hallelujah, colt, you'll break, too!"
  42. >With a grunt, you straddle Ice Pack and spit on your cock.
  43. >"NO, MASSA, NO!"
  44. "You're mine now, bucko!"
  45. >With a growl and a single mighty thrust, you bury your dick to the hilt in Ice Pack. He screams and claws at the pillows.
  46. >He's exaggerating it some for the audience. You lubed him up beforehand.
  47. >Still, it's not a complete exaggeration, but you can't bring yourself to care. He's getting nearly a grand for a short amount of time.
  48. >You begin thrusting. You have to admit, it's pretty hot to watch that striped ass stretch around your cock.
  49. >As the sodomy continues, Ice Pack's groans turn to girly squeals as you pound his prostate. He cums hands-free a few minutes in.
  50. >Apparently the parallel to Earth's grotesque negrophilism here is Tight Zebra Cunt, which means that male zeebs have little Asian-style dicks and sensitive prostates.
  51. >Ice Pack cums again about fifteen minutes in. Normally you would too, but you're going to be here a while. You beat off twice before this shoot, and then doped yourself to the gills on Cialis, Viagra, and a bunch of herbal supplements.
  52. >You want your commissioner to get her money's worth.
  53. >When you finally hit your peak and tip over the edge, you cum a lot.
  54. >Hell, you cum so much that Ice Pack coughs, gags, and spits out a glob of yellow-white liquid.
  55. >That doesn't seem physically possible...but you're not the one affected, so you don't care too much.
  56. >You pull out, wipe your dick on Ice Pack's mane (a little crueler than you'd be normally, but it was part of the script), and turn to the frontal camera.
  57. "Well, ladies, I hope you were entertained. Especially Miss Moneybags who commissioned this. I'm going to go clean up now."
  58. >You cut the feed and go wash your dick off. Very thoroughly.
  59. >You made sure your fellow whore -- who you'll untie AFTER you can see him again -- was fully tested for STDs, but you're not going to sit around with trace amounts of shit on your dick. That's just gross.
  60. >This is the first time you haven't been immediately able to interact with your audience after being a camwhore, and you wonder how they liked it.
  61. >Oh well, you'll check the chat in a minute.
  62. ***
  63. >Be Zariqa Nasneed.
  64. >You've never jilled off so hard in your life.
  65. >You punish your clam like it owes you money.
  66. >Because it effectively does.
  68. >Be Zandy.
  69. >Mechanic.
  70. >Upstanding Zebrican-American. (Stop laughing.) You want nothing to do with ghetto life. You have a job. You're saving up for a down payment on a house. Hell, you even changed your name to something respectable. (Your momma named you Carjack. The bitch.)
  71. >Trying to have a quick schlick after work to a random livecam on Chaturbate.
  72. >Oh...oh sweet matriarch Zegus's rings, that's your next door neighbor Anon!
  73. >Engaging zaddling!
  74. >Zegus, where the fuck does that green boy hide that thing?
  75. >Oh're going to simp.
  76. >You're going to simp SO HARD.
  78. >Be Moondancer
  79. >Unicorn schoolgirl with a shameful secret.
  80. >You enjoy watching...zeeb zaddling!
  81. >It's so hot watching those uppity ziggers get put in their place by a real pony.
  82. >Hey, you know that boy! He goes to Crystal Prep with you. He's in like three of your classes. Jeez, you wouldn't have suspected he was that hung!
  83. >You wonder if he does outcalls.
  84. ***
  85. >You unchain Ice Pack and see if anyone left messages for him. There's a few, and you forward them to his account before shooing him out of your house.
  86. >He's actually a really sweet guy, but you don't trust ANYONE in this industry enough to leave them unwatched in your house while you check your DMs.
  87. >Mostly just compliments that you'll respond to later.
  89. >MuhApples: Don't you have any shame? A pretty stallion like you should be cooking some mare dinner and tending house, not whoring himself out!
  90. TinyIncognito: I like money, and this pays well enough that in a few years, I'll have some stuff to indulge my hobbies and get a decent investment portfolio put together by the time I go to college.
  92. >AdamantCrown: Do you do outcalls? I'll pay handsomely.
  93. TinyIncognito: Maybe, send me a pic.
  94. >You get a DM in 30 seconds flat.
  95. >Open it and NOPE.
  96. >Holy moly, you ain't gonna lewd no loli!
  97. TinyIncognito: Nope. Ain't going to jail for statutory.
  98. >AdamantCrown: But I'm rich! I'll double your normal fee!
  99. TinyIncognito: I don't care.
  100. >AdamantCrown: Triple!
  101. TinyIncognito: NO.
  103. >Starchaser: Do you do outcalls? I'll pay you $500 bits to take my virginity!
  104. TinyIncognito: Maybe, send me a pic.
  105. >Ten seconds flat, this time.
  106. >But the tits in the pic are anything but flat.
  107. >You're pretty sure you recognize them. You stare at them in class often enough.
  108. TinyIncognito: Moondancer, you can have my dick for free, you luscious fuckin' nerd.
  109. >It takes longer than you would have expected for her to respond.
  110. >Starchaser: How'd you know it was me?!
  111. TinyIncognito: I stare at your tits in class. A LOT. You don't wear tank tops that often, but often enough for me to know that you have a distinctive mole on your left breast.
  112. >Starchaser: I...I...
  113. TinyIncognito: 5 PM on Friday at my place work? I live alone. Normally I won't do incalls, but for you I'll make an exception. Bring an overnight bag. I intend to wring both of us dry.
  114. >Starchaser:...okay.
  115. TinyInc
  117. >SunniestofButts: Do you do outcalls?
  118. TinyIncognito: Maybe, send me a pic.
  119. >Took a minute or so this time.
  120. >Good lord, whatta MILF! Those titties are bigger than Moondancer's! And there's a nice fat ass to go with them.
  121. TinyIncognito: $100 an hour. Discounted rates for longer periods. Nothing on Saturday night, I have a prior engagement.
  122. >You don't haggle too hard, and end up settling for $300 for the entire day on Sunday, and the condition that you don't have to call her Mommy.
  123. >You HATED your mother, and you couldn't think of a faster way to make your dick wilt.

Woodwose Anon - Part 1

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Woodwose Anon -- Part 2

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Werebear Anon

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Political anthro shitpost

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You brought this on yourselves.

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