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[SFW] Sleepover at Sunny's - Kicked out

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-04 02:38:35
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Are you sure he will come tonight?"
  2. "He will, trust me. I've made sure he can't say no this time"
  3. >Be Sugarcoat
  4. >You have arranged a small sleepover with your friends, and a boy
  5. >The thing is you never invited the others. Is just a secret small "date" between Sunny Flare and the gentleman of tonight
  6. >*Ding dong*
  7. "Speaking of the Devil"
  8. >Sunny is excited. She never hosted a sleepover before, let alone with boys
  9. >She walks over to the porch, calms down, and greets the stranger
  10. >Her smile dissipates quickly after seeing the guest
  11. >"Anonymous?"
  12. >"Eh.... Good afternoon Flare. I came for the sleepover"
  13. >You smile devilish at the sitcom that is about to take place
  14. ---
  15. >Same day, a few moments ago
  16. >Be Anonymous, in front of Sunny Flare's home
  17. >You don't like to be here. You don't WANT to be here
  18. >But you must; may as well add context
  19. >Your tale starts 5 days ago. Well, more than that
  20. >Your family is a very important team in an accounting firm, and they expanded recently. Things considered, you had to move out
  21. >Since your parents are well economically, you were signed in the private academy Crystal Preparatory
  22. >Nothing weird: fancy kids, daddy and mommy boys, generic hothead jocks, slutty Stacies, the works
  23. >You expected to finish your studies, go to college, and join the family trade. But that went to a halt when you knew her
  24. >Sunny Flare, CPA student with a promising career in fashion and social studies
  25. >Her charming facade made her the most popular girl in the school, even if she isn't as charming when you get to truly know her
  26. >And her knowledge in fashion and health has given her beauty worth of the greeks dramas
  27. >She was just captivating. And your problem started in PE
  29. >You weren't supposed to be there, but Sunny had you in a trance
  30. >Stronger that day, since both grazed hands. She didn't notice it, but you felt every nanosecond it lasted
  31. >Her skin was the smoothest texture you ever had the pleasure to touch, and the perfume of almond milk, vanilla, and lavender has lasted ever since it happened
  32. >You sneaked in the girls's locker room to leave a secret admirer letter, but your instincs got the best of you
  33. >When you opened her sport bag, the perfume assaulted your nostrils, getting you inside a daze
  34. >You grabbed her clothes, and went lost in your thoughs: her cotton shirt was bright white, cozy, yet the fabric was breathable. Her black track shorts were warm and a bit streched, yet they didn't lost the small shape. Her socks were thin, almost non-existant, and didn't smelled with any body odor, only divine perfume
  35. >The problem started when you had her panties: they were white, small, a bit lingerie-esque
  36. >And soft. Really, really soft
  37. >You rubbed the private cloth on your face, feeling the delicate texture and the fragant essence
  38. >Before you notice it, you grabbed her clothes and started sniffing it, imagining the beautiful goddess that used them
  39. >You imagined her naked: her petite yet firm structure, her small but perky breasts, her intimate buttocks
  40. >And her innocence: virgin, clearly trimmed, probably even softer than her. A treasure worth of worship and respect
  41. >While this imagery was really strong, a hideous smell planted you back to Earth: You fucking used her socks as a freaking spooge dump!
  42. >If Adam and Eve were terrified when God discovered them eating the forbidden apple, you were horrified because you technically fuck it
  43. >In a desperate attempt to delete the evidence, you grabbed some soap from the dispenser, and started wash away your carnal crime
  44. >The jizz was gone, but the socks were damaged badly. These were going to be thrown away for sure
  46. >This didn't made you happy. In fact, you were tearing up: divine cloth destroyed from the lust of a peasant
  47. >You dry them as best as you could, and stash the clothes back
  48. >You ran away from the locker room, apologizing every step for your actions
  49. ---
  50. >The day passes, and it was time for lunch
  51. >You picked your lunch tray and sit with your acquaintances in the school
  52. >Marco Dafoy, a jockey with an ego the size of Texas. Doesn't help his Chad looks
  53. >Clayton Potter, his lackey (but only because he is weak. He is very smart, and tends to do his homework so he doesn't torments him)
  54. >And Blue Lemon (Lemonnade Blues in the underground jazz/blues world), a musician who is more interested in instruments than the family's lemon derivates business
  55. M: Hey, look who it is: green boy. Ate your greens yet?
  56. "Ha-ha-ha. Wow Marco, that was so funny I forgot how to laugh"
  57. C: Hehe, it was funny Mr. Dafoy
  58. M: I know Pot. No need for praises
  59. L: And how was your day anon? Anything good?
  60. >Just the most beautiful fantasy and the most cruellest crime in the world
  61. "Nothing Blues. Nothing at all"
  62. >As you were exchanging pleasantries with these guys, a woman reached close to the table
  63. >You saw her from afar: Sugarcoat. The only sugar she has is in the name, and even then is debatable
  64. >She takes a seat and looks straight at you
  65. "Uhhhh.... can I help you?"
  66. "Have you told them about the jizz sock or not?"
  67. >all your guys spit their juice. You don't: you were chocking on your food
  68. *Cough!* *cough!* "What th-"
  69. >She throws two badly damaged socks and a letter
  70. >"You dropped these. You should be more careful"
  72. >If you were green, that was way past gone: you are white now
  73. M: Whoa anon, what did you do?
  74. >Knees are heavy, palms are sweaty
  75. >"Are you going to talk or not?"
  76. ".... Uhhhh..."
  77. >You drop your mouth's spaghetti like a retard
  78. C: We must call a teacher!
  79. >"No, just leave us alone"
  80. L: What?! Anonymous can't talk! What did you did to him?
  81. >"A question. Now leave us"
  82. >The guys were untrusting Sugarcoat's words, but they didn't had much of a choice. They leave you alone with miss viper
  83. "Uhhhh..."
  84. >"Cut the mentally challenged act. You can be like that online"
  85. >You return back to Earth
  86. "Uhhh.... uh... uh! Hey! Where did you-?!"
  87. >She rises an eyebrow. Right, redundant question
  88. "Ugh! Please at least tell me she didn't saw it"
  89. >"No, I did. And I saw everything. She won't like you if you jack off while smelling her"
  90. "SHUT UP!"
  91. >You slammed the table, making everyone notice you. You crawl and try to hide
  92. >"Stop hiding coward. I need to ask you a favor"
  93. "Eh?! What?! First you come with.... that, and now you want to ask me a favor?"
  94. >"Yeah. More like a compromise: I need a person for a reunion. A sleepover. Sunny's idea"
  95. "And what do I have to do with that?"
  96. >"I just need you to attend. That's all"
  97. "Wait, that's it? No weird condition?"
  98. >"Beyond not fucking us? No. Just come, is this Friday"
  99. "But why me?"
  100. >"Amusement"
  101. "There's something wrong. I won't go"
  102. >Suddenly, a sound comes from Sugarcoat's pockets. You know the sound
  103. "No fucking way...."
  104. >"Principal Cadance won't like a pervet within her students. Don't forget your pjs and toothbrush"
  105. >She rises from her seat and leaves the table
  106. "..... Goddammit"
  108. >After that encounter, the boys asked what was going on
  109. >You give them a short version: Sugarcoat wants you for a sleepover. You hide the most "graphical" details, but the idea was just a day at Sunny's home
  110. >Marco was jelly, Clay and Blues were surprised. Nevertheless, they wanted to aid you
  111. >And boy, what a help it was. Turns out Sunny's "friends" are insane. She may be the only normal one from the group
  112. >Marco helped you with your clothes, so Sour Sweet or Sugarcoat can't make sneaky passive-aggressive remarks
  113. >Clayton taugh you a lot of sports. At least basics so Indigo doesn't chew your ass. Plus, a few fashion news and small talk interests so Sunny won't get bored
  114. >Lemonade was easy: turns out Lemon Zest is always stuck on her headphones listening to rock, so he gave you a few albums so you don't look like a square
  115. >Ready for the night, Friday came rather quickly
  116. >You prepared everything you needed: pajamas, slippers, some junk food, toothbrush and toothpaste, sleeping bag, 80s and 90s rock, phone and charger
  117. >You dressed up with a salmon pink shirt with khaki beige pants and brown shoes. The white scarf was something from Marco
  118. >You made your way to Sunny's home. At the door you take a deep breath, and prepare mentally for whatever's coming
  119. *Ding dong*
  120. >Here goes nothing
  121. >You hear footsteps, and the door opens. Is Sunny Flare smiling
  122. >The smile doesn't last long though. Looks like she was expecting someone else. Whatever, you knew this was going to happen
  123. >"Anonymous?"
  124. "Eh.... Good afternoon Flare. I came for the sleepover"
  125. >You see Sunny turn her head towards Sugarcoat. Looks like she "forgot" to tell her you were coming. She only nods in an approving manner
  126. >Sunny Flare looks at you a bit disappointed
  127. >"Yeah.... Come in"
  128. "Thank you"
  129. >You go inside her house
  131. >Fancy and big. The main living has a big sofa with a small table with snacks. Upfront, a 55" smart TV, YouTube is on
  132. "So.... where can I leave my bag?"
  133. SF: Wherever you want. Just don't block the road
  134. >Yep, still dissapointed
  135. >You leave your bag in a corner of the room
  136. "So, how's everything girls? Anything new? When are the others arriving?"
  137. SC: Oh yeah, about that....
  138. SF: what's the problem Sugarcoat?
  139. SC: I think I forgot to tell the others about the sleepover
  140. You and Sunny: What?!
  141. SC: Oops, I guess we will have to do
  142. SF: No way! You said we were going to have a party! 3 persons is NOT a party
  143. SC: I wanted to keep it small, you said you never did something like this
  144. SF: Uh, yeah! But at least I wanted to try!
  145. SC: Don't be so angry Flare. Anon can be fun too
  146. >Oh shit, this can be a move! Ok, super cash, anon
  147. "Yeah! I have some snacks, and some music. We can still have a good time"
  148. >Sunny grumbles a bit, but then sighs
  149. SF: I guess we can try. But if any of you try something funny, you will leave
  150. SC: Could you really throw out your guests, Sunny? I though you were a polite girl with manners
  151. SF: Don't you sass me, SourCoat
  152. >Oh, nice one
  153. "Is okay, let's have some fun. Who wants some twizzlers?"
  155. >For someone very HP, Sunny sure enjoyed simple pleasures. The twizzlers were one thing
  156. >But you weren't expecting her entertainment to be so "normal": you three were playing uno, making puzzles, and a memory match game
  157. >She had a small karaoke game: filled with 90s and 00s pop
  158. >And even the food was simple: pizza and tacos
  159. >To be honest, you really were enjoying yourself
  160. SF: ... So we united efforts and earned the music video contest
  161. "I think I saw it on TV a few times. Congratulations"
  162. SC: You can thank the Rainbooms for that. Sour doesn't have much of an imagination
  163. SF:Yeah, she do a lot of things on a whim. Please excuse me, I need to fresh up
  164. >She leaves the table, so you take this chance to sigh a bit relieved. This really was a good idea
  165. >Now confident in yourself, you take a glass of soda. You may do this and finish for tonight
  166. SC: If you don't make a move, I'll tell her about the socks
  167. >Fuck your drink, is decorating the entire wall now
  168. "What the-?!"
  169. SC: If I wanted to do child stuff, I'd just stay at home. I hoped your presence at least would live up the party
  170. "If you wanted a party, why didn't you invited the others?"
  171. SC: I said I wanted a party, not a bloody headache. Amuze me or I will entertaint myself
  172. >You should have known. Sugarcoat is a cursed schemer
  173. >She may be even setting you up if you make a move towards Flare, but what are your chances?
  174. >Fuck it, may as well win as much as possible
  175. >Sunny comes back
  176. SF: Hey guys, did I miss anything?
  177. >Sugar raises an eyebrow looking at you
  178. "Nothing really, I was discussing an old game with Sugar here. Want to play spin the bottle? No kissing if you are worried, is more like truth or dare"
  180. >Reunited in the living again, everyone gathered on the carpet floor
  181. >You grabbed a bottle, and showed it
  182. "Who goes first?"
  183. >Sugarcoat wasn't happy. In fact, she looked ready to spill the beans, but you haven't given up yet!
  184. >Sunny was different. Looks like she really wanted a normal game like this
  185. SF: I go!
  186. >You give her the bottle, and she spins it
  187. >It lands on you. She giggles a bit
  188. "Well?"
  189. SF: ummm, true: are you having a good time?
  190. "I do. I expected something fancy or snobbish, but this is better. Great even"
  191. >Looks like that answer really made her happy
  192. "Okay. want to go next Sugarcoat?"
  193. SC: You better go
  194. "Fine by me"
  195. >You take the bottle and spin it. It lands on Sugarcoat
  196. >Damn it, thread carefully
  197. SC: And what is going to be?
  198. "Let's start simple for now. Dare: rub your forehad and belly while saying "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream" three times"
  199. >Sugar starts rubbing her forehead and belly, while repeating the simple tongue twister
  200. >Having finished the simple dare, she takes the bottle and spins it. Lands on you
  201. "Give me your best"
  202. >You know she will try something here, but if you take it upfront you may block it
  203. >She pulls a pair of (very recognizable) socks
  204. SC: I want you to make a small puppet show with these
  205. SF: Hey, are those-?
  206. >She is about to touch them!
  207. "No they aren't!"
  208. >You quickly fetch the socks and put it on your hands. Sunny looks at you a bit strange, and Sugar does nothing to hide her smile
  209. >You feel the fabric again. Those memories are returning, but they don't bring joy. Is more of a horror movie when the PTSD kicks in
  210. >Ok, here goes nothing
  212. >Hiding behind the living table, you raise both "puppets", and start doing silly voices
  213. "Lalala~~. I'm footie, and today I'm meeting my friend feetie. Oh! there he is, hi feetie!"
  214. >You shake your right hand a bit silly while appproching the left one
  215. >"Hi footie, what a golly good day we have today"
  216. "You sure are right feetie: the sun shines, and my best friend is with me"
  217. >"Let's sing!"
  218. "But I was just singing. I want to pull up a show"
  219. >"And how do we do that?"
  220. "First, we need hats"
  221. >"I know where to get those!"
  222. >You grab a couple of bottle caps that were lying around
  223. >"There!"
  224. "Great job feetie. Now we need something to hold"
  225. >"Why do we need that footie?"
  226. "Because entertainers always carry stuff while making shows"
  227. >"Oh! You are right! Let's ask our guests"
  228. >You come close to Sunny first
  229. "Excuse me miss, but do you know what could I hold?"
  230. >She giggles a bit and gives you a twizzler
  231. "Thank you lady"
  232. >You go to Sugarcoat
  233. >"And do you have something miss?"
  234. SC: How about a tissue?
  235. >Both are exchanging looks that could kill right now, but she plays along
  236. >She gives you a small paper tissue
  237. >"Thank you. Now we can start!"
  238. >Going behind the table again, you start to wave your hands around, making a silly show
  239. >Having finished, you remove the socks and give them to Sugarcoat
  240. "Here, it was a good dare"
  241. SC: Oh? Those? Those aren't mine, They are Sunny's *looks at Sunny Flare* you left them at my home when we were measuring your clothes remember?
  242. SF: Did I? But I though.... hey, but if those are mine *looks at you* anon, why did you-?
  244. >Damn rat! She almost got you!
  246. >The next round went for Sunny Flare, and stopped on Sugarcoat
  247. SF: Okay, hmmm..... truth! Did you ever did something naughty? Can be sexy~<3!
  248. SC: I once caught a boy jacking off with a sock in the school, and I made him do the ridicule to amuse myself
  249. >Your blood suddenly went cold. You are sure she is shitting on you right now
  250. SF: Oh goodness! Who was it Sugar?
  251. >Your eyes are open and wide as plates, praying for death
  252. >Sugarcoat only chuckles, and replies calmly
  253. SC: Sorry, that will have to be another round
  254. SF: Aw, you are naughty Sugarcoat. I wanted to know
  255. >Fuck this, she is getting too close now
  256. >Better to cut it quickly. She may boss you around these days, but Sunny can't know what happened with her socks
  257. "Well, I'm busted. I need to catch a few Z's. Who's with me?"
  258. SF: What? But we have only started
  259. SC: Yes anon, try to hold for little Flare
  260. >Fuck you, you bald four-eyes demon
  261. SC: Besides, it was your turn
  262. >Sugar passes you the bottle
  263. >You swallow a bit of saliva, and spin the bottle. A few moments later stops with no winner
  264. SF: Oh, what a bummer
  265. SC: Next time spin the bottle to point at any of us anon
  266. >Wait, this gives you an idea
  267. "And how about a truth 'n dare? I give you a challenge, and the first one finish it chooses the punishment
  268. SF: oh, that sounds like a great idea!
  269. >Sugar raises an eyebrow, but accepts
  270. "Ok: the challenge here will be putting our pajamas as fast as we can. Last one has to tell the truth"
  271. SF: Deal!
  272. SC: I don't move as quickly. I think I'll have to tell the truth
  273. >Oh, you won't get away like that
  274. "Just try, ok? Start!"
  276. >You run to your backpack, and dress up faster than a commando. A blue shirt and shorts
  277. >Sunny went to her room to find some night dress
  278. >Meanwhile, you see big forehead walking slowly, grab her bag, find her pjs...
  279. >You haven't given up yet. You sneak towards the window, and open it up
  280. >Today was a bit windy, and you hope it's still blowing
  281. >Looks like the Gods of Socks were on your side, because the wind started to blow, and it entered the house
  282. >Sugar couldn't resist, so she started to dress up faster. Before she noticed it, she was in her night clothes
  283. >It was victory: it took 4 minutes more to Sunny to dress up. She was covering herself with a robe
  284. >You guess she may only had nightgowns to use
  285. "Sorry Sunny, but you lost. I guess you have to tell the truth"
  286. >These words were liberating. You saw Sugarcoat was a bit angry you got away for now
  287. SF: All right, ask your question
  288. "Since we are talking about boys and girls.... Are you interested in someone now?"
  289. >If she was pretty before, she turned adorable: she blushes and hides some of her face with her hand
  290. SF: I guess? I haven't been looking really. Most are just jerks, nerds or perverts
  291. >Yes! She is free! Some hope for you at least
  292. SC: Is my turn now
  293. >She grabbed the bottle and spins it. It landed on you
  294. SC: Well, since you are feeling romantic anon, dare
  295. "Go ahead"
  296. SC: What would you write to a girl that you like really much? Please, tell us
  297. >Now that you think about it, you didn't took the letter back neither
  298. SC: Well?
  299. "I don't know. Maybe that she is pretty and cute, and that I want to date her or something like that"
  300. SC: You aren't giving it all anon
  301. SF: Yeah, that was lame. Come on, you can do better
  302. >Your face turns a bit red, and you close your eyes
  303. "Okay, If I must..."
  304. >You take a deep breath
  306. "I'd start by presenting myself as a secret admirer who wants to show his respects. I'd follow by complementing her looks, the grace of her movements, and her beautiful smile and how she becomes more pretty when she uses it. I'll thank fate for crossing our paths, and I'll thank her for brighten my day everytime I see her walking around. I finally would ask that she remains calm, no need for panic or anger, because I was planning to send more until I collect enough courage to invite her on a date face to face. Signed, your secret admirer"
  307. >The girls look at you a bit amazed for that letter
  308. "Or something like that. I'm not good with letters"
  309. SF: That was amazing anon
  310. SC: Good letter. If you excuse me, I need to use the facilities
  311. >Sugarcoat retires, leaving you and Sunny Flare alone
  312. SF: It was a really pretty letter anon
  313. "Thanks, like I said: not so good with those"
  314. SF: Well, I like it. I wish I had a secret admirer
  315. >Oh, you would've had one Sunny, if it wasn't for certains "mistakes"
  316. "Really? You don't have one? Miss popular?"
  317. SF: Well, I may have that title. But most of the time I usually pretend I get along with people. The shadowbolts are the only ones who are my friends
  318. "Whoa, I though you had tons of them"
  319. SF: No, only those 4
  320. "Wow"
  321. SF: That's why I was very happy I got to host this sleepover: usually when I'm invited they are filled with mommies and daddies girls, busy with their maids and butlers, and they are stuck on their own things. When it was my turn, I though I could do something different
  322. "Well, it worked, I'm having a great time"
  323. SF: Thank you anon... say, can I ask you a question?
  324. "Shoot"
  325. SF: Why did you came here?
  327. "Why I came here? Sugarcoat invited me"
  328. SF: I know, but you usually don't want to roll with us. You are mainly with those guys on the lunch table
  329. "True, but I got my reasons. Sour Sweet is hard to read, I may make her angry just for standing next to her"
  330. SF: Good point. What about Indigo?
  331. "I'm not into sports. I rather play D&D with Clayton"
  332. SF: D and D?
  333. "Dungeons and Dragons. Maybe next time I'll show you"
  334. SF: Fine. And what about Lemon Zest?
  335. "She ignores everyone when she has those headphones, which is 90% of the time"
  336. SF: And with all that, how did Sugarcoat managed to convince you coming here?
  337. "Let's just say she thinks is something amusing for now"
  338. SF: Well, and what about me?
  339. >You zone out for a moment before asking
  340. "Uh, excuse me, what did you said?"
  341. SF: Why haven't you talked with me?
  342. "Well... I... Because..."
  343. SC: Hey guys, I'm back. Did I miss something?
  344. "No!.... no, we were just talking, that's all"
  345. SC: About fabrics, I suppose?
  346. >Damn you baldhead.... wait
  347. "No, but that is a good idea"
  348. >Sunny and Sugarcoat looks at you strange
  350. >In Sunny's room, there are lots of fabrics and mannequins
  351. >Everyone is dressed with season clothes
  352. "Wow, you really enjoy modeling Sunny"
  353. SF: I always wanted to become a fashionista. I love the runways and the gala events, and the clothes are so pretty
  354. SC: I still don't know why we came here
  355. "Well, you were talking about fabrics, so I though fabrics are turned into clothes"
  356. SC: So?
  357. "So I though: why don't we have a small runway? We can use Sunny's models"
  358. >Sunny's eyes lighted up, shining like polished rubies
  359. SF: oh... yesyesyesyes! Please say yes Sugarcoat!
  360. SC: Are you insane?! I refuse!
  361. "Hey! I'm not saying dress up in lingerie. I bet Sunny Flare has lots of models we can try, and she has a private changer, so I won't see nothing I'm not supposed to"
  362. SC: You crossed the line Anonymous! Flare, I got to tell you something
  363. >Oh no, you won't you bitch
  364. "What a drag you are Sugarcoat. You invited me here to amuse you, and when I come up with something, you refuse?"
  365. SC: You are saying that because-
  366. "I want to entertain both of you. I played your games, I made your dares, and even came up with a good idea. Are you not entertained?"
  367. SF: Please Sugarcoat, he is trying to be fun. Let him do it
  368. >Looks like Sugarcoat's weakness are her friends because she has a look of doubt on her face
  369. >Wow, you never though you ever see that look on her
  370. SC: Is-just-I-he.... fine! Let's do your silly runway
  371. SF: Yay!
  372. >Ha! Point for Anonymous! Never mess with the King of Bullshitting!
  373. "Thank you Sugarcoat"
  374. SC: Enjoy the rub while it lasts, you pervert
  375. SF: What do you mean by that?
  376. "She is just salty, let her be. Now, how about some suits?"
  378. >Well, you knew she was going to have lots of clothing, but she was really into them!
  379. >Many of the outfits had matching models to accompany, for both genders and situations
  380. >You grabbed a basic black suit. It was really smooth and sleek. It fitted like a glove
  381. >You come out, chesting out a bit
  382. "Hello ladies, are you ready for Anthony's soiree? I do"
  383. >Sunny was giggling, but Sugarcoat was bored
  384. >Ok, maybe you could make her smile. She may be your enemy, but if she is happy she won't talk
  385. "Ok, wait, I think I got something"
  386. >You went back and grabbed jeans, a jogging top, and a beanie. May as well laugh with references
  387. "How you do, fellow kids. I'm so on the hip I smoke from a USB and carry my phone around *grab a classic telephone toy*"
  388. >Sugar started to smile a bit. Good
  389. >You went back and grab chaps, long boots, a vest, and a litter hat
  390. "Well ladies, where can I take you for a ride *stand sideways, holding the door frame with a thumb inside your pocket*
  391. >Looks like it worked, she laughed a bit
  392. >Ok, time for the final joke: amusement park clothes. You can never be cool with those, you in fact are a walking clown
  393. >You went back and grabbed a pair of sandals, cargo shorts, a flappy hat, a fanny pack, and a white shirt
  394. "Hey Sunny, can I write on a shirt? Don't worry, it will be with a pencil, so it will be easy to wash"
  395. SF: Ok, but hurry up
  396. "Thank you"
  397. >You grab your pencil and scribble quickly
  398. "Hey! Let's go to Disneyworld!"
  399. >You turn around showing what you wrote
  400. >Front: If missing, call Sunny or Sugarcoat. Back: I'm anon
  401. >Your dad clothes managed to break down, and the girls were laughing
  402. "Ok, who is next?"
  403. SC: No, wait. You missed one
  404. "Huh?"
  405. >She searches for a bit before giving you a black tight swim trunk
  406. SF: Sugarcoat!
  407. SC: Well?
  408. >Dang it
  409. "Fine, I'll do it"
  410. >You take the piece of cloth, search for a pair of flip flops, and come out
  412. >You come out the dresser, showing your body
  413. >While you aren't ugly, it isn't somethig to write home neither. Is more like an anime generic body
  414. >Sunny is red, touching her cheeks while eyeing you from top to bottom
  415. >Sugarcoat is wide-eyed. She is looking at your bulge
  416. >Looks like the idea of being almost naked in front of two girls got you going a bit, and the swim trunk doesn't bother to hide it
  417. "So, what do you girls think?
  418. SF: It really suits you
  419. SC: Eh.... I think I saw enough. Sunny, you better go next
  420. >You change to your pjs, and see Sunny's choices
  421. >She came up as a Shadowbolt cheerleader, is a sleeveless purple top with the logo and pink skirt. she is still planning the concept
  422. >Then, she came with a really adorable spring dress with a big white hat. You clapped for the adorable look. Sugar only sighted and clapped too
  423. >But you didn't expected the ending: she came up in cat lingerie, open chest and a small heart symbol under the tail
  424. SF: You gave us some eye candy anon. I wanted to share, like it?
  425. SC: That's too much Sunny!
  426. "I think.... it is adorable"
  427. >You don't move. If you do, you will cum immediately
  428. SC: Nya~<3! Your turn Sugarcoat
  429. >She stands up and enter the changer with Sunny. After a while, Sunny is wearing her nightgown while you see Sugar's runway
  430. >She started with a basic college student outfit. She really nailed the look
  431. >Then, she follow it with a martial arts uniform and threw a few kicks. Huh, explains her meaty thighs (that you will drool all over if it weren't attached to a witch)
  432. >Finally, she dressed up as a nurse. With long white socks
  433. SC: Doctor, I hope you like my outfit
  434. SF: Oh my Sugar, you are naughty
  435. SC: Says the kitty
  436. SF: Hehe
  437. >The clock sounds. It is 10PM already, so you fake a snore
  438. "Ughh... I'm beat. I wish I didn't sleep too early many times. I need to rest"
  439. SF: Oh, well, it's okay. I had lots of fun anon
  440. "Good to know"
  441. >You get up, and leave the room
  443. >You close the door, and take a big breath. If you focus enough, you will NOT jack off
  444. >Fapping with the socks already gave you a lot of trouble, it will be worst if you do it here
  445. >You can still listen to the girls at the other side
  446. SC: Shame anon is tired
  447. SF: Yeah, I was having fun
  448. SC: When we do this again, I'll dress with the school sports wear first
  449. >Damn it! The memories are coming back!
  450. >You run quickly to the bathroom and cool yourself off. You manage to reach in time
  451. >After this situation, you just sigh and get ready for bed. If you are sleeping you can't do nothing wrong
  452. >See no evil, hear no evil, talk no evil, do no evil
  453. >You lay out your sleeping bag in the living and get in. In a few minutes you will be snoring
  454. >Or so you though
  455. >Ever had moments when you lay on your bed and started thinking a lot of stuff? This night was one of those
  456. >You remembered how you got here, how the party went
  457. >And most importantly, how Sugarcoat still has the letter and a video of your crime
  458. >Did she already show it to Sunny? She hasn't said or did anything, so that is a good sign, right?
  459. >You were just looking at the ceiling, hoping for the best
  460. >By the time you came back to Earth, it was midnight. You felt a bit thirsty so you went to the kitchen for a glass of water
  461. >When you arrived, you saw someone unexpected
  462. "Sunny?"
  463. SF: Anon? Weren't you sleeping?
  464. "I'm thirsty"
  465. SF: Oh, well, I am thirsty too"
  466. "Oh, ok"
  467. >You pour yourself a glass of water
  468. SF: Anon...
  469. "Yeah?"
  470. SF: Sugarcoat told me the truth
  471. >You stop. In fact, everything in your body stops
  472. SF: She explained everything about why you came here, and why she has been teasing you a lot. Personally, I felt a lot of things, but I think I'm just going to ask you a question
  473. >You turn to look at her: she looks really sad, truly heartbroken
  474. SF: Was it true? Or are you just playing with me?
  475. "Sunny... I..."
  476. >How can you explain this? She knows about the socks
  478. >No, you can't let that baldhead win. You must fight to the end!
  479. "Yes Sunny, is true..."
  480. >She is about to cry now
  481. ".... But I never intended to go so far. I mean, Sugarcoat got me by the balls. I felt bad for doing this, but at the same time, I think I really wanted this to happen"
  482. >She looks surprised now
  483. "When I saw you at school, I always saw you angry or serious with most of our classmates, but when you were with your girl friends, I saw you happy and smiling. And when Principal Cadance allowed us Casual Friday, you were just jumping to show off your new designs"
  484. >She is calming down. That's good
  485. "That made feel things very deep down, but I was afraid you wouldn't like me, so I tried doing something to impress you. But, it went horribly wrong, and even worst Sugarcoat saw it so she made me come here to ridicule me for cheaps laughs"
  486. SF: Wait, so you aren't here because you got a bet with your friends?
  487. "Wait, a bet? Did she told you that?"
  488. SF: She told me your friends and her had a bet where if you tried something perverted with me, they will have to pay her up
  489. >Oh dear Lord, she didn't told her the truth
  490. "No! That was never the case! I'm here because Sugarcoat has a video about the thing I tried to do for you, but I stayed because I really want to be here"
  491. SF: You mean it?
  492. "I really do!"
  493. >Both get closer, the light of the moon showering your bodies. Is your move now
  494. "I really want to be here with you Sunny Flare. It was the best night of my life"
  495. >You took the chance and went for the kill: her lips
  496. >The kiss was perfect. She didn't pushed you away or hitted you. She just let it happen
  497. >When you break up the moment, she is smiling
  498. SF: .... I'm really.... I'm really happy you were honest with me
  499. "I'm happy you gave me a chance"
  500. >Both share a hug
  501. "Next time, the sleepover is at my place. Just you and me"
  502. SF: I'd like that
  503. >*Click*
  504. >Wait, the lights went up?
  505. SC: Wow anon, you went 1st base after using her socks as a spooge rag. I'm impressed
  507. >Fuck!
  508. >Sunny separates from you, a look of shock on her face, then horror
  509. >One by one, she realizes about the socks, the insults, and Sugarcoat's "true secret"
  510. SF: Oh God...
  511. "No..."
  512. SF: Oh GOD....
  513. "No Sunny no..."
  514. SF: OH MY GOOOOOOD!!!
  515. "Sunny, I swear, I didn't meant to-"
  516. SF: Oh, gosh, you really did!
  517. SC: And he really enjoyed it too
  518. >Sounds came from Sugar's phone. Horrible, disgusting, lewd sounds of fapping and sniffing
  519. SF: Oh, gosh, I feel horrible, I want to puke
  520. >You come close to Flare
  521. "Wait, just let me-"
  522. SF: Don't touch me, you sick pervert!
  523. >She runs to the dining hall
  524. SF: What the- my walls!
  525. >Oh crap, you forgot to clean them!
  526. "Sunny, I'm sorry! I was drinking soda and Sug-"
  527. SF: No! I don't want to hear nothing! Get out of my house!
  528. SC: Hahaha, I guess that's it. Come on Sunny, let's-
  529. SF: You too! I don't want no one here!
  530. >In a few moments, Sugar and you were outside Sunny's house
  531. *Slam!*
  532. "Bu-But... But I..."
  533. >You hang your head low. Sugarcoat got away with her game
  534. SC: Anonymous, you really pissed her off. I'd be too if I found out someone I invited to my home used my socks to touch himself
  535. >You turn to Sugarcoat
  536. "I don't know how, when, or where, but I swear on my name, I will get my revenge you bald-scheming-cruel-phsycopatic-fatass-ugly-backstabbing-whorish witch I ever had the disgrace of ever meet in my path"
  537. >Sugarcoat smiles
  538. SC: Wanker
  539. >In a fit of rage, you launch against her, but it was no use. Her knowledge in self defense got your ass down in seconds
  540. >At this point, she is laughing like a hyena
  541. SC: Really anon? Wow, you don't gave up at anything! I'm surprised. But don't worry, I hold my end of the deal. Look"
  542. >She shows you her phone, and she deleting the video
  543. SC: I had the best sleepover I could ask for. Thanks for the amusement
  544. >She walks away laughing
  545. >When you could stand again, you had another fit wailing your backpack around before walking all the way home
  547. >Be Sunny Flare
  548. >Ever since the morning started, you wish you could sleep forever
  549. >But you can't: the local Neighborhood Watch called you about pieces of clothing laying around your front yard, and your parents won't be in the city until Monday morning, so you had to go and pick it up
  550. >You weren't happy about this, the last thing you want to see right now is anything that has to do with Anonymous
  551. >Using one of those grab-poles, you were picking everything into a box that read "charity"
  552. >Boxers, in. Pink polo, in. White scarf, in. Blue jeans, in. High-end phone and charger, in. Sleeping bag, in
  553. >Socks... wait. There is something else you grabbed
  554. >Is a letter, labeled to you
  555. >You take it, open it, and read it
  556. >Oh gosh, is everything anon described when you were playing that truth or dare game last night
  557. >You wanted to tear up, but your mind changed quickly. He can't get away with playing with your heart!
  558. >You want answers and you will find them now!
  559. >Checking his pants, you find his wallet. Thankfully, it has his home address
  560. >You take the box with you. May as well do your good action of the day
  562. >Same day, different place
  563. >Be Anonymous, the most pathetic human being in existence
  564. >Sugarcoat set you up by telling a lie to Sunny Flare, and you fell right on the center
  565. >Now, the woman of your dreams believes that you are a sick creepy pervert who jacks off by smelling used clothes and using them as cumrags
  566. >But it doesn't matter, nothing matters anymore
  567. >Right now, all that there is now is you, your shower, and Johnny Cash's Hurt song on repeat
  568. >You will cry until the water drowns you or dissolves you. Whatever happens after
  569. *RING!*
  570. *Sob* *sob* "I'm not home!"
  571. *RING!* *RING!*
  572. "I'M NOT HOME!! GO AWAY!"
  573. >"Anon, open the door! Is me, Sunny Flare"
  574. "No! You are lying! You are Sugarcoat still torturing me!"
  575. >"I'm telling you the truth, is me! Open the door"
  576. "No, go away! I just ruin everything!"
  577. >"Open the door anon!"
  578. "Never! Let me cry alone!"
  579. >"Damn it anon, I said open up!"
  580. >The person behind your door starts kicking it
  581. >You drag yourself out of the shower, and move to the door
  582. *Click* "Stop kicking my door, you assh-!"
  583. >"Well, that was a nice greeting, idiot"
  584. "Sunny!"
  585. >You drop to the floor, grabbing Sunny's legs
  586. >"Hey! What the-?!"
  587. "I'm sorry Sunny! It's Sugarcoat's fault!"
  588. >"Let me go! I can't move!"
  589. "Please forgive meeee-he-he-heeeeee!"
  590. >She drops the box on you
  591. "Hurt me but don't leave me!"
  592. >"Stop it you creep! I came to talk to you"
  593. >Your eyes lighted up
  594. "Really?"
  595. >She pulls out a letter from her pocket. Your letter
  596. >"Anonymous, I came here because I am not a toy you can play with. I want you to stop lying and tell me the truth about why you came to my home"
  597. "Sunny, I will never lie to you"
  598. >"Then get up"
  599. >You let her go and rise up
  600. >"Well? Spit it out!"
  602. ".... All started 6 days ago. I was tired of just seeing you from afar, but I was too shy to ask you out, so I tried to leave you a letter. But when I opened your sports bag, it smelled so nice I got caught up in the moment. Before I knew it, I... I..."
  603. >"You jacked off with my socks while sniffing my clothes"
  604. >She pinches her nose bridge for a bit before recovering her posture
  605. >"Proceed"
  606. "... When I realize what I did, I washed the socks and left everything behind, pretending it didn't happened. But Sugarcoat was in the locker room and filmed everything. She asked me to come to your sleepover so she could "amuse herself", and she did by trying to humiliate me"
  607. >"That fatass... moments like this makes me miss Twilight"
  608. "Huh? Who is-"
  609. >"Old student. Irrelevant for our conversation"
  610. ".... That's the truth. Sunny, what I wrote on that letter is true, I really do love you and I want to become someone important in your life"
  611. >"No anon, what you did is wrong: first, you used my clothes for your perverted actions, and then you go and ignore it, thinking it will be okay. I bet that if Sugarcoat wouldn't extorted you to go to my sleepover, you either try to avoid me or just be a creep and start rubbing yourself with my stuff"
  612. >You lower your head, and give no reply
  613. ----
  614. >Be Sunny Flare
  615. >You got the truth that you wanted, but Anonymous is crushed
  616. >You feel bad for him, but he was looking for it for all this trouble
  617. "Here. I don't know why your clothes were all over my yard, but here you got them"
  618. >You pick the box, give it to him, and walk away
  619. >While you were walking away, your eyes find an item: a pair of socks
  620. >You picked them up and look back: Anonymous hasn't moved an inch, still looking at the floor
  621. "..... *Mumbling* I must be insane or he can get really pitiful"
  622. >You walk back towards him
  623. "Anon, your socks fell from the box"
  624. >He just extends his arm and takes them
  625. >You react quickly, and grab it. He lifts up his face a bit
  627. "Look, I still think you are a creep, a pervert, and a liar..."
  628. >He looks down again
  629. "... But I respect that you tried your hardest to not hurt me, and that you were honest with me when I asked you for the truth. So if you like, I want you to become acquaintances for now"
  630. >He looks at you surprised
  631. "Now this doesn't mean I forgive you, I want you to keep a distance for now. But when everything is more calm between us, I would like to have another sleepover. Just you and me, in your house. You told me that after all"
  632. >His face quickly passes from shocked to a smile
  633. >"Uhh... Yes! Yes! A sleepover! Yes! Just you and me! No secrets this time!"
  634. "Good to know"
  635. >You let his arm go
  636. "Goodbye Anonymous, have a nice day"
  637. >You leave him now, feeling more relieved. He may not be a bad person after all
  639. >Be Anonymous
  640. >You are really happy. Sunny Flare came and has forgiven you
  641. >Well, not really, but she gave you another chance
  642. >You cannot believe it. And best part is she returned everything you dropped on her house
  643. >You check the box, everything is there
  644. >Your wallet, your phone and charger, your clothes and sleeping bag, Marco's scarf
  645. >And she even noticed that your socks fell off
  646. >You notice something from them. A faint smell that isn't your body odor
  647. "... *sniff* *sniff*..."
  648. >Is hers, and she used honey soap this time
  649. "..."
  650. >You see outside, she isn't there
  651. >You go to your room, lock the door, and give it a second, longer whiff
  652. "..."
  653. >Well, if you are going to do this, better do it right. And, hey! At least these are yours this time
  654. >*unzips*

[NSFW] Bella's big movie

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 1

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 2

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 3

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[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 4

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