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[SFW] Stella Sprinkles' date

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-04 02:48:31
Expiry: Never

  1. "I hate you guys"
  2. >You are Anonymous
  3. >After a few days coming to the local frozen yogurt place, your friends started to tease you about the girl at the counter
  4. >Giving you looks, salivating a bit more, breathing more agitated, giving you extra toppings
  5. >Anyway, during one of your shenanigans, you bet a date with her
  6. >Long story short, you lost, so you must take her out
  7. >You see your "friends" across the road, laughing like little girls doing something naughty. Fucking faggots
  8. >You open the door, and go straight to the counter
  9. >There she is, already shaking around your presence
  10. >"H..h..hi, we-welcome to th-the-"
  11. "Hi, can I get a small cup please?"
  12. >"S-sure!"
  13. >She gives you one small cup and you pay for it
  14. >You serve yourself vanilla, strawberry and chocolate yogurt with sprinkles. Very simple
  15. >You see outside: your friends are pointing at her
  16. "Goddammit"
  17. >You go back to the counter
  18. >"N-n-need any-"
  19. "Look, I have to make this quick, so.... want to have a date?"
  20. >Like if her brain just turned off, she stares blankly at you
  21. "Huh? Are yo-?"
  23. >The entire place is looking at both of you
  24. "Woah, woah! Calm down! I just asked for a date, and I'm glad you accepted"
  25. >She is jumping in blisfull cherishness
  26. "Uh... yeah, This Sunday at the entrance of the Water Strider Port at noon. I'll see you there"
  27. >You give her your yogurt
  28. "Here, this is for you"
  29. >You wave her good bye, leave the store, and walk up to the corner to find your buddies laughing
  30. >"Ahahaha! Oh my God, you poor bastard, you really did"
  31. >"I can't believe it! Even give her a gift and everything!"
  32. >"What a gentleman, maybe she will kiss you. Hope you like the taste of dental steel, hahaha!"
  33. "Fuck you guys, and you all own me a frozen yogurt motherfuckers"
  35. >The week passes quickly, and you managed to get a few savings gathered for the "big day"
  36. >Around noon, you are in front of the big arch in the Water Stride Port
  37. >You dress casually: black shirt, gray jeans, brown shoes. Nothing that rises attention
  38. >You see from afar your buddies, laughing already
  39. >The last thing left is the yogurt girl coming to talk to you
  40. >"U-u-u-um.. e-e-excushe me?"
  41. >Speaking of the Devil, you recognize that voice
  42. >You turn around
  43. "Hey, glad you made.... it..."
  44. >Who the fuck is this girl? Is she the yogurt gal?!
  45. >I mean, she is green, and her hair is still made up with a couple of twin tails, but where is her steel thing? And where was she hiding THOSE?!
  46. >She is wearing white and blue sneakers with long white socks, blue denim shorts, and a yellow top that really shows off her (already big) chest
  47. >"Oh! Ish you! Good to shee you!"
  48. >Well, the lisp is there. She is the yogurt girl
  49. "... Likewise"
  50. >You check your pals for a bit: they are as shocked as you, jaws almost touching the floor
  51. "Umm... yeah! Good you came! Want to go in?"
  52. >You strecth your hand, and she shyly takes it. It feels really wet
  53. >Well, at least she is as thirsty as always
  54. >Both walk into the dock
  55. "Hey, by the way, I am Anonymous"
  56. >"Oh! My name ish Shtella. Shtella Shprinkles"
  57. "Good to finally know you then Stella"
  58. >She is having the biggest smile right now. Adorable, even with her braces on
  60. >You two walk around, seeing the stands and places
  61. >Many couples and families are hanging out. A nice place to relax
  62. >Good restaurants, good places, and the beach is close
  63. "Say, have anything in mind? Want to go somewhere?"
  64. >"I go where you go"
  65. >She hugs and clinges on your arm. Some passer-bys daww at you two
  66. >Alright, too much sugar
  67. "I think there is an arcade close. Do you like games?"
  68. >"Yes! I like Hybrid Haven, Pershona 1 and 2, Tactics of Ogre"
  69. >You look at her a bit incredulous. Those are some obscure games
  70. "I never expected you to be a gamer girl"
  71. >"I like turn-bashed more!"
  72. "I see"
  73. >You two get into the small arcade. Lots of old games piled up
  74. >You pay for a few chips, and go to one cabinet: Out Run
  75. "Ever played this?"
  76. >"A *whistle*fiw*whistle* times in MAME"
  77. "Good, you know what to do then"
  78. >The game starts, and you two have a good time playing. She took some extra coins, a joypad is really different from a cabinet stick
  79. >A few points later, both leave the game
  80. "Like it?"
  81. >"I really had fun!"
  82. "Good"
  83. >You see around the games, and find something good
  84. "Do you like Star Wars?"
  85. >"Do I? I love it!"
  86. "Then let me show you something cool about the prequels"
  87. >You take her to the OG pod racing game. Her eyes light up
  88. "Go ahead "Anakin", we have a bet to win"
  89. >She jumps into the pod, and you let her have fun. She got the hand of it really quickly and won a few laps
  90. >She comes out happy from it
  91. "The Force is really strong in you, padawan"
  92. >"Ihihihihi!"
  93. >A bit screechy, but is a nice laugh
  94. >Maybe this date ain't bad after all
  96. >You two leave the arcade, and find a small claw game
  97. >"Oh! I love these!"
  98. >She quickly goes to the machine, and pays for one try, but she doesn't have luck
  99. >"Aww"
  100. "Wait, let me try"
  101. >You pay for one try, and do the "small" trick your dad taught you
  102. >When you find a toy, you wave the stick so the claw gets into a pendulum motion
  103. >You quickly press the button, and the balancing claw catches a small tiger pushie
  104. >You retrieve the plushie, and give it to her
  105. "There you go"
  106. >"Thanks Anonymoush, that was cool!"
  107. "Nah, it was a small trick my dad taught me"
  108. >She hugs you
  109. >"Thanks"
  110. >You pat her head
  111. "Yeah, yeah, no biggie, is only a toy"
  112. >"A toy you gave me"
  113. >You smile
  114. "Alright, let's go get something to eat, I would like to know you better"
  115. >Her eyes light up
  116. >"Y-y-y-you want to know m-m-m-m-me?!"
  117. >Dude, is so easy with her. Maybe you are her first date. And the guy who has a crush on, no less
  118. "Sure, that's why we are having a date after all. Come on"
  119. >You take her to a small restaurant. Lots of fish dishes are on the menu
  120. "I'll go with the fish and chips, what about you?"
  121. >"The Japaneshe menu shounds good"
  122. "Alright then"
  123. >You call the waiter, and place your order
  124. >With some time free, you take the chance to talk to her
  125. >But why do you feel... threatened?
  127. "So, how long were you working on that yogurt store?"
  128. >"A couple of years during the summer. My dad is friendsh with the owner and I liked the yogurt from that place, so one summer I got hired"
  129. "Sounds fun, and I bet working in that place leaves you with all the frozen yogurt you can eat"
  130. >"At least a nice dishcount and free toppings. In fact, I wanted to give you this"
  131. >A coupon for a free topping. How nice
  132. "What about you? Which highschool are you going?"
  133. "I just graduated last summer, but I have been working during the year. I'm going to enroll after this summer"
  134. >"Ohh! College sounds fun"
  135. "How long before you graduate?"
  136. >"Just a few months and I'll be enrolling in Starswhirl's Academy"
  137. "Good choice, I was actually thinking going to Everton, but Starswhirl sounds good too"
  138. >"M-maybe we can be College roommates"
  139. >She is relaxing now. Good
  140. "Yeah, that would be fun"
  141. >The waiter arrives with your meal. The fish and chips came with mayo and ketchup, and Stella had lots of sushi cubes. Squid, mackarel, tuna, and 3 cali rolls
  142. >Both of you eat, give a bit of what are each other having. You really are having fun
  143. >While eating, a fry falls on your shirt, leaving a stain
  144. >"Oh anon, your shirt"
  145. "Is fine, I can clean it"
  146. >Both of you go for a napkin and touch hands
  147. >Both look at each other
  148. >"Anon, I'm-"
  149. "No"
  150. >You grab her hand
  151. "Is fine"
  152. >Sharing a silent moment, both smile, gladly to be in each other's company
  153. >*SPLASH!*
  155. >A water balloon hits you from the back. At least Stella is dry
  156. "Woah! What was that for?!"
  157. >"Sorry dude! Just having fun!"
  158. >The bunch of "buddies" runs away. Stella didn't recognized them, but you did
  159. >"Anon, are you ok?"
  160. "Yeah, is just water. I'll go dry myself, excuse me"
  161. >You leave the table and find a restroom
  162. >As expected, those assholes are there laughing
  163. >"She really gets you wet buddy"
  164. "Fuck you dirtbag"
  165. >"Oh, manners Anonymous, you are on a date"
  166. "Yes, a date you guys wanted me to be, so why are you kicking my ass now?"
  167. >"Well, we are bored"
  168. >"We expected you to be ashamed and sad"
  169. >"Yet you are having a nice date with a pretty girl"
  170. "Is called karma, something you would have if you weren't total idiots"
  171. >"Yeah, anyway. Since we are bored, maybe we can hang around with you two"
  172. "I'm really sure she isn't up for a fivesome"
  173. >"Really? All you do is think with your dick anon"
  174. "Happens when you are surrounded by them"
  175. >"Whatever, expect us fucking with you. See you around"
  176. >Your friends leave the restroom laughing. They may like to tease you, but they can get really heavy
  177. "... Assholes"
  178. >You dry up your shirt and body, and leave the restroom
  179. >You go back with Stella. Thankfully, they didn't do anything to her
  180. >"Are you alright anon?"
  181. "Yup! All dried up. Do you like your food?"
  182. >"Yes, is fine"
  183. >Way to cool down your date. Literally, the water inside the balloon was really cold
  184. >You join her again, and both finish the meal with small talk
  185. >You pay the bill, and leave the restaurant
  187. >The afternoon settles in, and there's a lot of time to keep going
  188. >You take Stella to the shopping area, seeing the marine antiques, miscellaneous memorabilias, and funny singing fishing throphies
  189. >While seeing around, you are checking your surroundings. Your buddies may try to stomp on your balls
  190. >And like fucking clockwork, you find them
  191. >They are playing with a beach ball
  192. >You don't lose them. They may try something "funny"
  193. >"Do you like thish anon?"
  194. "Uh?"
  195. >Back to your date, you see Stella holding something: a crystal goose
  196. "Oh, that is nice. Pretty"
  197. >Stella giggles
  198. "You know, I think I can buy it. Want another present?"
  199. >"Really?! Thanks anon!"
  200. "Is a date after all. Let's burn some money"
  201. >You buy her the crystal goose, but like a bad omen coming, you turn quickly to see behind you
  202. "Beach ball!"
  203. >The ball hits the stands, making a lot of glass figurines fall to the floor
  204. >The shattering sounds invaded the small store, as the owner curses his soul out
  205. >You manage to sneak Stella out
  206. >"Oh Gosh, that wash horrible"
  207. "Tell me about it. Where did that ball come from?"
  208. >You pretend not knowing, but you are pretty sure "they" did it
  209. >Why? You aren't seeing them around anymore
  210. "Let's get out of here. Maybe we can have fun somewhere else"
  211. >You see the plaza around, and find a karaoke bar
  212. "Hey, how about karaoke? Do you like singing?"
  213. >"I-I... maybe? I'm a bit nervous in public"
  214. "Don't worry, I'll cheer you on"
  215. >You two go to the karaoke
  217. >Inside is really pretty: a small stage, a couple of tables laying around, and a karaoke machine filled with songs. Also, there is a juice bar
  218. "I'll go first, don't worry"
  219. >You go and pay for a couple of songs, and read the catalog
  220. >After a while searching, you find a good one
  221. >You take the mic
  222. "Alright people, this one is dedicated to my date sitting on that table over there"
  223. >People cheers and hypes Stella. She only waves her hand, trying to hide
  224. "Ok, this one is for you baby"
  225. >You let the track play
  226. >As the song plays out, you try to follow the rhythm and lyrics on the screen
  227. >You had a few misses, but overall, you managed to ride it out
  228. >The crowd claps and cheers, as you go sit next to Stella
  229. "See? I told you it would be fun. When you are ready, you can go up"
  230. >Some song passes until she has enough confidence
  231. >She goes to the stage, and picks a song
  232. >"H-hi! M-my boyfriend anon just shang to me and I want to do the same"
  233. >Boyfriend huh? That was fast. Still, is nice
  234. >She looks at the list and picks one
  235. > [Cindy Lauper - Girls just want to have fun]
  236. >She follows the rhythm and tune, sometimes coming too early or screeching a bit. Still, people liked it, and everyone is happy
  237. >She comes down the stage panting
  238. >"Oh heavenz, I can't believe I just did that"
  239. "You have a pretty voice"
  240. >She blushes
  241. "C'mon, let me buy you a drink"
  242. >You two go to the juice bar and order some refreshments. Then, another guy comes up the stage
  243. >Sadly, you recognize him
  244. >"Hey guys, I got a song for all the couples, but mainly for the dudes. Here it goes"
  245. >Oh crap, he is going to sing "that" song
  246. > [Tenacious D - Fuck her gently]
  247. >Everyone shares uncomfortable laughs. You know the song is good to start a karaoke, but only on Saturday nights after a few boozes inside your system, not in a wholesome family Sunday
  248. >The song didn't end, the owner kicked your buddy out
  249. >The mood was cut, so you took Stella out
  251. >After that spectacle, Stella and you are a bit down
  252. >Your friends kicking your ass are actually starting to get between you and your (actually nice) girl
  253. >And probably are ready to start the next prank
  254. >The dock isn't a good place to hang around
  255. >You check your watch. Is quite late, and the Sun is about to come down
  256. >Wait, that gives you an idea
  257. >You take Stella to an ice cream stand and order two cones. After that, you take her to a secluded area in the beach to watch the Sunset
  258. >Now, in peace and solitude, both are just enjoying each other's company
  259. >"Thanks for taking me on a date anon"
  260. "Don't mention it"
  261. >"I mean it. I know I am not a looker, and I always have to ushe the steel braces so my teeft gets straight up faster. I know I am not a pretty girl"
  262. "You are a fun one. Besides, people loves you for who you are, not for who you are pretending to be"
  263. >"Well, thanks for loving me"
  264. "Thanks for giving me the chance"
  265. >Both of you huddle closer together, and enjoy the sunset
  266. >Nothing but the sounds of seagulls, the waves crashing on the coast, and the lovely wind
  267. >Oh, and a few steps, but that's not-
  268. >Wait... crap
  269. >*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* "Wow anon, you truly are a keeper. What better end for a date that a sunset on the beach"
  270. "Leave us dude, is not the time"
  271. >Stella turns around, and see one of your buddies
  272. >"Huh, who are you?"
  273. >"Just one of anon's friends. Well Anonymous, I was passing by, but I wanted to give you this"
  274. >He handles you a small pack of money
  275. "Huh? Why are you giving me this?"
  276. >"Is the least I could do. Enough to buy a frozen yogurt for both of you"
  277. "Uhh, thanks I guess"
  278. >"No, thank you. After all, you were the one who won the bet"
  279. >"Wait, what beth?"
  280. >Oh fuck!
  281. "Nothing! He may be confounding things"
  282. >"Oh, he didn't told you? We bet that he would endurance a date with you. And both really endured, congratulations"
  283. >He shows a video stream of you and Stella suffering the pranks your friends did
  285. >"Hold on, so this is just a prank?"
  286. >She didn't took it well
  287. "No! It isn't like that!"
  288. >She is really upset now
  289. >"Now I get it. That's why you are with me today. Damn, I'm so dumb..."
  290. "Wait, let me explain-"
  291. >"Leave me alone!"
  292. >She throws the crystal goose and the tiger toy at you, and runs away crying
  293. >You tried to follow her, but your "friend" held you back
  294. "Hey! What the Hell? Let me go!"
  295. >"Woah, calm down anon. This was just a bet, remember?"
  296. >You shake him off
  297. "It wasn't for her! It was important"
  298. >"Says the guy who was annoyed his yogurt came up with saliva"
  299. "I know I had my complaints, but now I know her. Besides, I bet she probably would have stop doing that if I just told her"
  300. >"Whatever, let her go dude. Besides, I wasn't lying about the bets"
  301. >He shows you his phone again. Turns out they got a pretty penny giving you shit during the day and uploading it online for "how much do you think he will last?" stream
  302. "... At least can I get a share? I have to make it up to her"
  303. >"Problems won't be solve by money, and you can't buy a woman's heart. Besides, I already gave you what we owned you: one frozen yogurt. We are set"
  304. "We aren't"
  305. >You punch the asshole right in the face
  306. "That was for Stella"
  307. >"Oof! Alright, whatever! I had my fun"
  308. >You turn around and leave him alone on the beach
  309. >While walking, you find the tiger toy and the crystal goose broken
  310. >You pick them up, go to the bus stop, and go back home
  312. >A few days passed, and you are a bit worried
  313. >The thing is, well, you don't Stella's number, and she hasn't been working on the store for quite a while
  314. >You really feel bad. You know she wasn't Miss Universe, but she didn't deserved to have her heart crushed
  315. >One more day passes, and she didn't returned to the store. You had enough
  316. >You go inside, and find another person attending the counter
  317. >"Hello sir, welcome. Anything I can help with?"
  318. "Hum, yeah. You see, I knew the girl who worked here before, but I haven't see her"
  319. >"Oh, that poor girl. She had a really bad date, really bad. She just called the boss and quit. We don't know what happened to her after it"
  320. "I see... Say, can I speak with the manager?"
  321. >"Something wrong?"
  322. "You could say that, but I need help right now"
  323. >The clerk calls the manager, and both of you speak in private. You told him the story, and he got really pissed, but he understood why are you trying to set things straight
  324. >You thank him for the information, and bought a pistachio, chocolate, and wild berry yogurt. She likes those flavors
  325. >Also, free topping. Thanks coupon
  326. >You go to her school, and you find her sitting in the library. She is her old self now, steel halo included
  327. "Um, excuse me?"
  328. >She turns to see you, and the moment she recognizes you, she takes her stuff and walks away
  329. "Hey! Wait a minute, please!"
  330. >"We don't have nothing to talk about!"
  331. "We really do. Look, I was a jackass, but please let me explain it"
  332. >"No!"
  333. "C'mon, let me try. Look, I got you a yogurt"
  334. >She picks it up, and smashs it on your face
  335. "Alright I deserved that, but let me tell you what happened!"
  336. >"Leave me alone!"
  337. >She leaves the library and you follow her
  338. "Hold on Stella, at least let me put things right!"
  339. >"Nothing ish right!"
  340. >She stands in front of you, tearing up
  342. >"You... I... For the firsht time, I felt somebody really cared for me, that somebody found me pretty, and when it was YOU who asked me out, I felt so happy. But to find out it was only a dumb bet, I felt so stupid. Do you have any idea how it feels to be shtupid"
  343. >You lower your head
  344. "To be honest, I do"
  345. >She is looking at you very angry
  346. "Those guys and I are friends from old, they can be really stupid if they get a few cheap laughts if one is bringing the amusement. The real bet was that I'd go out with you because... well, I actually felt repelled by how you got agitated and how you always salivated on top of my yogurt"
  347. >"It wasn't me! Is this dumb thing I have to use on my head"
  348. >Fuck, touched a nerve there
  349. "Sorry. When they knew I felt a bit... uncomfortable, we got a bet where the loser would have to do whatever the other wanted, and they wanted me to have a date with you"
  350. >She is truly heartbroken now
  351. >"S-so all I was is just a joke?"
  352. "Not to me"
  353. >Looks like that managed to get through
  354. "When we had that date, I finally got to meet you. The real you. And I discovered I was an asshole. You know, I actually got braces when I was a kid. That shit is annoying on your teeth, the steel gets caught around your lip, so you end up cutting your mouth inside, and let's not get started when food gets stuck between your teeth and that crappy steel line that breaks at the most simple contant, meaning another trip to the dentist and another retarded bill"
  355. >She is calming down
  356. "I misjudged you because when I got rid of those braces, I didn't wanted to have nothing with them. I should have been more understanding. Braces are bullshit, especially after the fact that you have to use another plastic holder every night so all that suffering doesn't go to waste"
  357. >"Anon, are you telling the truth?"
  358. "Yes I do, that's why I wanted to apologize and, if you could, give me another chance. Let's have a date, a real one. You can keep the halo on, I won't mind"
  360. >She is tearing up, but this time from happiness
  361. >"I... I..."
  362. "Don't worry, I understand. Look, here is my phone. Call me when everything is more calm, alright?"
  363. >You give her a small paper with your cellphone
  364. >"Ok... thanks for telling me the truth Anonymous"
  365. "It was the least I could do. Thanks for giving me a chance"
  366. >You hug her, and wave her goodbye, happy that everything worked out in the end
  367. ----
  368. >A few blocks away, you clean up the yogurt out your face and grab your phone
  369. "See people? When you bother to put things straight, everything works out in the end. Be honest with your girls, take care after yourselves, and remember: Is not how filled with metal her mouth is, is how wide is her smile"
  370. >You cut the livestream, seeing lots of people showing it's support
  371. >In fact, it defeated the one where you got ridiculized in the docks
  372. >You call your "friend"
  373. "Did you saw that?"
  374. >"..."
  375. "I guess you did"
  376. >"... What do you want?"
  377. "The girl who always looks at you at the public library, the one with the sweater"
  378. >"Fuck you"
  379. "Maybe you will learn if you go through the same experience I did"
  380. >"And you will join the fun, huh?"
  381. "Me? Nah, I may have a date, but I'll be sure to send the guys my message. Have fun with yours"
  382. >"Go to Hell"
  383. "You first"
  384. >You hang up

[NSFW] Bella's big movie

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[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 1

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[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 2

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[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 3

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