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[SFW] Stella Sprinkles's Prom

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-04 02:52:13
Expiry: Never

  1. - Please read Stella Sprinkles (the SFW one) for context -
  5. >Be Anonymous
  6. >You started dating Stella a few months ago, and it has been amazing
  7. >Ever since you dated her, it was a great time - everytime
  8. >Her nerdy side fills you with many interesting shows and hobbies
  9. >In fact, last night you tried Ogres and Oubliettes for the first time
  10. >You had a good run, but a leprechaunt finished you. Still, it was fun
  11. >You visit her at work, and today is no exception
  12. >*Ding!*
  13. >"Hello, welcome to.... anon!"
  14. "Hey, Stella!"
  15. >Both share a welcoming hug and a kiss
  16. "How is my favorite yogurt girl in the world?"
  17. >"Hihihi! I'm fine, thanks for asking"
  18. "Always glad to see you, that's why I always ask"
  19. >"Well, then maybe you will like this: my prom night is coming soon, so I wanted to ask you to come"
  20. "Really, your prom? Woah, time really flew by"
  21. >"So?"
  22. "I totally want to go with you"
  23. >Stella laughs happily, and kisses you
  24. >"Thanks anon, you are the best boyfriend!"
  25. "And you are the best girlfriend! O&O is still up this Friday?"
  26. >"This time I'll make sure you lost against a kobold"
  27. "Haha, that's my girl"
  28. >Both share another kiss
  29. ------
  30. >A few days later
  31. >Be douchebag anon. Douchebanon, Anonymous' friend
  32. >Ever since you made that bet, that fucker has been hanging around with that nerdy chick, and it has been boring not fucking with him
  33. >In fact, after that bet he made you to date that weird smelling girl in the library, she has been tailing you ever since
  34. >How many times you will tell her? It won't happen!
  35. >Still, now that he is with her, you are stuck with the other two who are dumb and dumber combined
  36. >And since this is the year Anonymous will start College, it may be the last time you get to prank him
  37. >You are drinking juice on a restaurant in front of the yogurt store. You no longer go there because the couple will go all cute in front of everyone
  38. >While drinking, a girl sits in front of you
  40. "Uh, can I help you?"
  41. >"Yes you can. In fact, I need your help"
  42. "Sorry miss, but I don't even know you"
  43. >"My name is Cherry Top, and I am an student in Stella's class. In fact, the most popular girl in the classroom"
  44. "Still confused"
  45. >"You see, I am the most popular girl, but that changed after Stella started dating. Now SHE is the focus of atention instead of ME"
  46. "Look, I don't even know the girl. She just dates Anonymous, and both are having their fun"
  47. >"I knew you'd said that, but I need you for this. You see, now they are going to appear in our school's prom night. Since I still need a date, you come with me and we will give them an "unforgetable" night. Deal?"
  48. "Well, I never miss a chance to yank his tail. I'm in"
  49. >"Thanks. Let me pay for that drink, we need a lot to plan ahead"
  50. >You finish your drink, and the girl pays for it
  51. >Both leave the restaurant
  52. "Oh yeah. By the way: my name is Doucheanon
  53. >"Well, thanks for your help Doucheanon
  54. >A smile comes out from your face, showing malicious intent
  56. "Well, you want to be popular again, and I want my friend back. What is your idea?"
  57. >"How about making them believe there is another one in their lives?"
  58. "Won't work. Anonymous knows that the biggest flaw in teenage drama is not talking things through. Anything else?"
  59. >"Maybe a few boys in Stella's path? She no longer has to see only anon now that she is pretty"
  60. "Kind of hard. Anonymous doesn't mind her steel halo, and they share most interests. Another boy will be friendzoned"
  61. >"Well, what is your idea?"
  62. >You start to ponder in the many scenarios anon could leave her. One comes to your head
  63. >If he is humiliated in a big social meeting, he will blame Stella, so you can go and be the "good" friend, and you won't have to lose him because he will not follow her to college
  64. "You said there is a big dance prom, right? Maybe we can do something with that"
  65. >"Are you kidding me? Is the prom night! I've worked all my life to become the prom queen, and I won't let anything ruin it!"
  66. "Listen Diva Top: if Stella is crowned queen, Anonymous will become her king since he is her date. If we get them in a very exposed spot, as it is the queen and king dance, we can humiliate them, and you will be remembered as the most popular girl"
  67. >"Really?"
  68. "Trust me, you never live out these things. And I am the perfect man for the job: I was selected as the best prankster, and I haven't lost my touch"
  69. >"Well, if you say so"
  70. "Can we go to the school, or is closed on weekends?"
  71. >"Closed on weekends, but we still have two weeks before the dance"
  72. "Great. I leave you these things as homework: sketch me a map, a list of the guests, and tell me the schedule"
  73. >"Why do you need all that?"
  74. "You can't plan a good prank without a good idea, and we need all that to have a GREAT idea"
  75. >"Alright, I'll see what can I do?"
  76. "Ok, here is my number. And call me when school is over, I need to do some scouting"
  77. >"Fine, thanks douche"
  79. >The girl waves you goodbye and leaves you alone
  80. >You go back home, already machining the many pranks you could do
  81. >A few hours later, a bad sketch of the school is given to you, the schedule for the dance, and the list of guests. Anonymous is already there
  82. >You have the basic idea: the dance will be held at the school's gym
  83. >Some students are bringing their cars, and some parking spots were reserved. Anon put his name there
  84. >The dance will have snacks and punch, maybe something to fight inside may work
  85. >And finally, the ballot with the Queen of the Prom, who will take her date for a dance
  86. >Bonus: many students go to The Viewpoint, a small cliff that allows some peace and quiet. Perfect for lovemaking
  87. >Maybe you can crush that area too. Blueballs ruin any relationship in record time
  88. >You laugh as a mischievous child, and text her about the adress
  89. >She gives you the school's adress, and the time she is free. Perfect for planning
  90. >You rest your head on you pillow, already waiting for next day
  91. >And it came rather quickly, you only slept 6 hours
  92. >You do your daily routine, and meet Cherry in her school. Pretty place
  93. "Good to see you again Cherry Top"
  94. >"Come douche, the school staff may not like people that aren't students or workers here"
  95. "Alright, let me see my area of work"
  96. >She takes you to the school gym. Most extracurricular groups already left. There's only a janitor
  97. >"Hey, you aren't supposed to be here"
  98. "Sup dude? I am the DJ for the prom. I was just checking my working area"
  99. >"They already hired you? The staff just got the cups and snacks"
  100. "I do my job cheap. Can I take a look?"
  101. >"Don't walk too much, I just mopped"
  102. "Don't worry, it won't take long"
  103. >Cherry and you go to the stage, and you start to take pictures
  105. >"I though you were only scouting"
  106. "The perfect pranks need the perfect plan. I followed our principal in highschool for a month when I planned to paint his car and office at the same time. I managed to sneak the superintendent's visit. Got fired. Good for me, I didn't liked thay dick"
  107. >With the pictures taken, you make a few steps, and point at random places
  108. >"What are you-?"
  109. "Shhh, is coming to me?"
  110. >"Coming? What is coming?"
  111. >You still point at some spots, and stop right in the middle of the gym
  112. "Alright. Got it, but we need to work now. You will need to help Stella a bit"
  113. >"What?!"
  114. "I know, I know, but you were miss popular, that means you know all about clothing and healthcare, right?"
  115. >"Well, duh"
  116. "Great, and I can spin anon around. You will make Stella all pretty cherry creampuff, so when the dance happens, shit will truly go down. Speaking of shit, we need a bucket. Don't worry, pig guts mix fine with highschoolers. Everyone believes is the fat guy who doesn't shower"
  117. >"You sound less like a planner, and more like a maniac"
  118. "Maybe I am darling. Maybe I am"
  119. >You two leave the gym, and go to the parking lot
  120. >"These are the assigned spots?"
  121. >"Well, they will be. This area will be for area A, and the other for B?"
  122. "And Stella will be?"
  123. >"A, a few cars next to me... Hey! I requested to be in A!"
  124. "Do not change anything, or we will have to start back!"
  125. >"But we didn't do anything"
  126. "We already did, you just don't see it yet"
  127. >You check your pockets, and grab a measuring tape
  128. "Grab this, I will be taking measures now"
  130. >You take one end of the tape, and walk side by side
  131. >Stopping on the corners, you take your notepad, and write notes and small details around
  132. >When you are done, you walk up to the middle of the parking lot, and start pointing at things again
  133. >After all that, you end pointing Anonymous' parking spot
  134. "Alright, I think I got it, but I will need a picture of all the cars on the list"
  135. >"And how am I going to get that?"
  136. "You follow these kids online, right? I bet most of them post a pic of their rides. You'll find the there"
  137. >"Ohhh... that is smart"
  138. >Jeez, these kids forget PCs are just more than homework makers and porn distributors
  139. "I'll be going home, I need to plan this. And don't forget to hang out with Stella. Maybe we will get some info to exploit"
  140. >"Do I have to?"
  141. "Want to be popular again or not?"
  142. >"Fine"
  143. "Good, I'm going home now"
  144. >You wave her goodbye and take the bus home, planning on your little notepad
  146. >Be Cherry Top
  147. >Mr. Psycho said you have to be nice with Stella, so you better do this once and call it done
  148. >You go to her workplace, and talk to her
  149. >*Ding!*
  150. >"Welcome to our shtore, which flavour of yogurt would you like?"
  151. "Uh, hi, like, you are Stella Sprinkles, right?"
  152. >"Yesh..."
  153. "Good, so, I am Cherry Top. we go, like, to the same class?"
  154. >"Oh, right. Good to shee you"
  155. >That lisp is so annoying
  156. >"What yogurt would you like?"
  157. "Nothing. I was, like, walking, and I though, since we are going to the prom, how about I, like, help you, or something?"
  158. >"You? But weren't you shupposed to hang with your friends or something?"
  159. >You could, but Mr. Douche said he needed you away from your squad for a bit until he manages to fit everything, everywhere
  160. "Nah, they, like, were busy. So, want to go to the mall?"
  161. >"I dunno, I am working, so-"
  162. "It's okay! I bet if I talk with your manager he will let you have this day!"
  163. >You go to the back, and find the manager
  164. >They were annoyed by you shoving your presence, but after a small talk (and your top cute charms), you managed to have Sprinkles for the day
  165. >"Hum, I'm glad you want to shpend time with me, but where are we going?"
  166. "Well, our prom is coming soon, so we better get ready. We are going to the mall to have a ladies' day"
  167. >You take her quickly to the mall. She can't complain or oppose that way
  168. >Since most teens are in ther jobs or getting ready for the prom, there aren't many people
  169. >"Well, we are here, so what do the do?"
  170. "Follow me, there is a great spa on the second floor, you'll love it"
  171. >A walk later, you two are in the spa
  172. >You go to the clerk
  173. >"Welcome to the Small Clearing Spa, what can we do for you?"
  174. "Hi, my friend and I need to be prepared for our prom night. It will be next week, so we need to be ready"
  176. >"Well, our Proffesional Package allows you to be perfect to any meeting for a month since today. And as a bonus, we will bring a tailor, so when you leave the establishment both will leave as a complete new person"
  177. "And how much it would cost me?"
  178. >"Please understand that this package is very expensive. Here is the estimated price for both of you"
  179. >The clerk writes something on a piece of paper
  180. >You take it, and it hits you in the stomach. It's almost all the money you made with your OnlyFans
  181. "I see, just let me see if I can strech to it and..."
  182. >You check your phone, and find a notification
  183. >xXTh3D0uch3Pr4nkst3rXx donated $3500 to your account
  184. >Desc: You better make her hot
  185. >"Miss, if you don't have the money, maybe you will like a more accesible package"
  186. "No! I mean, like, I'll take that one. I can afford it"
  187. >"Good, now if you two could follow me"
  188. >You call Stella, and both follow the spa employee
  189. >"Thish is so nice! I never went to a spa"
  190. "Haha, you will like this"
  191. >You can't believe you are hanging out with miss nerd right now, especially wih such a big donation
  192. >It was enough to pay 4/5 of the treatment, but you are thinking where did Douche got all the money. You think that you won't ask him
  193. >A small walk later, a tailor takes measures of both of you and then gives you a towel
  194. >"Please go to the dressers. Your first treatment is a steam bath"
  195. >You go to the dresser, take off your clothes, and leave your stuff in one of the cabinets. After that, you go inside and wait for Stella
  196. >You are still trying to understand why a man would date her
  197. >*Knock* *Knock* "Cherry, are you here?"
  198. "Yeah, come in"
  199. >She opens the door, gets in, closes it, and you understand the moment she turns around
  201. >"I... I think they gave me a small towel"
  202. >The towel is fine. The real problem are the TWO BIG BOOBS that is trying to hide them!
  203. >They are biggers than yours!
  204. "I think is fine..."
  205. >She sits next to you
  206. >"Sho, you do this regularly?"
  207. "Just with the girls sometimes..."
  208. >You are still looking at those big mounds
  209. >"Hum... Cherry, can you not shtare please?"
  210. "Huh? Oh! Sorry! It's just that I never though that you were that... big"
  211. >"I usually manage to hide them. I think they are too much"
  212. "No, they are fine. Hey, when is this sauna starting?"
  213. >A few moments later, steam starts to fill the room. The warm air opens your closed pores
  214. >"Ahh... this is so relaxing..."
  215. "Yeah, I like to take these sometimes. They leave your skin really smooth"
  216. >Both enjoy the warm room for a while
  217. "Say Stella, where did you find that boy of yours?"
  218. >"Anonymoush? Well, he ushually goes to my job, and one day he asked me on a date"
  219. "Really? Out of nowhere?"
  220. >"Yup. He asked for a small yogurt cup, asked me out, and gave it to me. It was so romantic"
  221. >She gets lost in her memories, the towel slips
  222. >You are about to sneak a pic, but the steam has filled the room. You can't see anything
  223. "I think they put a lot of steam, should we leave Stella?"
  224. >"Ahhh~~<3"
  225. "Stella?"
  226. >"Huh? Oh, shorry. Yes, let's go"
  227. >You press a button on the wall. A bell sounds, and the steam stops
  228. >A male employee opens the door, and guides you to your next treatment: mud therapy
  229. >He opens the door, and stays eyeing you both for a bit before closing the door
  230. >".... Damn, I love my job"
  232. >A lady helps you two to get into the mud pit, puts a mascara on both of you, and a pair of pickle slices on the eyes
  233. >"Now relax, and let the mud do it's work. I'll be coming back to guide you to your next treatment"
  234. >The lady leaves you two alone
  235. "Hehehe, feels nice, doesn't it?"
  236. >"It feelsh funny. I hope this is special mud. I don't want an allergic reaction"
  237. >Oh, interesting. Maybe you won't be able to humiliate her with her body, but an allergic reaction is always fun
  238. "Really? Are you allergic to mud?"
  239. >"No, but I'm sensitive. Many things makes me itchy, or I start sneezing, and the less I talk about peanut, the better"
  240. >Peanut, huh. That's a classic
  241. "Aw, that sucks. Peanut cookies are delicious, and peanut butter is sweet"
  242. >"I don't like any butter or jams. It gets stuck in my braces"
  243. >This is golden
  244. "I see. Don't worry, I don't think we will have those things in the dance"
  245. >"I hope so"
  246. >Both remain quiet and relax. Twenty minutes later, a woman comes in and removes the slices and mascara
  247. >"Go into the showers. Please put your phones and any MP3 or 4 you have with you"
  248. >Damn, another chance lost
  249. >Both shower and dry up, receiving another towel. Stella's towel is bigger now
  250. >"That feels much better"
  251. "If you think this is good, wait for the next part"
  252. >The lady takes you two to the massage tables, separated by small rooms and curtains
  253. >You go to the left room, and Stella to the right
  254. >"Please lay your body on the table, facing down"
  255. >You do as told
  256. >"... Found anything useful?"
  257. "Uh?"
  258. >"It's me, Doucheanon"
  259. "Douche? How did you get here?"
  260. >"A wanker who loves his job a little too much. I just said I will cover him so he deals with his business. Not gonna lie, I was actually expecting to work on Stella, big boobs you know"
  261. "Ugh, why all of you boys are such wankers?"
  262. >"Because sexy asses like yours are walking in front of us. Now let me do my job"
  263. "Hey! Don't touch-! Hey, that feels good"
  264. >"I read books, did you find anything useful or not?"
  266. "Well, I have been trying to take a picture of her tits and post it online"
  267. >"Bad idea. If you take a picture here, she will know you were the responsable. Humilliation takes stealth, not just dickposts and laugh at the small one. Anything else?"
  268. "Well, she has allergies, but peanuts is the strong one. Oh! and sticky candy gets stuck in her braces"
  269. >"Maybe we can do something. Are you friends with the School Meeting staff?"
  270. "Like, I'm the Classroom President, duh"
  271. >"Great. Get cake or cupcakes with peanut butter, gummy bears, jam filled donuts. Anything sticky, that will fill her mouth with more stuff than my friend's pubes"
  272. "Eugh! Gross! Did you had to say that?"
  273. >"I know, I'm hilarious. Anyway, keep searching for anything good, Maybe we can do something embarass her more"
  274. >He finishes your massage, and softly slaps your bum
  275. "Hey! Don't you dare do that ever again!"
  276. >"Sexy asses lady, get to work. I'll be waiting for your texts"
  277. >He leaves you alone in the massage room. You leave and meet with Stella again
  278. "Liked your first massage?"
  279. >"It really felt great. I never though my bones could crack like that"
  280. "Good, that means we are ready for the last treatment"
  281. >Both go to a wide room, where many workers are attending people. Is a foot pedicure/manicure/hair saloon room. A lady guides both of you to a special seat
  282. >Stylists come and start washing and cutting your hair
  283. "See? This was the best spa visit ever"
  284. >"Hihi, it really wash. I though I would smell really badly. I always sweat a lot when I get nervous"
  285. >Hmm, how nice
  286. "I doubt it, I didn't smelled anything"
  287. >"It's usually bad in my feet, but the shower cleaned us"
  288. >Sandals for shopping
  289. >After a while getting pampered, the tailor comes back with your new dress: a 90s colored jacket, a leather miniskirt, and long leather boots. You look like one of those ironic characters in those boy shooting games
  290. "I look so cool! Come out Stella"
  291. >"I feel embarassed"
  292. "Don't worry, I bet you look amazing"
  294. >She peeks through the door, and then comes out
  295. >She is wearing a long red dress with red high heels. She has a small mascara of make up that makes her face shine, and the eyeshadow is lovely
  296. >Your jaw drops to the floor, just as her hair hangs down (it isn't long, but it has been laced)
  297. >"How... how do I look?"
  298. >You turn quickly and bite your shirt to choke your curses. A moment later, you go back to her
  299. "Like, amazing Stella. You have been sprinkled, haha"
  300. >"You think this is nice?"
  301. >"Absolutely"
  302. >Too much absolutely. She looks prettier than you! The class' nerd! Can this be worst?!
  303. >"Huh? Hey! Anonymoush!"
  304. >She found her boyfriend
  305. >"Eh, excuse me miss, but who are you?"
  306. >"Anonymoush! Is me, Stella!"
  307. >"Stella?"
  308. >"Wait, let me show you this"
  309. >She takes her steel halo from her purse
  310. >"See? It's me! I took a shpa trip with my friend Cherry"
  311. "Uh, yeah, hi. Isn't she pretty?"
  312. >He looks at Stella, then at the halo, then at Stella again, gives her the halo, and then falls on his back
  313. >He passed out from the shock
  314. >"Anonymoush!"
  315. >The scene brought a lot of people, which brought a lot of PR to the spa, and when anon and Stella explained what happened, they got so many clients afterwards, they gave her free coupons for another Proffesional Package
  316. >You want to eat your new jacket right now!
  317. >Douche better do an amazing prank!
  319. - Meanwhile, at a school in Canterlot City
  320. >You are Doucheanon
  321. >The plan is set into motion
  322. >You made a board at your home with sketches, notes, and posible outcomes for the pranks. And right now, you have the ultimate prank
  323. >A prank so big, it will be the ultimate social life killer
  324. >From reaching the parking spot to leaving the gym and ruin the night of sex
  325. >You check your notes, and call Dumb and Dumber
  326. "Alright guys, look. Some girl hired me to make the ultimate prank. Better yet, the target is Anonymous. Ready for a classic "let's shit on anon" prank?"
  327. >They are cheering for this
  328. "Alright. Remember guys, just like in highschool"
  329. >You take a boombox from your car, and put a cd mix in
  330. "Time to work guys!"
  331. >You take many wood slabs, duct tape, nails, and tools
  332. >You and the boys are building crazy contraptions to make the perfect prank
  333. >A small egg catapult to egg his car, crack a few spots on the walk to the gym (perfect to break high heels), soft the door handles (with all the movement, anon will rip it off), change the confetti for candy paper, so insects invade the place
  334. >You grab more stuff from your truck, and go to the gym
  335. >You sneak in the depo where the supplies for the party are being stored
  336. >You put laxatives to the sodas and glaze for the donuts, change the appearance of the cookies and cupcakes so they don't look filled with peanuts
  337. >Then you go back and loose some random boards from the floor. Perfect to start making everyone slip
  338. >And the piece of resistance: the bucket with guts. You took a ladder, and more or less guess where the King and Queen of the prom will dance
  339. >All that's left is stuffing the ballot. You check the list and calculate how many votes you will need
  340. >You go to your boombox, and turn off the song
  341. "Guys, next spot. Gogogo!"
  343. >Everyone gets into your car, and you drive to The Viewpoint. In there, you hide small pop up lights that shine red, and leave a lot of bird feed
  344. "According to scientists, birds take a lot of poops on red cars. When these babes shine on the cars, there will be a lot of red in the night"
  345. >"Douche, doesn't this look excessive?"
  346. "Maybe it is, but the party will start next week, and with everything as we left it, no one will notice it until it's too late"
  347. >You giggle like a kid who just saw the Christmas presents during the night
  348. >You call Cherry
  349. >"It better be good news"
  350. "The traps are set, I'll send you some pictures. Now, be careful to set these off. If anyone comes out before time, the prank will be ruined"
  351. >"If you did your job right, it won't happen"
  352. "Fair enough. How was the spa?"
  353. >"Anonymous was walking in the mall and saw Stella. He passed out on the spot"
  354. "She must be really hot. Great job, see you at the prom"
  355. >You hang up your phone
  356. "Alright guys, clock is ticking. And remember: we didn't do nothing. We were just hanging out in random places, and we never set a foot on that school. Got it?"
  357. >"Sure"
  358. >"Got it"
  359. "Good. Now let's go home, I need to be presentable for my date"
  360. >You take your friends home, already wishing the week to end quickly
  362. >The Prom Night finally arrives, and all the kids are gathering close to the gym's gates
  363. >You were assigned as Cherry's date, and now both are watching from some distance
  364. >"Why are we waiting here? Shouldn't we stay inside the gym?"
  365. "Right now that is a horrible idea. The whole place is boobie-trapped. One fake step, and the whole place may fall down"
  366. >"Can we at least get something to drink?"
  367. >You take a flask out of your suit
  368. >"Um, I was thinking-"
  369. "This isn't alcohol. I don't drink on the job"
  370. >She takes the flask, and takes a sip. Orange juice
  371. >"Oh, this is, like, nice"
  372. "Hold that though, Anonymous is coming"
  373. >Anonymous' car arrives to the parking lot. He is moving as you predicted
  374. >The trap activates, but you found out something: he came with the windows down
  375. >He and Stella crouch, and the eggs barely pass on top of them. The eggs splatter the other cars, Cherry's included
  376. >"What? My car!"
  377. >She moves, but you stop her
  378. >"Hey! What are you-?"
  379. >*SNAP!*... *SNAP!* *SNAP!* *SNAP!*
  380. >Many girls just broke their heels walking on the cracked fake floor
  381. >The laughs and complains made a man from the staff come out. His rush made him force the soft door, breaking the handles
  382. >When he pushes the door, the hinges break too, so the new door will be on him
  383. >"Wha... what was that?"
  384. "Mothefucker avoided my traps! How?"
  385. -----
  386. "Sorry, but the AC got busted"
  387. >"Is not a problem. I'm just happy we are going to the dance"
  388. >Be Anonymous
  389. >You park your car in front of the school. While moving your arm, your phone falls
  390. "Oh, sorry, can you help me Stella?"
  391. >"Sure, just let me..."
  392. >Both crouch, and she gets it
  393. "Woah, I am so silly. Thanks for getting my phone"
  394. >"You are wel- why are the cars painted with eggs?"
  395. "Huh?"
  396. >*SNAP!*... *SNAP!* *SNAP!* *SNAP!*
  397. >People laughs and complains while many girls trip. Next moment, somebody breaks the gym's door while running outside
  398. >"What is happening?"
  400. -Three days ago-
  401. >Be Anonymous
  402. >You are still processing the event where your girlfriend was a fucking hot mama
  403. >As you piece the puzzle, you notice that the girl was called Cherry. You remember Stella telling you about a Cherry, and how she was the most popular until you two started dating
  404. >And when you check the coupon again, you notice is a coupon for a Proffesional Package. A very expensive spa treatment
  405. >Why did Cherry took Stella to a spa if she was envious of her?
  406. >You also notice Douche hasn't been calling you this week. He always remains quiet when he is planning a prank
  407. >This isn't good
  408. >You go to a 24/7 and buy some beers, then you visit his boys. Good thing they are roommates
  409. "Hey guys, what's up?"
  410. >"Hey, Anonymous is here!"
  411. >"Cool! We should call Douche"
  412. "Nah, I was just passing by, you know"
  413. >"Dude, your girl is taking a lot of your time"
  414. "Nah, I just have to go home early. Can I come in?"
  415. >They let you in, everyone talks about random stuff, and drink the beer
  416. >Well, "beer". These are one of those dumb beers who only rise the alcohol levels so husbands can pretend they cut the cans from 10 to 1, you are just drinking soda
  417. "So, guys, is Douche planning a prank this week"
  418. >"Yesh, but we like... can't say it"
  419. "Why?"
  420. >"Becush sumtin.. can't remember"
  421. >"Me neither"
  422. >Perfect, they sing when they are drunk
  423. "Can I see the plans? I promise I won't tell"
  424. >"Sure, sure... here"
  425. >He gives you his phone. As expected, these guys don't bother to lock it
  426. >Seeing the gallery, they took many pics. Probably to upload them later online
  427. >You see it's Stella's school, and they rigged the entire entrance and inside the place
  428. >Not only that, they also rigged The Viewpoint
  429. "Wow, you guys are making a great prank. Wished I was there"
  430. >"See, ish cul. Right dude?"
  431. >*Snore!*
  432. >"Oh, he is like.... tired"
  433. "I see. Hey man, I have to go. See you next time"
  434. >"Uh? Oh, yeah, bye 'non"
  435. >You leave the house with the pictures you need
  437. >The next day, you went to Stella's school. You find the traps quickly, but you don't touch them
  438. >If one is set off, you will be called as responsable, and kicked out of the dance. You can't do that to her, it's important
  439. >Seeing the pictures, the egg catapult is measured to your car's height, so the moment you park, the eggs will "adorn" your ride
  440. >You avoid the fake floor. The cracks are unnoticed since most kids use shoes or sneakers. They will find out in the dance
  441. >You push the door softly. You hear the door hinge loudly. The poor sod who slams it will break it
  442. >Hiding behind the bleaches, you see the janitor cleaning the floor. Many of the boards were tampered. He doesn't notice thanks to his working boots
  443. >You sneak up to the storage room, and check the party stocks
  444. >A lot of peanut pastries, but the soda looks fine
  445. >You take a small sip, and you realize it has been tampered with laxatives
  446. >Is fine, even though is inmediate action, a small dose only makes your trip a little early
  447. >You find the "confetti". This already has some ants inside, so a lot will come at the Prom
  448. >You peek from the storage's door, and see the roof: a classic bucket
  449. >You had your share of parties; it's filled with guts
  450. >That motherfucker was planning to shit on you in Stella's party! Oh, but you came in first!
  451. >You can't remove the traps, but you can avoid them
  452. >Seeing the storage room, you find a fuse box. If Douche taught you anything, is to have an escape plan
  453. >You open the box, and start planning your escape
  454. -----
  455. "Woah, that looks bad. Maybe we should leave"
  456. >"But we just arrived!"
  457. "I know, but I feel somebody made a lot of pranks for tonight"
  458. >"But I wanted to dance with you..."
  459. >Aww, you can't resist see her sad
  460. "... Fine, let's go inside"
  461. >This is going to be a long party
  463. >Stella and you go inside the gym, she clutching your arm
  464. >Got to admit it, this is way better than your prom night. You didn't even went
  465. > [The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony (instrumental)]
  466. >Looks like 90s classics are still liked around here
  467. >"Oh, thish is so neat"
  468. "It really is"
  469. >"I bet your dance was amazing too"
  470. "Nah, I didn't went"
  471. >"Oh..."
  472. "But you know, that means this is our first prom night"
  473. >She blushes
  474. "Want to share a dance?"
  475. >Her eyes light up
  476. >"I really do"
  477. >You take her to the dance floor, avoiding some loose planks
  478. >It will be hard, but you will make her night special at all cost
  479. --------
  480. Meanwhile
  481. >You are Douche
  482. >You are leaning on the wall, watching Anonymous' steps
  483. >He was really lucky of avoiding the initial traps
  484. >"Hey, Douche, wake up"
  485. "..."
  486. >"Like, hello? Douche?"
  487. "Silence, I'm thinking"
  488. >"If you did, my car wouldn't be an omelette right now"
  489. "That's why I'm thinking: How did anon knew about the trap? His windows were all open"
  490. >"So?"
  491. "Now he is moving strangely. See how he is dancing?"
  492. >She looks at Anonymous
  493. >"He is just waving around"
  494. "Ugh, just forget it. Why don't you go and fetch me a cupcake. Get something to drink if you want"
  495. >She whispers to your ear
  496. >"You spiked the punch, remember?"
  497. "Not my problem. I want to enjoy whatever is left from my flask. Now go"
  498. >Cherry leaves angry. You don't care, you are still seeing Anonymous dance
  499. >He is dancing, but avoiding precise spots. Looks like he found out about the loose planks too
  500. >No matter, a dance so stiff is easy to break it
  501. >You go to the snack bar, and grab a cupcake with "confetti". Cherry is there
  502. "Hey"
  503. >"What do you want?"
  504. "Watch this"
  505. >You aim, and slide the cupcake to Stella's feet
  506. >She loses balance, and push some students
  507. "Get ready for the ball"
  509. >You are Anonymous
  510. >You are taking extreme care to NOT stomp on the loose planks
  511. >"Anon, ish everything ok?"
  512. "Yeah, is just, I'm a bit shy, so..."
  513. >"Hehe, I shee"
  514. >Actually, it isn't too bad. You are keeping Stella safe, and she is having a good time
  515. >Maybe this night won't be so bad after all
  516. >As the song plays, Stella makes more open moves, you follow her step
  517. >Suddenly, she steps on a random cupcake, and slips
  518. >You managed to catch her before she falled, but some crumbs got on you, and she pushed some kids around. They step on the loose planks
  519. >Like dominoes, they slip, push the guy next to them, and they step on the next loose board
  520. >You yank your girlfriend's arm, hugging her
  521. >*Chomp!*
  522. "Uh!"
  523. >You feel something bite you. You find out the cupcake had the fake confetti on. That means ants!
  524. >Bite after bite, you react pushing and pulling your girl. This makes you look like a crazy dance
  525. >These moves help her avoid the falling guys
  526. >The people was amazed at such display, they start clapping and cheering
  527. >Moving like a mad man, you manage to get rid of the ants, ending on a lover's posse
  528. >"Wow Anonymous! That was... was..."
  529. "Truly unnexpected"
  530. >"I never though you were a dancer"
  531. "I'm full of surprises" you reply, not hiding the bad obvious lie you just said
  532. >Still, she took it
  533. >"I need a breather, I'll go drink some punch"
  534. "Ok, you go do that. I'll wait around here"
  535. >You let her go and take a look at the fallen people. Some are still wondering what happened
  536. >You check your surroundings, and then you notice something: a lot of students are gathering to the bathroom
  538. >Oh no, you forgot!
  539. >You run to Stella, and managed to take her drink from her hand
  540. >"Anonymoush, why did you do that?"
  541. "Sorry Stella, I forgot, warm cola usually hits your stomach. Why don't you take a drink from my flask? I have juice if you are worried"
  542. >You leave the cup on the table
  543. >"Anon, you are overreacting. I can drink a wram soda. Besides, look how big those ice cubes are. The soda is fine"
  544. >Before you could refute her point, a dude takes the cup
  545. >"Hey!"
  546. "Don't be angry sweetheart, you can get another cup"
  547. >"Oh shit dude, this was your? Sorry"
  548. "Oh shit indeed, friend"
  549. >The guy raises an eyebrow, before grabbing his stomach and gun it to the bathroom
  550. >"What was that all about?"
  551. "Look Stella, I didn't wanted to tell you, but somebody spiked the punch. Notice the line to the bathrooms?"
  552. >She sees all the people lined up
  553. >"Maybe we should call somebody"
  554. "The staff probably already did. Let's go somewhere else"
  555. >"Alright, maybe I'll take a cupcake before-"
  556. >"Stella!"
  557. >Fuck, Cherry came
  558. >"OMG, where were you girl? I was, like, looking for you"
  559. >"Oh, I wash with my date anon"
  560. "Hi"
  561. >"Sup dude? Anyway, I want you to meet, like, my friends. You'll love it"
  562. >"Oh, well, I-"
  563. "Go ahead, I can wait"
  564. >Stella kisses you on the cheek, and goes with Cherry away
  565. >You quickly go to the snack bar, and check the pastries. As expected, most were peanut based, or had peanuts in it, or had sticky candy
  566. >You need to get rid of these quickly
  567. >Seeing around, you find a classic Chad and a giant fat guy
  568. "Hey, you two: I bet $20 the fat guy can beat you in an eating competition"
  569. >"Oh, is on!"
  570. >"I don't know, I don't like competitions, and this is just glandular"
  571. "There are pastries and cookies"
  572. >Both giants meet at the snack table, and start gulping down food
  573. >Of course, they needed drinks after
  574. >Some guy gives them a cup to each other. After they drink, they run to the bathroom. Sounds of pain and regret are more audible than the music
  575. >You went straight to the guy
  577. "I should have known you will be here, Douche"
  578. >"Hey anon, liking the party? Just like our prom"
  579. "I didn't went because I knew you planned this same shit!"
  580. >"The same? Nah, I always keep it fresh"
  581. "You have been doing the laxatives shit since junior. What? The dock wasn't good enough?"
  582. >"I just want to have fun with my bro, that's all"
  583. "Well, fuck you. Stella was the only good shit you put across my path. If we weren't in public, I'll kick your ass again!"
  584. >"Alas, we are here. Enjoy the prom"
  585. >You let him walk away. He believes he will get the last laught, but you are ready for his shit
  586. >An announcer comes up to stage
  587. >"Please everyone gather around, we are going to announce the Queen and King of the prom!"
  588. >Stella comes to you
  589. >"Oh, Anonymoush, wouldn't be amazing we could win?"
  590. "Yeah... it would be"
  591. >The crown is granted, but at a big cost
  592. -----
  593. >Be Douche
  594. >Cherry comes next to you
  595. >"Listen asshole, I sacrificed my future social life, so you better make it worth it"
  596. "Don't worry. this won't fail. He will be expecting pig guts, but the real trap is somewhere else"
  597. >The announcer takes an envelope
  598. >"And the Queen is.... Stella Sprinkles!"
  599. >Everyone claps and cheers, as Stella tears up
  600. >Anon is happy, but content. Maybe he knows how this will end. But you know the bucket was a distraction
  601. >Both go up to the stage, and are given fake gold crowns
  602. >"And now, the Queen and King dance!"
  604. >*POOF!*
  605. >Suddenly, the lights went off
  606. "Hey, what is hapening?"
  607. >Everyone worries, some scream. You are walking in darkness until bumping someone
  608. "Who is there?"
  609. >"Douche? Are you here?"
  610. "Cherry! Yeah, what happened to the lights?"
  611. >And just as they left, the lights are back
  612. "That was quick. Huh?"
  613. >You check the area. You are on the stage
  614. "Oh no!"
  615. >Suddenly, two hidden small cannons shot cold tar on you and Cherry
  616. >People laughs at the embarassing display
  617. >While you are trying to recover your coordination sense, you look up: the bucket falls, throwing lots of feathers, and hits you on the head
  618. >Why did it falled? You are sure you tied it to the roof
  619. >When you open your eyes, you find a letter
  620. >-Now we are even, fuckhead. t: A-
  621. >-PS: I wasn't expecting this, good job-
  622. "That motherfuck-!"
  623. >"My life is ruined!"
  624. >Cherry attacks you as teens and young adults photograph and film your embarrassment
  625. >The last thing you notice before blacking out is that Anonymous' car isn't here anymore
  626. >He got away
  628. > [Dr Hook - Sharing the night together]
  629. >Somewhere, in a hidden place at The Viewpoint, Anonymous is dancing with his girlfriend Stella Sprinkles
  630. >The car is playing the song at full volume as both share their intimate moment
  631. >"Really? Pranks?"
  632. "Any idea why so many were targeted at us?"
  633. >"Well, I have been getting popular with a lot of my classmates when Cherry was the popular girl"
  634. "That might be. Still, I think I should do something nice for the janitor. If it wasn't that he told me about the cannons, we would be the jesters of the night"
  635. >"You are lucky he likes the same books in the library like me"
  636. "I guess so. Want to see something cool?"
  637. >"Like what?"
  638. >The young man goes to his car, and presses a button. At a distance, red lights turn on, showing the shape of a heart in the forest
  639. >"Oh anon, I love it!"
  640. "I also wanted to tell you I'll be going to college soon. Want to say the name at the same time?"
  641. >"Alright... one, two, three!"
  642. Both: Starswhirl!
  643. >The girl is shocked, and smiles
  644. >"I can't believe it!"
  645. "I can't believe I managed to get in either. Those AP tests were hard"
  646. >"Maybe you could have a tutor"
  647. "With cute glasses and braces?"
  648. >"Well, my braces will be removed next week, and I was thinking getting contacts, but maybe I can find someone"
  649. "No need, I got a cute nerd right here"
  650. >Both share a kiss

[NSFW] Bella's big movie

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 1

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 2

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 3

by GreenReaper

[NSFW] Chadanon - Part 4

by GreenReaper