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[SFW] Week with the Dazzlings - 1

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-04 02:55:55
Expiry: Never

  1. >*Riiiinnnggg!!!* *Tap*
  2. >Another day on Earth, another trashing of hours until death
  3. >At least your friends make it worth it
  4. >Speaking of that
  5. *Thump* "Yo, Sonata, wake up. It's morning"
  6. >".... Nyeeeh, five more minutes"
  7. "Adagio is cooking today"
  8. >The moment you finish that sentence, she jumps out of the bed, and runs to fresh up
  9. >You take your time to wake up, make yourself presentable, and go to the kitchen
  10. >You see the Dazzlings having breakfast. Aria is having coffee while Sonata is all giggly looking at Adagio, making breakfast and lunch
  11. "Morning girls"
  12. >"Morning"
  13. "Well, it's Monday. What are we having Adagio?"
  14. >"Here"
  15. >She passes you a bowl of cereal with some eggs and bacon
  16. "Huh, I though you made something weird or extravagant"
  17. >"Unless you get paid today, we ain't having "international", sweetie"
  18. "Alright, I get. I think I may have my paycheck today"
  19. >You finish your meal, get your stuff, and go to the door
  20. >"Hey anon, wait"
  21. "Hey dagi, what's up?"
  22. >"Your lunch genius. Here"
  23. >Aw, how nice. She bagged you lunch
  24. >"Try not to choke on it"
  25. "Will do. Anything else for me?"
  26. >"Like what?"
  27. "How about a kiss?"
  28. >"You wish"
  29. "Not even on the cheek?"
  30. >She kisses her fingers, and touches your cheek
  31. >"Make do with that"
  32. "Hehe, alright. See you in a few hours"
  33. >You wave goodbye, and go to work
  35. >You arrive to your wagecuck job
  36. >At least is simple: office work
  37. >Yeah, may be soul crushing and boring, but pay is good, can brag about it, and it allows you to have a decent apartment with your chicks
  38. >Speaking of which, today is payday
  39. >You ring home
  40. >*Tuuu* *Tuuu* *Tuu-* "Anonymous residence"
  41. "Hey Aria, is Adagio in there?"
  42. >"Sure, what do you need?"
  43. "Get her to my job. It's payday, so maybe you can take her to do groceries or something"
  44. >"You only want to enjoy Adagio's cooking"
  45. "Are you with me or not?"
  46. >"You are lucky I like to eat good. We're on our way"
  47. "Good to know"
  48. >You hang up the phone
  49. >"Anonymous! No phonecalls on working hours! And I need those papers!"
  50. "Yes Mr. Rich"
  52. >A few minutes later, you hear honks outside. The girls arrived
  53. "Yo, Bob. I'm going out for a bit. Smoke break, you know?"
  54. >"You don't smoke"
  55. "Exactly. Cover me for a bit"
  56. >You go outside and meet the Dazzlings
  57. "How are my favorite fishy girls in the world?"
  58. AD: Fine, thanks for asking
  59. "Well, you are about to get better. Here"
  60. >You give Adagio the check
  61. AB: Now that is better. Any luck for a raise?
  62. "Sorry, no dice yet. Your van will have to wait for a while"
  63. AB: Ugh, work harder anon!
  64. "I am!"
  65. SD: Hey, we have money now. Can we buy more sugary cereal?
  66. AB: You have been eating a lot of sugar Sonata. No sugary cereal
  67. SD: Hey, don't be so mean. She can have cereal
  68. SD: Yay!
  69. >Aria gives you a stern look
  70. "... alright. No colored loops or chocolate"
  71. SD: But I like those
  72. AB: It's that or no cereal
  73. SD: *humpf*
  74. "And try not to burn everything too. We still have to pay rent and utilities"
  75. >You look at Aria
  76. "No vodka"
  77. >Now Adagio
  78. "No exclusive brand conditioners"
  79. AD: Oh, so you want to be stingy, huh. Well, what are you sacrificing mister?
  80. "I have no vices nor medical conditions. I don't have to sacrifice anything"
  81. AB: I know what you can sacrifice
  82. >You raise an eyebrow
  83. AB: No meat this week
  84. "No way!"
  85. AD: Yes, meat has been quite expensive these days
  86. SD: Yeah! Let's take anon's meat
  87. "I am a man, and I deserve the flesh of lesser beings on my plate!"
  88. AD: It's either all in or all out
  89. "Dang it. Fine, I can deal with a no-meat week"
  90. >The girls get in the van, and you wave them goodbye
  91. >Back at your office, Bob is there giving you looks
  92. >"Hey man, saw everything"
  93. "So?"
  94. >"How did you get so lucky to be with those 3? Anyone would have taken advantage of that"
  95. "A mutual agreement. Besides, they can hold by themselves. I learn that the hard way. At least I ended better than the last guy"
  96. >"Oh yeah?"
  97. "I got kicked in the nuts, the other is in a wheelchair for life"
  99. >"Damn, and no advantages?"
  100. "Well, they clean my house and do the cooking. And I get to sleep with Sonata"
  101. >He is giving you looks again
  102. "Not like that you pervert. Let's get back to work"
  103. >You sit down on your chair and start typing. Not a second happens when your stomach rumbles
  104. >"Hey man, tell your belly to be quiet"
  105. >You laught sarcastically at Bob's joke
  106. >You aren't supposed to do this, but fuck buying shitty candy and wait until lunch. You are hungry now
  107. >You open your lunch bag, and see what's inside: a weird pie
  108. >In closer inspection, there's two
  109. >Hey! you remember this. This is like some greek dish Adagio made once. What was it called?
  110. >Whatever, you know there's two, and it's a simple dish: layers of dough to make a crust, filled with cheese and veggies. Thanks Adagio
  112. >Day at work finishes rather quickly
  113. >After a few hours, everyone wave good bye and go home
  114. >Arriving at yours, the smell of tomatoes and pasta is really strong. You could smell it from the entrance
  115. >You reach to your floor, and knock on the door
  116. AB: We aren't buying!
  117. "Open the door Aria. I'm home"
  118. >She opens the door
  119. AB: We still ain't buying
  120. "Haha. How did you girls behave today?"
  121. AB: Good. Adagio has been stuck in the kitchen, and Sonata started practicing without autotune
  122. "You gals should follow her. If your fans discover the little "magic" you are pulling, they might get mad"
  123. AB: I sing in the shower already, come in
  124. >You go inside your house, and salute Sonata. She has been improving, she really wants to sing like before
  125. >You check the kitchen and see Adagio cooking pasta
  126. >You sneak behind her and hug her
  127. "What is my "wife" doing today?"
  128. >She shocks and gives you a slap. You evade it luckily
  129. >"Anon, don't say those things!"
  130. "Hey, I was joking. Don't take it too personal"
  131. >"It is when you hug me like that"
  132. "Alright. Do you have the change?"
  133. >She gives you the money she cashied out
  134. >"We did our groceries. Don't worry, I already separate our allowance and the rent, so you may have some money"
  135. "Cool, what's cooking?"
  136. >"Some pasta. I learned it around... 200 years ago. You usually don't mix garlic and red peppers in the sauce, but this one does. It gives it a stingy taste"
  137. "Speaking of international meals, thanks for the cheese pie"
  138. >"Tiropita anon. You know, that was the first meal I learned to do when I came to this world. It's really simple to make"
  139. "It sure was tasty"
  140. >"Good to know. Tell the girls to make up the table"
  141. "Will do"
  143. >You leave the kitchen, and ask the girls for help
  144. >A while later, all the plates and glasses are displayed all tidy and ready to serve
  145. >"Coming! Make some space!"
  146. >Adagio comes in with a bowl of spaghetti, and serves everyone a portion
  147. >Everyone sits down, and you serve the girls refreshments
  148. >You want to laugh a bit. Aria bough cheap wine, and Adagio sure had an annoyed look. She always felt her cooking is 5 stars material
  149. >Well, it is, but is a funny face
  150. >Everyone finishes dinner, but she asked to stay for a bit
  151. >She leaves the table, and goes back to the kitchen. A moment later, she returns with a small tray
  152. >Tunrs out she made turkish delish! The dish is a copycat recipe, the original takes too much time and it's too expensive
  153. >Still, it was really sweet
  154. >Having dinner and dessert, you take all the dishes and go clean them up
  155. >With everything clean and tidy, you go to your room and change into your pajamas
  156. >A while later, Sonata comes inside in her nightgown
  157. "Hey Sonny, what do you need?"
  158. >"Can we sleep together again?"
  159. "Sonata, we talked about this"
  160. >"I know, but you are so cuddly and nice"
  161. >She gives you her (totally effective) puppy eyes
  162. "... Alright, come in"
  163. >She and you get in bed, and she cuddles next to you
  164. "Good night Sonata"
  165. >"Good night anon"

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