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By Guest
Created: 2022-03-12 21:54:54
Expiry: Never

  1. >be anon's roommate
  2. >go to the fridge for some pickles
  3. >severedhead.png
  4. "Hi anon!... Oh, it's YOU. Bitch ass faggot nigger retard, you want to use the fridge? Why don't you fucking kill yourself."
  5. >have had to put up with this bullshit for three weeks
  6. >finally decide to confront anon
  10. >be anon 4 weeks ago
  11. >ordered extra large fluttershy from ebay
  12. >should have checked url more closely
  13. >some assembly required
  14. >they are shipping the body parts in separate installments
  15. >stitches not included
  16. >wait 5 days
  17. >legs arrive from eswatini
  18. >to keep them from decaying you put them in the fridge
  19. wait 2 days
  20. >head arrives
  21. >it's not fluttershy's head
  22. >the eyes ar
  23. "Hey hey hey! Whazzzzzzzzup!?"
  24. >?
  25. "I'm buttershy, what's your name?"
  26. >"Uh, I'm anon"
  27. >never seen a tal
  28. "Anon! Anon anon anon!"
  29. >"can you please sto..."
  30. "YO WHAZZZZZZUP!? Want to hear a joke? How many electricians does it take to change a lightbulb?"
  31. >"quiet down a lit..."
  32. "They can't! They are UNION ELECTRICIONS! HA HA! Get it?"
  33. >take some fabric and gag buttershy
  34. >the muffled mumbling is still obnoxious but at least now you have time to process what is going on
  35. >it's definitely not fluttershy's head
  36. >the eyes are sharp and bold looking
  37. >there are cutie marks on her cheeks
  38. >one of the ears is missing
  39. >her coat is an off shade
  40. >her mane is red instead of pink
  41. >she sees that you are relaxed and relaxes a little herself
  42. >take off the gag
  43. "I'm sorry anon, I have a way of getting too exited when I see someone new"
  44. >feel sorry for her
  45. >"It's OK Buttershy, I have my own problems that lead me here too. We could help each other to solve them"
  46. "Thank you anon, nopony understood me before, they always hated me because I am annoying"
  47. >notice that she is crying
  48. >reach out to embrace her
  49. "Thank you"
  50. >she feels better in your arms
  51. >"I already got your legs in the mail, but they have not shipped me the torso yet so I can't put you together. In the meantime you can live in my fridge"
  52. >tendermoment.mp3
  53. >your roommate bursts in and sees you holding buttershy's head
  54. >the fucking loser
  55. >when you told him that fluttershy is the best pony he called you stupid and said that rarity is better
  56. >he starts screaming at you about being a moron for ordering a bootleg from eswatini
  60. >3 weeks pass
  61. >the torso is lost in shipping
  62. >you will never be able to assemble buttershy
  63. >you are almost ready to comit suicide because life is not worth living
  64. >suddenly your roommate bursts in
  65. >he is screaming autistically about how he can't stand getting insulted by the severed head in the fridge
  66. >"But we can't remove her from the fridge! If we did that it would kill her!"
  67. >wait a sec
  68. >kill
  69. >kill two birds with one stone
  70. >kill your asshole roommate
  71. >harvest a healthy torso for buttershy
  72. "If you don't take her head out of my fridge, I will do it myself!"
  73. >"Fuck you you cuck shithead nigger kike I'd rather just fucking kill you because you suck"
  74. "You can't do that! I have a lawyer! My estate will sue you! Blah blah blah!"
  75. >gunshot.mp3
  76. >your roommate is dead
  77. >go to work removing unnecessary limbs
  78. >save higher quality cuts for bbq
  79. >throw away the rest
  80. >sew on buttershy's legs and head
  81. >imperfect though she may be she is finally able to move around
  82. "Oh, thank you so much anon! Hey hey hey! Whazzzzz..."
  83. >"Shhh"
  84. "Oh, sorry, got a little carried away there"
  85. >still offput by the human torso
  86. >it's only temporary
  87. >resolve to harvest a real pony torso so that buttershy can reach final form
  91. >be buttershy
  92. >anon has given you a torso so you can move
  93. >anon seems very concerned with getting you a better torso
  94. >anon works tirelessly to make money
  95. >anon is very nice to you
  96. >many days have passed like this
  97. >you hear knocking on the door
  98. "Detroit Police Department, open up!"
  102. >be anon
  103. >copperfags are knocking on your door
  104. >buttershy does not know what is going on
  105. >tell her that she needs to go with what you say
  106. >she seems concerned with the urgency of your tone
  107. >"Come in officers, make yourself at home"
  108. >the police enter
  109. "We are here because your roommate, Richard C. Mann, has not attended his job in a month. Do you have information pertaining to his whereabouts?"
  110. >the officers notice buttershy
  111. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!? Anon, you are under arrest!"
  112. >"Hold on officer, I can explain!"
  113. "You can explain it to Tyrone in the shower when your behind bars!"
  114. >"I will call the rest of the LGBTQICWOQHWICPFAPCWBQIUQWIUCIQI+ community if you do this! You will pay!"
  115. >The cops stand like statues and listen
  116. >"My roommate is an otherkin and asked me to convert him in to a female pony, his true identity. If you arrest me, my people will burn the city down"
  117. >The cops move out of the room
  118. >you can make out their discussion
  119. "We can't just let him get away with this"
  120. "But if we arrest him, we will lose our jobs. You know the political climate out there!"
  121. >one of the cops lets out a deep sigh and there are a few moments of silence
  122. "Fine, we will let him go. I can't believe what our department has become"
  123. >the cops enter the room
  124. >buttershy tells them that she is happier being a pony
  125. >the one cop looks like he is going to lose it
  126. >the other quickly tries to resolve the situation so it won't go further
  127. "We were sent here to find Richard C. Mann, and it appears that all is well. Just let me write this down, and we will be on our way"
  128. >a few tense moments pass
  129. >the cops leave
  130. >you have already saved enough money to purchase a real fluttershy and ordered her
  131. >she is set to arrive tomorrow
  135. >be fluttershy
  136. >someone opens the top of your box
  137. >cower away in the corner
  138. "Hi Fluttershy, my name is anon"
  139. "Hey hey hey, whaaaaazzzup!?"
  140. >your heart stops for a sew seconds
  141. >you see a grotesque version of yourself with horribly off facial features grafted onto a human torso
  142. >you want to die
  143. >anon picks you up
  144. "This is my friend Buttershy, she needs a new body"
  145. >you are too paralyzed with fear to run
  146. "Don't worry, you only need to host her head, I won't remove yours"
  147. >"Bu-but... why? I'm the real Fluttershy, not that... thing. Why are you doing this?"
  148. "Because... BECAUSE I LOVE HER! And I love you too, and I need you both!"
  149. >anon ties you down to the counter
  150. >anon removes buttershy's head which stays alive
  151. >how can she survive without a body?
  152. >anon is stitching her head on next to yours
  153. >anon has disconnected your brainstem and transferred control to buttershy
  154. >your body moves without input from you
  155. >your heart still beats
  156. >you still breathe
  157. >buttershy is in control
  158. >anon unties you
  159. >you stand and step off the counter
  160. >anon looks delighted
  161. "Now that you both have one body, I shall call you Flutterbutter"
  162. >"But... it's not my body anymore..."
  163. >anon looks sad
  164. "I could add a switch so that either brainstem can be connected at any given time"
  165. >you don't have much choice
  166. >at least now your freedom won't be completely removed
  170. >be anon
  171. >got the parts to make a brainstem switch
  172. >fluttershy is much happier after you install it
  173. >fluttershy even seems to be taking a liking to you
  174. >must be stockholm syndrome
  175. >after you give fluttershy's head control she comes closer to you
  176. >snuggle flutterbutter
  177. >she is imperfect
  178. >you would not want her any other way
  179. "Anon, I love you, but it's hard having two heads"
  180. "I'm just so... shy, and Buttershy is so extroverted, it's awkward having to meet people with her in control of my body"
  181. >comfort her by rubbing your head on her neck
  182. >"Now now Fluttershy, Buttershy is a very nice pony, she means well and does not want to make you uncomfortable, she just can't help it"
  183. "Yes Fluttershy, I am sorry that I can get overexcited... it's what makes life hard for me"
  184. "Well, life is hard for me for the opposite reason. I just... can't talk when I meet new people"
  185. >"Flutterbutter, I hope both of you can come to terms with these things. For now let's celebrate the brain switch, I got some alphalpha!"
  186. >go to the kitchen
  187. >flutterbutter's heads are talking and getting to know each other better
  188. >it's cute seeing both of the mares you love getting along
  189. >warm up some water for the alphalpha
  190. >throw in some pepermints too
  191. >cook yourself some prime cuts of your roommate
  192. >"Alright, we got a meal!"
  193. >flutterbutter walks into the kitchen
  194. >give her the alphalpha
  195. >one bowl for each head
  196. >break out the shampagne
  197. >"To health!"
  198. "To health, yeah!"
  199. "To health"
  200. >fluttershy's head blushes
  201. >she really does love you too

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