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Price of admission

By Sodapop
Created: 2022-03-13 02:20:31
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon
  2. >Be friends with dash, like really good friends
  3. >Sharing everything together
  4. >Your best friend
  5. >Thinking about how majestic and cool she looks flying up in the sky
  6. >Feeling feelings that you didn't knew you could feel.
  7. >Thinking about her all the time
  8. >One day she tells you she was admitted in the academy
  9. >You couldn't be any happier for her.
  10. >Imagine your broken heart when after weeks of training she was being expelled
  11. >Safe to say that you were livid!
  12. >How dare they reject the fastest, most skilled flyer in all of Equestria?!
  13. >You decided to take the matter into your own hands
  14. >Travel to cloudsdale, furious
  15. >Entering the academy demanding to talk to the one in charge
  16. >Being forced out by several pegasi
  17. >Then, one yellow mare approach from a corridor
  18. >She eyed you and then with a simple look, the pegasi left you in front of her.
  19. >She explained you the situation. How she was the on in charge and that she was the reason dash was expelled
  20. >You started shouting, angry that she did something so stupid
  21. >She just kept looking at you, with a small smirk on her face.
  22. >After a while you calmed down, your fury subsiding and only panting coming out from your mouth
  23. >She just looked at you, like you were some child throwing a tantrum
  24. >It was so patronizing
  25. >She stood up, walked a couple of steps towards you and then she spoke
  26. >To say you were outraged would be an understatement
  27. >You almost left right then and there
  28. >It would be so easy
  29. >But you had a weakness and she had it in her hand
  30. >She talking about you and Dash, about her hapiness, her dreams
  31. >That you were being selfish, that you weren't anything anyways
  32. >And you listened
  33. >She made really good points, as much as you hated it.
  34. >You should've have listened to your gut
  35. >But love is a strong manipulator and she knew it
  37. >It started small.
  38. >A hug here, a kiss on the cheek there. It was easy to shurg off
  39. >Then her requests scalated
  40. >Every time making you feel more and more dirty, guilty
  41. >Every time you wanted to leave she always had you by the neck.
  42. >Dash was so happy tho. She was climbing so fast in the ladder and she was just beaming!
  43. >You couldn't let her down now, not now that she was so close to achive a position where she could just not take order from her.
  44. >You just had to hang on in there, just a little longer and then you would forget all of this, confess your love to Dash and never ever return to Cloudsdale
  45. >Just a little longer
  46. >For Her.

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