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[SFW] Week with the Dazzlings - 5

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-04 03:09:45
Expiry: Never

  1. >Friday baby, yeah!
  2. >Thanks to your unfortunated accident, you got a day off
  3. >Also, since the girls ate meat, you were allowed to eat meat too
  4. >Only thing of difference is that you didn't had a cutie to sleep. You got quite bruised, but you are alright now
  5. >You take your chance to surprise the girls. You sneak quietly, and see Aria leave to her morning workout. Now is your chance
  6. >You get in the kitchen, and start preparing your pancake mix. Adagio bought some fruits, so you can at least decore it
  7. >With the creamy substance ready, you turn on the stove, and put on a pan with butter
  8. >A bit later is hot, so you put the mix on. Some seconds cooking, flip, some few more seconds, another flip, done: muthafuckin pancakes
  9. >You make around 3 per head, and check the cabinets: Strawberries for Adagio, blueberries for Sonata, some grapes for Aria. You would have marshmallows, but they didn't buy candy this time
  10. >You boil some water in the kettle as you fix the table. When you are done, you serve the water in cups
  11. >Coffee for adagio, tea for Aria, chocolate tea for Sonata. You feel like having yogurt today
  12. >You finish fixing the place, and Aria comes in
  13. >"Oh, hey anon, feeling better?"
  14. "Yup. In fact, I made breakfast. Want a bite?"
  15. >"After the shower. Thanks for the little detail"
  16. "Meh, it was something I could do. Can you wake up your sisters?"
  17. >"Sure thing"
  19. "Morning girls"
  20. >"Morning anon"
  21. >Adagio has a big poffy bed hair, Sonata is still grabbing the pillow
  22. "Looks like you two had a good rest, here"
  23. >You serve them their cups
  24. >"Hmmm... Just roasted. Good one Anonymous"
  25. >*Glubglub* "Ah! Is really sweet!"
  26. "Glad you like it, there are pancakes on the table too"
  27. >"Thanks anon!"
  28. >Sonata hugs you
  29. "Looks like someone missed her teddy bear last night"
  30. >"Like you wouldn't believe, she was hugging Adagio's hair all night"
  31. >Aria is out of the shower dressed in her classic clothes
  32. "Anything interesting during the run?"
  33. >"Just this"
  34. >Aria gives you a pamphlet, the market is having good weekend discounts
  35. >Adagio laughs
  36. "Is interesting how you always have good luck after something bad happens to you"
  37. "Is called karma. Anyone want to accompany me?"
  38. >"Nah, I'm busy. I got laundry"
  39. >"I'll be working on the car"
  40. >"I want to keep practicing"
  41. "I guess is alone time for me. Whatever, let's enjoy breakfast"
  42. >You take a glass of yogurt and sit with the girls, enjoying the morning
  44. >Some news, some tv, and some shitposting later, you go to the market
  45. >Lots of goodies, and all for cheap
  46. >You take Honey O's cereal. Maybe Sonata will eat these
  47. >Some acceptable whisky for Aria. It's the weekend, you can enjoy yourself a bit
  48. >Adagio will like this new shampoo. It says it's long lasting effect
  49. >Grabbing some snacks, some meat, some greens
  50. >During your pick ups, you meet Bob
  51. "Oh, hey Bob"
  52. >"Sup anon? Feeling better?"
  53. "I shat my pants, I vomited, and I got my ass beaten down the stairs. Appart from that, I'm fine"
  54. >"Yeah, that was fun. Not saying you deserve it, but it was a fun fall"
  55. "Sure it wasn't fun to me"
  56. >"At least you are alive. Buying groceries?"
  57. "Yeah, now that I have a bit of time. Say, you shouldn't be at work?"
  58. >"The quarters are closing today, so we got to leave early. Don't want to mess with their numbers now"
  59. "Lucky you"
  60. >"You are the lucky one, living with three chicks"
  61. "Pros and cons man"
  62. >"I'd give them something sweet if I were you. Maybe they will be more nice that way"
  63. "Hey, that's a good idea. Thanks Bob"
  64. >"Anytime dude"
  66. >You check the sweets aisle, and get some chocolates
  67. >The discounts were really useful. It was almost given to you
  68. >Back at home, it's time to do lunch
  69. >You choose to make a simple lunch so dinner will be more filling, plus the chocolates will be a nice surprise
  70. >You grab a pack of sausages, and boil them. In the mean time, you also make pasta and boil some eggs inside. That should hold all of you until late at night
  71. >Adagio comes into the kitchen
  72. >"Hey anon, making something simple?"
  73. "I know, it's Friday. I just want to take it easy for now"
  74. >"Well, at least it will taste good"
  75. "Aria had any luck with the van?"
  76. >"For now it's fine. Nothing weird inside, but she still wants to tune it with better parts"
  77. "And Sonata?"
  78. >"She really has been improving. She stopped screeching, but it still needs attunement"
  79. "Good to know everything is coming together. Call everyone, tell them lunch is ready"
  80. >"Thanks anon"
  82. >After lunch, the afternoon and evening passed as normal
  83. >Some shows, some vidya, a small workout
  84. >Everything was swell until you went for the chocolates: the boxes in your room were empty
  85. >No need to search for the culprit, Sonata did it
  86. "Sonata! You ate all the chocolates?"
  87. >"I know, but you weren't eating them so..."
  88. "That was a surprise! Those were for dinner!"
  89. >"What?! But... but I though...."
  90. "Ugh, it doesn't matter anymore. I better get rid of this"
  91. >You take the boxes and start pondering about what to do for dinner
  92. >"Anonymous"
  93. >You know that tone of voice
  94. >You turn slowly to see a really pissed Adagio
  95. >"Why Sonata was sad?"
  96. >Shit! Little bitch snitched!
  97. >You can tell it was her fault
  98. >Wait! You can't prove you didn't ate those chocolates before, and you threw the boxes away, the only person who knew they even existed!
  99. >"Well, I'm waiting"
  100. "It was because.... because..."
  101. >"Because?"
  102. "Because.... I ate chocolates! 3 boxes! By myself!"
  103. >"What?! You had candy and didn't give it to us?"
  104. >Aria is coming pissed at you, but Adagio stops her
  105. >"I'll talk with anon after dinner. Leave this to me"
  106. >Aria wasn't happy with this resolution, but it helped, she walked away
  107. >"You better prepare something delicious"
  108. "Y-yes ma'am"
  109. >Adagio walks away
  110. >Crap, what can be good for a last meal?
  112. >Porkchops with rice, but man if you didn't tried to make it special
  113. >salt and pepper for the pork, obviously, but you added a bit of garlic, a bit of cumin, and some soy sauce. Make it fried. BAM! Awesome porkchops
  114. >Rice is usually simple: Some salt, a pinch of canola oil, add a spoon of garlic. Good rice. But you added peas, corn and bits of carrots. Great taste and good health value
  115. >While it was a good meal, dinner was tense
  116. >Adagio kept that intense glare, Aria was angry she didn't got to beat your ass for hiding candy, and Sonata was still blue
  117. >Well, she IS blue, but you know what you mean
  118. >Done with dinner, Aria took the dishes and went to clean them
  119. >You quietly walk to your room, and don't bother to change into your pajamas. You just sit on your bed
  120. >You feel someone called "dead man walking!" around
  121. >A few minutes later, Adagio enters your room in her black nightgown that looks more like lingerie
  122. >A beautiful view before dying
  123. >"Anonymous, you had, in this room, 3 boxes of chocolate, and you ate them alone, am I wrong?"
  124. "No"
  125. >"And Sonata found you, and you just keep eating everything, and then tried to delete the evidence by trashing it, is that right?"
  126. "Yes"
  127. >"Anything to add?"
  128. >You could tell her, but...
  129. "... No"
  130. >"Good. Then I'll begin now"
  131. >You close your eyes, waiting Hell to come
  132. >Instead, you fell a pat on your head
  133. >"Sonata told me everything and I spoke with Aria too Anonymous"
  134. "Wait, so that means...?"
  135. >"No problems for you. It was nice of you give us a surprise for dinner"
  136. "Awesome! Wait, but what about Sonata?"
  137. >"Well, since she didn't shared any chocolate with us, she is going to have another anon-less to set her straight. Don't worry, a punishment two times, and she will be a decent girl. She learns fast"
  138. "That explains it. Well, I guess I'm off to bed"
  139. >"That's not all anon"
  140. "Huh?"
  142. >"Well, it was nice of you to protect my little sister, even if it would have give you problems. So I though, you deserve a reward"
  143. "A reward?"
  144. >"I'll sleep with you tonight"
  145. >Your mind is oficially blown
  146. "FUCK YEAH!!!"
  147. >She quickly grabs your crotch
  148. >"Calm down, you wanker. No funny business, we are just sharing the bed, I ain't bouncing on your cock. You are miles away from that. Got it?"
  149. "Yup.... got it..."
  150. >"Good"
  151. >She lets go
  152. >"Change your clothes. Don't try to be prude, I have seen my share of males. Sad it can't be said about the reverse"
  153. >Well, killing your mood was a good way to cool you off
  154. >You change into your bed clothes, and both get in bed
  155. >Floofy
  156. >"Have a good night anon"
  157. "Goodnight Adagio"

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