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[SFW] Week with the Dazzlings - 6

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-04 03:11:27
Updated: 2021-09-16 20:43:39
Expiry: Never

  1. >Saturday, weekend has arrived
  2. >You open your eyes after dreaming you were laying on a cloud
  3. >In reality, it was way better: You woke up next to Adagio
  4. >The floof really enveloped both of you, and both were facing each other
  5. >A crazy idea comes to your head
  6. >She said you were miles away from sex, but now you are inches from a kiss
  7. >You get your lips close, but realization hits your head
  8. >If she wakes up from that, you will truly be a dead man
  9. >Changing targets, you kiss her in the forehead, and leave the bed
  10. >You dress up in casual clothes, and get ready for breakfast
  11. >"No good morning for me Anonymous?"
  12. >You turn shocked
  13. "Are you awake?!"
  14. >She rises from the bed
  15. >"Most of the night. Never lower your guard, especially if you sleep with a man. Still, I had a great sleep"
  16. "Glad we are ok then"
  17. >"Yes, in fact, I think you deserve another reward"
  18. >"Another re-!"
  19. >You got cut by a kiss from Adagio!
  20. >A moment later, she breaks it up
  21. >"Don't miss next time"
  22. >She leaves your room with a mischievous flirty giggle
  23. >....
  24. >Doesn't matter what happens today, you are going to have sexual thoughs about this moment
  26. >You leave your room, and go to the kitchen
  27. >The kiss left you a bit hyped, so you decided to make a sweet breakfast
  28. >You get some milk and start boiling it while you check some stuff in the cabinets
  29. >A while later, you grab flour, sugar, and cocoa mix
  30. >You make muffins mix and start baking as you prepare cocoa with a hint of cinnamon. Really sweet
  31. >The smell attracted the girls
  32. >"Hey anon, what's for breakfast?"
  33. "Hey girls, here: Cocoa for breakfast. If you wait for a bit, you will get freshly baked muffins"
  34. >"Oh, how sweet!"
  35. >"Feeling a bit generous anon?"
  36. "Let's just say I wanted to give you all a reward for being nice with me"
  37. >Adagio giggles
  38. >"Really? It's all an honest treat, and not a pervy trick?"
  39. "I swear on my honor I am just a nice man, doing nice things"
  40. >"You sure were nice last night"
  41. >Aria sights as Sonata miss the innuendo. Moments later, the muffins are ready, and you share with the girls a warm comfy morning
  43. >Morning passes without shame or glory. Is just another lazy Saturday
  44. >No due paperworks, clothes are clean, Sonata had enough singing training, Aria is just chilling, and Adagio had enough flirting for today
  45. >Even lunch is nothing special. They are just leftovers
  46. >As you clean the dishes, Aria comes close
  47. >"Sup anon? Nothing weird today?"
  48. "Nope"
  49. >"Ugh, this is so boring! We had a crazy week and now we suddenly hit the brakes?"
  50. "What's bad about it? I like it when things are calm"
  51. >"Well, if you want to be calm is fine, but don't try to suck us in"
  52. "I didn't do this, you can't blame this one on me"
  53. >"Hey, I'm not asking for a crazy adventure. I just want something to break the mold for a bit"
  54. >Break the mold for a bit?
  55. >Suddenly, you got an idea, but you will need help for that one
  57. >"My singing machine?"
  58. "Uh-hu"
  59. >Sonata looks at you confused
  60. >"I though you said you didn't liked us singing in the middle of the room"
  61. "I know, but today has been a bit of a long drag, so I want to have a bit of fun. Netflix and social media can only get you so far"
  62. >"Hmmm.... ok, I'll help"
  63. "Thank you Sonata. Now let me-"
  64. >"No need, I can do it"
  65. "Are you sure? That equipment can be a bit of a problem to untangle and uninstall"
  66. >"Nah, I read this. I can do it"
  67. >Before you could protest, Sonata has already unplugged most of the cables, and she was starting to organize them
  68. >"Come on anon! Help me with the microphone"
  69. "Uhhh, sure!"
  70. >You carry the mic and the screen, while Sonata carries the cables and a few USBs
  71. >"Guys? What are you doing?"
  72. "Nothing weird Adagio. Just installing the singing machine on the living. Want to try some karaoke?"
  73. >"Karaoke? Come on anon, we aren't in our fifteens"
  74. "You kept the shape of a teenager for millenia. I think you can't deny this"
  75. >"Still, there are better things to do than just singing"
  76. "Like?"
  77. >"Hummm... well, in TV there's a.... Netflix just released Cuties, so.... I saw this on Snapcap, it's a new pic of Vignette.... fine! You win! Today is boring!"
  78. >Sonata finished installing the (now) karaoke machine
  79. >"All ready!"
  80. "Whoa, how did you do it?"
  81. >"Aria told me that if you are interested in something, you should study it. I read the instructions manual a lot of times"
  82. >She really wants to sing like before
  83. "Okay, who goes first?"
  85. >And so the afternoon went away in songs
  86. >To be honest, you never were much of a singing guy, but the girls made it more fun
  87. >You are pretty sure their siren charm is still there because during some moments your neighbors knocked to join
  88. >It was a good sing around, and the girls had fun
  89. >It was nightime when the karaoke was finished, but your neighbors were so hyped they called a few pizzas and takeout
  90. >A small party out of nowhere really lived up the place
  91. >Sonata entertained the guests, Aria got to meet some of the motorheads from the building, and many guys asked for Adagio's number
  92. >You were just happy you didn't had to cook for tonight
  93. >Some hours later, the party dies down, and everyone go home
  94. >You strecth your tired body
  95. "Whoa, that was really nuts. I'm busted"
  96. >"Me too"
  97. >"Me three"
  98. >"I'm tired, I don't want to count"
  99. "We should clean this"
  100. >"Do you really want to clean up now?"
  101. "You are right, fuck it. I'm off to bed"
  102. >You drag your body to your room, and barely manage to change into your pajamas
  103. >When you get into bed, your door opens and Sonata jumps, landing next to you
  104. >"Yay! Time to go to bed!"
  105. "Hehe, looks like somebody missed me"
  106. >"You are really soft anon. I promise I won't get in trouble anymore"
  107. "Hehe, now that's a good girl"
  108. >You two bundle up
  109. "Have a goodnight Sonata"
  110. >"I will! Sweet dreams anon"

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