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[SFW] Week with the Dazzlings - 7

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-04 03:13:21
Updated: 2021-09-16 20:50:22
Expiry: Never

  1. >Sunday, the last day of the week
  2. >Strangely, your favorite. For some reason this day is like the day the entire universe said "alright, take it easy fam"
  3. >You find Sonata hugging you. A bit tightly, you might add
  4. >Is not annoying, but you are up. Time to enjoy the day
  5. "Hey, wake up sleepyhead"
  6. >*Groan*
  7. "I know, I know. But the sun is up. Time to wake up"
  8. >*Mumble.... mumble*
  9. "Well, what can I do to help you rise up?"
  10. >*.... mumble?*
  11. "Ok, I'll bring it to you later"
  12. >She releases your body, and you leave the bed
  13. >You fresh up and change your clothes, and go to the living
  14. >You still see all the junk food and Aria sleeping on the couch wasted
  15. >You shake your head, thinking how cute she looks
  16. >You grab your jacket, and cover her
  17. >Searching around, you find a few slices of pizza, some juice, and a tray
  18. >You fix it up, and make it look good
  19. >You return to your room, and shake Sonata a bit
  20. >"Breakfast is here princess"
  21. >Sonata sits on the bed, and removes the crumbs around her eyes
  22. >"Hmmm.... thanks anon"
  23. "Sorry I couldn't do something better, this is all I cound find"
  24. >"Is fine, I like pizza. Thanks"
  25. >You give her some headpats, and leave her enjoying her junk food
  26. >Outside your room, you think it would be a good idea to fix some breakfast for the girls
  28. >You go back to the kitchen, and get the kettle
  29. >You start to boil water, and clean some of the place while you wait
  30. >The water gets hot, you serve it on 3 cups, and start making coffee
  31. >With the cups ready, you find some muffins from yesterday. They may be a bit hard, but they will do
  32. >You go to Aria, and shake her up a bit
  33. >"..... Hmmmm.... fuck off"
  34. "Is that a way to greet your friends?"
  35. >"My head spins, don't talk to me now"
  36. "At least get this, it will help"
  37. >You put the coffee with two muffins on the living table
  38. >"Thanks anon"
  39. >You give her a thumbs up, and go to see Adagio
  40. >She is on her bed, she didn't bother to change clothes or cover up
  41. >A pervy idea comes to your head
  42. >She is laying on her belly, so her bum is exposed
  43. >You extend your hand to cope a little touch
  44. >"Do it and I'll kick your balls"
  45. "At least you were more kind than Aria"
  46. >"What do you want?"
  47. "Nothing, just serve you this"
  48. >You put a tray with coffee and two muffins on her bed
  49. >"Aw, how cute. You still aren't touching my ass"
  50. "Was worth a shot. Have a good day"
  51. >You kiss her on the forehead, and leave her room
  53. >With the girls having breakfast, you go and fetch some too
  54. >Some coffee, junk food. It will do
  55. >The silence in your house is peaceful and refreshing
  56. >You finish your meal as quietly as possible. Even your bites were a bit loud, and you tried your best to keep the peace
  57. >With everything finished, you go and start cleaning the dishes
  58. >The sound of water wakes up the "ambiance" around, and Aria gets close
  59. >"Morning anon"
  60. "Morning. Your head isn't spinning anymore?"
  61. >"Nope. Thanks for the coffee"
  62. "No problem"
  63. >A door opens, and Sonata is bringing the tray
  64. >"That was yummy!"
  65. "Glad you like it Sonata"
  66. >"Morning Aria"
  67. >"Morning taco girl"
  68. >"Say, dagi is up?"
  69. >"I am"
  70. >Adagio is up, bringing her tray as well
  71. >"Morning guys"
  72. "Well, the gang is here. Anything you gals want to do?"
  73. >"How about cleaning this place? I bet I slept on top of a bottle"
  74. "That's fine. How about turning the TV on so we do it with some tunes?"
  75. >"I'll do it!"
  76. >Sonata found the remote, and turns the TV on. Suddenly, rock music starts blasting
  77. >Sonata quickly mutes the TV
  78. ".... I think some silence is fine for now"
  80. >With the dishes done and drying up, you and your friends start to clean the house after the party
  81. >Sonata uninstalled the "karaoke" and moved it to her room
  82. >Aria cleans the couch, and finds out she indeed slept on a whisky bottle
  83. >Adagio is fixing the place up, opening the blinds and accommodating the furniture
  84. >You take all the trash and put it in a bag, and sweep the living floor
  85. >This work takes all morning, but thankfully it was all fixed up
  86. >You take out the trash, and rest on the sofa, the girls following suit
  87. "Well, that was a workout"
  88. >"It sure was. Our neighbors brought a lot of stuff here"
  89. >"At least it was a fun party"
  90. >"Sure was! I missed singing in front of people!"
  91. "You sure liked the applause"
  92. >*Growl*
  93. >Everyone shares a laugh
  94. "Ok, looks like we are missing something else. I don't want to cook right now, if I'm being honest"
  95. >"Me too"
  96. >"Same"
  97. >"Let's go outside"
  98. "Sounds good to me"
  99. >You go to your room, take a jacket, your keys and wallet, and go out with the girls
  100. >Walking around the streets, you are deciding where to go
  101. "So, any ideas?"
  102. >"How about this new restaurant? I heard is quite popular and the food is great"
  103. "Nhhh, can't strecth my check enough"
  104. >"Well, I can go for hamburguers"
  105. "You just wake up from a small hangover, it will hit you"
  106. >"How about tacos?"
  107. "Tacos again? Nah"
  108. >"Well genius, what is your idea?"
  109. "Well..."
  111. >It was a bit weird, but the food truck meeting in the park was a neat idea
  112. >Fresh air, good ambient, and the food was great
  113. >Everyone separates to pick whatever they want to eat
  114. >You go to one truck, and get yourself a pasta cone with meatballs. Funny looking
  115. >You sit on a table, and Adagio sits next to you after a while
  116. "Hey dagi, what are you having?"
  117. >"Pizza bagels. I saw the truck bill, and I had the commercial stuck in my head"
  118. "The 90s were cool"
  119. >Aria arrives shortly
  120. "Sup Blaze. Anything sweet?"
  121. >"Calzones. I didn't had these since the concert"
  122. >"That was fun, even if bacon hair was around"
  123. >"At least we didn't see her"
  124. "Did you? I always felt you saw her more than once"
  125. >"Hey guys!"
  126. >Sonata sits on the table with her... food?
  127. "Hotdogs?"
  128. >"Yeah!"
  129. >"Weren't you getting tacos?"
  130. >"Why would I?"
  131. >"You said you wanted tacos while we were picking places"
  132. >"So? I was just suggesting tacos, but hotdogs are good. What? You think I can only like one thing to eat?"
  133. >Everyone is looking for a comeback, but nothing comes up
  134. >".... Anyway, lunch time!"
  135. >You only sigh, and follow suit. Everyone has lunch in the park
  137. >A lunch later, you and the group walk around the park: enjoying the scenery, sharing a few laughs, streching the legs
  138. >Some hours later, everyone returns home happy
  139. "That was a good time"
  140. >"Sure was!"
  141. >"It's been a long time since we just had a time for ourselves, and a lot of people were looking at us"
  142. >"It was really fun. I missed the adulation of all the human scum"
  143. "Adagio, your evil ruler is showing again. Besides, it's not common seeing a man like me surrounded by 3 cuties like you"
  144. >"Granted"
  145. >Everyone relaxes, see the TV, preparing everything for next week
  146. "Say, anyone want to cook dinner? Or leftovers are fine"
  147. >"Let's cook. I had enough takeout for now"
  148. >"What do we do? We only have ground beef, flour, and vegetables"
  149. >"I have an idea"
  150. "Tacos?"
  151. >"Why does everyone thinks I want tacos always?"
  152. >"I'm not the one getting excited for Taco Tuesday"
  153. >"Or buying a taco dress"
  154. "Or shoving a taco inside the toaster"
  155. >"I only wanted it crispy! Anyway: Let's do my idea"
  156. "And what idea is that?"
  158. >Turns out it was meatloaf
  159. >Sonata likes the feeling of ground beef slipping and smudging around her fingers
  160. >Aria worked on the dough, flipping and hitting the mass, getting it soft
  161. >Adagio cutted the greens and shared her old stories
  162. >You just helped. The girls are a good time, you are like an extra capable hand
  163. >The meatloaf gets made, and everyone shared a good dinner with laughs and chatter
  164. >When you were going to your room to change to your pajamas, Sonata had another idea
  165. >The girls brought their mattresses to the living, and wanted to sleep with you
  166. >You agreed happily
  167. >Everyone bundle up in a big bed, The Dazzlings accommodate to have a bit of nonny next to them
  168. "This was the best idea ever"
  169. >"You better enjoy it, it may not happen again"
  170. "I'm already enjoying it. How about a pic?"
  171. >"Working on it. Cheese!"
  172. >*Snap!*
  173. "Goodnight girls"
  174. >"Goodnight anon"
  175. >A normal week with The Dazzlings ends just as comfy as it started

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