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/ptfg/ new reader recommendations

By Guest
Created: 2022-04-28 22:31:52
Expiry: Never

  1. Recommended /ptfg/ stories for new readers:
  3. Quite possibly the most important story in the thread.
  4. Makes you want to be the pet. Careful!
  6. A slightly more existential horror take on TF, personality erasure and all.
  8. >Purple Black Gray:
  9. Pure comfy feel-good with a happy ending.
  11. Evil!Starlight Glimmer turns anon into a mare. All he wanted was a comfy pony family in Equestria.
  13. A college student takes the wrong drug, you can guess what happens given the name of this general.
  15. Recommended TF-related stories on Fimfiction:
  16. Fine print: (Starscribe in general is good)

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