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Sex with Sunny!!!!

By Guest
Created: 2022-05-02 22:50:49
Expiry: Never

  1. >You visit Sunny in her home, as usual she's playing with her crystal puzzles.
  2. >You approach her from behind and wrap your arm around her, she visibly gets startled, but doesn't look at you, still looking at her toys.
  3. >"Hey there Sunny, maybe you'd want to put those toys away for a bit, I can show you something much more fun. I promise you'll like it."
  4. >After a second or two of thinking, she reluctantly puts the puzzles down and nods
  5. >"There ya go. Now let me show you what it's all about."
  6. >You slowly start making your way down to her marehood with your hand, rubbing your hand at her belly. Her breathing gets noticeably deeper.
  7. >You stick two of your fingers into her clit, Sunny audibly whimpers. You massage it around there for a bit before taking it out as quickly as you sticked it in. Her breathing is now even heavier.
  8. >"That felt nice Sunny, didn't it?"
  9. >She replies with an uh-huh and a slow nod, with her eyes closed.
  10. >"I can show you something else. Maybe you'd want to see how an unicorn does it? I know you'd like that, you love unicorns after all."
  11. >Her ears visibly perk up at the mere mention of the word 'unicorn', and she starts staring ahead instead of down. She starts nodding her head up and down rapidly
  12. >"There you go, I knew you'd like that. Never eager to learn more about them, I see. Please, I'll need to you get on the bed for that, though."
  13. >You take off your pants and underwear as Sunny prepares herself on her bed, laying down on her Twilight cutiemark bedsheets, next to her Spike plushie
  14. >"This may sting a bit, okay? I promise you'll like it, though."
  15. >You thrust your cockadoodledoo into her marehood. She audibly grunts and yelps at the reaction and opens her eyes, irises constantly shifting and moving everywhere, unable to focus on anything.
  16. >You pull out and thrust it in again, her breathing is now ragged and she's sweating like she ran a marathon. You gotta say, she's really tight.
  17. >As you thrust in for the third time you start feeling strangely warm and wet around your cock. Did she just piss herself out of excitement? Gross.
  18. >This goes on for 10 more minutes, Sunny hasn't still let out any noises aside from groaning
  19. >You're nearing climax and decide to pull out, you aren't going to pay for her abortion and have to explain to the rest of Maretime Bay why you fucked a mental cripple
  20. >Both of you are panting, sweaty messes. Sunny's laying still on the wet bed, shaking a bit
  21. >"That *huff* felt nice, didn't it?"
  22. >Sunny nods slowly, her entire body shaking, before making a slight groan
  23. >You proceed to get dressed and approach the door
  24. >"Well, I better get dressed and going now, I have a lot of stuff to do in town. See you around, Sunny. Maybe we'll play again like unicorns again soon."
  25. >You only hear back a whimper
  26. >You finally scored

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