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[SFW] Silver lies

By GreenReaper
Created: 2020-12-17 03:54:54
Expiry: Never

  1. >The afternoon passes quietly in the lobby of a small personal office
  2. >The only audible noises are the tickling of the clock and the typing of the secretary
  3. >The little girl, sitting on the sofa, does nothing beyond small chatter with her, but now that the topics were burned out, she only remained quiet
  4. >She glances over the clock again. 11:30 AM
  5. >The patients come out. A small boy around her same age, crossing his arms in annoyance, with his mother speaking with the psychologist
  6. >"And if any of you two feel that you aren't connecting, please try to talk it out. Her son is growing up, he is no longer a little kid"
  7. >"I'll try. Let's go home sweetie"
  8. >"Mom..."
  9. >"Oh, sorry. I meant; Racket"
  10. >The doctor waves the family goodbye, and looks at the silvery girl
  11. >"Well, come in Silver Spoon, I am available"
  12. >The girl takes her backpack, and goes inside the office: Dr. Memory Notes, child psychologist
  13. >Silver Spoon leaves her bag on the sofa, and sits next to it
  14. >The doctor sits on a chair in front of her
  15. >"Well, let's begin. How do you feel Silver Spoon?"
  16. "Well, I don't know why I am coming here anymore"
  17. >"And why is that?"
  18. "Well, we've been seeing us for a few sessions. Nine already?"
  19. >"Ten"
  20. "Yeah, ten. And I feel we haven't connected at all. You only sit me on this sofa, ask me about my day, and write stuff on your notepad. Personally, I feel we haven't doing anything at all"
  21. >"Hmmm... anything you want to add?"
  22. >"No"
  23. >The doctor takes her notepad, and writes some words on it
  24. "See? We always do this. For 10 sessions. You learned nothing about me! I literally can talk about all your life, yet you couldn't say nothing about me!"
  25. >The woman stops
  26. >"So you learned about me? What did you learned?"
  27. "Well..."
  28. >The girl stands up, and walks around the room
  30. "Hmmm... cozy, warm, safe. Good for people to vent. The window looking outside is a good idea, let your clients believe they can leave at any time. But some are really crybabies, so you installed blinds. Sadly, they don't match the room, so you "hid" them, yet you used them recently. A small portion of the cord is still hanging. But how do I know that, you may ask"
  31. >"Indeed I do"
  32. "The tissue box is empty. Last pacients were crying, so you closed the blinds to let them get it out of their system. After this, your secretary usually brings another box, but this time she couldn't because she hasn't any in her table's drawers. You asked her to remain seated to mantain the office's proffesionalism since I was already here, but even if you put the facade, this place is a bit loose on rules"
  33. >"How so?"
  34. "Reflections. There's a mirror in the lobby, and when you lean on the couch, you can see everything on the secretary's computer. She had open Friendbook, Snapgap, and Fedshop. She probably was talking with her friends online, or seeing crappy short stories of Vignette Valencia, or buying some useless gadget on an impulse, but those 3 scenarios are actually wrong"
  35. >"Oh really?" replied the doctor, paying attention
  36. "Yes. The tabs were about Crying boys, an alternative rock group playing today at the evening, and she was following them on social media. They put a Snapgap story where the fan who puts their favorite song on their feed and gets reblogged the most times, it could win tickets for their next show, which is today. But that won't happen, those tickets were reserved for influencers already, but she is holding onto hope"
  37. >"That explains two of the tabs, but what about the third one?"
  38. "Fedshop? She wasn't buying for her, she was buying for you. I managed to see the catalog: furniture, everything modern"
  39. >"And why do you believe those were for me?"
  40. "Glad you asked!"
  42. >Silver Spoon went to the doctor's table, and grabbed a framed photo
  43. "I saw this picture after the 3rd session: it's you and your husband. We talked about you two once"
  44. >"I do remember"
  45. "Anyone would say "oh, they are so happy on their vacation", but they miss the bigger picture. You see, you told me you took this picture when you were on Rio, which is nice. But the thing is the trip should have been now, during high season. This is a low season trip photo, you can see it on your husband's mouth. He is gridding his teeth. the food and activities were fine, but local. He likes to flaunt what he has, that's why he is wearing his exclusive design jacket from Prim Hemline's catalog. Sadly, most people were the hotel employees. They are used to see exclusive brands, so they responded to him out of kindness, not jealousy like he would have wanted"
  46. >"Impressive. What else?"
  47. "Your eyes are tired. You tried so hard to have a good vacation, but your husband was more busy oogling younger black girls rather than to be with you. In fact, this picture was to be yours alone, but you managed to convince him to take it with you thanks to all the cheap wine. How do I know it was cheap? The label on the bottle: Mount Grape's reservoir. Is the thing most rich people from this town usually buys to get drunk while pretending they are still great, but what they don't understand is that they passed their prime, and only sexless drunk nights are the only way they have to get some sleep"
  48. >"That's a lot of conclusions, but do go on"
  49. "You may wonder: how all of this connects to the modern furniture? Simple: the table under the bottle. You liked it, even if your husband didn't noticed it. You want to buy one to have at least ONE nice memory of the trip, on the hopes he has them as well, but it won't happen. He probably has another one, his ring finger has a wobbly tan line. Meanwhile, I can see the line clearly on your fingers. You stopped using your ring recently"
  51. >"And with this analysis, what is your conclusion?"
  52. "Another psychologist who tries to save her failed marriage. You try to deny it as a woman, but your studies have proved you many times that you should let it go. Open like a school's textbook"
  53. >Silver crosses her arms, and stands triumphant
  54. "What do you have to say about that, Mrs. Notes?"
  55. >"If I'm being honest..."
  56. >The woman removes her glasses
  57. >"You are a lonely sad individual who has to study other people's lives because she has nothing on hers, and you have my pity"
  58. >Silver tried to remain collected, but it was for naught
  59. >She breaksdown crying. The doctor only stands up, and closes the blinds
  60. "It's true! I'm a fraud! A nobody! Nobody cares about me! People only leaves me alone!"
  61. >The poor girl tried to take some tissues, but the box was empty
  62. >She falls and throws a huge tantrum
  63. >The secretary only enters the office, and gives her a new tissue box
  64. >Silver takes a few, and cleans her face, still tearing up
  65. >"Do you feel better?"
  66. >Silver nods
  67. >"Take deep breaths, collect yourself"
  68. >Silver Spoon calms down, crosses her legs, and starts to take deep breaths
  69. >"Yoga?"
  70. *Inhale*... *Exhaling* "Yeah..." *Inhale*... *Exhaling* "Mom said it helps with studying..."
  71. >"Oh, first time you mention your family"
  72. "I though I did it many times"
  73. >"Not beyond "he is my mom, he is my dad, I love them, next question", to be honest"
  74. "I just don't like to talk about them"
  75. >"I only met them once, when you came here for the first time"
  76. "Yeah, mom was on her phone, texting with her friends, and dad was angry, complaining about the costs"
  77. >"Well, they-"
  78. "I really don't want to talk about them. Can we just stop?"
  79. >"I wanted to say they were huge turds, but if you don't want to agree, I understand"
  80. >Silver looks at the psychologist surprised
  81. >She only has a smile on her face
  83. "Did you just insult them?"
  84. >"Yes I did, perks of being an adult. You can't imagine how many assholes drop their kids expecting me to fix them for them. Trust me, I wasn't the one who told all those kids to grow up angry, rebel, and then shove them on a retirement house"
  85. >Silver is just silent
  86. >"Have anything to share?"
  87. "... No?"
  88. >"Well, I do: how many niggers does your mother slept with? She always has her phone, and she always swaps right. And how does your dad took the fact he lost time for a shitty meeting instead of making more money?"
  89. "Are you- are you on drugs?!"
  90. >"No! But your fathers may be. Your mother must have lots of VDs, sleeping with many strangers, and your father must take an entire aile of painkillers to avoid dying of a stroke"
  91. >Silver slowly understood
  92. "... Yeah, they are the worst! Mom never talks to me, and any time dad has to give me money he looks at me like if I'm robbing him!"
  93. >"Must be really hard to live with them"
  94. "It is! I always have to cover mom and her stupid night boyfriends, and I must keep every receipt of every thing I buy, otherwise dad won't give me an allowance for a month!"
  95. >"What a cheapskate!"
  96. "Yes! But oh how he loves to spend: the expensive car, the expensive house, the expensive suit and watch. Got to show I am not a broke idiot, even though I will burn my entire legacy before turning 60"
  97. >"And how does your mother can get money?"
  98. "Either she tells him "Oh well, "Nobody" has a better dress/chain/car", and my dad runs to buy it, or steals from her one-stands. They don't care, she sucks them off, and they are happy with that"
  99. >"It's amazing you didn't tried to rob him too"
  100. "I could, but I don't want his money"
  101. >"Why not?"
  102. "To end like them? Fuck that. I only milk him for Warhammer games and army toys"
  103. >"Warhammer 40K? Interesting hobby"
  104. "It's great! Spirit God comes to Earth, gives birth to 20 Herculean Jesus with an army of Master Chiefs on steroids to destroy aliens and gods!"
  106. >The doctor laughs
  107. >"I bet you have lots of friends with a hobby like that"
  108. "Hmm... no, not really. Not many people on the states are interested on british toys. And I only have a couple of friends"
  109. >"And who are they?"
  110. "Well, one is Diamond Tiara. She was kind of stuck with me because we've been almost raised together. My dad works on the company her dad is the CEO. And the other is Anonymous. He is.... older, and he likes to play Warhammer with me"
  111. >"How older?"
  112. "... 27 years old"
  113. >"I see. How about you talk to me about them?"
  114. "Do I really have to?"
  115. >"We were insulting them moments ago. Does your friends annoy you too?"
  116. "No"
  117. >"Then why don't talk about them? You must have good memories"
  118. "It's not all black and white"
  119. >"So?"
  120. "I've been Diamond Tiara's friend, but only because like I said, we were forced"
  121. >"Please explain"
  122. "When I was a child, barely in elementary school, my father changed me to Canterlot's Gifted Children elementary school. Tunrs out my dad wanted to be in his boss' good graces. He is an asskisser as well, so what better than your kid being friends with the boss' kid? I got stuck with her ever since"
  123. >"Looks like you don't like her friendship"
  124. "No, I do like her. It's just that is hard because... whatever, I insulted enough people today. She is a total fake bitch. "Oh, I got money, I got bling, I got kids following me"; bullshit. I only got dragged along because my dad still wants that stupid promotion"
  125. >"And you ever told her this?"
  126. "I would never! She may be a bitch, but she is a good friend!"
  127. >"Sounds to me that you need her more than she needs you"
  128. >Silver recoils
  129. "But I do have fun with her. We talk about the losers and mock them, or we just hang around the cafeteria eating candy, or going into sleepovers with the cool kids"
  130. >"And you like that?"
  131. "... No. I feel terrible bullying those kids, and it's expensive to hang out with her. I started to do other kids' homework to afford hanging out with her"
  133. >"I think she is a negative influence for you"
  134. "But she is really nice. Her dad makes donations to the school, and she may complain but helps on school projects. And since I have been making lots of homeworks, I have great grades! I can even mimic any handwritting!"
  135. >"Hmmm... let's go to another subject. How did you met your friend Anonymous?"
  136. "Well... I saw Warhammer stuff online, and I wanted to know more, so I went to the public library. And when I was searching a Codex Astartes-"
  137. >"Codex Astartes?"
  138. "It's like a lore book. Anyway, turns out he had it, and he was reading it"
  139. >"So you asked him to give it to you?"
  140. "Yup, but he told me he was midway on the book, we started complaining, and then we were discussing about the lore... it was night time when we realized we had to leave. Next day I tried to get the book, but we met again"
  141. >"What happened after that?"
  142. "We talked for a bit"
  143. >"Is that all?"
  144. "..."
  145. >"I see. Did you have intimated yet?"
  146. "What?!"
  147. >"You remained quiet when I asked if you did anything else, yet you speak of him as a "friend". Is he a special friend?"
  148. "No..."
  149. >"..."
  150. "... He asked me if he could smell my hair, but we were hugging! He isn't a pedo! He is a loser!"
  151. >"That's a rude way to talk about a friend"
  152. "Well, he is. College dropout, wagecuck, his only hobby besides Warhammer are children shows and jacking off. Even his apartment is the one of a loser: kind of empty, 3 chairs, folding table, small fridge, and electric stove; can't afford gas"
  153. >"And yet you are his only friend. Why is it? You are way more high in the social ladder"
  154. "I just like him, ok?"
  155. >The doctor only replies with a serious look
  156. "... He is the only real person I ever met. He doesn't worry about what people say about him, or his looks, or his legacy. He only wants to live a good life, and not annoy anybody around him. He only wants a place in society, like anyone else"
  158. >"Understandable, but if he wants to integrate into society, maybe he should change his view on life, wish to be better, not to comform"
  159. "Easy for you to say. You finished your career and you have a husband. Your life may be bad, but you can show off. People care more about that, rather than the real you"
  160. >"... Want to know a secret Silver Spoon?"
  161. "What is it?"
  162. >"I really envy people like you. The ones that always visit my office. I wish I could open up and tell them they are really big pieces of shit, but I can only remain quiet and hear about their stuff or how daddy or mommy didn't love them or didn't respect them enough. I have to take all the people's crap, and I can't complain because I know that's hypocrisy, and it always devours my head. Ever felt like that?"
  163. "Everytime"
  164. >"Could you expand on that?"
  165. "... Tiara is a fake empty shell, yet she is the only girl I can tolerate on this world, and Anonymous may not be a rapist, but he having me close would probably give him some grooming charges. I don't hate them, and I don't want to lose them or cause them troubles. Is just that..."
  166. >The girl stops, clutching her hands
  167. >"... I completely understand. When I was your age, I was just like you: not many friends, and always following along to escape of my problems. I probably got my shitty husband only to integrate with my group of friends. I never truly did something I wanted"
  168. "It sucks, isn't it?"
  169. >"It truly does, but it's not too late Silver"
  170. "Huh?"
  171. >"I may be old, but you are still young. You can keep your friendship with anon, just give him more space. As for Diamond Tiara, she needs to stop being a passive aggresive bitch, and start to speak clearly. You have great friends Silver Spoon, but you can meet more through them"
  172. "Really?"
  173. >"Well, maybe not through anon. Too old, some may not want to be just friends with you, but probably there are more girls and boys around your age. If you apologize, they will probably be happy to be friends"
  175. "Really? You think so?"
  176. >"I know so"
  177. "Oh, that... that would be great! I will finally have friends!"
  178. >The psychologist smiles
  179. >"See? Don't worry, just one push, and you will be like your friends"
  180. >Silver stops being so cheery
  181. "Like my friends?"
  182. >"Yes, like your friends. And then we will talk with your parents about-"
  183. "No..."
  184. >"I'm sorry, what did you-?"
  185. "No! I don't want that!"
  186. >"But I though you didn't liked to be alone"
  187. "I hate it, but I hate to be a fake and a liar more! I don't want that"
  188. >"Perhaps I didn't express myself correctly. What I meant to say was-"
  189. "No! I don't believe you! You are lying too!"
  190. >Silver runs to the door, ready to escape
  191. >"No, Spoon! Wait a- agh!"
  192. >The poor old woman grabs her chest
  193. >"Silver Spoon... help me!"
  194. "What?"
  195. >"My medi -ugh!- cine!"
  196. "W-where is it?!"
  197. >"On the table's drawer. Quickly!"
  198. >Spoon runs to the table, but doesn't open the drawer
  199. >"Wh-what are you wai- Argh!"
  200. "No..."
  201. >"WHAT?!"
  202. "No, I won't help you"
  203. >"Are you crazy?!"
  204. >The girl sits in front of the doctor
  205. >"Secretary! Help!"
  206. "Save your breath. It's lunchtime, and those rock boys will announce her loss. She will take a long time"
  207. >The woman looks at the cold child
  208. >"... So this is how it ends..."
  209. "Nothing personal, but you know too much. Your silence will keep the status quo, and I won't lose my friends nor my family. I shall keep having a mental outlet and budget until the end of my college career. Maybe then I'll travel and die drunk on a ditch, but nobody will care then. I will be on my own"
  210. >"Oh yeah, you think is that easy? I lived 65 years, and I can assure you, it will only get wor- Ugh!"
  211. "Hurry up and die. I got stuff to do"
  212. >"Are you ready to live with the death of one person on your hands?"
  213. >Silver Spoon only takes her bag, and grabs a pack of cookies, which proceeds to eat one by one
  214. >The woman grabs the framed photo
  215. >"... See you in Hell, you son of a bitch"
  216. >With her last words, the woman dies from a heart attack
  217. "Alright, let's see.... Nope, no guilt"
  219. >A phonecall reaches the office
  220. >"Hello, this is Doctor Memory Notes. I'm afraid my office is not available, but please leave a message"
  221. >*BEEP*
  222. >"Yeah, Notes? Your EX-husband. Yeah, I was just calling to tell you I'm leaving you. Your secretary has a better ass and swallows. Don't worry about my stuff, I'm not coming back for it. I will leave with her soon. Don't expect me at home"
  223. >The man hangs up
  224. "Shit, it isn't your day old woman"
  225. >Silver takes all her stuff, but before leaving, she glances over the PC: the shopping website is still on view
  226. >Well, she ruined a life, why not ruining 2 more?
  227. >She finds out the secretary had a note with both the doctor and her husband's credit cards, so she buys and take loans all over the place
  228. >By the time she is over, she spread many furnitures, goodies, and stuff all over the city. Her house included
  229. >Now she has enough figurines to make her own Marines army
  230. >Before leaving, she mimics the doctor's writting, and writes a fake suicide note
  231. >Moves the chair to be looking at the window, opens the blinds, and leave the letter on her hands
  232. >At the end, she let's the message play. Now this is a believable suicide scene
  233. >She only takes a glass of water, and goes home
  234. >Walking around the road, she meets with Diamond Tiara
  235. >"Oh, hi SS. What's happening?"
  236. "Nothing. My psychologist died"
  237. >"Hmm, that sucks"
  238. >Like always, she doesn't care
  239. >"Anyway, let me present you a chick I found: Wind Sprint"
  240. >>"Hey"
  241. "Oh, hello"
  242. >"You'll love her, she just moved to town, but she is amazing!"
  243. "Really?"
  244. >>"Eh, I just like to play blitzball, that's all"
  245. "Never though your parents would let you play something so competitive"
  246. >>"They don't care, they are divorced. And mom got a cuck for a boyfriend. She really was desperate for money"
  247. >"Go on, tell her"
  248. >>"Yeah, total loser. I just tell him that if he annoys me I call rape, and he pusses out. I may do it just for fun. Fucking faggot can use an assfucking, bitch"
  250. >"See? Totally cool!"
  251. "I... I guess"
  252. >"Anyway, gonna show her the town. Calling you SS"
  253. "Yeah... bye"
  254. >Both girls walk past her, and Silver goes to her home
  255. >To her surprise, "her" order came pretty soon. The extra pay was worth it
  256. >She took the small army to the library, so Anonymous and her could paint it together, but to her surprise, she found him with another older girl
  257. >"... and that was the Horus Heresy"
  258. >>"Wow, crazy"
  259. >"Yeah, it sure was... Hey! Silver Spoon!"
  260. "Oh, hi anon. Didn't knew you had friends coming over"
  261. >"Oh, Moondancer? Yeah, just met her. Turns out she went to a forum where I discuss WH40K, and she wanted to know more about the lore. Since I live close to the library, I told her we could meet up"
  262. "That's... nice"
  263. >>"Hey, it's that a Space Marine army?"
  264. "Yes... it is"
  265. >>"That's cool! It must have costed a lot! Which chapter do you like? Blood angels? Chaos Marines? Dark Angels? Iron Fist?"
  266. "I was just showing them to anon... I haven't decided yet"
  267. >>"Oh, when you do please call me. I painted my own army. It's hard, but you will love it!"
  268. "Yeah, I will. Hey anon, I have to go home"
  269. >"Really? You just got here"
  270. "Yes, I have homework to do"
  271. >"Alright, good luck with that"
  272. >Silver Spoon leaves the library and returns home
  273. >The rest of the day passes. When her parents came back, she told them what happened
  274. >Her mother pretended to be sad, but she only posted about her "friendship" with the doctor and "one like = one pray"
  275. >Her father didn't stop ranting about losing money over reserved sessions
  276. >After that, the week passed as well
  277. >Her friend was having a swell time bullying kids with the new girl, that she barely noticed her presence
  278. >As for her friend anon, a new girl in his life made him more social
  279. >Slowly, she has been relegated to the background. No outlet, no friends, only liars and hypocrites
  281. >A month passes, and Diamond Tiara makes another sleepover, inviting Wind Sprint and Silver Spoon out of habit
  282. >Silver brought anon, who brought his girlfriend
  283. >The guests had fun, laughing and talking between each other. She only look at them from a distance in the corner
  284. >By the time it was midnight, everybody was sleeping, except for her
  285. >She leaves her sleeping bag, and goes to Diamond Tiara
  286. "Psst. DT, wake up"
  287. >"Uh? Wha?"
  288. "Could you follow me?"
  289. >"Ok? What's happening?"
  290. "Nothing, just follow me"
  291. >She goes for Anonymous
  292. "Anon? Are you awake?"
  293. >>"Silver? What is going on?"
  294. "Nothing... can I ask something to you two?"
  295. >>"Sure, what do you need?"
  296. "Can we... sleep together?"
  297. >"Did you have a nightmare? We are a bit older to sleep together"
  298. "Just... could you please do it?"
  299. >Anon shrugs his shoulders, and brings his sleeping bag
  300. >Diamond does the same
  301. >Now, with everyone cuddling, everyone go to sleep
  302. "... Guys?"
  303. >"What?"
  304. "I did something bad"
  305. >>"Want to talk about it?"
  306. "Not really"
  307. >"Let us sleep then"
  308. "Sorry.... you are my best friends"
  309. >"You too SS"
  310. >>"Thanks Spoon, now go to sleep"
  311. >Everybody closed their eyes, except Silver
  312. >That night, she couldn't sleep

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