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[bootleg]Rare Oneshot

By kqaii
Created: 2022-07-27 04:20:24
Expiry: Never

  1. *Original author is Anon*
  2. --
  4. >Be Rare
  5. >Lots of things hurt, but your heart hurts the most. Dining looks so sad.
  6. >You had been to many other people. But it wasn't like all of Dining's friends, They weren't doing upsies or pets. You didn't know exactly what they were saying but every time they said something dining looked sadder.
  7. >You have spent the last week at home, Dining seems to be happier taking care of you, but his eyes look like your leg.
  8. >He seems a little sadder today since he seems to know just how in pain you are.
  9. >You have to make dining happy, and you know just how.
  10. >You carefully nuzzle his leg. He notices you
  11. Yes Rare?
  12. >You steel yourself and look up. Even in pain, you know exactly what will make Dining smile.
  13. >"Pick me up, Dining"
  14. >He laughed a little and suddenly the pain went away even if only for a second.
  15. >You nuuzzled in like always as he took you to where you had first been picked up.
  16. >You were comfortable as Dining sat and just held you.
  17. > you started to drift off to sleep as Dining held you. You wondered if DIning would take you out tomorrow, it was going to be your birthday. You hoped he would, even with the pain you wanted him to be absolutely happy right now.
  18. >You closed your eyes, comfortable in Dining's...

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