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Cadence X Anon by Anonymous

By kqaii
Created: 2022-07-28 09:05:11
Updated: 2022-07-28 11:05:02
Expiry: Never

  1. *Note:I am not the original author, just archiving and posting this story.The original author doesn't seem to have pasted the story,so I'll just paste it here as an archive.
  2. ---
  3. OP:It was so nice of anon to walk Cadance back to her house...
  4. ---
  5. >”Here’s me…”
  6. >Cadence says, trotting in place on the stoop to her home.
  7. “Yeah. I guess it is…”
  8. >You rub the back of your head.
  9. >She climbs the steps until she’s eye-level with you.
  10. >”You know….my parents are out for the evening.”
  11. “Heh…yeah?”
  12. >She flutters her eyes, seductively.
  13. >”Would you like to come in?”
  14. >You rub your arm.
  15. “Look…uh-tonight isn’t a good night…”
  16. >”Oh! Okay…that’s fine, I guess.”
  17. >The disappointment couldn’t be more apparent.
  18. >”Well, maybe, next time?”
  19. >She puckers her lips, closing her eyes.
  20. “….”
  21. >You avert your own eyes, refusing to meet her kiss, until she peeks at you.
  22. >”Is something wrong?”
  23. “….”
  24. >”Anon. Look at me.”
  25. >She turns your head with a hoof.
  26. >”Anon. What’s wro-“
  27. “I don’t want to see you anymore.”
  28. >”-ng…oh. Wow.”
  29. >She stands there stunned for several seconds at first, eyes widened in shock, before blinking a few times.
  30. >”Di-did I do something wrong, or-“
  31. >Fuuuuck. You don’t want to go into details. Your therapist said when ending relationships, use the broken record treatment. Probably should’ve did the “Dear John” letter.
  32. “It’s just not working for me.”
  33. >Her eyes slowly become wet, and glossy.
  34. >”Was it something I said…?”
  35. >You can’t bear to look her in the eyes.
  36. “It’s just not working for me.”
  37. >She touches your shoulder with a wing.
  38. >”-But why? I thought you loved me! I mean, at least I felt that way….”
  39. >You pull away from her.
  40. “It’s just not working for m-me.”
  41. >You turn to start walking home.
  42. >”Anon! Wait! Please! You can’t just end it like this! This is two years you’re just throwing away!”
  43. >You ball up your hands, and grit your teeth.
  44. >Cadence seizes this moment to latch onto your arm with her forelegs.
  45. >”Please don’t do this! Please don’t let me go…!”
  46. >She sputters this out through sobs, and hiccups.
  47. >Taking a deep breath, you snatch your arm from her weak grip, and continue to walk away in silence.
  48. >”Anon! ANON! Please! I love you!”
  49. “…”
  50. >You face forward, marching on in stoic quiet, doing your best to ignore Cadance and her soft wailing behind you.
  51. >Fighting back your own tears, you keep going until out of eyesight, and round the block to an alleyway where a unicorn waits.
  52. >He spots you approaching, meeting you halfway.
  53. >”Is it done?”
  54. “…Yeah.”
  55. >He nods.
  56. >”Good work. This is for the benefit of everyone. Ponies should be with ponies after all.”
  57. “….”
  58. >He leaves a bag of bits on the ground, as he leaves the alley.
  59. >”Don’t be sad, anon. It’s not like it would’ve worked out anyway. You couldn’t even have kids! Besides, you’ll see how important you are to equestria when my son becomes prince someday!”
  60. >He leaves you there in that dirty alley, chuckling to himself. All you can do is drop to your knees.
  62. >13 years later-
  63. >You stand on the outside of the main gathering area where all the ponies are dancing. Twilight is singing some song, but you’re not much in the mood to party.
  64. >Hell, why did you even come?
  65. >While nursing a cup of punch, you can’t help but feel Cadance eyeing you every so often. More than once, you caught her looking for you, like a lonely prairie dog.
  66. >She’s married now. You need to let it go.
  67. >The song finally ends.
  68. “Think I’ve been here long enough.”
  69. >You dump the rest of your drink onto a potted plant nearby, and begin to-
  70. >”Leaving again without any real excuse?”
  71. >You look over your shoulder, and see the newlywed princess, glaring with a pained scowl.
  72. “I’m just tired. Gonna turn in early…”
  73. >”Uh-huh.”
  74. >Clearly unconvinced, she continues to stare.
  75. “…I’m gonna take off.”
  76. >”Of course you are. You’re good at breaking hearts AND running away with your tail between your legs.”
  77. >The venom almost literally oozes from that statement, but you ignore it.
  78. “Sure I am. Congratulations on your marriage.”
  79. >You put your hands in your pockets preparing to leave-
  80. >”Anon…wait.”
  81. >She grabs your forearm with a wing.
  82. >”All those years back…when you dumped me…”
  83. “….”
  84. >”Can you at least tell me why now?”
  85. >You bite your lip.
  86. (“The truth is, I didn’t want to break up! I love you still to this day! I don’t care if we can’t have kids, we’d figure something out! I should be marrying you, and the truth is the grooms father coerced me into doing it and actively kept me from you all this time!”)
  87. >Yeah…YEAH! Why not tell her everything? What do you have to lose?
  88. >You about-face, looking her in the eyes. You kneel down gently placing your hands on her haunches.
  89. >Her eyes widen, and you can see her mouth resist puckering up for a kiss.
  90. “Cadence, the truth is-!”
  91. >That’s when you see it.
  92. >From behind her out of the princesses eyesight, multiple pairs of eyes are affixed to your position. Among them the Canterlot nobility, and Celestia herself. She slowly shakes her head, mouthing the word “no” in silence.
  93. >Cadance tilts her head.
  94. >”A-Anon…?”
  95. “…Uh…the truth is…the truth is…is that its just not working for me.”
  96. >Cadance’s face falls, and she chuckles sadly.
  97. >”I see. Why did I think you’d say different?”
  98. >She shakes off your hands.
  99. >”Thank you for coming. Have a nice life.”
  100. >She sheds one last tear, before slipping into the crowd of wedding goers.
  101. “Goodbye…my first love.”
  103. “-and that’s your father during our high school prom.”
  104. >You can’t help but chuckle at the goofy outfit him, and his band friends wore when he sang to you.
  105. >Little Flurry sits on your lap following along, with each picture description, as you take a trip for two down memory lane with your High School yearbook. She wanted to know how you, and Shining met, so you thought this was the perfect opportunity to bond while Dad is off with the troops.
  106. >She points to a random student from your class.
  107. >”Who is dat?”
  108. “Oh? That’s Paper Trail. I think he became a banker after graduating.”
  109. >Flurry looks all over the page, wondering at the different size and shaped ponies of your graduating year, until stopping at one.
  110. >A picture of a bald pony with ears on the sides of his head, and a vibrant red “X” over his picture.
  111. >Flurry squints her eyes at it.
  112. >”What is DAT?”
  113. >You bite the side of your mouth.
  114. >You’re over this Cadence. It was so long ago, and you’re over this-
  115. “That’s…that’s Anonymous.”
  116. >”What’s a Animiss?”
  117. >Her poor pronunciation makes you giggle.
  118. “Anonymous. He’s-he was Somepony very special to me.”
  119. >”What happened to him?”
  120. “….It’s…complicated. Let’s just say it wasn’t working for him.”
  121. >You look away from his picture.
  122. “In any case, he’s gone, and your father swooped in to make me feel all better!”
  123. >Flurry looks confused, but shrugs it off. The rest of the evening was spent with more “What’s dis and dat?” Questions from Flurry, until she fell asleep in your hooves.
  124. >After tucking her in for the night, you found your mind wandering to the past. The first time you experienced heartbreak. The sudden, abrupt end of what you thought was a great relationship.
  125. >Wonder how different would your life be if-?
  126. “Stop it Cadenza. He made his bed, and now he’ll sleep in it forever!”
  127. >Passing stationed crystal pony guards in the hallway, you trot into your chambers. Shining is still out, so you’ll await his eventual return for the evening in bed.
  128. >You always hate how quiet it gets. Makes you…”Think” about unnecessary things.
  129. >You crack open the yearbook once more, turning to “his” page.
  130. “…Stupid Anonymous. Not working for you, huh? Well look what you missed out on!”
  131. >The big idiot! In the end he did you a favor! He drove you right into the embrace of your one true lo-
  132. >”I’m back!”
  133. >You quickly shut the book at the sound of Shining’s voice, nearly jumping out of your covers.
  134. “Honey!! WELCOME HOME!”
  135. >Shining magics his helmet onto a mannequin stand.
  136. >”Hello to you too! You seem happy.”
  137. “D-do I? Maybe it’s because I have the Equestria’s best husband?”
  138. >He blushes.
  139. >”Aw shucks!”
  140. >Visibly exhausted, he takes his place next to you in bed, wrapping his forelegs around you.
  141. “Mmm…what did I do to be so lucky?”
  142. >Shining chuckles.
  143. >”Wanna know a secret?”
  144. “Hm?”
  145. >He nuzzles your cheek.
  147. >”Talking to you was totally my old stallion’s idea!”
  148. >Your ears perk up.
  149. “Nightlight’s idea? How strange.”
  150. >Shining nods.
  151. >”I know right? I always thought you were with that Anonymous guy, so I figured I didn’t have a chance, but he burst into my room one day while I was reading comics, and was like “GET UP AND GO SEE CADANCE”! He was ultra insistent on it. Weird, right?”
  152. >Shining rolls over in bed with a yawn, magicking the blankets over himself.
  153. “Very weird…I even remember that day…”
  154. >It was the day, you and Anon broke up. Shining came by while you were blubbering like a foal in your house.
  155. >”Mhm. He was right though. Look how well everything worked out…Zzzzz…”
  156. >Worked out indeed. Like-
  157. >Like a plan.
  158. >Fear slowly wells up within your chest. You look at your chambers, to Shining to his armor, to your crown-
  159. >All this-
  160. >What if-
  161. >You bring a hoof to your mouth, feeling labored breath against it.
  162. >It’s just not working out for him? What sort of lame half-flanked excuse was that? At least that’s what you always thought to yourself, but what if it was the byproduct of coercive, and manipulative tactics, by a helicopter father-
  163. “M-maybe I’m being paranoid.”
  164. >” Did you say something…?”
  165. “No dear. Go back to sleep.”
  166. >He yawns again before doing so.
  167. >You made your peace with this. You hypothesized every logical and absurd reason for him leaving you-
  168. >Why would Nightlight-
  169. >You clasp your head feeling a mix of emotions. Dread, confusion. Is it just a coincidence? Or could it be-
  170. >You need answers. Need to tear open an old wound to discover what truly lied underneath.
  171. >You look to the slumbering Shining Armor.
  172. >What will you do with the truth?
  174. >Siiiiiiiiiip~
  175. >You gently lower your cup of tea, after that audibly measured intake.
  176. >”It really is so nice of you to visit, your highness! We both know how busy you and Shiny are running an entire kingdom, and all!”
  177. >Velvet blurts out giddily, reminiscent of Twilight Sparkle.
  178. >It’s early afternoon, and you opted to spring a spontaneous visit on the Twilight household.
  179. >Still bothered by last night, you were hesitant to come here. It felt like pursuing this was opening Pandora’s box. A nearly 20-year old mystery that you thought was laid to rest.
  180. >Your plan was to come alone, surprise visit; and catch Nightlight off-guard and question him, but you thought against the last part. There’s no way he’ll own up to anything that way! You want hidden answers from Somepony who believes you to be naïve. GULLIBLE!
  181. >Nightlight, and Velvet look at you with matching worried expressions.
  182. >”I-is everything okay princess? Your cup is shaking…”
  183. >Nightlight points out your growing rage transferring to your magical hold on the innocent teacup.
  184. “Oh…? Oh! Sorry! I spaced out for a moment there! Ha-haha…”
  185. >Everypony laughs a little, but yours isn’t as authentic.
  186. >You take another sip, glaring at Nightlight, who fails to take notice of your looks.
  187. >Probably shouldn’t try to come off as hostile. After all, it could just be coincidence, and nothing will come out of this.
  188. >”So what brings you to our humble abode, princess? It’s strange to see you here all by your lonesome! I was hoping to see Flurry!”
  189. >Velvet asks smiling.
  190. “Please, just Cadance. I’m sorry for the sudden visit. I just thought that maybe it’s good to just make a solo appearance to my precious in-laws every so often.”
  191. >”Oh, it’s no problem at all dear! We appreciate you having come!”
  192. >Nightlight says waving a dismissive hoof.
  193. >You trail a hoof around the rim of your cup, taking a deep breath.
  194. >Cunning, Cadence. You need to be cunning.
  195. “Actually….I was hoping to talk to you both.”
  196. >”Oh? Is that so?”
  197. >”Need advice about the married life?”
  198. >You lower your head, and eyes, trying to mask your annoyance. Exactly how entrenched is Velvet in this, you wonder.
  199. “Perhaps I should explain.”
  200. >You pour yourself another cup of tea. You wish it was Cider. Would make things a lot easier.
  201. >”I was talking to Shiny the other night, and he told me the most curious thing about when he was a teenager-“
  202. >”Ah. The bisexual phase? I knew it’d come up sooner or later.”
  203. >Velvet blurts out, nearly making you spit up your tea.
  204. “ That’s not it.”
  205. >She covers her mouth, while Nightlight facehoofs.
  206. >”O-oh. Don’t mind silly old me! P-please continue!”
  207. “Riiiight…so Shiny tells me, that when we were younger, we almost didn’t meet!”
  208. >Nightlight doesn’t seem rattled. Yet.
  209. >”Almost didn’t meet? Whatever could that mean? Didn’t you know each other from school?”
  210. >Velvet asks, refocusing on the topic.
  212. “Oh we never spoke at length, but knew of one another. I am royalty after all. Everything about me was public then!”
  213. >Velvet nods.
  214. “What really put him on my radar was when he came to my home, with Flowers, and Candy in hoof…. It was so sweet~”
  215. >”Awwww!”
  216. >You faux dreamily lean on your hooves.
  217. “His timing was perfect…I mean considering I had my HEART ABSOLUTELY SHATTERED INTO DUST beforehoof-“
  218. >Nightlight stops drinking, going wide-eyed.
  219. >”Shattered heart? Oh celestia! What happened?!”
  220. “….”
  221. >You stare at Nightlight with a glare so toxic; so aflame with fury, you can feel the temperature in the room rise.
  222. “…The MAN of my dreams. The one I considered my soulmate once upon a time, ended our relationship of two years out of nowhere.”
  223. >You don’t break eye contact with Nightlight the whole time as you speak. His cup begins to shake.
  224. “-I was a crying wreck. Emotional, and vulnerable. Then like a guardian angel, Shiny who had no idea of my weakened state, and had planned to spend the evening reading comics, shows up to console me, on somepony else’s command. Fascinating, right?”
  225. >Velvet looks puzzled, while Nightlight’s shaking cup starts to spill tea everywhere. He’s begun sweating at this point under your gaze, while trying to “calmly” drink his piping hot tea.
  226. >”What do you mean Cadance? Are you saying Shiny was stalking you or something? I don’t understand…”
  227. “…Indeed. What am I implying here? Care to answer Mr. Sparkle?”
  228. >”H-huff-huff-“
  229. >He’s breathing harder and harder with each passing moment.
  230. >”Honey? Are you okay?”
  231. >”I-h-heh heh. I-I don’t-haha…”
  232. >Oh Celestia. Sweet sweet Celestia. A large piece of you didn’t want to entertain this possibility. For pony’s sake, you never even thought of it until last night, but this reaction-
  233. >The fear, the sweat-
  234. >It all but confirms it!
  235. “Don’t feel up to talking? I’ll go on then. So Shiny tells me you told him, and I quote:“ GET UP AND GO SEE CADANCE”. Funnily enough during the fallout of the breakup. Super insistent about it, he said. I wonder why you were so desperate at that particular moment?”
  236. >Velvet gasps finally understanding.
  237. >”Are you saying Nightlight had something to do with-“
  238. >You continue to glare at Nightlight.
  239. “Not just saying. I’m SURE of it now! I came here with little testimony, but your reaction tells me I’m right!”
  240. >”I-I-I’m always like th-this-“
  241. >He manages to blabber.
  243. >You run your hooves into the table, smashing it into splinters with unrestrained Alicorn strength.
  244. >”EEEEK!”
  245. >Velvet covers up to shield herself.
  246. >Nightlight falls from his chair, fumbling to escape your well-deserved wrath to the staircase, but is halted by a magically flung porcelain teapot to the nearby wall, catching him in its shards and scalding contents.
  247. >”Gahhh!”
  248. >He rolls over to face you, with large, terrified eyes.
  250. >Velvet has retreated to the far wall, observing and trembling like prey, as you slowly approach your in-law.
  251. “WHY?”
  252. >”I didn’t do anything-“
  253. >Not willing to toy with him, you reforge the teapot, and shatter it next to his head, the shards stabbing into her cheek.
  254. >”AGGGGH!”
  255. “WHY?!”
  256. >”You can’t do this to me!”
  257. “I’m PRINCESS. I most certainly can!”
  258. >You bring it back together, yanking out the implanted teapot shrapnel, and break it like before.
  259. >”GUAAAGH! PLEASE!”
  260. “Come clean! RIFHT NOW!”
  261. >Rinse, and repeat.
  262. >”OKAY! Okay!! I did it! Happy now?!”
  263. >You grab him by the horn with magic, and pull him snout to snout.
  264. “WHY.”
  265. >His lips tremble.
  266. >”B-because it was the right thing to do…”
  267. >You drop him, flabbergasted by this confession.
  268. “The right thing to do…? The-THE RIGHT-“
  269. >Breathe Cadance. BREATHE. If you don’t calm yourself, he’ll be nothing but chunks of meat.
  270. >”Th-think about it. Look at your life no-now! Your wonderful child, and equestria’s first alicorn from birth!”
  271. >His tone becomes more confident as he speaks.
  272. >”You couldn’t have anything like that with Anon! Not even close!”
  273. >”Oh honey…you didn’t….”
  274. >”Ponies should be with ponies! It’s the natural way of things! Shining Armor! Brother of Princess Celestia’s prized student! Whom was more worthy?”
  275. “Stop talking. I’ve heard enough.”
  276. >You turn away from him.
  277. >”Look what I’ve done! The royal family has never been stronger! More united! I wasn’t the only one who thought this!”
  278. “BE QUIET.”
  279. >”Honey please!”
  280. >His mad rambling persists.
  281. “Deep down, you agree too! This was for the best-“
  282. >You pick him up, slamming him against the wall, earning a startled yelp from both he, and Velvet.
  283. “YOU DON’T GET TO DECIDE THAT!! You don’t…it was my life…”
  284. >Rage, and fury becomes pure unbridled sadness. Sadness over what was denied. You didn’t even get a say in it.
  285. “All of it…everything you’ve done was just a grandiose lie. A facade!”
  286. >You drop him, preparing to depart.
  287. >Nightlight coughs, and sputters.
  288. >”W-wai-wait!”
  289. >You halt for a brief moment, aura around their front doorknob.
  290. >”You’re going to him, aren’t you? It’s no use. He saw the bigger picture. He understood what was at stake, and stepped aside for your happiness! Are you gonna just dishonor his sacrifice?!”
  291. “…”
  292. >You open the door, and leave, not bothering to humor him.
  294. >Sweat dribbles down the side of your face in concentration.
  295. >You’re building a ship in a bottle, and it requires all your precision, and a delicate hand. In fact, your chimney mantle, and shelves are decorated with various finished crafts. It’s almost become an obsession frankly.
  296. >It’s a distracting hobby to say the least, and maybe that’s what you need.
  297. >You moved to the outskirts of the everfree, only venturing out to barter from ponyville, which is a 2-hour trip by foot.
  298. >After losing Cadence-
  299. >You lost her twice. Harmony, and friendship? It’s just a joke.How could you believe in those things after hurting her all those years ago? Now look at you. A heartbroken hermit who spends his days building Knick knacks, and lamenting the past.
  300. >You glance at a bulletin board of newspaper clippings. All Cadance news of course. She birthed the first Alicorn in history. Her daughter is beautiful. Like her mother. At least she’s happy…
  301. >You carefully use your tweezers to push the mini mast upright into place, and carefully remove the tool from the bottle.
  302. >You let out a deep nasally breath, admiring your handiwork.
  303. “Another masterwork! I’m putting you on my dining table, little guy!”
  304. >You rise to your feet, gingerly carrying the ship, and it’s conte-
  305. >BAM BAM BAM!
  306. “Jesus Christ!”
  307. >You nearly drop you ship in a bottle, in surprise.
  308. >Once settled, you look at your door. No one has knocked on your door since-
  309. >Since ever. You don’t think any pony even knows where you live. You don’t talk to them.
  310. >BAM BAM BAM
  311. >” ᴴᵉˡˡᵒˀ ᴵˢ ᵃnʸᵒnᵉ ʰᵒᵐᵉˀ”
  312. >The voice is muffled, but-
  313. “It couldn’t be…”
  314. >You shuffle towards your door, bottle under your arm, and reach out to the door with a shaky hand.
  315. >Your heart is pounding in your ears. Is this a hallucination?
  316. >You touch the metal, and grip it.
  317. > A soft gasp comes from outside.
  318. >You close your eyes, and slowly open the door, feeling cool wind blow past your sweaty face.
  319. >You breathe in your nose, and out before reopening your eyes.
  320. >”Anon…Oh Anon…”
  321. >Before you is a ragged, teary-eyed Cadance. Her usually gleaming pink coat, smudged with mud, and leaves.
  322. “…..”
  323. >You open, and close your mouth a few times, speechless.
  324. >She smiles gently.
  325. “I finally found you!”
  326. >You blink a few times, and shake your head quickly.
  327. “Find-what’re you doing here? Why’re you so dirty?!”
  328. >She chuckles sheepishly.
  329. >”I’m not too great a flier…I sorta had to crash to get down.”
  330. “….”
  331. >”Can I come in…?”
  332. “…S-sure! By all means!”
  333. >She smiles again, trotting into your home. Right now you’re so befuddled, its left you numb to what’s happening. What the fuck is Princess Cadance doing here?!
  334. >Once back inside, you see that she’s looking at your various projects on display.
  335. >”Pretty neat.”
  336. “Thank you.”
  337. >The only sound between you to cut the awkward tension is the ticking of a cuckoo clock.
  339. >The hairs on your arm stand up. The tension is stifling.
  340. >The dirty princess continues inspecting your trinkets without so much as a word, and you can’t stand how anxious its starting to make you-
  341. >”You were always good with your little hoof things.”
  342. “Huh?”
  343. >She waggles a foreleg at you.
  344. “Oh…you mean hands?”
  345. >”Yes. Those.”
  346. “Ah. Yeah. I’ve had plenty of time to refine my craft.”
  347. >She still won’t face you, but her head turns slightly.
  348. >”Can I use your bathroom to clean up…?”
  349. “S-sure! If it’s enough for you…your majesty.”
  350. >She visibly flinches, but says nothing.
  351. “It’s down the hall first door on the left.”
  352. >”Thank you.”
  353. >Cadence vanishes around the corner into your hall. The soft click Oho a door signifies she found her destination, and you find yourself letting out a deep breath you weren’t aware was being held.
  354. >What is she doing here?! What does she want?! You put this part of your life behind you. You accepted her hatred, and that was that. The ultimate sacrifice, right? Here she is again, years later, crashing into the forest just to find you.
  355. “I need a drink.”
  356. >No better time than any, while your guest is indisposed.
  357. >Making a beeline for the kitchen, you take out a rocks glass, and a bottle of your strongest cider-
  358. >Actually you just take the bottle, and take a swig from it.
  359. >It’s super weak. Like Sparkling Apple juice weak, but enough of it will limber you up.
  360. >”Oh. You’re drinking…?”
  361. >You practically choke on the booze, hearing Cadence’s silky tone from the kitchen doorway.
  362. >You run your wrist across your mouth, eyes bulging from your head. She stands there, leaning against the frame.
  363. “Princess! I was-“
  364. >”Can I have some?”
  365. >You double-take. You had no idea she partook!
  366. >She bashfully averts her eyes.
  367. “S-sure. Let me get you a glass.”
  368. >You open the cabinet, only for Cadence to take the bottle itself, and drink from it like you did.
  369. >Mouth cracked open slightly aghast, you just watch as she downs the last bit of your cider.
  370. >”Haaaaah-“
  371. >She lets out a loud breath, wiping her mouth with a wing.
  372. >”Anon.”
  373. “….Yes?”
  374. >She smiles sadly.
  375. >”Let’s talk.”
  377. >Relocating to your sofa, you both sit on opposite sides of the couch, as far away as possible.
  378. >Tick-Tick-Tick-Tick-
  379. >Someone has to make the first move! You can’t just sit here in perpetual silence!
  380. >You turn to Cadence.
  381. “Listen, I-“
  382. >”Anon, I-“
  383. >The two of you both stop at the same time.
  384. “Please, go ahead!”
  385. >”No, no. You first! I insist!”
  386. “After you, your highness!”
  387. >Her face suddenly falls.
  388. >God, you want some more Cider…
  389. >”….You can call me Candy, like you used to…”
  390. >From when you dated, she means-
  391. >She looks away with that forlorn frown.
  392. “I-I couldn’t! I don’t have the right-“
  393. >She sighs.
  394. >”What’re we doing? I know it’s been years, but we can still socialize like normal, right?”
  395. “That depends.”
  396. >”On?”
  397. “On why you’re suddenly here. Back in my life, like nothing happened.”
  398. >”Oh Anon…”
  399. “I get that I hurt you, okay? I’m sorry, but you have a family now. A kingdom to run. You’re…you’re happy now. Much happier than you ever could be with me.”
  400. >”Anon-“
  401. >She starts crawling towards you.
  402. “-You shouldn’t be here. Your husband, and daughter must be worried about you. Being here by yourself will only-“
  403. >”ANON.”
  404. >She clasps your cheeks together with her hooves.
  405. >”Shut up for a moment.”
  406. “Wohkay.”
  407. >She smiles again-
  408. >”Thank you.”
  409. >She then reels back, and slaps the living SHIT out of you.
  410. >It wasn’t full on Alicorn strength, but it was a tagging worthy of note. Any buzz that may have begun from the cider was knocked out instantly.
  411. >You touch your afflicted cheek, confused.
  412. >”Who gets to decide I’m happy, huh? YOU?”
  413. >Her lips tremble.
  414. >”Or Nightlight?”
  415. >Your eyes widen.
  416. “You….you know…?”
  417. >”Of course I know! How could you?! How could you make such a stupid choice all on your own without even considering me?!”
  418. >Cadence begins crying. Over a decade of stored sadness, and regret flowing outward through her tear ducts in this moment. The sight hurts you more than any blow she could inflict.
  419. “I DID IT FOR YOU! You were all I was thinking about!”
  420. >”….Tell me.”
  421. >She calms down, sitting on your lap, wrapping her legs around your neck.
  422. “Cadence, this-“
  423. >”I’m not letting you get away. Tell me how he convinced you. Everything.”
  424. >You gulp under her gaze.
  425. “Okay…okay, I’ll tell you everything.”
  427. >Despite being how old you are, the memory is fresh in your mind.
  428. >It was about a week before the day you chose to-
  429. >To break Candy’s heart like you did. No way around it.
  430. >At the time, you lived in Canterlot. By yourself.
  431. >You were a minor when stranded in this colorful land, so Celestia took pity on your lowly self, and bestowed a home(run-down and ragged) upon you.
  432. >How charitable.
  433. >Getting a job at the local Donut spot-Jim’s you think it was? His son runs it now- supplied you with the income to get by.
  434. >To ponykind, you were some weird creature that was dangerous, and scary. You weren’t even allowed to go to school with them, or any school with ponies. You were doomed. Doomed to be some uneducated slob, destined to die in equestria, but then Candy appeared. Books in hoof, and a smile to boot, she taught you everything about the strange world around you.
  435. >It was only natural that you would fall for one another…
  436. >You were practically attached at the hip. Whenever there was Cadence, there was Anon, walking together, hoof in hand.
  437. >Young love is always beautiful, right? Not to everyone.
  438. >It was late into the evening, when you got a knock on your door.
  439. >NOK NOK
  440. >You look up from your book on Equestrian mythology to the door.
  441. “Candy? That you?”
  442. >No one but her ever comes to see you, but never at this hour.
  443. >NOK NOK.
  444. >You get up to answer the summons.
  445. >Swinging open the door, you expect soft pink to fill your vision, but instead get blue.
  446. >A stallion in a loose trench coat stands on your welcome mat.
  447. >”Good evening.”
  448. “Good evening.”
  449. >He looks you up, and down.
  450. >”You’re a big guy, huh?”
  451. >It creeps you out. Is he sizing you up?
  452. “Can I help you sir…?”
  453. >”Oh right! Yes! You can actually.”
  454. >You stand there waiting.
  455. >”Think we could go for a walk? This is a delicate affair-“
  456. “No way. Weird guy in a trench coat asks a kid to follow him at night? Yeah. NO.”
  457. >You cross your arms.
  458. >”Fair enough. I’ll just come out and say it-“
  459. >He adopts a serious face.
  460. >”Stop seeing Cadence.”
  462. “Excuse me sir? Look, I don’t know who you are, or what you’re talking about but I-“
  463. >”Let’s skip the feeling out phase of this discussion, and get down to brass tacks, hm?”
  464. >He forces his way inside.
  465. “Hey! Get out of my house!”
  466. >He looks around, scrunching his nose.
  467. >”You call this a house? It looks more like a run-down tool shed.”
  468. “I’m gonna call the guards!”
  469. >He ignores your threat, continuing to look over your home interior.
  470. >”You should feel grateful for this little run-down hovel, kid. I would’ve just sent you to the Everfree. You’re threatening carefully laid plans, you know.”
  471. >Plans? What the hell is he talking about?
  472. “Plans? I haven’t done anything! Now get out!”
  473. >He whirls around to face you, lowering his center of gravity as if to pounce.
  474. >”Stop playing coy! The whole city is aware of the future princess’s little monkey tag along pet!”
  475. “P-pet? I’m not her-“
  476. >He smirks, knowing he found your weak spot.
  477. >”Hahaha! Did you think she saw you as something else? You’re just a temporary distraction from duties. When she matures, you’ll lose all your intrigue, and she’ll leave you crushed, and broken.”
  478. “Y-you’re wrong! She’s not like that!”
  479. >”It’s just life. Ponies grow up and move on. But-“
  480. >You begin to breathe hard, feeling searing rage pulse through your heart.
  481. >”I can tell that your feelings are true.”
  482. >You we’re scowling, but now you’re confused.
  483. “Wh-what?”
  484. >He paces around.
  485. >”While she might be enjoying her secret superiority over what she perceives to be an uneducated simian, I can tell your love for her is honest, and sincere.”
  486. >You put a hand to your head.
  487. “Wait..she…she feels superior to me?”
  488. >”Of course. Why do you think she took the time to teach you? It’s practice for leading.”
  489. “No, that’s not true!”
  490. >”It is. It is because we all taught her as such.”
  491. “Who’s “we”?”
  492. >He glares harshly.
  493. >”The hooves of powerful ponies that you’re carelessly trotting on!”
  494. >Powerful ponies? Like how powerful does he mean?
  495. >He sighs.
  496. >”I can’t fault you for your ignorance, Anon. In fact, I’m here to save you.”
  497. “Save m-me?”
  498. >”Yes. From heartbreak. From being destroyed by Cadence.”
  499. “But she wouldn’t-“
  501. >Your eyes widen at his loud, booming exclamation.
  503. “She can’t be! She’s kissed me, and-“
  504. >He facehooves.
  505. >”You poor, naive child. You’re just a fad to her, and all fads DIE OUT.”
  506. >You look away shaking your head.
  507. “That’s not true. S-sure I haven’t been treated the best by you ponies, but she’s different. She loves me-“
  508. >”Like one loves a dog, or a housecat.”
  509. “NO!”
  510. >”Yes.”
  511. “How would you know?!”
  512. >In a cold, stone-face, he replies:
  513. >”Because we taught her so.”
  514. >Candy-
  515. >She wouldn’t. She likes you! ᴿᶦᵍʰᵗˀ
  516. >”That’s why I’m here. To save you.”
  517. >You fall back against the wall, sliding down to the ground. You feel so tired. Your emotions are fluctuating all over. You’re confused-
  518. “How…? How’re you going to save me?”
  519. >”By making you a hero.”
  520. >You look up.
  521. “A hero?”
  522. >He nods.
  523. >”Yes. Let’s think critically here, son. You’re both different species. Different classes. How could you make her happy? Sharing your little wage from the donut shop? How would you give her kids? You can’t.”
  524. >You fight the urge to cry.
  525. >”But you can end it on your terms. You can sacrifice yourself to ensure she’s happy forever. You’ll even be rewarded for it. Enough bits to go anywhere you want, and live comfortably for the rest of your life.”
  526. “Move? But why-“
  527. >He gets in your face.
  528. >”Surely, you don’t think you’re gonna stay here, right? This option lets you willingly leave rather than us chucking you out with the garbage.”
  529. “….”
  530. >”If you truly feel anything for her, you’ll do this. Put aside your selfish desires and be the pillar to usher in a new age of harmony, and friendship for all of equestria!”
  531. “….”
  532. >All you do is hang your head.
  533. >And nod.
  534. >”Excellent.”
  535. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  536. >Candy just sits there with big, attentive, shocked eyes.
  537. “You know the rest…”
  538. >She looks to the side, her eyes searching around for something not there, processing what she just heard.
  539. >”I…I can’t-“
  540. >She climbs off you, clutching her head.
  541. >”Was I just…a puppet? They all lied to me. My ENTIRE LIFE IS A LIE?!”
  542. “Cadence-“
  543. >She starts to breathe harder.
  544. >”My husband- my child- all the products of behind the scenes manipulation…”
  545. >She falls back on the couch looking up at your ceiling, but then turns to you.
  546. >”And you-“
  547. >She starts to cry.
  548. >”You’ve held all that in this time…I was so mean to you.”
  549. “It’s okay. I deserved it.”
  550. >She gets up, and mounts you, snout touching your nose.
  551. >”You didn’t. You were LIED to. We were both lied to.”
  552. “Well…yes.”
  553. >She bites her bottom lip.
  554. >”I never forgot you. No matter what I did, I never forgot about you.”
  555. “Me neither.”
  556. >She smiles through tears, and kisses you on the lips.”
  557. >You’re startled at first, but begin to relax.
  558. >You want this. Have wanted this for so long-
  559. >She starts to unbutton your pants with her magic, leaning into the smooch. That’s when you see it.
  560. >The newspaper clippings.
  562. >All the articles you collected over the years. The only way you could stay connected to of her smiling with friends-
  563. >With her daughter, and husband. Genuinely happy smiles.
  564. >You gently take Cadence by the haunches, and break the kiss.
  565. >”What’s wrong?”
  566. >You sit up, cradling her.
  567. “We…we can’t do this.”
  568. >She looks hurt by your refusal to continue.
  569. >”I-I see. I suppose I can’t expect you to forgive how badly I treated you-“
  570. “It’s not that! Under any other circumstances, I’d take you here, and now for 3 days straight-!”
  571. >She hugs your neck seductively.
  572. >”Only 3~?”
  573. >You clench your fist. God you want her. You want to do so much with her. TO her.
  574. >She starts to nibble your earlobe.
  575. “A-ahh…wait-“
  576. >”No….”
  577. >You grit your teeth.
  579. >She suddenly stops her advances.
  580. >”….”
  581. “Your husband, and daughter! Do you love them?”
  582. >She pulls away from you, staring into your eyes.
  583. >”Anon-I”
  584. “Candy, you fought a changeling invasion to save him, right? You risked the destruction of your entire kingdom for your daughter, right?”
  585. >She looks puzzled.
  586. “Even if they’ve entered your life due to nefarious means…they’re still here. They’re still innocent. You can’t throw them away. Not for me. They don’t deserve to be betrayed.”
  587. >”Oh Anon…”
  588. >More tears fall from her eyes.
  589. >”Will we never be together…?”
  590. “Maybe in the next life.”
  591. >This feels like a stab to the heart all over again. For the both of you, as Cadence cries into your chest.
  592. >You stroke her head, resisting your own tears. It’s not fair. Not at all, but these were the cards you were dealt. Everything in life isn’t always a happy ending.
  593. >Cadence sobbed for what seemed like hours secured in your embrace. What were loud sniffles eventually regulated to comfortable silent cuddling.
  594. >The sun had set long ago, and you’re sure the guards will be at your doorstep any moment to retrieve the princess, but the two of you just want this one moment.
  595. >You’re entitled to that much, right?
  597. >”It’s not fair…”
  598. “I know.”
  599. >She nuzzles your chest.
  600. >”I…I can’t believe they did this to me…to us! What did we do to deserve such treatment?”
  601. >You give her a little squeeze, getting a small squeal of joy from Cadence in return.
  602. “We did nothing at all.”
  603. >She sits up to look you in the eyes.
  604. >”Let’s run away. We can change our looks! Move somewhere nopony knows us-“
  605. “Candy.”
  606. >”Is what I really want to say-“
  607. >She sighs.
  608. >”But you’re right. I do love them. Even if they’re not supposed to be there.”
  609. >You sit there in silence for a moment. She’s just looking down, searching for something unseen.
  610. “Candy. You should head back home. I’m sure they’re worried about you. I’m sure your father-in-law has already told them where you’re headed.”
  611. >She grimaces.
  612. >”He’s no father of mine-!”
  613. >Another loud sigh.
  614. >”-But you’re right, once more.”
  615. >She hesitates to climb off you, her vibrant pink color, seemingly more muted than usual.
  616. >She hangs her head, taking baby steps towards your door.
  617. >Having finally been able to bring everything to the open, you’re still unable to be together in the end. You suffered in silence all this time, only to be denied once again-
  618. >All you can ask yourself is: “was it worth it?”
  619. >She slowly magics the door open, looking back at you one last time. If you were to tell her to stay or say forget it all, and elope with you, she’d do it in a heartbeat. Hell, that’s probably what she’s hoping for with that expression.
  620. >But it just can’t be.
  621. >”….Will we ever see each other again?”
  622. >You open your mouth intending to say “we can still be friends! You can still visit!” “I…I can’t recommend that. For my, and your safety….I should keep my distance.”
  623. >She looks away, an intense frown present.
  624. >”….”
  625. >She just stomps the floor, leaving a hoof print embedded in the wood.
  626. >”I love you.”
  627. “I love you too.”
  628. >Cadence forces one final smile, but the anger, and melancholy is scarce masked, as she wavers upon leaving your home.
  629. >The light from outside shrinking as the door slowly shuts.
  630. “Goodbye.”
  631. >You plant your face in your hands.
  634. The End(?)

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[spg][Complete] "Because I Choose To" (Part 2)

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