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Anon proposes to Celly by Anonymous

By kqaii
Created: 2022-07-31 02:46:05
Expiry: Never

  1. *original author is Anon*
  2. ---
  3. >Another night in the gardens of Canterlot.
  4. >Alabaster walls tower over you, humming with a soft glow, reflecting the light of the rising moon.
  5. >You take aseocn dot notice the flowers dancing in the early night air.
  6. >They've done their part in giving you a decent backdrop. All that's left is for you to gather the nerve for what comes next.
  7. >Time passes with no hurry. But before long, you're met with a welcome sight.
  8. >Her figure is as majestic as always.
  9. >Svelt figure guided to ground by radiant wings.
  10. >Beautiful. It's the only word floating in your head right now. You clench the item in your pocket with everything you have. No turning back now.
  11. >She touches down with infinite grace, juxtaposing her grim demeanor, another thing you've grown all too familiar with.
  12. >She makes her way toward the bench you're sitting at with a timid gate.
  13. >You decide to meet her halfway. You weren't about to let things start off like this.
  14. >You make your way towards her, causing her to pause mid step, looking to you with confusion.
  15. >Taking a knee, you reach out to hold her face, offering a warm smile.
  16. “Another rough day?”
  17. >She pulls back in embarrasment, noticing that she must have let on more than she wanted to.
  18. >”It's...”
  19. >She pauses again. Prompting you to bring the other hand to cup the other cheek, forcing her to look back at you.
  20. >Her gaze meets yours, softening into a somber expression.
  21. >”I'm sorry Anon...”
  22. >She pulls away from you.
  23. >”I didn't mean to worry you. My duties have just become... rather demanding...”
  24. >You reach out once more, and with a gentle touch, handle her chin and point it towards your own.
  25. “No one else could make it look so easy, Celly.”
  27. >She pulls back in, resting her long, soft neck against your own, prompting you to wrap her in a warm embrace.
  28. >Her soft fur gives under your tightening grip as you feel one of her long legs come to rest over your shoulder.
  29. >You pull out of the hug, meeting her expectant gave once more.
  30. >Her longing eyes pull you into a deep and passionate kiss.
  31. >The blow her breathe against your face washes you in sweet exstacy as you pull her closer and closer.
  32. >With only a hoof between you, She breaks the kiss.
  33. >”Anon... A bit bolder than usual for the garden...”
  34. >Her sultry gaze invites you to continue, and damned if you don't want to.
  35. >You bring the contents of your pocket out with deft precision, masking it in the wrap of another warm embrace, pulling her smiling face in close to your own.
  36. >You take notice of her beautiful eyes, shining brightly in the midnight sky behind her.
  37. “I'm just getting started, Celly.”
  38. >On cue, you bring the small box into her line of sight, causing a moment of confusion.
  39. >Almost immediately followed by even more intense panic.
  40. >She vigorously pulls away from you, taking a number of steps backwards in recoil.
  41. >You stand back up, walking towards her.
  42. >As you make your way to her, she continues to step back but at a slower pace.
  43. “I know I'm not royalty, Celly, but I don't need to be to love you like I do.”
  44. >She stops on her back foot.
  45. >Closing the gap, you reach out once again.
  46. ”I love you so much, Celestia, more than you could ever know.”
  47. >Tears begin to well in her eyes as she stands frozen in place.
  48. >You lean down, taking a knee.
  49. >She stands stone silent, shock still washed over her face.
  50. “This is what we do back on Earth when we want to tell someone that they'll never be alone again.”
  52. >The tears start to take over as her face crunches into emotional confusion.
  53. “Celestia. I want you to marry me.”
  54. >On that note, the floodgates open as wide as they could.
  55. >Rolling tears sparkle in the light of the moon as she pulls back further and further.
  56. >A twinge of doubt grasps your heart in barbed wire. Why wasn't she looking at you?
  57. >“I...”
  58. >Her mouth hangs open, quivering, trying to make sense of the emotions in her head, but to no avail.
  59. >It hurts to see her in pain like this. From work is one thing, but not from you. Not anymore.
  60. “I'm here, Celly. No matter what. It's Okay...”
  61. >Fuck sake, where did these tears come from. Fucking man up, Anon.
  62. “I'm...”
  63. >You voice begins to quiver. Damnit...
  64. >You're supposed to be strong for her and you're fucking blowing it.
  65. >Right now, Anon. Steel your nerves. Make this an easy choice for her.
  66. >You come out of your funk, eyes still moist but face strong in conviction.
  67. “I want you to marry me.”
  68. >Time pauses.
  69. >The seconds tick by. You firm in resolve and her stuck in shock.
  70. >An incredible instant. Time never moving, until her hoof finally steps forward.
  71. >Her face still exhibits shock, but again, she moves closer.
  72. >And closer still. Only faster now.
  73. >Your arms decide on their own that now would be a good time to offer a greeting.
  74. >Proper choice as she goes into a full leap. Plowing into you with the full force of the Princess of the sun.
  75. >The kiss she offers damn near burns you alive.
  76. >Her wings wrap you in brilliant light, pulling you close into her tender grasp.
  77. >She pulls away for a split second. Staring longingly with moist eyes.
  78. “I'm counting on you, Anon...”
  79. >You say nothing.
  80. >You weren't going to let her down.
  81. >Never. Not anymore.
  83. Done

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