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[Celestia]Popcorn play by Anon

By kqaii
Created: 2022-07-31 13:59:23
Expiry: Never

  1. *original author is Anon*
  2. ---
  3. prompt:
  4. Sunhorse wanted to watch an opera with you.
  6. When you get there, she starts throwing popcorn from your booth down into the audience, stealing glances back at you and smiling while she does it. Do you join her? Try to stop her? Or just laugh?
  7. ---
  8. >You look down over the edge of the balcony, watching the kernels land amongst the unsuspecting ponies. A surprising number miss completely, and the few that hit don't get a reaction
  9. >One, however, gets stuck in a pony's mane. You retreat from the edge, giggling with Celestia.
  10. "You're gonna get in so much trouble!"
  11. >"Oh? And who's going to come for me? My sister?"
  12. >She throws a kernel at you before returning to her mischief
  13. >The actors don't notice; it's probably impossible to see what's happening with the stage lights on them
  14. >You go back to watching Celestia, hoping one of the ponies will look up.
  15. >Eventually, she scores a hit on one of their ears
  16. >The struck pony looks back and forth, then up in Celestia's direction
  17. >She ducks back into the booth, grinning like a 2-year-old, covering her mouth with a hoof, doing everything she can to suppress her laughter
  18. >If this place carries sound at all, though, someone's gonna hear
  19. "They totally saw you."
  20. >"Shush! A master such as myself would never get caught."
  21. "Uh huh."
  22. >You go back to the edge of the booth, making like you're watching the opera when in truth you're wondering if the pony is still looking for the popcorn culprit
  23. >While you search, you hear the chime of magic
  24. >Your shirt collar is pulled back and you feel several kernels of popcorn dumped down your back
  25. >Spinning around, you glare at Celestia, who's sitting neatly in her chair, chewing, watching the opera like nothing's going on
  26. >Fuckin' Celestia
  28. >Arming yourself with a salvo taken from the bag Celestia bought you earlier, you toss a handful at her.
  29. >Using her magic, she deflects every projectile and the fall to the floor, unfulfilled in their purpose.
  30. >"Come now, Anon. That's no way to act at a venue such as this. Sit down and try to be mature for once."
  31. >This, coming from the princess of pranks
  32. >An idea pops into your head
  33. >Grinning, you take your seat next to her
  34. >You bring out the front collar of your suit and dump a bunch of popcorn down it
  35. >You then empty the rest of the popcorn into your sleeves
  36. >All the while, Celestia is watching from the corner of her eye, body still facing the opera as if she's paying attention to it
  37. >You know she's hiding her reaction, so you start to embellish
  38. >Starting with your shoulders, you brush the crumbs off your suit, making sure you look pristine but for the popcorn bulging under your clothes
  39. >A loose kernel pops out of your collar
  40. >Acting as if you've been shamed, you lean over and pick it up, returning it to its place
  41. "How uncouth of me, dropping my popcorn like that!"
  42. >That was the last straw
  43. >Celestia lets out a mighty guffaw, spraying spit into her hoof as she tries, in vain, to hide her humor
  44. >Score one for Anon
  45. >While basking in your victory, however, Celestia removes one of her hoofboots, licks the tip of her hoof and shoves it into your ear, twisting it
  46. >You jerk your head away
  47. >Did she just give you a wet willy?
  48. >Your answer is only more giggles

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