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[Celestia]Wash and Lewd by Anon

By kqaii
Created: 2022-07-31 14:28:50
Expiry: Never

  1. *original author is Anon*
  2. ---
  3. prompt:
  4. >Celestia washes Anon with her body, lewd.
  5. >His belly is facing the floor, her belly is hugging his back.
  6. >She begins to scrub with some subtle grinding.
  7. >Anon is feeling hot and slightly uncomfortable, but Celestia eases him by conversing in a soft low voice.
  8. >Playful moments between the two, Anon is getting too excited.
  9. >Back is clean, but not his front.
  10. And that's where I'm debating if I should add the front cleaning since it will most likely lead to mating.
  11. ---
  12. >>18192175
  13. >Celestia steps back momentarily to admire at what is displayed in front of her without giving herself away.
  14. >"Those shorts..."
  15. "What? My boxers?"
  16. >"You don't need them, give them to me."
  17. "No way, this is the only piece of dignity I have left."
  18. >"But you don't need them and they will be in the way. Besides, I am naked all the time."
  19. >To further stregthen her point, she steps forward and allows her figure to lean along your waist.
  20. >"You see?" She slowly circles around you, completing one lap with her tail loosely coiling down your thigh.
  21. >"What's the matter when it applies to you?"
  22. "It's just a human thing."
  23. >"Then how will I be able to clean you down there, hm?" She innocently asks.
  24. >She's not serious, is she? No one is allowed down there, especially a mare like Celestia, she will unknowingly active the launch sequence.
  25. "Those parts are forbidden. Just let me have this, please."
  26. >Celestia slowly scans you over once, then twice before replying.
  27. >"Fair enough." She says, disappointed.
  28. >Thank god, that would have been embarrassing.
  29. >"Now then, please lay down so I can prepare the water and soap."
  30. >And you do.
  31. "Promise me you won't tell anyone of this?"
  32. >"I promise!"
  33. >A bucket settles next to your foot with the bottle of soap next to it.
  34. >Celestia brings a saturated sponge looming over before squeezing it, freeing the liquid.
  35. >Warm water rains from above and splashes against your shoulders.
  36. >The temperature sends tingles down your spine.
  37. >"I took the time to warm the water so it may be comfortable."
  38. >The water continues to rush across your back, breaking into thin streams and large beads.
  39. >"I have to say, you look much better when wet."
  41. >The sponge now sits on top and begins to move.
  42. >Celestia guides it by bare hoof as it gently circles, searching for hidden dry spots.
  43. >She takes a generous time in dabbing the sides of your body with each slow pad.
  44. >You're loving this, who knew being washed by a princess can be delightful.
  45. >The sponge grows dry and is replaced with the bottle of soap.
  46. >"You're soaked enough, I think it is time for the soap."
  47. >The cap clicks open and a generous amount of soap drizzles across your back, painting cold pink squiggles.
  48. >The cap shuts, and as your eyes.
  49. >Celestia lays next to you and brings a dainty hoof on top.
  50. >She flattens and spreads the soap around, converting it as a second skin.
  51. >Over, under, anywhere her hoof may reach.
  52. >For a being with no hands, she knows her way around lathering a body.
  53. >She tosses the bottle away and stands.
  54. >Looks like it's time for the sponge again.
  55. >A figure's shadow overcasts; a sense of warmth grows from above.
  56. "Celestia?"
  57. >The warmth kisses your wet skin and a large amount of weight sits from above.
  58. >Oh crap, something fell on top of you.
  59. >Quickly, your head swivels to meet the princess comfortably settled on you, blushing fiercely.
  60. >This is very baffling.
  61. >"I, I've forgotten the scrubber and I thought my coat can be the perfect substitute."
  62. >You just continue to look at her, dumbfounded.
  63. >"This may feel awkward for the two of us, but I promise it is not so bad."
  64. >You fidget.
  65. >"Anonymous, please, hold still. I will do the best I can to make this pleasurable."
  67. "Yeah I don't know about this. Something can go wrong like you slipping off, allergic reaction, unintentional side effects."
  68. >Anxiety is kicking. You gulp nervously.
  69. >Celestia brings a hoof to your mouth.
  70. >"Shh, relax. Just tell me if I'm hurting you." She says softly.
  71. >She hooks her forelegs to your shoulders, she parts and plants her hindlegs and begins to scrub your body.
  72. >The fur on her belly scrapes the skin, producing foamy bubbles.
  73. >The energy from her gentle rocking transfers through you, leading you to follow her pattern unwillingly.
  74. >She nips your ear, and you jump.
  75. >"I'm so sorry Anonymous, but I couldn't help myself. Just a reminder to not worry." She giggles.
  76. >After her playful little bite you give a pinch to her leg.
  77. >"Hey now! That stings!"
  78. >A smirk spreads across your face, another pinch was delivered.
  79. >"Anonymous please! What has fotten into you?"
  80. "You bit me."
  81. >"It was a little nip, I did not even use lethal force."
  82. >You sigh.
  83. >"It's not good when one takes everything rotten to heart."
  84. "I guess."
  85. >"Lighten up for me." She sets her head on top of yours.
  86. >Her pace picks up and her chest pounds lightly against the back of your neck.
  87. >"I, I, ha-thought we may pass the time by talking, what do you say to this?" She whispers.
  88. >Whatever helps you and her.
  89. "That's... fine.
  90. >She's sounding a little weird.
  91. >"Splendid. Let me finish here first."
  92. >Her pace starts up once again.
  93. >The increase in speed turns the gentle rocking from before to a light shaking.
  94. >Her breath labors and huffs as tiny moans escape.
  95. >The heat from her coat and friction open the pores on her body, allowing her sweat to drip.
  96. >"Yeaaah, I'm almoOost finished..."
  97. >Her waist is strictly pinned against your bottom, bringing up a pudge of fat with each move.
  98. >What? What the hell is she doing?!
  99. "Hey, what's going on back there?"
  100. >It feels like she's humping you.
  101. >"H-hold still..."
  103. >"Ah, Ah... Yesss, Yes!"
  104. >One last long and large push from the mare on top.
  105. >Her neck swoons up as her legs stretch as far as they can.
  106. >Celestia's body goes stiff until your voice brings her back.
  107. "Were you, were you just rutting me?"
  108. >You can't see it, but Celestia blushed from your assumption.
  109. >"Nonsense! I was only getting the last bit of dirt off you. My excitement was from finally ridding it on this side."
  110. >This side?
  111. >"Oh? You thought it was over? How can I allow you to be clean on one side and leave the other unattended?"
  112. "So that means..."
  113. >"I need for you to turn around, Anonymous."
  114. >But that means you'll be face to face with her, and it'll get weird.
  115. >"Turn to face me, Anonymous. The quicker you comply, the faster we can finish."
  116. >She raises herself, allowing room for you to flip over.
  117. >You flip over to see her standing above you, a smile shining from her.
  118. >"Are you ready?"
  119. >You nod.
  120. >"Good." Celestia slowly descends.
  121. >From this point of view, she looks like your personal angel coming down from heaven.
  122. >The closer she got, the hotter you feel, so you turn away.
  123. >She's now settled once again on top, this time your front side is connected to hers.
  124. >"Is everything well?" She says curiously.
  125. "Yes."
  126. >Liar.
  127. >Your vision is still averted.
  128. >"I will get started then."
  129. >Her gentle sways bring you to follow her as before.
  130. >Her breast slides along your pecs and nipples.
  131. >The fur on her belly tickle the sensitive surface of yours; you can't help but show a grin.
  132. >Celestia takes notice.
  133. >"Are you enjoying this?" She continues scrubbing.
  134. >Don't deny it, it's wonderful.
  135. "A little."
  136. >Your answer prompted her to mine as much joy out of you as possible, so her tail swishing around your legs, tickling them.
  137. >"How do you feel now?"
  138. >You stay silent with a hint of a smile.
  139. >"Nothing? Okay then." She pauses for a moment and slides herself down, stopping the crevice of her rump on your groin area.
  140. >She's not suppose to be there!
  142. >But her intention was to tickle the soles of your feet. Too late, something else tickling.
  143. >Not only are you laughing, but you're growing.
  144. >"How about now?" She teases.
  145. "Pff-PFft N-no!"
  146. >Her bottom wiggles, furthering encouraging your excitement.
  147. "Okay, OKAY! You win!"
  148. >That got her to quit what she was doing, but you're erected now.
  149. >Wonder if she feels it? Becasue you can definitely feel her.
  150. >Especially with her rocking you from atop.
  151. >"I thought so, but it's alright if you are enjoying this, I am too." She smiles.
  152. >Oh, she doesn't even know the half of it.
  153. >Celestia brings herself up again, closer to the point where breast is lightly tapping your chin.
  154. >She maintains her eye contact with you, her purple pools are inviting you to her world.
  155. >"Anonymous, if it's not too intrusive, what do you look in for a gal?"
  156. >Really? Asking this question at this time?
  157. >But those eyes speak so softly, half closed to illicit the meaning of understanding, might as well.
  158. "Like every guy wants, a kind, loving, gorgeous mare."
  159. >"Mares?" A large grin displays on her.
  160. >Oh crap, that slipped.
  161. >"When was this change? Because if I recall, your exact words were I'm not into horses."
  162. "I don't know, I looked on the brighter side."
  163. >"That's wonderful to hear Anonymous!" She cheered.
  164. >"And who is this mare?" Her curiosity brings her closer to you.
  165. >You turn away again with eyes shut tight.
  166. >Rude, yes, but you're feeling wild right now, calm down.
  167. >"Anonymous." She's much closer, her nostrils venting hot damp breath on your cheek.
  168. >She's not helping.
  169. >"You can tell me, I won't tell a soul, promise."
  170. >You take a peek and see Celestia patiently expecting your answer.
  171. >Her smile never faded, in fact it may have grown.
  172. >"Who is it, hm?" She squeaks.
  174. "You're implying that I have a certain someone of interest right now."
  175. >"Do you?"
  176. "I don't think so."
  177. >The washing slows to a steady pattern, but her weight was still large enough to push and slide you against the floor with her.
  178. >Her head lowers, and her eyes dim.
  179. >"I know you're lying, Anonymous. You're shy, are you?"
  180. >What is she trying get from you? So what if you are shy? Even if it's a little, it's her fault.
  181. "As of right now, yes, but the reason for it is you."
  182. >"Me?" She titters. "What exactly about me is making you feel like this?" Her lashes bat before dimming even lower.
  183. >There it is. You're now positive that she's aware of what's going on.
  184. >Who are you even kidding? She most likely planned all of this.
  185. "Are you done yet? It feels like this is the end."
  186. >"Done? No. I can feel the heat in you is radiating out of control, that heart of yours is pumping away."
  187. >Damn right.
  188. >"What I'm going to do now is to help rid of your anxiety."
  189. >As if.
  190. >"And for me to extinguish that fire, I'm going to have to uncover your boxers." The smile appears again.
  191. >NO, you just said you were keeping them on!
  192. "For what purpose? I said I can clean myself down there."
  193. >"Yes, but it sounds like you hate being naked, you speak of it as the greatest sin for humanity."
  194. "Well it is in my book when around women."
  195. >"I am not this women that you speak of, I am a full grown mare."
  196. "It's the same thing but different names."
  197. >You're wiggling under her wet soapy belly, but she has added extra weight in order for you to not struggle violently.
  198. >"You're a wild one. I know what I am doing Anonymous, trust me." She gives a smooch to the dimple on your cheek.
  199. >And that's the last straw that broke the camel's back.
  200. >You're full blown erected now.
  201. >When she finds out about it, you're going to need a release from her, either instigated by you or her.
  203. >Celestia slithers down once again and brings her haunches above your thighs.
  204. >"These are coming off." She loosens the boxer's grip and guides them down your legs, away from your waist.
  205. >Hello little one, long time no see.
  206. >"There! Now I can... Anonymous, are you actually erected?"
  207. >But of course, and it's all thanks to you.
  208. >You give a nod.
  209. >"That's... That's very fine." An interesting grin overtakes her features.
  210. >"It's natural for a male to feel like this when in presence of a female, I do not blame you."
  211. >She's taking this better than you expected.
  212. >Celestia pulls herself up once again to you; the drenched fur strokes the tip of the head.
  213. >Her rear is closer to your groin, and her tail shrouds your rod under the colors.
  214. >The warmth from down there intensifies with the help of another organ's texture.
  215. >"Anonymous, how are you feeling now?" She sits up, her rear thinly hugging the edge of your member.
  216. >Way worse than before. You're so hot right now, you've begin to sweat.
  217. >You shake your head in disagreement.
  218. >"Oh? Poor thing, look how heated you are." She coos.
  219. >Her tail sweeps from side to side, brushing your shaft profusely.
  220. >Celestia freezes her motions and lays her neck and head; Her muzzle dabs your chin with warm horsey dew.
  221. >"I know a certain mare that caught your eye, and I know who she is."
  222. >A cute little smile graces over her.
  223. >"It's me, isn't it?"
  224. >She built you up to feel like this for her, and it worked.
  225. >One of Celestia's hoof dances circles around your nipple.
  226. >"I knew all along from the beginning."
  227. >Your arms reach around to get a handful of her flank. A small squeeze was given.
  228. >"Oh! And it looks like this is your response to my little plan." Another wiggle of her rump caused your member to pulsate.
  229. >"Let me cool you down." A mischievous smirk manifests.
  231. >The lower half of Celestia lifts. She moves a few inches back, then carefully descends with her slit engulfing your dick.
  232. "GAH! Aaaaah~"
  233. >The muscles from Celestia immediately closed in tightly as soon as they received you.
  234. >"Yessss! I knew you would love it!" Her head jolts up and she bellows in pleasure.
  235. >She's sits up once again.
  236. >Her forelegs are planted on your chest and the hindlegs are digging into your sides with your palms still plastered over her flank.
  237. >Her vaginal walls continue to squeeze mercilessly around you.
  238. >Releasing you will only give you a second for your blood to breathe before she clamps down again.
  239. >And as she clamps down, your fingers involuntarily knead the fat in her rear.
  240. >"Mmmm, oh how I love the way your strength surfaces as soon as I provide mine! It's as if you were under my command." Her tongue swirls out once.
  241. >Your hips begin to buck, but stopped when Celestia shifted all her weight down there.
  242. >"Let me lead you like I have done before when I made you follow my wave during the wash." She groans.
  243. >She drops back down, chest to chest with her head held high and her hooves hooked to your shoulders.
  244. >Your penis curved slightly when her vagina angled lower, the carnal bondage never broke.
  245. >Celestia's tail dock is raised, creating a colorful barrier around yours and her organ.
  246. >She shines from above with the sweetest smile. Her eyes twinkle and fan, irises never veering from your field of vision.
  247. >When she began to rock, her ears lazily pinned back and her wings timidly unfurl.
  248. >"Anon." She whispered. "Still your eyes to mine, I want to see you all the time."
  250. >Celestia dips her mouth to yours and darts her thick long muscle inside.
  251. >She viciously swirls and twirls around yours and slams your cheeks and teeth with it.
  252. >You bring one arm to a wing and begin to preen around the air between her feathers.
  253. >"Mmphm. Mmm~" Her voracious moans echoes down your throat.
  254. >Your fingers glide to the source where her feathers were born: The nub.
  255. >A shiver passes through Celestia's body when the nub is gently rubbed.
  256. >Her lips smack; they lose their hold on you, allowing her to speak.
  257. >"Yesss, keep going!" She dumps more hot breath to you. "I love when attention is given to my wings."
  258. >And you do. Loving circles were given to it.
  259. >The sensation leaves Celestia's lips quivering against your bottom lip.
  260. >"Aaah, ahhaa, AHh-f-faster." She's melting over you.
  261. >A big rut was given from her to you. You moan under the wonderful flower's power.
  262. >"Go on, go on!" Her rutting increases and so does your blood.
  263. >Her wings grow stiff, her quivering turn into little tender nibbles.
  264. >The wet poundings from below send you jotting up and down along with her.
  265. >She drops in for the lip lock again.
  266. >This one has become ferocious; Her head is bobbing with you trailing close by.
  267. >Celestia's carnivorous flower is clamping at a faster rate.
  268. >Her fleshy walls ooze with her juices and glaze over your dick.
  269. >You're about to explode.
  270. >She shoots up and focused all of her energy down below.
  271. >"AHH!" One strong rut and a grunt made you slide.
  272. >"AHHH, AH!" The second rut made you share a heavy moan with her.
  273. >"AaHha! OOoo." The last big push from her sent her into climax.
  274. >A waterfall of fluids rained, soaking your thighs in her honey.
  275. >You're almost there too, and she helped by crushing you with the most powerful clamp you have ever felt.
  276. >You bucked up and held the momentum as high as possible, raising the angel with her wings spanning wide.
  277. >Celestia's tongue hangs to the side with closed eyes.
  278. >She stays on top for a minute before collapsing.
  280. >Celestia musters up the last ounce of energy she had left to give a long heartfelt smooch.
  281. >She didn't allow you to catch your breath, and she's the one who is panting for her dear life.
  282. >Poor girl probably needs some water.
  283. >"Are you... are you feeling better?"
  284. "Much better than you are right now."
  285. >You're going flaccid, but you're still connected to her.
  286. >Her orgasm splashed on your thighs grow dry.
  287. >She notices this and speaks.
  288. >"And I have just washed you." She groans.
  289. "You can wash me again, if you want to."
  290. >She's wearing a goofy grin.
  291. >"Give me a couple of minutes and I will gladly start up again." She winks.

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