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[Celestia]BDSM by Anonymous

By kqaii
Created: 2022-07-31 14:42:11
Expiry: Never

  1. *Original author is Anon*
  2. ---
  3. >Heavy knockings on your chamber door pull your attention away from the parchments and the tiny wooden figures atop your desk.
  4. >You had been surveying the map since retiring from court, hoping to spot something you'd missed.
  5. >But you knew you wouldn't find anything.
  6. >All options were exhausted, except this one. You were sure.
  7. >Another set of knocks sound.
  8. >You adapt your royal guise, a hard face with cold eyes -- just like your mother had thought you all those years ago -- betraying no emotion.
  9. "Bring him in," you call.
  10. >The door swings open, and a contingent of the Royal Guard step inside.
  11. >Between the soldiers, he stands, hands tied behind his back.
  12. >His hair is grimy and unkempt, and his garb, faded and torn, loosely reminds of the clothes he wore when you first saw him.
  13. >He carries a smell with him, that of a murky forest floor.
  14. >His tiny, harsh eyes were fixed on you since the moment the door swung open.
  15. >Looking into his eyes, the images flash before your mind again.
  16. >The memories from his old world, his memories.
  17. >Your stomach churns.
  18. >The guards come to a halt infront of you, saluting their princess.
  19. "Untie him."
  20. >One of the armour-clad unicorns' horn lights up with magic, and the rope drops from the beast's hands.
  21. "Leave us."
  22. >Without a word, the guards take a quick bow and file out of your chamber.
  23. >It's just you and him now.
  24. >"Fancy meeting you here, Celestia," he says in a mock surprised tone, as he rubs his newly freed wrists.
  25. "Hello again... Human," you reply flatly.
  26. >"I do have a name you know."
  27. >Beasts are not worthy of names.
  28. "Pardon, Anon, wasn't it?"
  29. >"Oh, so you do remember? Why, I'm flattered."
  30. >He briefly casts his gaze around, taking in the room.
  31. >"You know, when my dinner was interrupted by half an army of pegasi," he says as he begins to casually wander the room, examining its decor up-close. "This isn't really what I was expecting."
  33. >He passes a bookcase, stopping to run his monkey fingers over some of the titles.
  34. >"When they put that bag over my head, I thought surely I was headed for some moldy, castle dungeon," he looks over to you as he speaks, a grin growing on his face, "Not a princess' bedroom.
  35. >Now that I'm here, I'm not sure if I should be worried or excited," he finishes, shooting you a sultry look.
  36. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Human."
  37. >"Back to Human already, is it?"
  38. "You're here because I require your assistance," you continue, ignoring him.
  39. >"My help, eh? Let me guess...
  40. >Estrus?"
  41. >You snort at him
  42. "Don't be ridiculous."
  43. >"Oh come on now, Princess, it's nothing to be embarrassed about," he says with a toothy grin. "We're both mammals, after all."
  44. "Quiet, Human, before you say something we'll both regret," you command. "Just listen."
  45. >His eyes narrow and his smile evaporates.
  46. >"You don't scare me, Princess," he says, as he strolls over to your couch.
  47. >"If you wanted me dead, I wouldn't find myself in your bedroom right now, would I?"
  48. >He takes a seat, his dirty clothes staining the satin cushions as he lazily leans back.
  49. >"But by all means, do go on, give your little speach," he says, making a gesture with one of his hands.
  50. >You repress a sudden burst of emotion.
  51. >Such an insolent creature.
  52. "I am not aware how much you know of Equestrian politics," you begin, keeping your tone calm and under wraps. "But a recent, minor dispute with the griffon Thane of the north, has now blown up into threats of war."
  53. "I will spare you the details, but as it stands now, Equestria wouldn't stand a chance against an invasion. That's where you come in."
  54. >"So you want me to fight for you?" He interrupts, followed by a chuckle. "After you banished me?"
  55. "No, not quite."
  56. >"Well, what then?"
  57. "I need you to explain the design of the weaponry you were carrying upon entering my realm. Your 'revolver', as you called it."
  59. "Although grisly, reproducing such a weapon would be our only hope to defend ourselves against the griffons."
  60. >The human watches you with an unreadable face.
  61. "Without your aid, replicating the weaponry would take far too long. Without you, we will be forced to surrender, and my little ponies will become subjects of death and slavery."
  62. >You take a deep breath.
  63. "You must help us. There is nopony else."
  64. >He smile broadly.
  65. >Your heart sinks.
  66. >"Well, if that's all you need, I'm sure we can make a deal... So long as my reward is substantial enough."
  67. "Your reward? Isn't it reward enough to preserve harmony and save the lives of all my little ponies?" You ask, even though you already know the answer.
  68. >His coarse chuckle reverberates through your chamber.
  69. >"Oh Princess, I thought you knew me better than that.
  70. >I mean heck, after the way you violated my mind with your freaky horse magics, you should know me better than anyone."
  71. "Yes, I banished you, did I not?" You reply flatly.
  72. >He offers a soft chuckle as he begins to rise from his seat.
  73. >"Then I assume you already know what my price will be?" He asks as he moves to his feet once more.
  74. "Yes," you say in a voice far weaker than you would have liked.
  75. >You know exacly what he wants. You knew before you even sent your guards out to fetch him. You knew, and that is why this was your last resort.
  76. >The human slowly and casually steps closer towards you.
  77. >He is little more than a beast, and he will take you like a beast would.
  78. >You focus your mind to remain stalwart in your appearance.
  79. >He stops before you, his height rising above yours ever so slightly.
  80. >The effluvial stink of his grimy exterior reaches you, penetrating the sanctity of your nostrils.
  81. >You resist the inclination to wrinkle your snout in contempt.
  82. >He raises his right arm, bringing his hand to the side of your face.
  83. >The smooth skin of his palm slides softly over the coat of your cheek, sending a shiver down your back.
  84. >"So, do we have a deal then?"
  86. >Staring into his hungry eyes, you swallow back any inhibitions that still linger within you.
  87. >"Yes," you answer. "Under the promise that you save my little ponies, you are free to do what you must. You are free to... Use me."
  88. >His cracked lips spread into a wicked grin.
  89. >Your chin is raised by his hand as he lowers his head towards you.
  90. >"Then it will be my pleasure," he whispers as he lines his mouth up to yours, "To save your kingdom."
  91. >Closing your eyes, you feel his dry lips press against your own and his tongue invade your mouth.
  92. >You do nothing to stop him.
  93. >This is his price, and you are willing to pay it.
  94. >He trashes about in your mouth as a second hand graces the side of your face, soon moving up into your mane, losing itself amongs the strands.
  95. >His tongue wrestles and pushes yours around, exploring and savouring every inch of your mouth.
  96. >You can almost taste the meat still on his breath. Repulsive.
  97. >He breaks from your mouth for breath, strands of saliva still joining the two of you together as he greedily gulps down air
  98. >"A man could be driven mad by the taste of you," he blurts between breaths
  99. >Planting a kiss on your lips, he raises himself away from you
  100. >"Let's see if the rest of you tastes as good, shall we?"
  101. >You struggle slightly to remain calm as he moves over to your backside, sliding a hand along the top of your form as he does
  102. >His hand stops at your flank, a second set of digits joining in on the other side of your behind
  103. >You feel him rub your rump, his fingers sliding over your cutiemark
  104. >His hands squeezing the fat of your rear, you hear his breath grow heavier
  105. >The sharp sound of a slap reverberates inside the chamber as he strikes your flank with the palm of his hand
  106. >The sting of your coat grows sharper as he slaps your hindquarters again and again, the flesh jiggling slightly at each hit
  107. "You really are a beautiful creature," you hear him mumble
  109. >With one hand still rubbing circles across your cutiemark, you feel him lift your tail, revealing your most private parts, as he drops to his knees.
  110. >You gasp at the touch of his fingers down there, stroking the sensitive area around your entrance.
  111. >"I've hardly even touched you yet, and you're already quivering like a filly?" He sneers at you.
  112. >You curse yourself. You have to keep your body under control, lest to give him the satisfaction of breaking you.
  113. >"Let's see how you like this then?"
  114. >Your folds are forced apart as his fingers enter your.
  115. >A shiver flows through your entire being and another gasp escapes your throat as you feel him probe around your insides.
  116. >The feeling of his fingers inside you -- stroking against your walls, shifting and bending in different directions -- was unlike anything you'd ever felt before.
  117. >You bite down on your bottom lip, struggling to keep your breathing calm.
  118. >Your legs grow weaker as the unslaught carries on and he dwells deeper into you.
  119. >His digits continue to explore you as you press your eyes shut, attempting to project your thoughts elsewhere.
  120. >"So moist," he exlaims before finally removing his fingers from you and bringing them to his mouth. "If I didn't know any better, I'd almost think you were enjoying yourself."
  121. >Something pokes at your entrance again as he enters you once more, this time with his tongue.
  122. >Warm and fleshy, it laps at your insides with great fervor while his hands return to your flank once more, grabbing and rubbing.
  123. >He speaks up again as his tongue leaves you.
  124. >"You taste even sweeter from this end," he muses.
  125. >You remain silent, not wanting to egg him on any further.
  126. >"But now for the main course," he continues as he rises to his full height.
  127. >Firmly gripping the sides of your behind, he pulls you towards him, pressing his crotch against your rear.
  128. >You feel his warm stiffness through the cloth his trousers, pulsating against your coat as he grinds himself against you.
  130. >"Oh, how rude of me, I almost forgot," he says suddenly. "I've tasted you, so it's only fair I should let you taste me.
  131. Turn around, and let me sate your hunger, Princess."
  132. >Steeling yourself, you abide his command and turn to face him.
  133. >He wastes no more time, unceremoniously dropping his trousers to the floor, presenting his hardened self.
  134. >Pushing your head down, he rubs himself against the side of your face whilst leering down at you.
  135. >"Bon appétit, Princess."
  136. >Wihtout further hesitation you take him into your mouth.
  137. >You wrap your lips around him and begin to move your head back and forth.
  138. >You swirl your tongue around his head, as you bob your head with more speed.
  139. >"Oh my, someone's hungry, aren't we?"
  140. >You block his words out as you continue your work, hoping to finish this as quickly as possible.
  141. >Releasing him from your mouth, you use your tongue to coat his entirety in saliva before gulping down on his stiffness again.
  142. >Moving up and down, your tongue working the tip of him, it is not long before you are stopped as he pushes you away.
  143. >"I can't take much more of that right now, you're really good," He says with a grin as he raises your head, bringing your lips to his.
  144. >"But don't worry," he continues after a quick taste of your tongue. "You'll have a lot more time to taste me later on.
  145. >But now, turn around again and show me that sweet flank of yours."
  146. >You comply, turning around and presenting yourself to him.
  147. >With your face hidden from his view, you don't even attempt to stop the blushing of your cheeks at your actions.
  148. >Giving yourself to this beast... You feel so dirty, yet your body feels... Good.
  149. >Get ahold of yourself, Celestia. You have to stay strong.
  150. >He pushes your tail aside and you soon feel his stiffness line up against your entrance.
  151. >"Practically dripping..." He mumbles. "Did you just make up that whole story about the war? Such a naughty princess."
  153. >You don't answer him. Your body might betray you, but your mind will not give in to the likes of him.
  154. >A sharp exhale escapes your mouth as he pushes into you without further warning
  155. >He moves slowly at first, receding a bit before pushing back in.
  156. >Your breath gets caught in your throat at each hilt.
  157. >Soon he picks up the pace as a rhythm is established.
  158. >"So tight, so wet" he murmurs between heavy breathes.
  159. >He rubs, kneads, squeezes and spanks your flank as he thrusts quicker and quicker.
  160. >You find your legs trembling at your weight as he continues to bear into you.
  161. >His size is less than the average stallion, but his resilience is monumental in comparison.
  162. >Your forehooves falter underneath you, and you drop forward, raising your rear higher, pressing yourself harder against him.
  163. >He offers no leniency at your crumbling, instead only picking up in speed as his lower abdomen repeatedly slams against your rear, ever harder.
  164. >Moans of pleasure escape your mouth as your face presses into the velvet carpet.
  165. >You feel yourself drifting away, losing control.
  166. >You must hold out. You mustn't give him the satisfaction.
  167. >You try to fight it, you do your best to regain control, but you just can't hold back the moaning.
  168. >It feels so good. It's been so long since you last felt this way, you can't...
  169. >Your mind goes blanks and your whole body shudders and shakes with pleasure.
  170. >Your muscles flex and contract, and you feel your insides pressing down around his member, locking him inside of you.
  171. >Overpowered by your other senses, you can barely make out his grunts as he hilts deeper into you, his hands clamping down on your flank in a death-grip.
  172. >Your body is still threshing and writhing in ecstasy as you feel him explode inside you.
  173. >A guttural roar of pleasure echoing from his mouth mixes with your own cries of joy as you culminate together.
  174. >You feel him throb and pulsate as he pumps his fluids into you, filling you to the brim.
  176. >Your legs finally give out completely and you collapse on the floor, his member sliding out of you as you fall.
  177. >Panting, he drops to his knees behind you.
  178. >You feel his seed slowly begin to pour from you.
  179. >The room rests in silence for a spell as the both of you, worn and sweaty, attempt to catch your breaths.
  180. "You know, I'm really going to enjoy saving your little ponies," he slurs before standing up. "Now get up and go clean yourself."
  181. >Not yet ready to test the strength of your hooves, you remain on the floor and crane your neck to look at him.
  182. >He's sporting a broad grin and his eyes contain a certain frightening twinkle as he stares down at your ravaged form.
  183. >"I'm going to grab something to eat, then I want you to show me to your sister's bedchamber."
  184. >Your gaze falters.
  185. [Spoiler]
  186. "Anonymous dear, that's a bit too far," you say, breaking character.
  187. >"W-What? Really?" He stammers, his guise adopting a meek quality. "I thought you wanted more realism?"
  188. "Oh I do, but..." You voice trails off with uncertainty. "Involving my sister in our role-playing just feels... Uncomfortable."
  189. >He sits down next to you, placing a comforting hand on the base of your neck.
  190. >"Okay, no direct mention of family or friends," he says as he soothingly pets you back. "I think I can remember that for next time."
  191. >You rest your head against his lap as a smile spreads across your face.
  192. "Your dialogue could also use some work. 'Bon appétit, Princess', really?"
  193. >He gives a nervous nervous.
  194. >"Well, improvising isn't easy when you're faced with such a beautiful distraction."
  195. >You titter softly at his flattery.
  196. "I love you, Anonymous."
  197. >"Y-you too, Celestia."
  198. [/Spoiler]
  200. end

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