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Rape Shelter: 21st

By RapeShelter
Created: 2022-08-06 07:26:33
Updated: 2022-08-06 12:24:59
Expiry: Never

  1. >21st.
  2. >Yesterday was fairly eventful, but mostly par for the course.
  3. >Only if you exclude the odd rainbow trail here and there, and Fluttershy scaring you half to death.
  4. >One boundary you're trying not to cross is becoming too dependent on the castle.
  5. >Especially after what happened the last time the Tree of Harmony worked its magic.
  6. >You don't understand the ins and outs right now, but you've recognized a few patterns.
  7. >Every so often, Mr. Rainbow, your little buddy, shows up and goes to Twilight's castle.
  8. >It happened for the third time last night, just before you dozed off in bed.
  9. >Ignoring it may have been a bad choice, but you were drop dead tired.
  10. >Fluttershy doesn't seem to be able to enter the castle at all.
  11. >And the main thing you're afraid to find out, is WHY she entered that crazy state.
  12. >A slap to the face from Rainbow was enough to wake her up.
  13. >But what got her into it in the first place?
  14. >Is it merely because she got cockblocked, and couldn't follow you around as easily?
  15. >That would have lead to a massive build-up of sexual frustration.
  16. >It wasn't too dissimilar from how a mare would act in heat.
  17. >You've had the (mis)fortune of witnessing it in action before, but this was different.
  18. >They would've been much more responsive, and they wouldn't be displaying rabies symptoms either.
  19. >And they CERTAINLY wouldn't have hulked out like Fluttershy did.
  20. >Not to mention the week-long crime of passion she had apparently committed against Ponka Pay.
  21. >Was she that downbad that she had to rape her best friend just because she couldn't reach you?
  22. >Down Horrendous is more accurate, honestly.
  23. >Down Catastrophic, if you will.
  24. >After lunch yesterday, Twilight approached you to discuss what the next steps going forward would be.
  25. >Telling the rest of the group they need to assemble to stop a Super Rapist(TM) sounded wrong.
  26. >The Super Rapist(TM) being one of them, no less.
  27. >Necessary, maybe?
  28. >Sure, but who really knows?
  29. >After experiencing unparalleled fear, the alternative doesn't sound so bad.
  30. >Animal Hoers in her default state wasn't that hard to handle.
  31. >Provided she didn't up the ante like she did in Everfree Forest.
  32. >You and Grand Autismo decided to simply monitor Fluttershy's next moves.
  33. >That, and Applejack decided today would be a great day for Bomb-Ass Cider(TM).
  34. >You didn't turn her down, but when you mentioned wanting to drink more with her, you didn't think it'd be so soon again.
  35. >When you said soon, you didn't mean THAT soon.
  36. >Besides, getting destroyed isn't really the smartest thing to do when Rape Horse might freak out at any time.
  38. >At this point, you're making yourself paranoid thinking about it.
  39. >After the stunt you pulled running past her earlier, you might just be crazy.
  40. >That would explain why you're even thinking of stepping outside without bodyguards.
  41. >Tossing your fears aside, you throw your bed covers off of you.
  42. >Daily routine time.
  43. >Shit.
  44. >Shower.
  45. >And most definitely shave, because you've been putting it off.
  46. >You almost forgot to cross off yesterday on your calender, too.
  47. >Today is the 21st.
  48. >Opening your fridge to peruse your "mainly" horse-friendly foods, you cracked open a few eggs in a bowl.
  49. >After whipping up a few pancakes as well, you had a certified Breakfast(TM).
  50. >You've got to figure out what Taco Del Pone used for their meat-substitute.
  51. >That would really enhance this meal and bring more flavor out.
  52. >Once you had your fill, you yeeted your dishes into the sink like a lazy person.
  53. >Today, you had a few stops in mind.
  54. >Your drinking "date" with AJ was first up, and you couldn't forget about lunch with Rainbow.
  55. >She'd probably kill you if you did.
  56. >But before you have lunch with Dash, you told Pinkie you'd check on her yesterday.
  57. >Dropping by the boutique before or afterwards to see Rarity might not be a bad idea, too.
  58. >You haven't spoken to Rara since she made you your clothes two weeks ago.
  59. >That's no way to treat a good friend, so you've gotta' do a better job of checking on everypony.
  60. >Even the mares outside of Twilight's little friend group.
  61. >And maybe even that "Starlight" mare Twilight told you about.
  62. >Twilight seems to think the two of you would get along.
  63. >Despite the whole trying to end the world thing that she also informed you about.
  64. >You assume that she's had all or most of her kinks ironed out by now.
  65. >Apparently she's been studying at the Crystal Empire for a little over two months now.
  66. >Internet withdrawal has been hitting you pretty hard, but making new friends has been helping.
  67. >Gotta' keep yourself busy somehow.
  68. >But sometimes, you feel as though you rely on relationships for your happiness TOO much.
  69. >You stepped out into the streets of Ponyville, your door automatically locking behind you.
  70. >Today was going to be a good day.
  71. >Yep, absolutely.
  72. >Nothing would go wrong.
  73. >Nothing at all.
  74. >On your way to Sweet Apple Acres, something snagged your leg, and you thought it was a loose nail or something.
  75. >When you turned around, you saw Ponyville's local finger fetishist, holding your leg with magical hands.
  76. >And, of course, she had to be a unicorn.
  78. "Hey, Lyra."
  79. >"Where ya' goin, Anon?"
  80. >Sometimes, you wish you had magic of your own.
  81. >But so far, the only magical thing about you is the ability to get fucked.
  82. >Literally and figuratively.
  83. "Just going to hang out with AJ, nothing much other than that.
  84. >"You and her are always drinking together, why don't you ever go drinking with me, huh?"
  85. "No offense, but I feel like Applejack wouldn't try to stick a magical finger in my ass while I'm drunk."
  86. >"Okay, I did that ONE time, and you still haven't forgotten about it?"
  87. "Lyra, you don't just forget about something like that."
  88. >She started giggling at you, of course.
  89. >Is there a single horse in this world that takes your feelings seriously without laughing at you?
  90. >You swear Celestia herself would laugh in your face if you told her about this Fluttershy situation.
  91. >"Don't give me that angry look, Anon. You know I love messing with you."
  92. "Yeah, yeah, yeah..."
  93. >"Now let me see those fingers..."
  94. >There you go.
  95. >Things were going to get weird eventually.
  96. "I know better than to put my digits anywhere near you at this point.."
  97. >"I-I'm just curious is all? What's so wrong with that?"
  98. "Uh-huh. You've been curious about them ever since you first saw me, and I don't think you'll ever stop."
  99. >"Well, maybe, I wouldn't be so curious if you just let me have my way already!"
  100. "In your dreams, Heartstrings."
  101. >"Oh...don't worry...I've had more dreams than I can count..."
  102. >You couldn't help but facepalm after hearing that.
  103. >What are you going to do with these horses?
  104. >Maybe if you were a different man, you'd have fingered her twenty different ways by now.
  105. >But you've got enough self-control to-
  106. >Lyra rubbing her face against your fingers while you weren't looking shook you out of your thoughts.
  107. "C-Could you not?"
  108. >"What? Is it illegal to touch my favorite human?"
  109. "I'm the ONLY human, Lyra."
  110. >"You won't be after I'm done with you."
  111. "...Huh?"
  112. >You gaped at the mint-colored talking horse, not knowing how to respond to that.
  114. >Shaking your head, you tried not to think too hard about it.
  115. "...Listen, AJ is probably expecting me right about now, so if you want to come with, you can."
  116. >"Awww, I'd love to take you up on that offer, but Bon Bon and I got something planned."
  117. "What a shame. Maybe we can try some other time?"
  118. >"I'll hold you to that, Anon. You better not try and dodge me next time I see you."
  119. "You're a pony, not a weapon of mass destruction. I have no reason to run from you, little horsey."
  120. >"I don't know, you've been pretty avoidant this past week..."
  121. >Looking towards the ground, you realize she's not entirely wrong.
  122. "...There's...a lot going on. That's all I'll say. But it's nothing serious."
  123. >It's extremely serious, but you do NOT want Lyra to hear about human-on-pony action.
  124. >You might have another Fluttershy on your hands if she did.
  125. >"Alright, just know that Lyra is here whenever you need her!"
  126. >"My little human."
  127. >Cringe.
  128. "Bye."
  129. >"Anon? Was it something I said?"
  130. "I'll see you later, Lyra."
  131. >You shoved your hands into your Human Hoodie(TM), created by none other than Rarara herself, and left.
  132. >Not to be mean, but you've got places to be, and so does she apparently.
  133. >She'll forget every last one of her commitments if it meant she could tease you for just a bit longer.
  134. >After a bit of walking, you arrived at the first stop of the day.
  135. >Apple World(TM).
  136. >Or as Twilight aptly put it, Incest Acres.
  137. >But she'd never say that in front of AJ, or to anypony else but you.
  138. >Heavens no.
  139. >Even you wouldn't want to be around for the aftermath of that.
  140. >Before long, you spotted Cowboy Ranchpants across the field, pulling a tractor with her clit.
  141. >Not really, but that'd be the most hilarious shit you've ever seen.
  142. >In reality, she was bucking trees, knocking apples loose into buckets placed below.
  143. >It's a no brainer, but her legs must be stronk as fuck.
  144. >Her entire everything too, honestly.
  145. >Being the lazy, living off of Celestia's "Friendship Fund", human that you are, you respect it.
  146. >Nopony around here works quite as hard as Applejack does.
  147. >A literal tradwife.
  149. "Yo'."
  150. >You announced your presence, waving at her as you closed the distance.
  151. >AJ paused her tree-bucking, looking up to greet you.
  152. >"Oh, ya' finally showed up! Didn't think y'all were gonna' show, so I just got to work."
  153. "Am I really that late?"
  154. >"Did ya' already forget what time we agreed on yesterday?"
  155. "...Uh...9 AM?"
  156. >"Nope. 7:30."
  157. "Seriously? I must have been out of it yesterday..."
  158. >You definitely were, and you probably woke up on the wrong side of bed, too.
  159. >"Welp, no sense in worryin' your pretty little head bout' that."
  160. >AJ started walking back to the farmhouse, giving you a nice view of her Apple Ass(TM).
  161. >The more time you spend in this world, the more used to seeing mare bits you become.
  162. >Not in the "everyday occurence" kind of way, but in the "I'm about to act up" kind of way.
  163. >And that worries you.
  164. "Guess it's time to head to our favorite spot? Back behind the barn?"
  165. >"You guessed it."
  166. >You followed the orange horse to your favorite drinking spot.
  167. >A simple two-chair and table setup behind the barn.
  168. >It didn't need anything else, it was perfect, and it got the job done.
  169. >Plus, Applebloom would normally be at school, or at least out of sight.
  170. >Wouldn't want to set a poor example, or else AJ will have a drunk filly on her hands.
  171. >There was a metric fuckton of hard cider already there on the table, so there was one thing left to do.
  172. >To drink.
  173. >But you held back a little this time, considering what's been happening with Fluttershy.
  174. >Besides, Applejack's hard cider is some pretty strong stuff.
  175. >You'll be falling on your ass and struggling to speak if you went too far.
  176. >"Y'all holdin' up over there? Don't tell me yer' done...HICC...already."
  177. >You stopped at seven mugs, and that's a lot for how powerful it is, but you're good at holding your alcohol.
  178. "...Me? Done? Pfft. Nahhh. I could keep going if I wanted to, but I've got stuff to do, so..."
  179. >"Stuff to do, huh? And what kind of stuff would that be?
  180. "Oh, y'know, I've gotta' drop by Sugarcube C-Corner, go talk to Rarity, have lunch w-"
  181. >You were stopped dead in your speech.
  182. >Much to your surprise, you've been struck over the back of your fucking head.
  183. >In less than a second, you were on the ground, holding your head in pain.
  184. "...A-AJ? What the..."
  185. >To say that you were seeing double would be a disservice.
  186. >You couldn't tell if you were bleeding or not, but you sure hoped you weren't.
  187. >It wasn't THAT hard of a strike, but it was enough to knock you flat on the floor.
  188. >"Afraid I can't let ya' do that, sugar cube..."
  189. >This is the literal definition of not good.
  191. "W-What are you saying? Come on, AJ...just..."
  192. >"I want a family, ya' hear?"
  193. "...Huh?"
  194. >Why does this always happen to you?
  195. "That...that's not how it works, and you know it!"
  196. >All of the times you've hung out with Applejack, everything was fine, and now THIS happens?
  197. >Scooting back away from her as far as you could, your backpedalling was halted by a tree.
  198. >It's not like you were going to escape at that pitiful speed anyway.
  199. >"There's a first time for everthin', Anon! We won't know unless we try!"
  200. "Fuck..."
  201. >The back of your head stung once more, prompting you to clutch it.
  202. >The pain is sobering you up fast, at least.
  203. >Still, you don't think there's a way out of this even if you weren't just drinking.
  204. "W-Would it be too much trouble to re-schedule this? I'm not saying no, but..."
  205. >You started bargaining, anything to get out of this predicament, really.
  206. >"Ain't no time for waitin', big fella."
  208. "D-Do you mind turning around? I can undress myself, but-"
  209. >Her mouth was already pulling your belt out like she had done it before.
  210. >You're screwed.
  211. >Mr. President was freed from his denim prison, and she didn't stop there.
  212. >She pulled your pants down all the way down to your knees, and proceeded to mount you.
  214. >"We're the only two on this farm, Anon!!"
  215. >Applejack hardly broke a sweat keeping you pinned down; It really put things into perspective.
  216. >Maybe you should just let it happen.
  217. >Your back slipped off the tree, and you rested your aching head against the soft dirt.
  218. >Followed by horse pussy slamming down onto your Sea Cucumber.
  219. >It was like every experience that you've ever had was suddenly being squeezed out of you.
  220. >As scuffed as this is, Anon Jr. doesn't care what you think.
  221. >Soon, the air was filled with the sounds of AJ's grunts, your groans, and several other things.
  222. >Things that are far too lewd to explain in detail.
  223. >At least you were able to look away from her, as staring her in the eyes during this was too much.
  224. >That didn't last long because she leaned over your face.
  225. >As you stared back at your rapist, an instinctual recess in your stupid monkey brain was triggered.
  227. >With the strength of at least three men, you socked AJ as hard as you could.
  228. >You didn't expect it to do anything meaningful, but adrenaline is a powerful thing.
  229. >AJ was actually stunned, in fact, that punch knocked her right off of you.
  230. >It took a moment for the opportunity to register, but once it did, you got up instantly.
  231. >The only thing you had time to do was pull your pants up, and make a run for it.
  232. >She could keep your belt as a souvenir for all you cared.
  233. >5...10...15...20...25...30 meters of distance.
  234. >That punch must have done a lot of damage if she's still grounded.
  235. >"ANON! GET BACK HERE!"
  236. >You spoke too soon.
  237. >Dear God, you spoke too soon.
  239. >You screamed, and it was completely involuntary.
  240. >Fearing that she might already be right behind you, you looked over your shoulder.
  241. >Only to see a lasso flying towards you faster than you were running.
  242. >When it caught up to you, it overlapped your torso, before snagging you backwards.
  243. >Your momentum was completely halted, the wind was knocked out of you, and you hit the ground.
  244. "Uuuuughhh..."
  245. >You held your gut in pain, trying your damndest to get back up.
  246. >For any other human, that would have been it.
  247. >Doomed to hours of hot, sweaty, Sex(TM) with a farm mare until you were rescued.
  248. >However, you're comprised of various, priceless materials that are not found anywhere else.
  249. >In other words, you're built different.
  250. >It never came in handy until now, but you always keep a handy-dandy pocket knife for emergencies.
  251. >But you wouldn't dare use it on a pony, though.
  252. >You may be a hairless monkey, but you're not a caveman.
  253. >You'll be reverted back to one if AJ gets a hold of you again, that's for sure.
  254. >It takes longer to pull it out than you had hoped, but once you did, you got straight to cutting.
  255. >The rope may be strong, but your knife is stronger.
  256. >Now THIS is a knife.
  257. "YES! Come on, come on!"
  258. >When you were finally cut loose, you shouted in joy, but there's no time for celebration.
  259. >"Dagnabbit! Wait til' I get mah hooves on you!"
  260. >She'd be right on top of you in just a few moments.
  261. >Run, Run, Run, RUN, RUN, RUN
  263. >Your name is Anonymous, and you are Speed.
  264. >She was left in the dust, choking on the trail you blazed.
  265. >"What in tarnation?!"
  266. >Applejack didn't stand a chance against your determination.
  267. >Never mind the fact that she basically just stole your virginity.
  268. >Once again, you lost the battle, but you're winning the war.
  269. >You literally can't stop winning.
  270. >Anything to make yourself feel better at this point.
  271. >Your innocence was lost a long time ago, so whatever.
  272. >"THIS AIN'T OVER, YA' HEAR?!"
  273. >The burning in your lungs and pounding of your chest wasn't enough to stop you.
  274. >If you showed even a moment of weakness, she'd resume the chase.
  275. >Despite not even being at Sweet Apple Acres anymore, you just kept going.
  276. >You weren't running from AJ at this point, you were running from everything.
  277. >You're not sure how much more of this you can take.
  278. >And you have no idea how this could have happened.
  279. >Your legs had carried you as far as they could, and you collapsed, tumbling onto your back.
  280. >Too bad Rainbow wasn't there to see how fast you were going.
  281. >Then again, it's probably best if she wasn't.
  282. >She would have been there to help, sure, but nopony should have to see something like that.
  283. >Every cell in your body was screaming for oxygen.
  284. >Not surprising, because you're not used to that level of exertion.
  285. >The overcast sky above Ponyville was the only thing you could see.
  286. >Rain had begun to fall down while you recovered.
  287. >Why did AJ, one of your best friends, do something like that to you?
  288. >It was enough to bring a tear to your eye.
  289. >If you were a pussy, of course.
  290. >Only pussies cry, and you're not a pussy.
  291. >Instead, you shouted into the rainy skies of Ponyville, as a way to let your emotions out.
  292. >After what felt like five minutes of you struggling to breathe, you slowly picked yourself up.
  293. >You thought of the Rape Shelter again.
  294. >You thought about Twilight.
  295. >Even if her laughter was rude at times, you'd love to hear her giggling right about now.
  296. >Thoughts of lunch with Rainbro filled your mind soon after, and you felt at peace.
  298. >But the day is far from over.
  299. >You woke up today with a goal in mind, and by Celestia, you're going to accomplish it.
  300. >That, and you're not sure if you have the strength to walk to the castle right now.
  301. >A rest stop is in order regardless of what you do next.
  302. >Visiting Pinkie Pie should give you that little boost you need.
  303. >The trek to Sugarcube Corner, funnily enough, would be pretty short.
  304. >It felt like you ran a mile and a half back there.
  305. >Indeed, the walk didn't take very long.
  306. >Heavy knees landed onto the porch of Diabetes World(TM) as you collapsed.
  307. >It's funny.
  308. >You thought about how you haven't seen Fluttershy at all today.
  309. >Then you remembered that it doesn't really matter.
  310. >You're just not as safe as you think you are.
  311. >"Anonymous? My goodness...what happened to you?"
  312. >Was that Rarara just now?
  313. "R-Rarity?"
  314. >"Pinkie! Anonymous is here!"
  315. >Rarity was stood in the doorway, calling out to Pinkie inside.
  316. >You're so out of it that you didn't even hear the door swing open.
  317. "I-I'm good. Just had a nasty fall, that's it."
  318. >"...And you're soaking from head to toe! You poor thing! Quick, come inside!"
  319. >"Did somepony say SOAKING?!"
  320. >Somehow, even though Rarity shouted into the building for Pinkie, you heard her behind you.
  321. >Pinkie was standing on top of a cannon, and just as you turned your head, it went off.
  322. >You've been struck once again.
  323. >And this time, it was mostly painless.
  324. >Ponka fired a large assortment of towels and rags at you, blasting you past Rarity and into the building.
  325. >"Don't you think that's a bit much, darling?"
  326. >"What? Now he's all nice and dry!" Ponko replied, bringing her cannon back inside.
  327. >You popped your head out of the pile of cloth, before spitting a rag out of your mouth.
  328. "Gee. Thanks, Pinks."
  329. >"No problem, Nonny!"
  330. >It's nice to see she's not depressed and sleepless anymore.
  331. >She didn't want to talk about what Fluttershy did to her, but you're sure she'll open up eventually.
  332. >It can't be good to keep that kind of thing bottled up inside, you would know.
  333. >Still, you'll never fully understand this seemingly omnipotent pink horse.
  335. >Standing up in the pile of rags and towels, you scanned the room for Pokemon(TM).
  336. >You expected to see her rolling her cannon around, but she was sitting at one of the booths.
  337. >And the cannon was nowhere to be seen.
  338. >Nothing makes sense anymore.
  339. >Being the mentally exhausted mess you currently are, you sat next to her in the booth.
  340. >Your legs were aching, your arms felt limp, and your sense of balance was off.
  341. >To be honest, you should have visited Nurse Redheart instead of coming here.
  342. >"You're so quiet today, Anon! What's up with that, huh, huh, huh?!"
  343. >"Indeed. It's a little unusual to see you like this. You look just as worn out as Pinkie was yesterday!"
  344. "Really? Am I usually full of energy or something?"
  345. >"Mmmm...I wouldn't say full of energy. More like..."
  346. >Rarity took a moment to gather her thoughts, sitting to your right in the booth.
  347. >"...Sociable! Every time I see you out in public, you're always sticking your neck out for somepony."
  348. >"Couldn't have said it better myself! You're a real talker, too!"
  349. >As you sat between the two mares, you leaned back, closed your eyes, and just stared into pitch-blackness.
  350. "I think you have me beat in that department, Panka."
  351. >"Well, duh! My cutie mark means a lot of things! There's more to a party than just gift hats, Nonny!"
  352. >There's more to a party than just gift hats.
  353. >Hearing that made you think for a second.
  354. >Namely about why you try so hard to make and keep all of these friends.
  355. >Are you making friends because you want companionship, or are you doing it just to have them?
  356. >Or just because you've got shit else to do in Horse Land?
  357. >Sometimes you feel lonely, despite being surrounded by so many technicolor horses.
  358. >Being the only one of your kind takes its tolls every so often.
  359. >And clearly, the friendships you have are real.
  360. >Of course they are.
  361. >You're not just some tall, bipedal monkey with a penis, right?
  362. >Your nose scrunched up as a grimace formed on your features.
  363. >"Anonymous? Is there something you want to tell us?"
  364. >You opened your eyes, looking over at Rarity to reassure her.
  365. "Rare, I'm alright. I promise..."
  366. >As soon as you spoke up, you felt the all-too familiar feeling of your fly unzipping.
  367. "...Huh?"
  368. >"Are you absolutely positive? You don't sound too sure, darling."
  369. >"Silly little Nonny-Wonny, looks like we'll just have to cheer you up!"
  370. "HUH?!"
  372. >"Just relax, Anonymous. We all have our bad days. Be a doll and let us take care of you, hmm?"
  373. >You couldn't possibly HUH any harder than you already have.
  374. >Not a moment later, you felt it.
  375. >Or, them, to be precise.
  376. >Their heads had already been lowered, because they went to work.
  377. >And they went to work like they had a dying mother, a grandma with dementia, and starving kids to feed.
  378. >Your hand clutched the booth table hard enough to give yourself splinters.
  379. "HNNH..."
  380. >This can't be fucking real.
  381. >The last thing you heard was Pinkie's muffled speech.
  382. >"Rarithy, Rarithy, looth! Athom's phick ith cryith!"
  384. >The entire world flipped upside down, and it felt like you were collapsing into yourself.
  385. >You saw flashing colors, lights of all kinds, stripes, patterns, and impossible geometry.
  386. >Everything combined into one big mass of "something", before it all went dark.
  387. >This otherworldly, powerful force blew through your body, as if you had just hit the drop on a roller coaster.
  388. >And then the lights came back on.
  389. >You were sat against a wall somewhere in Ponyville.
  390. >Upon closer inspection, it was one of the many homes littered throughout the town.
  391. >It's considerably dark outside, because not a single one of these homes have their lights on.
  392. >Even the lanterns following the dirt paths are unlit.
  393. >The only thing illuminating your surroundings is moonlight.
  394. >None of that is really important, though.
  395. >You're still trying to process everything that just happened.
  396. >If the world wasn't cruel enough to you already, it was about to get worse.
  397. >Oh, so much worse.
  398. >"Anon?! C-Come out, come out, wherever you are!"
  399. "Oh, it's Rainbow."
  400. >You don't know why you said that out loud.
  401. >Are you going fucking crazy?
  402. >"I HEARD THAT!"
  403. >Hearing her raise her voice so drastically "woke" you up.
  404. >Your hands have never sealed your mouth shut so fast in your life.
  405. >"W-Where are you, huh?! Y-You think you got what it takes to hide from your b-bro?"
  406. >Her voice sounded shaky, like she was determined to find you, and yet she sounded nervous at the same time.
  407. >"What goes around c-comes around, Anon! You can't get away with teasing m-me forever!"
  408. >The sound of dripping Water(TM) accompanied the noises Dash made while she searched every nearby nook and cranny.
  409. >But you're smarter than that.
  410. >That's not water.
  411. >If that was water, then you're motherfucking Santa Claus.
  413. >"Ah-hah! FOUND YOU!"
  414. "R-Rainbow?!"
  415. >You shouted her name at the top of your lungs for some reason.
  416. >It felt appropriate, like you had just been betrayed.
  417. >"Y-Yeah, keep saying my name! Just like that!"
  418. >She approached you on hoof, slowly.
  419. >And even though she wasn't going fast, you sensed this huge, fuck-off aura covering far more ground than she was.
  420. >She's so horny that she's manifested a Rape-Field(TM).
  421. >In other words, as long as you're within her range, you're fucked.
  422. >Electricity coursed through your body; The small hairs on your arms were standing on end.
  423. >Seemingly all of her blood had gone to her face, and you don't think you've ever seen a stronger blush before.
  424. >With slow, measured movements, you made sure to stand up as slowly as possible.
  425. >"D-Don't even think about it, pal."
  426. "You don't want this, Dash."
  427. >You spoke as calmly as you could, accentuating your words with your hands, like you were telling her to stay back.
  428. >"Oh, I do..."
  429. >She's licking her lips for Celestia's sake.
  430. "I don't want to have to do something I'll regret. So just-"
  431. >"Big w-words for somepony within bucking d-distance."
  432. >Your thoughts are moving a mile a minute.
  433. >Has it really come to this?
  434. >You're not even sure if anything of what's happening is real, but it sure as hell feels like it.
  435. >Once again, you repeat, where's the Almighty Rainbow God-Emperor Beam Of Holy Protection(TM) when you need it?
  436. >There's nothing you can do to change her mind, it seems.
  437. >That leaves only one option.
  438. "Well, that's a shame. I was hoping you'd be reasonable with me."
  439. >Your right hand reached into your back pocket, hovering over your Knife(TM).
  440. "...And now, you're going to have to fight your bro."
  441. >With the speed of about two and a half Fluttershy's in heat, you tossed the knife at Dash.
  442. >"WHA-"
  443. >She ducked the knife, as you expected her to.
  444. >There's no way your bro wouldn't know about your secret pocket knife.
  445. >But that's okay, because it did its job.
  446. >And you're already gone.
  447. >"D-Did you really just-"
  448. >Once again, you are LITERALLY Speed itself.
  449. >Can't stop winning.
  453. >How cute.
  454. >She actually said the word.
  455. >Man(TM).
  456. >But now, you've got a problem on your hands.
  457. >You didn't think this far ahead, and you're running from a pony that can break the sound barrier.
  458. >How in Equestria were you going to escape something like that?
  459. >Applejack was strong, but she clearly held back when she Bonked(TM) you on the head.
  460. >Would you even be able to move after taking a full-speed tackle from Dash?
  461. >Because judging from the sound of wind whipping behind you, she's going into maximum overdrive.
  462. >You hit the deck and dodge rolled instinctively, dodging one of her passes.
  463. >All of those hours in Dark Souls(TM) are starting to pay off.
  464. >You had quite the moment of clarity after that.
  465. >Either go to Twilight's castle, or lose her somehow.
  466. >There's no way you're going to lose her off for very long, so that won't work.
  467. >And it would take too long to reach Twilight, you don't have that kind of time.
  468. >Not to mention the possibility of-
  469. >Mentally slapping yourself, you put the thought out of your mind before it spread like a wildfire.
  470. >At this point, that castle is your only chance.
  471. >Still, Rainbow is smart.
  472. >The same trick won't work on her twice.
  473. >Blue Fast is just as maneuverable as she is quick, and your juke shoes are NOT as good as hers.
  474. >Even after beating Dark Souls(TM), Dash still wins in the long run.
  475. >"You look like you're panicking over there, Anon! I thought you said you'd beat me!"
  476. "Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer."
  477. >"I-Is that another one of your stupid "video game" references again?"
  478. "...How did you know that?"
  479. >"Are you kidding?! You sound like Twilight reading off a quote from a book!"
  480. >You raised your brow, nodding your head in agreement.
  481. >She had you there, honestly.
  482. >Even when she was in rape mode, Dash was still an absolute bro.
  483. >If it weren't for the fact that something extremely shady is up, you'd just let it happen.
  484. >What the hell are you thinking?
  486. >In your moment of mental anguish, you spotted what "might" be your savior out of the corner of your eye.
  488. >Trixie's wagon.
  489. >No, not that wagon.
  490. >The other one.
  491. >You just so happened to know where she kept her smoke bombs, and the window was OPEN.
  492. >"Rookie mistake, Anon! Don't let your opponent see where you're looking!"
  493. "...Huh?"
  494. >Oh shit.
  495. >She's right.
  496. >Your eyes totally moved to look over at Trixie's wagon.
  497. >Once again, wrong wagon.
  498. "Oh yeah? Well, how do you know I'm not just bullshitting you?"
  499. >"Oh yeah?! Well, how do I know you're not bluffing?!"
  500. >In a lot of ways, it feels like you're fighting yourself.
  501. >And you don't like that.
  502. >You had nothing to distract her this time, and you were in trouble.
  503. >Suddenly, Dash darted after you once more.
  504. "FU-"
  505. >All you saw was a blur flying at you, but you had just enough time to turn your body slightly.
  506. >You were blown away to the side of the street, right into Trixie's wagon.
  507. >Your back slammed against the side of it, and the impact almost toppled the damn thing over.
  508. >Applejack's lasso catching you by the gut paled in comparison to that tackle.
  509. >Running your right hand over your left arm, you can tell it's not doing so good right now.
  510. >As a matter of fact, you can hardly move it.
  511. >It might actually be broken.
  512. >On another note, Rainbow must have flown at you with 100% certainty that she'd hit.
  513. >Like you said, overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
  514. >If you didn't know any better, you'd say that dash carried her out of Ponyville.
  515. >But that's definitely not the case.
  516. >She's got to be hitting a U-turn pretty soon.
  517. >You had to grit your teeth through the pain, but you got back on your feet.
  518. >Not wasting any time, your good arm reached into the window and flipped open a compartment.
  519. >When your hand reached the bottom of it, your heart dropped.
  520. >Out of disbelief, you kept digging around, but the compartment was empty.
  521. >This is totally not good.
  522. >To make matters worse, you felt a tug on your arm.
  523. "W-Wha-"
  524. >"Why, hello there, Anonymous. The Grrreat And Imaginary Trixie has decided to lend you her aid!"
  525. >"Trixie" poked her head and neck out the window, causing you to back up in surprise.
  527. >"...But only if you swear to serve me for eternity, in the afterlife."
  528. "If you can get me to Twilight's castle, I'll eat your fucking ass until the end of ti-"
  529. >"Trixie accepts! Now, get in!"
  530. >Fearing that you might be making a huge mistake, you hesitate to hop into the wagon.
  531. >Not a moment later, you heard an earth-shaking boom in the distance.
  532. >That was Rainbow turning around.
  533. "A-Alright, okay, okay! Just... forget what I said about the ass eating thing, okay?"
  534. >"A deal is a deal, Anonymous."
  535. "Ughhh..."
  536. >You groaned, cursing your terrible luck, before hopping in through the window.
  537. >That certainly didn't do your aching body and possibly broken arm any favors.
  538. >"Blast off!"
  539. "B-Blast off?"
  540. >You almost flipped upside down when the wagon suddenly blasted into the open air with magic.
  542. >Trixie shouted at the top of her lungs, meanwhile, you were shouting at the top of your lungs.
  544. >If you were still on the ground, you'd have seen Rainbow whizzing by where the wagon once stood.
  545. >"D-Darnit! How the hay did I miss?! Where did he-"
  546. >And you would have seen the priceless look on her face as she saw Trixie's Wagon(TM) in the sky.
  547. >Eventually, you stopped screaming long enough to look out of the window.
  548. >The view was breathtaking.
  549. >You could see Ponyville down below, Everfree Forest, hell, you could even see Canterlot.
  550. "Whoaaah..."
  551. >Your precious moment of child-like wonder was interrupted by two alicorns.
  552. >It was enough to make you rub your eyes to be sure you weren't seeing things.
  553. >Celestia and Luna were flying beside the wagon.
  554. >Time seemingly slowed down as Luna turned to wink at you, before speeding back up.
  555. >Then, the two of them were gone in a flash.
  556. >You craned your neck out the window, searching for where they could have went.
  557. >Nothing.
  558. >The wagon took a nosedive, and you weren't prepared for it in the slightest.
  559. >By completely ignoring the laws of physics, because Magic(TM), it made it to the ground almost instantly.
  560. >Magic is magic, but you're surprised that every bone in your body didn't break from that.
  561. >Unfortunately, you're about to fucking hurl.
  562. "Oooogghh..."
  563. >"Go on, Anonymous. Trixie has business to attend to."
  564. "...Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you do..."
  565. >You climbed out the window of Trixie's wooden, magical death-trap, and pathetically flopped on your ass.
  566. "Fuck!"
  567. >Everything hurts.
  569. >"I'd hurry inside if I were you. I bet she's on her way over here right now. Toodles."
  570. >Without a second of delay, Trixie and her wagon immediately peaced the fuck out.
  571. >None of this is real; There's no conceivable way that any of this nonsense is real.
  572. >You winced in pain, picking yourself up off the ground.
  573. >There was nothing left to do but to limp your way up the stairs.
  574. >The doors were open for you and everything.
  575. >A comforting, heavenly light from inside pierced the darkness of the night.
  576. >Trixie kept her word and brought you right in front of Twi's castle.
  577. >You're in for quite the ride when you pass on to the afterlife, it seems.
  578. >Once again, why does this always happen to you?
  579. >"ANON!"
  580. >You heard Rainbow scream your name from behind you, and you didn't dare turn around.
  581. >No looking back.
  582. >The light temporarily blinded you once you stepped inside.
  583. >When your eyes finished adjusting, you saw her.
  584. >Twilight.
  585. >She stood there, waiting there for you like some kind of guardian angel.
  586. >Dropping to your knees, still holding your ruined arm, you almost cried.
  587. >Again, crying is for pussies.
  588. "Twilight..."
  589. >She didn't say anything back, but you wanted her to respond.
  590. >You wanted her to say something, anything to acknowledge your presence.
  591. "T-Twilight."
  592. >It's getting harder and harder not to be a pussy.
  593. "I think I need a hug...I..."
  594. >Your head tilted back, as you fought off the tears.
  595. "...I'm scared! I don't know what the hell is going on, and I'm terrified!"
  596. "Everypony except Lyra and Trixie turned on me today, and I-"
  597. >"Don't worry, Anon. I hear you loud and clear."
  598. >She finally replied.
  599. >An almost stupid-looking smile grew on your features, but it didn't last long.
  600. >Soon, a magical force more powerful than every muscle in your body forced you to the cold floor.
  601. "W-Wha...Twi?"
  602. >Twilight came closer, but like earlier, she wouldn't reply.
  603. "TWI?!"
  604. >Your voice was breaking by this point.
  605. >All the warmth you felt was ripped from you in an instant.
  606. >Cold air greeted your shaking legs as your pants were removed.
  607. >"It must have been chilly out there. I've got the perfect thing to keep you warm."
  608. >You recall thinking that you absolutely would, but you didn't mean it like this.
  609. >Twilight turned around, and you powerlessly stared your fate in the eyes.
  611. >Except there were no eyes to be found there, but there was definitely some winking.
  612. >The Limited Edition Horse Pussy(TM), and a Large Ponut(TM).
  613. >And as Twilight sat down, Anon Jr. did the exact opposite.
  614. >He got up.
  616. >Screaming into the once silent confines of your room, you woke up with a start.
  617. >You were in bed, your lower half underneath the covers.
  618. >Sweat was rolling down just about every part of you.
  619. >It felt disgusting, but you were focused on something else.
  620. >Looking over at your calender, you could see the dates.
  621. >The cross on the 20th was missing.
  622. >It's still the 21st.
  623. >The air in the room may as well have been fake, because it wasn't doing its job.
  624. >Your breathing was ragged, and your poor lungs were working double time.
  625. "Hnnnghh..."
  626. >Falling onto your side, your head landed on the bed sheets.
  627. >Nothing is sacred anymore, apparently.
  628. >You're confused.
  629. >You still don't have any answers.
  630. >You're afraid to go outside.
  631. >The tough guy act can only work for so long.
  632. >A harrowing scenario snuck itself into your scared little mind.
  633. >What if nothing changes?
  634. >What if you stepped outside right now and it all happened again?
  635. >Do any of these "friends" actually care about you, or are they just horny animals?
  636. >You were moments away from becoming a certified Pussy(TM), but something stopped you.
  637. >The sound of flickering flames and crinkling paper filled the room.
  638. >Getting up from your miserable "I'm About To Fucking Cry" position, you looked to see what caused it.
  639. >It was a rolled up parchment resting on top of your legs.
  640. >You were doubtful, but there's really no mistaking what that is.
  641. >And just to see if all of that truly was a dream, you raised your left arm to grab the letter.
  643. >No problems so far.
  644. >After unrolling the parchment, you began reading its contents.
  645. >For authenticity, you imagined Spike reading the letter to you.
  646. >"Dear Anon. I'm sure you're probably wondering why I sent a letter to you, and not Twilight."
  647. >"I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I want to hear your opinion about something."
  648. >"Do you remember that forest just outside Neighagra Falls?"
  649. >"You know, the one you and I had a camping trip in? Could you meet me there?"
  650. >"If it's not too much trouble, of course. Oh, and don't bring anypony else with you."
  651. >"I'm sure you have questions, but I'll tell you everything when you get here."
  652. >"Think of it like a second camping trip, okay? Make sure to come prepared!"
  653. >"And yes, before you even think about it, I've got food!"
  654. >"Your dragon bro, Spike."
  655. >While you were reading, you asked yourself if this is from the REAL Spike, or some fake, dream Spike.
  656. >Even after everything you've been through, that one little thought fucked you up.
  657. >The fact that that's a genuine question you have to ask scares the shit out of you.
  658. >It brought everything full circle.
  659. >To think that all of this started because of some stupid, yellow rapist.
  660. >In a moment of weakness, you caught yourself shedding tears.
  661. >You're such a fucking pussy.
  662. >After wiping the tears away, and hopping out of bed, you opened up your wardrobe.
  663. >Spike said not to bring anypony else with you, so you can't leave this letter here.
  664. >Not even in the trash.
  665. >Unless you burned it or something.
  666. >You opted to simply fold it into the left back pocket of your jeans.
  667. >Your handy-dandy pocket knife is sleeping soundly in the right one, as it should be.
  668. >Honestly, you didn't think you'd ever see it again after tossing it at Dash.
  669. >The same goes for the belt you left at the dream-version of Sweet Apple Acres.
  670. >There's so many questions you want to ask each of them before you go.
  671. >Minus Fluttershy, of course.
  672. >But especially for Rainbow.
  673. >And Twilight.
  674. >You just want to know if they're really real or not.
  675. >If they care about you or not.
  676. >Maybe this little camping trip will give you some much needed fresh air.
  677. >It's time to put on your brave face.

Rape Shelter: 20th

by RapeShelter

Rape Shelter: 21st

by RapeShelter

Rape Shelter: 21.5th

by RapeShelter

Rape Shelter: 22nd

by RapeShelter

Rape Shelter: 23rd

by RapeShelter