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Rape Shelter: 23rd

By RapeShelter
Created: 2022-08-06 07:39:07
Updated: 2022-08-14 15:37:08
Expiry: Never

  1. >23rd.
  2. >When you did, your eyes opened without a single second of delay.
  3. >Much like the last time you woke up, your sleep was incredibly restful.
  4. >Fluttershy is still sound asleep against you.
  5. >It's surreal, almost creepy, waking up like this.
  6. >Running your hands along Nutter Butter's mane, you rubbed her like a house pet.
  7. >You'd rather not wake her up, so you get out of bed as quietly as you can.
  8. >She looks so peaceful.
  9. >Like a little angel.
  10. >Things sure have changed.
  11. >Your insecurities were eating you alive for a moment, but now, you've got a breath of fresh air.
  12. >That dream, the struggle against Super Rapist(TM), Twilight in general, and this magic you've awakened to...
  13. >All things that have opened your eyes somewhat, but you're convinced that the madness is far from over.
  14. >There was that intruder last night, and even though Fluttershy's presence eased your mind, it's concerning.
  15. >Heading into the kitchen as quietly as possible, you figured now wouldn't be a bad time to see what AJ left you.
  16. >You laid eyes on quite the beautiful sight once you opened the fridge.
  17. >Her gift was a huge apple pie, huge enough that you'd need two other ponies to help eat the whole thing.
  18. >Next to the pie was a mug of cold cider; Your mind was truly blown.
  19. >Fucking based apple horse.
  20. >She deserves a big thanks, so you'll have to start thinking about what to get her.
  22. >"Anon? G-Good morning. I thought you'd have already left by now..."
  23. >Fluttershy was stood in the hallway, watching you celebrate.
  24. "We've got pie and cider, Flutters! Want some?"
  25. >"Oh, great! Is that what Applejack left you?"
  26. "Looks like it."
  27. >Taking the pie out the fridge, you placed it on the dining table, before grabbing some plates, a cup and silverware.
  28. >While you were setting up breakfast, you happened to glance at the Spider Plant(TM) in the corner.
  29. "Hey, wanna' see something cool?"
  30. >"L-Like what?"
  31. "Check out that plant over there."
  32. >Fluttershy turned her head in the direction you were pointing, spotting your plant.
  33. >"That's a very nice plant, Anon. It looks very healthy!"
  34. >"You didn't tell me you took care of plants!"
  35. "Even better, watch what happens when I stare at it."
  36. >You squinted your eyes, focusing in on the plant, trying to imagine your life magic doing its work.
  37. >The growth had already begun; Although, it was much faster than you had anticipated.
  38. >That corner of the room was beginning to look like a miniature jungle.
  40. >"A-Anon?! What did you just do?!"
  41. "Awesome, right? Apparently, healing isn't the only thing I can do."
  42. >"Y-You've got to show this to Twilight! This is incredible!"
  43. "Don't worry, I will. But first..."
  44. >After showing Fluttershy your newest ability, you took your seat at the dining table, and got ready to eat some pie.
  45. >But first, you poured some cider into a cup for Nutter Butter.
  46. >The mug is just fine for you yourself to drink out of; That's all you need.
  47. "How good are ponies with utensils? I don't need to cut this for you, do I?"
  48. >"A-Actually, I'm pretty good at using my mouth for things like this."
  49. "Why doesn't that surprise me?"
  50. >You watched as the yellow equine took a knife in her mouth, before cutting a small piece of pie for herself.
  51. "That's all you're gonna' get? You can get some more, y'know. It's just us two."
  52. >"W-What I've got here is fine. I'm trying to watch my weight, so..."
  53. "Fat ass."
  54. >"A-Are fat asses your fetish? Should I start eating more-"
  55. "Cease and desist."
  56. >Not long after Fluttershy's newest fetish guessing attempt, your doorbell rang.
  57. >Who could that be?
  58. "COMING!"
  59. >"Say that again, please..."
  60. "Eat your fucking food."
  61. >The lock was turned, the door swung open, and the visitor was revealed.
  62. >It was Rarity.
  63. >That's a shocker.
  64. "Rarara?"
  65. >"Do you have any better nicknames for me, Anonymous?"
  66. "Yeah, I do. Fashion Horse, Clothing Equine, Ray-Ray...
  67. >"Ugh, forget I asked... Anyway, how are you doing, darling?"
  68. >"I figured I'd stop by and try to catch you for breakfa-"
  69. >Rarity's eyes suddenly homed in on something behind you, and you know exactly what it was.
  70. >No doubt, she was looking at Nutter Butter.
  71. "Let me guess. Didn't expect me to let Fluttershy in, did you?"
  72. >"No, it's nothing out of the ordinary."
  73. >"You two are dating, after all."
  74. >"I am, however, confused about the bee costume; Is that some sort of kink?"
  75. "Fuck off."
  76. >"Is that apple pie I see?"
  77. >Here we go.
  78. >"Anonymous, be a dear and let your old friend Rarity in, would you?"
  79. "Over my dead body."
  81. >Rarity simply walked past you, letting herself in, an act that didn't surprise you at all.
  82. "Y'know, you horses are lucky you're all so adorable."
  83. >"Thank you for the compliment, darling. I try my best to look stunning."
  84. >"Rarity!" Fluttershy happily shouted, greeting the white horse.
  85. >"Hello Fluttershy. Did the two of you sleep well last night?"
  86. >There's no way she knows.
  87. >She's probably just asking in general.
  88. >"A-Actually, we slept together!"
  89. >And just like that, life has decided that it'd be really funny to prank you.
  90. >You're a fucking clown.
  91. "Seriously, Fluttershy?"
  92. "I was trying to keep that a secret!"
  93. >"S-Sorry..."
  94. >Rarity's face started to take on a look that you weren't too excited about.
  95. "And no, we didn't have sex. She knocked on my window, I let her in, and I went the fuck to sleep."
  96. "Don't turn this into a gossip thing, please."
  97. >"When have I ever gossiped about anypony, Anonymous?" Rarity cooed, winking at you.
  98. "I think the real question is, when have you NOT done that?"
  99. "Sit down and eat, Rara. I'll get you some tableware."
  100. >"If it'll please you."
  101. >Rarity sat her fat plot on one of your chairs, forever staining it with her horsiness.
  102. >But Fluttershy already did that, and more, so she wouldn't be the first.
  103. >While you poured a cup of cider for Rarity, you spotted something odd out of the corner of your eye.
  104. >It was on the other side of your living room window.
  105. >The sight of it alone nearly made you piss yourself in fear.
  106. >It's those same eyes from last night.
  107. >This time, however, you can see more than just the eyes.
  108. >Looking closely, it's definitely a pony, with a pink-ish coat.
  109. >You could see a horn, and part of their mane, but before you could pinpoint too many details, they ran away.
  110. >"Anonymous? Is something wrong?"
  111. "Uhh... N-No, everything's fine, Ray-Ray."
  112. "I... thought I saw something weird for a second."
  113. >Fluttershy and Rarity looked in the direction you were staring at, and of course, they found nothing.
  115. >"Perhaps you woke up on the wrong side of bed, darling."
  116. "Actually, I was looking at your fat ass. Lose some weight."
  117. >"W-Why I never! Hold your tongue, mister!"
  118. >"Some things should never be said out loud!"
  119. "Gotcha'. Somepony's been trying to lose weight recently."
  120. >Rarity covered her mouth with two hooves, but it's too late.
  121. >There's no undoing what's been done.
  122. >"I-It's okay, Rarity. I'm trying to watch my weight too."
  123. "Fat horses, every last one of you."
  124. >Now you know you're not going crazy.
  125. >There's somepony stalking you, and it's not Fluttershy.
  126. "Anyways, I think I've had enough pie."
  127. "I'm about to head over to Twilight, so if you two are finished, you can just take some pie with you to go."
  128. >Reaching into a cabinet, you pulled out some tupperware, and proceeded to divide the rest of the pie into smaller pieces.
  129. >"Just so you know, Twilight should be with Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres right now. She's helping her out with something."
  130. "You don't say? And here I was, planning to head to her castle. Thanks for the heads up, Ray-Ray."
  131. >"You're welcome, darling."
  132. "Take whatever pieces you want, I don't mind."
  133. >"How generous of you. Now if only you could work on your manners..." There was a bit of friendly hostility in Rarity's words.
  134. "Manners are for losers. Bye, loser."
  135. >"Anonymous! You can't just leave like that!"
  136. "Uhh, yeah, I can. It's my house."
  137. >You stuck your tongue out at Clothing Equine, just to get on her nerves.
  138. >"Hmph! I'll be sure to repay the favor later."
  139. "I'm sure you will."
  140. "Also, my door locks itself when it's closed, so don't worry about leaving it unlocked."
  141. "Twilight's gonna' love it when she hears about this new ability I got."
  142. >"There's something else other than your healing? What in Equestria is it?" Rarity asked, confused.
  143. "Tell her about it for me, Flutters. I'm gone."
  144. >"O-Okay, Anon. I'll fu... I mean... talk to you later."
  145. >Closing the door behind you, you scanned your surroundings, finding nothing out of the ordinary.
  146. >There's absolutely no sign of that pony, just like last night.
  147. >If you had a better look at them, maybe you could've identified who they were.
  148. >From what you've seen, you don't recognize them.
  149. >Looking around where they once stood is messing with your nerves, so it's time to head over to Sweet Apple Acres.
  150. >Hopefully, whoever's stalking you takes the hint at some point.
  152. >It was pleasantly breezy outside, and the temperature was a little higher than normal, but that's fine.
  153. >This is a big contrast from how rainy and overcast it's been the last few days.
  154. >Rainbow is all for warmer weather, whereas you prefer it to be just right.
  155. >But it's not like you engage in rigorous physical activity like AJ and Dash, so the temperature hardly inconveniences you.
  156. >You technically do, but only when you're running away from rapists or something.
  157. >Eventually, you arrived at Apple World(TM).
  158. >The humidity caused you to work up a minor sweat walking over here, but other than that, the short trip here was typical.
  159. >You did run into Derpy on the way here, however.
  160. >Cute as always, she dropped a few of her packages and parcels on the ground when she flew over to greet you.
  161. >Every time you see the clumsy little equine, you end up petting her like a dog.
  162. >You'd keep that horse as a 'pet' if you could.
  163. >She probably wouldn't even mind, in fact, you bet she'd enjoy that.
  164. >At this point in your walk, a conversation could be heard nearby, a little deeper into the apple orchard.
  165. >You're doing a great job of not accidentally growing the shit out of the trees around here.
  166. >Speaking of the trees, some of them look like they need some milk.
  167. >Approaching the voices, it sounded like Applejack, Twilight, AND Rainbow.
  168. >Rarity said Twilight was helping AJ with something, but you didn't expect Dash to be here, too.
  169. >Soon enough, you saw the three of them talking amongst each other.
  170. "Heeeeyyy! AJ! It's me, Anon!"
  171. >The three of them stopped what they were doing to turn and spot you.
  172. >"Anonymous? What are y'all doin' here? I don't remember invitin' you over for cider just yet..."
  173. "What, I need an invitation to come over? Pfft, come on."
  174. >"I appreciate ya' all the same. Did ya' get a hold of that gift I left in yer' fridge?"
  175. "Yup. Shared some of it with Rarity and Fluttershy, too."
  176. >"If y'all ever want some more, just ask and I'll provide."
  177. >Once again, fucking based apple horse.
  178. >"What's up, bro? I bet you came here looking for Twilight, didn't you?"
  179. "Me? Looking for Twilight? Hilarious."
  180. >"Don't be mean, Anon." Twilight spoke up, giving you those eyes again.
  181. >She's already in full force, and you just got here.
  182. >Your almonds weren't prepared for that, but needless to say, they remain unactivated.
  183. "You will not best me today, Oh Purple One."
  184. "I noticed the three of you were in the middle of something, what did I intrude on?"
  185. >"Yesterday, Applejack noticed that some of the trees in the orchard suddenly started dying."
  186. >"See this one?" Twilight said, pointing a hoof at the tree next to her.
  187. >That tree was indeed dead; Similar to other ones you saw on your way over here, dead as fuck.
  188. "Weird."
  189. >"That's exactly what Big Mac said! These trees are dyin' like it's Winter, but we're smackdab in the middle of Summer!"
  191. "So, I'm guessing you asked Twilight to come over and check this out?"
  192. >"Yessiree. But we're stumped! I had Rainbow fly around to help me get a count of all the dead trees." AJ added.
  193. >"I added up about... 73 dead trees. I think..." Dash said, hurting her own brain.
  194. >"It's extremely unusual; I asked Applejack if some kind of pest was at fault, but she's never seen anything like this!"
  195. "Both the nerd AND the farm mare don't know what's going on? That's crazy."
  196. >"Heheh... nerd..." Rainbow was laughing to herself, and kept doing so until Twilight scrunched her nose at her.
  197. >You appreciate it when Twiggy Piggy gets a taste of her own medicine.
  198. >"I'm worried about the whole orchard... What's gonna' happen if all the trees keep dyin'?! A-ALL MAH APPLES WILL...!"
  199. >AJ was having a cowboy breakdown, and as she paced around thinking about the future of her apples, you had an idea.
  200. >You may not know what's causing these trees to die, but maybe there's something you can do about it.
  201. "Y'know, I might have a way to bring all of these trees back to life."
  202. >"W-What is it? Please tell me you've got a plan, Anonymous!"
  203. >"I-If you can save mah apples, I'll-"
  204. "I won't ask for anything in return, AJ. I still owe you for that gift."
  205. "...Ok, maybe I'll ask how you got in my house later, but it's alright."
  206. >"DEAL! Now please, pleeaase tell me you know what you're doin' here!"
  207. "Just stay back, everypony. I need to concentrate."
  208. >A staring contest has been initiated, between you and this dead tree.
  209. >You focused on it as much as you could, trying to conceptualize the life magic in your body taking form.
  210. >"Uhh... bro, why are you just staring at it?"
  211. "Shhh."
  212. >"Rainbow, let him focus...!" Twilight whispered, keeping her eyes peeled on you.
  213. >Some kind of glowing green energy, what you assume to be magic, surrounded the tree as you gazed into its treepity.
  214. >A warm, tingly feeling washed over you, before you realized that you're glowing as well.
  215. >Little orbs and sparks of magic escaped from the tree's stump.
  216. >The liveliness and color soon returned to the tree; Leaves began to grow amongst the once dead branches.
  217. >"W-Well I'll be! It's workin'! I dunno' what you're doin', but it's workin'!"
  218. >After a few more moments, the tree's Life License(TM) had been recertified.
  219. "...UGH!"
  220. >You fell to your knees, exasperated from the effort spent reviving that tree.
  221. >It's much harder bringing something back to life than simply growing it, it seems.
  222. >What else could this mean for your life magic, you wonder?
  223. >"A-Anon, what's wrong?" Rainbow rushed to your side, as did AJ and Twi.
  224. "T-Tired. I didn't expect it to take that much out of me."
  225. >"How in Celestia's name did you do that, Anon?!" Twilight shouted, an ecstatic look on her face.
  226. "Calm down, nerd... I'll tell you in a sec'..."
  227. >"Everypony, look! The rest of the trees are..." Applejack pointed a hoof at a few other dead trees, sounding taken aback.
  229. >You couldn't believe what you were seeing.
  230. >Even though you only used your life magic on one tree, the other dead trees nearby were also being affected.
  231. >In fact, the effect was spreading like a wildfire.
  232. >In all honesty, it's one of the most beautiful things you've seen in a long time.
  233. "I... did that?"
  234. >"It sure looks like it, Anonymous! Now I'm REALLY curious about ya'."
  235. >"Just spit it out, bro! Have you been hiding some kind of cool magic from me this whole time?"
  236. "Ok, so..."
  237. >Before you even started, Twilight took out a small sheet of paper and a quill, ready to write whatever you'd say.
  238. >You don't have the slightest idea where she got either of those from, but you're going to blame magic.
  239. "...Celestia and Luna told me that I've had 'life magic' dormant in me ever since I came to Equestria."
  240. "And apparently, it's decided now is a good time to surface. Not sure why, though."
  241. >"Life magic, you say? You know, Anon, what you've done reminds me of Earth Pony magic."
  242. "Celestia was explaining that to me earlier, or at least, she tried to."
  243. >"When did you visit Canterlot castle? I didn't see you again yesterday after you spoke with Pinkie, so..."
  244. "Nah, Celestia summoned me using magic or something."
  245. "Sunbutt's done that twice now, actually."
  246. >"S-Sunbutt?!" Twilight sounded appallled that you'd call her mentor, and the ruler of Equestria such a thing.
  247. >Rainbow, meanwhile, was in tears.
  248. >Even AJ was stifling a few chuckles.
  249. >"You haven't called her that to her face, have you?!"
  250. "Yep. I did. Hell, I slapped her on the ass."
  251. >"HUH?!"
  252. >That's hilarious.
  253. >Never in all of your days did you think Twilight would steal your signature 'huh'.
  254. >Rainbow was fucking dying, and AJ, despite her attempts at being mature, was giggling like a madmare.
  255. >"Anonymous, y-yer' a real hoot, y'know that?"
  256. >"M-Maybe y'all shouldn't go around slappin' mares, though."
  257. "Eh. She was asking for it."
  258. >Autism Supreme appeared to be malfunctioning.
  260. >Kneeling down to her level, you dismissed her worries, accentuating your words with waving hands.
  261. "Relax, purple guy. It's not that serious."
  262. >"P-Purple guy?!"
  263. "By the way, we're tied now."
  264. >"Hhhmm..." Twi's nose scrunched up, as angry horse noises escaped her lips.
  265. >"So you can heal yourself, heal trees, and... what else?" Rainbow asked, a confused look on her face.
  266. "Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if I could heal others, too. And it's probably not just trees."
  267. "I bet Redheart would be happy to hear that."
  268. >"Okay, please tell me you'll let me-"
  269. "No dissection. I mean it."
  270. >"I just want to study you!"
  271. "Mmhm."
  272. >"This is important, Anon! Who knows what else you can do with that magic?"
  273. "Ehh... Like..."
  274. >"P-Please? I won't do anything weird like last time!"
  275. >You're not detecting any kind of foul play with her words, nor have you picked up any dishonest horse noises.
  276. >She checks out, just this once.
  277. "I came here to tell you about this magic in the first place; So I would've said yes, regardless."
  278. "Just testing you, is all."
  279. >"Shame on me for underestimating you, Mr. Human." Twilight teased.
  280. >"If y'all are done flirtin', I'd like to borrow Mr. Anonymous for a bit."
  281. "Me? Flirting with Purple Smart? That's-"
  282. >"Anon..." Twilight was eyeing you like a hawk.
  283. >"Are you two sure you're not dating? You've been acting kinda'... romantic lately." Dash added, still giggling a bit.
  284. "I only date high quality horses, Rainbow. Like you."
  285. >"W-Wha-"
  286. >And just like that, your bro's patented blush feature activated.
  287. >"Y-You gotta' stop messing with me like that! It's weird!"
  288. "But it's fun!"
  290. >"I'm not high quality...?" Twilight murmured, looking at the ground.
  291. >"Ahem." AJ cleared her throat, no doubt trying to get your attention.
  292. "Oh, right... Sorry. What do you need me for?"
  293. >"Whatever ya' did to my trees is spreadin', so do ya' think you could heal the other trees in the orchard?"
  294. "Uhh... I probably could, but..."
  295. >"It's hard work, ain't it? Tell ya' what... I'll pay you for it."
  296. "Deal."
  297. >"While YOU help Applejack bring the trees back to life, I'M gonna' go prepare for lunch!" Rainbow said excitedly.
  298. "Prepare? Do you have a surprise planned or something?"
  299. >"You'll see. Just meet me outside Peetzer Hut."
  300. "Gotcha. And what are you going to go do, Twi?"
  301. >Rainbow had already flown away; You're not sure what she's got planned, but it'll be something awesome.
  302. >Your bro always knows exactly what you like, and what kind of gifts to get you.
  303. >"O-Oh! Umm... I was going to head back to the castle and start preparing my tools!"
  304. "Tools... you're serious about this. We'll do all of that tomorrow, is that fair?"
  305. >"Perfect! Swing by the castle, first thing in the morning!"
  306. >These horses just decide everything on their own, don't they?
  307. "Alright, Twi. Guess I'll see you tomorrow."
  308. >"Okay, I'll go make sure everything is ready for tomorrow! Bye, Anon!"
  309. >Twilight trotted off with a giddy spring in her step.
  310. "Remember, nothing weird, got it?!"
  311. >No response.
  312. >She was too far gone; Her own intelligence had taken hold of her, and she was too busy thinking to herself.
  313. >Typical Purple Horse.
  314. >All of that awkward nerdiness overrules the way she usually acts towards you when she's fascinated with something.
  315. "Lead the way, AJ."
  316. >"Right this way, big fella'."
  317. >You followed AJ through the orchard, ready to work more of your magic.
  318. >There's no telling how long this could take, but one thing is certain.
  319. >This is the perfect opportunity to practice controlling this magic.
  320. "So you really have no idea what's happening to the trees?"
  321. >"Honestly, ah ain't got a clue, but..."
  322. "But?"
  323. >"Granny Smith did say somethin' about the orchard needin' a little love. And she wasn't bein' specific, neither."
  324. "Love, you say?"
  325. >"Yup, and it looks like she was right. Maybe the soil is losin' some of its 'magic'."
  326. "Good thing I'm here, then."
  327. >"Yer' always welcome on the farm, y'hear? Ah can't stress it enough."
  329. >That rough voice and southern accent do things to you.
  330. >Bad things.
  331. >"Uhh... are y'all okay?"
  332. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just got a little excited."
  333. >"If you say so. I know you and RD are havin' lunch as usual, so I won't keep ya' long. Hopefully."
  335. >Many hours after your Apple Adventure(TM) with Applejack, you were jogging through Ponyville to meet up with Rainbow.
  336. >Regardless of AJ's statements, you were, in fact, kept long.
  337. >Not only is lunch time over, it's basically dinner time.
  338. >But AJ paid you well, extremely well.
  339. >A smiling, comforted apple horse.
  340. >That's what you like to see.
  341. >Not an anxious, panicking apple horse; You hate to see it.
  342. >Apparently, the way AJ got into your house uninvited to deliver that 'gift', was some kind of ancient technique.
  343. >It had something to do with apples; You weren't paying too much attention to her explanation due to exhaustion.
  344. >The sun had set over Ponyville about two hours ago.
  345. >If Dash is still waiting outside Peetzer Hut, you'd better hurry up, since there's no guarantee she'll wait any longer.
  346. >Once again, that's implying that she's there right now, still waiting.
  347. >You know her like the back of your own hand, though.
  348. >She's definitely there, but you'll have to make it up to her for being late.
  349. "Dash! Hey, you still here?!"
  350. >You called out for Fast Horse, but you couldn't see her anywhere, and there wasn't a reply, either.
  351. >Sighing, you cursed your luck, wishing you could have been quicker with reviving those trees.
  352. >Sitting down in one of the seats outside, many of which are far too small for you, you thought about what to do next.
  353. >Suddenly, something brushed against the back of your head, and you freaked out.
  354. >"HAH! Gotcha! Hahahaaaaa!"
  355. >It was Rainbow; Of course it was.
  356. >That shouldn't have startled you so much, but after what dream AJ did to you, it's no surprise.
  357. "Ugh. I guess that's what I get for being late."
  358. >"You took FOREVER at Sweet Apple Acres, y'know?"
  359. "That's my bad, sorry. Still getting used to this magic, but I got some good practice in!"
  360. "If it makes you feel any better, things started to speed up towards the tail end!"
  361. >"Nope."
  362. "Figured."
  363. >"I had to give our pizza away to somepony because it was getting cold! You're lucky I had a huge breakfast!"
  364. "Y-You haven't eaten yet? Bro, you didn't have to do that..."
  365. >"After your little camping trip with Spike, I can't let you off the hook. No missed lunches!"
  366. >You feel bad, but at the same time, a wide, stupid grin crept upon your face.
  367. >You're no stranger to having a good friend here and there, and of course, you know you're friends with Dash.
  368. >Even so, it blows your mind when you realize how deep the bond is between the two of you.
  369. >"What's with that dumb look on your face? You're being weird, bro."
  370. "I'm just happy; Call it what you want."
  371. >"Good! Because I ordered the biggest pizza I could, and told them to keep it hot for us."
  372. >"And YOU'RE gonna' pay for it!"
  373. "So what were you going to do if I didn't show up?"
  374. >Rainbow folded her hooves, giving you a disgruntled look.
  375. >"You'd be, like, 20% less cooler to me."
  377. "Well, it's a good thing I'm here, then."
  378. >Right on time, an employee came out levitating a massive peetzer on a tray with magic.
  379. >Your relationship with Cadance is on an acquaintance level at best, but she'd die if she were here to see this thing.
  380. >Then again, she was putting down some very suggestive hints the last time you had an 'audience' with her.
  381. >You found it hilarious, considering she's married to Twilight's brother, but you'd never tell either of them about it.
  382. >Maybe Horse Cock(TM) just isn't enough for her.
  383. >To your surprise, the employee carrying the enormous pizza was none other than The Great and Powerful Horse(TM).
  384. "Trixie?"
  385. >"Oh shoot... Why do I keep running into you like this?!"
  386. >"Trixie?! I didn't see you when I went in there! When did you start working here?" Even Rainbow was confused.
  387. "Her shows aren't doing too well, so she's-"
  388. >"Shut up, shut up! SSSHHH!"
  389. "I was hoping those bits I gave you would've helped get your show moving again."
  390. >"SSSHHHH!"
  391. >"T-They did! But this is my last part-time shift! I swear, I'm NEVER doing this again!"
  392. "Sure hope so. You look miserable."
  393. >"Dude, wouldn't it be funny if we told Twilight about this?"
  394. >"DON'T!"
  395. >You and Rainbow both stared at The Great and Powerful Horse(TM), holding back equal amounts of laughter and giggles.
  396. "Hmm... y'know, that'd be pretty fucking funny."
  397. >"I'M BEGGING YOU!"
  398. >"Maybe we should make her work for it."
  399. "Why yes, Rainbow Dash, I agree."
  400. >"PLEASE!"
  401. "Free pizza. No discussion."
  402. >"O-Okay, okay!"
  403. >Trixie placed the Super Mega Ultra Almighty God-Like Primordial Sanctified Supreme True Peetzer(TM) on your table.
  404. >"B-But mark Trixie's words, she'll get you back for this!"
  405. >There she goes, talking in third person again; You thought she had finally gotten over that.
  406. >She's such a dumb horse.
  407. >Picking her up into your arms, you hugged the absolute shit out of her.
  408. >"A-Anon?! Put me down this instant, you... you...!"
  409. >"There's no getting out of his hugs, Trixie. Don't even bother. I've tried."
  410. >"Oh, fiddlesticks!" Trixie shouted, giving up and resigning herself to the fate of a hugged horse.
  411. >There truly is no escape.
  413. >"J-Just eat your pizza already!"
  414. "Hmm... you make a fair point."
  415. >Releasing the hugged horse from your gorilla grip, you spun around in your seat, facing the peetzer.
  416. >Trixie ran away, right back into Peetzer Hut, before you could change your mind, and Rainbow was giggling like an idiot.
  417. >Little did she know, she herself would soon be hugged as well.
  418. >She didn't even see it coming, as you leapt out of your chair and grabbed hold of her.
  419. >"Wha...!"
  420. >"Dude, put me down! N-Now's not the time!"
  421. "When I was a young lad, my father told me there was a time and place for everything."
  422. "Hugs are exempt from that rule. Name one instance where hugging is bad."
  423. >"L-Like, right now! Lemme' go!"
  424. >Seeing Rainbow blush gives you purpose, it really does.
  425. >You're like Fluttershy sometimes, but without the sexualizing.
  426. >Or the rape.
  427. "Alright, I'm done. Let's actually eat."
  428. >Once Speedy Gonzales was released from your inescapable hug, you instantly reached for the biggest slice on the tray.
  429. >"H-Hey! I wanted that one!"
  430. "I was about to hand it to you, silly."
  431. >She glared at you with wide eyes as if she had just realized something, and you know exactly what it is.
  432. >"No! Not again! I'm not a baby, Anon, I can eat my own food!"
  433. "Here comes the train..."
  434. >"UGH! You're so uncool!"
  435. >Rainbow knew better than to resist in the long run, so she simply opened her mouth.
  436. >Admittedly, the sight of Dash with her mouth open and tongue out like that activated your almonds.
  437. "HHNNNNGHH"
  438. >The slice of peetzer was heavily wounded by Fast Horse, losing over half of its length in a single bite.
  439. >Not only that, but she took the entire thing out of your hands.
  440. >Tossing the half-eaten slice into the air using her teeth, she caught it in her mouth like a dog going after a tennis ball.
  441. "D-Damn. That was impressive!"
  442. >"Can I please eat the rest of my slices by myself?"
  443. "Eh, you earned it."
  444. >"Hah hah. Very funny."
  446. "Almost forgot to ask, where's that surprise you were talking about earlier?"
  447. >"I was just about to pull it out, but you hugging Trixie distracted me!"
  448. "It had to be done. So, what's the surprise?"
  449. >"Gimme' just oooone sec..."
  450. >Dash flew over to a nearby bush, rustling the leaves and searching through it with her horsey hooves.
  451. >"C-C'mon, where is it..."
  452. >"...There!"
  453. >You almost lost it when you saw the 'surprise'.
  454. "Is... is that for me?"
  455. >Dash was holding a black cap in her hooves, flying back over to you.
  456. >"I had Rarity make it for you! I-I know how much you like black, so..."
  457. >You immediately snatched it from her, and put it on.
  458. >It's unironically the greatest thing ever.
  459. "I fucking love it."
  460. >"Heh... I knew you'd say that! Nopony knows your tastes like I do!"
  461. "Can't argue with that, bro."
  462. "And it fits perfectly, too! Rarity did a good job."
  463. >You got a cool hat, AND a free pizza that you were originally planning to pay for as recompense for being late.
  464. >Today has been fucking great.
  465. >Before digging in yourself, you gave thanks to Sunbutt for having such a massive horse ass.
  466. >Also for supplying you with near infinite amounts of money, practically at your behest, but mostly the first thing.
  467. >The first bite of peetzer sent you to another dimension.
  468. >Before you knew it, your animalistic, primal urges kicked in, and you proceeded to swallow two slices whole.
  469. >"W-Whoa, Anon, chill out! Leave some for me!"
  470. >Your third victim was in your hands, your mouth agape, and Dash's words spared his life.
  471. "Y-You're right. I don't know what came over me."
  472. >"No wonder Twilight is so interested in you, humans are weird."
  473. >You took a bite out of the third slice like a normal person, before replying.
  474. "I'm one of a kind, bro. Other humans are nothing like me."
  475. >"Imagining more than one of you kinda' scares me, not gonna' lie."
  476. "I don't think Fluttershy, or Twilight could handle that."
  477. >"H-Hello? Anonymous?"
  478. >A voice you've never heard before caught your attention; They were calling for you, no less.
  479. >You turned around to see some orange, bearded stallion in robes.
  481. "Yeah, that's me... What is it?"
  482. >"Sunburst? What are you doing in Ponyville?"
  483. >"I came here to talk to Anonymous, in private, i-if you don't mind."
  484. >"There's something important I have to tell him."
  485. >"Wow, your name really gets around, huh, bro?"
  486. >You've never seen the guy before, and you're not sure what he could possibly want with you.
  487. "I won't deny that, but... did you ask around for me or something?"
  488. >"Twilight sent Starlight and I a letter talking about you... hehe..."
  489. >He's pretty fucking awkward, that's for sure.
  490. "Mmm... that does sound like something she'd do."
  491. >"I stopped by Twilight's castle, and she was nice enough to tell me where you'd be."
  492. >"Or... where she thought you might be, anyway."
  493. "Fair enough. By the way, that Starlight name rings a bell."
  494. "Can this wait, though? I'm in the middle of lunch."
  495. >"Uhhh... you'll probably wanna' hear what I have to say first!"
  496. >"Like I said, it's really important! You might be in danger!"
  497. "Danger, you say?"
  498. "Guess I'll make this quick, then."
  499. "You don't mind, right, Dash?"
  500. >"He said it's important, so go ahead! The pizza's gonna' be gone by the time you get back, just so you know."
  501. "Damnit... Alright, come on, you orange horse. Let's talk behind Peetzer Hut."
  502. >Rainbow gets the entire rest of the pizza by default, thanks to this guy.
  503. >As soon as you and 'Sunburst' were behind Peetzer Hut, you crossed your arms, leaning against the wall.
  504. "I'm just going to pretend Rainbow isn't eating the rest of the pizza right now."
  505. >"Sorry, I promise I didn't mean to interrupt your lunch!"
  506. >"B-But Starlight has gone crazy!"
  507. "Wait... huh? Slow it down a bit."
  508. "I only know who that is because of Twilight, what's she doing now?"
  509. "From the top, please."
  510. >"A-Alright, so, as you probably already know, Starlight has been at the Crystal Empire for a few months now."
  511. "Yeah, I definitely remember that part."
  512. >"My home is there too, and we've been studying together to find a solution for world hunger."
  513. "End world hunger... damn. Now what went wrong?"
  514. >"One day, she just... didn't respond to my questions about a few hypotheses she proposed."
  515. >"Not in the way she usually does, at least."
  516. >"Instead, she just sidewinded my questions and started making... err..."
  517. "Out with it."
  519. >"...Sexual demands."
  520. "Oh. She's one of those."
  521. >"O-One of those?"
  522. "She's a rapist, isn't she?"
  523. >"W-Well..."
  524. "Yep. Thought so."
  525. "Which means, you came here to warn me about that."
  526. >"Y-Yes, that's precisely what I did! Twilight sent a letter to Starlight and I, and when she saw that..."
  527. "She came straight for my cock."
  528. >"Precisely."
  529. "Girls and their stupid gossiping."
  530. "That doesn't even make any sense, though."
  531. "You're telling me she got bored of you, and came straight to Ponyville as soon as she found out what a human was?"
  532. >"Would you believe me if I said yes?"
  533. "Ehh... before I answer that, I've got one question."
  534. "Does Starlight have blue-ish eyes, a pinkish coat, and a curly mane?"
  535. >"Yes, she does!"
  536. "Oh fuck."
  537. >"Now you understand what I'm trying to tell you!"
  538. "That bitch has been stalking me since yesterday..."
  539. "...Actually... who knows how long she's been doing it for?"
  540. "I've caught her in the act a few times now; She'll just stare at me through a window, or a doorway."
  541. >"I-It's frightening, isn't it?"
  542. "A guy like me gets attention like that all the time, it's really nothing new, but uh..."
  543. "...Sometimes, these mares scare the fuck out of me. I can't lie."
  544. "It's a little cathartic meeting somepony else that deals with this."
  545. >"Oh! Uhm, that's great to hear! But you've GOT to lay low for a while."
  546. "What, like not going outside?"
  547. "Can't I just... I don't know, go to Twilight about this?"
  548. "You told her about what Starlight is up to, right?"
  549. >"I certainly did. And trust me, I've got a plan!"
  550. >Initially, his voice was shaky and nervous, but his last words carried conviction.
  551. >That's the kind of attitude you like to see.
  552. "So what's the plan?"
  554. >"You have a home, yes?"
  555. "It'd suck ass if I didn't; Sleeping in other ponies' beds is awkward, y'know, they're usually a little too small for me."
  556. >"Perfect! We'll shack up in your home, and I'll ward off the area with a force field, one that she can't teleport past."
  557. "I like the confidence, but from what Twilight told me, Starlight is a REALLY capable magic user."
  558. "Then again, you've already dealt with her at the Crystal Empire, so maybe you've got this."
  559. >"She may be skilled, but I know a thing or two, and then some! Lead the way, Anonymous!"
  560. "Aye-aye, Beardy."
  561. >"My name is Sunburst..."
  562. "You poor equine; You know nothing about me."
  563. >Without a second of delay, you began the short trek to your home, and Sunburst hurriedly trotted behind you.
  564. >But first, you have to tell Rainbow that you're heading out.
  565. >She shouldn't mind, considering the sun has almost fully set.
  566. "Pssst! Hey, Dash!"
  567. >In a whispering, breathy voice, you called out to Broski from the side of Peetzer Hut.
  568. >"Anon? Are you two still talking back there?"
  569. >Squinting your eyes, you can just barely see that the pizza is gone.
  570. >Curse this hungry horse.
  571. >Not that it really matters right now, you've got a Rape Shelter(TM) to get to.
  572. "Sunburst and I gotta' get going. We're heading to-"
  573. >Orange Guy's hoof tapped your leg; You peered over to see him shaking his head.
  574. >He's being especially careful, similar to the way you were during the Super Rapist(TM) arc.
  575. >"Heading to what now?"
  576. "Uhh... Spaghetti Marehouse!"
  577. >"But we just had lunch! You're that hungry, bro?"
  578. "Maybe I wouldn't be if somepony didn't slaughter the rest of the peetzer while I was gone."
  579. >"Don't blame me if you get a wicked bad tummyache!"
  580. "I could say the same for you, bro."
  581. >"What?! No way! My stomach's made of steel!"
  582. "Sure, we'll see. Catch you later."
  583. >"Peace!"
  584. >Leaving Rainbow to her own devices, you lead Sunburst to your not so humble abode.
  585. >Hopefully he does as he says he will.
  586. >If any of what Twilight told you about Starlight is true, escaping her Rape Field(TM) would be nigh impossible.
  588. >It was fairly dark outside; The clouds were in the sky were thick, but rays of moonlight could still be seen.
  589. >Nothing strange happened on the way to your house, and you didn't spot Starlight, either.
  590. >The lights in the kitchen were still on from your breakfast with Peanut Flutter Cups and Ray Charles.
  591. >Taking out your keys to unlock the door was a tad bit more stressful than it should have been.
  592. >Hurriedly closing the door behind you, Sunburst hopped up on your couch.
  593. >Giving him an incredulous look, you brought a hand to your hip.
  594. "You're not even going to ask before you sit on that?"
  595. >"P-Pardon me, just making myself comfortable..."
  596. "I don't have a problem with that; It's just a little weird considering this is your first time being in here."
  597. "But whatever... so, you really think she's following us, huh?"
  598. >After asking that, you promptly checked your windows, scanning for the magical rape horse in question.
  599. >It's a little too dark for you to spot anything, but who knows?
  600. >You might catch a glimpse of them.
  601. >"I know she is; Starlight doesn't give up easily."
  602. "Well, that's just great."
  603. "Mind turning on that force field of yours?"
  604. "There's nopony outside, but that could change pretty quick."
  605. >"Your wish is my command, Anonymous."
  606. >As you continued to scan the dark roads of Ponyville, something caught your attention.
  607. >You remembered what happened the first time you spotted Starlight.
  608. >She was peering at you through your bedroom door.
  609. >Neither of you thought to fully check the inside of your house before settling down.
  610. >That's a little concerning, so perhaps you should bring it up.
  611. >Speaking of the house, it'll probably take some time for him to bring up that field.
  612. "Uh... hey, I'm gonna' check the inside while you're doing tha-"
  613. >Your brain was stunned after taking a good look at Sunburst.
  614. >Something about him seemed off, and he definitely didn't have that glint in his eyes before.
  615. >The glint evolved into a full on spiral of 'something', you're not sure what it is.
  616. >It's like he was hypnotised or something.
  617. >Not only that, but there was this unnatural grin on his face.
  618. >It wasn't menacing or anything, but he had no reason to be smiling like that with what's going on.
  619. "Beardy? Are you good over there?"
  620. >No answer.
  621. >You're not thrilled about this.
  622. >Not one bit.
  623. >Just as you thought to approach him, and maybe shake him around a bit, his horn started to glow.
  624. >A translucent, orange dome suddenly surrounded you from all sides.
  625. >It was more or less the width of your entire living room.
  627. "Sunburst, what the fuck?"
  628. >Still no answer.
  629. "Can you even hear me?!"
  630. >It was about to be clobbering time, and you planned to knock him out of whatever trance he was in.
  631. >But before you could, the familiar clip-clop of hooves sounded from somewhere in your home.
  632. >Looking into the kitchen, there was nopony there.
  633. >The hoofsteps kept changing directions in your ears, you could hardly pinpoint the location of the sounds.
  634. >You were paranoid, looking all over the place for a noise that you couldn't track down.
  635. >"Looking for me, Anon?"
  636. "...HUH?"
  637. >Amidst the confusing sounds, a voice, obviously belonging to a female, called out to you.
  638. >This time, however, the sound definitively came from behind.
  639. >You were already shitting yourself, but this is on a different level of shit.
  640. >Behind you was the pony who had been stalking you.
  641. "Starlight? Is that you?"
  642. >"Yes, yes, it is."
  643. >She appeared eerily calm with a confident smirk on her face, like she had complete control of the situation.
  644. >That's not very far from the truth, and from the looks of things, Sunburst is currently doing her bidding.
  645. "What the fuck did you do to him?"
  646. >"Sunburst? Oh, ya' know, I just used a little hypnosis spell on him."
  647. >"No big deal, really."
  648. >She was fucking giggling after admitting to that.
  649. "No big deal?! How long has he been hypnotised for?!"
  650. >"Hmm... ever since I put the spell on him at the Crystal Empire."
  651. "WHA-"
  652. >You were speaking to a hypnotised Sunburst that entire time.
  653. >Initially, after hearing his warnings about Starlight, you suggested going to Twi's castle.
  654. >But he immediately changed your mind, assuring you that he 'had a plan', and you went with it.
  655. >Something about that just felt fishy, but there wasn't enough doubt in your mind to act otherwise.
  656. >Was this just to get you all alone with her?
  657. >Now, instead of surrounding your house with a forcefield, you're the only one surrounded here.
  658. >"Nice force field spell, isn't it?"
  659. >"Not that it's mine, or anything. Sunburst perfected it, so I figured he should be the one to cast it."
  660. "Don't talk to me all nonchalant like that!"
  661. "For somepony who's supposed to be reformed, this is some pretty stupid shit you're pulling!"
  662. >"Oh? Who's gonna' stop me?"
  663. >She unironically has a good point.
  664. >Sunburst probably got his brains fucked out already, long before she hypnotised him and brought him here.
  665. >Her plan worked out exactly the way she wanted it too.
  666. >Especially when Beardy stopped you from telling Rainbow where you were really headed.
  668. "Augh, fuck! How did I fall for that stupid trick?!"
  669. >Holding your head with both hands, you cursed yourself for being so easily trusting of a random horse.
  670. >"Awwww, don't cry, Anon... I'll make it ALL BETTER!"
  671. >Your hands shielded your front in self-defense, her sudden rise in volume causing you to flinch.
  672. >Much to your chagrin, no amount of raising your hands will accomplish anything here.
  673. >Not against a magical horse.
  674. >Just like your encounter with Dream Twilight(TM), your struggling will be pointless.
  675. "H-Hold on, hold on..."
  676. >The very same hands you just used had been stolen from you with a glow of her horn.
  677. >They now rest at your sides, and you're completely incapable of moving them.
  678. >"Ever since Twilight sent that letter, I've been so, so, soooo curious..."
  679. >At the very least, it doesn't seem like Sunburst lied about the letter part.
  680. "There's nothing TO be curious about! I'm essentially a hairless monkey!"
  681. >"No, no, no! There's so much more than that!"
  682. >She's off the deep end.
  683. >"I miss the days of being able to TAKE what I want! When I wanted it, and how!"
  684. >"But I was fine! Fine until SUNBURST here said NO!"
  685. "W-Wait, listen, there's no need for any of this!"
  686. "You've already got Sunburst!"
  687. >Starlight's magic threw you to the ground, sending you crawling backwards.
  688. >"I need more than just him to be satisfied!"
  689. >Think, think, think.
  690. >What could you possibly have up your sleeve to get out of this?
  691. >Without control of your body, there's nothing you can physically do.
  692. >This is so completely unfair.
  693. >Magic(TM) is OP.
  694. >That's when you remembered; You've got magic of your own.
  695. >Too bad there isn't much it can do right now.
  696. >The only flora within this field is your Spider Plant(TM), and you're unsure how that can help you.
  697. >But it's worth a shot.
  698. >You tried to turn your head so you could work your 'staring' trick on it, but Starlight forced you to face her.
  699. >"Do you think I'm stupid?! I've seen your little magic tricks!"
  700. >"They won't do you any good!"
  701. >Even if she's stopping you from looking at it, there's still a chance.
  703. >Closing your eyes to focus on the Spider Plant(TM), you envisioned your life magic doing its thing.
  704. >"Giving up already? Come on, struggle! Make it fun for me!"
  705. >Like a self-guided tentacle, one of the Spider Plant's leaves flew straight for Sunburst.
  706. >You could feel where it was going, what it was doing, everything, as if it were one of your limbs.
  707. >It flicked him in the back of the head, distrupting his spell, and causing his force field to dissipate.
  708. >Your lungs were begging for air afterwards, the action taking quite a lot out of you.
  709. >"O-Ow! What in the..."
  710. >Starlight took notice, furiously pointing her horn at Sunburst.
  711. >"I told you, it's useless!"
  712. >A beam shot out of her horn and into his head, causing him to sit upright on your couch.
  713. >The same magical spiral returned to his eyes, and before you knew it, the force field was back up in no time.
  714. >Normally, you're quick on the draw, but it's difficult to follow up so soon on something you've never done before.
  715. >Sunburst can be snapped out of his trance; Starlight, on the other hand, cannot.
  716. >She's the real problem here, and you're probably not doing anything to her right now.
  717. >"Just to make sure you don't pull anything else...!"
  718. >Her eyes turned away from you, and towards the Spider Plant(TM).
  719. "Shit... shit! DON'T-"
  720. >You couldn't believe your eyes.
  721. >Fire was forming around Starlight's horn.
  722. >She's about to incinerate your fucking plant.
  723. >And you couldn't turn to see it, but there was a distinct sound of something getting burnt up in flickering flames.
  724. >This fucking horse actually killed it.
  725. "WHY'D YOU KILL HIM?!"
  726. >You loved that plant.
  727. >You loved him like a fucking brother.
  728. >"That's what I like to see! Get riled up, Anon!"
  729. >She's approaching you.
  730. >This is totally not good.
  731. >They were pricking you like a bitch, but you wish those vines were still in your hoodie right about now.
  732. >As usual, magic or no magic, your pants and shoes flew right off of your body, leaving nothing but your boxers.
  733. >For a moment, she had a look of confusion on her features.
  734. >Most ponies don't understand why humans seemingly wear two pairs of 'pants', and Starlight is no exception.
  735. >"Agh, come on, come on!" Starlight shouted in impatience.
  736. >You almost screamed as she pulled your cock out of the fly, freeing Anon Jr. from its prison once more.
  737. >"O-Oh Celestia..."
  738. >Twilight's 'studies' and 'experiments' from when you first arrived in Equestria filled your mind.
  739. >You can feel when somepony is using magic on your body, but Anon Jr. REALLY feels it.
  740. >If there was ever a time to revolt against him, it would be now.
  741. >While still remaining aggressive, her temperament changed from one of confidence to one of pure lust.
  742. >Her face was truly showing it, too.
  743. >Once again, this is totally not good.
  745. >"T-Twilight's letter told me about your h-human s-s-stamina!"
  746. >The horse can hardly form a sentence without stuttering now.
  747. >Also, what the fuck did she just say?
  748. >How many things have you told Twilight about while you were drunk off cider?
  749. >Because you can guarantee you didn't tell her about that while sober.
  750. >Secondly, how much shit was in that letter?
  751. >Why would she have included something like that in the letter to begin with?
  752. >Dumb, autistic horse.
  753. >Starlight proceed to mount you, holding you still all across your body with her magic.
  754. >It's so surreal how helpless you are.
  755. >The feeling isn't too dissimilar from sleep paralysis; You can't move a single muscle no matter how hard you try.
  756. >That is, until your hands moved to rest on her flanks.
  757. >Of course, that wasn't of your own accord.
  758. >Anon Jr. had nothing to do with it; It was Starlight's fault, but he's still incredibly happy about it.
  759. >"H-Have you ever tried anal, Anon?"
  760. >Celestia, wherever she is right now, needs to get off of her fat ass and save you.
  761. >As small as these horses are in comparison to you, they shouldn't feel so heavy.
  762. >Maybe it's because they're all fat like Twilight.
  763. "Can we... like... not?"
  764. >"We're having sex until the sun comes up, and then I'm taking you with me."
  765. >Starlight stared into your very soul as she uttered those words, and she didn't stutter for a single syllable.
  766. >She was deathly serious, her eyes wide in lustful hysteria.
  767. >Glaring back into your newfound rapist's eyes, you didn't notice her lowering herself onto Anon Jr.
  768. >"H-Haaaaa...!"
  769. >Rapelight gasped in euphoria, finally getting a taste of what she came all this way for.
  770. >No more was Anon Jr. ignorant to the intricacies of the Super Mega Ultra God-Like Primordial Ponut(TM).
  771. >Not only are you unable to move, but you're forced to fucking touch her.
  772. >You can only toss around funny jokes in your head to ignore the situation for so long.
  773. >At some point, she went from savoring Anon Jr. to outright destroying him.
  774. "Get... off!"
  775. >The magical rapist wasn't even listening; She was in a world of her own.
  777. >Is this really how it ends?
  778. >After all the rape you've been through?
  779. "Starlight... Starlight!"
  780. >"What is it, Anon?! Aren't you having fun?!"
  781. "Y-You don't wanna' do this! What would Twilight think?! Or Trixie?!"
  782. >"I don't care! Right now, I can do whateeeeever I WANT!"
  783. >Your fingers dug into the hysterical horse; You're nearing your end.
  784. >Her Ponut is much too strong for Anon Jr.
  785. >And according to what she said earlier, she's not going to be happy with just this.
  786. >You repeat, this is totally not fucking good.
  787. "Hey, hey, hey... c'mon... live and let die, yeah? J-Just lemme' go?"
  788. >"Ughh, how many times do I have to say it?!
  789. >No.
  790. >NO.
  792. >MUST.
  793. >RESIST.
  794. >"G-Give up and cum already!"
  795. >Jesus christ, it still hasn't hit you yet.
  796. >You're being sexually assaulted.
  797. >No matter how many times this happens to you, it's so surreal.
  798. >In these trying times, you have to direct all of your attention to the struggle.
  799. >The mere act of acknowledging what Anon Jr. is experiencing will spell your doom.
  800. >It took you a moment to realize, but there was a faint, greenish glow surrounding the two of you.
  801. >There's no way it was coming from Starlight, in fact, it seemed to be coming from you.
  802. >The emerald light's luminosity intensified, far too brightly for your eyes, so you shut them closed.
  803. >A sound you could only describe as a flash suddenly fucked your ear drums.
  804. >"A-AAAAH! MY EYES!"
  805. >"A-Anon?! Anon, I... I can't see!"
  806. >Starlight screamed at the top of her lungs, slipping and falling off of Anon Jr.
  807. >Sunburst voiced the same complaint, being just as blinded as Starlight was.
  808. >Suddenly, you could move again.
  810. >All the fighting and flexing your muscles were doing carried over, causing you to twitch for a moment.
  811. >After opening your eyes, you could see there was no longer a force field surrounding you and Rapelight.
  812. >If there was ever a time to start running, now would be the time.
  813. >"Don't go anywhere! W-We're not done here!" Starlight was using her magic to try and find you, even while blinded.
  814. >The door is behind her and you'd rather not risk it; This is a certified jump out the window moment.
  815. >Standing on your feet, which was a little difficult after losing control of them, you rushed to the escape route.
  816. >"I can hear you!"
  817. >Her magic was searching close to where you were; You could see it floating about beside you.
  818. >Like a security guard's cone of detection in a Metal Gear Solid(TM) game, you avoided it like the plague.
  819. >By the time the window was open, her magic grazed you, and a proverbial exclamation point appeared above her head.
  820. >FUCK
  821. >Before Starlight could get ahold of anything, you leapt out of the window, and immediately crouched.
  822. >Anon Jr. was still out and about, so you took the time to imprison him.
  823. >It shouldn't be much longer before she can see again.
  824. >You're not sure what you did, or how you even did it, but it came in clutch.
  825. >This life magic may be your strongest anti-rape tool yet, even more powerful than your lost Knife(TM).
  827. >OH GOD OH FUCK
  828. >You're nearly out of borrowed time; Your best option now is to break line of sight.
  829. >If she can see you, she can use magic on you, and that's no good.
  830. >Starlight is now clip-clopping towards you, very, very aggressively.
  831. >Getting chased is your number one fear, and getting raped is the second, so your legs are on maximum overdrive.
  832. >She's fucking with the wrong human.
  833. >Nevermind the fact that you were balls deep in Ponut(TM) a few moments ago, completely and utterly helpless.
  834. >Nope.
  835. >That definitely didn't happen.
  836. >The Everfree Forest is the last place you want to be at night, or in general, but for now, it's perfect.
  837. >You'll be going in dark, but it's nowhere near as dark as the woods near Neighagra Falls were.
  838. >Even as you dove between trees and bushes, Starlight didn't stop shouting at you for a single second.
  839. >"Don't even try it! You aren't fast enough!"
  840. "Oh yeah?! We'll see, you stupid horse!"
  841. >The Scooby Doo chase scene between you and Starlight had begun, leaving Sunburst alone by himself.
  842. >He was the last thing on your mind as you ran to save your own skin, or in this case, your cock.
  843. >Still, you're hoping his brain isn't fried after all of that hypnosis.
  844. >"When I catch you, YOU'RE HAVING MY FILLIES!"
  846. >"I'LL MAKE IT WORK!"
  847. "OH SHIT OH FUCK-"
  849. "Anon? Anon?! Oh, darnit!"
  850. >He's already gone, and from the looks of things, Starlight must have gone after him.
  851. >His window was left open, so you assume that's where he escaped from.
  852. >Some Great and Powerful Trixie you are, you're too late.
  853. >You could hear both of their screams for Celestia's sake.
  854. >Ever since Starlight returned from the Crystal Empire yesterday, she's been acting incredibly avoidant.
  855. >Avoidant is the 'nice' way to put it, the honest thing to say would be downright suspicious.
  856. >She hardly said a word to you, going off somewhere with Sunburst by her side, like you weren't even important.
  857. >Heck, even Sunburst acted like you weren't there.
  858. >Your best friend-girl crush ignoring you sucked, but later on in the day, you decided to do some snooping around.
  859. >As you usually do.
  860. >It's very clearly a problem you need to work on, but it came in handy this time.
  861. >You eavesdropped on Starlight giving Sunburst some questionable orders, some of them having to do with Anon.
  862. >Starlight was smart, and didn't say too much in the event somepony was listening in on her.
  863. >It took you nearly an hour after your final evening shift at Peetzer Hut to realize what they were up to.
  864. >You would have loved to warn Anon about any of this, if only you had clicked all the pieces together sooner.
  865. >She wanted Anon alone with absolutely no interference.
  866. >You're unsure what she's had in store for him, but given his track record, you might have an idea.
  867. >Maybe if he would stop being so hot, this wouldn't be happening.
  868. >Stupid, sexy Anon.
  869. >A wooden creak sounded throughout the night air, coming from Anon's door of all places.
  870. >Sunburst stepped outside, holding a hoof to his head, giving you far more questions than answers.
  871. "D-Don't move a muscle! I'm warning you!"
  872. >"Dear Celestia! T-Trixie?!"
  873. "I said, stop moving!"
  874. >"I-It's not what it looks like! Let me explain!"
  875. "Why should I listen to you?! You and Starlight have been going after Anon, and doing... w-whatever the buck else!"
  876. >You trotted up to his face, holding the quivering stallion at horn point.
  877. >"Starlight hypnotised me! I tried to fight back, but it didn't do any good! And now she's chasing Anon!"
  878. >"None of this would have happened if I had kept that letter from her..."
  879. >Sunburst cowered like a frightened child, hooves atop his head like he was bracing for impact.
  880. "What letter? Spill the beans, Sunburst!"
  881. >"S-Starlight started getting aggressive towards me in a... well... weird way... and..."
  882. "Oh, for Luna's sake, you don't have to sugarcoat it! Now's not the time, anyway!"
  883. >"O-Okay, okay!"
  885. >He was terrified; It's obvious that he was scared for himself just as much as Anon, but you still needed answers.
  886. >"Twilight sent us a letter letting us know about Anon, with a lot of personal, VERY sexual things relating to him!"
  887. >"A-And I was the first one to see it, but I was STUPID enough to let her see it, too!"
  888. >"When she saw what Twilight wrote, everything went downhill from there, and I prefer not to say what happened next..."
  889. "But do you even know why she's doing all of this?!"
  890. >"No. Celestia, no. I haven't the faintest clue!"
  891. "You're supposed to be the smart one here, aren't you?!"
  892. "Maybe she's... in heat or something!"
  893. >"Initially, I came to the same conclusion, b-but she's not displaying any of the typical symptoms!"
  894. "Oh no..."
  895. >"Oh no, what?!"
  896. "I think she's turning evil again!"
  897. >"But she's been over that phase of her life for MONTHS now!"
  898. >"Why would it suddenly resurface?!"
  899. "You're asking the wrong mare!"
  900. "Besides, Anon needs our help!"
  901. >"Goodness, you're right! Do you know which way they went?!"
  902. "Uhh... Everfree Forest, maybe?"
  903. >"Are you sure?!"
  904. "I don't know; It just sounds like someplace Anon would run to!"
  905. >"At least you have a guess! It's better than whatever I was about to say! Come on!"
  906. >Sunburst galloped off towards Everfree Forest, running at speeds you didn't think the timid pony was capable of.
  907. "W-Wait up! I'm right behind you!"
  908. >Frankly, you were tired after running all the way to Anon's house to begin with, but you've got plenty of adrenaline now.
  909. >Thinking about it now, you're positive that Anon ran towards the forest.
  910. >His house is at one of the furthest edges of Ponyville, and there's nowhere else for him to realistically go.
  911. >Not to mention, he's running away from a unicorn, so his best bet is to make distance and hide.
  912. >After a little less than a minute of running, the two of you were stopped dead in your tracks due to complications.
  913. >There was a massive explosion deeper into the forest, the soil beneath your hooves nearly quaking from the blast.
  914. "What in Equestria is going on?!"
  915. >"It's Starlight! I recognize that sound anywhere! That was a fire spell!"
  916. "Fire spell?! Is she trying to rape him, or kill him?!"
  917. >Soon enough, the two of you could hear the sounds of burning trees in the distance.
  918. >For that to be the case, whatever spell Starlight unleashed had to have been extremely powerful.
  919. >"This is too much for us to handle, Trixie! We need to get help... m-maybe bring over a few pegasi to put out that fire!"
  920. "But... what if Anon is...?"
  921. >"He can handle himself for now; I saw what he can do while I was hypnotised!"
  922. >"What we need to do is take care of this forest fire, or else Anon won't be the only one in trouble!"
  923. "D-Darnit... alright! That human better not die on me!"
  924. >Turning right back around with Sunburst, you opted to look for help instead of going in deeper.
  925. >If something ends up happening to Anon, you'll definitely be blaming yourself for it.
  926. >You sure hope Sunburst is right.
  928. >Your lungs are this close to exploding out of your chest, but you're faring far better than you usually do.
  929. >The sparkling noise of her magic is constantly gracing your ears, she's barely lost any ground on you.
  930. >If you didn't know any better, you'd say she's gaining on you.
  931. >There's no way that's the case.
  932. >That would be terrible.
  933. >And suddenly, you heard this horrifying, bone-chilling sound behind you.
  934. >The sound itself wasn't scary, but the implication of it was.
  935. >Looking behind you, Starlight is caught in the act of cheating.
  936. >The only way you know how to escape is by running, and she's teleporting.
  937. >Fucking TELEPORTING.
  938. >For a moment, you forgot what kind of rapist you were dealing with, so none of this should be a surprise.
  939. >You struck a hard U-turn, right as she disappeared, running behind thick foliage to take cover.
  940. >When the magical snap of her reappearing sounded, she took a few more steps, but stopped soon after.
  941. >Somehow, she had no idea where you went.
  942. >When magical horses teleport, they probably can't hear or see when in transport.
  943. >Do they go to some weird limbo dimension for a few seconds?
  944. >Is it something else even stranger?
  945. >Maybe that's a question you can ask Twilight at some other time, but for now, Starlight has lost track of you.
  946. >Thankfully, it's nighttime, so the darkness makes this hiding spot much more advantageous.
  947. >"Anon, I'm not playing games!"
  948. >It sure is fucking creepy to have your name called so casually by a rapist.
  949. >Even worse, when it's a rapist that you've JUST met for the first time today.
  950. >Her hoof stomped against the damp soil, and as she continued to huff and puff, you were experiencing a dilemma.
  951. >Could you possibly sneak away?
  952. >"Show yourself! I know you're still here!"
  953. >Hah.
  954. >Hilarious.
  955. >Imagine listening to what a rapist tells you to do.
  956. >If it's too risky to sneak off right now, then you'll simply sit here and wait for an opportunity.
  957. >Starlight's magic activated once more, but this time, there was a different sound.
  958. >That's all there was, nothing but sound, until powerful gales of wind blew at you and the foliage.
  959. >The trees nearby were swaying, and the bushes you used as cover were nearly ripped out of the ground.
  960. "What the fuck?!"
  961. >There was no end to the destructive gusts, and soon enough, you were blown into the air, away from your cover.
  962. >After landing back on solid ground, very painfully, of course, Starlight's voice rang out once more.
  963. >"FOUND YOU!"
  964. >What the fuck did she just do?
  965. >Wind magic?
  966. >Is that even a thing?
  968. >There's no time to linger on such things; Your position has been compromised.
  969. >Cursing yourself for being so goddamn alluring, you stood up and continued sprinting.
  970. >The familiar clip-clop of rapist hooves soon followed afterwards.
  971. >"Ooooh, you're persistent! That totally makes me want you even more!"
  972. >She'll be right on top of you in a few moments, and the same trick won't work twice.
  973. >In what way is this fair?
  974. >She most likely has a hundred more tools up her sleeve compared to you, all thanks to that stupid horn.
  975. >After sidewinding past several trees to break line of sight, there was a light at the end of this dreary tunnel.
  976. >Not too far ahead of you, there was a cave alongside a tall, rocky hill, one that you've been inside before.
  977. >Despite how much you loathe this godforsaken forest, you've explored much of it over the course of your time in Equestria.
  978. >This cave in particular has an exit on the other side, so it's perfect for a getaway.
  979. >More than likely, you'd be using your life magic to light the way through.
  980. >It's not the greatest, but going in there is far better than trying to outrun a teleporting, magical horse.
  981. >However, the mere act of running inside won't do you any good if she's right on your tail.
  982. >As your legs continued to drive your body forward, you could feel Starlight's magic against your clothing.
  983. >All of your momentum ceased, as your body was magically tossed aside.
  984. >Much like your misadventure at Neighagra Falls, you were pitted against one of your many archnemeses.
  985. >Trees.
  986. >Once again, trees prove themselves to be formidable opponents, time and time again.
  987. >Starlight slammed you into one of them, knocking the wind out of you, your plans grinding to a complete halt.
  988. >You rolled over onto the unforgiving Everfree soil with your face down.
  989. >At this point, escape was truly impossible, unless you managed to "flashbang" her a second time.
  990. >It would be the perfect option if you knew how to fucking to do it on purpose.
  991. >Starlight's magic took control of you once again, rolling you onto your back.
  992. >"Twilight should have told you enough about me; I'm not sure what you expected."
  993. >Her words carried a sassy tone to them, the magical mare was oozing with confidence.
  994. >"To be honest, I'm even more powerful than she is!"
  995. >Out of the corner of your eyes, you could see the cap that Rarity made for you.
  996. >Even after being blown around by Starlight's wind spells, it didn't fall off of your head until just now.
  997. >It's a strange thing to focus on at a time like this, but it made you realize something.
  998. >That gift was so incredibly awesome, just like Rainbow.
  999. >And you're pretty fucking awesome yourself.
  1000. >So awesome, in fact, that you can't even begin to grasp what you're really capable of.
  1001. >Earlier, you decided to run into the woods, a place FULL of living plants.
  1002. >You've been doubting yourself too much, panicking, running away, and hiding like a pussy.
  1004. >Starlight is an exceptionally skilled rapist, but you're a completely different human now.
  1005. >Unfortunately for you, it's a little too late to act on that.
  1006. >You're still recovering from the punishing slam against that Tree(TM).
  1007. >"Now, be a good husband and STAY STILL!"
  1008. "G-Good god, Starlight! Can we just fuck consensually?!"
  1009. >"I've got a rape fetish, Anon! No can do!"
  1010. >Jesus Christ on a fucking cracker.
  1011. >"Heh... where did that little guy run off to?"
  1012. "Were you serious about the whole fillies thing?!"
  1013. >"Mmhmm."
  1014. "PLEASE-"
  1015. >Her magical grip on Anon Jr. gave you a second wind.
  1016. >If you could replicate the flashbang, which was infinitely easier on your body, you'd be home free.
  1017. >Mini You(TM) was seconds away from being unceremoniously sat on by Starlight.
  1018. >You're going to regret this, but it's time to bargain, before you're subjected to Horse Pussy(TM).
  1019. >You'll repent for every last one of your sins, and you'll visit Celestia again, in person.
  1020. >You really will.
  1021. >Were it not for Starlight's magic, your hands would be clasped together, praying.
  1022. >Please, Sunbutt.
  1023. >You goddamned majestic horse.
  1024. >As if a questionably benevolent god answered your cries for help, you were saved.
  1025. >But it was the last thing you'd have seen coming.
  1026. >Pinkie Pie flew out of a fucking bush, before tackling Starlight off of you, and standing over her.
  1027. "PINKIE?!"
  1028. >More than anything else, you were happy, but your face was one of shock and confusion.
  1029. >"Leave Nonny alone!"
  1030. >Starlight obviously wasn't expecting Pinkie's sudden appearance, but her retaliation is inevitable.
  1031. >"Pinkie! I'm in the MIDDLE OF SOMETHING!" Rapelight growled, shouting at the top of her lungs.
  1032. >The look in her eyes was something fierce.
  1033. >What could you possibly do in the next few seconds to ensure your escape?
  1034. >You're a fucking retard if you waste this chance, but there's no telling what Starlight will do here.
  1035. >As you got to your feet, Starlight's horn illuminated once more, teleporting out from underneath Pancake.
  1036. >For a brief instant, she was gone, but the trademark sound of her teleportation sounded from behind you.
  1037. >Turning around, your heart dropped as you saw her blocking the cave entrance.
  1038. >Things got worse as a force field of her own creation ensured that you couldn't enter it.
  1039. >She's taking every possible precaution against you.
  1040. "You're fucking resilient, I'll give you that!"
  1041. "I'm impressed!"
  1042. >"Likewise."
  1043. >"Why are you doing this, Starlight?!" Pinkie sounded upset, betrayed, and most definitely as confused as you were.
  1044. >"I wouldn't expect YOU of all ponies to understand, so don't worry your pretty little head about it."
  1045. >"We're friends, though..."
  1046. >Pinkie's gaze turned to the ground, tears welling up in her eyes.
  1047. >Now that you've had a moment to recuperate, it's high time you tested something out.
  1048. >If what you're about to attempt doesn't kill you afterwards, you'll be pleasantly surprised.
  1050. "She's lost the fucking plot, Pinks."
  1051. "So now, I'm gonna' kick her ass."
  1052. >"Don't make me laugh! Go ahead and try!"
  1053. "You and Twilight aren't the only smart ones around here."
  1054. "I'm only half-way stupid."
  1055. >Life magic, in all of it's green, shiny beauty, enveloped your body.
  1056. >"OOF-"
  1057. >Rising out of the ground like a glorious piston, a small tree stump bonked Starlight in the side of her head.
  1058. >Like some kind of druid in an MMO, you essentially grew a tree straight out of the ground.
  1059. >Her force field faltered in response to that surprise strike, granting you passage.
  1060. >Hopping over Starlight's slumped body, you booked it towards the cave entrance, not a second wasted.
  1061. >"Whoooaa... was that you, Nonny?!"
  1062. >You felt as though you'd keel over from exhaustion after pulling that stunt, but now is no time for stopping.
  1063. "Get out of here, okay, Pinks?! I'm making a run for it, and I've got a feeling this might get ugly!"
  1064. >"B-But..."
  1065. "Just promise me, okay?!"
  1066. >Your cap was on the floor beside Panko; In your haste, you forgot to retrieve it.
  1067. "A-And take my cap! I'm entrusting you with it!"
  1068. >Starlight was already back on her hooves; Your spare time was running out.
  1069. >"Okay, I promise! I-I'll go get help!"
  1070. >Ponka took your hat in her mouth and ran for the hills, so you should do the same.
  1071. >But before that, raising a barrier of your own would help your case.
  1072. >Concentrating your life magic beneath you, several thick trees rose from the soil, barricading the entrance.
  1073. >You recall Rainbow informing you of a few breathing techniques for heavy exercises.
  1074. >Those will certainly come in handy, because you're positively dying right now.
  1075. >The inside of the cave is pitch black, but the glow of your magic solves that problem straight away.
  1076. >You proceeded to jog through the cave as quickly as your tired body would let you.
  1077. >Your running speed is significantly slower because of that magical exertion, but it was worth it.
  1078. >The practice you had reviving those dead trees with Applejack really paid off.
  1079. >If that's the kind of shit you can do, what are your limits?
  1080. >Autism Supreme is going to have a field day with this magic of yours.
  1081. >Not long after you finished patting yourself on the back, the cave suddenly rumbled with shockwaves.
  1082. >You nearly fell flat on your face, your sense of balance taking a nose dive.
  1083. >Was that a motherfucking explosion?
  1084. >The obvious truth of the matter dawned upon you; Starlight had just DEMOLISHED your tree wall.
  1085. >Is that level of firepower really necessary, though?
  1086. >She could have simply fired a beam of magic at it or something.
  1087. >Instead, she ended up using metaphorical dynamite.
  1088. >Once the rumbling stopped, you continued your trek through the cave.
  1089. >It wouldn't be much longer before you arrived on the other side.
  1091. >The presence of moonlight blessed you once more, as you exited the other end of the cave.
  1092. >There was, however, a far brighter source of light amongst the woods.
  1093. >This state of emergency was already a 10, but this cranks it up to a 15.
  1094. >All around you was a veritable sea of flames.
  1095. >Everything was on fucking fire.
  1096. >You forgot about the rapist pursuing you for a moment, and simply stood there in horror.
  1097. >Flickering flames, all around you, were the only things you could hear as the trees and foliage were burning.
  1098. >Even though trees are your enemies, you've used them to defend yourself.
  1099. >They don't deserve this.
  1100. >Your soul ached as though you could feel their pain.
  1101. >The rising heat from the forest fire snapped you out of your bewilderment, bringing you back to reality.
  1102. >How would you continue from here?
  1103. >You're surrounded by burning trees and bushes.
  1104. >There's quite literally nowhere to go.
  1105. >Safely, that is.
  1106. >"I warned you, Anon."
  1107. >Oh fuck.
  1108. >It's her.
  1109. >You had no idea she was already caught up to you.
  1110. >Do you dare turn around?
  1111. >Whether you face her or not, it doesn't really matter.
  1112. >Thanks to this new development, your chances of escape are more or less zero.
  1113. >Hell, your life is in danger.
  1114. >Swirling around Starlight's horn, was a vicious torrent of flames, and once again, you were held at proverbial gun point.
  1115. >On second thought, you wish you didn't turn around.
  1116. >How did it escalate this far?
  1117. >When you anticipated things getting ugly, you didn't think it'd be THIS ugly.
  1118. "H-Hey, take it easy... take it easy..."
  1119. >Without even realizing it, you fell backwards, your hands raised defensively.
  1120. "You're not a murderer, right?"
  1121. >"Shut it."
  1122. >What forbidden nerve did you strike to piss her off this much?
  1123. >That stump to the head probably had a hand in it.
  1124. >"Cock. Out. Now."
  1125. >She's so fucking mad she's not even talking in full sentences.
  1126. >All things considered, you could hit her even harder, but that spell she's holding is dissuading you from trying.
  1128. "I-I'm on it, j-just gimme' a sec..."
  1129. >"Hurry up."
  1130. >There's no way she's planning to rut you in the middle of a forest fire, right?
  1131. >Just knock her the fuck out; That's all you've got to do.
  1132. >Quit being a pussy.
  1133. >She's making the grave mistake of leaving you conscious.
  1135. >Somepony screamed her name, and what's concerning is that you recognize the voice.
  1136. >You admire your bro for being based, but now isn't the time to get involved.
  1137. >Your fears were confirmed as you looked up to see Rainbow flying towards Starlight at top speeds.
  1138. "BRO, DON'T-"
  1139. >Starlight whipped around, effortlessly blasting Dash out of the air with a fucking fireball.
  1140. >During your time in Equestria, even amidst all of the sexual shenanigans, you've never seen something so graphic.
  1141. >Like a plane falling out of the sky, she crashed into the ground, flailing about and screaming.
  1142. >Nothing else mattered after that.
  1143. "SHIT, I'M COMING!"
  1144. >All of your attention was directed to Rainbow, as you practically ripped your hoodie right off.
  1145. >Dash's screams were singlehandedly the worst, gutwrenching sounds you've ever had the misfortune of hearing.
  1146. >"HELP! HEEEEELP!"
  1147. >Using your hoodie, you smothered the flames burning her wings and coat as quickly as you could.
  1148. >That didn't stop her from having a panic attack, it's not every day you get set on fucking fire.
  1149. >Thankfully, the burns weren't severe, which is surprising considering what Starlight fired at her.
  1150. >Speaking of Starlight, you've never been more mad in your fucking life.
  1151. >If she's willing to set her FRIENDS on fire, what else would she do?
  1152. >Did Pinkie get away safely?
  1153. >You were too busy running to save your own skin back in the cave to ask yourself that question.
  1154. >A million thoughts assaulted your mind as you knelt beside Rainbow, but two things were certain.
  1155. >Firstly, your feet hurt.
  1156. >Secondly, Starlight is well and truly beyond convincing, and as you turned to face her, your blood was boiling.
  1157. >She sported the most intense look of regret on her face, like she singlehandedly caused the deaths of thousands.
  1158. "Have you... lost your mind?"
  1159. >It doesn't matter what happened in the past, what she took back, or how she's 'changed'.
  1160. >It's time for her to go the fuck to sleep.
  1161. >A resounding 'BONK' echoed throughout the forest, as yet another Stump Strike(TM) tucked Starlight into bed.
  1162. >Except this time, the stump you grew was much bigger, and you could have done worse, but you're not crazy like her.
  1163. >Your signature Stump Strike(TM) is more than enough.
  1164. >"A-Anon, did you just...?"
  1165. >Rainbow peered over at Starlight's unconscious form, slightly craning her neck, before attempting to stand.
  1166. "Bro, sit tight! You just got hit by a fireball!"
  1168. >"But... w-we can't just... sit here!"
  1169. "Your wings..."
  1170. >"I-I know, I know!"
  1171. >It was hard to see because of how fast Rainbow was approaching, but that fireball must have hit her wings directly.
  1172. >Thanks to your quick reaction, they're fine in the grand scheme of things, but there's no way she can fly right now.
  1173. >She'd plummet into a sea of burning branches; Those wings need to heal, and you'll personally help her with that.
  1174. >For now, the main concern is the forest fire around you.
  1175. >Eventually, smoke will render the air unbreathable, and worse yet, the flames may close in on you.
  1176. >As you racked your brain for ideas, a metaphorical lightbulb appeared above your head.
  1177. >You literally just exited the other end of that cave, and right now, it's the perfect place to go.
  1178. >Tieing the sleeves of your hoodie around your waist, you walked towards Starlight.
  1179. "You can walk, right, bro? Head inside that cave for me, I've gotta' grab this rapist."
  1180. >"How lame do you think I am? O-Of course I can walk!"
  1181. "Not going to lie, you took that fireball better than I would have."
  1182. >"Cus' I'm freaking awesome... ow..."
  1183. "Don't push it! Just get in the cave, I'll be right behind you!"
  1184. >With the worst possible timing, your knees buckled, more than likely from exhaustion.
  1185. "Fuck..."
  1186. >"Anon, are you okay?!"
  1187. "H-Hurry up and get inside... I'm good!"
  1188. >It's far too early to rest; There's still more you have to do.
  1189. >Much like your escape from Dream AJ, you forcefully drove your body forward, regardless of the fatigue.
  1190. >Once you made it to Starlight, you picked her up, albeit slowly.
  1191. >One, two, one, two, one, two.
  1192. >One foot in front of the other.
  1193. >The conditions outside were steadily worsening; You HAD to get into this cave.
  1194. "HOLY SHI-"
  1195. >A wall of flames blew in your direction, urging you to move even faster.
  1196. >But that was it.
  1197. >Your legs carried you as far as they could; They did well.
  1198. >Starlight was unceremoniously dropped onto the cave floor, and you collapsed.
  1199. >Dash galloped towards you, panicking just as much as she was previously.
  1200. >"Dude, what happened out there?!"
  1201. >"I heard you scream!"
  1202. "The... fucking... fire... reached out... to get me...!"
  1203. "Job... still... isn't... finished!"
  1204. >"W-What do you mean?"
  1205. "Gotta'... block... entrance... until... help arrives..."
  1206. "...Smoke will fucking... kill us..."
  1208. >"Block the entrance? How the hay are we supposed to do that?!"
  1210. >The greatest amount of exertion was placed upon your tired, aching form, but the deed was done.
  1211. >Walls of trees, as thick as you could grow them, separated the three of you from the hellstorm outside.
  1212. >The same goes for the tunnel behind you, as the smoke could enter from the other end of the cave.
  1213. >Your fainly glowing body kept the pitch-blackness of the dark cave at bay.
  1214. >By this point, you were barely awake, but you could overhear Dash gasping sharply.
  1215. >"Bro, that's awesome! What else can that magic do?!"
  1216. >She wouldn't be getting a response any time soon.
  1217. >Right now, you're like a fish out of water, struggling to stay alive.
  1218. >"O-Oh, you're really tired, huh? My bad."
  1219. >If the flames reach your Wood Wall(TM), you'll have to make a new one.
  1220. >And you'll do it as many times as you need to.
  1221. >Not only that, but there's a chance, however small it may be, that Starlight will wake up soon.
  1222. >That pained, regretful look in her eyes spoke volumes, but even so, you can't lower your guard.
  1223. >After all, she made the decision to blow up Everfree Forest, and launch a fire spell at Rainbow Dash.
  1224. >Not to mention the other dubious acts she committed prior to that.
  1225. >For now, though, the real challenge was fighting the urge to pass out.
  1226. >During your struggle to stay conscious, Rainbow wrapped her hooves around you in a big hug.
  1227. "T-That... doesn't hurt... does it?"
  1228. >"A little bit, but who cares?"
  1229. "Tch... a little bit? Quit... showing off."
  1230. >Slowly but surely, you were recovering.
  1231. >Dash must be proud of you, but you probably look so stupid right now.
  1232. >Shirtless, with your hoodie tied around you, no pants on, no shoes, in your boxers, gasping for air.
  1233. >Hopefully, Pinkie was able to get some help, and didn't get caught up in this forest fire.
  1234. >Starlight immediately chased after you earlier, so maybe Sunburst isn't hypnotised anymore.
  1235. >You swear, he must have lost a third of his IQ being brainwashed on repeat like that.
  1236. >Among the other unmentionable things she probably did to him.
  1237. >Rescue is most definitely on the way.
  1238. >It's hard to believe that nopony else heard the massive fucking explosion Starlight caused.
  1239. >And for all you knew, the entirety of Everfree could've been on fire.
  1240. >"Are ya' done yet?"
  1241. "Yeah, I think I'm good.
  1242. >"Great, too bad we're stuck in a dumb, old cave."
  1243. "With Starlight, no less."
  1244. >"What's with you and getting chased by mares?"
  1245. "I'm just... too sexy, bro."
  1246. "Also, you say that like I have any control over it."
  1247. >"Well, maybe if you stopped being so 'sexy'!"
  1248. "You agree, then?"
  1249. >"U-Uhh...
  1251. >"T-The last thing YOU should be talking about right now is sex!"
  1252. "Listen, just because I keep getting raped doesn't mean I can't fuck when I WANT to."
  1253. "Wait... I just realized."
  1254. "What brought you over here in the first place? The explosion?"
  1255. >"Pinkie got ahold of me and... told me you were running from Starlight."
  1256. "Based Ponka."
  1257. "At least she didn't get hit with a fucking fireball."
  1258. "I'm so mad you had to get hurt because of me..."
  1259. >"Buck Starlight! I wasn't about to let her do whatever she wanted!"
  1260. >As much as you agree, it sucks.
  1261. >Starlight was friends with everypony, and now, that's probably going out the window.
  1262. >Or at the very least, a considerable amount of damage has been done to her relationships.
  1263. >You don't care that much, considering you just met her, but this is ridiculous.
  1264. >Change is hard; You know that.
  1265. >That doesn't mean the answer is to rape your friend in his own house, hypnotise him...
  1266. >...Bring him across Equestria so you can plot to rape ANOTHER guy, chase him into the woods...
  1267. >...Set the woods on FIRE, and then ASSAULT a pony with a fire spell.
  1268. >She almost got away with it, too.
  1269. >As a way to convince yourself that you won, getting raped doesn't count as a loss unless you cum.
  1270. >Power dynamics at their finest, mares and gentlecolts.
  1271. >"Anon?"
  1272. "Sorry, I was thinking about it all for a sec'..."
  1273. "...Did you even know she was back in Ponyville?"
  1274. >"Nope, I thought Pinkie was pulling my leg when she said Starlight was after you."
  1275. "Wasn't it really late by then?"
  1276. "Where were you when Pinkie spotted you?"
  1277. >"I-I went to go check on Fluttershy, something I haven't really done in a while..."
  1278. >"...But when I did, she was out cold! Moving her around didn't do anything!"
  1279. >"I had to scream in her ears just to wake her up!"
  1280. >"A little while after that, Pinkie Pie CRASHED through Fluttershy's window, and told us what was going on!"
  1281. "Pfffft..."
  1282. >You tried your hardest not to laugh and interrupt her explanation; That's fucking rich.
  1283. >"And then... BOOM! There was this HUGE explosion in Everfree Forest, and we could SEE it!"
  1284. >"So Fluttershy went to guide animals away from the fire, and I came straight for you!"
  1285. "Mmm... sounds about right."
  1286. "Fluttershy's cottage is the closest to where Pinkie and I split up."
  1287. "The part about Fluttershy being knocked out doesn't sit well with me, though."
  1288. "She's not the type to sleep irresponsibly."
  1289. "In fact..."
  1291. "...Starlight probably had something to do with it."
  1292. >"Ya' think so?"
  1293. "I know so, her entire plan was to get me alone, by myself, with nopony else."
  1294. "Y'know, besides a hypnotised Sunburst."
  1295. >"S-Sunburst? Hypnotised...?"
  1296. "It's a long story, alright?"
  1297. "But it had to have been her."
  1298. "Last night, Fluttershy came over my house, and that was the same night I caught a glimpse of Starlight."
  1299. "She had been stalking me since that night, or maybe even longer than that.
  1300. "So when Fluttershy came over, in the middle of the night, she saw that as a problem."
  1301. "Which is really fucking creepy, because it means she was STILL inside my house."
  1302. "Thank Celestia that clingy, yellow horse showed up..."
  1303. >"You saw her stalking you and didn't think to tell anypony?"
  1304. "I-It was just a glimpse! Literally all I saw was her fucking eye in my doorway!"
  1305. "I caught her again the next morning, but not well enough to get a good description."
  1306. "And I've never seen the mare before, so to me, I was getting stalked by some unknown pony."
  1307. >"Gah... gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it."
  1308. "At this point, I should just live with Twilight, so she can watch over me."
  1309. "Because apparently, I'm too attractive for my own good, even to mares that have NEVER seen me before."
  1310. >"Could've fooled me, I thought you already were for a while."
  1311. >"Ya' know, back when Fluttershy went crazy."
  1312. >No matter what you do, the Rape Shelter keeps calling you back.
  1313. "Yeah, fuck it, I'm selling that damn house."
  1314. "I don't even care anymore."
  1315. >"Selling it to who?"
  1316. "Lyra would take it off my hands, I bet."
  1317. "She'd enjoy living in a house full of human-sized furniture."
  1318. >You and Rainbow simply chatted with each other to pass the time, the sounds of flames still roaring on outside.
  1319. >Eventually, the flickering was replaced with a gentle pitter-patter.
  1320. "You hear that?"
  1321. >"Kinda' sounds like..."
  1322. >That pitter-patter turned to a downpour, something that could only be interpreted as rainfall.
  1323. "Dude, we're saved! I was ready to hold out in here for who knows how long."
  1324. "We should give it a minute, still. That forest fire was massive."
  1325. >"I still don't get it... Why did she blow up the forest?"
  1326. >"Why did she ATTACK me?!"
  1327. "I'll be sure to ask her when she wakes up."
  1328. "She's in big fucking trouble after breaking, I don't know, like ten laws."
  1329. "Stalking, rape, kidnapping, assault, hypnotising ponies, irresponsible use of magic in general, arson..."
  1331. "...Celestia will probably hear about this too, and when she does, she'll be FURIOUS."
  1332. "I've heard stories about her when she's mad, and I'll just say, I do NOT want to be on her bad side."
  1333. >"I hope she gets what's coming to her! Betraying us all like that..."
  1334. "True that, bro, true that."
  1335. >Fluttershy is guilty of at least two of those things, but that's different.
  1336. >She a cute.
  1337. >And her Super Rapist(TM) mode was leagues better than little miss Starlight over here.
  1339. "Twilight?"
  1340. >That voice sounded like it came from Grand Autismo, just on the other side of your Wood Wall(TM).
  1341. "TWILIGHT, HOLD ON!"
  1342. >Lowering the tree wall was trickier than growing it out of the ground to begin with, but you managed.
  1343. >All of the magic you've used tonight was worth ten exercises and a half.
  1344. >Your barricade was sunken back into the ground, and Twilight, along with the rest of the Mane 6, were there.
  1345. >To your surprise, Sunburst and Trixie were also present.
  1346. >Purple Smart's coat and mane were dripping wet from the rain outside, the same goes for the others.
  1347. "Man, you guys got rained on."
  1348. "Better than getting burnt up, I guess."
  1349. >"I take offense to that." Dash spoke up, rolling her eyes.
  1350. >"I-Is that Starlight over there?" Twilight asked, pointing a hoof at her unconscious form.
  1351. "Yep."
  1352. >"Nonny!"
  1353. "WHOA-"
  1354. >Panka leapt into the air and tackled you to the ground, sobbing and sniffling all over your chest.
  1355. >A cacophony of echoing voices filled the empty cave, all of them concerned and confused at what's taken place.
  1356. >"Thank GOODNESS y'all are okay! That explosion dang near scared the life outta' me!" AJ shouted, panicking.
  1357. >You held your spotless, limited edition Ponka(TM) against your chest, petting her as she wept.
  1358. >"Pinkie Pie already explained everything she knows, but... care to summarize for us, darling?" Rarity questioned.
  1359. "Starlight hypnotised Sunburst, brought him to Ponyville, put Fluttershy to sleep, lured me to my OWN home..."
  1360. "...raped me in my OWN home, chased me into the woods, blew up the place, and blasted Rainbow with fire magic."
  1361. "So I promptly knocked her the fuck out with my own magic. That about sums it up."
  1362. >"Why in Equestria would Starlight...?" Twilight was in disbelief, as she approached the unconscious mare.
  1363. >"R-Rainbow, your wings...!" Fluttershy rushed to Dash's side, inspecting the damage on her feathered appendages.
  1364. >"It's not that bad. It hurts, but..."
  1365. "I figure my magic can heal others over time too, so I'll tend to her wings once we settle down."
  1366. >Sunburst and Trixie cantered over to you with warm smiles on both of their faces.
  1367. >"Gee, Anon... I told Trixie you'd be fine, but I didn't mean it like that!"
  1369. >"What kind of magic have you been using?"
  1370. >"N-Nice glow, by the way."
  1371. "Oh, y'know, just my own special brand of life magic, that's all."
  1372. >"Life magic, you say...?"
  1373. >Trixie was the next to speak, as Sunburst seemed to be calculating a hundred different things in his head.
  1374. >"Thank goodness you're okay... After that explosion, I-I didn't know what to think!"
  1375. "You knew I was involved in that? Have you been following me around?"
  1376. >"I-I have, but in a good way! Not the Starlight way!
  1377. >"Pains me to say it, y'all, but she's gone and ruined mah trust! OUR trust!" AJ complained, stomping her hoof.
  1378. >"I mean... what was goin' through that girl's mind?!"
  1379. >"These actions are unforgivably deplorable! I've never felt so betrayed in all my life!" Rara added.
  1380. >AJ and Rarity were fuming, Fluttershy was shocked, Pinkie was crying, and Twilight was bewildered.
  1381. >"I thought she finally got over her issues, but..." Trixie muttered, looking incredibly torn up.
  1382. >Amongst the group of upset technicolor horses, Sunburst had an explicitly mean scowl upon his features.
  1383. >"Evidently, she hasn't. And I've been a victim to almost all of these wrongdoings. I'm thoroughly disappointed."
  1384. "I'm disappointed, and I hardly even fucking know her."
  1385. >"Did she say anything to explain herself, Anon? Anything at all?" Twilight inquired, still taken aback.
  1386. "Hmm... Something about not being able to do whatever she wants."
  1387. "You never told me exactly what it was she was doing before the six of you met her, Twi."
  1388. >"So, there was this village full of ponies, and she took all of their cutie marks to make everypony equal..."
  1389. >"...And a little while after we got there, she stole OUR cutie marks, and locked us all in a room."
  1390. "So, she's a communist?"
  1391. >"I remember you telling me about communism in your world; It's very close, I'll agree."
  1392. "Trixie's told me a few stories here and there about Starlight's social anxiety stemming from her 'villain arc'."
  1393. "Those stories made her out to be a changed mare, somepony that actually regretted what she did."
  1394. "I know a lot of you are hurt by this, but it's more confusing than it is upsetting."
  1395. "Whatever punishment she's given is what she deserves, but I want a REAL answer from her."
  1396. >"My thoughts exactly. And until then, I'm sealing her magic."
  1397. "That's a thing you can do?"
  1398. >"It's a spell I'd prefer not to use, but sometimes, you don't have a choice."
  1399. >Twi's horn illuminated the ground beneath her with a purple hue, that familiar magical sparkle sounding out.
  1400. >Across the cave, small, magical chains appeared around Starlight's horn, floating around it like rings.
  1401. >That's one way to nerf a unicorn.
  1402. >"I will say, she was far more calculated in her first revenge attempt against me." Twi added.
  1403. >"Something about this just feels messy, not to the point of being uncoordinated, but it's definitely rushed.
  1404. "Yeah, it's almost like she came to Ponyville as soon as she read your letter."
  1405. >"HUH?!"
  1406. >Sunburst walked up to Twi, placing a hoof on her back.
  1407. >"You don't remember, Twilight? That letter you sent us contained a lot of private-"
  1408. >"N-Now's not the time to bring that up!"
  1409. "I'd say now is the perfect time to bring it up, Ms. Sparkle."
  1410. >"Heheheh... heh..." Twiggy Piggy laughed nervously, shrinking down several sizes, hiding from your gaze.
  1412. >Yellow Retard attached herself to your bare leg, throwing her piece into the conversation.
  1413. >You're being cuddled to death by two horses.
  1414. >Excellent.
  1415. >"Was it scary, Anon? Having to deal with Starlight, I mean. I was really worried about you."
  1416. "It felt like I was in a horror movie, again."
  1417. "I appreciate the concern, Flutter Shee. You're a good mare."
  1418. >Your leg may not survive this brutal cuddling; You shouldn't have praised her so generously.
  1419. "I'd like to wrap this up, and deal with our mare of the hour some other time."
  1420. "After all of that action, I need sleep. We all do."
  1421. "And I've learned my fucking lession. Twilight, we're castlemates now."
  1422. >"R-REALLY?! I-I mean... I'd love to!"
  1423. >As if Autism Supreme was waiting for you to say that, she started to take her leave, levitating Starlight in tow.
  1424. >"Come on, everypony! Let's go home! The weather patrol can handle everything from here!"
  1425. >"Ugh, I'd rather not have my beautiful mane ruined again..." Rarity sighed, whining about her upkeep and maintenance.
  1426. >The next few days at the castle are going to be fucking delightful.
  1427. >Twi's already been preparing for your "examination", and now she's twice as excited.
  1428. >You're going to have another Starlight on your hands, you swear.
  1429. >"S-Sorry for crying all over you, Nonny."
  1430. "Don't worry about it, But you two are going to have to get off me. I can't move."
  1431. >"Oh, right..." Fluttershy released her hold on your leg, before wiping away her dumb horse drool.
  1432. >She's probably losing it right now, what with your legs and chest exposed.
  1433. "Welp, time to go. Come here, you."
  1434. >Yoink.
  1435. >"Wha... Hey! P-Put me down!" Rainbow objected, flailing about in your glowing arms, a hot red blush on her face.
  1436. "I'm starting the healing process for your wings. You'll thank me later."
  1437. >"OW! Your grip is too rough! I've got burns, REMEMBER?!"
  1438. >Flipping Dash around, you held her against your chest, like cradling a baby.
  1439. "What about now?"
  1440. >"Still not enjoying this."
  1441. >"Y'know, you two would make a good couple." AJ jokingly remarked, laughing as she trotted off behind Twilight.
  1442. >"N-NO, WE WOULDN'T!"
  1443. >"Let me know if you'd like me to arrange a date for you, darling. I know the perfect restaurant in Canterlot."
  1444. >"SHUT UP!"
  1445. "Heh... Hahahah...HAHAHAHAHA-"
  1446. >"YOU SHUT UP, TOO!"
  1447. >Despite Starlight's crimes looming over everypony's heads, the mood in the air quickly shifted for the better.
  1448. >Ponka was hopping up and down beside you happily, with strange, unexplainable sound effects playing as she did so.
  1450. >Everfree looked more like a warzone than a forest after the fire.
  1451. >You could see weather patrol pegasi flying around and about, moving rain clouds as they did so.
  1452. >The air is a tad bit rough to breathe in, thanks to the smoke, but it could be far worse.
  1453. >Flying horses that can bring clouds over and make it rain are an excellent response to a wildfire.
  1454. >The last few times you've been rained on, your luck was down.
  1455. >Speaking of luck, you survived an ordeal without losing something precious to you.
  1456. >Aka, your hat.
  1457. "Hey, Pinks, where'd you leave my hat?"
  1458. >"I've got it RIGHT here!"
  1459. >Party Equine pulled your hat out of seemingly nowhere, before jumping up and flawlessly placing it atop your head.
  1460. "I'm not even going to ask how you did that, but thanks, Panko."
  1461. >"Anytime, Nonny!"
  1462. >"I'd be remiss if you lost such a precious gift so soon, Anonymous. Treasure that hat, please."
  1463. "Trust me, I will. You and Rainbow blew this one out of the fucking park."
  1464. >Rainbow was shifting about uncomfortably, whimpering every so often.
  1465. "Man, those burns are really fucking you up."
  1466. >"I-It's not that; It's your weird magic!"
  1467. "That's probably just the healing doing its thing; You'll be fiiiine."
  1468. >"How do you deal with this? It feels... all tingly and stuff!"
  1469. >When your own body is healing, you don't notice the 'tingles', as it feels completely natural.
  1470. >The feeling is abundant whenever you're using your magic on other things, though.
  1471. >Obviously, it must feel exceptionally unnatural for Dash.
  1472. >It's insane that this magic of yours is supposed to be growing exponentially.
  1473. >Everything must have been strengthened since the night you returned from Neighagra Falls.
  1474. >Your stumps were absolutely disgusting.
  1475. >Starlight didn't stand a chance.
  1476. >At least, she would have if she used her brain a bit more, and wasn't lusting after you.
  1477. >Come to think of it, she had ample time to simply knock you out and do what Fluttershy did in your sleep.
  1478. >This is what cock and pent up frustrations do to a mare; Their IQ falls straight off a cliff.
  1479. >"C-Can you heal me too, Anon?" Flubbercry was like a really thirsty mosquito, floating around you.
  1480. "No, Fluttershy. You're not even hurt."
  1481. >"Me too, Nonny! Me too!"
  1482. >"Ain't gonna' lie, I've wondered what it's like ta' get carried by a human."
  1483. >"Ahem! Anon is my castlemate now, so if he's healing anypony next, it's me!"
  1484. "I haven't moved in yet, and you're already saying stuff like that."
  1485. >"Popular as always, darling." Rarity added.
  1486. "You mean my body is popular."
  1487. >"Give yerself more credit, partner."
  1488. "Sorry, didn't mean to get negative, it's just..."
  1489. "...I'll be on Rape Watch(TM) for the foreseeable future."
  1490. >"You're safe with me, Anon! Just give me a shout next time." Twilight voiced, looking back at you.
  1491. >Why are her bedroom eyes SO intense?
  1492. "Let's hope there IS NO next time, yeah?"
  1494. >"Please correct me if I'm wrong, but you've taken this considerably well." Sunburst spoke up, complimenting you.
  1495. >"Most ponies wouldn't be so... how do I put it... nonchalant about it as you are."
  1496. >"A-Again, correct me if I'm wrong."
  1497. "Ehh... you're not wrong. I'm way too casual about it all, I will admit."
  1498. >You've yet to tell a single one of these six ponies about that dream you had.
  1499. >There's a clear track record of withholding embarrassing and occasionally traumatizing information.
  1500. >Anything to make yourself look far sturdier than you actually are.
  1501. >Maybe that can finally change after Starlight is dealt with.
  1502. >"It's cus' you're awesome, bro! I've never seen somepony... I mean... someone as brave as you!"
  1503. >"E-Except me, of course."
  1504. >Normally, you would have replied instantly, but it took you few moments to say anything back.
  1505. "Just... be a little safer in the future, okay?"
  1506. >"What are you, my dad?"
  1507. "C'mon, RD, you know what I mean."
  1508. >"Fine, fine..."
  1509. >As cool drops of rain showered over the group, continuing to ruin Rarity's mane, you rocked Dash in your arms.
  1510. >Seeing Rainbow get hurt like that not only made you furious, but it gave you quite a scare.
  1511. >Your care for these small equines is immense.
  1512. >"Okay, I totally made the dad joke, b-but you're making it awkward!"
  1513. "Awww, wook at da widdle babby..."
  1514. >"PFFFT-" Twilight held back her trademark, uproarious laughter with great effort.
  1515. >Her concentration broke so hard that she almost dropped Starlight in mud.
  1516. >That would have been funny as fuck; Too bad she didn't do it.
  1517. >"OK, THAT'S IT! PUT ME DOWN!"
  1518. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding! You want your wings healed, or not?"
  1519. >"My wings can heal themselves just fine, thank you very much!"
  1520. "Don't be like that, bro. It's faster!"
  1521. >"Hmph! You just wanted an excuse to pick her up." Trixie harrumphed up, pouting at you.
  1522. "I won't deny these claims, nor will I confirm them."
  1523. >Soon enough, the nine of you, including the unconscious Rapelight, crossed out of Everfree and back into Ponyville.
  1524. >Ponies were trotting about, gossiping and reacting to what's become of Everfree Forest.
  1525. >It's not like the ENTIRE forest burned down, but it's not looking pretty, and this really sucks for the environment.
  1526. >While you and Trixie argued semantics over what is and is not a consensual hug, Sunburst called for Twi's attention.
  1527. >"Twilight, would it be alright if Trixie and I watched over her tonight?"
  1528. >"Um... well, I don't see why not! I've got a couple of spare rooms."
  1529. "Heyyy, you're not still hypnotised, are you?"
  1530. >"No! E-Even if I was, the hypnosis would've ended as soon as Starlight went unconscious!"
  1531. "Hmm... is that so? I've got my eyes on you, beardy."
  1532. >"Y-You don't give up easily, do you?"
  1533. "Good to see my first impressions are always consistent."
  1535. >AJ and Rarity split off from the group, giving their goodbyes.
  1536. >"I'd love to stick around, but ah got a big day on the farm tomorrow."
  1537. >"Y'all be sure to let us know what's goin' on later, y'hear? Stay safe."
  1538. >"And I've got a client from Los Pegasus coming over in the morning. Do take care, everypony."
  1539. "Night, you two."
  1540. >"You're totally taking me to the castle, aren't you?" RD asked, still shifting about every so often.
  1541. "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have gotten hurt, so I want to see you fully healed in the morning."
  1542. >"But, like..."
  1543. "No exceptions, bro."
  1544. "You're the Flier of the Year, remember? Gotta' keep those wings healthy."
  1545. >"I-I guess so, but doesn't that mean we'd have to..."
  1546. >Rainbow gulped midsentence, struggling to finish the thought.
  1547. >"...Sleep together?"
  1548. "Meh. Fluttershy and I did last night, what's the big deal?"
  1549. >You'll be adding that statement to the list of things that sounded a million times better in your head.
  1550. >Twilight, Pinkie, RD, Sunburst, and Trixie looked at you in shock as if you uttered some forbidden phrase.
  1551. >Meanwhile, Fluttershy turned into a tomato, she couldn't possibly get any redder.
  1552. "Get your minds out of the fucking gutter; You know that's not what I meant."
  1553. >"F-For a second there, Nonny, I thought you and Fluttershy..."
  1554. "No. We did not."
  1555. >"I don't know. The way you said it..." Twilight, once again, needed to be stopped.
  1556. "I'm going to commit unspeakable acts upon you, Purple Smart."
  1557. "Cease at once."
  1558. >"But what if I don't wanna'?"
  1559. >She's enjoying this waaayyy too much.
  1560. >"Just to make sure nothing weird happens, I think I'LL stay the night, too!" Pinkie added, hopping up and down.
  1561. >"Don't forget about me!" Fluttershy was almost pleading, her horse volume nearly cranked up to max.
  1562. "Your castle's turning to a hotel, Twi."
  1563. >"Thanks to you, Anon."
  1564. >What have you gotten yourself into now?
  1565. >Something tells you Ponka and Reese's Flutter Cups don't want separate rooms.
  1566. >How many horses are you about to fucking sleep with?
  1567. >"Anon! Anoooon!"
  1568. >Whomst?
  1569. >Looking above you, your favorite, arguably retarded horse was flying over your head.
  1570. "Derpy!"
  1571. "You guys go on ahead, I wanna' talk to her."
  1572. >"Alright, don't take too long!" Twilight called out, heading to the castle with the rest, minus Dash, of course.
  1574. >"What happened to you, Anon? You're barely wearing any clothes..."
  1575. "Oh, well..."
  1576. >Derpy's questioning reminded you that your pants and shoes are still at your house.
  1577. >Looks like you'll be pantsless for a while, but you don't give too many shits right now.
  1578. >You're not cold, but your feet are definitely dirty and wet.
  1579. >"...And why are you carrying Rainbow Dash like that?"
  1580. >The blonde, gray horse gasped, her hooves touching her face.
  1581. >"T-That forest fire didn't get you, did it?!"
  1582. >"I'm fine, Derpy." Rainbow wanted to disappear so badly, you could see it in her eyes.
  1583. "A lot of stuff happened... don't worry about it, yeah?"
  1584. >"Okay! I just wanted to make sure!"
  1585. >"Have you been enjoying that gift I got you?"
  1586. "The satchel? It came in wicked handy a few days ago. Had a trip to Neighagra Falls."
  1587. >"REALLY?! Can you take me with you next time?!"
  1588. "Uhhh, fuck it. Sure, why not?"
  1589. "The last time I went, I didn't really get to enjoy it properly."
  1590. "In fact, you can come too, Dash. I've been meaning to show you the spot."
  1591. >"AFTER I get that award next week."
  1592. "Trust me, the camping trip isn't happening soon. Maybe in a month."
  1593. >"Ohhh phooey..." Derpy's elevation lowered more closely to the ground; She had a disappointed look on her face.
  1594. >You wanted to pet her like the precious 'dog' that she is, but you're still carrying Blue Fast.
  1595. "We can hang out any time, though. Like tomorrow. If you aren't busy working and stuff."
  1596. >Derpy gasped, excitedly flying around you in circles.
  1597. >"Tomorrow's my day off! Where do you wanna' go?"
  1599. >That slightly off in delivery, cutesy voice of hers is so goddamn precious.
  1600. "You can hang out with Dash and I for lunch!
  1601. >"Actually... I've got some stuff to take care of tomorrow. You two have lunch without me."
  1602. "Damn. Guess it's just you and me, Derpy. Drop by my house around noon."
  1603. >"It's okay, Rainbow! I'll have Anon all to myself!"
  1604. >Dash's expression visibly soured in a manner you haven't seen for a long time.
  1605. "We'll hang out next time, alright, bro?"
  1606. "Let's take you to the castle so you can get some rest."
  1607. >Out of nowhere, RD launched herself out of your arms, flying into the air.
  1608. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! What's wrong?"
  1609. >"Buck rest! I-I don't need it!"
  1610. "Bro, your wings... they need more time!"
  1611. >"Pffft, I'll be fine! Worry about yourself for a sec', okay?"
  1612. >"I mean, all of this crazy stuff has been happening to you! Take a load off!"
  1613. >Her voice was hiding the pain far better than her face was.
  1615. >You sighed, looking away from her in frustration.
  1616. >Something is bothering her, you can tell, and you have no idea what the fuck it is.
  1617. >Because it's not just the whole fireball thing; Something else has her riled up.
  1618. >"Y-You two aren't fighting, are you?"
  1619. "No! No... not at all, Derpy."
  1620. "Like I said, a lot of shit happened today, so we're a little high-strung."
  1621. "The last thing Rainbow wants to do is sit still, and I'm being overprotective."
  1622. "Anyways, it's late, I'm tired as fuck, etcetera, etcetera..."
  1623. >"See you tomorrow, Anon! I'll talk to you later, Rainbow Dash!"
  1624. >"Later, Derpy."
  1625. "Goodnight, you marvelous horse."
  1626. >Derpy flew off into the night, giggling like a school girl.
  1627. >You waited for a moment before voicing your next goodbyes.
  1628. "Sorry for acting like a helicopter parent; I'll leave you to it."
  1629. "Night, bro."
  1630. >Rainbow stormed off without speaking so much as a single word back.
  1631. >The pained look on her face was apparent, but the catalyst was just as emotional as it was physical.
  1632. >How badly did you fuck up?
  1633. >Does it even have anything to do with you?
  1634. >You're drawing blanks.
  1635. >Usually, you're the type to minimize, hide, or obfuscate your frustrations, and not everypony does that.
  1636. >Whatever it is that's got her upset, it's serious.
  1637. >She didn't even say goodbye.
  1638. >It's merely drizzling now, but today is raining on your fucking parade.
  1639. >Things were looking up for a second.
  1640. >At least you've got a day with Derpy tomorrow.
  1641. >First things first, though, you need sleep.
  1642. >Starlight is going to wake up, and when she does, it's question time.
  1643. >Following behind the group's tracks, you turned around, heading to the Rape Shelter(TM).
  1644. >Pretty soon, you'll be living there.
  1645. >Celestia knows you're not moving any of your stuff over tonight.
  1646. >Depending on what happens tomorrow, it might be a good day for it.
  1647. >Your cries for help and promises to Sunbutt reared their ugly heads in your mind.
  1648. >After the downright horrendous, dubious slap you delivered to her flank, she'll want revenge.
  1649. >It'll be funny to see her act all dignified, that's for sure.
  1651. >By the time you reached the safe haven, you were yawning and nodding off.
  1652. >Even with all of this magic flowing through you, being tired is far from impossible.
  1653. >Not wanting to track mud inside, you kicked as much off your feet as you could before entering.
  1654. >You'll shower tomorrow, because you hardly have the energy for anything right now.
  1655. >The door to the castle was closed, and after letting yourself in, a small horse greeted you.
  1656. >It was Flutter Shee.
  1657. >Just as you were about to say hello, a dark, harrowing sense of unease came over you.
  1658. >Without any explanation, Discord crossed your mind shortly after.
  1659. >The last time you checked, he's still in the middle of his "Four-Month Nap", as he called it.
  1660. >A being as old as he is would, unsurprisingly, take wicked long naps, but four months is very specific.
  1661. >If he were awake these days, you can't imagine he'd react well to Fluttershy fawning over you.
  1662. >Flutter Butter's lust for you activated at least a week after he went nappy-nap.
  1663. >Maybe he's rolling around in his sleep.
  1664. "Salutations, equine."
  1665. >"H-Hi, Anon."
  1666. "Goodnight, equine."
  1667. >You walked right past the blushing pony; The only thing on your mind at this moment was a soft bed.
  1668. >"Wait! I-I mean..."
  1669. "Yes? I'm exhausted, Fluttershy."
  1670. >"There's something I want to tell you. I know I don't talk much, so..."
  1671. "Go on. This is quickly rising the ranks as one of the most normal conversations we've ever had."
  1672. >"So you know that-"
  1673. "You're in love with me? Yeah, next."
  1674. >"Y-Yeah. I've learned that you're... very direct with what you want."
  1675. "Meaning...?"
  1676. >"Well, I have a sense for these kinds of things, and..."
  1677. "Speak, mare. Speak."
  1678. >"...I know who you want."
  1679. >"It's not me, but I don't want to be a burden on your love life."
  1680. "Are you trying to say that you're giving me space?"
  1681. >"Yes. I mean, NO! I..."
  1682. "How thoughtful of you."
  1683. "Now, do you mind telling me who exactly I've got the hots for?"
  1684. >"Umm..."
  1685. "Don't be a pussy now. You said you knew."
  1686. >"Twilight."
  1687. >"I can smell it in the air when you're around her."
  1688. "Fuck."
  1689. >"There's no other way for me to put it. Sorry..."
  1690. "Rainbow and AJ picked up on it too, so I guess this is what I get for being obvious."
  1692. "This is uncharacteristic of you, though. It's very mature, don't get me wrong."
  1693. "But don't you think you're shooting yourself in the hoof by saying this?"
  1694. "You shouldn't give up so easily."
  1695. >"M-My love for you is immense, Anon."
  1696. >"It'd make me sad if you forced yourself to be with me."
  1697. "That's a fair point."
  1698. "Does this mean you won't try to rape me anymore?"
  1699. >"No. I don't think I'll ever stop, y-you sexy fucking..."
  1700. "Cool your jets. I don't think Twilight wants to clean up your mare juices in the morning."
  1701. >"F-Fuck my mouth."
  1702. >Her tenacity is admirable, her proposition, as always, is tempting.
  1703. "I'm good."
  1704. >"So about that healing..."
  1705. "We went over this earlier; You don't need it."
  1706. >"You can heal me emotionally."
  1707. "Sounds like daddy issues."
  1708. >"Dad and I have always gotten along; I'm very thankful for that."
  1709. "Aww, good for you."
  1710. >Raising your hand to Flutter Shee's head, she nuzzled against it.
  1711. >"D-Daddy."
  1712. "Maybe I'd love you if you'd stop ruining the moment."
  1713. "Wouldn't that be nice; A world where you don't kill the mood every fucking time?"
  1714. >She's in a world of her own, melting in response to your hands scritching behind her ears.
  1715. "And you're not even listening."
  1716. >"I am! Honest!"
  1717. "Mmhmm. By the way, I know I'm not the most... formal guy."
  1718. "I know I shouldn't have just glanced over what you said."
  1719. >"...About Twilight? It's okay, Anon."
  1720. >"You don't have to coddle me."
  1721. "Right... It's just... I've been doing some thinking."
  1722. >Leaning next to Nutter Butter, you whispered into her equine ears.
  1723. "Pretty sure Pinkie likes me just as much; Don't ask me how I know that."
  1724. >"R-Really?"
  1725. "You couldn't tell? Your pheromone sense couldn't detect that or something?"
  1726. >"No, it only works on you."
  1727. "I'm fucking honored."
  1729. "Where is she right now? In bed?"
  1730. >"I think so."
  1731. "Mmm. So what I'm trying to say is, it sucks having to pick and choose like this."
  1732. "And I don't mean it that way like it's inconsequential or something."
  1733. >"You're so fucking hot."
  1734. >It just keeps happening.
  1735. >"Nonny..."
  1736. >Oh no.
  1737. >This yellow idiot said Pinkie was in her room sleeping, and there she goes right on queue.
  1738. >There's no way she didn't hear that.
  1739. >Whispering around Ponka is damn near impossible; She's using hacks or something.
  1740. >Party Equine stepped out from one of the castle's many rooms, and her ears were comically enlarged.
  1741. >It's best not to question it for your sanity's sake.
  1742. >"...I overheard you two."
  1743. >"Eep!" Fluttershy immediately dove behind you and hid, fearing the pink pony's next actions.
  1744. >Her temperament seemed to be calm, but there was an undoubtedly somber tone in her voice, however slight.
  1745. "Pinkie, listen..."
  1746. >"Everypony knows how much you like Twilight, Wonny."
  1747. >"It's... mutual; She doesn't do a great job of hiding it either."
  1748. >You remained silent, mostly because you weren't expecting to be caught like this.
  1749. >It's only just now dawning upon you how awful this is.
  1750. >Imagine having the virginity you wanted to save for your love interest get stolen by your best friend.
  1751. >Then, that very same love interest doesn't see you the way you see them.
  1752. >This fucking blows.
  1753. >"You'll be happy with Twilight, right?"
  1754. >Here come the waterworks.
  1755. >Yours, to be specific.
  1756. >Now isn't the time to be a Pussy(TM); It'll make things harder on her.
  1757. "D-Don't ask me such a hard question like that!"
  1758. "I haven't been thinking too hard about dating and stuff lately, but..."
  1759. "...Holy shit. Why is this so difficult?"
  1760. >Ponka laughed nervously in response, trotting up to you.
  1761. >"It's okay; I shouldn't be surprised."
  1762. >"Going after such a popular, perfect-"
  1763. >You were quick to kneel down and bring a finger to Ponka's mouth, pausing her sentence.
  1764. "Pinks, don't say stuff like that..."
  1765. >Pinkie succumbed to her own personal waterworks, before tackling you once again.
  1766. >Fluttershy was almost flattened as you fell backwards, but thankfully, she was quick to move.
  1768. >"Pinkie!"
  1769. "S-She's okay, Fluttershy."
  1770. "I think she just needs to cry this one out."
  1771. "There, there..."
  1772. >Never before have you experienced such an agonizing, sorrowful 'hnngh'.
  1773. >This is the second time today that you've been tackled and cried on.
  1774. >Even during this extremely emotional moment, your eyes were still trying to close themselves.
  1775. >You're drop-dead tired.
  1776. >Like last time, you consoled her as best you could, petting her mane.
  1777. >Once again, this really, really fucking blows.
  1778. >When you first saw her all sad like this, on her way to Rarity's boutique, it was obviously bad.
  1779. >At the time, you knew nothing but a fraction of what she was going through.
  1780. >You so badly want to just sweep Ponka off her feet, but that wouldn't be right.
  1781. >She's amazing, however, you don't see her that way, especially not with that level of intensity.
  1782. >Another revelation made itself clear to you as Pinkie sobbed on your chest, one pertaining to Rainbow.
  1783. >Perhaps you've been blind to the affection of your bro this entire time.
  1784. >You're always so touchy with her too, which isn't helping your case at all.
  1785. >Derpy's words must have inadvertently struck a nerve, in conjunction with your overprotectiveness.
  1786. >Right now, it doesn't feel like you've changed since your standoff at Neighagra Falls.
  1787. >That's just the sadness talking, of course.
  1788. >Eventually, Pinkie's tears created a veritable river in the castle hallways.
  1789. >She cried her last tear, and tore herself away from your chest.
  1790. >"Thanks, Wo... Wonny."
  1791. "N-No problem, Pinks."
  1792. "I don't want to be that guy, but... I'm this close to passing out, I swear."
  1793. "Fluttershy, can you do me a solid? Take Pinkie to one of the guest rooms. Sleep with her for the night."
  1794. "Take care of her!"
  1795. >"Y-Yes, sir!" Fluttershy saluted valiantly, before flying next to Ponka.
  1796. "And Pinkie... the next time I see you, you... you'd better be all smiles. You got that?"
  1797. "I can't stand seeing you all fucked up like this anymore. It's not right!"
  1798. >A single tear has rolled down your cheek.
  1799. >Pussy.
  1800. >"Got it." Pinkie put on a tough face, as Fluttershy led her down the hallway.
  1801. >You walked in the opposite direction, toward Twilight's bedroom.
  1802. >What makes this even more awkward is that Spike, Sunburst, Trixie, and Twi are all in the castle.
  1803. >You pray to Celestia, hoping that Autism Supreme in particular didn't hear a single word.
  1804. >Opening the door to her room as quietly as possible, you peeked inside.
  1805. >She's sitting on the bed.
  1806. >Awake.
  1807. >Looking right at you with a surprised look on her face.
  1808. >All you wanted was a peek, but now you HAVE to talk to her.
  1809. >Nopony could pay you enough to stop saying it; This blows, goddamnit.
  1811. >Sighing, you let yourself in and closed the door behind you.
  1812. "How much of that did you hear?"
  1813. >"Uhhh..."
  1814. "Twi."
  1815. >"I kinda' sorta'... may have..."
  1816. "Tell the truth, you purple horse."
  1817. >...cast a spell to listen through the wall..."
  1818. "You heard all of it, then."
  1819. "Welp, this is awkward."
  1820. >"I didn't think you liked me that way..."
  1821. "You're surprised? As much as you get at me when we're by ourselves?"
  1822. "Hell, remember what happened last time?"
  1823. >"I-I know, but... I kept second guessing, like, what if you're more interested in Rainbow?"
  1824. >"You hang out with her every single day of the week!"
  1825. "When you put it like that, maybe I am."
  1826. >You sported a sly, confident look on your face, with your hand on your chin.
  1827. >"Anon!"
  1828. "What, you thought I'd give you a win that easily?"
  1829. >"But... everything you said to Fluttershy and Pinkie..."
  1830. >Your playful facade dropped, the potential for screwing around being significantly dampened.
  1831. "Right."
  1832. "I had no idea how bad it really was."
  1833. "They patched things up, which is what I wanted, but just when Pinkie has a chance to cheer up..."
  1834. "...THAT happens. Like, what else can I do? She's all twisted up."
  1835. >"I-It's my fault... If it weren't for me, then maybe-"
  1836. "Nope. It's nopony's fault."
  1837. >Sitting down next to her on the bed, you tried to look her in the eyes, but her gaze was avoidant.
  1838. >She must be feeling a little guilty, which isn't a shocker, given how guilty you feel.
  1839. "Probably jumping the gun here, but I think Rainbow feels the same way. Maybe not as intensely, though."
  1840. "I don't know..."
  1841. >"Rainbow, too?!"
  1842. "SSSHHHHH."
  1843. "Do you understand how fucked it'd be if somepony heard us? Use your inside voice."
  1844. >"Sorry... it's just... it's perplexing how you ended up getting all of this attention."
  1845. "That's what I'm fucking saying."
  1846. "And you're part of the problem, Ms. Sparkle."
  1847. "Just kidding."
  1848. >"Don't joke like that, Anon."
  1849. "Excuse me for trying to lighten this shitty situation."
  1850. >"What do we do, then?"
  1851. "What do you mean?"
  1852. >"Should we... umm..."
  1854. >This fucking horse.
  1855. >The typical teasing you is one thing, but seeing her shy away from you is another matter entirely.
  1857. >That was the guiltiest 'hnngh' to have ever escaped your vocal chords.
  1858. >"You can't be serious about anything, can you?"
  1859. "You're one to talk. Half the time, you're laughing in somepony's face."
  1860. >"What's wrong with a little chuckle here and there?"
  1861. "A 'little' chuckle. Yeah, sure."
  1862. >"Come on, don't avoid the question."
  1863. "I'm not avoiding anything; You heard what I said in the hallway."
  1864. >"So does that mean..."
  1865. "Take it easy, Twi."
  1866. "Your nerves are showing."
  1867. >Scritching behind her ears to calm her down, you quickly changed to another subject.
  1868. >Grand Autismo melted at your touch, bringing her hooves around your arm.
  1869. "A while ago, Celestia mentioned that I'd have a special somepony one day."
  1870. "She was messing with me like usual, so I deflected and replied like the idea was ridiculous."
  1871. "I didn't actually feel that way, but for some reason, I never thought about it til she asked me that."
  1872. "Imagine being a human, getting teleported randomly to some other universe."
  1873. "You meet a bunch of tiny, talking horses, animals couldn't speak a lick of English back in your world."
  1874. "What sense does it make for the human to start having feelings for them?"
  1875. "And why would those horses get so attached to that human?"
  1876. >"You're making yourself sound crazy, Anon. You're not crazy."
  1877. "Wanna' know what Celestia's best guess was?"
  1878. "Mares just find my species especially attractive."
  1879. "That's ten times more comfortable than my actual character being the reason."
  1880. >"You're a fun guy, Anon. I know it might feel like we're just drooling over a human, but..."
  1881. >"...Pinkie was right when she said you were-"
  1882. "Bullshit. I'm not perfect."
  1883. "Besides, how does that explain little Ms. Starlight travelling across Equestria to rape me?"
  1884. >Twilight didn't seem too pleased after your quick reply.
  1885. "Didn't mean to cut you off. My bad."
  1886. >"No, it's something else. I just... can't imagine how it felt when she told you that."
  1887. "Like shit. I appreciate her compliment, but the situation makes it hard."
  1888. "You feel guilty, too, so just imagine that. Maybe multiply it by... like... ten."
  1889. "My poor brain can only handle so much right now."
  1890. >"It's time to get some rest, anyway."
  1891. "Yeah. Since you caught me peeking, I came in just to clear the air."
  1892. "I'll see you in the morning, Twilight. Thanks for the chat."
  1894. >You barely leaned off of the bedside, and her eyes were locked onto you, urging you to stay.
  1895. >"W-Wait..."
  1896. >Sighing heavily, you sat right back down.
  1897. "I was going to pick a guest room, but I'm assuming you want me to stay."
  1898. >"A-Am I that awkward?! Do you not want to sleep with me?"
  1899. >"Oh Celestia, I messed up, didn't I?!"
  1900. "Mind your volume, Oh Purple One."
  1901. >Untying your hoodie from around your waist, you draped it over the foot of Twilight's bed.
  1902. >Even though this hat is incredible, sleeping with it on might be a bit awkward, so you took it off.
  1903. "And no, it's not that I don't want to sleep with you."
  1904. "It just feels weird doing that so soon after that talk in the hallway."
  1905. "I know I slept with Fluttershy yesterday, and I've had sleepovers with Rainbow before, so..."
  1906. "...There's no reason for me to be so apprehensive."
  1907. "Guess I'll stop being a pussy about it."
  1908. >"Thanks, Anon. You have no idea how much this means to me."
  1909. >Twilight's nervous smile and appreciative words helped to wash away your uneasiness.
  1910. "Are we about to fuck, or something?"
  1911. "It's just a sleepover."
  1912. >Book Equine was taken aback by your inappropriately timed joke, her eyes wide in surprise.
  1913. "Twilight, one. Anon, two."
  1914. "You're making it easy for me, Twi."
  1915. >"Ugh... whatever."
  1916. >She dismissed your words, but the blush on her face remained present.
  1917. "I'll let you do all the studying you want after tomorrow. Night, Twily."
  1918. >"Twily...?"
  1919. >Smiling to yourself, you laid on your side, and got as comfortable as you could in this pony-sized bed.
  1920. >Soon enough, she was cuddling with you, curled up like a cat.
  1921. >The more emotional math you do in your head, the more it adds up.
  1922. >Twilight has been your comfort horse for quite a while now.
  1923. >Perhaps Celestia knew this would happen, and it's not hard to see how.
  1924. >Autism Supreme was invested in you, interested in you, and puzzled by you, all on day one.
  1925. >You went from being this weird, intelligent species to study, to an actual friend.
  1926. >Your touchdown in Equestria was far from uneventful, that's for sure.
  1927. >Still to this day, you have no clue how or why you're here.
  1928. >But it doesn't matter, you're happy here.
  1929. >Life can still suck in Horse World(TM), but it's honestly a million times better than Earth.
  1930. >Anticipating the busy day that tomorrow will most likely be, you and Twilight slept together like logs.
  1931. >You're laying next to her, but your heart goes out to Pinkie tonight.
  1932. >And Fluttershy.
  1933. >And Rainbow.
  1934. >Guilt is a powerful emotion.

Rape Shelter: 20th

by RapeShelter

Rape Shelter: 21st

by RapeShelter

Rape Shelter: 21.5th

by RapeShelter

Rape Shelter: 22nd

by RapeShelter

Rape Shelter: 23rd

by RapeShelter