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Rape Shelter: 25th

By RapeShelter
Created: 2022-08-06 07:46:22
Updated: 2022-08-14 07:39:03
Expiry: Never

  1. >25th.
  2. >Yesterday was quite pleasant, and the move went without a hitch, you would say.
  3. >Not only did you stuff your face with the peetzer of the gods, but everypony loved it.
  4. >It got a few gears to start turning in your head; Perhaps you could become a chef.
  5. >A world-class chef, at that.
  6. >You'd be even more popular and fawned over than you currently are, but it's not a bad idea.
  7. >With this magic of yours, you'll be able to acquire ingredients VERY quickly.
  8. >And just because you've moved out of your house doesn't mean you can't use the kitchen still.
  9. >Lyra would love to have you come over.
  10. >If it's something you're going to be taking seriously, though, you'll need a bigger building in the future.
  11. >Starlight levitated your bed all the way across Ponyville and straight into Twilight's room.
  12. >Because your bed is so much larger than Twilight's, the two of you decided to just sleep in it together.
  13. >It's cute, honestly.
  14. >For right now, you're at this intermediate stage where you're mainly still friends, but also a couple.
  15. >That's how it's supposed to work, though.
  16. >Your partner is your friend, no two ways about it.
  17. >But Twilight has been far more eager than you, and to be honest, you weren't completely "ready" for this.
  18. >Things just happened to kick off due to that conversation you had with Pinkie and Fluttershy.
  19. >So with that in mind, taking things slow is the best way for you to go about it.
  20. >That doesn't mean you won't aggressively hug and cuddle the fuck out of her, of course.
  21. >The way things are going now, it's perfect.
  22. >You're all nice and safe in Twilight Sparkle's Crystal Castle(TM).
  23. >Whenever you want to see her, or hang out with Spike, you're right there with them.
  24. >Speaking of being right there with them, you're currently falling asleep next to Twilight.
  25. >Your arm is resting on a small table, and dirt has been littered over the back of your hand.
  26. >There are small seeds inside the clumps of dirt, and you've been growing plants over and over and over.
  27. >At Twilight's behest, of course.
  28. >This is all for the purpose of her studying.
  29. >Earlier in the morning, she wanted to see some examples of growths you could produce outside.
  30. >She postulates that, in time, you'll be able to grow exceptionally large trees.
  31. >Twilight has already told you the story of her previous home, one that had been destroyed by Tirek.
  32. >It would mean a lot to her if you could grow a brand new tree home of some sort.
  33. >Another side project that you've been contemplating is restoring the fire-ravaged parts of Everfree.
  34. >For now, the tree house is a much more realistic objective.
  35. >It's hard enough just to pull a fucking stump out of the ground.
  36. >The few dying trees in AJ's orchard don't compare to the massiveness of Everfree's dense woods.
  38. >"Y'know, this was pretty cool at first, but now I just feel bad for you."
  39. >Spike pitied the zombie-like state you've found yourself in.
  40. "Uggghhh... are we done yet, Twi?"
  41. >Your eyes are closing themselves.
  42. >How many more times does she want to see you grow a stupid plant?
  43. >You've grown tomatoes, strawberries, lemons, and even fucking grapes.
  44. >This mare is determined to drain you for all your worth.
  45. >And it's not that kind of draining.
  46. >"Just one more seed, Anon!"
  47. >"I've almost fully charted the rate of growth."
  48. "Fully charted? Twi... do you have any idea... how many times you'll have to re-chart that?"
  49. "This magic grows exponentially... more and more powerful each day... remember?"
  50. >"Which is exactly why I have to document this!"
  51. >"I won't have any data to compare your magic to in the future otherwise!"
  52. "I'm gonna' die in the future if you keep this up..."
  53. >With the last of your strength, the next seed sprouted to a small sapling with healthy leaves.
  54. "There... are we fucking finished?"
  55. >"This plant looks to be a fern... belonging to the Cyatheaceae family..."
  56. >"...Adding that to the chart now..."
  57. >"I think you're done here, Anon." Spike voiced, rolling his eyes.
  58. "Thank Celestia."
  59. >As Spike figured, Twilight simply carried on with the collection of her "categorical" data.
  60. >Part of you wanted to get up and stretch, but it was as though you were glued to the table.
  61. >Perhaps it'd be better if you just passed out in your chair.
  62. >Unfortunately, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Dash, and Starlight should all be arriving soon.
  63. >Observing the clock on the wall, you see that it's a little past eight o'clock.
  64. >Next to your arm are a couple of steel trays for the plants.
  65. >You'd rather not harm the fern resting on your hand, so you gently pick it up, roots and all.
  66. >After placing it on the tray, it now rests there, like a good little multicellular organism.
  67. >All of that dirt needs to be brushed off your arm as well.
  68. >This magic really is something else.
  69. >Surely water would be needed for the plant's overall longevity, but you could arguably bypass that.
  70. >"Fluttershy and Pinkie said they'd be back around eight, right? Same for Rainbow and Starlight?
  71. >"Wanna' greet them at the door while she's busy doing... whatever it is that she's doing?"
  72. "Hell yeah, bro."
  73. >"You lead the way."
  74. "Kay', just... give me a sec'."
  76. >Your legs weren't cooperating with you.
  77. >Not one bit.
  78. >However, these are the first steps of many towards your brand new life.
  79. "Get... UP!"
  80. "Come on!"
  81. >"Dude, don't force it if it's that hard."
  82. "I don't think so, Spike."
  83. "This is a challenge."
  84. "And challenges are meant to be conquered."
  85. "In order to achieve my new dream, I can't back down."
  86. >"Your... new dream? What's that?"
  87. "You'll find out soon, my scaly friend."
  88. >The world around you flipped upside down, left and right, and all over the place.
  89. >You're horrifically nauseous right now, and any further movement might cause you to hurl.
  90. >"Tell ya' what. Why don't you go lay down, and we'll come to you."
  91. >"How does that sound?"
  92. "Bullshit."
  93. >"Figured you'd say that."
  94. >"Hey, Twilight, you hearing all of this? Ya' mind helping him get into bed?"
  95. >"Yes, Spike."
  96. >She couldn't have sounded any more occupied if she wanted to; Her words were plain and rushed.
  97. >"Welp. Guess that's my queue."
  98. >"I'll be back with the others, Anon. Don't die trying to get in bed before I come back."
  99. >It looks like you're on your own here, but that's okay, because you're not a pussy.
  100. "Me? Dying? Hah, that's funny."
  101. "I could be immortal, and you wouldn't even know."
  102. >"It'd suck if you weren't. Dragons live longer than humans, remember?"
  103. >Spike confidently chuckled to himself, closing the door behind him and walking into the hallway.
  104. >You were merely cracking jokes, but now you HAVE to become immortal, just to have the last laugh.
  105. >Before that, however, you need to reach this fucking bed.
  106. >Falling to your knees, you crawled towards it, as your legs aren't capable of doing the job.
  107. >Why must this be so difficult?
  108. >One of these days, you'll be so proficient at using this magic that you'll never exhaust yourself.
  109. >And that day is definitely not today.
  110. >All in all, it took five minutes to pull yourself up and onto the bed.
  112. >You wish that was an exaggeration.
  113. >If you didn't know any better, you'd say that Twilight wanted to see you suffer.
  114. >"Twilight, two. Anon, two. We're tied again."
  115. >Son of a bitch.
  116. >The trademark noise of unicorn teleportation sounded, and in less than a second, she was on top of you.
  117. >"How does it feel to suffer, Mr. Human?"
  118. >The purple pony giggled devilishly, savoring her momentary victory.
  119. "I don't know what you're talking about."
  120. >"Hmmmm? Is that so?"
  121. >She's leaning dangerously close to your face.
  122. >It's impossible to look away from her bedroom eyes now.
  123. >Suffice to say, your almonds have been activated, but you must remain strong.
  124. "Yep. I'm doing just fine."
  125. >"Your voice is a little shaky, Anon."
  126. >"Not feeling well? You don't need a check-up, do you?"
  127. >You need an adult.
  128. "Twi, you and I both know the last thing I need is a doctor."
  129. >Once again, Celestia is looking out for you, as Spike and the others' steps could be heard approaching.
  130. >Twilight was quick to hop off of your chest and play it cool.
  131. >One by one, Spike, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Starlight, and Pinkie entered the room.
  132. >"Jeez. He actually made it to the bed... color me surprised." Spike said, folding his arms.
  133. >"In bed already, bro?" Rainbow asked, clearly surprised by your apparent laziness.
  134. >"What have you been doing all day?"
  135. "Magic practice."
  136. >"Nonny, Nonny! Fluttershy and I had a blast on our trip!"
  137. "That's good to hear, Ponka."
  138. "I'm happy to see that smile on your face."
  139. "Where'd you two end up going? If you don't mind telling us?"
  140. >"Umm... we went to see Limestone, Marble, and Maud." Fluttershy quietly answered for Panko.
  141. "Damn. Wish I could have gone with you. I actually ran into Maud on a train a few days ago..."
  142. "...Maybe when I decide to check out her rock farm, you can come with me, Pinks."
  144. "Indeed, it is, Ponka."
  146. >A warm smile grew on your face as Pinkie's eyes sparkled with happy little stars.
  147. "We can bring Starlight, too. I'm sure there's plenty of rock-related labor for her there."
  148. >"Good idea, Anon! I think I'll add that to her list." Twilight chimed, clopping her hooves together.
  149. >"R-Rock related labor...?" You were too distracted to notice it, but Starlight looked dead inside.
  150. >Dash must have put her through hell; Her eyes were baggy, her hair disheveled.
  151. "You'll see, Starlight. You'll see."
  152. >"Anon, did I do a good job?" Fluttershy flew over to the bedside, floating beside you.
  153. "Couldn't be more proud of you, Flutters."
  154. "You know what? Bring it in. You too, Pinkie."
  155. >It unironically pained your body, but you opened your arms wide for a hug.
  156. >Pinkie practically squealed, and Fluttershy blushed in anxiety.
  157. >"G-Gosh... w-when was the last time we hugged, Anon?"
  158. "Relax, you small yellow horse."
  159. "It's not that serious."
  160. >Without any hesitation, at least on Pinkie's part, the two ponies entered your embrace.
  161. >Fluttershy muttered to herself during the hug, something about hot monkey dick.
  162. >And for some reason, you seem to be the only one in the room who heard that.
  163. >The hug was broken when a loud thump of some kind rang throughout the room.
  164. >After tilting your head in the direction of the sound, you saw Starlight, collapsed on the ground.
  165. >The punished pony was still breathing, obviously, and before long, she was snoring loudly.
  166. >"Good grief." Rainbow sighed, probably out of pity, and lowered her head.
  167. >Twilight cleared her throat, before speaking with a tone of nobility, as if she were royalty.
  168. >"As everypony can see, some of us are tired, so it looks like it's that time."
  169. >Spike stretched his little arms into the air, yawning just as loudly as Starlight's snores.
  170. >"Fine by me... I've already done all my chores."
  171. >"Good night, everypony." Spike said sleepily, before curling up next to Starlight, and closing his eyes.
  172. >That's almost adorable.
  173. >Almost.
  174. >"Alrighty! See you soon, Nonny! Don't forget that promise!" Pinkie Pie cheerily hopped out of the room.
  175. "Later..."
  176. >The sight of those two curled up together was putting you right to sleep; Your voice was tired and weak.
  177. >"B-Bye, Anon." Fluttershy said meekly, looking back at you as she exited.
  178. >"Gotta' prepare for that award ceremony, y'know? Just a few more days left!"
  179. >Rainbow took to the air, her wings looking healthier than ever.
  180. >"See ya' at lunch tomorrow, bro!"
  181. >"And try not to kill Anon next time, egghead!"
  182. >With that innocent, yet somewhat disrespectful goodbye, Rainbow took her leave as well.
  184. >"Hmph! I don't like being called an egghead all the time."
  185. >All you could manage was a soft chuckle.
  186. >You would've loved to enjoy their company for a bit longer, but you're not the only one that's tired.
  187. >Your eyes had begun to close themselves, and you weren't about to fight it.
  188. >"What's so funny, Mr. Human?"
  189. >"You're not laughing at me, are you?"
  190. >At this time, there are technically no eyes on Twilight.
  191. >Spike is asleep already.
  192. >"Do I have to teach you a lesson?"
  193. >DEAR GOD.
  195. >You tried to scream, hoping it'd wake Spike from his slumber, but alas, your voice is shot.
  196. >Here she comes.
  197. >Oh god, she's coming, and you're silently screaming.
  198. >She's already on top of you again, and even worse, your arms don't seem to be working.
  199. >And the various assortment of plants you've spent the entire day growing?
  200. >The strength needed to command them at this very moment is nowhere to be found.
  201. >PLANTS.
  204. >OH GOD, PLANTS, HEL-

Rape Shelter: 20th

by RapeShelter

Rape Shelter: 21st

by RapeShelter

Rape Shelter: 21.5th

by RapeShelter

Rape Shelter: 22nd

by RapeShelter

Rape Shelter: 23rd

by RapeShelter