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Rape Shelter: 29th

By RapeShelter
Created: 2022-08-07 14:47:34
Updated: 2022-08-17 14:21:03
Expiry: Never

  1. >29th.
  2. >It's a been a few days, it sure has.
  3. >Everything has returned to normal.
  4. >For the most part, anyway.
  5. >Obviously, there are a few factors that have changed up the formula.
  6. >For the better, thankfully.
  7. >This is the longest you've gone so far without anything crazy happening.
  8. >Applejack just keeps on appuling.
  9. >Spike cannot and will not stop being based.
  10. >Pinkie's mood has seen an exceptional turn; You've never seen her happier.
  11. >Rarity just keeps on gaining weight.
  12. >Twilight is a big fat nerd.
  13. >Fluttershy is simply big and fat, and other than that, it's the usual business.
  14. >Trixie's performances came back in full swing, something you're very proud of her for.
  15. >Starlight is still bound to her three-year community service.
  16. >The night after Twilight decided you could use a hard, barely consensual snuggling, AJ snatched Glimmy.
  17. >Appul Horse sentenced the punished mare to an entire afternoon of farm work.
  18. >While Twilight specifically mentioned four hours a day on Starlight's services, there's GOT to be a loophole.
  19. >No rest for the wicked.
  20. >All in all, Starlight's punishment is perfect.
  21. >In more ways than one.
  22. >Not only does it keep Starlight busy, it also gives the others reasons to not hate the absolute shit out of her.
  23. >It's easier to have her do every random, benign task under the sun than to despise her.
  24. >Over time, all of those favors are going to add up, and she'll be a respected member of this group again.
  25. >As you've stated many times, it's hard for you to stay mad.
  26. >That being said, you're glad to see her diligently seeking out things to do.
  27. >Luckily, she's already done her time today.
  28. >Currently, the mare is sitting to the right of you.
  29. >Spike, and the Mane 6 are close by as well, save for Rainbow Dash.
  30. >She's up there on the podium, about to receive her award.
  31. >You're all at a stadium in Cloudsdale, present to witness Rainbow receiving her Flier of the Year award.
  32. >A simple spell from Twilight allows those of you without wings to stand on clouds without, y'know, fucking dying.
  33. >And of course, there's an entire sea of ponies in the stands, all of them here for the same ceremony.
  34. "WOOOOO! Go Rainbow Dash!"
  35. >"Can she even hear ya'? This crowd is mighty loud." AJ said, folding her hooves.
  36. "She doesn't have to. I'm still gonna' shout at the top of my lungs."
  37. >"Well, I'm glad you're having fun! This heat is positively killing me!" Rarity sighed, sweating up a storm.
  38. >The sun certainly didn't pull any punches this morning.
  39. >While you're unsure if the little rainy season from last week is gone, it's a nice change of pace.
  41. >Granted, one of those rainy days was thanks to Starlight.
  42. >You'd be lying if you said your brain wasn't beginning to associate a rainy day with getting raped.
  43. >Or getting knocked unconscious.
  44. >Wouldn't it be hilarious if rain suddenly started falling?
  45. >The mere idea terrifies you, considering you're surrounded by hundreds of ponies.
  46. "Would you rather deal with a bit of sunlight, or get rained on? Your pick Ray-Ray."
  47. >"I wouldn't be all sweaty in the rain, you know! Ugh..."
  48. >"...When we get back to Ponyville, you're giving me a bath, Anonymous."
  49. "Excuse me? Bathe yourself, smelly."
  50. >"S-Smelly?! I do NOT smell!"
  51. "Keep telling yourself that."
  52. >"Guys, you're going to miss it! Spitfire is on stage!" Twilight spoke up.
  53. >"Looks like they're a little too busy going back and forth." Spike added, his scaly arms behind his head.
  54. "Back and forth? That implies that Ray-Ray over here has a defense for herself."
  55. "Fluttershy, perform sniffs of the mare, if you will."
  56. >"Y-Yes, king." Fluttershy proceeded to lean into the partially glistening mare, before sampling her scent.
  57. >"FLUTTERSHY?!" Rarity shouted, a glint of betrayal in her eyes.
  58. >"Uhh... Anon, did you just command Fluttershy to sniff Rarity?" Starlight questioned, a look of disbelief on her face.
  59. "Yes. Yes, I did."
  60. "Celestia knows I wouldn't do that myself."
  61. "I thought you'd be used to this by now."
  62. >"Every day, you somehow manage to surprise me..." Starlight replied, shaking her head.
  63. >"After s-several sniffs, I've determined that Rarity does in fact smell." Fluttershy reported, relaying her findings to you.
  64. >"D-Darling, I thought we were on the same side!" Rarity had leaned away from Fluttershy, but it was too late.
  65. >The sniffing was complete.
  66. >Mission accomplished.
  67. "Thank you, Fluttershy."
  68. "As always, here is your payment."
  69. >Reaching into your hoodie, you pulled out another small bag with an undisclosed amount of bits, and gave it to her.
  70. >"Thanks, Anon. Bless." Nutter Butter replied, taking her payment.
  71. "Bless."
  72. >"A bit of sweat never did anypony wrong. Y'all spend all day cooped up makin' fancy clothes." AJ joked.
  73. >"Heck, ya' don't hear Twilight complainin', do ya'?"
  74. >"My beautification process has twelve phases, I'll have you know." Rarity replied, getting sassy.
  75. >"It's A LOT of work, but you wouldn't understand; You SKIP baths, you heathen!"
  76. >"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hard work and makeup don't go good together, Rare." AJ retorted, grinning smugly.
  77. >Based Appul Horse.
  78. >"W-Why you..." Rarity hissed, probably thinking of another insult.
  79. >"Just look at Dashie's smile, guys! OOOOOH, I can't WAIT for the afterparty!" Pinkie chimed, struggling to stay still.
  80. >Pinkie's ecstatic voice brought your attention back to the ceremony at hand.
  82. >As Twilight voiced earlier, Spitfire is onstage, about to speak into the microphone.
  83. >"Attention, everypony! I know what you're all here for, and I gotta' say, I'm excited."
  84. >"This is a big occasion, a traditional ceremony, where the citizens of Equestria place their votes..."
  85. >"...Votes for who you all believe the best flier of the year is."
  86. >"But it's a little deeper than that. When you earn that title, you're officially a role model."
  87. >"Somepony that foals and colts will look up to and say - I wanna' be like them when I grow up."
  88. >"It's a massive honor, and it's because of that, that I'm a little jealous."
  89. >"The pegasus standing next to me has shed blood, sweat, tears, and more."
  90. >"Every. Single. Day."
  91. >Your bro is maintaining her composure as best she can, but you can see her nerves.
  92. >It must feel amazing to have Spitfire speak so highly of her.
  93. >"A long time ago, when she started making the rounds, it felt like somepony pulled a rug out from under me."
  94. >"How do you think it feels to have your number one fan surpass you?"
  95. >"It makes you want to try even harder, but even more than that, it makes you proud."
  96. >"So for this year, I'm honored to crown Rainbow Dash, this exceptional pegasus, with this award..."
  97. >"...The Flier of the Year award!"
  98. >Spitfire revealed the aforementioned award, in all of its shiny glory, and placed it around Rainbow's neck.
  99. >Not a moment sooner, the band on stage did their thing, and the other members of the Wonderbolts were released.
  100. >They took to the skies, performing all kinds of synchronized maneuvers and formations in the sky above.
  101. >The crowd went fucking ballistic, they screamed Rainbow's name, and held up all kinds of signs.
  102. >She's got fanboys and fangirls from all over the place now.
  104. >There's no way she can hear you, but you're hoping she can at least see you amongst the crowd.
  105. >It's not like you're easy to miss or anything, especially if you stand up.
  106. >Many of the ponies here must be wondering who the weird-looking, tall, hairless monkey screaming his head off is.
  107. >Of course, you don't give half a shit.
  108. >Besides, one of these days, you'll be just as well known.
  109. >Most of your fame is present in Ponyville and Manehattan, but you're an anomaly at best right now.
  110. >Soon, you'll be recognized for great things, and not just because you look funny amongst technicolor horses.
  111. >Still, to think that they allowed Dash to carry that medal around with her a few days before the ceremony.
  112. >You're just as proud of your bro as Spitfire is.
  113. >There's no way she's not hanging that thing up on her wall.
  114. >Then, in that beautiful, celebratory moment, amidst all of the cheering, a wave of unease overtook you.
  115. >It was like the complete opposite of every emotion you've felt in the last five minutes.
  116. >The sensation was nauseating, in fact, and you nearly sat right back down in response.
  118. >Sweat dripped from your brow and your breathing became ragged.
  119. >Palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, mom's spaghetti.
  120. >Everything and everypony else carried on as they had been; You were the only one feeling this way.
  121. >To make matters worse, the "lights" turned off, as the sky darkened significantly.
  122. >The sun disappeared completely, being replaced by a blood red moon.
  123. >You haven't been this terrified since Starlight's Level 100 Fire Wizard(TM) demonstration.
  124. >Nopony else seemed to notice any of this happening.
  125. >That was the most terrifying part.
  126. >Out of every soul in this crowd, you seemed to be the only one witnessing this madness.
  127. >And just as it occurred, it abruptly ended.
  128. >The sun is back, it's bright again, the warm light embracing your skin.
  129. >Stunned, you finally sat down, taking it all in.
  130. >That totally just happened.
  131. >Was that some kind of warning?
  132. >Like a fucking doomsday prophecy?
  133. >If it was, why were you the only one to notice it?
  134. >"Anon?"
  135. >Twilight's voice pulled you out of your paranoia-induced stupor, and you turned to face her.
  136. "...Huh?"
  137. >"Let me see your face... you don't look so good. Are you feeling okay?"
  138. >Purple Smart looked over your sorry state with concern.
  139. >Your hands were shaking uncontrollably.
  140. >"Goodness! Come on, let's get you out of this crowd!"
  141. >"I-Is something wrong with Anon?" Fluttershy asked, not yet having seen the dreadful look on your face.
  142. >Once she did, she placed a hoof over her mouth.
  143. >The others took notice, but by then, Twilight pulled you aside to the nearest stadium exit.
  144. >"Excuse me, excuse me, sorry, coming through..."
  145. >She apologized her way through the stands, making ample room for you to walk past.
  146. >Again, this is pretty similar to the way you felt standing amongst Everfree's burning woods.
  147. >Speechless, and at the same time, painfully curious as to why this even happened.
  148. >The purple mare took a moment to pause once the two of you were inside a stadium tunnel.
  149. >"Anon, sit down for me, okay?"
  150. >Wordlessly obeying the small horse, you wasted no time in sitting down.
  151. >That's what you needed right about now, anyways.
  152. >"What happened back there? You're not sick, are you?"
  153. "N-No. I'm... listen, I saw something. In the sky."
  154. "The sky went dark, the sun was gone, and there was this huge... fuck-off red moon..."
  155. "...And just before it happened, I got with this awful nausea."
  156. "That's why my hands won't stop fucking shaking. Christ..."
  157. >"S-Slow down... you said the sun disappeared?"
  158. >"I didn't see anything!"
  160. "Yeah, of course you didn't. Nopony in that entire stadium seemed to."
  161. "If they did, you guys would have heard screams of terror, left and right."
  162. "I think I'm the only one that saw it."
  163. >"Maybe you're just seeing things?"
  164. >"You ate breakfast this morning, right?"
  165. "God, yes, Twilight!"
  166. "Sometimes, I question my sanity, but what I saw was real!"
  167. "Shit, after the whole Starlight incident, I've learned to take stuff like this a bit more seriously..."
  168. >"The sun went dark and got replaced by a red moon... sounds like a solar eclipse."
  169. >"Maybe there's a book with information about something like that."
  170. >"Would it make you feel better if I did some research on that later?"
  171. "Yeah. It would."
  172. "Thanks, Twi."
  173. >You know what you saw, what you experienced, what you felt.
  174. >That was one hundred percent real.
  175. >Even if you were dreaming, you'll still take it as a bad omen.
  176. >How shitty is it that this had to happen today of all days?
  177. "Do you mind heading back to the others, though?"
  178. "I'm going to head over to our little party venue, the one we rented out."
  179. >"Okay, but... are you sure you don't want me to escort you?"
  180. "It's okay, Twi."
  181. "I just got scared, is all. It's not like I'm gonna' die."
  182. >"Hhrrrmm... you say that..."
  183. >Pulling Twilight into a hug, you held her as close as possible.
  184. "I want you to be there for Rainbow when she gets off that stage."
  185. "She's coming to the venue afterwards anyway, so I'll see her then."
  186. "Just... make sure she knows that I was here."
  187. >"Sure."
  188. >Twilight's one-worded response was brief; The mare was too focused on the hug.
  189. >You told her to head back, but at the same time, you want her to stay.
  190. >Stupid sexy nerd.
  191. >"I can't leave if you don't let go of me, Anon."
  192. >Even though she's complaining, you're still rubbing noses with her.
  193. >She doesn't seem to want to leave either, but you let her go regardless.
  194. "Get going, you purple retard."
  195. >Autism Supreme lingered for a moment, before trotting back off to her seat.
  196. >Words were caught in her throat, you could tell.
  197. >She definitely wanted to say something else, but decided against it.
  198. >Another time, perhaps.
  199. >Leaning against the wall, a mighty sigh escaped your lips.
  200. >Time to get up.
  202. >Other than a few odd looks here and there, the trip to the venue has been peaceful and quiet.
  203. >Compared to Ponyville and Manehattan, your name doesn't get around much in Canterlot.
  204. >They know you exist, sure, but this city is full of rich, haughty ponies.
  205. >The "hairless monkey" that occasionally visits is of no concern to them.
  206. >At worst, your presence disrupts the "cultured atmosphere."
  207. >That's something you've actually heard before, directly from one of the stallions here.
  208. >None of that bothers you, of course.
  209. >You won't take insults from animals that walk on all fours and eat hay.
  210. >You're well aware of who the REAL apex predator is.
  211. >If only these miniature horses knew how absolutely ruthless humans can be.
  212. >Bad, bad, not good.
  213. >Not you, though.
  214. >Just humans in general.
  215. >You're a benevolent, caring human.
  216. >Good, good, not bad.
  217. >The venue, funnily enough, is right next to Canterlot Castle.
  218. >You couldn't possibly miss it.
  219. >It's not REALLY right next to it, but it's very close.
  220. >And despite the close proximity to the largest structure in the city, the building itself is simple.
  221. >You simply walk inside, and are greeted by tables, chairs, signs, decorations, and blue lighting.
  222. >There's a kitchen in the back, but there's a good chance you might not end up using it.
  223. >When you rented this place for the day, the plan was to order peetzer.
  224. >Lots and lots of peetzer.
  225. >As much as you'd love to cook for everypony, more than just the Mane 6 will be eating, obviously.
  226. >Not to mention the fact that you're still a chef in training.
  227. >You know how to cook, and what NOT to do when cooking well enough to not poison anypony.
  228. >And you make a damn good peetzer, yes, but it can't just be "good."
  229. >It has to be flawless.
  230. >Dash deserves the best on a day like this.
  231. >On that note, the order should be arriving within the next few minutes.
  232. >Everything is already paid for.
  233. >Your instructions were to drop the order off at the venue fifteen minutes before 1:00 PM.
  234. >1:00 PM being the "scheduled" time the award ceremony is supposed to end.
  235. >For now, you took a seat at one of the nearest tables, before putting your head down.
  236. >The harrowing visage of that almost apocalyptic, bloody moon refuses to leave your thoughts.
  237. >Your skin is crawling just thinking about it.
  239. >All of a sudden, your gut turned due to a sudden bout of nausea.
  240. >It's happening again.
  241. >Your knees are knocking together out of fear and you can't think straight.
  242. >Before the painstaking sensation reached its climax, you opened your eyes.
  243. >It may have been blue inside the building, but a nightmarish tint of red spilled in through the window.
  244. "...Huh?"
  245. >Bullshit.
  246. >There's no fucking way.
  247. >Is that damned moon back again?
  248. >Part of you wants to sit still and pretend nothing is wrong.
  249. >Strangely enough, the nausea has subsided.
  250. >Of course, the last thing on your mind currently was your own wellbeing.
  251. >You're worried about everypony else.
  252. >Hopping out of your chair, you peered into the sky above through the nearest window.
  253. >This bizarre darkness is sustained now, and hasn't gone away yet.
  254. >Twilight noted that your description is reminiscent of a solar eclipse, and she's not wrong.
  255. >However, that implies that the sun's light is being obstructed.
  256. >This is something else entirely.
  257. >The sun is outright fucking gone.
  258. >What should you do now?
  259. >Sitting around and waiting in the midst of this won't accomplish anything.
  260. >It may be time to Chad(TM) up.
  261. >Celestia and Luna might know what's going on.
  262. >And even if they don't, help is help.
  263. >If shit hits the fan for whatever reason, you're not defenseless.
  264. >You've got your wits, the soil beneath your feet, and a few other handy tools at your disposal.
  265. >For a few days now, you've been carrying around small seeds and saplings.
  266. >Opening up your trusty satchel, you can see that you're a little low at the moment.
  267. >That should only matter when you're indoors, or in a place where plant-life is absent.
  268. >Either way, you're currently holding about five seeds.
  269. >You'd have more if Twilight wasn't so insistent on having little "tests" here and there, even when you're travelling.
  270. >While you were busy mustering up the courage to head outside, the sound of hoofsteps caught your attention.
  271. >They're getting closer.
  272. >And closer, and closer, and closer.
  273. >With baited breath, you ducked away from the window, hiding out of sight.
  274. >Maybe it's the others?
  275. >Or could it be some random passerby?
  276. >Is the delivery pony here?
  277. >Who the fuck is it?
  279. >They were about to enter the venue.
  280. >Not a single word has come out of their mouth.
  281. >You'd like to call them a nighttime visitor, but it's not really nighttime, is it?
  282. >"I know you're in here, Anon..."
  283. >And just like that, their silence was broken.
  284. >But you're even more confused now, because you're pretty damn sure that was Twilight.
  285. >That was confirmed not a moment later as Twiggle Spiggle entered inside to your left.
  286. >Something was wrong, though.
  287. >Very, very wrong.
  288. >One, you don't quite like the tone of her voice, or what she just said in general.
  289. >Two, her appearance is drastically different, so much so that you wonder if this is actually her.
  290. >Her coat was a slightly darker shade, her mane and tail were just a tad bit unkempt, spiky, even.
  291. >Those alicorn wings look more like bat wings, the same applies to her ears.
  292. >The mare's eyes were blood red, and those horsey chompers of hers have become bonafide fangs.
  293. >This is ringing more than a few bells.
  294. >Has Twilight turned into some kind of vampire pony?
  295. >It's a miracle she hasn't spotted you yet.
  296. >As one would imagine, those ears must be extremely sensitive, so it's best not to move a single muscle.
  297. >This red moon and Purple Smart's new features HAVE to be linked; It wouldn't make sense otherwise.
  298. >You've figured that glimpse of the red moon at the stadium was some kind of a warmup for things to come.
  299. >It's really doing its thing now, that's for sure.
  300. >"...I need a mate. And so do you."
  301. >"Can't you feel the moon?"
  302. "HUH?!"
  303. >Your hands hurriedly clasped over your mouth, but the damage has already been done.
  304. >You've fucked yourself.
  305. >In an instant, Vampire Twi turned on a dime to face you.
  306. >"There you are!"
  307. >"Now come here, quit playing hard to get already!"
  308. >"Don't you love me?"
  309. >Shit, shit, SHIT.
  310. "T-Twi, what the hell are you talking about?"
  311. "Do you even hear yourself?"
  312. >"It's our job to bear offspring."
  313. >"J-Just think of the history our foals will make!"
  314. >Oh god.
  315. >She's drooling just from looking at you.
  316. >Truly, this is the opposite of good.
  317. >You so badly wanted to run for the hills, but you couldn't move.
  318. >Her gaze wouldn't let you.
  319. "H-How many times do I have to tell you horses?!"
  320. "It doesn't work like that!"
  322. >"Perhaps. But under this moon? Anything is possible."
  323. >"My pussy is practically SCREAMING, Anon."
  324. >You're hearing what she's saying, and by Celestia, it's not registering.
  325. >That THING up in the sky is really doing all of this?
  326. >Are you dealing with a Rape Moon(TM)?
  327. >She's totally about to defile you.
  328. "I... I'm not sure if I want our first time to be like this."
  329. >She's right in front of you now, her front hooves are on top of your legs.
  330. >Look the other way.
  333. >BEDROOM E-
  334. >"Cooperate with me, and the Queen will be pleased."
  335. "Q-Queen? What queen?"
  336. >"I'd like to try out Position #276."
  337. >"Remember? The one where you pick me up and-"
  338. >Yesterday, this absolute sperg showed you some of what she wrote to Starlight and Sunburst.
  339. >There was a detailed, key word, DETAILED list of possible sexual positions.
  340. >And you didn't even see everything, there were hundreds of them, a few of them being incredibly imaginative.
  341. >If you didn't get away from her now, you wouldn't be escaping at all.
  342. "NOPE!"
  343. >You promptly pushed the purple, vampiric nerd off your legs, sending her careening into a table.
  344. >As you rose to your feet, an uncomfortable thought crossed your mind.
  345. >Exactly how many ponies have been turned into vampire rapists?
  346. >Dear Celestia, please don't let it be all of them.
  347. >Should you even bother going to the castle if that's the case?
  348. >"...I didn't want to get forceful, but you're not giving me any choices, Anon!"
  349. >"Looks like it's time for Position #5!"
  350. >You're not even out of the door yet and she's back up already.
  351. >This is officially an emergency.
  352. >You need more time; The last thing you need is Twilight on your tail.
  353. >Also, what the fuck is Position #5?
  354. >Wait.
  355. >WAIT.
  356. >That's the one where you lean against the wall and she...
  357. >OH GOD OH FUCK-
  358. >With scrambling hands, you pulled a seed out of the satchel, clutching it close to your chest.
  359. >Her horn is beginning to glow, so it's now or never.
  360. >You yeeted the seed at Twibat, the embryonic plant booping her right on the nose.
  361. >"Was that it, Mr. Human? Surely, you-"
  363. >The seed shook about violently, before glowing a brilliant green hue.
  364. >If anypony knew the drill here, it was you, so your eyes are already closed.
  365. >A loud resounding FLASH filled the air, followed by a panicked scream from Twibat Spergle.
  366. >That's your queue to get going.
  367. >Even more powerful than your patented Stump Strike(TM), is your signature Plant Bang(TM).
  368. >You've finally learned how to use it on purpose, albeit in a different way.
  369. >Starlight and Sunburst are the only two ponies to have been on the receiving end of it.
  370. >So luckily for you, Twiggles didn't know what to expect because you've never told her about it.
  371. >It looks like a hellish nightmare outside, but that's not going to stop you.
  372. >Nowadays, you're fast enough to give Rainbow a run for her money.
  373. >Not really, but you're still fast as fuck.
  374. >With this Rape Moon(TM) as your witness, you're going to make it to this castle unscathed.
  375. >Or maybe you won't, because there's a small crowd of ponies around that are all glaring at you.
  376. >Despite how amazing your flashbang is, it's the exact opposite of a stealth move.
  377. >Each of these ponies' features are similar to Twilight's, scraggly manes, bat wings, and red eyes.
  378. >Save for the stallions, all of them seem to be normal.
  379. >In fact, they look just as scared as you, they're probably in danger of being molested as well.
  380. >When all of this is over, if it ever does end, there's going to be A LOT of pregnancies.
  382. >One of the many background mares shouted, essentially commanding every nearby female to dogpile on you.
  383. >This changes everything.
  384. "G-Get away from me!"
  385. >Running from a single rapist is one thing, but an entire army of them?
  386. >Potentially hundreds of horny mares?
  387. >You demand to speak with life's manager; This is unfair treatment.
  388. >If they catch you, you're going to become a father.
  389. >They WILL take turns with you.
  390. >While that may be the hottest thing of all time, there's something very, very wrong going on.
  391. >You just pray that you're not the only one capable of doing anything about it.
  392. >For now, you need answers, so Twilight and all of these cum-hungry mares will have to wait until later.
  393. >Looking over your shoulder, a few of them appear to be gaining on you.
  394. >It's like a stampede of horse pussy.
  395. >You're gunning it through Canterlot at around 6 meters per second, but they don't seem to care.
  396. >Why are they so fucking fast?
  398. >Change of plans, you struck a hard left and dove for the alleyways.
  399. >You can't afford to bring all these mares with you on the main path to the castle.
  400. >After finding sufficient cover, you laid your hands onto the soft soil beneath you.
  401. >Several large growths of ivy soon covered you like a blanket, efficiently hiding you from sight.
  402. >Now it's time to sit and wait.
  403. >As you expected, most of them ran right past you, with some of them stopping to look around.
  404. >You're a goddamn genius; Their ankles have been broken.
  405. >Or their fetlocks.
  406. >Whatever horse ankles are called, you're not sure.
  407. >Peeking through the ivy, nopony seemed to in the alleyway with you.
  408. >These bat ponies are screeching, clicking their tongues, making all kinds of noises.
  409. >Regardless, the coast should be clear.
  410. >Thank Celestia you escaped.
  411. >Position #5 would have ruined you.
  412. >Getting tossed back and forth by a crowd of mares would've been even worse.
  413. >That Plant Bang(TM) must have done a number on Twi.
  414. >You hope she's okay, the poor vampiric thing.
  415. >Maybe getting fucked against a wall wouldn't have been so bad.
  416. >Were it not for the whole foal thing.
  417. >Or the whole red moon turning ponies into mate-hunting batpones.
  418. >It warms your heart that the first thing Twibat did was look for you.
  419. >She's so fucking loyal, holy shit.
  420. >You're going to marry that horse one day.
  421. >But that's not going to happen for years to come.
  422. >Taking it slow is a good thing.
  423. >A shrill hiss echoed through the alleyway, the sudden noise scaring you half to death.
  424. >One of those batmares just circled back.
  425. >"Stupid mate... quit hiding and come out already!"
  426. >Man, you've got to stop monologuing.
  427. >She would've alerted the entire street if she caught you.
  428. >There's Rape Fields(TM) all around you; This is no time for idle thoughts.
  429. >But you should be square to pay Celestia and Luna a visit now.
  430. >Now that there isn't an army of bat-mares hounding you down, it's a lot safer.
  431. >Gotta' keep the volume down, though.
  432. >Sneaking out of the alleyway, you stealthily made your way up to the castle.
  434. >Before you could enter the castle premises, a roadblock has already presented itself.
  435. >Literally.
  436. >You've all but forgotten about Canterlot Castle's gate.
  437. >There's not a single royal guard in sight as far as you can tell.
  438. >They're probably too busy getting sexually assaulted.
  439. >Anyways, you're not about to let a gate stop you.
  440. >What would be the easiest way for you to get past this?
  441. >You're going to scream internally if the royal sisters got turned into batpones.
  442. >Either way, you need answers from somepony.
  443. >Twilight mentioned something about a queen.
  444. >Could she have been referencing Sunbutt?
  445. >You won't learn anything standing out here under this stupid Rape Moon(TM).
  446. >After a bit of brainstorming, perhaps your ticket is over, not past.
  447. >You need something to scale the gate in its entirety, and you've got just the thing.
  448. >Using one of your trusty seeds, the plan is to grow a rope.
  449. >Or in plant terms, a vine.
  450. >After this, you'll be down to three seeds.
  451. >Hopefully shit doesn't hit the fan once you're inside.
  452. >Pointing the seed to the top of the gate, the little guy started trembling.
  453. >This will be a new trick for you. so it might not come out "perfect" the first time.
  454. >Suddenly, a long, tendril-like vine shot out of the seed.
  455. >It's not enough for it to simply drape over the gate, so you'll need to fasten it, and quick.
  456. >THIS is something you know how to do with ease.
  457. >Controlling the head of the vine like a snake, you coiled the sumbitch' around a spike atop the gate.
  458. >Now all you need to do is climb.
  459. >This thing had better not snap on you.
  460. >One, two, one, two, one, two...
  461. >With a bit of arm and legwork, you made it to the top.
  462. >So now, you just pull the vine up here with you, and-
  463. >"H-Hi, Anon."
  464. >Is that vampire Fluttershy?
  465. >"Umm... what are you doing?"
  466. >Yeah, that's vampire Fluttershy.
  467. "HOLY SHI-"
  468. >Your balance is failing, dear Celestia.
  469. >Looks like this is how you die.
  470. "No, no, no... NOOOOOOOOO-"
  471. >Your overly dramatic screams were cut short as something broke your fall.
  472. >Actually, the culprit appears to have been a somepony.
  473. >Nutter Butter caught you.
  474. >This is really fucking awkward.
  475. "Uh..."
  477. >"Y-You've gotta' be careful, Anon!"
  478. >"You were so high up!"
  479. "Well, I was in the middle of coming down!"
  480. "Safely, of course!"
  481. "Until YOU decided to scare the living daylights out of me!"
  482. >Flutterbat released you from her exceptionally strong hooves, dropping you on your feet.
  483. >"Sorry."
  484. "Be more assertive, Flutterbat..."
  485. "...Wait, on second thought, forget I said that."
  486. >"O-Okay."
  488. >Curse these equines and their very specifically timed, uncanny obedience.
  489. >It's adorable.
  490. "By the way... mind explaining why you're not mericilessly shagging me right now?"
  491. "Every mare I've seen since the moon showed up has turned into some kind of rape vampire."
  492. "Kinda' like you. Except you're docile right now."
  493. >"My will is too strong."
  494. "Impressive."
  495. "I underestimated you, Flutterbat."
  496. >"Please, call me b-bitch."
  497. "You and I both know I'm not calling you that."
  498. >Flutterbat's gaze turned to the ground, a sad look upon her features.
  499. >Why does she have to be so transparent?
  500. >Just this once, you'll cave in.
  501. "Bitch."
  503. >And there goes the mare juice.
  504. >Excellent.
  505. >"D-Does calling me a bitch turn you on?"
  506. "No, not really."
  507. "But it is fascinating how you secrete juices like it's some kind of biological defense mechanism."
  508. >"Wanna' me see me do it again?"
  509. "I'm good."
  510. >She turned around, presenting you with her currently winking, Limited Bat Edition Horse Pussy(TM).
  511. "I said I'm..."
  512. >"Hhhnnngh..."
  513. >Why.
  514. >Just why.
  515. >It got on your fucking shoe.
  516. "There's a world where I'm dating you instead of Twilight."
  517. >A third round of mare juices was promptly released; You should just stop talking.
  518. "But it's not this one, because you do shit like this."
  520. >Turning away from the stupid, orgasming Flutterbat, your attention was placed on the castle entrance.
  521. >Right now, the two of you are inside the courtyard, just past the gate you climbed and fell off of.
  522. "So I couldn't ask Twilight this, but... do you know what happened to the others?"
  523. "AJ, Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow... Starlight. Even Spike."
  524. "No doubt they all got swept up in this, and I'm worried you might be the only one who resisted the moon."
  525. "Twi couldn't, so my hopes aren't too high."
  526. >"Anypony that wasn't a stallion transformed when the red moon came."
  527. >"Everypony started f-fucking. Whether the stallions liked it or not."
  528. >"I don't think you understand how much sex was happening at that stadium..."
  529. >"...So much hot, sweaty-"
  530. "I'd prefer it if you didn't go into detail."
  531. >"...Anyways, nopony in our group seemed to want any of the random stallions."
  532. "Oh fuck. They're all looking for me, aren't they?"
  533. >"Most of them are, I think, but not Rarity."
  534. >"She tried to get ahold of Spike."
  535. "And?"
  536. >"There was too much chaos for me to really tell, but I think he ran away."
  537. "Based dragon bro. I knew he wouldn't fall victim to feminine wiles so easily."
  538. "So I'm gonna' assume you came here looking for answers."
  539. >"Yeah, I did! How'd you know?"
  540. "Since your mental state isn't being affected, you're not a part of the hivemind."
  541. "Which means you don't know what's going on here."
  542. >"G-Gosh, you're so smart, Anon."
  543. "I've seen enough movies as a kid to understand this much."
  544. "What I want to know is... where did that red moon come from?"
  545. "Did it show up on its own, or did something MAKE it appear?"
  546. "Twilight said something about a queen to me earlier, so I'm guessing it's the second option."
  547. >"Do you think the queen is-"
  548. "Celestia? That thought already crossed my mind."
  549. "That's why I'm here now, so I can maybe find out."
  550. "You came here hoping the princesses were unaffected, or...?"
  551. >"Actually, I saw you running away from that crowd earlier, s-so I followed you."
  552. "Couldn't have picked a worse time to get my attention, either."
  553. >"Sorry again..."
  554. "It's okay, you small yellow horse."
  555. >You proceeded to pet the absolute shit out of Flutterbat.
  556. >She's such a good pony.
  557. >Good ponies deserve wholesome treatment.
  558. "Who's a good bat, hmm? You are!"
  559. "Such a cute widdle bat!"
  560. >"P-Pull my tail while you-"
  561. >You took Flutterbat into your arms, carrying her away, and stopping her from finishing that thought.
  562. "I'm gonna' cut you off there. Let's go pay those sisters a visit, yeah?"
  564. >It's eerily quiet in here and you haven't seen a single soul yet.
  565. >You joked about it earlier, but perhaps all of the guards DID end up running for their lives.
  566. >Or more accurately, their cocks.
  567. >Maybe both.
  568. >Talk about abandoning your post.
  569. >You and Flutterbat have been conversing like none of this is even happening.
  570. >Wouldn't that be nice if that were the case?
  571. >The plan was to attend the ceremony for Rainbow, have a nice party, and sleep in a fancy hotel.
  572. >Only one of those has happened so far, and you're not happy about that.
  573. >"...she wasn't cooperating with me, so I broke in and forced her."
  574. "Forced her? What the hell did you do?"
  575. >"I sat on her face."
  576. "God. Were you under the influence of the Tree Who Shall Not Be Named during that?"
  577. >"No..."
  578. "I've been trying to get her to tell me what you did for a few days now."
  579. "Now I see why she didn't want to say anything. Poor Trixie."
  580. "The mare can barely handle embarrassment."
  581. "That's exactly why I love embarrassing her."
  582. >"Can you embarrass me? P-Publicly, please."
  583. "No."
  584. >"S-Spank me."
  585. "When you get going, you really don't stop."
  586. >"I-I'm leaking, Anon."
  587. "And I'm about to toss you over a balcony."
  588. >"You're gonna t-t-toss me?"
  589. "Oh my fu... that's NOT what I mean."
  590. >"HHHnnNNNNngh... fuck..."
  591. >There she goes again.
  592. >Aaaaand it's all over you.
  593. "I don't like you."
  594. "You might THINK I like you, but I don't."
  595. >"K-Kiss me, goddamnit."
  596. "Whoa, whoa, whoa... watch the language, Flutterbat."
  597. "Don't use the lord's name in vain."
  598. >"But you say that all the time..."
  599. "Yeah, it's okay for me to say it. Not you, though."
  600. "Be a better horse. Bless."
  601. >"B-Bless."
  602. >"So... wanna' make out?"
  603. >This is a certified bat moment.
  604. "I'll drop you on your head, I swear."
  606. >Before long, you both made it to the throne room.
  607. >Ominously, the door was closed.
  608. >You can't even peek to see what's going on without alerting whoever's in there.
  609. >But you're not a pussy, you came here with confrontation in mind, good or bad.
  610. >As it stands, you're the one in danger here, and Flutterbat is a disobeyer of the queen.
  611. >Which means that she should stay outside the throne room just in case things go bad.
  612. >The last time you had a third party hidden in waiting to support you, it didn't work.
  613. >Hopefully it works out this time around.
  614. >Of course, it'd be nice if, y'know, the rulers of Equestria HAVEN'T been turned into bats.
  615. >You're not holding out hope for that, so you'll just ask for answers and take what you can get.
  616. "Alright, Flutterbat."
  617. "Here's the plan."
  618. >"I-I'm listening..."
  619. >She nodded her head, those big red eyes glued to you as you held her like a baby.
  620. "I'll go in, see what's up, try and learn something while I'm in there, and then piss off."
  621. "You'll hang out here and listen in on our "talk."
  622. >"How do you know they'll tell you anything?"
  623. "I've got ways, you small yellow horse."
  624. "The art of negotiation, if you will."
  625. "Bartering, if you're so inclined."
  626. >Setting her down on the floor, you reached into your satchel to grab two seeds.
  627. "I've got three seeds left; You're going to hold one of them for me."
  628. >Working a small fraction of life magic on it, it trembled ever so subtly.
  629. "If I scream 'BLESS' while I'm in there, I want you to open the door and throw this in."
  630. "Preferably at the bat horses that would most likely be molesting me, but just do what you can."
  631. "It's pre-cooked to go off; All it needs is a little force."
  632. >"W-What will it do?"
  633. "It's a flash. Whoever's unfortunate enough to look at it gets blinded for a while."
  634. "The damn thing is pretty loud too, so watch your ears."
  635. >"Sounds simple enough..."
  636. "Sick. I'll be going in with this one in my hands, ready to go off when I need it."
  637. "Best case scenario, I get some info on how to stop this madness, and maybe use just one of these."
  638. "Worst case scenario... well... there's a lot of ways this could go south."
  639. "No point in counting the ways."
  640. "If they take me out and you can't save me, I'm relying on you to save Equestria."
  641. "No pressure."
  642. >"S-S-Save E-Equestria...?"
  643. "Let's hope it won't come to that. Good luck."
  645. >Kicking open the door to the throne room, you were met with a peculiar sight.
  646. >Red moonlight is spilling in through the stained glass.
  647. >And there's a fucking dining table in here.
  648. >Not only that, but Batlestia and... whatever Bat Luna's nickname is are currently feasting.
  649. >There's a big, fat turkey.
  650. >And you're not talking about Sunbat.
  651. >The table is stacked with all kinds of food.
  652. >"Greetings, human." Luna greeted you, her eyes shining a deep crimson red.
  653. "Good evening."
  654. >"We've been expecting you." Celestia spoke, before partaking of the turkey.
  655. "Is that so?"
  656. "Am I that predictable?"
  657. >"One might say that I know you better than you know yourself."
  658. "Then you know why I'm here."
  659. "I've come to negotiate."
  660. "Who is this queen I've been hearing about? Is it you?"
  661. "Where did that big, red fucking moon come from?"
  662. >"One question at a time, Anonymous."
  663. >"You haven't even made your case yet."
  664. >"Come. This seat is just for you."
  665. >Sunbat's horn illuminated, her magic surrounding a chair between her and her sister.
  666. >You're not comfortable with being between the both of them, but it's fine.
  667. >That just means a Plant Bang(TM) here will be even more effective.
  668. >The things you do for this country.
  669. "It's only been 4 days, and your ass has gotten bigger, Sunbutt."
  670. "That chair looks like it's struggling."
  671. "Why don't you go on Luna's diet?"
  672. "Her butt's been getting bigger too, but it's not CERTAINLY nothing like yours."
  673. >"You're quite observant." Luna giggled, tapping your shoulder with a hoof.
  674. >"Dost thou make it a point to ogle at flanks?"
  675. >"We appreciate thy honesty, regardless."
  676. "We, as in both of you, or we, as in you?"
  677. >"We as in us."
  678. "Ok."
  679. >This conversation is fairly par for the course.
  680. >Are they actually in hivemind mode, or...?
  681. >"It is only natural for you to recognize our beauty, Anonymous." Sunbat chimed, smiling warmly.
  682. >"Perhaps... courtship is in order." Luna asked, with bedroom eyes that you're having difficulties avoiding.
  683. >Yep, they're in hivemind mode.
  684. >Celestia would never accept your insults so easily.
  685. >Especially if you commented on the growing size of her pudgy haunches.
  686. >And Luna can be a tease, but she usually isn't this forthcoming about her attraction to you.
  687. >If she even is attracted to you, of course.
  689. >Anyway, it's happening again.
  690. >You're being distracted.
  691. >The way you phrase this upcoming question is extremely important.
  692. >If at all possible, you'd like to get the information you need, bang this flash, and skedaddle.
  693. >Giving them what they want first isn't favorable, but it depends on what their demands are.
  694. >Perhaps lowering their guard by putting forth an offer they can't refuse will work.
  695. "Tell me what I want to know, and you'll BOTH have my kids."
  696. "No resistance, no fighting. Is that fair?"
  697. >"I accept those terms... but I will not be satisfied with just one child." Celestia added.
  698. >"I've always wanted quadruplets. Will that be a problem?"
  699. "N-No. No, it won't."
  700. >It most certainly is a fucking problem, but you won't say that it is.
  701. >Your palms are so sweaty; You might set off the Plant Bang(TM) through moisture alone.
  702. >"Not that it matters. We're not going to take no for an answer, Anonymous."
  703. "I-I see..."
  704. >Both of them are leaning uncomfortably close to your face.
  705. >You need an adult.
  706. >"We have heard many a tale from Twilight Sparkle. I'm curious to see if they're true." Luna said.
  707. >Starlight wasn't the only mare she's been sending those letters to?
  708. >That fucking autist just can't shut up about you, can she?
  709. >"To start, I am not the queen. That would be..."
  710. >With baited breath, you anxiously awaited the namedrop.
  711. >"...Queen Chrysalis."
  712. >"She summoned this moon, and it's responsible for our transformations."
  713. >It took a moment for that one to register.
  714. "...HUH?"
  715. >Chrysalis?
  716. >That bug bitch that Twilight told you about?
  717. >She's the one who caused all of this?
  718. >Everything Purple Smart mentioned had nothing to do with bats, red moons, or looking for mates.
  719. >So when did all of THIS come into play?
  720. >Maybe she realized her previous strategy wasn't cutting it, so she became a vampire queen?
  721. >She apparently lost all of her underlings because they realized consensual love is overpowered.
  722. "Where is she now? I'd like to meet her."
  723. >"Would you now? You can find her in Ponyville."
  724. >"She has... borrowed Twilight's castle, if you will."
  725. >By god, that means things are even worse over there in Ponyville.
  726. >You hope everypony is alright.
  727. >Lyra, Sassy, Bon-Bon, Trixie, Minuette, Vinyl...
  728. >Now that you know who's behind all this and where they are, your job here is finished.
  729. >The seed is trembling inside of your right palm, just waiting to be "detonated."
  731. >If you could save Equestria WITHOUT cumming inside these two, that'd be swell.
  732. >Again, most of the time, you aren't grossly offended by the idea of fucking any of these horses.
  733. >But you'd like to be the one who makes that call, your body, your choice.
  734. >"I would like to go first, sister. If you don't mind." Sunbat stated, getting out of her chair.
  735. >"We do not. We only ask that that thou make it quick, for we tend to be... impatient at times." Luna replied.
  736. >"I've been wanting to savor this human for the longest time, Luna. I'm afraid I cannot honor that request."
  737. >This is totally not good.
  738. >"Very well. We shall wait to the best of our abilities." Luna compromised, eagerly awaiting her turn.
  739. >"You don't plan to rut me in that chair, do you, Anonymous?" Celestia asked, urging you to get up.
  740. >Your heart is pounding out of your chest right now.
  741. >With an arm to stabilize your shaky, anxious nerves, you stood out of the chair.
  742. >And you stood up STRAIGHT into horse tongue.
  743. >That's just great.
  744. >Once you understood what was happening, the shock almost caused you to pull away.
  745. >You're not ready to bang the flash just yet.
  746. >Messing this up means having to reach for another seed, or worse, becoming an early father.
  747. >Would they give birth to humans, ponies, or a satyr, though?
  748. >You shouldn't be asking yourself that question, but you need a distraction from this kiss.
  749. "Uuughh...OOCK-"
  750. >YOUR THROAT.
  751. >OH GOD-
  752. >Pulling away from Sunbat's snout, you coughed profusely, rubbing your poor esophagus.
  753. "Fu... FUCK! Too... too deep!"
  754. >"Hahahaha..."
  755. >She's laughing.
  756. >You almost choked on her tongue, and she's laughing.
  757. >"...Think of that as revenge for slapping my rear."
  758. "You're still on that, you petty little..."
  759. >"Shall we continue?" Sunbat asked, spinning around to point her celestial white ass at you.
  760. >Her tail smacked you in the face, not very hard, of course, considering the thing is soft like silk.
  761. >Holy shit.
  762. >The Super Mega Ultra Almighty God-Like Primordial Sanctified Supreme True Ponut(TM).
  763. >And beneath it, lies the Founder's Edition Horse Pussy(TM).
  764. >Of all the moments, this one is certified.
  765. >Like a demon possessing you, her body lured you in with temptation.
  766. >Resting a hand against her flanks, you shook your head.
  767. >Luna will get flashed, no doubt, but Sunbat HAS to look back at you for this to work.
  768. >You've got to get her attention without being suspicious.
  769. >By now, you were fully massaging her rump with your left hand.
  770. >"No need to be shy, Anonymous. Why use only one hand?" Sunbat asked, looking back at you.
  771. >FUCK, IT'S SO SOFT-
  772. >Anon Jr. is positively losing it.
  773. >"S-Sorry, I'm a little nervous..."
  775. >It's go time.
  776. >Tossing the seed into the air, you set it off using your life magic, and closed your eyes.
  777. >Much like the time your entire body flashbanged Starlight, it was ludicrously loud.
  778. >Beggars can't be choosers, though; It's not like it'll make you deaf.
  779. >The royal sisters shouted in pain before collapsing onto the ground.
  780. >That flash had some extra "sauce" to it, not enough to really hurt them, but enough to guarantee your escape.
  781. >With the speed of Blue Fast, you darted towards the exit.
  782. >You're home-fucking-free.
  783. >Once again, you're a goddamn genius.
  784. >Now you just need to escape before they pursue you.
  785. "Flutterbat! Mission accomplished, let's get the hell out of he-"
  786. >BANG
  787. "S-SHIT!"
  788. >"AGH! A-AGAIN?!"
  789. >That was Twilight's voice just now.
  790. >Literally what is happening?
  791. >You just got hit by your own Plant Bang(TM) with open eyes.
  792. >You can't see a fucking thing.
  793. >Everything is white.
  794. >"Anon, t-this way! Hurry!" In your blind stupor, Flutterbat urged you to follow her.
  795. >A hoof wrapped around your hand, and you tried your best to keep up with her.
  796. "God, what just happened?!"
  797. >"Twilight showed up, so I flashed her! S-She took me by surprise!"
  798. "Wow, that's great!"
  799. "I'm so glad you just so happened to throw it when I left the throne room!"
  800. >This is how it feels for Plant Bang(TM) victims.
  801. >It sucks.
  802. >"A-And another thing! I don't think Twilight is the only one here!"
  803. "WHAT?!"
  804. >The situation has gone from salvageable, to perfect, to dogshit.
  805. >Horseshit, if you feel so inclined.
  806. >After turning a corner, your eyesight had slowly begun to return.
  807. >You could only see basic shapes, and that's it.
  808. >Assuming this is accurate for how long the blindness lasts, not all is lost.
  809. >Twibat should still be stunned from that.
  810. "Hey! What makes you so sure it's not just her?"
  811. >"I heard them, Anon!"
  812. "God..."
  813. >Unfortunately, she couldn't warn you about any of this beforehand.
  814. >That would've ruined your chances of getting the information you needed and she understood that.
  815. >Smart horse.
  816. "...We've gotta' get to Ponyville! Chrysalis is back and she's huddled up in Twilight's castle!"
  817. >"C-CHRYSALIS?!"
  818. "Crazy, isn't it?!"
  820. >"Step aside, Fluttershy!"
  821. >Flutterbat stopped dead in her tracks in response to a voice.
  822. >A voice that you can guarantee belonged to Rarity.
  823. >Raribat, if you will.
  824. "Oh... fuck!"
  825. "Rarity?!"
  826. "I thought you said she went after Spike!"
  827. >"I think she got him already!"
  828. >The blindness has almost fully wore off; Details are visible once again.
  829. >A red-eyed "vampiric" Fashion Horse(TM) is blocking your path.
  830. >She's wearing a little cloak that makes her look like Dracula.
  831. >That's fucking hilarious.
  832. >"You do understand this is treason against the queen, correct?" Raribat inquired, stepping closer.
  833. >"How are your eyes, Anon? Can you see?"
  834. "Yeah, it's coming back to me..."
  835. >"T-Then run for it!"
  836. "Like... RUN run?"
  837. >"RUN RUN!"
  838. "Welp."
  839. >Right as you attempted to take off past Discount Dracula(TM), her magic stopped you dead in your tracks.
  840. >"Not so fast, darling."
  841. "Damnit, Raribat! Lemme' go!"
  842. >"Which would you prefer? Fillies or colts?"
  843. "No. I am NOT fucking you!"
  844. >"Correct. I'll be doing most of the work."
  845. >Oh good heavens.
  846. >This is totally not good.
  847. >Out of nowhere, Flutterbat tackled Raribat to the ground, and now the two of them are rolling around.
  848. >All she needed was a distraction, it seems.
  849. >Galaxy brain horse.
  850. >Raribat's horn activated again and again, but Flutterbat wasn't having any of it.
  851. >"J-Just... sit STILL ALREADY!"
  852. >And with that, she is now comfortably seated upon Raribat's face.
  853. >"MMmmpph... mmmMMMMPPHH!"
  854. >"Anon, get going! Twilight will be here any second now!"
  855. "Get going?! But what about-"
  856. >"Escape while you still can, y-you... hnnngh... sexy fucking-"
  857. >Ugh.
  858. >She's leaking again.
  859. >You don't want to be around when Twibat and the two bat sisters turn that corner, so it's time to go.
  861. >What a shame.
  862. >If you had the time, you'd stop to laugh at Raribat.
  863. >She already looked stupid in that cloak, but Flutterbat squirting all over her face is comedy gold.
  864. "Promise me you'll get out of here too, okay?"
  865. >"N-No p-p-p... promises!"
  866. "Fuck... okay! Don't worry, Fluttershy!"
  867. "I've got this!"
  868. >You hate to leave her all by her lonesome, but it must be done.
  869. >With huge steps, you practically jumped down a set of stairs, and didn't stop running for a second.
  870. >Flutterbat's screams could be heard in the distance.
  871. >On second thought, it sounded more like moans than screams.
  872. >What the fuck is going on back there?
  873. >Sure enough, you're not turning back to check.
  874. >How are you going to get all the way from here to Ponyville?
  875. >Every train conductor in Equestria is either long gone, or looking for a mate.
  876. >"Howdy, pardner'."
  877. >Uh-oh.
  878. >After hearing that, you didn't even stop, but you know it's Applebat.
  879. >She came running around a corner from a hallway up ahead, cutting you off directly.
  880. "Seriously?!"
  881. >This is like the dream all over again.
  882. >"Nonny, Nonny! Look at me! I'm a vampire!"
  883. >There goes Pinkbat.
  884. >"C-Come on, Pinkie! Don't let im' get away! AH WANT KIDS!"
  885. >Applebat doesn't appear to be in the greatest condition; She seems fatigued.
  886. >And on top of that, she's sweating up a storm.
  887. >That's extremely tempting.
  888. >However, you still don't want kids.
  889. >You were about to reach for another seed, but that won't cut it.
  890. >If things continue the way they are, Rainbat should be showing up.
  891. >Hell, Batlight could appear as well.
  892. >The sound of whipping wind alerted you to the presence of a third batpone.
  893. >Dark Souls(TM), don't fail now.
  894. >Affter hitting the cleanest dodge roll of all time, you managed to avoid the surprise attack.
  895. >The attack coming from none other than Rainbat.
  896. >The Flier of the Year award is still around her neck.
  897. >Unfortunately for her, you've 100%'ed every From Software(TM) game.
  898. >"D-Darnit! Now's not the time to be cool, bro!"
  899. >"Just lay back and take it!"
  900. >There's no time for celebration.
  901. >Applebat and Pinkbat are rushing you.
  902. >Honestly, this is perfect.
  903. >Getting away from these three all at once really helps your chances if you can manage to hide somewhere.
  904. >Who cares how you get out of this castle, so long as you do?
  905. >You decide to take off running in a random direction.
  907. >This seemed to work, as it confused the Dracula-Pones.
  908. >Jumping and ducking into the second room on the left side of the hall, you shut the door behind you.
  909. >As you expected, they went right past you.
  910. >Excellent.
  911. >You can't rely on plants to save you all the time; Sometimes, you've got to use your brain meat.
  912. >Now all you need to do is-
  913. >Suddenly, a pony teleported into the room with you.
  914. >That pony would be Batlight.
  915. >If you were a fictional character in an RPG, your luck stat would be zero.
  916. >That's not entirely true, but it certainly feels like it right now.
  917. "Oh... shit..."
  918. >"Oh shit, indeed."
  919. >The seed.
  920. >Where's that fucking seed?
  921. >Before you could even reach for it, your arms were restrained with magic.
  922. "Damnit, Batlight!"
  923. "Didn't we just go over this?!"
  924. >"I don't want to share you with anypony else."
  925. >"Not the girls, not the Princesses, not the queen."
  926. >"You're MINE, Anon."
  927. >Batlight tossed you onto the conveniently placed guest room bed, before casually hopping up there with you.
  928. >There's a potted plant in the corner.
  929. >Maybe if you can manipulate it, you can make a-
  930. >It's just been burnt to a crisp.
  931. "C-Come on...!"
  932. >Focusing on the last remaining seed inside the satchel, you sprouted it into a vine.
  933. >The little grass snake quietly wormed its way out, but Batlight was way ahead of you.
  934. >Just before you could bloom a Plant Bang(TM), the vine was turned to ashes.
  935. >Once again, you repeat, this is the epitome of everything that is not good.
  936. "Fight it, Batlight! I know you can do this!"
  937. "If Flutterbat did it, so can you!"
  938. >"Now why would I do that, hmm?"
  939. >She leaned close to your face, prompting you to sink into the mattress in an attempt to make distance.
  940. >You've got to flash, no more excuses.
  941. >The one move that you haven't been able to replicate properly is this one, RIGHT here.
  942. >It's possible, you can do it, you swear on your mom that it can be done.
  943. >Even if you're all out of seeds, you just have to believe.
  944. >But it's not enough to just pull it off, you've got to hit her, hard and fast.
  945. >No, not that kind of hitting.
  947. >A powerful heat rose up from within you, before it exploded.
  948. >And no, not that kind of explosion.
  949. >This seedless flash felt different compared to the first time, it almost burned.
  950. >When you opened your eyes, Batlight had some kind of magical bubble around her head, grinning confidently.
  951. "Fuck."
  952. >"I haven't forgotten, Anon."
  953. >"You won't get me with the same move twice."
  954. "You're lucky we're inside."
  955. "I'd have shoved a stump so far up your pretty little flank by now..."
  956. >"That magic of yours is pretty strong, I'll give you that."
  957. >"I underestimated you the first time."
  958. >How poetic.
  959. >When you needed it most, it didn't do shit.
  960. >May as well do it a second time, it couldn't hurt.
  961. >This is nowhere near as physically taxing as the Stump Strike(TM).
  962. >And flash twice, you did.
  963. >After opening your eyes, you're unsurprised to see that it didn't do anything.
  964. >"Nah. Try again."
  965. >Note to self, the Plant Bang(TM) no longer works on Starlight Glimmer.
  966. "S-So... umm..."
  967. >"So?"
  968. "...Why don't we just pretend none of this happened?"
  969. "Maybe you can teleport me to Ponyville."
  970. >"No can do. Not after what happened last time."
  971. "That's just the hivemind talking."
  972. "I know it's not you."
  973. >"I'm still mad inside, you know."
  974. "T-Tell you what! I'm a reasonable guy..."
  975. "...Get me to Ponyville, and... and... I'll give you rape privileges!"
  976. >"But that's exactly what I'm about to do, sweetie."
  977. >Curse this mare and her rape fetish.
  978. "I won't tell anypony a thing! Not even Twilight!"
  979. "J-Just take the deal! I'll even throw in Fluttershy!"
  980. "And I'll pardon your sentence! I mean, the fate of Equestria is at stake, don't you want to be a hero?"
  981. >"I WANT to be a mother, Anon."
  982. >"And to have hot, rough sex until you can't move anymore, but you already knew that."
  983. >There's one more trick up your sleeve, one that you didn't want to use.
  984. >Batlight isn't leaving you with a choice.
  985. "...Ok."
  986. >She did a double take at that, the mare obviously not expecting you to say such a thing.
  987. "If this is how it ends, then the least I can do is ruin your satisfaction."
  988. "Go on. Fuck me."
  989. "I'll give you ALL the foals you want."
  991. >You have a feeling that her fetish is even stronger than the hivemind.
  992. >This is your last bargaining chip.
  993. >You're all out after this.
  994. >"...HUH?"
  995. >Did she just use your "huh?"
  996. >That's it.
  997. >You're marrying this horse.
  998. >In another timeline, of course.
  999. >This one is reserved for Twalot Spickle.
  1000. "Yes, that's it."
  1001. "Give in to your base desires."
  1002. >"...I-I'll use a cock spell..."
  1003. >Jesus H', she's grasping at straws.
  1004. >Why the fuck is that even a spell?
  1005. >And who invented it?
  1006. "Do it."
  1007. >You've never bullshat harder in your life.
  1008. >There's a limit to how much fire you can play with; This is the limit.
  1009. >Luckily for you, she's at war with herself.
  1010. >You've got to tip the scales, the only way you know how.
  1011. "I'll eat your ass."
  1012. >"O-OKAY, OKAY! DEAL!"
  1013. >"I'll send you to Ponyville, but I won't forget those promises, Anon."
  1014. >Bingo.
  1015. >Alright, maybe bingo isn't the word, because you'll regret everything you just bargained over.
  1016. >Marecock isn't included in that, right?
  1017. "Thanks, Batlight."
  1018. >"Don't thank me, you idiot!"
  1019. "One more thing! Go see if you can help Flutterbat."
  1020. "She's upstairs getting punished for treason, so..."
  1021. >"I'll try... just... get outta' here!"
  1022. >She hurriedly teleported you STRAIGHT out of Canterlot.
  1023. >For a few moments, your entire world was blurry and muddied, before everything became clear again.
  1024. >But there's no reason to panic.
  1025. >No sir.
  1026. >Not at all.
  1027. >She definitely didn't send you directly to Twilight's castle.
  1028. >Perhaps you should have specified exactly where you wanted to go.
  1029. >Thank Celestia you're not in the atrium; Chrysalis may very well be there.
  1030. >You're inside Twi's bedroom; Admittedly, this is favorable.
  1031. >Reason being that there should be some seeds in here, thanks to Twilight's constant need for "examinations."
  1033. >You've got the ammo, and you've got the potential.
  1034. >Every single gamble you've made has succeeded.
  1035. >Not without losses, of course, but sometimes you've got to hold an L.
  1036. >Just like Flutterbat.
  1037. >She's probably being defiled in ways that you can't even describe right now.
  1038. >Thanks to her sacrifice, you had the opportunity to escape.
  1039. >These batpones are ruthless.
  1040. >Their leader should be no different, so you're going to need a plan.
  1041. >You neglected to ask Sunbat how all of this could be ended.
  1042. >At the time, that would've placed unnecessary suspicion on you.
  1043. >And because of that, you're just going to ASSUME that knocking her the fuck out will do the trick.
  1044. >Because, y'know, power dynamics.
  1045. >How could she possibly retain her Vampire Queen(TM) status if she loses in a duel?
  1046. >It just wouldn't make sense.
  1047. >Other humans haven't made it this far in life because they don't THINK like you do.
  1048. >You're in another plane of existence.
  1049. >Literally and figuratively.
  1050. >Besides, what other course of action is there to take?
  1051. >There's probably an entire legion of cock-hungry mares outside, some of them being your best friends.
  1052. >The safest bet is to end this right here, right now.
  1053. >Ideas for how to do it are already racing through your mind.
  1054. >There are about twenty or so seeds on Twilight's little lab table.
  1055. >That's quite a lot.
  1056. >After scooping each seed into your satchel, it's time to look for this bug.
  1057. >You left the room as quietly as humanly possible.
  1058. >Time to crouch like you're in a stealth game.
  1059. >Nopony seemed to be around, but that could change at any moment.
  1060. >The atrium's double doors were closed, which completely ruins your opportunity for a sneak attack.
  1061. >However, surprise attacks are still on the table.
  1062. >There's a difference.
  1063. >The plan is simple.
  1064. >You squish the bug, but not before throwing every single trick you have at her.
  1065. >If this goes well, she shouldn't have a chance to fight back.
  1066. >Suddenly, a malevolent voice that screams "I'm the bad guy" graced your ears.
  1067. >There's a conversation going on in there.
  1068. >"With this moon, I've singlehandedly crippled this land!"
  1069. >"Not even that FOOL Thorax could dream of stopping me!"
  1070. >"And every male will spend the rest of their lives in servitude to my legions!"
  1071. >"W-What about..." A frightened, considerably less confident voice came after.
  1072. >Was that Trixie?
  1073. >"The monkey?! Surely, you jest!"
  1075. >"Explain how a WORTHLESS creature without magic is meant to stop me!"
  1076. >"...But he does! He can-" Trixie replied, before being cut off.
  1077. >"Grow a couple of weeds? You call THAT magic?!"
  1078. >"Once he's subdued and captured, I'll have him brought to me!"
  1079. >"I wouldn't dare choose any of these repugnant ponies as mates!"
  1080. >Trixie being here complicates things.
  1081. >You've gotta' take her out of the picture.
  1082. >Knocking on the door, you purposefully alerted the two of them.
  1083. >"Who goes there?!"
  1084. >There was a moment of silence, before Chrysalis continued to speak.
  1085. >"Don't just stand there, you fool!"
  1086. >"Go investigate!"
  1087. >"I-I'm on it!"
  1088. >Trixie's hooves clip-clopped towards the doors, meanwhile, you hugged the wall and crouched.
  1089. >This has to be done quick.
  1090. >You've got this.
  1091. >The doors flew open, and the blue horse herself stepped out into the hallway.
  1092. >"S-Show yourself...!" Trixie whimpered, her nerves getting the better of her.
  1093. >Even as a hivemind-controlled vampire, she's still one of the cutest things you've ever seen.
  1094. >Before you could be spotted, you flashed the Great and Powerful Horse(TM).
  1095. >She screamed in pain from having her eyesight unceremoniously disabled.
  1096. >Grabbing the frightened, incapacitated equine, you pulled her aside.
  1097. >"What the...!" Chrysalis muttered from inside the atrium.
  1098. >The next thing the bug would likely see was half of your head, as you peeked at her.
  1099. >"Y-You! Anonymous!"
  1100. "This 'useless' human is about to fold you like an omelette."
  1101. >The bug was fuming, her crimson eyes burning with rage.
  1102. >But why is she hot?
  1103. >Nopony told you the bug was hot.
  1104. >Taking a seed out of your satchel, you held it out and towards Chrysalis.
  1105. >The seed burst open, before a long vine fired at her like a bullet.
  1106. >It wrapped around the bug's horn, so now, the next phase of your plan begins.
  1107. >"A vine? What do you think a measly vine will do to me, human?!"
  1108. >As you anticipated, her horn started to glow.
  1109. >You're not expecting the vine to do anything, and it doesn't have to.
  1110. >It's just a distraction for what comes next.
  1111. >The vine was snapped in half by her evil bug magic, but you've already yeeted FIVE seeds at her face.
  1112. >Check-fucking-mate.
  1113. >The following flashes were so loud that you feared for your own ear drums, and you weren't even near it.
  1115. >"AAAaaaaAAAAAAAaaaAAAAAAAA!"
  1116. >"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"
  1117. >Damn.
  1118. >Sounds like it really hurt her.
  1120. >Poor thing probably can't even hear her own screams right now.
  1121. >Maybe five was overkill, but who cares?
  1122. >Not only is she a proven threat to Equestria, but she's currently in vampire mode.
  1123. >One Plant Bang(TM) probably wouldn't have been enough to stun her.
  1124. >You're not finished, anyways.
  1125. >Here comes the REAL finisher.
  1126. >Within seconds, you were sprinting at the bug, and grabbing more than a handful of seeds out of your satchel.
  1127. >Surprisingly, she was back on her feet.
  1128. >Hell, she could probably see you.
  1129. >GO, GO, GO, GO, GO
  1130. >"C-Curse you... you..."
  1132. >Focusing your life magic on each seed in your hands, you decided to grow a mighty, wooden mallet.
  1133. >"W-Wha... what are you-"
  1134. >BONK
  1135. >BONK
  1136. >BONK
  1137. >This is a certified bonk moment.
  1138. >The bug beneath you was helpless against your mallet.
  1139. >You've lost count of how many bonks you've given her.
  1140. >This merciless beating would make your father cry.
  1141. >It's exactly how your old man used to beat you, too.
  1142. >With a giant mallet, no less.
  1143. >If only he were here to see you in a world full of talking horses, squishing a bug with a giant mallet.
  1144. >"PLEASE... OOOF!"
  1145. >"I YIELD, I-I..."
  1146. >BONK
  1147. "TURN..."
  1148. >BONK
  1149. "THE..."
  1150. >BONK
  1151. "MOON... OFF!"
  1152. >BONK
  1153. >"I'LL DO IT! J-JUST... STOP!"
  1154. "Oh yeah?!"
  1155. >BONK
  1156. >Out of nowhere, some kind of red energy emanated from the bug's body.
  1157. >You were this close to bonking her once more, but the red matter vanished into nothingness.
  1159. >She forfeited?
  1160. >This bug, who's supposedly tried and failed to conquer Equestria numerous times, just forfeited?
  1161. >You're not buying it.
  1162. >BONK
  1163. >"A-Anonymous, I beg of you..."
  1164. "Show me your eyes, damnit."
  1165. >Chrysalis weakly opened her eyes, and to your surprise, they were green.
  1166. >Yeah, that's real convincing.
  1167. >The mallet went over your head once more as you prepared to continue the squishing.
  1168. >"D-Don't!"
  1169. "...Get up."
  1170. >"W-What?"
  1171. "Got gunk in your ears? Get. Up."
  1172. >The scared bug stood on her feet as quickly as possible.
  1173. >No doubt the task was difficult after all of those heavy bonks.
  1174. "Do anything funny, and I mean ANYTHING... and you know what happens."
  1175. "Those five senses of yours? From this point forward, they're mine."
  1176. "They're all fucking mine."
  1177. "Am I making myself clear?"
  1178. >She nodded frantically, biting her lip out of fear.
  1179. "And don't you dare think for a single second that you can pull a fast one on me."
  1180. "I don't get how these ponies have dealt with you so many times, and for so long, but..."
  1181. "...This kind of stuff doesn't fly where I come from."
  1182. "It'd get you killed."
  1183. "Not captured, not imprisoned, just DEAD."
  1184. >Leaning into her face, you pointed an index finger at her, scolding her like a dog.
  1185. >That's a bit of an excaggeration, though.
  1186. >There isn't a single dog in the universe that deserves this.
  1187. >But it has to be done.
  1188. >She'll keep trying to win over and over and over otherwise.
  1189. "You get me?"
  1190. >"Y-Yes, I... I'll stop! For good!"
  1191. >"I'm sorry...!"
  1192. >Holy shit, she's crying bug tears.
  1193. >The point was to scare the living daylights out of her, but part of you feels bad.
  1194. "Do you mean that?"
  1195. "You'll never hurt anypony ever again?"
  1196. "Will you stop trying to take over the world like some kind of evil maniac?"
  1197. "Because I'll be frank with you, it's not worth it."
  1198. >"How many t-t-times do I have to tell you... I'm done..."
  1199. "Uh-huh. Come with me."
  1200. >Wrapping a vine around the bug queen's long neck, you led her into the hallway.
  1201. >Everything was quiet, save for Chrysalis' sniffles, and Trixie's pained complaints.
  1203. >Speaking of Trixie, her eyes were back to their normal color.
  1204. "Look at this pony."
  1205. "Look what you made me do to MY friend."
  1206. >The bug flinched solely in response to your voice, whimpering to herself.
  1207. "Tell her you're sorry."
  1208. >"S-Sorry..."
  1209. "Trixie. Her name is Trixie."
  1210. "TELL HER - "I'M SORRY, TRIXIE."
  1211. >"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry... T-Trixie..."
  1212. >"Uhh... apology accepted?" The Great and Powerful Horse(TM) looked up at the bug, rubbing her eyes.
  1213. "You're okay, right, Trix?"
  1214. "Sorry I had to flash you like that."
  1215. >"It's okay, Anon. You did what you had to do."
  1216. >"And... good job saving Equestria, I guess?" The blue horse flashed you a smile, trying to cheer up.
  1217. "Thanks. I had a bit of help along the way, so it wasn't all me."
  1218. >"W-Well, I'm sure you did! But you just showed up and started beating Queen Chrysalis with a mallet!"
  1219. >"All by yourself!"
  1220. "I was riled up, alright?"
  1221. "Today was Rainbow's big day, and it's been ruined, thanks to this bug."
  1222. "That, and... I've been dealing with a lot of stress lately."
  1223. "When you spend almost every fucking day getting targeted by crazy rapists, it starts to get at you."
  1224. >"I can't even begin to imagine..." Trixie added, looking the other way.
  1225. "Come on, let's go see if Chrysalis here kept her promise."
  1226. >Yanking on Chrysalis' vine, you and Trixie led the bug outside.
  1227. >What did this bug do that allowed her to summon a vampire moon?
  1228. >You'll be asking her that question shortly.
  1229. >Once the three of you exited the castle, it was confirmed.
  1230. >She really did turn the moon off.
  1231. >You could see the sun again; By the looks of things, it's a little late in the afternoon.
  1232. >This sunset is positively shimmering.
  1233. >Due to all of that adrenaline, you didn't realize how fatigued you were.
  1234. >Creating that mallet and swinging it around like that took a lot out of you.
  1235. >Plus, you've been running around and flash-banging batpones all day.
  1236. >But the coast is clear.
  1237. >You can relax.
  1238. >Not too much, of course, only just a little bit.
  1239. >There's still a large, sniffling bug next to you.
  1240. "Trixie, do me a solid and go check on everypony in town."
  1241. "Just to make sure nothing funny is going on."
  1242. >"And leave you alone with her? Are you sure?"
  1243. "Don't worry about it; I'm watching her like a hawk."
  1244. "I have a feeling Twilight and the others will be back soon, anyway."
  1246. >"Okay... you're the boss."
  1247. >The blue mare hopped on down the stairs, trotting off to fulfill your request.
  1248. >With that, it's just you and the queen now.
  1249. >God, what a day.
  1250. "Hey, Chrysi."
  1251. >"Chrysi?"
  1252. "That's what I'm calling you from now on."
  1253. >True to yourself, it's hard to stay mad.
  1254. >Are you really about to pet the bug?
  1255. >The same one you JUST finished squishing?
  1256. >You lack the willpower to stop yourself.
  1257. >Running your hands along the bug, the way she felt surprised you.
  1258. >The bug is soft.
  1259. >Nopony told you the bug was soft.
  1260. >At first glance, changelings seemed like these chitinous creatures with tough exoskeletons.
  1261. >Bug butt, bug butt, bug butt.
  1262. >Why are you having so much fun with this?
  1263. >"W-What are you...?!"
  1264. "I meant what I said earlier, but... sorry."
  1265. "I didn't think you were going to burst into tears like that."
  1266. "Villains are born out of hurt, I guess."
  1267. "Such is life."
  1268. >She didn't reply, and opted to stay silent.
  1269. "You can sit down, y'know."
  1270. >Chrysalis immediately sat down with a grumpy look on her face.
  1271. "Oh. You're embarrassed that we saw you crying, aren't you?'
  1272. >Sitting down next to her, you wrapped an arm around the bug.
  1273. >"Why are you telling me these things? I'm your enemy."
  1274. "No, you're not. You're a talking bug, and I'm a human."
  1275. "See, I don't make enemies, Chrysi. All I do is make friends."
  1276. >"You weren't acting like it earlier."
  1277. "Would you have listened to me if I didn't bring out me mallet?"
  1278. "Didn't think so."
  1279. >"Hmph..."
  1280. >"...What is this sensation?"
  1281. "What are you talking about?"
  1282. >"Your touch... it's unnaturally warm."
  1283. "That's my magic doing its work. I'm also a healer of sorts."
  1284. >"Y-You're healing me? Are you daft?"
  1286. "Three things, Chrysi."
  1287. "One, it's hard for me to stay mad."
  1288. "Two, you... don't really threaten me. No offense."
  1289. "And three, power dynamics. I'm establishing dominance."
  1290. >"Even so..."
  1291. >Scooting a bit closer to the insect, you hugged her closely.
  1292. "Remember what I said? You're my bug."
  1293. "You're my responsibility; Only I can keep you under control."
  1294. "I'm the only one who can cater to your bug needs."
  1295. "That's what I'm telling Twilight, and the princesses."
  1296. >"F-For what purpose?"
  1297. >Adopting a more serious tone, you looked up towards her eyes.
  1298. "I've heard stories about what these ponies do to their worst enemies."
  1299. "Eternal imprisonment, petrification... all of that good stuff."
  1300. "Do I approve of it half the time? Nope."
  1301. "Will I ever tell them that?"
  1302. "Nope. Because it's not my place, or my job to care."
  1303. >"So... why am I any different?"
  1304. "You're not complaining when I pet you like a dog."
  1305. >"You're... strange."
  1306. "Hah. Bug butt."
  1307. >Now you're just poking her relentlessly.
  1308. >"What is your fascination with my butt?"
  1309. "Are you kidding me? It's fucking huge."
  1310. "You're competing with Celestia right now."
  1311. >"Are you mocking me?"
  1312. "If you were Celestia, yes. But I'm mostly just impressed."
  1313. >"I-I see..."
  1314. "By the way, mind telling me how you summoned a moon that transformed every female in Equestria?"
  1315. "I've never seen anything like that during my time here."
  1316. >"There's... an ancient incantation that will summon an artificial moon."
  1317. "...Huh?"
  1318. "That thing was artificial? What the hell?"
  1319. >"Ever since my most recent failure, I've dedicated every second of every hour to its preparation."
  1320. >"And on the same day that I summoned it, you forced me to undo the incantation."
  1321. "Were you having hiccups when you summoned it or something?"
  1322. "The first time I saw that... thing... it was only up for what felt like fifteen seconds."
  1323. >"You're confusing me, human. What do you mean?"
  1324. >"Once I summoned it, it remained until it was dismissed."
  1325. "N-Nevermind. Maybe I'm just crazy."
  1327. "But still... who would make something like that?"
  1328. >Thinking about the possibilities is making your brain hurt.
  1329. "Whatever, I got my answer."
  1330. "Just... don't do it again. I'm sure I've made that clear enough."
  1331. "And I have to ask that you run this by Twilight, too. She'll want to know about it."
  1332. >"Worry not, Anonymous."
  1333. >"I cannot say the same for these ponies, but..."
  1334. >"...You've earned my respect."
  1335. >"I admire a strong, powerful man."
  1336. "And I admire your bug-like qualities."
  1337. "Friends?"
  1338. >Holding your hand up to the large bug, you waited for her to return the gesture.
  1339. >"Hmph... f-friends."
  1340. >Chrysalis extended her bug-leg-hoof thing to your hand.
  1341. "Playing nice with ponies must not sound thrilling to you, but... it's a process."
  1342. "When I first got here, these horses creeped me out a bit."
  1343. "Especially that autistic purple one."
  1344. >"What does autistic mean?"
  1345. "Nothing to worry your pretty little head about, bug butt."
  1346. "I was getting along with them, sure, but there was a pretty obvious barrier in the way."
  1347. >"Which was...?"
  1348. "Getting involved with talking animals made me feel like I was crazy."
  1349. "And I started having doubts about whether or not they really saw me as a friend."
  1350. "These days, it's not really a concern anymore."
  1351. >"It won't happen quickly, that I promise you, but I will try."
  1352. "Good bug. Good bug make human happy. Good bug gets pet."
  1353. >Running your hands through Chrysalis' hair, you continued to aggressively pet the insect.
  1354. >Not only did you save Equestria, you befriended Queen Chrysalis.
  1355. >Starlight was the last pony to offer her friendship to this bug.
  1356. >According to Twilight's stories about Chrysalis' past attempts at vengeance, at least.
  1357. >Suck on that, Glimmy.
  1358. >Only you have the potential to befriend bug queens with deep-seated hatred.
  1359. >Oh fuck.
  1360. >A flashback suddenly hit you over the head, reminding you of all those promises you made to Starlight.
  1361. >You lowered your head in shame and regret.
  1362. >"Anonymous? Is there a problem?"
  1363. "N-No, it's nothing."
  1364. "I'm just thinking of what I'll say to everypony once they get back."
  1365. "It shouldn't be much longer from now, so we can sit here and talk until then."
  1366. >"Talk about what?"
  1367. "I don't know. Tell me about your life."
  1368. "Besides the whole taking over Equestria stuff..."
  1370. >Pretty soon, the "actual" moon decided to make itself known.
  1371. >You and Chrysi conversed with each other on the castle steps for who knows how long.
  1372. >She doesn't seem to have any kind of hobbies, at least none that are recreational.
  1373. >That doesn't surprise you considering her apparent track record over the last few years.
  1374. >For now, you requested that she follow you around during your daily activities.
  1375. >In doing so, maybe she'll find something that she enjoys.
  1376. >You're not keen on letting her run around unsupervised either, so it's a perfect opportunity.
  1377. >The others probably wouldn't have it any other way.
  1378. >Speaking of the others, there they go right now.
  1379. >All seven of them.
  1380. >"A-Anon?!" Twilight shouted, obviously shocked to see you casually sitting next to Chrysalis.
  1381. "Greetings. Chrysi and I were waiting for you guys to show up."
  1382. "How are things back in Canterlot?"
  1383. >"Bro, you're sitting next to Chrysalis! I think that's the big concern here!" Rainbow added.
  1384. "Concern? Nah, everything's just fine."
  1385. "I took care of this bug a long time ago."
  1386. >"S-Still! We can talk about your awesome deeds later; Why are you so nonchalant right now?!"
  1387. "Relax, guys. Jeez."
  1388. >"Oh, oh, oh! I think Nonny made friends with Chrysalis! How'd ya do it, huh? Huh? HUH?!" Pinkie cannot sit still.
  1389. >"Ain't no time for relaxin'! I dunno' what she told y'all, but she's tryin' to trick ya!" AJ shouted.
  1390. "That's why I'm keeping an eye on things."
  1391. "Just so you guys know, I handled her all by myself."
  1392. "Fluttershy and Starlight gave me the chance to get to Ponyville, but after tha-"
  1393. >Once you looked over at Fluttershy, you were met with quite the odd sight.
  1394. >She's still a bat.
  1395. >"Looks like you just realized it." Spike stated, folding his arms.
  1396. >"Do you see what we mean, darling? Fluttershy here still hasn't turned back to normal." Rarity added.
  1397. >"After I saved her from the... uh... y'know... everything turned back to normal." Starlight said, looking confused.
  1398. >"Except for her, of course."
  1399. >"H-Hi, Anon. I'm glad you made it out of there earlier..." Flutterbat said, talking as she normally does.
  1400. >She doesn't seem bothered by it in the slightest; You find that hilarious.
  1401. "What the fuck, Chrysi? what's up with that?"
  1402. "You're not trying to pull a fast one on me, are you?"
  1403. "Don't make me get me mallet."
  1404. >"I-I don't know! When I undid the incantation, everything should've turned back to normal!" Chrysi said, panicking.
  1405. "Hmm... I don't think you're dumb enough to think this would work, so I believe you..."
  1406. "...But this is going to make things hard for us."
  1407. >"I don't really mind." Flutterbat added, waving away the concern.
  1408. >"I never lost control to the hivemind..."
  1409. >"That may be true, but I can't say we're comfortable just leaving you like that." Twilight replied.
  1410. >"Yeah, it's weird! I mean... Fluttershy being stuck as a bat?" Rainbow continued, accentuating her words.
  1411. >"And what if Chrysalis over here DOES decide to pull something stupid? What then, broski?"
  1413. "If she does, then I squish her. Simple."
  1414. "From now on, this bug is my responsibility."
  1415. "The same goes for Fluttershy. We can look for ways to turn her back, but until then..."
  1416. "...I'll be keeping an eye on the little yellow bat, as well."
  1417. >"I don't know..." Twilight didn't like the sound of this at all, so you've got to sweeten the deal.
  1418. "Don't be racist, Twi. Just this once."
  1419. >"T-That's not why I'm concerned!" Twilight replied nervously, trying to cover her own six.
  1420. "Come on. Trust me."
  1421. "This is like... the only time I'll ever ask you for a SERIOUS favor."
  1422. "Let me prove how responsible I can be."
  1423. >"Ugh... alright. You did defeat Chrysalis, after all." Twilight sighed, finally giving up the skepticism.
  1424. "Hey, Chrysalis! Should we throw you a big welcome party?" Once again, Ponka can't stop bouncing.
  1425. >"A... party?" Chrysalis replied in a seemingly disgusted tone, not liking the sound of that.
  1426. "Lighten up, Chrysi. I think you could use one."
  1427. "But it's late, and I'm sure everypony has things they need to check on."
  1428. "Based on what I'm hearing, you all remember exactly what was going on, so..."
  1429. >"Y-Yes, of course... Ahem." Rarity cleared her throat, probably hoping that you don't mention anything.
  1430. >"Ah haven't gone to the farm to check on the family, should probably get to it..." AJ added.
  1431. >"...Y'all can handle this from here, I'm assumin'? I hate havin' to leave ya' with the dirty work."
  1432. "It's fine, AJ. We got this."
  1433. >Twilight trotted up the stairs, and Glimmy followed closely behind.
  1434. >"Don't forget me, bro! I wanted to talk to you for a bit!" Rainbow spoke up.
  1435. >"And I got a few things to say to Chrysalis here, too! Thanks for ruining my award ceremony, you bucker!"
  1436. >"B-Bucker?" Chrysalis replied, confused by the sudden insult that she probably didn't understand.
  1437. >"And... forget everything I said back there, okay, Anon?" Rainbow said, blushing profusely.
  1438. >"Ah second that..." AJ looked and sounded just as embarrassed as Rainbow, hiding her face with her cowboy hat.
  1439. >Fluttershy walked up the steps, taking the spot to your left and sitting on her fat horse butt.
  1440. >Obviously, Spike doesn't have anywhere else to be, so he proceeded to head inside the castle.
  1441. >"I've had one heck of a day... I'm beat. Let me know if you guys need anything." Spike yawned, waving his claw.
  1442. >"Good heavens... Sweetie Belle! I almost forgot!" Rarity shouted, her little hooves dancing out of anxiety.
  1443. >"I've GOT to go find her! I-I'll be here tomorrow, everypony!"
  1444. >"Hold down the fort for a lady, would you?"
  1445. "Go on, Rara. You too, Applejack. Like I said, we got this."
  1446. >"Thank ya' kindly." Appul Horse tipped her hat and left, making her way over to Incest Acres(TM).
  1447. >"A-And one last thing, Anonymous. Don't breathe a word of what you saw to anypony." Rarity nervously muttered.
  1448. "Mmmm... I'll see about it."
  1450. >"Ugh..." Rarity didn't like the sound of that, but she had places to be, so she took her leave as well.
  1451. "What about you, Pinks?"
  1452. >"I'm gonna' go check on the Cakes and prepare for Chrysi's party!" After all this time, she hasn't stopped bouncing.
  1453. "Alright, Ponka. Just give us a while to look after some things before you start that party."
  1454. "If you don't mind."
  1455. >"Will do, Nonny! Bye, everypony!" And with that, she left, hopping all the way to Sugarcube Corner.
  1456. >Sighing, you got off your tired ass and stood up.
  1457. >"I hope the princesses will be okay with you doing this, Anon." Twilight said, still concerned.
  1458. "They'll live. Especially Celestia."
  1459. "And if not, oh well."
  1460. "Maybe they shouldn't let a human do their job of defending Equestria."
  1461. >"I'm proud of you, Anon, but that's not nice!" There she goes again, defending her mentors.
  1462. >Meanwhile, Rainbow was laughing it up.
  1463. >"That magic of yours really is something." Starlight said, bumping you with her knee(?).
  1464. >Looking down at the small, pink horse, you noticed a sly grin on her face.
  1465. >Just like everypony else, she remembers everything.
  1466. >You're not mentally prepared to eat Starlight's ass, including pretty much everything else you promised.
  1467. >You and Twilight are dating, goddamnit.
  1468. >Why are sexual favors, and your cock the only things you're ever in a position to bargain over?
  1469. >"What's the matter, Anon?" Glimmy asked, enjoying the power that you reluctantly had to give her.
  1470. "N-Nothing. I was just thinking about our deal earlier."
  1471. >"What deal, huh?" Twilight asked, with burning curiosity.
  1472. "I'll... tell you about it later. Since Starlight helped me out in Canterlot, I figured I'd help her back."
  1473. >If at all possible, you're only divulging the part about her community service sentence.
  1474. >Nothing else.
  1475. >"Mmmhmm..." Twilight walked around you in circles, seemingly scanning you for inconsistencies.
  1476. "Look, I'm tired. Shouldn't we go decide where this bug is going to sleep?"
  1477. "I was thinking we could get some kind of bug bed for her, or something."
  1478. >"I'll let you handle that, Mr. Human." Twilight replied, a snarky look on her face.
  1479. >"C-Can I get a bed, too?" Fluttershy asked quietly, raising her hoof like a student.
  1480. "I hope all your animals fucked like rabbits while you were gone."
  1481. >"They do that all the time..."
  1482. >"...B-But can we-"
  1483. "No, Flutterbat."
  1484. >"Please?"
  1485. "Can we not do this in front of everypony else?"
  1486. >"Y-You mean, you'll...!"
  1487. >Ignoring Fluttershy's misinterpretation, you placed a hand on the bug's back.
  1488. "Come on, Chrysi. Let's go make you a bed of some kind."
  1489. >"Very well." Chrysalis replied, walking into the castle with you.
  1490. >"Do you HAVE to be all touchy with her, though? It's freaking me out, bro."
  1491. "No, I do not, Dash. No, I do not."
  1492. >Your life couldn't possibly get any stranger from this point forward, could it?
  1493. >Nopony can answer that question for sure, but one thing is certain.
  1494. >If shit hits the fan again, you'll be ready.
  1495. >You're a goddamn genius.

Rape Shelter: 20th

by RapeShelter

Rape Shelter: 21st

by RapeShelter

Rape Shelter: 21.5th

by RapeShelter

Rape Shelter: 22nd

by RapeShelter

Rape Shelter: 23rd

by RapeShelter