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Sheltered Dawn

By CrookedIronsights
Created: 2022-08-14 23:21:04
Updated: 2022-09-18 21:06:24
Expiry: Never

  1. Prompt:
  2. >>38913076
  3. >You wanna know WHY every pony at my high school is a filly?
  4. >No, I don’t go to an all-girls school. That’d be too simple.
  5. >See, my mom has a time travel spell. For each colt that was in my class, she went back in time and kicked his dad in the balls the day said colt would have been born.
  6. >Then she repeats this process until a filly is conceived in the colt’s stead.
  7. >Oh, no need to be worried. She already ‘got’ you, Femanaon.
  9. Concept/Synopsis:
  10. Starlight finds out a stallion has been courting her daughter after catching word of a ‘date’ Luster had to catch through a student who knows them. Naturally, she decides to do the inevitable – travel back in time and prevent his conception. Except- she can’t.
  13. "Sheltered Dawn" Part 1
  15. “Excuse me, come again Ship?”
  16. >You were unable to stop your expression from growing dark as your eyes hone in on his with an uncomfortable coldness.
  17. “What was that you said,” your head cocking in aggressive inquiry. “Luster had a ‘date’ to catch?”
  18. >Stumbling over his next words Ship Sinker can tell that he said something he shouldn’t have.
  19. >”Erm, that is to say in the platonic sense I believe. Hehe…” The target of your scrutiny quickly sets down the carrying box of cards. “That is how I perceived it of course!”
  20. “Is that so?” No longer making any effort to hide any feelings, the warmth you usually greeted your students with was completely gone.
  21. >Gulping to clear the pressure from his throat Ship speaks again.
  22. >”I- uh… Anyways! It was very nice of you to hold onto these for Luster, she forgot them and I know she is planning to make upgrades this week! Bye!”
  23. >Before he can slink out of your office you mask a question in a façade of kind interest.
  24. “So how was game night then?”
  25. >Automatically he spews his response about that silly card game he plays with your daughter and friends.
  26. >”Oh! It was so fun! I got to test out this new deck of mine and it won 3 of the games we played last night. Anon was salty when I shut him down with my hate bears though.”
  27. “Last night?”
  28. >Locking in place from the realization that he inadvertently just snitched on his friend, he sputters “Ack! See you later Headmaster Glimmer! BYE!”
  29. >Having bid his farewell at a volume louder than he clearly meant he scuttles out of your office stiffly before he can do any more damage.
  30. >Leave it to Cyber: The Assembly players. Once they get started, they can just keep going. It was only inevitable you’d get him to spill the beans about when they held game night.
  31. >Poor colt.
  32. >Despite his name, Ship Sinker was a talented young stallion in the fields of nautical archaeology. He would be going places in any of the various military branches/companies if only he could keep a secret.
  33. >Blubbering fools don’t have a place behind the curtain no matter how talented.
  34. >A shame really.
  35. > Well, perhaps not for you.
  36. >In his eagerness to drop off your daughter’s trading cards for you to return them to her; he gave away her secret.
  37. >She had a coltfriend.
  38. >That ‘date’ she had to catch was with a stallion.
  39. >Looking down at the hardcase box meant for safe storage of cards your daughter brought to play with on game nights you frown.
  40. >The box was decorated in stickers, probably to better differentiate one from the others at just a glance.
  41. >You think back to what Luster had said when you proposed that you have dinner night plans together tonight.
  42. >Luster was a little more skittish than she should have been when informing you that her game night was planned for tonight and you could just get together another night.
  43. >Picking up the box in your aura to look for something you rotate the box to find the side with the dead-giveaway.
  44. “If game night was last night, then that means…”
  45. >There!
  46. >On the front side of the box where most stickers would be too large to place because they’d be obscured when the box was closed was always the same smaller heart sticker.
  47. >Luster would always place this one here when she met a colt.
  48. >Galloping to you with enthusiasm when she was a filly to proudly declare her discovery of the smothering feelings of romance.
  49. >It made you upset to know that she thought such simpletons were worthy of her affection.
  50. >So you went back in time to ‘meddle’ with the conception of that particular colt.
  51. >Nothing so grave as to erase their existence.
  52. >Mostly.
  53. >One incidental pang in the family jewels can change the bedroom mood very quickly for that night.
  54. >All it took was a little reconnaissance to understand the correct timing to show up and kick the poor sire in the package when he wasn’t ready for it earlier that night.
  55. >Or again later that night for the more persistent ones.
  56. >All they’d see was a random maniac indistinguishable from the crowd get her kicks with some kicks.
  57. >When the time came to do so you’d always look for this sticker and know your job was done when it was absent once again.
  58. >And the time has come again for you to do what you must.
  59. >Introduce yourself, question the worthless stock, and dispense with his stallionhood with a little temporal displacement.
  60. >Nothing you haven’t done before.
  61. >Well, technically you haven’t if they weren’t colts to begin with.
  62. >Time continuum thought experiments later.
  63. >Before you set the box in your saddlebag to take home and begin your planning you spare one last glance at that infernal sticker.
  64. >That’s when you notice it.
  65. >The sticker was a little worn with lightly frayed edges that come from being rubbed against the sides of saddlebags over time.
  66. >She’s had this here for longer than you’d ever seen.
  67. “She’s been-” you struggle not to crush the box in your aura “*hiding* him from me?”
  68. >For how long?!
  69. >What damage has been done?!
  70. >It’ll be prevented anyways- but that doesn’t matter!
  71. >Sure Luster could be more evasive about the subject from time to time but she never just outright hid them from you!
  72. ”HE… He *corrupted* her!”
  73. >His influence was so poisonous that you nearly failed to protect her!
  74. >This will not stand.
  77. >You are Starlight Glimmer.
  78. >And you WILL protect your daughter.
  80. --------------------------------------------
  82. "Sheltered Dawn" Part 2
  84. >Later that night.
  85. >Even though Luster had graduated nearly a year ago, she didn’t go far and moved into a house within Ponyville.
  86. >What with being the prodigy she would inevitably become and being selected by your friend-now sovereign ruler Twilight to be her direct pupil.
  87. >Though she remained Twilight’s student, she was brought closer to home once again and never wound up going far.
  88. >Friendship School was her current assignment.
  89. >As well as tagging along with some of Twilight’s best friends for examples of what friendship is for.
  90. >As a result, her home is close to you. In Ponyville.
  91. >All the better for looking out for her.
  92. >Naturally somepony as responsible as you would come into possession of a copy of keys to the house.
  93. >You were her mother after all.
  94. >Whenever Luster was out of town for various reasons with Twilight you’d be here to water her plants and keep an eye out for various things.
  95. >Like evidence of colts of course.
  96. >And it was where you were now.
  97. >Be Starlight Glimmer.
  98. >Waiting for your daughter to inevitably come home late.
  99. >So you could confront her about why she blew you off.
  100. >Though more subtly and more innocently than that of course.
  101. >You were here under the guise of a surprise dinner since her plans were cleared up tonight with game night being pushed up to last night.
  102. >Information you found out when her friend Ship Sinker dropped off her deckbox earlier today.
  103. >You were ready with dinner waiting for her to come home at a reasonable time and decided to stay and wait once she’d been out far longer than that.
  104. >The perfect plan.
  105. >Absolve yourself of any suspicion while cornering her into telling you the truth.
  106. >While you wait, dinner on the table long gone cold, your mind wanders.
  107. >This wouldn’t be the first time you felt the need to ask Luster about her reasons for hiding something.
  108. >In the many visits wherein you had an opportunity to *ahem* ‘look around’ you may have found her stash of lingerie.
  109. >Something that you found strange she had even when she didn’t have a coltfriend.
  110. >It’s not like you don’t keep a sizeable and varied collection yourself.
  111. >You needed some way to keep Sunburst’s attention off his studies long enough to set a mood.
  112. >But you couldn’t exactly just ask her about them.
  113. >That would give away your ‘investigatory habits’ and rouse unnecessary suspicion.
  114. >You merely had to arrange events so that she wouldn’t need them until the time was right.
  115. >Whatever, at least they were tasteful and classy – you’d expect nothing less from your daughter.
  116. >Albeit a little adventurous with the hockless socks.
  117. >Though you were still puzzled.
  118. >Maybe she just kept them around to wear to feel attractive…
  119. >Did your insistence on keeping all positive male attention away from your daughter create self-esteem issues for her?
  120. >Never having been so much as approached when all her friends had strong relationships already?
  121. >N- I mean- maybe….
  122. >It would explain why she was not too keen on friends at one point.
  123. >Any male friends you took away and made fillies.
  124. >And any female friends only reminded her of how lonely and awkward she could be.
  125. >Nevermind, you’ll figure out how to remedy that next.
  126. >Sounds like the curriculum you had planned is going to be pushed back.
  127. >Anything for Luster.
  128. >She’ll have those feelings resolved soon enough.
  129. >If anything, she should have a very high view of herself!
  130. >Lower self-esteem means easier prey for the unworthy.
  131. >And this must be why she’s fallen victim to whoever this wormtongue colt is.
  132. >The current issue requiring your solution.
  133. >Before your mood sours further you hear the key being put into the lock.
  134. >Half past 11.
  135. >If she were still under your curfew she’d be in trouble alright.
  136. >The house’s inhabitant at the door stops for a second before opening it when the key turned in the lock to find the deadbolt wasn’t engaged.
  137. >Knowing something’s up, Luster opens the door warily.
  138. >From her perspective the only light on was in the dining room and couldn’t be seen from outside the home.
  139. >Straightening your posture to assume the ‘disappointed and concerned parent waiting for you with a talking to’, you steel yourself to avoid rash actions should the stallion be accompanying her home tonight.
  140. >With the door opened fully gentle hooves sound on wood as Luster enters and closes the door with a soft click.
  141. >Clops sound louder through the silent house as Luster approaches the only light on in the house around a corner from the entry hall.
  142. >No sound of accompanying hooves or wings eases one of your worries.
  143. >Eventually Luster peaks around to see you at rest in her dining room.
  144. >”Mom!” nervously she shuffles into view. “What’re you doing here?” An all-too-wide grin from Luster isn’t as disarming as she hopes.
  145. “’Good evening, Luster! How was your day!’ Or at least that’s what I was expecting to say before we enjoyed that dinner we talked about together.”
  146. >A sad tone, and motherly concern filled your words.
  147. >You didn’t need to force that.
  148. >With how busy you can be and with Luster being shown new experiences and lessons by Twilight and her friends you find that she’s also too busy many days.
  149. >To think that she’s been utilizing what little time you have together nowadays to rendezvous with this useless suitor is saddening.
  150. >Expression bittersweet, Luster approaches the table and rears up to hug you. A hug you return.
  151. >Something which always lets you know things are alright, as much as you’re sure it does for her.
  152. >Even if they don’t come as often as they once did.
  153. >”Awww Mom, I really appreciate it.” Pulling away to settle back on all hooves she rounds the table to take a seat with you. “I thought you knew that I’d be heading out to game night tonight.”
  154. >She doesn’t suspect you know. Good.
  155. >In order to avoid any more excuses or lies, or any dodging of your questions, this is where you needed her.
  156. “Tonight?” Confusion and a sprinkle of doubt.
  157. >You need her to reiterate her lie to catch her in it.
  158. >Why do foals always think they’re smarter than their parents?
  159. >Luster doubles down.
  160. >”Well yeah, tonight was a little later than usual but I think we all had some fun. I’m sorry you had to wait, I would have reminded you if I knew you’d spend your night here by yourself.”
  161. >Breaking eye contact she casts a look down at your plate.
  162. >Stir fry left untouched.
  163. >”You didn’t even eat? Do you need me to put that on the stove to heat it back up for you? I’ll just put mine away in the fridge for tomorrow since I’ve already eaten.”
  164. >Cupboards open in her signature aura.
  165. “Oh, I remembered.”
  166. >A resealable container floats out of the pantry.
  167. >”You did, then why did you…?”
  168. “Your friend came to drop this off and said you forgot it last game night.” Floating out the little deckbox from your saddlebags on the unoccupied chair to your left you set it down on the table. “Yesterday.”
  169. >The suspended container fell to the ground and clattered on the floor.
  170. >Luster’s eyes widened in shock.
  171. >She knew she was caught.
  172. “I was under the impression it was simply moved up and that you would be free tonight after all. I decided to surprise you.”
  173. >A new container floats into view and scoops up her meal before being hovered away back into the kitchen to be deposited in the refrigerator.
  174. >She was busying herself to alleviate the tense atmosphere you just made her aware of.
  175. “But then one hour became two and I grew concerned and decided to stay here until you arrived.”
  176. >Luster didn’t dare to scoop up her deckbox though, as doing so would be an admission of guilt.
  177. >As if it wasn’t already known to be hers to begin with.
  178. >Only able to stare at it with wide eyes, listening to you speak your piece.
  179. “I’m glad I didn’t pull your father away from his studies tonight.” This caught her attention enough to prompt her gaze away from the offending box. Now you have eye-contact with her again. “Taking time out of our days only to be blown off?”
  180. >”Mom, it’s not what it looks like!” Luster interjects with hopes of diffusing the situation and regaining control of the narrative.
  181. >You won’t hide the truth from me so easily young mare.
  182. “Hmm? Is that so?”
  183. >No longer minimizing her posture in anxious anticipation, she’s attempting to maintain the veneer of a misunderstanding with her hooves and forelegs upturned in a gesture that would be used to ask somepony ‘what they’re talking about’.
  184. >”Yeah, I just had some new plans come up, that’s all!”
  185. >Arguing the circumstances were spontaneous?
  186. >Predictable.
  187. “Plans that took you all night? Plans you suddenly forgot about the second you walked in that door? I doubt you’ve come under the impression you had been at game night just mere moments after walking through that door shortly after returning from whatever plans you really had.”
  188. >”I-uh I can explain.”
  189. “Good, how about we start with you knowing about these plans since yesterday evening. Ship Sinker had said you had a ‘date to catch’ tonight.”
  190. >In revealing the true extent of your knowledge going into your plans this evening you reveal that she was trapped from the start.
  191. >”Right.” Nervousness giving away to defeat she slumps in her chair and looks down at her hooves on the table.
  192. “Listen Luster,” tone easing from stern concern to parental worry. “Having plans is one thing - but lying to your mother to blow her off for them is another. I know ‘My Little Sunrise’ wouldn’t lie to me for no reason. You know you can tell me anything.”
  193. >Silence for a few moments.
  194. >It’s beyond damage control at this point, yet she’s still hesitant to fess up.
  195. >Even when you’ve made it clear you’re only worried about her, concerned for her well-being as any mother should.
  196. >Luster is clearly pondering how best to phrase what she’s going to say next.
  197. >Focus trailing up from her hooves to her deckbox facing towards her she can see the sticker she seems to always come back to. Scooping it up closer to herself to stare fondly at it, Luster seems to find the strength to return to the conversation.
  198. >”I’m sorry mom.” Looking back up to you again you can see she’s genuinely sorry. Something else is there. Fear maybe? “I shouldn’t have lied to you. Even if I was scared of what you might think.” Her eyes fall back to the deckbox again. Likely to stare at the sticker again. “Your suspicions are correct; I’ve been hiding a special somepony from you.”
  199. >Shutting her eyes tight and tensing up tight wincing, it was like she didn’t know what would happen next – only that it was something to fear.
  200. >Better not let the silence settle in.
  201. >Luster’s ears swivel up from their position pinned against her head as the shuffling of her guest arouses their attention.
  202. >Rising from your seat and rounding the table you approach the slowly uncoiling form of your daughter.
  203. >She looks up just in time to catch your gentle smile before your head settles on her withers in an embrace.
  204. >Everything is alright.
  205. >It’s your job to protect her after all.
  206. >She will not be carrying the consequences of easily avoided mistakes her whole life.
  207. >And poor love life decisions count.
  208. “That’s all I wanted to know.”
  209. >The embrace is returned, but if the rigidity in her forelegs and withers is anything to go by the tension hasn’t quite left her body.
  210. “See, you can tell your father and I anything. We’re your support structure for advice that’ll be there always. Even when friends can’t be.” Your forelegs tighten a little more around her barrel. “After all, how can we protect our daughter if we don’t know what’s going on in her life.”
  211. >Pulling back from the embrace and settling down on your hooves again you state the obvious after you see a visible weight fall off Luster’s withers.
  212. “With how late you were out tonight I’m just glad you didn’t bring him over for the night.”
  213. >Nearly falling out of the chair she blanches.
  214. >Waving her hooves about in front of her once she regains her balance she responds, “NO! Of course not!”
  215. >The frantic gesture stops as she folds her forelegs close to her chest and puts up her hooves to hide her face in embarrassment.
  216. >”Besides… I’m rather set on waiting until after marriage for that.”
  217. >You know she doesn’t have the wild-streak in her enough that she would cross that line, so it should be alright if you tease her about it.
  218. >Might even learn more about where she is on these matters now.
  219. “Plans for marriage already?” A smug grin and quirked eyebrow betray any notions of seriousness.
  220. >Even if it she did, it would be undone in a matter of time.
  221. >Darting her face completely behind her hooves to hide the blush turning her face and the tips of her ears cherry, she slightly curls up again on her chair while her tail whips from behind her under and in-between her legs to further hide herself.
  222. >”Waaah! Don’t tease me like that mom!”
  223. >Yeah.
  224. >She’s still a virgin if light teasing is this embarrassing to her.
  225. >Thankfully.
  226. >From behind her not-very-effective curtain of hooves she turns slightly to look at the box again.
  227. >“I just want the first time to be special. Earned.” Uncertainty. Like she was trying to convince herself more than you of the idea that was all there was to it.
  228. >Fortunately, she’s retained the values you’ve raised her with.
  229. >With this you know she’s on the path you envision for her.
  230. >”And, he feels the same.”
  231. >Well this is interesting.
  232. >It’s your first time hearing about this colt.
  233. >You still know next to nothing about him.
  234. >Meanwhile she’s far along enough in their relationship to have discussed such things.
  235. >Well, now to set up a time for reconnaissance.
  236. >Turning back to walk to your seat you go about magicking your portion into another container for her to have later.
  237. “He sounds like a respectable stallion.” Assuming he’s not just playing along with boundaries she set so he can be close long enough to whittle them down. “I’ll sleep on plans to introduce myself and your father proper.”
  238. >A lunch sometime later sounds like an ideal time to extract the info you need to get the job done later that night.
  239. >All under the pretense of mere introductions and getting to know each other of course.
  240. >You finish putting away your portion of the meal and move to scoop the extra leftovers into a larger container.
  241. >You just need to remember where she put one.
  242. “Though some part of me is happy you hid this from me. I’m beginning to feel old now that ‘My Little Sunrise’ is growing up and finding a special somepony.”
  243. >You couldn’t do this forever.
  244. >She was eventually going to need to move on with her life.
  245. >There’s the container, and the lid should be…
  246. >Just some more friendship lessons and parental guidance and she should be settled in a spot in her life to seriously consider somepony.
  247. >Ah, there it is. Pulling the lid out you whisk it over to the counter you placed the container on. Next to the stove with the wok full of covered leftovers.
  248. >Just how can she reach her full potential if she’s distracted by some loser.
  249. >That’s when she should be able to reliably have the right match.
  250. >Somepony to amplify her potential and future.
  251. >Somepony worthy.
  252. >”Er- special someONE.”
  253. >The lid you hold in your aura stops.
  254. >She doesn’t mean…
  255. >Does she?
  256. >Friendship built bridges that would last, but you would not allow this one to cross your daughter’s destiny.
  257. >Grandchildren without horns would not do.
  258. >Not with the studiously earned potential Sunburst and you have cultivated.
  259. >You only ever had Luster.
  260. >You thought two would be too much to watch over and raise.
  261. >It’d be MUCH too late to have another foal now.
  262. >Of course you can always time travel and sabotage preventative measures but such a drastic action would completely alter the course of your lives!
  263. >Much too risky.
  264. >Meekly, Luster speaks up sensing that it would be best not to let your thoughts keep running.
  265. >”Anon’s a great stal- er- man!” You could feel the disarming smile your daughter aims at you even though you weren’t facing her as you’d turned towards the counter for your forgotten task.
  266. >That name.
  267. >Where have you heard it before?
  268. >A student?
  269. >No.
  270. >From a student?
  271. >That’s right!
  272. >Ship Sinker mentioned that name when prattling off about that ridiculous game.
  273. >He plays the game with Luster!
  274. >That’s how he’s managed to evade your detection.
  275. >If he were present at any of the regular functions you’d have known about his presence and proximity to Luster sooner.
  276. >”I’m sure you’ve already met him through Twilight!” Your mind reels. No. “She has personally taken time to tutor him and show him friendship!” Luster gushes more while the realization settles in upon further evidence for your concerns. “I mean, sometimes it feels like we learn more from him than he does from us, but he is gifted at what he specializes in! He says he doesn’t have a cutie mark, not being a pony and all, but I have an idea that he might-“
  277. “Anon? As in Anonymous the mysterious alien lithomancer prodigy Twilight suddenly showed up with and guards like a hawk?”
  278. >”Oh! You have met him after all huh?”
  279. >A resounding crack and snapping sound follows her confirmation.
  280. >Faust damn it all!
  281. >Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!
  282. >Of course she had to fall for the alien!
  283. >The alien nopony knows anything about.
  284. >Except Twilight.
  285. >She keeps his origin secret, his- his everything is under wraps!
  286. >How were you going to fix this if you don’t know where to start?!
  287. >You can’t just ask Twilight.
  288. >Especially about timeframes.
  289. >The second you bring that up she’ll get suspicious of you.
  290. >Then you’re busted.
  291. >Everything you need to know is at the mercy of his willingness for disclosure.
  292. >Something you don’t think will be very likely.
  293. >”Uh, mom? What was that?”
  294. >You obscure the object in your aura with your body from her as she cranes her neck around to try and get an angle to see for herself.
  295. “Oh, nothing sweetie. Just the lid being stubborn. You know, the lid that’s meant to keep the contents inside the container? Just doesn’t want to close nice and neatly as it should’ve, haha.”
  296. >Warping the lid back into a semblance of its former self by using the container as a guide, more cracks and groans eek out from the lid.
  297. >The container was sealed as well as could be now.
  298. “There. Got it.” You added with a huff.
  299. >Hastily throwing open the fridge and dumping the leftovers inside, you shut it roughly enough to jostle the contents and produce some light clinks and clanks.
  300. >Never mind.
  301. >There’s still a way somehow.
  302. >You’re simply being made to work even harder for it.
  303. >”Are you alright mom?”
  304. >Concern.
  305. >Wearily studying her visage, you can tell that it’s more than just a concern for you.
  306. >Half of it seems to be concern because of you.
  307. Throwing her a halfhearted smile you respond, “I’m just a little tired sweetie.”
  308. >In the context of the situation you were here waiting for hours, skipped dinner, and worried the whole time.
  309. >It’s not untrue.
  310. >This seems to calm her fears.
  311. >She let’s out a breath she was holding and it causes the flames of the lighting candles on the table to dance.
  312. >Now Luster gets up from her seat and joins you in the kitchen.
  313. “Leftovers are in the fridge. I’ll sleep on some appropriate plans for proper introductions tonight.”
  314. >”So, you’re not mad?”
  315. >Only a little.
  316. >Okay, you’re furious.
  317. >But not at her.
  318. >It’s more of a ‘now this mess I have to clean up was actually a catastrophe the entire time.’
  319. >You cannot be mad at a force of nature.
  320. >So you just simmer muddle through.
  321. >Don’t worry ‘My Little Sunrise.’
  322. >Momma is gonna fix this so you don’t have any bad experiences to worry about.
  323. >Then I’ll set you up with a respectable stallion of the highest pedigree.
  324. >Even if you have to ‘borrow’ Cadance’s cutiemark to do it.
  325. >You crane your neck in a brief swan hug of reassurance.
  326. >A gesture she leans into.
  327. >Pulling back to look in her eyes the worry still persists faintly.
  328. “Not as long as you tell me the truth ‘My Little Sunrise.’” A warm smile shows through the mental fatigue with ease this time. “I’m looking forward to meeting him.”
  329. >The atmosphere now relaxed considerably again, she beams.
  330. >Prancing lightly in place Luster giddily offers reason for you to be more excited at the approaching milestone of ‘meeting the parents’ than she is. “Just you wait until you get to know him! Oh- oh! And see what he can do! You’ll see that he’s truly a one-of-a-kind!”
  331. >Settling in place and directing her attention to you to gage your reaction, she smiles hopefully.
  332. “If I’m to believe the rumors, then it’s no wonder why he’s Twilight’s number TWO star-pupil.” The extra emphasis elicits a subtle blush from Luster who appreciates your recognition of her skill. “The only thing left to the imagination then is-“ direct eye-contact “why him?”
  333. >A genuine question.
  334. >You want to know what she sees in him.
  335. >Whether out of an earnest attempt to understand the alien and give him a chance, or a tactical decision to use the information to stop the undesirables in the future and guide the proper suitor you choose – you don’t know.
  336. >You simply watch her for a clue to the response as she thinks about it.
  337. >Her muzzle carrying a dopey grin as she scans her thoughts for an answer.
  338. >Once she’s satisfied with her conclusion her eyes stop rolling side-to-side in an attempt to find the words written on her forehead.
  339. >She looks to you.
  340. >Even though she’s sharing her feelings with her own mother, being so forthcoming is still a little embarrassing.
  341. >Because of this, she’s bashful when answering the inquiry.
  342. >”I uhm… It’s because he makes me feel like one-of-a-kind.”
  343. >Momentary silence as you process the answer.
  344. >That’s what she sees in him.
  345. >It’s what he sees in her.
  346. >Well.
  347. >That’s very sweet.
  348. >You’ll sleep on that too.
  349. “I think I understand a little more now. We’ll come back to this later.” Heading for the door, she joins you on the way over. “For now I’m afraid we both need to turn in for the night.”
  350. >Reaching the final threshold of the house, you bid farewells with another hug and say goodnights before parting into the night to head home.
  351. >Once out of range of hearing you sigh.
  352. >If only things could be so simple.
  353. >Maybe you’re just over-complicating things?
  354. >But, your filly deserves only the best.
  355. >Oh well, later.
  356. >Time for bed.
  357. >And so you leave to conclude the night with some much needed rest.
  358. ---------------------------------
  359. >Be Luster Dawn.
  360. >You weren’t expecting to be out so late with Anon.
  361. >Time just flew.
  362. >And you were most certainly not expecting your mom to ambush you like she did.
  363. >Panic meters were off the charts!
  364. >And it’s all thanks to that rat!
  365. >Oh, friendship this – friendship that!
  366. >What nopony ever tells you is that they might be prone to an inability to shut their mouth!
  367. >Maybe on some level you should be somewhat grateful he snitched on you to literally the worst pony he could have.
  368. >The ease of a problem you had having resolved itself is relaxing.
  369. >Now you don’t have the nagging dread to haunt you into spending time fretting over how you were going to bring this up to mom.
  370. >But even though the dread of telling mother has settled down, the knot in your stomach remained.
  371. >You just assumed all of this anxiety was merely because of the prospect of telling mom and the little bumps along the way.
  372. >But now that the tough part has come and gone you can see that something else must be wrong.
  373. >You can still feel it even after telling mom about Anon.
  374. >And now you have to bring this up to Nonny.
  375. >You know he likes to keep to himself.
  376. >You really don’t want to pressure him to leave his comfort zone for some need to reassure your parents.
  377. >But you know Anon.
  378. >He’s just the kind of stallion who’d forfeit his secrets for somepony close to him.
  379. >Sighing tiredly, it’s time to go to sleep.
  380. >Any longer and your eyes will start bouncing around in your head under half-lidden eyes.
  381. >Finishing up your nightly hygiene you flop onto the bed.
  382. >Tomorrow, you’ll tell him about your experience and try to tell him it’s not to late to hide in the mountains.
  383. >Your heavy eyelids crash down.
  384. >It goes dark.
  386. --------------------------------------------
  388. "Sheltered Dawn" Part 3
  390. >Be Luster Dawn.
  391. >Waking up and recalling last night’s events as you go about the morning routines.
  392. >Morning glee after game night.
  393. >Anticipation waiting for evening plans with Nonny.
  394. >Excitement when it was almost time to meet.
  395. >Giddiness when joining up with him and catching up.
  396. >Passing time with idle conversation until it was time for dinner.
  397. >Awe at the display of his magical abilities.
  398. >Pride at his wonder of your own.
  399. >Comfortable silence on the trip out to an unknown spot for your dinner picnic.
  400. >Far away from prying eyes.
  401. >Anon, who prefers to keep to himself, appreciated Rarity showing us this spot.
  402. >Albeit while brandishing a not-so-subtle conspiratorial grin.
  403. >Neither of you were ready to announce your relationship quite yet by appearing in a restaurant with romantic undertones for your dinner date.
  404. >Serenity while the two of you enjoyed your meals and time together.
  405. >Comfort as time passed.
  406. >Not unnoticed.
  407. >The sky darkened quite visibly.
  408. >It was simply not acknowledged.
  409. >It was just too easy to continue basking in the company of this strange and mysterious alien.
  410. >He is your special somepony after all.
  411. >Er, someone.
  412. >Safety while cuddling his towering form in the grass underneath the stars, unknown to the denizens of the town just a mile away.
  413. >Eventually you needed to leave before you were out at an unreasonable time.
  414. >Agreeing with him you go to maneuver out of his lap in order to find your hoofing, planning to wait by his side as he stood up to his full height.
  415. >He had different plans.
  416. >His strong arms closed off your route for escape as he positioned them to carry you.
  417. >You totally didn’t flail like a startled filly when he stood up.
  418. >Nope.
  419. >You also didn’t latch onto his neck with your forelegs to steady yourself.
  420. >He didn’t even laugh teasingly at your reaction.
  421. >His wide chest heartily rumbling didn’t steal your attention from your new-found distance from the ground.
  422. >You didn’t find yourself looking up into his eyes.
  423. >His mirth didn’t give way to a blush matching your own.
  424. >He didn’t *cough* at the unexpected intimacy of his gesture and start moving.
  425. >He didn’t say ‘we should call it a night.’
  426. >You didn’t ask ‘how he even balanced himself way up here.’
  427. >There was no retort about how ‘you should just relax and let me princess carry you while we’re out of town.’
  428. >You positively didn’t stutter ‘p-princess?’ Blushing harder.
  429. >Nope.
  430. >None of those things happened at all.
  431. >Great, now you’re feeling hot and bothered from thinking about all those things that totally didn’t happen.
  432. >Looks like it’ll be a cold shower this morning.
  433. >Fetching a towel, you recall how intimate the moment was.
  434. >Being held securely by your special someone under the stars as they walk you back home.
  435. >Close to their beating heart, face to face when you look at each other.
  436. >Feeling his warmth against your fur as you rest your head under his chin.
  437. >Truly it was an experience you could only ever have with him.
  438. >You felt a subtle heat as you realized his arm was under your rump to hold you up.
  439. >Yeah, definitely a cold shower.
  440. >The two of you enjoyed the walk home thoroughly until you were close enough to be seen.
  441. >Anon dropped to a knee to allow you to more easily alight from the hold you had burrowed yourself further into on the way over.
  442. >You did so begrudgingly, but not before catching the collar of his shirt in hoof.
  443. >Sensing your desire to halt his ascension, he waits while you build up your courage.
  444. >You quickly dive in to reward him with a kiss on his cheek.
  445. >The action seemed to paralyze him for a second because he didn’t stand up again.
  446. >Wide eyes and shocked expression left behind by your kiss when you pulled back, standing next to him.
  447. >You thanked him and said you enjoyed the night and turned to leave before your embarrassment could take hold and become awkward.
  448. >While still on his knee you took the opportunity to tease him further and shock him back to reality.
  449. >You swatted your tail playfully at his face on pivot.
  450. >Trotting some ways away you glance back to wave goodnight and see that it worked.
  451. >He had returned to his feet and held a hand where both your kiss and playful smack had been.
  452. >He raised an arm to wave back slowly with a stunned smile.
  453. >And so, you parted ways for the night and returned home.
  454. >Turning on the water you hop in the shower without waiting for it to warm up.
  455. >Shivering and arching your back in shock at the chill your mind finds it easier to wander away from Anon.
  456. >Something that sometimes leads to fantasies.
  457. >Especially when you’re already feeling aroused.
  458. >Thanks to Princess Twilight’s guidance, now you realize friendships are really worth the effort after all - but they don’t compare to a relationship.
  459. >Being in a relationship with somepony is asking them to maneuver around your insecurities, quirks and flaws with you.
  460. >It’s an incredibly embarrassing experience that reminds you so much of how vulnerable you really are.
  461. >And it demands that you be comfortable with this around that pony you want so much to be nothing but perfect for.
  462. >But at the same time, you have this incredible power to make that pony feel the same way.
  463. >To make them feel vulnerable with and open to you more than they’d be with anypony else.
  464. >Playfully teasing them about their vulnerabilities in a flirtatious acknowledgement that they don’t really bother you.
  465. >Or simply just being close and intimate with them can be in itself exposing their vulnerability to such feelings and displays.
  466. >It’s overwhelming.
  467. >It’s almost sickening.
  468. >It fills you up with joy much joy that it pours out into everything you do.
  469. >You continue your shower through the stinging cold of the water and the feelings of electric excitement your thoughts have brought back.
  470. >Despite the night being awash with such wonderful feelings, one underlaid them all and never quite went away.
  471. >Ruins of something long forgotten, yet recognizable, claimed by overgrowth - but still underneath.
  472. >Apprehension.
  473. >A tension.
  474. >Straining on your heart.
  475. >You feel like some of your most important relationships are strained.
  476. >Though, not all relationships you form with others.
  477. >It used to be like that.
  478. >But not anymore.
  479. >Back not too long ago you had a dismissive disposition regarding friendships.
  480. >Thinking that if they’d eventually fade away and breakdown, then why bother in the first place?
  481. >Even going as far as to say this to Princess Twilight’s face upon summons.
  482. >Princess Twilight wasn’t too surprised herself, knowing that you were the daughter of Starlight Glimmer.
  483. >A talented but troubled mare who let her misery guide her actions once those emotions replaced her closest friendship.
  484. >You simply took your conclusion in a different direction.
  485. >It’s not like you didn’t understand that your parents eventually found each other again and lived happily ever after.
  486. >Your parents were undoubtably the exception.
  487. >With such overwhelming skill, it’s no wonder that Princess Twilight, mom, dad, and more all found each other and cultivated friendships.
  488. >Most ponies wouldn’t have the luxury of such fantastic circumstances to hold together their bonds.
  489. >So why bother.
  490. >It seemed like friendships were artificial if they were so easily fractured.
  491. >A tool used by those without a wealth of skill to take them where they want to go – a necessity to span the gap for many.
  492. >A convenience for those with talent that naturally wind-up grouping together.
  493. >A façade of informality dipped in amicability and fellowship.
  494. >And so, you decided that your own skills would carry you to success rather than be the chariot that carries everypony else there.
  495. >Needless to say, the Princess of Friendship took it upon herself to rectify this outlook.
  496. >That it wasn’t necessary to do things all on your own.
  497. >That friendships are beneficial because you care about the other.
  498. >And then there’s Anon.
  499. >Nonny came along and immediately captured your attention.
  500. >It’s hard for an alien who’s so casual with the princess that stands even above her stature not to.
  501. >As it turns out, he was on the same assignment as you.
  502. >Just like you, he had some strong talent and powerful connections that would lead to success.
  503. >But being alone in the world and only just now surfacing publicly despite having years of observable naturalization in Equestria raised many questions.
  504. >And one thing was known.
  505. >He didn’t seem to have many friends.
  506. >Another thing you two had in common.
  507. >Even though he was a lot like you, he was different in how he approached the topic of friendships.
  508. >You’d had your eyes opened by Twilight, but you still needed more time and examples to fully come around to it.
  509. >Anon wasn’t dismissive, nor cautious.
  510. >He was ready and willing to engage with others, but not over-enthusiastic.
  511. >Possessing a composure that had an air of respectable formality to it.
  512. >Likely to balance out his intimidating stature.
  513. >He was kind and welcoming, but projected strength in sovereignty.
  514. >Needless to say, he got on well with Princess Twilight and the many guards, nobles and townsponies.
  515. >So well in fact that it seemed he was doing better than you.
  516. >Taking the lessons closer to heart more than you and receiving praise from your teacher in turn.
  517. >It made you jealous.
  518. >So, a rivalry had begun.
  519. >It turned out to be one-sided in the end.
  520. >Anon wasn’t too interested in engaging in rivalry.
  521. >Yet, squabbling wasn’t above him.
  522. >He’d engage to rile you up a little here and there.
  523. >Eventually your jealousy had culminated into an incident of the two of you wreaking havoc in the castle garden.
  524. >One that became a learning example for you when Princess Twilight intervened.
  525. >Egg on your face, you secluded yourself in the castle after the matter that night to better think about how you were going to word your friendship report to the princess.
  526. >That’s when Anon arrived at your sequestering spot.
  528. --------
  530. *Initiate Flashback*
  532. >Be past Luster Dawn.
  533. >And you screwed up.
  534. >Your grudge against the big dumb alien pushed you to challenge him more boldly this time after his goading sounded a little too inviting.
  535. >”If you’re so much more deserving of her praise than me, then why don’t you step up and prove it?”
  536. “Fine,” you spit. “If I can tag you 3 times in a duel with my magic, then you have to drop out!”
  537. >”Sure. But if I win then you have to drop this act and be my friend already.” Tch. Acceptable terms. “That means you need to start getting along and realize this is meaningless.”
  538. >Meaningless?!
  539. >You'd show him...
  540. >His demands were far too conservative for what you demanded, and his smugness was too irritating to allow you to step back and ask why.
  541. >You accepted the challenge to a mage duel within set boundaries which quickly fell apart without somepony to enforce them.
  542. >Escalating the matter beyond the clearing and to the entire garden.
  543. >So stupid!
  544. >Turning the entire garden into a battleground.
  545. >Can’t believe it!
  546. >Of course this only happened after visiting hours, but that doesn’t mean the staff or guards couldn’t be caught in the crossfire!
  547. >No bolts went astray though as you found yourself firing them into walls of erected stone.
  548. >It was only then you realized your fatal mistake.
  549. >Anon was what he called a lithomancer.
  550. >A specialized terramancer who uses lithography that appears like runes to more precisely manipulate the terran elements and imbue them with special properties.
  551. >And you had challenged him in the garden.
  552. >A garden built on top of a foundation of stone in a city of stone at the top of a mountain.
  553. >You challenged him in his element.
  554. >It was no wonder he felt comfortable enough to accept a bet with such drastic stakes.
  555. >He was comfortable to act defensively knowing he’d never be on the backhoof.
  556. >First, he’d erect a wall or two to stop your bolts from getting to him.
  557. >Jeering you on as you failed to connect.
  558. >Maneuvering around them wasn’t feasible either when he could just as simply turn it around or erect another one.
  559. >It was just when you’d begun running harder to circumvent his defenses that he’d raised inclines in the floor to cause you to trip.
  560. >While on your face you could see around the wall you were trying to bypass and Anon laughed from his spot relaxed on the ground nearby, on his side, head in hand.
  561. >This infuriated you some more and you opted to add a little more charge into the bolts so they’d break through his barriers.
  562. >This escalated the danger beyond the terms agreed to.
  563. >But he was asking for it.
  564. >Recovering and standing again, there was no attempt made to scoot around the barrier and angle off a shot.
  565. >No.
  566. >You merely applied a fracture bolt to break apart the wall on impact and find him behind the pile of rubble.
  567. >Yet he was unphased.
  568. >’Breaking the terms of our agreement, huh?’
  569. >He raises a hand to summon more barriers.
  570. >You light up your horn with the last spell once more anticipating the wall would be up before you got it off.
  571. >Planning to shatter the obstacle and tag him just behind it.
  572. >The wall came up again.
  573. >You fired off your spell to level it.
  574. >Impact.
  575. ‘What?!’
  576. >Nothing.
  577. >’Fine. I’ll play along.’ You scanned the stone to find faults in the surface. Anything. ‘I can reinforce the walls with more advanced inscriptions. You’ll find yourself unable to break them unless you take this too far.’
  578. >And just how far were you willing to take this?
  579. >It’s not like much was at stake for you.
  580. >In the end you decided to push on.
  581. >If only to prove to yourself that you could tag him.
  582. >You were done with being overshadowed by someone who came out of nowhere.
  583. >You continued being mocked as he darted between the walls of his slowly forming maze that shielded his path.
  584. >It was like being trapped in an ever-changing maze as the minotaur in it infuriatingly pokes around a corner every so often to mock you and darting away behind another dead-end before you can catch them.
  585. >Your patience grew thin.
  586. >It’s hard to tell when the final straw snapped, but it was probably when he animated the fountain pony so it was spewing water into your face to capitalize on another failed attempt.
  587. >Having had enough, the next barrage of spells had been fiercer in intensity in order to smash the reinforced walls.
  588. >And yet despite this you still couldn’t catch him.
  589. >You were positively fuming.
  590. >’I was hoping to teach you a lesson, but it’s clear now that you’ve crossed this line that you’re not open to it.’
  591. >There he was.
  592. >Or so you thought.
  593. >Blasting the wall into pieces and showering another portion of the carefully maintained garden in rubble, you didn’t see him there.
  594. >This continued at an alarming rate.
  595. >There was no way he was running this fast.
  596. >Even on his long legs.
  597. >It seemed he started employing some method of transportation that seemed as though he were teleporting from one side to another unnoticed.
  598. >No matter how many walls were blown away, more arose and you would fail to find anything more than the ruined scenery.
  599. >His mocking lost its irritatingly playful tone.
  600. >Now turning to disappointed reminders that you would not succeed and that the time limit was close to an end.
  601. >That this is pointless and went too far.
  602. >That’s when you reached the point of anger that you were calming down.
  603. >With a clearer mind you devised a plan to break line-of-sight and send an illusion of a frontal assault on him.
  604. >The plan had worked.
  605. >He had created a series of walls that formed 3 sides and a roof.
  606. >Perfect.
  607. >You proceeded to flank him, confident that he would be unable to evade you this time.
  608. >You landed just outside of the only opening left and fired 3 consecutive bolts to add up the tags you required to win this bet.
  609. >They found no purchase, only fizzling against the runed walls.
  610. >Frustrated and stunned at how he slipped through again, you stomp your hoof on the stone beneath your hooves.
  611. >Wait.
  612. >Then the ground shifted beneath you, forming an incline that knocked you off your hooves as it rose to toss you into the box you thought he was in and forming the last wall to seal it off.
  613. >The embossed inscriptions quickly morphed into a more intense pattern.
  614. >He’d just reinforced this box to try and trap you.
  615. >He got you again!
  616. >You couldn’t even teleport out of it!
  617. >Shouted demands to let you out were returned with his own demands for you to sit in there until the time limit was reached.
  618. >In that moment you were fed up.
  619. >You remember not even bothering to test the walls, as that would be admitting uncertainty on whether you’d break out.
  620. >Sure in your conviction you screamed and let loose a raw blast that would shatter half the box.
  621. >And upon breaking out, you saw Anon frozen in place.
  622. >Instead of looking at you and raising more defenses, he was looking at something else.
  623. >Or, somepony else…
  624. >Turning to where he was looking you saw none other than Princess Twilight and a company of guards at the top of the steps descending into the garden grounds.
  625. >Usually not visible this deep in the garden from where you are.
  626. >But with all the damage done...
  627. >Scanning your eyes horizontally to survey the battlefield, you see the destruction your duel left in its wake.
  628. >Decorative marble columns knocked over and broken.
  629. >Hedges and exotic plants cut unevenly.
  630. >Just within peripherals, a gazebo on fire.
  631. >They probably thought we were being attacked again.
  632. >Ears folded back in shame; your attention returned to your mentor.
  633. >Frowning in disappointment, Princess Twilight approached you two.
  634. >And so came the scolding.
  635. >She wasn’t mad.
  636. >Just disappointed.
  637. >After giving you a chance to explain yourself, you told her the truth about your jealousy.
  638. >She’d remained disappointed and firmly preached the reasons this would be your current friendship lesson.
  639. >Anon saw reprimand as well, but not quite what you got.
  640. >Now you’re up on a balcony high into the Canterlot night.
  641. >Dreading the next day when you’re required to return to Princess Twilight with a friendship report detailing what you learned from today’s events.
  642. >What does she even want from this report?
  643. >Did you even learn anything?
  644. >You just feel lost.
  645. >Like anything you would put down wouldn’t be what she’s looking for.
  646. >What if this was a last chance to see if you’re worth keeping as a student?!
  647. >What if you fail and get expelled!
  648. >A slight whimper escapes you through the harsh strain of your throat straining to hold back even the slightest sobs – knowing you’d be unable to stop if you let even one out.
  649. >A cool breeze passed by, caressing your fur and mane in that slightly ticklish and calming way you liked.
  650. >Usually you found it relaxing, but this time it was almost consoling.
  651. >A gentle reassurance that things certainly wouldn’t turn out so bad.
  652. >That the forgiving Princess of Friendship hasn’t run out of second chances when she’s had plenty to spare her whole life.
  653. >Your breaths calm and the buildup of moisture in your eyes began to abate.
  654. >No need for hysterics Luster.
  655. >You’ll just need to take this to heart.
  656. >Now to backtrack and find out what went wrong.
  657. >If you can at least nail that, maybe she’ll forgive you for failing to grasp a lesson from all of this for now.
  658. >Before you can mentally rewind things again, your thoughts are interrupted.
  659. >”You know, trying to blast others isn’t how you make friends.”
  660. >In your introspection you failed to catch the approaching footsteps behind you.
  661. >You don’t even have to look to know who made that snide remark.
  662. “You know, you’re not supposed to actively seek out somepony when they want to be alone,” you retorted with sass fit for the name Sassy Dawn.
  663. >”Shows how much you know about friendship.”
  664. …..
  665. >”Hey, uh- listen. I’m sorry about that. I played as big a part in this as you.”
  666. >Princess Twilight was more disappointed in you for the events that took place, as you were ultimately the aggressor.
  667. ”No you didn’t. You wouldn’t have teased me back if I never acted so poorly.”
  668. >The tall alien walks closer to you and leans against the railing you find yourself propped up on.
  669. >Where you had to stand on your hind legs to prop your fetlocks on the railing, he had to lean down and extend his arms to hold the railing.
  670. >Anon wasn’t too close to you.
  671. >He usually kept a distance from ponies he was talking to so that they wouldn’t need to crane the necks up to make eye contact.
  672. >Though neither of you attempt to make eye-contact.
  673. >Preferring instead to stare out over the city and the lights below and in the distance.
  674. >”That was just to remind you that you can’t take yourself too seriously. To ground you. It’s usually those who don’t take well to criticism, or are too harsh on themselves to begin with that have the hardest time returning the favor. I was hoping that by pressing on I’d be able to acclimate you to a more friendly banter.”
  675. >You look up at him.
  676. “And when that fails?”
  677. >He looks down at you before turning his gaze downward with a sigh.
  678. >”….This happens.”
  679. >He seemed to be truly sorry.
  680. >Though this miscalculation of his only further serves to highlight how far off base you acted in comparison to the appropriate responses.
  681. >It was your turn to cast your gaze downwards and huff.
  682. >Whispering winds in the distance and the steadily sounding clanks of night patrols from the guards below are all that can be heard for a moment.
  683. “How did you know where to find me?”
  684. >While Anon turned his attention to you, you kept yours fixated on the occasional pony below.
  685. >”It wasn’t that hard. I just had to think of where I’d go if I wanted to be alone.”
  686. “I could’ve been at any of the tower balconies.” Finally turning your gaze back up to him you see a comforting smile. “What made you check this one then?”
  687. >”Sure. But this is the only one this high up that doesn’t overlook the mess we just made.”
  688. >His relaxed posture mimicked his sweeping gesture towards the sight the balcony did offer.
  689. >A motion he capitalized with a cocky grin.
  690. >One that said he doesn’t feel too bad about the situation.
  691. >And that neither should you.
  692. >Presenting the rest of Equestria with his extended arm over the railing.
  693. >Showcasing that all is still right in the wider world.
  694. >How your little spat was only that.
  695. >Strangely, this does succeed in easing your concerns.
  696. >For the first time in a while, you feel comfortable returning a smile.
  697. >He sets his arm down and turns around so that he was resting his lower back against the railing and crossed his legs casually, arms positioned as additional support by bracing against the railing.
  698. >You shuffle slightly to feel more comfortable yourself.
  699. “So, earlier in the garden today… I finally got to see what you can do with that lithography stuff you can do. You had some pretty cool moves.”
  700. >“Thanks, that means a lot coming from ‘Twilight’s STAR student.’” You give him a look. “Okay, okay. No more fighting. But remember, teasing doesn’t count.”
  701. “Fine. Just remember that turnabout is fair play.”
  702. >He chuckles deeply and tosses his head back slightly.
  703. >”Hahaha! Good! You’re finally getting it!”
  704. “Oh please, I’ve always grasped it.” This causes his laughing to calm and he raises a taunting eyebrow at you. “You’re just not as smooth as you think you are.”
  705. >”Oho? Clearly, how could I have missed that?”
  706. >You return his sly grin in silent acknowledgement that you accept his little challenge.
  707. >A new rivalry.
  708. >A battle of wits this time.
  709. >A mutual agreement that rivalry doesn’t need to be so serious after all.
  710. >Before silence settles in again, he continues. “While the magic does incorporate lithography, it’s called lithomancy.”
  711. “That’s innovative for the field of terramancy, where did you learn it from?”
  712. >”Uh, I guess I taught myself.”
  713. “Then you must’ve had a very good mentor to teach you the fundamentals and advanced properties and characteristics of magic. Especially with how well you were able to apply them.”
  714. >”Yeah, the best.”
  715. >He looks back over his shoulder at the horizon fondly.
  716. “The best, huh?” Without turning his head, he looks at you from the corner of his eye and raises a brow. “Better than even Princess Twilight?”
  717. >He smiles and looks up at the moon.
  718. >”Well, they’d certainly hope not.” The inflection in his voice emphasizing ‘they’d’ did so in the way that one would to imply that it’s actually in their best interest; and that if it were the opposite, that would be indicative of some serious issues – but in the joking manner that tells you there’s nothing to worry about.
  719. >Strange.
  720. >But he’s not been too open with his past, so it’s probably best you don’t push on that.
  721. “Looking back, it was pretty fun being able to let loose with somepony who could keep me on my soles.” Another raised eyebrow over a smarmy grin directed at you. “Er… Some-one?”
  722. >That’s going to be hard to get used to, especially if you’re going to be expected to talk to him more often on friendly terms.
  723. >”Really? Could’ve fooled me.”
  724. “What do you mean?”
  725. >”My barriers have contained far scarier things than you,” a scoff, “or so I thought. You must have been righteously indignant to just brute force your way through them…”
  726. “I do suppose that I was maybe a little,” you pause, “-mad.”
  727. >”Just a little? Gee, I’d hate to be the subject of your complete wrath.”
  728. “Hahaha, alright. You made me very mad.”
  729. >”Am I good at that?”
  730. “I sure hope not if I have to be your friend from here on out.”
  731. >”Oh, the bet?” Anon dismissively waves a hand. “You don’t have to worry about that. I’m not going to MAKE you be my friend”
  732. “What? B-but you won!” Incredulous, you wonder why he’s so willing to wave away his victory.
  733. >He could move on and not worry about needing to make friends with you for Princess Twilight.
  734. >He could just say he already is!
  735. >”Think about it. If you won, do you really think Princess Twilight would just allow me to quit and walk away? Your demands were never really realistic.”
  736. >Oh. Right.
  737. >Unrealistic demands.
  738. >Another example of you taking things too seriously and needing to be grounded.
  739. “But I- I treated you so poorly. You deserve something for all this trouble.” You cannot help but sag low and fold your ears as you stare at the floor.
  740. >”Well, how about you pay for dinner at this place I’ve had my eye on?”
  741. “What?” You snap right back up in disbelief.
  742. >On one hoof you weren’t expecting that.
  743. >On the other, you’re just glad that he isn’t rejecting your attempts to make it up to him after how poor your behavior was.
  744. >”Yeah.” Stated like an obvious fact you shouldn’t be surprised to hear. “The chefs here can cook a mean steak, but I’d like to try this one restaurant that hosts the foreign dignitaries and tourists often. They sound promising.”
  745. “I- but why?”
  746. >Even when given the opportunity to request something worth the trouble you’ve put him through, he still only chooses to agree that you only owe him dinner.
  747. >”Why?” He adopts a more calm and serious expression and tone. “How do I put it.”
  748. >Another silence settles in.
  749. >The outside world offered no howling winds, rattling plate armor, or even ambience as if obeying an unheard command to avoid interrupting his train of thought.
  750. >Nor did you speak either.
  751. >Directing his attention at you again to alert you to his imminent answer, you see his warm smile.
  752. >It’s almost familiar.
  753. >Like one you’ve seen in a history book before.
  754. >You were so caught up in this odd feeling of recognition that you nearly miss his next words.
  755. >”Well, I don’t just expect us to be the best of friends right away. I’m also not a big fan of being further hassled for something you’ve already been punished for.”
  756. “What do you mean?”
  757. >”I believe that faults are truly forgiven once the punishment is served, and that once the punishment is over that the mistakes, while not forgotten, are pardoned and the issue is resolved.”
  758. >Taking a moment to see if you’re following along, he takes a breath.
  759. >”You don’t get to just keep bringing up the blunders of the past to extend the punishment, nor do you allow one mistake from an earlier, dumber time to ruin the promising future they have.”
  760. “I don’t think I understand what this has to do with your decision. Are you giving me an opportunity to make it up to you for MY sake?”
  761. >He leans down and reaches a hand with a digit outstretched towards you.
  762. >Your eyes cross to follow the digit as it moves closer.
  763. >Then he pokes you on your muzzle.
  764. >You scrunch and fall into a sitting position on your haunches.
  765. >Craning your neck back to put some distance from the offender, you hold up a hoof to guard your snoozle and glare at him.
  766. >”I guess you can say that, but it’s more so to ensure that we’re fair to each other.” Anon also sits down on the floor, back against the railing with one leg flush with the ground and another bent upwards and propped up by his boot on the ground.
  767. >He rests an arm against the ‘knee?’ of his leg and bends it so that his head can rest against his closed hand.
  768. “Fair?”
  769. >This is starting to feel a lot like Princess Twilight in disguise teaching you a friendship lesson.
  770. >But this is one, isn’t it?
  771. >“Exactly. This is for the peace and mind of the one who made the mistake, so they don’t have to live in the shadow and anxiety of their errors once they’ve made an earnest attempt to reconcile – especially when the transgression was negligible.”
  772. >Anon leans back against the railing, taking his head off his hand and allowing his arm to bend downward from its perch on his knee.
  773. >You shuffle into a more comfortable position on the floor as well.
  774. >”Let’s just start there. Friendship is cool and all, but you should have a clear conscience before you try to be my friend.”
  775. >Anon casts another sidelong glance at you to read your reaction.
  776. >He could still see you had a question about why you’d need to be clear of guilt before trying to be friends with him.
  777. “I mean, it makes sense that there shouldn’t be any remaining negative feelings between friends, but why should that stop us from being friends now?”
  778. >His tone doesn’t adopt a snarky inflection to tease you.
  779. >Anon is patient with your questions.
  780. >”Why can’t we be friends now, despite your earnest want to make up for your actions? Because that’ll do no service to you if I overstep your boundaries and you felt that you couldn’t speak up because of guilt still hanging over your head.”
  781. >You didn’t think of that.
  782. “Oh. I do suppose that could be a problem…”
  783. >Of course you didn’t.
  784. >Why would you?
  785. >It’s counterintuitive to believe that despite one’s desire to be friends, that the friendship is doomed to fail.
  786. >It’s almost like it works in spite of your wishes to be friends.
  787. >Is the mere act of wanting to be friends too strongly what creates enough of a power imbalance that the dynamic is compromised to the point of incompatibility?
  788. >”It certainly will be. Friendships are ultimately all about navigating one another’s boundaries in order to build a closeness and trust.”
  789. >You don’t doubt that to be true in some cases, but that can’t be the case for all of them.
  790. >Sure, you’ve seen how friendships are merely a superficial gathering of casual amicability.
  791. >But many continue without forging such a deep understanding of one another.
  792. >Could what he’s saying be why you’ve seen and heard of how many fail to persist and wind up fading away with time?
  793. >A failure to speak up when an accidental crossing of boundaries occurs.
  794. >That could explain the reason for some suddenly fractured friendships.
  795. >And some of the ones that slowly fade over time may be the result of many offenses gone untold out of fear of offending the other party for reasons like Anon stated.
  796. >Or for want to avoid confusing and offending a friend who had skated by doing that before and would question why now it was suddenly not okay…
  797. >Returning from your revelation you ask for more elaboration.
  798. “Surely not all friendships require such investment.”
  799. >”Most don’t, and that’s fine. But, I’ve always believed that you can’t truly be great friends with someone until you cross that line – learning where their boundaries lie that is. That’s the beginning of a deep friendship.”
  800. >Now everything’s starting to come together.
  801. “So, if we don’t do that first and start there, then we can never be ‘true friends’?”
  802. >“Exactly.”
  803. >Anon shoots you a smile and a wink befitting of a professor congratulating you on acing the test.
  804. >Wow.
  805. >This is all so much harder than you were led to believe.
  806. >’Just go out and play!’
  807. >’Why don’t you socialize some more, you’re too engrossed in your studies!’
  808. >’You sure like to be by yourself a lot. That’s not a bad thing, we all need time to ourselves! But how are you going to make friends when you do that?’
  809. >’Friendship can be magic too! I’ve heard it’s even more powerful than the spells you can learn in those books!’
  810. >These were all said to you as if these fleeting interactions with other ponies you would’ve had would be what determines the direction of your future and amplify your emotional, spiritual, financial and physical success.
  811. >Now that you’re actually trying to listen to their advice, you’re learning that things aren’t so straight forward.
  812. >It’s actually a minefield!
  813. >Nopony else really seemed to be able to talk about inter-ponsonal connections like this.
  814. >You feel like you might be able to really understand friendship as well as he can if you stuck around long enough and learned from him.
  815. >It’s so odd.
  816. >How he views friendship with such high regard yet maintains such a lax attitude around it.
  817. >Not quite the exaltation everypony else seems to hold for it.
  818. >Your silence and face of deep thought may not have been what Anon was expecting.
  819. >”Hey, what’s wrong? You look like you have a lot more on your mind now.”
  820. “Friendships are so complicated. But you seem to have a such a good understanding of them…”
  821. >He waits to respond, sensing you needed more time to word your thoughts.
  822. “You can explain the subtleties about them in a way nopony else seems to bother with. They just expect you to go and make sense of it yourself, as though it should come naturally. But here you are explaining to me the dynamic of a friendship is determined by the wants and needs of those involved. You believe that friendships can be casual interactions as much as they are to be something much deeper. Why is that? How is that?”
  823. >It was his turn again to ponder how to word his thoughts.
  824. >An answer you’re dying to know.
  825. >He gazes up at the night sky wistfully.
  826. >Pained almost.
  827. >”Back home, there was this mov- er, ‘play’ I saw a long time ago.” He paused as if to consider his words even more carefully. “The story was about a famous lawman who retired and tried to live his life of retirement with his brothers out in the wild west – a new frontier not entirely known and full of opportunities over 100 years ago; a place where law and order was scarce. A place gangs of outlaws made their stomping grounds.”
  828. >You listen to Anon recall this show, immediately certain that this was a story untold here in Equestria.
  829. >Anon never talked about his past, or even his home for that matter.
  830. >Not even with Princess Twilight.
  831. >Just the mere act of him divulging this much makes you feel like you’ve already become so much closer to Anon than you were just an hour ago.
  832. >Is this what it feels like to form ‘deep’ friendships?
  833. >Is this how you know?
  834. >”Long story short, Wyatt Earp was unable to gamble, make investments and retire in peace when he was confronted with the fear and suffering of the people around him in the town. Pressured by even his own brothers, he got back in the saddle – refusing to be another parasite who profited off the townspeople’s suffering. They would stop the gang of cowboys, united by brotherhood. Wyatt Earp’s best friend Doc Holiday was along for the ride as well.”
  835. >Looking down to tell the story he grew more animated as he went.
  836. >You were confused about the saddle part, though.
  837. >Humans wearing saddles?
  838. >Or does this imply ponies exist where he’s from?
  839. >”The group of 4 set out to disarm the outlaws who had violated a recently imposed no-gun law in town limits. Something I don’t quite agree with, but nonetheless it would lead to an epic showdown at the O.K. Corral. A place I would have the chance to actually visit as a kid.”
  840. >Your previous confusion was overlapped by a new one.
  841. But before he got carried away and lost you, you felt the need to interject. “What’s a gun?”
  842. >He stops on a breath.
  843. >“Uh- yeah you wouldn’t know what that is.”
  844. >Is it really obscure?
  845. >”It’s nothing you need to know about, but suffice to say that it’s a ranged weapon my people invented. Since humans didn’t have- I mean, since my people remained largely ignorant to the presence of magic, in its place we used these weapons. One well-placed shot was deadly and they were fast.”
  846. “But why would you invent such a thing without magic to provide you barriers from such an offense?!”
  847. >”They weren’t concerned with defenses when the whole point was to win the fight as fast as possible. Keep in mind this was also before medicine and healthcare could preserve your life long enough to save you from an even minor wound if not reacted to immediately.”
  848. >If the brutality of the land he’s coming from is any indication of why he doesn’t talk much about it, you understand a little.
  849. >Nevertheless, the story was beginning to adopt even greater stakes.
  850. >And it was enthralling.
  851. >Anon looked forward and placed his hand at his side.
  852. >A gesture you didn’t understand yet.
  853. >”A standoff ensued, one wrong move and everyone would draw their weapons and fire until only one remained. A couple cowboys ran off, and the others stood still.” His fingers twitched in anticipation over a weapon that wasn’t there to put down an imaginary threat in front of him.
  854. >It was reminiscent of a young foal playing pretend as the royal guards he looked up to.
  855. >It was cute.
  856. “What happened next?”
  857. >“The tense stare-down grew too long for comfort, and it became obvious the cowboys were willing to try their luck. Wyatt couldn’t believe it. Weapons were drawn and the firefight begun!”
  858. >A rapid motion of pulling up his hand and aiming his digits at the threat as fast as he could gave you an idea at how this would’ve went down.
  859. >”Then just as quickly as it had begun, the showdown was over in seconds. The lawmen had triumphed and won the day with only a couple minor injuries. But the war had just begun. This gang of cowards pretending to abide by a code of brotherhood only so long as it serves their best interests had turned their wrath towards the lawmen. They wanted revenge…”
  860. >He paused.
  861. >Whether for dramatic effect, or so that he could word the upcoming part of the story you don’t know.
  862. “No offense Anon, the story is great, but I don’t see how this relates to my question.”
  863. >He looks at you and smiles.
  864. >”Don’t worry. We’re getting there. I just needed to give you some context.” His face hardens again. “This way you understand the risk involved when the cowboys went too far in their retaliation. It struck a chord with Wyatt, and he embarked on a crusade to eradicate all cowboys. It was just him, his friend Doc, and some former cowboys who didn’t agree with what was done.”
  865. >Why-It’s brothers didn’t join him but his friend did?
  866. >”There were a few more firefights as the posse hunted down the outlaws. But the climax to the hunt was when Wyatt and company confronted the leader, Curly Bill. The following scene was what stuck with me the most. In the aftermath, the two former cowboys and Doc were gathered and talking about the fight. Talking about Wyatt. Suddenly Doc’s coughing grew more violent. He was plagued by tuberculosis, fatal if he didn’t take better care of himself - yet here he was putting his life on the line and exerting himself. Exacerbating his condition to help Wyatt.”
  867. >You were in awe.
  868. >You weren’t certain whether it was the bond of friendship capable of carrying ponies through trials like this, or if it was the natural talent of all those you’d heard the praises of friendship from that did most of the heavy lifting.
  869. >But when you’re among the most magical creatures in Equus, things don’t feel so gritty as this.
  870. >With the incredible power of magic, magical artifacts, and demi-god alicorns, you can’t help but feel that most of the danger and risk is taken out of the personal stakes when deciding to stick together as friends.
  871. >But in this story, where there is no magic, weapons far beyond their defenses and ability to respond to them, and where there are no all-powerful beings - it feels more personal.
  872. >Relatable.
  873. >More realistic for the masses.
  874. >You can understand why Anon told this story.
  875. >The setting alone strips away all but the fundamental substance of the friendship.
  876. >”One of the fellow members of the posse asked Doc ‘why in the hell he was doing this?’ How ‘he should be in bed.’” Anon adopted a reverent grin. “Doc would just assert ‘Wyatt Earp is my friend.’”
  877. >His grin disappeared.
  878. >He looked at you.
  879. >Not just to make eye contact like usual in a conversation.
  880. >Brow furrowed, eyes full of conviction.
  881. >This was a gaze of total seriousness.
  882. >The heart of the matter was upon you.
  883. >You would have your answer.
  884. >”The man simply replied to Doc in disbelief, ‘Hell, I’ve got lots of friends.’”
  885. >You were hanging off every word.
  886. >This question and statement struck a chord with your own feelings about friendship.
  887. >What value does it have if everypony can just attain it?
  888. >What purpose does it serve to drive somepony to go through such lengths as this Doc Holiday?
  889. >The existence of this reason is the only thing you have yet to be convinced of in order to fully embrace it.
  890. >To not feel like you’re inevitably going through the motions just like you’d been trying to argue would happen.
  891. >”Doc Holiday replies solemnly-” Is this it? The answer?
  892. >You listened with bated breath.
  893. >Despite the unlikely chances this alien knew the secrets of friendship.
  894. >How preposterous it is to think it would be so easy to find the answer to the questions that troubled you.
  895. >The way he told the story-
  896. >The way he looked at you-
  897. >Made you confident that he did.
  898. >“’I don’t.’”
  899. >…
  900. >The sudden brevity of the words- the TWO WORDS! The, uh answer? Ugh! The response!
  901. >The response caught you so off guard with its simplicity that you felt like you were struck with a paralysis spell. No! A time freeze spell! Rooted in place as the rest of the world stood still as if to allow your thoughts to process this information.
  902. >The words slowly settled in.
  903. >While they did Anon maintained his stare, gauging your reaction to the information.
  904. >Like he expected that to make sense of everything for you.
  905. >Shock was all he saw on your face for a moment.
  906. >Mouth hanging slightly ajar.
  907. >You stared past him in a thousand-yard gaze while you thought about what he said.
  908. >What Doc Holiday said.
  909. >Not Anon somehow responding to what you were thinking.
  910. >’I don’t.’
  911. >No long-winded backstory to explain the circumstances of their meeting, bonding and solidification of a friendship.
  912. >No explanation of a debt owed being paid back.
  913. >Not even another self-aggrandizing or pretentious declaration that any friendship is worth fighting for.
  914. >Just a sorrowful ‘I don’t’.
  915. >Simple.
  916. >Concise.
  917. >Like a fact being stated.
  918. >Unlike a rolling argument to convince you that what’s being said is fact.
  919. >Uncaring for what the other human considered a worthwhile reason.
  920. >Putting forward his reason.
  921. >A sad reality that should be satisfactory to anyone who knows what that means.
  922. >Doc Holiday was an isolated individual.
  923. >Slowly your eyes focus back on Anon as you come back to the moment.
  924. >You finally break the silence.
  925. “He wasn’t a great human, was he?”
  926. >Anon rolls your question around for a moment.
  927. >Collecting thoughts he’s long built upon in his recollections of the tale.
  928. >”Doc Holiday, a great man? He was in some ways. Not so much in others.” He continues with a more somber expression. “When your profession of dentistry goes awry because your body-wracking coughs and infectious disease causes clients to avoid you, it’s not surprising he became a gambler by necessity. A volatile profession made from hustling dangerous people. Quick to anger himself, he had taken more lives than he would have otherwise; acquiring a reputation as the fastest gunslinger alive and running place to place to avoid arrest. He was a man seemingly determined to see through his crash course with an early grave on his own terms rather than it be by a disease that whittles him away.”
  929. *Gasp*
  930. >You’d never heard of such a thing.
  931. >It was tragic that such circumstances would befall someone, pitiful that it would cultivate that mindset, but condemnable that he’d need to see through such actions as murder.
  932. >What kind of place was his home?
  933. >He pauses to observe your horrified expression before continuing. “He drowned himself in alcohol and even outright challenged known town bullies, in a world where doing so could mean death in a duel - all while maintaining his gentlemanly manners and a determination to make his eventual match earn the right to send him to the morgue. He was great in a subjective way, but legendary regardless of perspective.”
  934. >Recovering from your shock and horror you ponder his words and what they mean for the greater story.
  935. >Doc Holiday was beginning to sound a lot less glamourous than he did before.
  936. >At least not so much the shining example of the virtues and benefits of friendship you seemed to mistake him for.
  937. >So that begs the question.
  938. >Why is Anon telling you this?
  939. “Waitwaitwait.” Calmly he lets you know you have his attention with a curt nod. “Why are you presenting this as the example that should answer my questions about why you seem to feel about friendships the way you do? If anything, the knowledge that he’s already comfortable taking lives, and is set on a self-destructive path already, detracts from the honor in his decision to join Why-It in the quest to bring the bandits to justice.”
  940. >It almost sounds self-serving if his purpose is truly to find an opponent who could best him in a duel.
  941. >He cocks an eyebrow, not quite in disbelief or challenge, but in intrigue that you’ve yet to find an answer in his retelling of the play.
  942. >”Well then let’s look at the other half of the duo.”
  943. >You nod your head, following along.
  944. >”Let’s take what you now know about Doc Holiday and compare that to Wyatt Earp. Wyatt Earp became a man hellbent on carrying out justice to the gang of unruly outlaws.”
  945. >You were still unclear about exactly why they’d decided to engage on this crusade.
  946. >Like you were missing something.
  947. “Was this revenge for what they’d done to the townsfolk?”
  948. >Anon smiles coyly, like you’d asked the right question.
  949. >The grin leaves as fast as it came, replaced by a more serious countenance to match the tone of the story.
  950. >”Make no mistake, he didn’t want revenge. What he was after was a reckoning.” He capitalized the statement with a nod. “He wasn’t doing it for himself but was seeking retribution for the cowboys because he had to, because he was the only one who could.”
  951. >Anon pauses for a moment.
  952. >Again, the words find purchase in your mind’s thoughts.
  953. >”Because he was the only one who would. A righteous man on a righteous mission.”
  954. >Why-It sounds like the noble knights in ancient tales.
  955. >Possessing traits that take an inner strength and a will greater than most can muster.
  956. >Traits we tell stories about.
  957. >Morals we enshrine and hold exalted.
  958. >When comparing this to Doc Holiday, it’s odd the two are friends to begin with.
  959. >To think such a, uh, ‘man’ as Doc Holiday would become friends with a man who valued law and order as much as Why-It did.
  960. >Holiday, who spends his shortened livelihood causing trouble and running away from the law; now steadfast in helping his friend carry it through.
  961. >It sounds familiar.
  962. >Anon just sits back and waits.
  963. >Hoping to see you realize what’s apparently hidden there all along.
  964. >Could it be that the lack of friends caused him to appreciate Why-It’s friendship that much more?
  965. >To be friends regardless of past circumstance and actions?
  966. >Seemingly in spite of them?
  967. >To describe it, it would be…
  968. >Forgiving and dependable.
  969. >It sounds like all the stories of reformed ponies.
  970. >Accepted and forgiven.
  971. >Given a chance at companionship.
  972. >You’re beginning to have an inkling of understanding.
  973. >The realization spreading across your face, Anon decides to give you one more push.
  974. >”You see, friendship is what you yourself make of it.”
  975. >The vagueness of the answer would’ve upset you if you’d heard it before today.
  976. >But now…
  977. >After the trouble you caused.
  978. >The story Anon told.
  979. >The lessons you pulled from it.
  980. >The ambiguity of it all didn’t feel as insulting to hear as you’d thought it would.
  981. >Because in the ambiguity it’s still defined.
  982. >It’s just not rigid in definition like you’d been expecting to hear.
  983. “So, it can be both a deep connection and a casual affair?”
  984. >”Yes.”
  985. “But it’s up to me to decide what?”
  986. >Giving you a beaming smile, Anon reaches over with a digit extended.
  987. >Oh no!
  988. >Not this time you don’t!
  989. >Prepared for his attack, you playfully bat away at his hand with your hooves.
  990. >What you were unprepared for was the other hand grasping you by your withers.
  991. >A feint.
  992. >Just like the one you attempted against him.
  993. >Blast.
  994. >Unlike yours, he was successful.
  995. >He got you.
  996. >He shakes you in triumphant celebration that you got the lesson of the story.
  997. >”Exactly!” He proclaims this loud enough that you know the guards on patrol turned their heads in your direction from below the balcony.
  998. >It was also loud enough to make you worried at the prospect of how loud his deep voice could boom if he really tried.
  999. >Pulling back from you and retracting his hand, he allowed you a moment to compose yourself.
  1000. >You can’t help but relate to this.
  1001. >You don’t exactly have many friends.
  1002. “So…” You return to the conversation. “Some ponies are like Doc Holiday. They’re of the disposition that friendships must be deeper and more meaningful in order to more easily appreciate the friendships they have, whereas others consider casually knowing their neighbors enough to be friends with them?”
  1003. >Anon nods.
  1004. “And the circumstances of others leave some with no friends at all, making any they form that much more meaningful to them?”
  1005. >”Correct. Like Holiday, some people just want a friend they can respect and depend upon - and vice versa. Someone who overlooks their negative qualities and doesn’t hound them on their bad decisions. Just someone who accepts them regardless of their past and mistakes. This one friend among many acquaintances means so much, that they’re willing to go the mile. This one friend to an isolated man means more to him than most things; whereas the member of the posse couldn’t fathom that meaning because he himself saw friends as a dime a dozen. And in the end, it was ultimately Wyatt who needed Doc’s help to overcome the final hurdle.”
  1006. >You didn’t speak.
  1007. >You needed a moment to absorb the information.
  1008. >You’re impressed really.
  1009. >This story of a group of brothers and friends clashing against a gang of criminals masquerading as brothers under their creed of violence and intimidation, sticking to each other for strength in numbers rather than any real bond, highlighted the differences.
  1010. >The juxtaposition helped you identify the differences between a true friendship and the observed counterfeits you have scrutinized.
  1011. >By having the two sides come to blows you can see that there are indeed pitiful partnerships trying to pass themselves off as thicker than blood, but when they’re thrown against a true friendship they falter.
  1012. >It was like Anon knew exactly how to answer your concerns.
  1013. >Where others failed, he assured you that it wasn’t a waste of time or an act of convenience and necessity of the weak.
  1014. >As it turned out, they both needed each other and helped each other.
  1015. >One wasn’t merely the vehicle for the other like you’d fear would happen when one individual has more going for them than the other in the friendship.
  1016. >This tale has dispelled much of your fears.
  1017. >And it’s given you a new outlook on life and how friendships affect them.
  1018. >Stunning!
  1019. >You couldn’t say anything.
  1020. >You didn’t know what to say.
  1021. >He decides to pick it up and run with it some more.
  1022. >”To Doc, a friend was someone who had his back, and accepted him – and sometimes, that’s all it needs to be.”
  1023. >All it needs to be?
  1024. >So then how does this apply to other ponies as a whole?
  1025. >What was the root of his feelings and circumstance?
  1026. “Why did Doc Holiday feel this way? How is this applicable to these other ponies?”
  1027. >Maybe you can find why you relate to this so much here.
  1028. >“Well, more often than not the ones who cause trouble act out because of a feeling of rejection and abandonment from society as a whole-” Anon stands up, offering you a hand to pull yourself off your rump with, “-and a friend who doesn’t abandon them is all they really want.”
  1029. >You were too taken aback by how well he understands others to accept his gesture right away.
  1030. >He just stands there smiling down at you, hunched over in accommodation.
  1031. >Eventually you accepted his hand and rose slowly, mind lost in its own personal garden as you await the following words.
  1032. >You found this to be the most gripping part yet.
  1033. >To understand what others may find in friendship when deciding for themselves what it means to them may give you an insight into their thoughts and decision-making processes.
  1034. >To better know what others look for when making these decisions.
  1035. >You arise on all fours again and stare up at Anon as he stands back up to his full height.
  1036. >He smiles down at you as you find your bearings and get comfortable.
  1037. >Perhaps Twilight’s friendship report won’t be so hard to do after all.
  1038. >Despite the relief you should feel at the thought of having everything close to sorted out now, you can’t quite shake the tiniest feeling of panic.
  1039. >Could it be that you don’t want to hear the full answer on some level?
  1040. >Maybe it’s just cause you feel like a failure after the events of today…
  1041. >Feeling regretful and exasperated at multiple things!
  1042. >At needing to be spoon-fed the answer by the one you tried to prove yourself to be better than.
  1043. >At being tasked with a report to your role model explaining why you’re still failing to grasp the very thing she’s the ponified embodiment ascendent for.
  1044. >Planning on framing your miniature disaster in a positive light by pointing out the positives in learning more about friendship now more than ever before only because you screwed up this hard.
  1045. >Ugh!
  1046. >You give yourself a mental slap.
  1047. >Enough of that.
  1048. >You need to focus in order to remember this for the report.
  1049. >Even though you try to tell yourself that will be the last of those thoughts for tonight, you know it’s far from the truth.
  1050. >You give Anon the que to continue now that you’re comfortable.
  1051. >”In their feelings of abandonment, they’ll grow resentful of themselves. A slowly mounting state of being uncomfortable in their own skin and feelings of dissatisfaction at their own selves and accomplishments. A confusion at being unable to pin the cause of their shortcomings to the rejection of their peers – or their ostracization being the result of their seeming defects.”
  1052. >Your breath caught in your throat, you blink owlishly.
  1053. >He’s done it again.
  1054. >How does he do it?
  1055. >How long do you have to interact with others just to even have a slight clue to describe the chaotic actions of many individuals so precisely?
  1056. >Or maybe he’s not had so much time interacting with others and just spent a great deal of time thinking and observing to obtain this understanding.
  1057. >He IS studying under Princess Twilight for a reason.
  1058. >Whether it’s to apply his thoughts in practice, or just to integrate into Equestria more easily by using a route of guidance under Princess Twilight, it’s clear he’s got this way of cutting straight through the minutiae of relationships and getting right to the core of it – as though he’d had a guiding hand for a very long time.
  1059. >If you could describe it the best way to put what Anon is doing into words is that he’s simply using words to build a bridge across a raging rapids.
  1060. >His proficiency in navigating the currents is so well-founded that he can carry you across to his side of understanding by merely talking about it.
  1061. >Explaining the vital perspectives needed in order to review the actions of others in a clearer lens to understand the individual and then the details surrounding them.
  1062. >It was like he was rebuilding a bridge laid out for him so expertly before.
  1063. >You were a fool for thinking you could compete with that.
  1064. >As for what he said?
  1065. >The rejection part was explanatory of a few villains you’d heard about.
  1066. >But the aspect of self-despise seems to resonate with something inside of you.
  1067. >An aspect of the effect group exclusion would have on individuals others don’t bother to entertain.
  1068. >Something misunderstood even when it is acknowledged.
  1069. >Usually you hear about a self-righteous or vindictive villain who sees their rejection as an offense they need to correct with confrontation.
  1070. >A result of rejection, but not directly attributed as a fuel for their own self-despise.
  1071. >An attitude which then creates a feedback loop that heightens their sense of indignation and rejection; causing them to act out.
  1072. >A key piece needed to understand why the indignation reaches such radical levels, a cause for misunderstanding.
  1073. >But you don’t see many talk about why this is their course of action and explain it.
  1074. >This feels like an answer that hits to something deeper beneath the surface.
  1075. >Closer to the true heart of the matter.
  1076. >Like the actual thoughts and feelings of these individuals, unknown to anypony who hasn’t been this far themselves.
  1077. >Anon returns to the railing but doesn’t stop looking at you to look at the stars or anything else.
  1078. >He turns his back to them and leans against it again like he did earlier.
  1079. >His eyes soft, expression of slight worry he continues.
  1080. >”Unless you have a rather large ego, it’s pretty easy to think the problem is you when everyone else goes about their lives like the only person who’s dysfunctional is you – or to at least subconsciously feel this way. To believe that you’re truly defective and have been excluded for some arbitrary reasons no one has bothered to explain to you. It’s frustrating.”
  1081. “That’s…. Accurate.”
  1082. >You feel even more uncomfortable.
  1083. >His breathing calm and attention focused on you.
  1084. >Your breathing calculated in order to control it.
  1085. >His words slowly fanning the embers of panic you felt.
  1086. >Your words halted, choked even.
  1087. >While he was talking to you, this felt more directed at you than the story telling from before.
  1088. >It’s like he was making you aware of a prison you didn’t know existed.
  1089. >No.
  1090. >Reminding you of it.
  1091. >He was applying his ability to read individuals and their motives to help you see that.
  1092. >A prison of heart and mind.
  1093. >This was all to explain to you something greater than your questions and feelings.
  1094. >He was applying this knowledge to teach you about yourself.
  1095. >He saw right through you.
  1096. >Was he planning to do this all along?
  1097. >If so, it’s better to get to the point you’ve been dreading.
  1098. >You speak again to goad the complete answer out of him.
  1099. >An answer that the both of you think you need to hear.
  1100. >Hopefully by asking the right question at the right time now that you understand the surrounding context as he does.
  1101. >But now you feel that the desire to know, the motivation for asking these questions, finally and truly coming from somewhere else…
  1102. “…And? What does the purpose of this friend serve to that isolated individual?”
  1103. >His face adopts a warmth greater than Princess Twilight could somehow.
  1104. >The anxiety abated slightly.
  1105. >”The presence of another who sees value in them regardless of their own actions, and even thoughts, in spite of the greater masses who don’t, gives them a sense of self-confidence they may have just needed to make it through the days.”
  1106. >…
  1107. “…”
  1108. >You were speechless.
  1109. >You were almost breathless at this point while your mouth gaped slightly.
  1110. >Not necessarily out of shock.
  1111. >But more so in the relatable sadness of it all.
  1112. >Sure, the individual in question had a family to support them, but that’s what family is supposed to do.
  1113. >Sometimes family complicates things even more.
  1114. >Sometimes family fails to understand where you’re coming from and makes this feeling of isolation even worse.
  1115. >What you really needed in these circumstances was a friend.
  1116. >Friends can do what family sometimes cannot.
  1117. >Even in terms of support structure.
  1118. >They’re invaluable in the way that they can simply breath confidence into you by standing by your side.
  1119. >Something you cannot buy.
  1120. >Seemingly something you cannot force your way into having with talent alone…
  1121. >Friends were critical to be a well-rounded individual.
  1122. >Friends were indeed a necessity.
  1123. >You realize that now.
  1124. “Wow.”
  1125. >”Just ‘wow’, huh?”
  1126. >You give him a look.
  1127. >He snickers.
  1128. >A smile spreads across your face too.
  1129. >Mirth began to fill your voice, tempered by your still existent anxiety at having your worldview so radically changed and your inner mind feeling so directly addressed.
  1130. “That was a great story Anon, thank you.”
  1131. >He shoots you a smile.
  1132. >”Really? I’m glad you think so too. It’s one of my favorites.”
  1133. >Anon’s tone echoes your own.
  1134. >Happiness at your agreement with his assessment, but also a forlorn aspect to it.
  1135. >Like he misses his home.
  1136. >Well, you’re sure that he’ll go back and watch it again when he’s finished his mission here.
  1137. >Or, that’s what you tried telling yourself.
  1138. >The distant look in his eyes as he gazed past you and into the city over your withers and the balcony railing tells you otherwise.
  1139. >Could Anon also relate to the character of Doc Holiday in this play?
  1140. >Well, best not to let him reminisce like that for too long.
  1141. “I really wish I had seen this play earlier myself, if I did I probably would have been able to come to a closer answer than I did without your help.”
  1142. >Some part of you mostly wishes to vicariously have your own feelings resolved through the character you relate to.
  1143. >Anon returns to you.
  1144. >Blinking his eyes quickly, he speaks again. “I was never one for spoiling the endings of stories, especially the incredibly thought provoking and gratifying ones.” A minute amount of the previous sadness returns to his eyes. “On the off chance that you do ever get to see that ‘play’, you won’t be disappointed – especially because I didn’t spoil the ending for you.”
  1145. >Part of you feels upset that you won’t get to know how it fully plays out for now, but the chance that you will stops that from growing.
  1146. >Taking a moment to enjoy the moral of the story, you and Anon remain silent.
  1147. >Beyond the simple idea of companionship, lay a deeper answer.
  1148. >One that you had a harder time challenging.
  1149. >One that came closer to home than any offered before.
  1150. >One that you’re more comfortable with.
  1151. >One that seemed to ease all your frustrations.
  1152. >Smiling widely at Anon, you turn to leave so you can get started on that report.
  1153. “Thanks again, Anon. I really appreciate it, truly.”
  1154. >He starts up from his nonchalant posture on the railing.
  1155. >Standing up and pushing away from the railing he asks, “wait!” The reaction gives you pause. “Where are you going?”
  1156. “Uh-I’ve got a friendship report that I need to write for the Princess.”
  1157. >Anon should know that you were given the assignment.
  1158. >He may be well-versed in the dynamics of friendship, so much so that you challenged him, but Princess Twilight still made him write the reports too.
  1159. >That’s just how she is.
  1160. >”Yeah, that’s kind of what I figured.” He raises a hand behind the back of his head and fusses with his mane. “But there’s actually something else I’d like to talk about.”
  1161. >You blink.
  1162. >Even though the night has really begun to pass you by since this conversation began, it’s not like you can deny him after all he’s done for you.
  1163. >After all you’ve done to him…
  1164. >It’s fine you suppose.
  1165. >Perhaps the letter can wait until tomorrow.
  1166. >Well, you do suppose Princess Twilight would find your sudden about-face more believable after you’ve spent a morning and afternoon cleaning up the rubble of your mess.
  1167. >You’ll have the entire process to think over how you feel about it and the answers Anon has provided, relaying to Twilight that you are starting to come around to seeing the purpose to friendships more satisfactorily.
  1168. >Satisfied with your plan for tomorrow, you find the energy to continue conversing with full attention knowing that you can just go to bed right after this.
  1169. >Today has been exhausting.
  1170. >He seemed like he really wanted to talk to you about what’s on his mind.
  1171. >Even though he’s insisted that you’re not friends yet, you doubt that former rivals turned recently amicable acquaintances would do this for one another.
  1172. >You turn back to him and approach slightly.
  1173. >You still need a little distance to avoid craning your neck just to look him in the eyes.
  1174. “Okay.” You sit your plot down on the floor of the balcony. “What did you want to talk about?”
  1175. >Satisfied that he has your attention, he turns back into himself to find the best approach to whatever subject he was going to broach.
  1176. >This is the first time he looks somewhat nervous this night.
  1177. >”Well, I may have been only telling half of the truth about why we can’t be friends immediately.” He looks you in the eyes. “You see, Twilight and I had a very long talk earlier after our sparring match.”
  1178. >Of course he did.
  1179. >She talked to you too.
  1180. >You don’t think Princess Twilight would give him a reason to not be friends with you.
  1181. >So this must be a reason he’s personally found.
  1182. >Well, you can show him that you’re capable of putting your mistakes behind you.
  1183. “Sparring match?” You teasingly question. “That’s kind of downplaying it isn’t it?”
  1184. >Grinning smugly, he responds. “It was hardly a showdown.”
  1185. >Mockingly pouting at him, you cross your forelegs over your breast and exaggeratedly look away from him.
  1186. “Hmph! I’d like to think I put you closer on the backhoof than you let on.”
  1187. >”Hahaha, well – it’s a relief to see that you’re not one to let this kind of thing get you down.”
  1188. “Of course not.” Banishing the mock outrage and returning to a pleasant demeanor, you admit that what he said is only mostly true. “Okay, maybe a little bit. But I won’t let that deter me from moving past this experience.”
  1189. >”I’m glad to hear that.” Silence almost settled in again. “Since you have things to do tonight, it’s best we return to the matter at hand.”
  1195. Spoiler-Free Timeline:
  1196. >Part 1: Glimmer finds out.
  1197. >Part 2: Glimmer confronts Luster.
  1198. >Part 3: Luster rendezvous with Anon to tell him about last night. (YOU ARE HERE)
  1199. >Part 4: Luster gets back to Glimmer and they set up plans. Anon and Glimmer meet.
  1200. >Part 5: Time for the climax.
  1201. >Part 6: Falling action.
  1202. >Part 7: Conclusion.
  1203. >Part 8: Epilogue.
  1206. To Be Continued...
  1207. Author's Note: This green is currently being updated on the Luster Dawn thread on the board. Updates go up there first.

Sheltered Dawn

by CrookedIronsights

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Beware the Bat-Rape Gangs

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(You) Get Your Throat Slit [/BAR/Dark]

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Destitute Anon the Prostitute [Dark]

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