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Destitute Anon the Prostitute [Dark]

By CrookedIronsights
Created: 2022-09-18 20:58:42
Expiry: Never

  1. Inspired by the thread >>39030324
  2. "If you were a prostitute in Equestria how much would you charge customers for a good time?"
  4. I'd need to be genuinely unable to find a job, and unable to migrate to another country and unable to beg if I were to do this. Like the idea of robbing someone. It's repugnant. The robber would just as easily beg for their life if I turned the tables on them, and probably be pretty good at it. So if they're such a good beggar, why turn to crime? They don't want to scrape by. They want to commit the crime. Same for whores. They don't want to scrape by. They want to be used for money. Like, I'd need to also be unable to even fend for myself in Equestria - and that means it'd need to be hell for all of those things to be true.
  7. >Be Anon.
  8. >Unhirable without a mark.
  9. >Unwanted for being too imposing.
  10. >Unlikable for being too alien.
  11. >Unable to scrape by a living.
  12. >On the streets of Canterlot.
  13. >The ponies couldn't even be bothered to toss you leftovers when you begged, let alone a bit or two.
  14. >You had shamefully had to turn to prostitution to earn the scraps needed to avoid turning to a life of crime.
  15. >Despite not being wanted in public, apparently the story was slightly different behind closed doors.
  16. >Clients were still infrequent with how much there was for them to not like about a towering alien who's seen better days.
  17. >But at least you had a dozen clients.
  18. >Most of them were nobles looking to humiliate you.
  19. >At least they still paid you /something/.
  20. >Even if it was only enough to stay alive.
  21. >You left awash with shame for being used like an exotic pogo stick for noblemares with few new experiences left unattainable to them.
  22. >It helped that they came back after they'd enjoyed your stamina so much.
  23. >If only for the fact that it gave you some amount of consistency to your life.
  24. >Of course they wouldn't pay you enough to get on your feet.
  25. >Why do that when it risks giving your new toy enough self-dependence to not need to do your kinks in the bedroom?
  26. >They lived a life of self-indulgence.
  27. >The struggles of an otherworldly commoner were below their capacities to care.
  28. >You could swear some of them enjoyed what they did with you on a sadistic level.
  29. >Well, what other thrills are left for you when you're that wealthy?
  30. >You asked if you could stay with any of them.
  31. >As a butler, janitor, anything.
  32. >They refused to bear the reputation of the mare who housed the untouchable.
  33. >It'd be a scandal too much to bear.
  34. >They'd then adamantly insist that they're also paying you for your silence as well.
  35. >Sometimes it was just a threat.
  36. >Some of the kinder ones would allow you to bargain for necessities like clothing and basic survival tools for your compliance.
  37. >In the end, your situation didn't look like it would change anytime soon.
  38. >And winter was approaching fast.
  39. >You jealously think about your situation in comparison to even criminals.
  40. >At least prisoners have a warm bed and meal waiting for them every day...
  41. >Wait.
  42. >Maybe?
  43. >You asked the guards if they would be willing to help before.
  44. >You got nothing.
  45. >But now you've got no choice but to do the unthinkable.
  46. >You find a pair of guards passing by.
  47. >One unicorn and one pegasus.
  48. >Both mares.
  49. >While your recent encounters with the opposite sex left you with some apprehension, you decide this is the better opportunity.
  50. >If you provoke them, you've got a better chance at escaping them.
  51. >You're much too starved and weakened to handle a couple trained stallions if they were really determined to assault you.
  52. >Their patrol carried them by your rather abandoned group of alleys.
  53. >Best to be disarming, you don't want them to misinterpret your intentions.
  54. >You step out of the alley ahead of them,, immediately catching their attention.
  55. >They adopt a battle ready pose.
  56. >You raise your arms and try a smile to get them to relax.
  57. "Ahem, guards? I don't plan anything. I just have a question for you is all."
  58. >They shoot one another skeptical looks.
  59. >They loosen their stances but remain keen to engage should things go south.
  60. "Uhm, I was wondering. How long is it until winter sets in?"
  61. >Good.
  62. >Start the conversation by reminding them of your imminent crisis.
  63. >Maybe they'll sympathize just enough to help you.
  64. >"Winter is in 7 weeks. Everypony should know that."
  65. >The pegasus speaks up in a voice indicative of a frustration at having her patrol interrupted for such an obvious question.
  66. "Well, I'm not exactly from around here."
  67. >"We can see that."
  68. >The unicorn spits out.
  69. >"Yeah, it should say that on your calendar." The pegasus continues, "now tell us why you really stopped us."
  70. >This was not unexpected.
  71. >But you've got a creeping feeling things will only get worse with how quick they were to get to the catch.
  72. "Actually, I don't have much of anything."
  73. >They look at each other again.
  74. >This time their expressions unreadable.
  75. "It's actually part of the reason why I stopped you."
  76. >Their eyes return to your somewhat ragged form.
  77. "I'm struggling, and I need help."
  78. >The unicorn narrows her eyes.
  79. >"And why should we help you?"
  80. >Ah.
  81. >Apparently you're just that unwanted.
  82. >Your immunity to magic can be sensed inherently by these pastel cartoon ponies.
  83. >It was unnatural to them.
  84. >You appeared and felt like a black hole in the fabric if their world.
  85. >Not quite an eldritch abomination, but distinctly uncanny and unnatural.
  86. >Some have admitted that they find you an affront to their ways, as your lack of magic and immunity to it can only mean that you're incapable of understanding it.
  87. >Like some kind of demon masquerading as a friendly face in order to lure victims to drag to the same bottomless depths of disharmony.
  88. >They treated you like this because they didn't believe you were like them and could form attachments and promote peaceful qualities.
  89. "Aren't you guards? Didn't you sign up to help others?"
  90. >The pegasus stomps her hoof on the ground.
  91. >"We signed up to help other /ponies/, not whatever you are."
  92. >"We protect them from threats and monsters like you!" The unicorn points an accusatory hoof at you. "You're lucky we don't toss you in the dungeon as it stands!"
  93. >You cast a glance back to the alley you stepped out of to confirm your route of escape should things go sideways.
  94. >The urge to just end the encounter and part ways is present, but not overwhelming.
  95. >7 weeks isn't a lot of time in reality.
  96. >Things are already getting colder, and with what you've gathered it'll be a very inhospitable climate to you.
  97. >A winter on a mountain is still going to be harsh for you without proper shelter and coat, regardless of how well the pegasi control the weather.
  98. >You need to move fast if you want to make it through the winter without turning into a statue.
  99. >You need to press onward with these guards.
  100. >The best you could haggle from the nobles is a few heavier blankets, some thermals, and a hastily made baggy sweater.
  101. >7 weeks until winter?
  102. >Tch.
  103. >At your level of preparation, you'd be lucky to last 7 weeks into winter.
  104. >You try to talk then down from considering that action.
  105. "Throw me into the dungeon? But I haven't done anything wrong."
  106. >Their gaze hardens.
  107. >"That may or may not be true," the pegasus speaking sends a glare at you. "But there's just something not right about you."
  108. >"Yeah. In our training and experiences, we've come to learn to trust our gut."
  109. >"And my gut is telling me that you're just... wrong."
  110. >"To top it off, this nice and harmless act you're putting on is conflicting with our knowledge that there's something off about you."
  111. >"So, drop the act."
  112. >Your attempts to de-escalate haven't worked.
  113. >If anything, your intentions to be amicable have only exacerbated their unease about you.
  114. >Looks like you will have to get to the point here.
  115. >Before they show you the ones on the weapons they carry.
  116. >Your voice is only slightly more confident, but the amount of defeat and surrender that you feel stops you from addressing them with a proper commanding tone.
  117. "Okay. There is a reason I've stopped you other than that question." They remain fixed on you. "But I must insist that I'm not putting on an act."
  118. >Their skepticism only slightly shows through their attentive gaze.
  119. "I'm aware of how you ponies see me, this is the source of my misfortune."
  120. >The pegasus shuffles her wings slightly to release some of the building tension she maintains to be ready to spring into action.
  121. "If it weren't for this attitude, or even if the other ponies helped me before, I wouldn't need to ask you for help right now... Please. If you help me now I won't have to do something I'd regret."
  122. >The two slowly reach for their weapons at what they perceived to be a threat.
  123. >You make no move and sigh dejectedly.
  124. "But I'm feeling like I have less and less of a choice, because even if I'm caught then at least I'll be given a warm meal in prison."
  125. >The unicorn responds, "I don't know about warm."
  126. >"And it depends on what constitutes a 'meal' to you."
  127. >Their eyes narrow.
  128. >Your stomach sinks more and more as this conversation goes on.
  129. >The likelihood that you'll be able to find a sympathetic helping hoof among even the guards depleting.
  130. >You swallow nervously.
  131. "Well, it's something at least - and that's all I need."
  132. >You look down at the ground, your throat growing tighter as you feel your composure fray under their scrutiny and helplessness of your situation.
  133. "I understand that there's no such thing as a free lunch, at least not for me. So I beg you, allow me to earn mine. I don't want to turn to a life of crime just to scrape by. I'll help you if you help me."
  134. >The two guards halt their progress towards drawing their spears.
  135. >"And what can a freak like you do for us?"
  136. >The unicorn asked the question in a tone that indicates that what you have to offer better be worth all this trouble.
  137. >Come on Anon.
  138. >You've thought about this for a week now.
  139. >You're positive that you can appeal to then on /some/ level.
  140. >Even if their hearts are closed off to you, maybe their selfish natures would allow you an opportunity to help yourself.
  141. "I'm sure guards like you are very busy. Too busy to worry about menial tasks and chores, right?"
  142. >You look back up to them as you finish your last sentence.
  143. "And even if you're not too busy, I'm sure there are more things that you would do if you had some more free time, right?"
  144. >The pegasus' ears turn up the slightest.
  145. >She's hearing you out.
  146. >You adopt a hopeful tone one would have when trying to convince someone why something is good for them.
  147. "I can do those for you! All I need is a little food and some shelter."
  148. >Disbelief is back full force on their faces.
  149. >Quick!
  150. >Before you lose them!
  151. "I-uh, I can clean whatever you want too! Rooms, bathrooms, even the dungeon! I bet the dungeon is at least a little dirty!"
  152. >You hold your hand up too them, all fingers folded but your thumb and pointer finger.
  153. >The two positioned in a way that indicates a small amount by keeping the tips close but not touching.
  154. >Behind that the mares see your pleading smile.
  155. >"It's a dungeon. What do you think?" The Unicorn scolds you.
  156. >The pegasus jumps in, "we're not going to house you in the barracks, that's for sure."
  157. >Sell harder.
  158. >Your life may depend on it.
  159. "I don't expect you to. No one else has been willing to shelter me closely either. But if I stay out here all winter, I'll surely perish. Please, I- I'll even sleep in an open cell if you'll allow me!"
  160. >"You?" The pegasus points an accusatory hoof at you. "Want to stay in the dungeon?"
  161. >"Voluntarily?" The unicorn raises a brow high.
  162. "To say that I'm willing to do this voluntarily is a bit generous. It's more like I have no other choice, and you're looking to be my last hope."
  163. >The two shoot each other an incredulous look.
  164. >Your voice falls to a whisper.
  165. "Please. I'll do anything."
  166. >They look at you again.
  167. >Your expression of kindness had fallen away to reveal a truer countenance of desolation.
  168. >They observe you for a second.
  169. >Your posture of a salesman with gumption had slowly deteriorated and now your shoulders slump, head hanging low.
  170. >The two guards cast looks towards one another.
  171. >Then you.
  172. >They back away a comfortable distance to huddle up.
  173. >You can vaguely make out whispers.
  174. >The pegasus shielded their mouths from view with an extended wing to avoid you from reading their lips.
  175. >Their conspiratorial conversation seems to present a shocking revelation from one guard to the other.
  176. >The unicorn expresses surprise, followed by recognition when she turns her gaze to you as if to confirm what she was told was true.
  177. >They don't know, do they?
  178. >You shoot another glance back at the alley.
  179. >Now would be the best opportunity to break contact.
  180. >They're at a distance.
  181. >Focused on their conversation.
  182. >You could get enough of a lead on them to lose them in the alleys.
  183. >The question would be: Should you?
  184. >Probably not.
  185. >The action would be incriminating.
  186. >What would the ramifications of that be?
  187. >Like it or not, you're stuck riding the wind here.
  188. >You just stand there for the moment it takes for them to finish their deliberation.
  189. >Anxious feelings not worsening, but not exactly abating.
  190. >Shortly, the two guards come to a decision as they return their attention to you.
  191. >They bare unreadable expressions.
  192. >Now making their way towards you, you slightly raise up your posture and dare to hope.
  193. >Stopping just a couple yards ahead of you and looking up to meet your eyes, the pegasus speaks first.
  194. >"You're willing to do 'anything' you say?"
  195. >She emphasized 'anything' in a way that expresses doubt.
  196. >Like an officer reiterating a rather doubtful claim they were given during their investigation.
  197. >The unicorn follows again.
  198. >"Even work as an underpaid janitor in the dungeon?"
  199. >You nod your head and the unicorn continues.
  200. >"Would this willingness and desperation inspire you to do something unpalatable?"
  201. >What are these guards, cops from home in the states?
  202. >Even if you did have the right to remain silent, you're convinced that doing so would also only dig you deeper into a hole.
  203. >Pausing to word your response carefully, you put a hand on your chin.
  204. "Guardsmare, I'm in rather dire straits - but I'm doing my best to refrain from doing anything criminal. I don't want to hurt anyone, or steal anything. That's why I'd be grateful for anything you give me to do to earn even the barest necessities to survive."
  205. >The unicorns face doesn't show doubt, so much as it expresses an understanding that something she was told was true.
  206. "Even if it's the rather unglamorous task of cleaning the cells or any other chores that you'd rather shove off onto me, I'd be willing to do it in light of my current circumstances."
  207. >The pegasus stares at the unicorn for a response.
  208. >The unicorn turns her attention to the pegasus after a moment of staring at you.
  209. >The two give each other a nod before turning around, looking back over their withers at you.
  210. >Does this mean-
  211. >"Alright de-" the unicorn holds herself back from instinctively referring to you in a derogatory fashion. "Alien. Come with us."
  212. >Did she really?
  213. >It worked?
  214. >You're being helped!
  215. >You'd be hopping for joy if it weren't for her masked hostility and wariness peeking through to temper your celebration.
  216. >That and you don't really have too much energy to waste right now.
  217. >Especially if their attitudes were anything to go by.
  218. >This wouldn't be easy.
  219. >And you certainly weren't getting a free ride.
  220. >You would need to work for whatever assistance they would offer you.
  221. >Probably harder than you should for what you'd be getting.
  222. >But it was a start.
  223. >Someone finally took a chance on you.
  224. >You might just be able to have one less thing to worry about for the first time since you'd arrived.
  225. >Breaking out of your stunned silence, you move to follow the guards before they change their minds.
  226. >You follow at a reasonable pace with a respectful distance between them and yourself.
  227. >You decide not to speak further to avoid saying anything offensive, or asking intrusive questions, that would jeopardize your newfound relief just for the sake of passing the time on the walk to your destination.
  228. >It's hard to tell if they appreciate this.
  229. >The two don't talk to each other much either.
  230. >Each district has a guard division stationed in it.
  231. >Depending on the size and distance from the main segment stationed in the castle, they also had barracks and an armory for the divisions.
  232. >The division barracks wasn't too far away from where you were, and the walk wouldn't be too taxing.
  235. [To Be Continued...]
  238. An answer for those who wanted to know what the guards almost called Anon and why.
  239. Demon. Magic is integral to ponies. Active or latent, it's fundamental and self-generated. To them a being like Anon would be somewhat like a demon. Immune, devoid, desolate of that which they know is right.
  240. To us it'd be like witnessing someone fold origami, but they used a material not a pliable as paper. And rather than folding it, it's contorted unnaturally. Then the final product is composed of non-Euclidean geometry. If you saw that, you'd know that whatever the FUCK that was, that wasn't right. The thing that did it, and the thing it did. It abided by rules you can't comprehend and created something unsettling. It's somewhat the vibe the ponies get from Anon, who can't help it.

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Destitute Anon the Prostitute [Dark]

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