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(You) Get Your Throat Slit [/BAR/Dark]

By CrookedIronsights
Created: 2022-09-13 05:33:30
Updated: 2022-09-23 05:17:55
Expiry: Never

  1. Original Thread: >>38981126
  2. Bat Ponies are dark, twisted, moral-less demons! They will lie to, steal from, hurt, and gleefully rape anyone they cross paths with! Curse them! Curse the perverted devils!!!
  4. In response to the beginning of another green I started because Anons wanted bats being actual rapists, an Anon said this: "They should slit his throat."
  6. Another Anon asked: "Is that what they call forcing the stallion to eat ass in ponyland? slitting their throat?"
  8. I responded: "No, 'slitting his throat' is what a mare rapist does when she grinds her slit against his throat because she hasn't broken him in yet. She can't trust him not to bite her or not to scream for help yet, so she keeps his mouth gagged while she grinds her pussy on his throat and pulls his hair towards her to stare into his eyes. It's an act of domination to help in breaking her victim's will by imposing her own, and controlling his breathing by clamping down on his airway by squeezing her legs around his neck.
  9. I agree that these batponies should 'slit his throat'."
  11. So here's a quick one-shot. Beware. Actual Rape.
  14. >ywn be restrained and raped by a bat horse a quarter of your size.
  15. >Cries of help muffled by her lingerie stuffed into your mouth as a makeshift gag.
  16. >ywn despair knowing that even if you could cry for help that it wouldn't matter.
  17. >Being in a compound deep underground, the only ears around to hear your pleas would be deaf to them anyways.
  18. >ywn be forced to look up into your captor's manic eyes as they predatorily dilate from the thrill.
  19. >Being beaten for the slightest resistance in looking away.
  20. >ywn have your throat dangerously irritated by her pressing her weight into it for sexual gratification.
  21. >Airway closed off by her purposeful constriction and incidental convulsions.
  22. >ywn cry tears from humiliation, defeat and near asphyxiation as her humping causes painful irritation in your throat.
  23. >Adam's apple stinging from her constant focus on it as the perfect place to grind down on her winking clit.
  24. >ywn have your tears mixed and forgotten in her vaginal fluid as she orgasms on your face.
  25. >What little air you do get to breathe heady with her scent.
  26. >Following orgasms no longer focused on drenching your face, she will never pull on your hair to smother you in her teats as she cums even harder - choking you by seizing on your airway.
  27. >Fits of coughing from the rough treatment of your throat and lack of air only providing more pleasure-riddled sensations and sadistic enjoyment for your rapist.
  28. >She will never keep going for hours at a time whenever she does this to you.
  29. >Your will being whittled down and hope fading as the days pass.
  30. >Her friends will never join as you lose track of the days you've been held prisoner.
  31. >Her friends eliciting an unintended response from your member.
  32. >She will never decline to ride your cock, instead intent to always watch as she slowly rips away your composure and resistance with her efforts on your face.
  33. >ywn feel betrayed when your body when they successfully override your stamina.
  34. >Unable to hold out against the sheer number of mares.
  35. >ywn break down in surrender as the war in your mind rationalized that on some level you enjoyed this if you got off from it.
  36. >She will never remove your gag to hear your sobs clearly.
  37. >Bending over your face to coo out the question "Now, who's my slutty stud?"
  38. >ywn manage to sputter out an acceptance of your place.
  39. "I-*sob*... I am."
  40. >Beneath her.
  41. >She will never shuffle down your body so that she's face to face with you.
  42. >Turning your head away from her in fear, you present your neck to her.
  43. >She will never sink her fangs into your neck to mark you as hers.
  44. >Baring the brand of shame, no mare will ever want you now - meaning you're stuck with her forever.
  45. >She will never clamber over your erection and ride you to her first creampie.
  46. >Whispering sweet declarations of devotion and love from her twisted point of view the whole time.
  47. >ywn develop Stockholm Syndrome just to survive and maintain your sanity.
  48. >Kept as the breeding slave for the herd of batpony mares.
  52. Anon: "That really is twisted, dark and completely moral-less. Good job"
  53. Anon: "ok you really did take the shit post and make a good green that doesnt come off as a coomer dream."

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(You) Get Your Throat Slit [/BAR/Dark]

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