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Anon discovers Twilight's fetishes by accident

By Zupilmo_Pavant
Created: 2022-08-22 06:21:11
Updated: 2022-08-22 09:46:10
Expiry: Never

  1. [For thread 38972834]
  3. >Your favorite mare appears in the middle of the street in your town. Thousands of pages appear with her. You pick on up to find all of them are hardcore porn about a self-insert mare doing all kinds of horrible lewd things to you and all your friends.
  4. All of them are signed by said mare, marking them as her fanfics.
  5. >"I-I can explain!", she says.
  6. >Starts looking and reading some excerpts.
  7. >"I can explain, anon. I was just...uhh."
  8. "Go on. Tell me, Twilight. You need a good lie to make me believe you. Quick!"
  9. >"I found these weird scripts near the town square's fountain." "Yes!", the mare quietly replies quickly after her last word.
  10. >"I picked them up and immediately headed to the castle to study and analyze them."
  11. >The mare proceeds to attempt making a smile without showing any kind of embarrassment but she fails. You can clearly see her cheeks are blushing now and her forehead is a bit sweaty.
  12. "Twilight, do you seriously want me to believe that? I am not a fool and you know it." (sigh) "I told you to come up with a good lie, Twi. I don't know what to think about all this."
  13. >You gently shake the scrolls to emphasize your words.
  14. >"Anon, please! Don't tell anypony. They can't know about it. They simply must not. I beg you."
  15. >Even though you are into some, if not most of Twilight's fetish scenarios, you decide to keep teasing her.
  16. "Hey! Twi, I can't simply forget about every single one of the [situations] presented here, here and definitely those right here."
  17. >You say while pointing at a few paragraphs.
  18. >"Fine, anon. I...I... promise to help you out with any of my friends. I can give you information about what they like, so you get higher chances of making them fall in love with you", the mare says it with a great concern.
  19. "Twili...", you suddenly get interrupted by her again.
  20. >"And I swear that I will make the impossible. I will move sky and earth, anything necessary to stop Luna spying into you dreams. Please! Just say yes and forget about my stories", she declares while crying.
  21. "Twilight, there's no need for you to do that."
  22. >"Anon", the mare speaks while sobbing. "I don't understand what you mean."
  23. "Twi, I said that there is no need for you to do that. I'm not going to just tell everypony in Equestria about your kinks and fantasies. I am not the devil. You see, I w..."
  24. >"What's the devil?", the mare quickly interrupts you.
  25. "Oh, right! You ponies don't have complex religions besides your rulers. Wait...No! Stop that, Twilight. I'll explain that to you another day. Now, don't deviate our conversation,"
  26. "As I was saying, you see. I was just teasing you."
  27. >The mare's facial expression changes from sadness to confusion and anger.
  28. "I will keep your dirty secrets as that. Secrets. And you don't have to thank me for being so altruistic."
  29. >Twilight cleans her tears from her face and finally calms down.
  30. >"Anon, would you really do that for me?"
  31. "Yes, Twilight. Anything for you, you adorable mare! Even those kinks can't make you stop looking cute."
  32. >You pick up the pony and carry her in your arms, then you boop her snoot.
  33. >Twilight blushes slightly.
  34. "Twilight."
  35. >"Yes, anon?"
  36. "Your kinks are hot. I like about 90% of them. Do you wanna try some with me?"
  37. >You vocalize before wiggling your eyebrows at her.
  38. >"...", Twilight remains silent for a whole minute trying to process the bomb you dropped onto her mind. "Are you really into them?", she says softly.
  39. "Yes. Pretty much, I think."
  40. >You smile at her.
  41. >"Alright, anon", she teleports to the ground in front of you.
  42. >"Even though I have some [deviations] in sex, I still believe firmly in sex after marreage. However, the thoughts about you and me fornicating in such ways has sped up my estrus. Therefore, I need you to be my coltfriend. I can't back up more than that", she replies with an inflexing tone.
  43. [Spoiler]Note: Marreage is marriage.[/Spoiler]
  44. >You begin to ponder at her proposition.
  45. "..."
  46. >After 10 seconds, which you thought were minutes, you found out that this is probably your only chance to not only get laid but also get a marefriend. Though you don't love her passion about books, you still like her personality overall, so you finally settled for an answer.
  47. "Yes, I agree. I will be your coltfriend, Twi."
  48. >The mare leaps from happiness for a few seconds before fixing her gaze at you.
  49. >She starts oggling you.
  50. >"It is formal then, anon. You are my coltfriend", suddenly she summons a rope, ties you up and stuffs your mouth with a nearby apple to muffle you. Then, she begins pulling you with her magic towards the castle with you behind her.
  51. >You get shocked from your unexpected binding.
  52. >"What's with that reaction, nonny?", the mare says with a smug voice tone. "i thought you read about my bondage liking."
  53. >Suddenly, you begin to panic for you don't like it. In fact, you fear BDSM.
  54. >"Oh, don't worry. I'm into mild bondage. I won't spank your behind or force you to wear a latex suit."
  55. >You let a sigh of relief.
  56. >"What I will do is far worse. I will duplicate myself and will explore...every...nook...and...cranny of your body using magic."
  57. >You lose your cool again. Your eyes start looking around desperately.
  58. >"That includes playing with your anus too."
  59. >You panic even more and begin to cry.
  60. >Before you notice it, both arrive at the castle. You stopped your crying now that you have accepted your fate.
  61. >Twilight keeps pulling you, this time to her chamber.
  62. >"Ok, anon. We are here. I'll go set up the bondage table and the other necessary objects for our fun time. I can't wait."
  63. >You expel the apple from your mouth.
  64. "Twi, please stop this. I don't want you messing with my butt. Aaaah!"
  65. >You feel the cold surface of the bondage table.
  66. >"Anon, is that it?", the mare lets out a quick cute laugh. "Fine. I'll exclude that...for today."
  67. >"Now, let's put in practice my likings."
  69. >Both of you are resting on the bed while cuddling.
  70. "Twi"
  71. >You say with a tired voice.
  72. >"Yes, anon?", she replies after turning her head towards you.
  73. "Could we have normal sex next time? You know, like me putting my dick into your mare pussy and just that. Good old natural sex. Please."
  74. >"That time will come... eventually. First I need to try all the fetishes from my list", she declares while levitating her fetish list scroll.
  75. >You look at her with a worried face.
  76. >"Don't be scared. You told me you were into most of them", she says it with a smug look in her face.
  77. "You're right, Twiggles.", you smile at her after pronouncing your words.
  78. >"By the way, I was not into bondage. I only wanted to experiment, since this is our first time."
  79. >You internally scream the following: "Fucking horses, man!". You can't fathom ponies' way of thinking most of the time and you probably never will, yet you know deep down in your heart that you still loved Twilight's sadism. It was not that bad after all.
  80. "Wait! If you aren't into bondage, then whose cuffs and stuff are these?
  81. >"I got your cuffs and everything else from Starlight's room. She's really into it. She's a dominatrix with Sunburst. So far, I think both of them enjoy it."
  82. "Oh! I didn't know he was into it. He always seemed so pure with his books and desire for knowledge. Just. Like. You", you point at her repetitively.
  83. >"You know what they say, nonny. Never judge a book by its cover."
  85. >Thus, our story ends here with the couple of lovebirds sharing a bed talking about what they know of their friends' kinks, not leaving out any possibilities.

Anon discovers Twilight's fetishes by accident

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