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Sweetie Belle makes breakfast for (You)

By Zupilmo_Pavant
Created: 2022-09-09 23:59:29
Updated: 2022-09-10 03:03:48
Expiry: Never

  1. Story based on the drawing posted on a Sweetie Belle thread.
  3. "Thank you, SB!", you say before faking a smile the best you could.
  4. >The filly smiles at you, then she looks at the bowl and returns he gaze at you very quickly.
  5. >Her message is clear. She's encouraging you to eat it...or drink it maybe. You don't know for sure.
  6. "It looks delicious"
  7. >You proceed to take the spoon and slowly direct it to your mouth.
  8. >Suddenly, your stomach starts to ache but you haven't tasted it yet.
  9. >Could this be a warning signal? It must be it but you can't disappoint Sweetie Belle. After all the trouble she went to cook you this garbage. Refusing to eat it would just destroy her cute little heart. Your conscience wouldn't allow you to sleep again after hearing her crying.
  10. >It is done. You know you must endure the taste. Anything for this cute filly.
  11. >(gasp) Your thoughts are abruptly interrupted by the spoon's content.
  12. >To your surprise, SB's soup is gooey and has a strong flavor, yet it isn't disgusting nor vomit inducing.
  13. >"So, how is it?"
  14. >You are oblivious to her words. Your mind is deeply focused on the substance you just began consuming.
  15. >THAT'S IT! How could you have been so blind?! Sweetie Belle didn't give you a bowl full of burnt black ooze.
  16. >It is a bitter black chocolate pudding.
  17. >How did she know that's your favorite dessert? You don't know and you don't care for the time being, as your mind is concentrated in its flavor.
  18. >"Anon, why aren't you talking? A...are you ignoring me?, she begins weeping.
  19. >"You hate it don't you? Please, forgive me. I didn't mean to upset you."
  20. >You broke free from your trance and heard her words.
  21. "Sweetie Belle, calm down. I'm not angry with you."
  22. >"You aren't? Really?", she asks you while wiping her tears with her little hooves.
  23. >"So cute!", you say to yourself while looking at her.
  24. "Of course! It's just got me by surprise. I really like bitter chocolate and pudding made out of it is just the best dessert ever created."
  25. >The filly's smile grows from cheek to cheek. You swear you haven't seen her this happy since the day she helped Rarity choose some accessories for a few of Canterlot clients' dresses.
  26. "Hey, Sweetie. How did you know I like bitter chocolate?", you ask her calmly.
  27. >"Well. AppleBloom, Scootaloo and I were playing near your house last week and I accidentally knocked your trash can over."
  28. >"I quickly put away all the trash the best I could before you stepped out your house."
  29. "Oh! So that's why I heard a loud noise that thursday. I thought somepony was playing a prank on me."
  30. >The filly releases a short laugh, "sorry about that. As I was saying, while I was putting the stuff back into the bin, I saw a box of bitter chocolate from Sugarcube Corner. So, that gave me an idea to make up for the mess I made."
  31. "That's very considerate of you. Thank you!"
  32. >"You're welcome!", the filly replies. Shortly after it, she speaks up again.
  33. >"What does ""considerate"" mean, anon?"
  34. >Oh right! You forgot that she's still a filly. You shouldn't say complex words while taking with her. Although, you're sure she should've known its meaning due to her being Rarity's sister.
  35. "Considerate means that you're mindful to others. Thoughtful is another synonymous."
  36. >"Oh! Well. In that case, I am a really considerate filly", she declares with a proud look on her face.
  37. "Yes, you are!", you move your hand to her jaw's bottom and beging scratching.
  38. >She lets out a giggle and leans over her head to you.
  39. >"Thanks, anon. I love scritches."
  40. "Don't worry. It's the least I could do for such a well behaved filly."
  41. >You reach out your arm to grab your briefcase and open it.
  42. >You take out a jute bag with hay gummies inside and hand it to Sweetie Belle.
  43. "Here. It's for you."
  44. >You caught the filly by surprise.
  45. >"No way! Are those hay gummies?!"
  46. "Yeeeees! Straight from Donut Joe's bakery. Don't tell Pinkie Pie or she will be mad at me. You know she gets jealous when others buy sweets not from Sugarcube Corner. Do you promise?"
  47. >"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"
  48. "Good filly!", you vocalize while rubbing her two-colored mane.
  49. >Both of you are sitting at the table, enjoying your sweet delights on a peaceful saturday morning at Rarity's boutique while talking about funny anecdotes.

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