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HOTline MAREiami (Chapter 1)

By Zupilmo_Pavant
Created: 2022-09-23 04:29:16
Updated: 2022-09-23 05:36:59
Expiry: Never

  1. Inspiration from this thread:
  2. I thought these 2 topics, a sex hotline and Hotline Miami would be a great idea not to waste. So, here it is.
  3. This is a WIP but I'll update ir regularly. This is just chapter 1 of many. I hope I can provide a long and engaging story in each chapter for all of (You)
  4. without further ado, enjoy. ;)
  6. >Bruuuuuuu...Bruuuuuu.
  7. >Pick up sound.
  8. >"Good evening! You're talking to Hotline Mareiami, the hotline where we make sure mares' wildest dreams come true. We are proud to announce that our satisfaction rates are the highest among all the "talking tension relief" hotlines in the entire Equestrian continent."
  9. >"In a few moments, you'll recieve a mail with some sexy gentlecolts for you to pick. Don't worry, take your time. All our calls are free of charge, the bits will be deducted from your bank account after we have provided your service."
  10. >"Tck, tck, tck!", you heard somepony knocking on your door.
  11. >That's strange. You didn't invite someone to come today nor it could be the hotline's mail, or could it really be?
  12. >You approach to your door and open it. Below your hooves, you find a middle sized envelope.
  13. >You opened it and look inside. It's a...poster?
  14. "Oh my!", you exclaim to yourself in your mind.
  15. "It's a porno magazine!"
  16. >There's stallions everywhere with their penises out, all posing provocatively in solo photoshoots.
  17. >You can't believe what you're seeing. The gossips about this hotline were true. It's no phone sex call hotline, it's a phone brothel.
  18. >After regaining your composure, you skim through the pages.
  19. "Oh! This one looks exotic. He also seems shy. Maybe he'd be gentle with me.", you say with a squee face.
  20. "Ok. I think I'll pick this one."
  21. >You spin the phone's ring.
  22. >5
  23. >0
  24. >"Have you chosen your partner for tonight, miss C.?
  25. "Yes! I pick option A in page N, row 0, section N."
  26. >"Good choice, miss! Your partner will be glad to "assist you" in your night's activities."
  27. >"Thank you for trusting us!"
  28. >The call ends.
  30. _
  31. "Man! I can't belive how freezing is tonight! Brrrrr!", you shout at the top of your lungs.
  32. "Next time I won't help Minuette at her dentist's office. There's more hustle and bustle than I expected and I didn't get paid for it."
  33. >You are close to your house.
  34. "Phew! Almost there. Home sweet home!", you sing to yourself.
  35. >Suddenly, you hear a loud breaking noise.
  36. "What the hay! Whoever is there, I'm coming for you!", you shout during your sprint towards the hooligan.
  37. >You hear someone sliding over the left corner.
  38. >You run as fast as your legs allow you. Sadly, the vandal's gone.
  39. >You scan the area and find some dark fur. It's ought to be a diamond dog.
  40. "I'll be prepared next time he comes back."
  41. >Walking tired, you return to your house. Little did you know there was an envelope at the porch.
  42. >Slowly and carefully, you rip the envelope and take out its contents.
  43. >There was a letter inside.
  44. >The note reads as follows:
  46. >"Mr. Anon, if you're reading this, that means you probably remember us."
  47. >Your mind clouds itself with doubts of who could they be. You continue reading it.
  48. >"Not long ago, we agreed to give you 10 000 bits for some dirty photos of yourself."
  49. >"We took you out of poverty. You might have thought the deal ended there but you're very wrong, mister."
  50. "Those bastards lied to me!"
  51. >"You are in debt to us. You owe us a BIG ONE."
  52. >"So, if you don't want your pretty and cozy house to be torn into ashes with you inside in your sleep, you'd better listen to us and do the jobs we command you to do."
  53. >"We might even reward you for your troubles."
  55. >"Here's your first mission. Go the the Diamond Dogs' hideout and retrieve the matchless pink sapphire. There will probably be dozens in there but this one is unique. Its shine will flicker when exposed to light for 3 seconds."
  56. >"Good luck and don't get caught!"
  58. "Those outlaws will pay for this.", you yell at the sky with the paper still in your hands.
  59. "I'd better go prepare my things for this.", you enunciate with an exhausted tone.
  60. >You let out a long sigh.
  61. "Out of all nights, it had to be this one. The one where I'm almost about to pass out from exhaustion!", you shout at the air.
  62. >You enter your house, close the door and proceed taping the broken glass.
  63. "Huh? He also left a lockpick. This must be what broke my window."
  64. "Well. This may come in handy, so I'll bring it with me."
  65. >You go to your room and look for weapons.
  66. "Hhm. Killing them would be too extreme. That'd break Fluttershy's heart and Twilight would nag at me for starting a war against them. I should do this discreetly an without casualties."
  67. >Your eyes spot a wooden luxury, a relic from your previous world.
  68. "My wooden bat! Perfect!"
  69. "Now, I need something to cover my face."
  70. >You rummage through your belongings inside your drawer.
  71. >Inside, you find an old and dusty rooster mask.
  72. "Hhhm. This will do. Maybe they'll think I'm a big cockatrice and surrender."
  73. "Ok. Everything's ready. Time to go to the pound and teach them a lesson. NOBODY messes with me!"

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HOTline MAREiami (Chapter 1)

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