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Dazzle Drapery Dilemma

By TiredAsShit
Created: 2022-09-02 05:14:40
Expiry: Never

  1. >Out shopping with the dazzles at the mall.
  2. >What started out as a fun little outing has turned into a boring slog littered with the occasional bicker from the girls.
  3. >You had fallen out of the conversations about an hour ago, unwilling to put forth the effort to diffuse another fight about what article of clothing made who look slutty.
  4. >Instead, you had been given the honorary title of "bag bitch", holding the sirens' many purchases as they went through the shops looking for more.
  5. >The bags weighed heavy in your hands as you followed the three, hoping that this next store would be the last.
  6. >Passing by another group, it mirrored yours in that it was comprised of a man and three women.
  7. >You think you recognize two of the younger girls from another school, chatting away with who you assume was their mother.
  8. >Taking up the rear then must have been the dad, looking like your typical middle aged man who appeared to hold the same position as you, laden with even more weight than yourself.
  9. >As the two of you passed, you shared a look of camaraderie, pity held behind the older man's eyes.
  10. >The exchange was brief, but told you all you needed to know.
  11. >You come to a stop and look back at the man, hoping he'd turn and... give you what? Reassurance? You don't know.
  12. >He didn't turn, only following his family around a corner and out of sight.
  13. >Staring at the corner for a moment, a feminine voice cuts through your introspection.
  14. >"C'mon Nonny! Stop being such a slowpoke!"
  15. >Stepping forward, you continue to follow the three girls on their way to the next store, trailing behind them.
  16. >Glancing at the backs of the girls, you feel a little better.
  17. >At least the view was nice.
  19. >Coming to the next place that would eat up at least another hour of your life, you realize it was a high end lingerie store.
  20. >Perking up and straightening your back, you try your best not to look too excited. Maybe today would have a good ending after all.
  21. >Walking in after the girls, you were even more delighted by the little "husband area" complete with chairs and a holding rack for customer's items.
  22. >Nearly skipping over to it, someone calls out behind you.
  23. >"Anon, I need-"
  24. >Not paying attention to whichever dazzle tried to stop you, you dump the bags you were carrying and roll your shoulders with relief, sitting down with a loud sigh, enjoying the oasis and it's many pleasures.
  25. >The girls share a look between each other before Adagio speaks up.
  26. >"Come find us when you're done being overdramatic Anon."
  27. >As the three disappear into the aisles, you resist the urge to call her some colorful names and instead relax into your chair.
  28. >But after a few minutes, you decide it was best not to ignore the mighty poof's orders.
  29. >Rising from your seat with a grumble, you meander off in the direction the girls went.
  30. >Shades of pink and red flank your sides as you search the store for your fishes, eventually stumbling upon the blue one.
  31. >She was bending over a section of frilly panties and humming a tune to herself, off in her own little world.
  32. >Dancing happily to her own song, you watch her huge butt wobble back and forth under her skirt.
  33. >Feeling a little cheeky, you silently creep up behind her and deliver her a firm spank on the ass.
  34. >Rocketing straight up with a yelp, Sonata whirls around to see your grinning face.
  35. >"Anooooon!"
  36. >Pouting, Sonata gives you a bop on the chest then rubs where you smacked her on the cheek.
  37. "Sorry, but you know I can't resist that big booty."
  38. >Hip checking you and making you stumble, Sonata gives you a grin of her own.
  39. >"Hmm, you're lucky I liked it."
  40. >Going back over the panties, Sonata picks up the pair she was holding when you spanked her.
  41. >"Whaddya think of these Nonny?" She asks, holding them up to you.
  42. >They're a dark burgundy with a sleek black waistband barely holding the thin article of clothing together.
  43. "Not much to go on, I like the color I guess."
  44. >Huffing at your less than helpful answer, sonata shakes them in your face.
  45. >"That's it? Not how well they go with my skin or match my jacket, or anything?!"
  46. >Pulling your face back from the aggressively shaking panties, you give Sonata a shrug.
  47. "If you want a better answer I'll have to see you in them first."
  48. >Pursing her lips at your sly smile, the blue girl stops shaking the underwear in your face.
  49. >"Naughty Nonny, but I guess you're sorta right. Fiiiine."
  50. >Bending over and reaching under her skirt, Sonata wiggles her hips as she pulls her panties off, the plain white underwear shimmying down her legs.
  51. "I-I didn't mean right here in the middle of the store!"
  52. >Stepping out of them, she grabs her panties and looks around.
  53. >"Oh. Well who cares, no one's watching anyway." Sonata shrugs.
  54. >The white clothing is pushed into your hands and you can feel how toasty warm they are.
  55. >Taking the new pair and reversing the process, Sonata pulls on the much skimpier panties.
  56. >Pulling up the front of her skirt, Sonata looks at you expectantly.
  57. >"Well? Whatcha think?"
  58. >You're treated to a view of Sonata's cushy powder blue thighs, the thin black line of her waistband framing her hips and diving into her maroon crotch.
  59. >They looked good, damn good.
  60. >You would tell her that if you could do anything else besides drool.
  61. >By the way she's smiling though, you think Sonata got the message.
  62. >"And the back?"
  63. >Turning around, Sonata bends over and lifts the rear of her skirt this time, showing off her perfectly round bottom.
  64. >It's similar to the front except that the black band disappears into her crack before any of the red can be seen.
  65. >Which is fine with you because it gives you plenty else to ogle, her soft blue skin only blemished by a light red mark on one of her cheeks.
  66. >Shaking her ass, Sonata's butt jiggles side to side, clapping a few times with the movement.
  67. >That's all it takes to shatter your willpower and you grab a double handful of siren ass right there in the store, your pants feeling two sizes too small.
  68. >"Ooh~ You like 'em that much huh Anon?~"
  69. >Pressing her huge ass into your crotch, Sonata slowly rubs it up and down.
  70. >Dumbly nodding, you keep your eyes fixed on her butt, squishing the soft flesh with your fingers.
  71. "Buh-huh."
  72. >Giggling snaps you out from your stupor and you see the siren covering a smile with her hand.
  73. >"Guess that's a yes."
  74. >To your disappointment, Sonata straightens, pulling her ass out of your hands and lets her skirt fall back down to cover herself.
  75. >Wiggling out of the black panties, she smacks your face with them playfully before walking down the aisle.
  76. >"I'm gonna go get a matching bra, go find Dagi after you take care of that thing in your pants, I think she wanted to talk with you."
  77. >Watching the bottom-heavy girl strut away and out of sight, you realize too late that you were still holding her original white panties.
  78. >Looking to see if anyone else was around who might've seen you two, you find yourself alone in this particular part of the store.
  79. >Taking the opportunity, you bring the soft clothing to your face and give it a quick sniff, Sonata's scent and blueberry soap flooding your nose.
  80. >Balling up the panties in your hand, you go to move and realize you are pitching a tent in your pants.
  81. >After a bit of adjustment, you set out in search of the other dazzlings.
  82. >Coming upon the stockings and pantyhose section, you see a bush of orange poking over a row of mascara.
  83. >Walking around to the other side, you come face to hedge with the lead dazzle.
  84. >She doesn't see you yet, but you decide against introducing yourself like you did to Sonata, instead opting to bury your face in the inviting curly locks.
  85. >"Hello Anonymous."
  86. "How'd you know it was me?" You ask, only slightly muffled by the sweet tangerine smelling perm.
  87. >"Because anyone else would be smart enough not to mess up my hair."
  88. >Nuzzling further in, you wrap your hands around Adagio's waist, ignoring the irritated noise she makes.
  89. "But it's so fluffy..."
  90. >Sighing to herself, Adagio continues picking though the selection of pantyhose in front of her.
  91. >"If it was anyone but you Anon..."
  92. "A privilege of the highest honor your majesty."
  93. >Tittering, Adagio pushes her head back into yours, submerging it into her citrus forest.
  94. >"Mmm that has a nice ring to it, 'your majesty' hah."
  95. "I libve too serbe mah quee."
  96. >"Ugh, you had better not be getting spit in my hair."
  97. >Removing your face hastily, you look at the wet spot where your mouth was and pray she doesn't feel it.
  98. "What? 'course not."
  99. >Combing out the dent where your face was with your fingers, you quickly fix her hair before she notices.
  100. >"How are you?"
  101. "Huh? What do you mean?"
  102. >Turning to you, Adagio looks up into your eyes in an unwavering stare.
  103. >"I mean I don't need my gem to tell you're not as positive as you started this morning."
  104. "Just tired I guess."
  105. >And bored to tears.
  106. >"Aww is my big strong man ready to go home?" Adagio asks, closing the distance between you two and rubbing your chest with her hand.
  107. >You nod.
  108. >"Hmm, well we have been walking around all day. I suppose we could head home after grabbing something to eat."
  109. "Yes please."
  110. >Pressing her body into yours, Adagio cranes her head up and pulls yours down into a kiss.
  111. >Locking lips, the siren hums approvingly, enjoying the sensation of your mouths.
  112. >The kiss starts relatively chaste, but as you get a handful of pert siren booty it becomes more carnal.
  113. >Adagio forces her way into your mouth, taking over it and beating down your tongue with hers, exploring you hungrily.
  114. >Giving her butt another squeeze, Adagio copies you and gets a handful of her own, laughing huskily.
  115. >Trailing your hands up her body, you trace her hips and up her chest to her breasts, the small mosquito bites hiding under her top.
  116. >Adagio's womanly coos soon turn to girlish squeals of delight in your mouth as you rub her titties lovingly.
  117. >Then, all of a sudden, Adagio pushes off of you, a strand of spit still connecting your mouths as she pants heavily.
  118. >Blushing, Adagio bites her lip as she traces your jaw with a finger, clearly wanting more.
  119. >But she restrains herself, her hot and bothered face changing to a kind smile.
  120. >Taking your hands in hers, she squeezes them lightly before pulling something out of your hand.
  121. >"What the- What are you doing with these?" Adagio asks accusingly.
  122. >Showing you Sonata's panties, you're caught off guard until you remember you were in a lingerie store.
  123. "Uh, I thought they were cute and got them from a pile over there?" You say, pointing in the general direction of where you found Sonata.
  124. >"Then why do they look exactly like Sonata's panties?"
  125. >Uh oh, busted.
  126. >Seeing that she had caught you, Adagio crosses her arms disapprovingly.
  127. >"No wonder you're tired, did you two FUCK in the store?!" She whisper yells, jabbing you with a sharp fingernail.
  128. "What- no! She wanted to try on another pair and forgot them I swear!"
  129. >Bringing the hand with the panties to her forehead with exasperation, Adagio shakes her head.
  130. >"Ugh, I can't take you two sluts anywhere, you're worse than dolphins."
  131. >Surprising you with another kiss on your cheek, Adagio whips around and smacks you with her hair.
  132. >"Come on."
  133. >Following obediently, the poof marches directly to the bra section where the other girls are.
  134. >The sirens look your way, one happy and one grumpy.
  135. >"Sonata, you forget these?" Adagio snaps, tossing the girl her panties.
  136. >"Oh thanks Dagi! I wondered why it was feeling so drafty in here."
  137. >Not skipping a beat, the blue siren catches and yanks on her panties, completely unfazed after finding out she'd been going commando for the last few minutes.
  138. >"Are you two done yet?" The poof inquires. "We're going to get food after this."
  139. >"No-"
  140. >"Almost! Hey Nonny, do you think these go with the panties? Or do you need to see me in them first?~"
  141. >A dark bra is thrust into your vision, closely resembling the colors of the previous garment in her other hand.
  142. >You can feel Adagio's eyes on you as you respond.
  143. "As much as you know I'd love to see that, even I can tell you picked a good match Nata."
  144. >Looking confused, Sonata cocks her head, not used to you passing on some lewdity.
  145. >"Huh?"
  146. >Trying to point discreetly at the annoyed poof, the blue dummy stares at your hand for a little too long, not quite understanding.
  147. >Making it a little more obvious doesn't seem to help, you could practically hear the cogs grinding in her head.
  148. >Picking up on what you were doing immediately, Adagio reaches up and smacks the back of your head.
  149. >"You two desperately need a sense of decency. Stop mindlessly fucking whenever you two are alone in public, you're embarrassing me."
  150. >Like removing a stick from a series of gears, it finally clicks in Sonata's mind now that it had been spelled out for her.
  151. >"Oooooh."
  152. >Smiling, Sonata, cups a hand around her mouth and whispers, but plenty loud enough for you all to hear.
  153. >"I think she's jealous Nonny~"
  154. >A small orange hand comes down and bonks the top of Sonata's head, making the girl squeal in pain.
  155. >"Keep running your mouth like that and I'll kick you out of the pod tonight, you can sleep on the couch."
  156. >At the mention of being exiled from the cuddle pile that was your bed at night, Sonata looks to be on the verge of tears.
  157. >"Nooo! I'll be good, please!"
  158. >"You're too needy Sonata." Comes the voice of the mostly silent Aria, earner of many a couch banishment.
  159. >She was sifting through the rack of bras, barely paying attention to the rest of you.
  160. >Sonata looked like she was about to say something when she's cut off by Adagio.
  161. >"Aria you've been in this same spot since we got here, pick something already."
  162. >Immediately souring at Adagio's words, the grump faces the smaller siren and looks down at her from her more than ample chest.
  163. >"Gee I'd love to, only thing is, unlike dum-dum over there, I can't fit into almost anything I like, but I wouldn't expect YOU to understand."
  164. >Looking pointedly at the poof's less than poofy chest, Adagio to her credit only blushes a little bit.
  165. >"I-I'll have you know I don't fit into everything either."
  166. >"Yeah 'cause it falls off, but you don't even need a bra anyway, so I don't know what you're complaining about."
  167. >Sensing a fight incoming, you try a little humor to cool the two off before clothing started to be used as missiles and whips again.
  168. "Frankly I don't know why you would need a bra either Aria."
  169. >Purple's eyes change targets and lock onto you dangerously.
  170. >"What."
  171. >It wasn't spoken as a question, the single word having an edge on it like a knife.
  172. >Despite the very clear warning against saying something stupid, you carry on with your "joke".
  173. "I've got two perfectly good hands right here!" You say, holding out your arms, your fingers doing a immature squeezing motion. "Honk honk!"
  174. >The reactions were mixed, Sonata gave you a giggle and Adagio rolled her eyes, while Aria looked like she was about to punch a hole though your head.
  175. >Taking an aggressive step forward, you think she aims to do just that before Adagio steps between you two.
  176. >"Stop. I am not paying for yet another wall you throw Anon though."
  177. >Begrudgingly following her alpha's orders, Aria comes to a stop well within arms reach.
  178. >You think you can see steam pouring out of her ears as she tries to glare you to death instead.
  179. >Then something terrible happens.
  180. >"Okay Anon."
  181. >You think you can hear rusty metal groan and break as Aria's usual annoyed grimace turns upside down into a sinister smile.
  182. >How can anything that pretty promise such horrors.
  183. "O-Okay?" You ask, fearful for your life.
  184. >"You wanna be my bra? Sure, lets see how long you last."
  185. >Taking off her green vest and letting it fall, Aria spins around and slams her back into your chest.
  186. >Seizing your wrists, she shoves your hands under her heavy breasts in a single motion.
  187. >"Oh my tempest sea, all three of you are perverts." Adagio says exasperatedly, trying to rub out the incoming migraine from her temples.
  188. >"No, it's still only these two. I'm simply seeing if Anon can back up his dumbass comment."
  189. >"By groping you."
  190. >"By waiting until his arms give out and pummeling him for annoying me and then making him buy what we like."
  191. >Oh good, not just an ass beating, but now your wallet was on the line too.
  192. >With the stakes raised for the whole group, the other two sirens seem to be coming around on Aria's plan.
  193. "Uh, how long do I have to do this?"
  194. >"I would rather he not spend the rest of the day holding your tits please."
  195. >"Heh, he won't last that long. Lets say until I finish looking though this garbage and you two are ready to buy your stuff."
  196. >Thinking to herself for a moment, Adagio grows a baleful smile of her own.
  197. >"Well I did see some items I thought might look good, I suppose I could try a few of them on in the dressing room..."
  198. >Brushing by you two, Adagio places a finger on one of Aria's huge breasts, pushing down slightly.
  199. >"I may be gone for awhile, I do hope that won't be a problem Anonymous."
  200. >Not waiting for your answer, Adagio leaves the group back the way she came.
  201. >"Oh that's mean Ari! Don't worry Nonny, I was just getting these two things, I'll be back soon!"
  202. >"Get out of here twerp, I didn't need your help anyway."
  203. >Sticking her tongue out at Aria, Sonata waves goodbye to you before disappearing as well.
  204. >Shamelessly watching her butt jiggle as she left, you were always sad to see her go, but definitely love to watch her walk away.
  205. >That just leaves you and Aria standing awkwardly in the aisle, your hands supporting her chest.
  206. "So what happens if I win?"
  207. >"You won't."
  208. >Adjusting your grip on her fleshy baps, you try to get a feel for their true weight.
  209. >Bouncing them a little, they were heavy for sure, but you feel pretty confidant that you could last at least until the girls got back.
  210. >Must be all the curls in the squat rack you'd been doing at the gym lately.
  211. "Well I'd hate to disappoint you Aria, but by the way things are going now I'd say you might not get the chance to destroy me or my wallet."
  212. >This makes her laugh, a rare occasion, usually at someone else's expense.
  213. >"Oh, we haven't started yet."
  214. >Reaching between the two of you behind her back, Aria starts fiddling with something under her shirt.
  215. >A little *click* sounds and the weight in your hands gets noticeably heavier.
  216. >Shit
  217. >Soon another click follows, your load again becoming heavier.
  218. >The next seems a little harder for her to get, you hear her curse under her breath a few times before a louder *pop* finally comes.
  219. >Aria's boobs bulge explosively in your arms, freed from their supportive prison and laying their full weight on you.
  220. "Geez! What in the-"
  221. >The true heft of Aria's tits make your arms shake, your first mistaken assumption completely destroyed by this new development.
  222. >Sighing with a little chuckle, Aria relaxes into you, her strong back muscles untightening as you took over their load.
  223. >"Mmm, I feel light as a feather, maybe you do make for a good bra after all, hope you don't break too soon, I have a bad habit of doing that."
  224. >You really hope the other girls get back here quick.
  225. >Fishing around in her cleavage, Aria yanks on something and you feel it shift underneath her shirt.
  226. >Pulling out her immense bra from her cleavage, you marvel at the twin cups you could probably use as a parachute.
  227. >This leaves Aria in only her flimsy strapless shirt to help you carry her burden.
  228. >"There, I can find a size with this better, let's go."
  229. >Awkwardly trying to match her gait, you keep as close as you can to the busty siren, doing your best to keep her freed breasts from wobbling too much.
  230. >As she stops at another section of bras, you feel your arms already starting to burn with effort.
  231. >You really had no chance like this, not only was her chest incredibly heavy, but she was almost as tall as you were, meaning that in order to support her correctly, you had to keep your arms almost parallel.
  232. >Seeing if you could better your odds, you try lowering your arms little by little to get a more favorable angle.
  233. >This is nipped in the bud quickly however, Aria slapping the back of your hands roughly.
  234. >"Good bras don't sag."
  235. >Forced back to square one, you come to terms with your future inevitable punishments.
  236. >The burn was in your forearms and shoulders now, the two huge warm bags of milk starting to engage your back.
  237. >Aria ignored your obvious strain, comparing various bras to her own, each one displeasing her in some way, almost always because they were dwarfed by hers.
  238. >Moving again, Aria takes you to the end of the aisle, her boobs jiggling like jello as you were doing all you could just to hold them up.
  239. >"Figures I'd have to settle for the boring fatty mommy bras... if none of these fit I'll just custom order again, I'm so sick of beige."
  240. >You feel kind of bad for ribbing her earlier, especially now that you have an appreciation for her burden and industrial size needs.
  241. "S-Sorry about joking earlier, *huff* I didn't know it was this annoying *wheeze* t-to find something that fits you."
  242. >"Bras don't talk. But... thanks, or whatever."
  243. >Aria's flippant response is accompanied by her leaning into you again, a subtle show of affection she could easily deny.
  244. >It doesn't last long, the girl sorting though the last few pieces of clothing that might possibly fit her.
  245. >Your arms had little life left in them, threatening to fail at any moment by the way they were shaking.
  246. >They were saved by Aria unexpectedly bending forward, pulling you over with her, her boobs not needing as much help from your tired biceps.
  247. >Your brief break doesn't last long as Aria's annoyed voice fills your ears again.
  248. >"Bras don't stop working when I bend over, moron."
  249. >Your wrists are grabbed again and placed at the front of her chest instead of underneath, needing so much arm length you were forced to lay across Aria's back and spoon her.
  250. >"Mmm that's better."
  251. >You felt like you were doing a bent-over row, except the weights were massive pair siren mammaries accompanied by a siren butt nestled firmly against your crotch.
  252. >It would be a difficult position to explain to Adagio if she found you two, but she'd at least keep you from being hurt too bad when you eventually failed.
  253. >Picking through a few more bras, Aria seems interested in something, but you were too preoccupied to see what it was.
  254. >Your arms began to feel like jelly, barely able to hold on any longer.
  255. >Well if you were going to get a beating anyway, you might as well do something that warranted it.
  256. >Feeling around with your fingers, you search for two nubs along the front of Aria's breasts.
  257. >"Mmf"
  258. >Even with how large her tatas were, her nipples were just as big, able to be found easily.
  259. >Taking the thick nubs between your fingers, you give them a squeeze.
  260. >"AH! W-What are you d-doing idiot?!"
  261. >The effect was immediate, stimulated by your fingers, Aria's nipples poked out into her thin shirt, eager to give you more to play with.
  262. >Giving them another squeeze, you feel the grump tremble under you.
  263. >"Those are s-sensitive asshole!"
  264. >She doesn't stop you though, letting you play with her swelling nips as she braces herself against a rack.
  265. >Pinching around her puffy areola, the siren moans, grinding her ass against your crotch.
  266. >She catches herself as she does it, abruptly standing up, her face hot and embarrassed by her own actions.
  267. >Trying to ignore your teasing fingers, Aria tries walking out of the aisle on shaky legs, only able to make it a step or two before needing to brace herself again.
  268. >"F-Fuck... bras d-don't do that."
  269. "This one does."
  270. >Getting a second wind, you double your efforts on Aria's tits, the soft pliable flesh readily accepting your ministrations.
  271. >Aria tries her best not to cry out again, biting her lip as her sensitive buds are played with.
  272. >Your fingers start to dampen with each tug, her shirt turning darker at her peaks.
  273. >"Bah-stard! I'm not some e-easy slut l-like Sonata, you can't just- j-just-"
  274. >Pulling on her nipples, Aria covers her mouth to barely suppress a shriek.
  275. "You're right, you're easier."
  276. >"Nnnggh! F-Fuck you!~"
  277. >Pressing her tight ass against you, Aria gyrates into your crotch aggressively.
  278. >"I'm t-totally kickiIIinng your ass tw-twice as haaAARD!~"
  279. >Aria arches her back as you give her tender nipples a twist, pain and pleasure dancing across her face.
  280. >Your hands were getting soggy now, with what could only be Aria's milk staining the siren's thin top.
  281. >Aria reaches up to your hands with hers and instead of stopping you, she joins in with your massage, tweaking her own nipples roughly.
  282. >"Ass-Asshole! T-Taking ad-advantage of m-m-me like this-!"
  283. >The grump was pushing all she could into you, her butt practically twerking as her breathing became more unsteady and haggard.
  284. >Caressing the sides of her own breasts, Aria started to squeak and shudder as came to the edge.
  285. >Giving her oversized and swollen nipples one last squeeze, Aria's knees knock together.
  286. >Biting her lip fiercely, she tries her best to stifle the scream forced out of her, her whole body rocking and trembling with pleasure.
  287. >The girl leans on you heavily, if you hadn't already been supporting half her weight with your hands you think she'd have fallen to the ground.
  288. >Idly flicking her nips as she comes back from her bliss, Aria looks back at you without a hint of anger.
  289. >"W-Worst bra ever."
  290. >As if reminded of their taxing duty, your arms almost drop the siren as they give out.
  291. >Catching herself on unstable knees, Aria pulls away from you as your arms fall dead to your sides.
  292. >Hefting her own breasts so that they didn't tug on her skin, Aria faces you.
  293. >Triumphant and proud, if a little sweaty, the siren smirks at you.
  294. >"You lost."
  295. >You just shrug.
  296. "Do what you gotta do."
  297. >Unable to cause you bodily harm with her hands full, Aria instead shoves you with her chest, making you stumble back.
  298. >"Hmf, I guess you can get off easy this time." Aria concedes.
  299. "Like you did?" You say, unable to stop the cheeky words.
  300. >Cocking her head at you dangerously, Aria narrows her eyes at you.
  301. >"Watch it. I have no problem waiting until I get my bra back on."
  302. >Painfully lifting your hands in a placating gesture, Aria makes a face.
  303. >Placing her tits on a shelf nearby, the wood creaks as she snakes a hand into her pants.
  304. >Taking it out, two of her fingers glisten in the light.
  305. >"Great."
  306. "Guess you can-"
  307. >Before you can make another smartass comment, you see a curly mess of cheesy poof hair with a girl attached enter the aisle.
  308. >"Well well, looks as if someone is paying for-"
  309. >Stopping in her tracks, Adagio looks at the two of you and puts her hands on her hips.
  310. >"Unbelievable."
  311. >"What?!" Snaps Aria.
  312. >"You know what." Adagio points to the two large dark splotches on Aria's shirt.
  313. >Looking down, Aria tries her best not to go beet red.
  314. >"A-And?"
  315. >Skipping in to joining the three of you in the aisle Sonata gasps comically loud and points at aria's breasts.
  316. >"Whoa look at Ari's nippies!"
  317. >"S-Shut UP Sonata!" Aria yells, picking her boobs up off the shelf and trying to hide her front.
  318. >"You want to explain why you're about to poke my eyes out with those Aria?" Adagio asks, heeled boot tapping on the floor impatiently.
  319. >"Nothing happened!" Seeing as that didn't even convince Sonata, Aria immediately throws you under the bus instead. "It's all Anon's fault alright?!"
  320. >Looking at you unimpressed, the lead dazzle doesn't seem surprised by this at all.
  321. >Try to rightly pin this on me will you Aria? Fine.
  322. "I donno what she's talking about, she just came in her pants out of nowhere and is trying to blame me for it." You say, pointing accusatorily at the shocked purple girl.
  323. >"I DID NOT!" Aria practically screams, stomping her boot on the floor and making her tits jiggle.
  324. >You think your lie was even worse than Aria's. Though the look on her face was priceless.
  325. "Okay okay, I might've taken the opportunity to get a little frisky with our favorite grump's nipples, it's all my fault, I'm sorry."
  326. >"S-See? He admits it." Aria says, looking relieved.
  327. "She did cum in her pants just from that though."
  328. >"Graaah!"
  329. >Vocalizing her frustration, Aria glares at you with embarrassment.
  330. >"Did you really?"
  331. >Adagio seems genuinely curious, looking up at the taller beet red siren.
  332. >Looking off to the side, Aria doesn't match the shorter girls gaze.
  333. >"...Maybe just a little."
  334. >"Okay, next time it's my turn to be alone with Anon." Adagio states matter-of-factly.
  335. >"Ooh I wanna try that too!" Sonata adds, clapping her hands excitedly.
  336. >Looking unsure for a moment, Aria defaults back to her normal bratty attitude.
  337. >"Hmf, I d-doubt you two could do it, but whatever."
  338. >Picking up something off the floor, Aria tosses a huge bra at your face.
  339. >Catching it with your weak arms, you don't recognize it, it's solid green, closely matching Aria's highlights with a little embossed design on the cups.
  340. >"Best I could find, c'mon you're paying for us remember?"
  341. >Sighing, you flip the soft clothing over in your hands, your wallet feeling lighter already.
  342. "Yeah alright... how expensive can some bras and panties be anyway?"
  343. >At this, all three girls snigger at you.
  344. >"Heh, you're about to find out idiot."

Goodnight Anon

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: BOOTY BATTLE (Vy and Tav)

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Spoopy Vinyl

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Choco overload

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Bangin till the crack of dawn

by TiredAsShit